There appears to be an increased prevalence and earlier onset of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in persons with SCI. Physical inactivity is thought to be a key factor in the increased risk for CVD. Physical inactivity is highly prevalent in persons with SCI and it appears that activities of daily living are not sufficient to maintain cardiovascular fitness and health. This systematic review examines the current literature regarding the risk for CVD and the effectiveness of varied exercise rehabilitation programs in attenuating the risk for CVD in SCI.
Keywords: Cardiovascular disease, spinal cord injury, exercise rehabilitation, glucose homeostasis, lipid lipoproteins, rehabilitation, fitness
Persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) currently have an increased life expectancy owing to improvements in medical treatment 1. The majority of SCI (80%) occur in individuals who are under 30 years of age 1, 2. Therefore, persons with SCI are susceptible to the same chronic conditions across the lifespan as able-bodied persons. In fact, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality in both able-bodied individuals and persons with SCI 3. However, there appears to be an earlier onset of CVD and/or an increased prevalence of CVD in SCI 3–6. As reviewed by Myers et al. 7 there is consistent information indicating that there is a higher prevalence of CVD in persons with SCI in comparison to ambulatory populations 8. For instance, the prevalence rates of symptomatic CVD in SCI have approximated 30–50% in comparison to 5–10% in the general able-bodied population 7. Moreover, Bauman and colleagues revealed that the prevalence of asymptomatic CVD was 60–70% in persons with SCI 9, 10. Others have reported prevalence rates of asymptomatic CVD of approximately 25–50% 7. It also appears that persons with SCI have increased CVD-related mortality rates and experience mortality at earlier ages in comparison to able-bodied individuals 3, 7, 11. These are alarming statistics, which place a significant burden upon the patient, his/her family and society as a whole.
Physical inactivity is a major independent risk factor for CVD and premature mortality 12. Unfortunately, physical inactivity and marked deconditioning are highly prevalent amongst persons with SCI 13. It is likely that low levels of physical activity and fitness (as a result of wheelchair dependency) explain (in part) the increased risk for CVD 7. For instance, marked inactivity associated with SCI has been associated with lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol 14, 15, elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol 14, triglycerides 14, 15, and total cholesterol levels 14, abnormal glucose homeostasis 15, 16, increased adiposity 15, 16, and excessive reductions in aerobic fitness 14, 15. It is important to note, that SCI presents an additional risk for CVD above that seen in able-bodied individuals owing to the marked decrease in physical activity and injury-related changes in metabolic function 17.
The primary data base was obtained by a systematic computerized search of multiple databases (including PubMed/Medline, CINAHL, Embase, PsychInfo) from 1980 to 2006 using the SCIRE methodology as outlined in the companion paper 18. This database was searched using the keywords of spinal cord injury, tetraplegia, quadriplegia or paraplegia, paired with aerobic fitness, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular fitness, endurance performance, endothelium, exercise, exercise tolerance, FES, glucose intolerance, glucose sensitivity, health, lipid, maximal aerobic power (VO2max), oxygen consumption and rehabilitation. This analysis was restricted to English publications and those using human participants. A quality assessment of each investigation was conducted using the Physiotherapy Evidence Database Scale (PEDro) 19 for all randomized controlled trials (RCT) or the Downs and Black tool 20 for all non-RCTs. The PEDro Scale 19 was used to evaluate the methodological quality of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). It evaluates RCT studies using an 11-item scale yielding a maximum score of 10. Higher scores indicate better methodological quality (9–10: excellent; 6–8: good; 4–5: fair; <4: poor) 18. The D&B Tool 20 which is used to assess the methodological quality of non-RCT studies, uses 27 questions to assess reporting, external validity, and internal validity (bias and confounding). We used a modified version of the D&B Tool18 to score non-RCT papers out of a maximum of 28, with higher scores indicating better methodological quality.
After each study was rated with the appropriate tool, conclusions about the level of evidence of the accumulated studies were drawn using Sackett’s description of levels of evidence 21. We collapsed Sackett’s levels of evidence into 5 categories where Level 1 evidence came from “good” to “excellent” RCTs with a PEDro score ≥6 and Level 2 evidence corresponded to RCTs with PEDro scores ≤5 or non-randomized prospective controlled or cohort studies. Evidence from case control studies were assigned to Level 3, while Levels 4, and 5 corresponded to evidence from pre-post/post-test/case-series and observational/case report studies, respectively 18. Note that since there were no sample size restrictions, level 1 conclusions could be based on small group sizes, however, these studies were rated highly according to the standardized Pedro Scale.
Exercise rehabilitation has been shown to be an effective means of attenuating or reversing chronic disease in persons with SCI. However, supporting evidence is relatively low in comparison to the general population and other clinical conditions (e.g. chronic heart failure 12).
The research conducted within the field of SCI has examined predominantly the effects of aerobic exercise and/or functional electrical stimulation (FES) training. In the following sections we will review the literature regarding the effects of varied exercise interventions on the risk for CVD. Particular attention will be given to the changes in cardiovascular fitness, glucose metabolism, and lipid lipoprotein profiles that occur after SCI training interventions.
