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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America logoLink to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
. 2012 May 25;109(25):E1591–E1598. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1120698109

Single amino acid mutation in an ATP-binding cassette transporter gene causes resistance to Bt toxin Cry1Ab in the silkworm, Bombyx mori

Shogo Atsumi a,1,2, Kazuhisa Miyamoto a,1, Kimiko Yamamoto b, Junko Narukawa b, Sawako Kawai a, Hideki Sezutsu c, Isao Kobayashi c, Keiro Uchino c, Toshiki Tamura c, Kazuei Mita b, Keiko Kadono-Okuda b, Sanae Wada a, Kohzo Kanda d, Marian R Goldsmith e, Hiroaki Noda a,3
PMCID: PMC3382473  PMID: 22635270


Bt toxins derived from the arthropod bacterial pathogen Bacillus thuringiensis are widely used for insect control as insecticides or in transgenic crops. Bt resistance has been found in field populations of several lepidopteran pests and in laboratory strains selected with Bt toxin. Widespread planting of crops expressing Bt toxins has raised concerns about the potential increase of resistance mutations in targeted insects. By using Bombyx mori as a model, we identified a candidate gene for a recessive form of resistance to Cry1Ab toxin on chromosome 15 by positional cloning. BGIBMGA007792-93, which encodes an ATP-binding cassette transporter similar to human multidrug resistance protein 4 and orthologous to genes associated with recessive resistance to Cry1Ac in Heliothis virescens and two other lepidopteran species, was expressed in the midgut. Sequences of 10 susceptible and seven resistant silkworm strains revealed a common tyrosine insertion in an outer loop of the predicted transmembrane structure of resistant alleles. We confirmed the role of this ATP-binding cassette transporter gene in Bt resistance by converting a resistant silkworm strain into a susceptible one by using germline transformation. This study represents a direct demonstration of Bt resistance gene function in insects with the use of transgenesis.

Keywords: genome, map-based cloning, toxin binding, linkage analysis, piggyBac

The bacterial pathogen, Bacillus thuringiensis, produces insecticidal proteins that are used as selective orally ingested insecticides. The genes of the insecticidal toxin are also introduced into Bt-resistant crops. Increasing use of the toxins has threatened to increase the prevalence of Bt resistance in insect pest populations since its first discovery in 1985 in Plodia interpunctella (1). A key problem in agricultural production is how to avoid the development of Bt-resistant pest populations (2, 3).

A number of Bt-resistance mechanisms have been reported, including mutations in cadherin and aminopeptidase genes (4). The most common type of resistance is “mode I,” characterized by recessive inheritance, high resistance level, and reduced binding of toxin to a putative midgut receptor (5). Some lepidopteran pests, e.g., Plutella xylostella and Heliothis virescens, show characteristics of mode I resistance. However, Bt resistance is not fully explained by these mutations, and the molecular basis for this type of resistance has not been unequivocally established in these pest species (6). Elucidation of Bt-resistance genes, especially those involved in the resistance of major pest populations, is of great importance for understanding the detailed mode of action and extending the practical application of these environmentally safe molecules.

Recently, a mutation in a class of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters was proposed to be associated with Bt resistance in a laboratory population of H. virescens (7). This study used the Bombyx mori genetic map (8, 9) and genome sequence, aided by the report of chromosomal linkage analysis of a Bombyx Bt resistance gene (10) and a high level of chromosome synteny between these two species. Although mutations in the orthologous ABC transporters (ABCC2) were reported to be associated with Bt resistance in Trichoplusia ni and P. xylostella (11), without direct functional assays of the mechanism of resistance, the evidence that this ABC transporter is involved in Bt resistance of these pests remains circumstantial. This raises two important research issues. One is to confirm that mutation of the ABC transporter gene ABCC2 is causally related to Bt resistance, and the second is to explore the function of this gene in the resistance mechanism.

