Genome Research 22: 557–567 (2012)
GAGE: A critical evaluation of genome assemblies and assembly algorithms
Steven L. Salzberg, Adam M. Phillippy, Aleksey Zimin, Daniela Puiu, Tanja Magoc, Sergey Koren, Todd J. Treangen, Michael C. Schatz, Arthur L. Delcher, Michael Roberts, Guillaume Marçais, Mihai Pop, and James A. Yorke
The number of assembly errors (contigs) presented in Tables 2, 3, and 4 should have been updated prior to final publication. All three corrected tables are shown below, and the PDF of the article on the journal website has been updated to reflect these changes.
Table 2.
Assemblies of S. aureus (genome size 2,872,915)
Table 3.
Assemblies of R. sphaeroides (genome size 4,603,060)
Table 4.
Assemblies of human chromosome 14 (ungapped size 88,289,540)
The updates do not affect the results presented in the paper.