Our search revealed 42 studies examining cardiovascular fitness before and after an exercise intervention. This included investigations related to treadmill training (4 studies; n=47), arm exercise (20 studies; n=278), and FES (18 studies; n=233) training.
Treadmill Training
Body-weight supported treadmill training (BWSTT) is an exercise protocol that has been used to potentially affect a number of domains, including motor recovery, bone density, cardiovascular fitness, respiratory function as well as quality of life. Traditional BWSTT involves the upright walking on a motor-driven treadmill while a harness (suspended from an overhead pulley system) supports the participant’s body weight. Therapists conducting the session determine the magnitude of off-loading of an individual’s bodyweight 22. The treadmill velocity, the amount of body weight supported, and time spent on the treadmill can be individualized 22. Significant resources are often required as the majority of individuals will require one or two assistants to manually move the limbs forward.
Two pre-post studies have been conducted by the same research group using BWSTT 23, 24 to determine changes in cardiovascular health. The authors reported that BWSTT did not have substantial group effects on heart rate (HR) and blood pressure in motor complete subjects, but did reveal a significant reduction in resting HR in the study with incomplete tetraplegics. There was also evidence that improvements in HR and blood pressure variability may occur after BWSTT in incomplete SCI and a subset of participants with complete SCI. The authors attributed the change in blood pressure variability to reductions in sympathetic tone to the vasculature. These findings have significant physiological relevance since it indicates that both parasympathetic outflow to the heart (as evaluated by heart rate variability) and sympathetic flow to the vasculature (as evaluated by blood pressure variability) can adapt in response to exercise training. This research group also revealed the potential for improvements in vascular health (e.g. arterial compliance) after BWSTT in individuals with motor-complete SCI. There was no indication of the effects of BWSTT on peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak).
The mechanisms responsible for the improvement in markers of cardiovascular health and regulation in individuals with incomplete SCI remain to be determined. The authors of the aforementioned studies attributed the training-induced changes in autonomic function to the cardiovascular challenge provided by the upright nature of BSWTT (which potentially could be a sufficient stimulus in individuals with postural hypotension) and the spasticity created during the treadmill training. However, it should also be noted that both weight-bearing and the passive movement of the limbs may contribute to the observed changes in these studies.
Two recent investigations (a pre-post study (Level 4) and a prospective controlled study (Level 2)) from the same research group used partial BWSTT (30–50%) via neuromuscular electrical stimulation assisted by physiotherapists 25, 26. The first investigation revealed that 3 months of this form of gait training can result in a significant increase in systolic blood pressure at rest and during gait exercise in tetraplegic males 25. In the latter study 26 the authors revealed that long-term neuromuscular electrical stimulation gait training (6 months) resulted in significant increases in VO2 (36%), minute ventilation (30.5%), and systolic blood pressure (4.8%) during gait phase. The authors concluded that treadmill gait training combined with neuromuscular electrical stimulation leads to increased metabolic and cardiorespiratory responses in persons with complete tetraplegia.
In a comparison of trials using BWSTT an interesting discrepancy arises. For instance, in the work of Ditor et al. 23, 24 there was no change in resting blood pressure after BWSTT in individuals with complete or incomplete SCI. Whereas, the work by de Carvalho and coworkers 25, 26 revealed an increase in resting blood pressure following partial BWSTT (with neuromuscular electrical stimulation). It is not clear why these discrepancies exist and as such further research is clearly warranted.
In summary, there is level 4 evidence that BWSTT improve cardiac autonomic balance in persons with incomplete tetraplegia. There is also level 4 evidence that BWSTT can lead to improvements in cardiac autonomic balance in a subset of individuals with motor-complete SCI who respond to ambulation with moderate to large increases in heart rate. Moreover, preliminary level 4 evidence indicates that BWSTT can improve arterial compliance in individuals with motor-complete SCI. There is also level 2 evidence that neuromuscular electrical stimulation gait training can increase metabolic and cardiorespirtory responses in persons with complete tetraplegia.
Upper Extremity Exercise
Given the motor loss of the lower limbs, upper extremity exercise is a logical choice. Improving cardiovascular fitness can be challenging using the smaller mass of the arms especially when muscle fatigue can often occur before endurance training targets are met. From our search, we found four RCT (1 high quality 27 and 3 lower quality trials 28–30), two prospective controlled 31, 32, and fourteen pre-post studies. Given the large number of studies which have looked at upper extremity exercise, we have tabled only those studies which included a SCI control group (Table 1).
Table 1.