This paper reports direct evidence that Bt resistance is caused by a mutation in an orthologous ABC transporter in B. mori by introducing a Bt-susceptible allele into a resistant silkworm by using transgenesis. That a positional cloning study to seek the Bt resistance gene in B. mori was performed independently from the H. virescens study (7) using available Bombyx genome information clearly confirms this gene (ABCC2) is the causal agent of Bt resistance, albeit with a different form of the toxin. Further, in B. mori, resistance in the transporter gene seems to be attributable to a single tyrosine insertion in an outer loop of the predicted transmembrane protein, an unexpectedly dramatic effect that promises to yield new insights into the function of this protein.


Insecticidal Screening of Silkworm Strains Using Cry1Ab.

We tested susceptibility to Cry1Ab toxin in 133 inbred silkworm strains and found a wide concentration range required for lethality. We chose two strains in which the median lethal concentration (LC50) of newly hatched larvae differed by 315 fold, Chinese no. 2 (C2; resistant; LC50 of 0.5664 μg protein/cm2) and Ringetsu (Rin; susceptible; LC50 of 0.0018 μg protein/cm2). Both strains were susceptible to Cry1Aa toxin (C2, LC50 of 0.0310 μg protein/cm; Rin, LC50 of 0.0122 μg protein/cm2), indicating no cross-resistance between Cry1Ab and Cry1Aa. Cry1Ab resistance was previously mapped as a single recessive trait to linkage group 15 (chromosome 15) among 28 linkage groups by using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (10).

Linkage Analysis Using SNP Markers.

We initiated map-based cloning of the resistance locus by using the two aforementioned strains, C2 and Rin, based on the completed silkworm genome sequence (1214) and an integrated physical-genetic map (8, 9). Taking advantage of the lack of chromosomal crossing over in females, we first confirmed the linkage assignment of the resistance trait by SNP marker-based analysis (8) by using surviving progeny from a backcross (BC1) between an F1 female (C2 female × Rin male) and a C2 male. The yield of BC1 survivors at a preliminary-defined dose (0.031 μg protein/cm2) expected to kill 100% of susceptible larvae was 48.9%, consistent with resistance being under the control of a single recessive gene (Table 1). We extracted and amplified DNA from 19 surviving fifth-instar larvae by using primers corresponding to the genome region previously shown to have SNP(s) in the two strains, C2 and Rin (8), and determined genotypes (C2/C2 or C2/Rin) by sequencing the PCR products (SI Appendix, Fig. S1). All the surviving larvae were homozygous (C2/C2) only for chromosome 15 (SI Appendix, Table S1), confirming that the Bt-resistance trait was located on chromosome 15.

Table 1.

Bioassay of Cry1Ab toxin in two strains

Race/cross No. tested No. survived Survival, %
C2 60 60 100
Ringetsu 60 0 0
F1: C2 × Ringetsu 60 0 0
BC1: (C2 × Ringetsu) × C2 135 66 48.9

For each assay, 15 first instar larvae were reared on a 2 × 4-cm mulberry leaf disk applied with 0.031 μg/cm2 of Cry1Ab protoxin. A fresh leaf was provided after 2 d and surviving larvae were recorded after 4 d.

Comparison with Known Bt Resistance Genes.

To date, several genes have been implicated in Bt resistance in lepidopteran pests and in the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans. To ascertain whether the strain C2 resistance gene corresponded to any of these potential candidates, we examined their chromosome assignments in the silkworm by using KAIKObase ( (15). Glycosyltransferase genes of B. mori were PCR-amplified, cloned, and sequenced by using newly designed primers (Bre primers in SI Appendix, Table S2). None of the genes for cadherin-like peptide (16), aminopeptidases (17, 18), glycosyltransferases (Bre-2–5) (19, 20), alkaline phosphatase (21), chlorophyllide-binding protein (22), α-amylase (23), or MAPK p38 (24) were located on chromosome 15 (SI Appendix, Table S3), indicating the presence of a different form of Bt resistance in strain C2.

Protoxin Activation and Toxin Binding.