Effects of Upper Extremity Training on Cardiovascular Fitness and Health
Author Year Country Score Research Design Total Sample Size |
Methods | Key Outcomes |
Arm Ergometry | ||
de Groot et al. 200327
Netherlands PEDro=7 RCT N=6 |
Population: 4 male, 2 female, C5-L1, ASIA A (n=1), B (n=1), C (n=4), age 36yr. Treatment: Interval training (3min exercise:2min rest), 1hr/d, 3d/wk, 8 wk. Randomized to low intensity (50–60% HRR) or high intensity (70–80% HRR). |
Davis et al. 199129
Canada PEDro=4 RCT N=24 |
Population: 8 spina bifida, 16 traumatic, age 17–42yr. Treatment: Random assignment to 1) control or 1 of 3 arm ergometry programs 2 d/wk, 24 wk: 1) high-intensity long duration (40 min at 70% VO2peak), 2) high-intensity short duration (20 min at 70% VO2peak), and 3) low- intensity short duration (20 min at 50% VO2peak) training. |
Davis et al. 198728
Canada PEDro=4 RCT N=14 |
Population: Sedentary SCI (n=9 exercise group, n=5 control group), age 20–39yr. Treatment: Arm ergometry, 50–70%VO2peak, 20–40min/d, 3d/wk, 16wk |
Hjeltnes & Wallberg-Henriksson 199832
Norway D&B=16 Prospective Controlled Trial N=27 |
Population: Exercise group: 10 tetraplegia, C6-8, 7 ASIA A & 3 ASIA B, Control: 10 paraplegia, T7-11, all ASIA A. Treatment: Exercise group: standard rehabilitation + Arm ergometry, 30min/d, 3d/wk, 12–16wk; Control: standard rehabilitation. |
Mixed Arm and Other Exercise | ||
Hicks et al. 200330
Canada PEDro=5 RCT N=23 |
Population: 18 tetraplegia and 16 paraplegia, ASIA A-D, C4-L1, ages 19–65 yr. Treatment: Exercise: 90–120min/d, 2d/wk, 9mth of arm ergometry (15–30 mins, ~70%VO2max) and circuit resistance exercise. Control group: bimonthly education session. |
Wheelchair Ergometry | ||
Hooker & Wells 198931
USA D&B=9 Prospective Controlled Trial N=8 |
Population: Low-intensity group n=6, C5-T7, moderate- intensity group n=5, C5-T9. Treatment: Wheelchair ergometry 20min/d, 3 d/wk, 8 wk: Low-intensity (50–60% max HRR) and moderate-intensity (70–80% max HRR). |
The reported improvements in aerobic capacity after aerobic arm training in SCI are approximately 20–30%; however, it is not uncommon for improvements in excess of 50% 33. The majority of aerobic training investigations have evaluated the effectiveness of moderate (40–59% heart rate reserve (HRR) or 55–69% of maximum HR) to vigorous (60–84% HRR or 70–89% of maximum HR) intensity exercise. These studies have used arm ergometry, wheelchair ergometry, and swimming based interventions. Based on the current level of literature, it appears that moderate intensity exercise performed 20–60 min per day, at least 3 days per week for a minimum of 6 weeks is effective for improving cardiovascular fitness and exercise tolerance in persons with SCI (Level 1 evidence based on 1 high quality RCT 27 and several lower quality RCTs). Therefore, the general recommendations provided by agencies such as the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology are appropriate for improving the cardiovascular fitness of persons with SCI. It is however important to note that training intensities may need to be established using a rating of perceived exertion (e.g. RPE) (rather than objective measures of heart rate) in individuals with SCI-induced autonomic denervation of the heart.
An exercise intensity threshold of 70% maximal HRR has been advocated for the attainment of training benefits when a minimal training duration (20 min) is the standard 31, 34, 35. It is also apparent that improvements in exercise capacity and functional status may occur after training without significant changes in VO2peak, particularly in tetraplegic patients 32.
Questions remain regarding the primary mechanisms of importance for improvements in aerobic fitness after training. It is unclear whether central (heart and lung) or peripheral (skeletal muscle) adaptations are of key importance. Improvements have been observed in peripheral muscle function. For instance, investigators have shown intrinsic cellular adaptations in the paralyzed muscle that facilitate oxidative metabolism following BWSTT 36. Only limited investigations, however, have shown an improvement in cardiac function after aerobic exercise training 28. It could therefore be argued that peripheral adaptations are of primary importance to the improvement in aerobic capacity after aerobic exercise. However, this statement is somewhat misleading as the majority of studies have not evaluated directly cardiac output during maximal/peak exercise. This is owing to the fact that the assessment of maximal cardiac output during exercise is one of the most difficult procedures in clinical exercise physiology 37, 38. When exercise measures of cardiac function have been taken, improvements in central function have been observed 28. Further research examining the primary mechanism(s) of importance for the improved cardiovascular fitness and exercise capacity seen in SCI after aerobic exercise training is warranted. It is also important to highlight that it is often difficult for patients to attain VO2 max during exercise conditions. Moreover, the submaximal prediction of VO2 peak/VO2 max (based on the heart rate response to exercise) is limited owing to the potential impairment in the sympathetic drive to the heart in many persons with SCI. Furthermore, it is often difficult to determine whether the changes in VO2peak/VO2max seen after training are related to changes in musculosketelal fitness (e.g. rather than changes in cardiovascular fitness).
Less is known about the effects of resistance training on cardiovascular fitness. However, the incorporation of resistance training into the treatment of SCI appears to be essential. In fact, muscle weakness and dysfunction are key determinants of pain and functional status in SCI. Previous studies have revealed improvements in VO2peak/VO2max 39, 40, exercise tolerance 40, and musculoskeletal fitness 40 after resistance training (such as circuit training).