Gut protease is required to activate Bt protoxin, and lack of major gut proteases is associated with a form of toxin resistance (25, 26); conversely, high enzymatic activity may quickly digest toxin, resulting in low susceptibility. Therefore, we compared midgut enzyme activity between strains C2 and Rin. Gut enzyme extracts from both strains digested Cry1Ab protoxin protein (130 kDa) to the active toxin protein form (60 kDa) with no marked differences in the protoxin digestion profiles (SI Appendix, Fig. S2), indicating that the resistance in C2 was not related to the gut enzyme digestion process.

We examined binding of toxins to the midgut brush border membrane vesicles (BBMVs) in susceptible Rin and resistant C2 strains under the hypothesis that recessive resistance might be related to a defect in midgut receptors that bind Bt toxins. We incubated biotinylated Cry1Ab toxin with BBMVs prepared from the two silkworm strains and determined the amount of toxin bound to the BBMVs in competition with excess unlabeled toxin by using a streptavidin-peroxidase chemiluminescence detection system. Cry1Ab specifically bound to BBMV of both susceptible Rin and resistant C2 strains (SI Appendix, Fig. S3). We detected no visible difference between the two strains, indicating that initial Cry1Ab binding to midgut receptor(s) occurred to an equivalent extent.

Map-Based Cloning.

We carried out map-based cloning for the resistance gene on chromosome 15 in three stages by using progeny from male informative backcrosses (BC1) in single-pair matings between a C2 female and an F1 (C2 female × Rin male) male. We first determined a broad candidate region for the resistance locus by using 44 larvae that survived toxin treatment at a discriminating dose (>0.031 μg protein/cm2) using 17 SNP markers on chromosome 15. As before, we expected the surviving larvae to be homozygous for resistance (C2/C2) and heterozygous larvae (C2/Rin) to be susceptible. We determined the homozygous or heterozygous state for all SNP marker regions by direct sequencing of PCR products (SI Appendix, Table S4). The homozygous region among all 44 samples was localized between markers 15–016 and 15–089 on chromosome 15, which we estimated at 11.4 cM in the genetic map (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

The process of mapping the Bt resistance gene on chromosome 15. Three rounds of mapping analyses were performed by using SNP markers on 44, 32, and 15 Bt-resistant BC1 larvae for the first, second, and third mapping screens. Homozygosity (C2/C2) or heterozygosity (C2/Rin) for each marker site was determined by sequencing PCR products. Markers in magenta were used as boundaries for the subsequent mapping round or gene prediction after the three screens. Six genes were predicted in the final 82-kb region in KAIKObase.

To narrow down the location of the Bt-resistance mutation, we performed two more rounds of mapping experiments. We obtained 400 new DNA samples from resistant larvae of the male informative backcross generation and sequenced the PCR products from two SNP-PCR markers, 15–016 and 15–089. We sought samples that showed homozygosity for one marker and heterozygosity for the other, indicating a crossover had occurred between these two primer sites in one of the sister chromosomes. In a second round of mapping (SI Appendix, Table S5), we used 10 PCR-SNP markers on 32 larvae to narrow the candidate region to approximately 1.0 cM, which corresponded to a physical distance of approximately 1 Mb located between SNP markers 15–011 and 15–089 (Fig. 1). In a third round of mapping (SI Appendix, Table S6), we screened another set of 1,365 resistant backcross larvae; from these, we selected 15 samples that were homozygous in one marker region (15–011 or 15–089) and heterozygous in another. By using 17 PCR-SNP markers, including 16 newly designed ones (SI Appendix, Table S2), we finally narrowed the candidate region to ∼82 kb between markers 15–327-4 and 15–218 (Fig. 1).

Determination of Candidate Gene.