In summary, there is level 1 evidence that moderate intensity aerobic arm training (performed 20–60 min/day, 3 days/week for at least 2 months) is effective in improving the aerobic capacity and exercise tolerance of persons with SCI. Recent research also indicates level 1 evidence that vigorous intensity (70–80% HRR) leads to greater improvements in aerobic capacity than moderate intensity exercise. It remains to be determined the relative importance of changes in cardiac function and the ability to extract oxygen at the periphery in persons with SCI after aerobic training.
Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
Computer-assisted FES during leg cycling has been shown to be an important and practical means of exercising a relatively large muscle mass in persons with SCI 41. These devices also permit the activation of the skeletal muscle pump during leg cycling. For these reasons, FES training has been advocated widely as an effective SCI treatment strategy.
There is a growing body of literature indicating that FES exercise training is effective in improving cardiovascular health, peak power output, and exercise tolerance/capacity in persons with SCI (Table 2). This research generally employs a cycling motion, although rowing and bipedal ambulation have also been evaluated. It appears that moderate-to-vigorous intensity FES training (relative to baseline capacity) is effective to improve cardiovascular fitness in persons with SCI. The majority of the investigations are pre-post designs (Level 4) with investigators reporting marked changes in VO2max or VO2peak after FES training. Similar to aerobic training, 20–40% changes in aerobic capacity are often observed after FES training. However, it is not uncommon for improvements in excess of 70% 42.
Table 2.
Effects of Functional Electrical Stimulation on Cardiovascular Fitness
Author Year; Country Score Research Design Total Sample Size |
Methods | Key Outcomes |
Mohr et al. 199748
Denmark D&B=14 Pre-post N=10 |
Population: 6 tetraplegia at C6, 4 paraplegia at T4, all complete, ages 27–45yr, 3–23yr post-injury. Treatment: One-year exercise training using an FES cycle ergometer (30min/d, 3d/wk). |
Ragnarsson et al. 198873
USA D&B=14 Pre-post N=19 |
Population: 16 male, 3 females (7 paraplegics T4-T10, 12 tetraplegics C4-C7), ages 19–47yr, 2–17yr post-injury. Treatment: Phase I: quadriceps stimulation with dynamic knee extensions against increasing resistance, 3 d/wk, 4wk. Phase II: leg-cycle FES, 15–30 mins/day, 3 days/week for 12 weeks. |
Hooker et al. 199241
USA D&B=13 Pre-post N=18 |
Population: 17 males, 1 female, 10 tetraplegia (C5-C7), 8 paraplegia (T4-T11), 7 incomplete, age 30.6yr, 6.1yr post-injury. Treatment: FES leg cycle training 10–30min/d, 2–3d/wk, 12–16wk. |
Crameri et al. 200443
Denmark D&B=12 Pre-post N=6 |
Population: Paraplegia, complete, C6-T7, ages 26–54yr, 3–21yr post-injury. Treatment: FES training 45min/d, 3d/wk, 10wk. One leg: dynamic cycle ergometry involved bilateral quadriceps and hamstring stimulation; Contralateral leg: isometric contractions. |
Hjeltnes et al. 199772
Norway D&B=12 Pre-post N=5 |
Population: 5 males, complete chronic lesions, 2 C5, 2 C6, 1 C7; 4 ASIA A, 1 ASIA A/B, age 35yr, 10.2yr post-injury. Treatment: FES leg cycling, 7 times/wk, 8wk. |
Barstow et al. 199669
USA D&B=12 Pre-post N=9 |
Population: 9 males, 2 tetraplegia, 7 paraplegia, all ASIA A, age 34.4yr, 10.1yr post-injury. Treatment: FES leg cycle exercise, 30min (minimum of 24 sessions, 3d/wk). |
Faghri et al. 199242
USA D&B=12 Pre-post N=13 |
Population: 6 paraplegics (5 complete), 7 tetraplegics (all incomplete), C4-C7 and T4-T10, age 30.5yr, 8yr post-injury. Treatment: FES leg cycle, 3 d/wk, 12wk. |
Gerrits et al. 200174
Netherlands D&B=11 Pre-post N=9 |
Population: C4-C6 and T4-T8, ASIA A (5), B (3) and C (1), ages 26–61yr, 1–27yr post-injury. Treatment: FES leg cycle, 30min/d, 3d/wk, 6wk. |
Investigations with FES training have also shown an improvement in musculoskeletal fitness. Similar to arm exercise training, limited investigations have shown an improvement in cardiac function after FES training. A recent investigation has also revealed that the degree of muscular adaptation that can be achieved via FES exercise is dependent upon the load that is applied to the paralyzed muscle 43.
Researchers have also shown that hybrid exercise training (FES-leg cycling combined with arm ergometry) may elicit greater changes in peak work rates and VO2peak/VO2max than FES-leg cycling exercise alone 44, 45. Moreover, it appears that the physiological adaptations to combined FES-leg cycling and arm ergometry training are maintained partially following 8 weeks of detraining 46. Other interventions (Table 3) that make use of hybrid FES training have also been shown to improve the exercise capacity and cardiovascular health status in SCI. It would appear that the potential adaptations with hybrid exercise may be greater than FES alone; however, further research is required to test this hypothesis.
Table 3.
Effects of Hybrid FES Training on Cardiovascular Fitness and Health
Author Year; Country Score Research Design Total Sample Size |
Methods | Key Outcomes |
Thijssen et al. 200570
Netherlands D&B=14 Pre-post N=10 |
Population: 9 males, 1 female, T1–T12, 9 complete, age 39.2yr, 1–20yr post-injury. Treatment: simultaneous FES cycle ergometry and arm ergometry, 30min/d, 2–3d/wk, 4wk. |
Thijssen et al. 200675
Netherlands D&B=20 Pre-post N=9 |
Population: 8 males, 1 female, C5-T12, 8 complete ASIA A, 1 incomplete ASIA C, age 39yr, 11yr post-injury. Treatment: simultaneous FES cycle ergometry and arm ergometry, 25min/d, 2d/wk, 6wk followed by 6-wk detraining. |
Gurney et al. 199846; USA D&B=12 Pre-post N=6 |
Population: all male, C4-T10, 4 paraplegia, 2 tetraplegia, ages 23–41yr, 5–24yr post-injury. Treatment: Phase I: FES leg cycle, 3 d/wk, 6wk. Phase II: FES leg cycle with simultaneous, voluntary arm ergometry, 3 d/wk, 6wk. Phase III: 8-wk detraining. |
Mutton et al. 199744
USA D&B=12 Pre-post N=11 |
Population: all male, complete ASIA A, C5-6 to T12-L1, age 35.6yr, 9.7yr post-injury. Treatment: 3 phases of exercise training (FES-Leg cycle ergometry): Phase I progressive FES-Leg Cycle Exercise (FES-LCE) to 30min of exercise; Phase II ~35 sessions of FES-LCE, and Phase III ~41 sessions (30min each) of combined FES-LCE and arm ergometry. |
Krauss et al. 199345
USA D&B=12 Pre-post N=8 |
Population: 7male, 1 female, 7 paraplegia, 1 tetraplegia, age 32yr, 13yr post-injury. Treatment: 2 phase program. Phase I: FES leg cycling 3d/wk, 6wk. Phase II: FES leg cycle plus simultaneous arm ergometry for 6wk. |
Pollack et al. 198968
USA D&B=11 Pre-post N=11 |
Population: 7 male and 4 female, C4-C6 and T2-T6, complete motor lesions, ages 18–54yr, 6–132mth post-injury. Treatment: 3 phase program over 13–28wk. Phase I: quadriceps stimulation (knee extension). Phase II: FES leg cycle with 0–1 kp resistance. Phase III: loaded FES leg cycle, 3d/wk, 3wk. |
Other Forms of Electrically Assisted Training | ||
Wheeler et al. 200271; Canada D&B=17 Pre-post N=6 |
Population: C7-T12, 5 ASIA A, 1 ASIA C, age 42.5yr, 13.8yr post-injury. Treatment: FES (quadriceps) with arm rowing (70–75%VO2peak) 30min/d, 3d/wk, 12wk. |
Sabatier et al. 200676
USA D&B=15 Pre-post N=5 |
Population: all male, complete ASIA A, C5-T10, age 35.6yr, 13.4yr post-injury. Treatment: Home-based electrical stimulation 2d/wk, 18wk. |
Solomonow et al. 199766
USA D&B=13 Pre-post N=70 |
Population: all paraplegia, no other details given. Treatment: Reciprocating Gait Orthosis 3hr/wk, 14wk. |
de Groot et al. 200577
Netherlands D&B=10 Pre-post N=6 |
Population: SCI: 3 male, 3 female, T4-L2, all complete ASIA A/B, age 43yr, 14.5yr post-injury; Controls: 8 able-bodied individuals (4 male, 4 female), age 41yr. Treatment: Unilateral surface stimulation of the quadricep, tibial anterior and gastrocnemius muscles, 30min/d, daily, 4wk. |
A series of intrinsic muscle adaptations can also occur after FES training that enhance the ability for oxidative metabolism at the cellular level, which in turn facilitate improved endurance, exercise tolerance and functional capacity. Key intrinsic muscle adaptations that have been observed include an increase in the proportion of type 1 fibres, an enhancement in cross-sectional fibre area, an increase in capillary number, a shift towards more fatigue resistant contractile proteins, and increased citrate synthase and hexokinase activity 43, 47–49. Given the importance of musculoskeletal fitness for health and functional status 50–52 further research is clearly warranted in persons with SCI. Randomized, controlled exercise interventions (both arm and/or FES training) that evaluate concurrent changes in musculoskeletal fitness and health status are particularly needed.
In summary, there is Level 4 evidence from pre-post studies that FES training performed for a minimum of 3 days per week for 2 months may be effective for improving musculoskeletal fitness, the oxidative potential of muscle, exercise tolerance and cardiovascular fitness.
Glucose Homeostasis
Glucose intolerance and decreased insulin sensitivity are independent risk factors for CVD 53. Abnormal glucose homeostasis is associated with worsened lipid-lipoprotein profiles and an increased risk for the development of hypertension and type 2 diabetes 50, 51, 53. It is well-established that habitual physical activity is an effective primary preventative strategy against insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes in the general population 52. Although comparatively less information is available for SCI, it appears that exercise training programs are effective in improving glucose homeostasis 22, 27, 54–56.
The majority of the data is from experimental non-RCT trials. A search of the literature revealed 7 investigations (n = 47). This included one RCT 27 and six experimental non-RCT (pre-post) trials 22, 54–58. The one RCT involved the randomization to two different forms of exercise, and as such an exercise condition served as the control (Table 4). The majority (5) of these trials examined the effectiveness of FES training.
Table 4.
Effects of Exercise Training on Glucose Metabolism in Persons with SCI
Author Year; Country Score Research Design Total Sample Size |
Methods | Outcome |
de Groot et al. 200327
Netherlands PEDro=7 RCT N=6 |
Population: 4 male, 2 female, C5-L1, ASIA A (n=1), B (n=1), and C (n=4), age 36yr, 116d post-injury. Treatment: Randomized to low intensity (50–60% HRR) or high intensity (70–80% HRR) arm ergometry. 20min/d, 3days/wk, 8wk. |
Mahoney et al. 200554
USA D&B=17 Pre-post N=5 |
Population: 5 males, complete SCI, C5-T10, ASIA grade A, age 35.6yr, 13.4yr post-injury. Treatment: Home-based neuromuscular electric stimulation-induced resistance exercise training, 2d/wk, 12wk. |
Hjeltnes et al. 199855
Sweden D&B=13 Pre-post N=5 |
Population: 5 males, C5-C7, all complete ASIA A, age 35yr, 10yr post-injury. Treatment: Electrically stimulated leg cycling exercise, 7d/wk, 8wk. |
Phillips et al. 200422
Canada D&B=12 Pre-post N=9 |
Population: 8 male, 1 female, incomplete ASIA C, C4-T12, 8.1yr post-injury. Treatment: Body-weight supported treadmill walking, 3d/wk, 6mth. |
Jeon et al. 200257
Canada D&B=11 Pre-post N=7 |
Population: 5 male, 2 female, motor complete, C5-T10, ages 30–53yr, 3–40yr post-injury. Treatment: FES leg cycle training, 30min/d, 3d/wk, 8wk. |
Mohr et al. 200158
Denmark D&B=10 Pre-post N=10 |
Population: 8 male, 2 female, 6 tetraplegia, 4 paraplegia, C6-T4, age 35yr, 12yr post-injury. Treatment: FES cycling, 30min/d, 3d/wk, 12mth. 7 participants completed an additional 6mth (1d/wk). |
Chilibeck et al. 199956
Canada D&B=10 Pre-post N=5 |
Population: 4 male, 1 female, motor complete C5-T8, ages 31–50yr, 3–25yr post-injury. Treatment: FES leg cycle ergometry training, 30min/d, 3d/wk, 8wk. |
Similar to other studies in the field of SCI research, this area of investigation is limited by the lack of quality RCT. Moreover, the majority of the research relates to the effects of FES training. Limited work has been conducted using aerobic and/or resistance exercise training. As a whole, however, these studies are consistent and reveal several important findings. For instance, the improvements in glucose homeostasis may be the result of increased lean body mass (an associated changes in insulin sensitivity), and increased expression of GLUT4, glycogen synthase, and hexokinase in exercised muscle.
Consistent with findings in able-bodied individuals 50, 51, the improvement in glucose homeostasis after exercise interventions (such as aerobic training or FES) does not appear to be related solely to decreases in body adiposity and/or increases in VO2max. This is due to the fact that significant improvements in glucose homeostasis can occur with minor changes in body composition and/or aerobic fitness.
It is also important to note that there appears to be a minimal volume of exercise required for improvements in glucose homeostasis. For instance, Mohr et al. 58 revealed that a reduction of FES training was not sufficient to maintain the beneficial changes in insulin sensitivity and GLUT4 protein observed during a 3 days/week FES training program.
In summary, there is level 1 and level 4 evidence that both aerobic and FES training (approximately 20–30 min/day, 3 days/week for 8 weeks or more) are effective in improving glucose homeostasis in SCI.
Lipid Lipoprotein Profiles
Abnormal lipid-lipoprotein profiles have been associated with an increased risk for CVD 12, 50–53. Several studies have revealed worsened lipid lipoprotein profiles in persons with SCI 59–64. Routine physical activity has been shown to enhance lipid lipoprotein profiles, e.g., reduced triglycerides (TG), greater levels of HDL and lower LDL/HDL in the general population 12, 50, 51. Although limited, similar findings have been observed in persons with SCI 27, 31, 36, 65–67 (Table 5).
Table 5.
Effects of Exercise Training on Lipid Lipoprotein Profiles in Persons with SCI
Author Year; Country Score Research Design Total Sample Size |
Methods | Outcome |
de Groot et al. 200327
Netherlands PEDro=7 RCT N=6 |
Population: 4 male, 2 female, C5-L1, ASIA A (n=1), B (n=1), and C (n=4), age 36yr, 116d post-injury. Treatment: Randomized to low intensity (50–60% HRR) or high intensity (70–80% HRR) arm ergometry. 20min/d, 3d/wk, 8wk. |
El-Sayed et al. 200565
UK D&B=13 Pre-post N=12 |
Population: 5 SCI: lesion below T10, age 32yr; 7 AB controls: age 31yr. Treatment: Arm ergometry, 30min/d (60–65%VO2peak), 3d/wk, 12wk. |
Solomonow et al. 199766
USA D&B=13 Pre-post N=70/33 |
Population: all paraplegia, no other details given. Treatment: Reciprocating Gait Orthosis 3hr/wk, 14wk. |
Nash et al. 200167
USA D&B=11 Pre-post N=5 |
Population: 5 males, complete lesions T6-L1, age 37.8yr, 4.8yr post-injury. Treatment: Circuit resistance training (50–60%1RM) 3d/wk, 12wk. |
Stewart et al. 200436
Canada D&B=10 Pre-post N=9 |
Population: 8 male, 1 female, incomplete ASIA C, C4-T12, 8.1yr post-injury. Treatment: Body weight-supported treadmill training, 3 d/wk, 6mth. |
Hooker & Wells 198931
USA D&B=9 Prospective Controlled Trial N=8 |
Population: low-intensity group: n=6, 3 male, 3 female, C5-T10, age 26–36yr, 3mth-19yr post-injury; moderate-intensity group: n=5, 3 male, 2 female, C5-T9, age 23–30yr, 2–19yr post-injury. Treatment: Wheelchair ergometry 20min/d, 3d/wk, 8wk: low-intensity (50–60% max HRR) and moderate intensity (70–80% max HRR). |
The information regarding the effects of exercise training on lipid lipoprotein profile is derived from one high quality RCT (level 1) 27, 1 non-randomized prospective controlled trial (level 2) 31 and several level 4 studies36, 65–67 (N = 110). The majority of the investigations examined a form of aerobic training (either arm ergometry or assisted-treadmill walking). Another investigation examined the effects of reciprocating gait orthosis powered with electrical muscle stimulation.
These findings provide level 1 evidence (based on one high quality RCT and several lower quality studies) for the role of exercise in the reduction of atherogenic lipid lipoprotein profiles and the reduction of the risk for CVD in persons with SCI. It appears that a minimal threshold of training exists for changes in lipoprotein profile. For instance, authors have reported that 70% of maximal HRR (for at least 20 min/day, 3 days/week for 8 weeks) is the threshold necessary to achieve significant improvements in lipid lipoprotein profiles. Future research is warranted, however, to quantify the effects of varying forms of exercise (including aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, and FES) on lipid lipoprotein profiles in persons with SCI.
There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that persons with SCI are at an increased risk for CVD. Increasing data indicates that persons with SCI experience an earlier onset and increased prevalence of CVD. Similar to able-bodied individuals, physical inactivity plays a significant role in the risk for CVD in persons with SCI. In fact, the ordinary activities of daily living do not appear to be sufficient to maintain cardiovascular fitness in SCI. Moreover, extremely low levels of physical activity and fitness may lead to a vicious cycle of further decline. Ultimately these changes will have significant implications for the development of CVD (and associated comorbidities) and the ability to live an independent lifestyle. It appears that SCI presents an additional risk for CVD above that observed in able-bodied individuals owing to marked physical deconditioning and injury-related changes in metabolic function (e.g. insulin resistance) 7, 17.
Physical activity interventions have been shown widely to be effective at attenuating the progression of CVD and related comorbidities. The forms of exercise interventions are varied, and the experimental data is limited in comparison to other patient populations (such as chronic heart failure). However, there is compelling evidence supporting the health benefits of upper extremity aerobic exercise (Level 1 and 4) and FES (Level 4) training (see Tables 6 and 7). For instance, there is research indicating that upper extremity exercise at a moderate to vigorous intensity, 3 days/week for at least 6 weeks improves cardiovascular fitness and exercise tolerance in persons with SCI. It remains to be determined the optimal exercise intervention for improving cardiovascular fitness. There is level 1 evidence 27 that high intensity (70–80% HRR) exercise leads to greater improvements in peak power and VO2peak than low intensity (50–60% HRR) exercise. Further investigation is required to determine the relative roles cardiac and peripheral muscle function play in the improvement of exercise capacity in SCI. There is level 4 (pre-post) evidence that resistance training at a moderate intensity for at least 2 days/week also appears to be appropriate for the rehabilitation of persons with SCI 39, 40, 54, 67.
Table 6.
Management of the Risk for Cardiovascular Disease in Persons with SCI through Aerobic Exercise Training Interventions
Risk Factor | Strength of Evidence | Literature Support | |
Cardiovascular Fitness | • Increased exercise tolerance | Level 1 | 27, 32, 33, 78–81 |
• Increased VO2max | Level 1 | 27, 33, 39, 78–82. | |
• Increased cardiac output | Level 2 | 28, 29 | |
• Reduced submaximal exercise heart rate | Level 4 | 33 | |
• Increased maximal heart rate | Level 4 | 81 | |
• Increased stroke volume | Level 2 | 28, 29 | |
• Decreased total peripheral resistance | Level 2 | 28, 29 | |
• Increased power output | Level 1 | 27, 30, 32, 33, 39, 80, 81 | |
• Intrinsic cellular adaptations that facilitate oxidative metabolism | Level 4 | 36 | |
Lipid Lipoprotein Profile | • Increased HDL cholesterol | Level 2 | 31, 65, 67 |
• Reduced LDL cholesterol | Level 1 | 27, 31, 36, 67 | |
• Reduced triglycerides | Level 1 | 27 | |
• Reduced total cholesterol | Level 1 | 27, 31, 36 | |
Glucose Homeostasis | • Increased insulin sensitivity, decreased insulin resistance, and/or improved glucose tolerance. | Level 1 | 27 |
Table 7.
Management of the Risk for Cardiovascular Disease in Persons with SCI through Functional Electrical Stimulation Training Interventions
Risk Factor | Strength of Evidence | Literature Support | |
Cardiovascular Fitness | • Increased exercise tolerance | Level 4 | 41, 48, 68–71 |
• Increased VO2 max | Level 4 | 41, 48, 68–72 | |
• Increased cardiac output | Level 4 | 41 | |
• Reduced submaximal exercise heart rate | Level 4 | 42 | |
• Increased stroke volume | Level 4 | 42 | |
• Decreased total peripheral/vascular resistance | Level 4 | 42 | |
• Increased power output | Level 4 | 41, 42, 70 | |
• Intrinsic cellular adaptations that facilitate oxidative metabolism | Level 4 | 43, 47–49 | |
Lipid Lipoprotein Profile | • Reduced LDL cholesterol | Level 4 | 66 |
• Reduced total cholesterol | Level 4 | 66 | |
Glucose Homeostasis | • Increased insulin sensitivity, decreased insulin resistance, and/or improved glucose tolerance. | Level 4 | 57 |
There is also growing evidence (predominantly level 4) from several pre-post trials that FES training for a minimum of 3 days per week for 2 months can improve oxidative metabolism 43, 47–49, exercise tolerance 41, 48, 68–71, and cardiovascular fitness 41, 48, 68–72. There is limited (Level 4) evidence 23, 24 that BWSTT can improve indicators of cardiovascular health in individuals with complete and incomplete SCI.
Preliminary (Level 1 and Level 4) evidence indicates that aerobic and FES exercise training programs (performed 30 min/day, 3 days per week for 8 weeks or more) are effective in improving glucose homeostasis in persons with SCI 27, 57. The magnitude of change in glucose homeostasis appears to be of clinical significance for the prevention and/or treatment of type 2 diabetes in SCI.
There is level 1 evidence from a 1 high quality RCT 27 and several pre- post studies 31, 36, 65 to suggest that aerobic exercise training programs (performed at a moderate to vigorous intensity 20–30 min/day, 3 days/week for 8 weeks) are effective in improving the lipid lipoprotein profiles of persons with SCI. The optimal training program for changes in lipid lipoprotein profile remains to be determined. However, a minimal aerobic exercise intensity of 70% of HRR on most days of the week appears to be a good general recommendation for improving lipid lipoprotein profile. Preliminary level 4 data also indicates that FES training (3 hr/week for 14 weeks) may improve lipid lipoprotein profiles in SCI 66.
A growing body of evidence supports the finding of an increased risk for CVD and CVD-related mortality in persons with SCI. Marked physical inactivity appears to play a central role in the increased risk for CVD in SCI. Intuitively, exercise training should lead to significant reductions in the risk for CVD and an improved in overall quality of life in persons with SCI. However, the relationship between increasing physical activity and health status of SCI has not been evaluated adequately to date. Based on preliminary evidence (primarily Level 4) it would appear that various exercise modalities (including arm ergometry, resistance training, BWSTT and FES) may attenuate and/or reverse abnormalities in glucose homeostasis, lipid lipoprotein profiles, and cardiovascular fitness in persons with SCI. As such, exercise training appears to be an important therapeutic intervention for reducing the risk for CVD and multiple comorbidities (such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity) in SCI. Future well-designed RCTs are required to establish firmly the primary mechanisms by which exercise interventions elicit these beneficial changes. Similarly, further research is required to evaluate the effects of lesion level and severity on exercise prescription, such that exercise programs can be developed that address the varied needs of persons with SCI. Moreover, long-term follow-up investigations are required to determine whether training-induced changes in risk factors for CVD translate directly into a reduced incidence of CVD and premature mortality in persons with SCI.
Drs. Warburton and Eng are currently Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) Scholars and Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) New Investigators (for Dr. Eng (MSH-63617). Financial support for the SCIRE project was greatly appreciated from the Rick Hansen Man-in-Motion Foundation and Ontario Neurotrauma Fund.
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