Six genes—BGIBMGA007735, 007793, 007736, 007792, 007791, and 007737—were predicted in the 82-kb candidate region by gene models in KAIKObase version 2.1.0 (Fig. 1 and Table 2) (15); the marker 15–327-4 was located inside the predicted gene, 007735. Of these six genes, we found 007735, 007793, 007736, and 007792 were expressed in the midgut of C2 and Rin by RT-PCR, excluding 007791 and 007737 as candidates (Fig. 2). Determination of the cDNA sequences of the four expressed genes revealed that 007792 and 007793 belonged to a single gene and 007736 was present in the intron region of 007792–93. We concluded that 007736 was annotated incorrectly, as its PCR product seemed to correspond to an immature mRNA. Consequently, we predicted two bona fide candidate genes in the narrowed region, 007735 and 007792–93, both of which showed homology to members of the ABC transporter superfamily.

Table 2.

Genes in the 82-kb region on chromosome 15 predicted in KAIKObase

Gene name Strand Position Size, bp Exon size, bp Description
BGIBMGA007735 + 8912489–8944193 31,705 3,807 ABC transporter
BGIBMGA007793 8949057–8952178 3,122 999 ABC transporter
BGIBMGA007736 + 8952469–8952919 451 229 Undefined
BGIBMGA007792 8956687–8966706 10,020 2,150 ABC transporter
BGIBMGA007791 8969410–8981067 11,658 5,418 Undefined
BGIBMGA007737 + 8992602–8992829 228 228 Undefined

Six genes were predicted. cDNA and genome sequence analyses indicated that BGIBMGA007793 and 007792 were parts of the same gene and BGIBMGA007736 was located in one of the intron regions of the gene. Therefore, four genes, BGIBMGA007735, 7792–93, 007791, and 007737 were actually predicted. + represents forward sequence and — reverse sequence in KAIKObase. bp, base pairs.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Expression of the six predicted genes in the midgut. RT-PCR products of BGIBMGA007735, 007793, 007736, 007792, 007791, and 007737 (marked 1–6) are shown from midgut of Rin and C2. BGIBMGA007735007792 (marked 1–4) show PCR products of expected size in both Rin and C2. M, DNA marker.

The nucleotide sequences of 007735 were identical between the two silkworm strains in the region inside the critical SNP markers (GenBank accession no. AB621548), suggesting this gene was unlikely to be responsible for Bt resistance. In contrast, the sequences of 007792–93 were significantly different between C2 and Rin (SI Appendix, Fig. S4; accession nos. AB620074 and AB620075, respectively): 39 different nucleotides in the protein coding region yielded 13 different amino acid residues, including one insertion/deletion. From these results we concluded that 007792–93 was the most plausible candidate gene for the Bt resistance and further examined its expression in 11 silkworm organs and tissues by RT-PCR. We found that 007792–93 was expressed in the midgut, but not in the fat body, silk glands, Malpighian tubules, hemocytes, testis, ovary, or integument (SI Appendix, Fig. S5), a pattern consistent with a role in Bt toxin action.

We determined the nucleotide sequences of gene 007792–93 in six additional Bt-resistant and nine susceptible silkworm strains (SI Appendix, Table S7) to determine which sequence differences in the coding region were responsible for Bt resistance. Strains that showed dominance for resistance in the original toxin survey and preliminary genetic studies were excluded. Although the sequence comparison among the 17 strains revealed many polymorphisms, only one showed a fixed difference between resistant and susceptible strains (Fig. 3 and SI Appendix, Fig. S6): the insertion of three consecutive nucleotides encoding tyrosine in the 007792–93 gene product in resistant strains. The presence of this common polymorphism in a predicted ABC transporter expressed in larval midgut strongly implicated this gene in contributing to Bt resistance.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Sequence alignment of putative amino acids deduced from a portion of gene 007792–93 (from residues 223–246 in C2; SI Appendix, Figs. S4 and S6). Seven Bt resistant strains (Upper) and 10 susceptible strains (Lower) are shown. Tyrosine is present in the resistant strains and lacking in the susceptible strains.

Introduction of Susceptible Gene into Resistant Strain.

To confirm that 007792–93 was the causative agent of the Cry1Ab resistance, we introduced a copy of the gene from susceptible strain Rin (Rin-007792–93) into a resistant strain. The recipient resistant strain was the nondiapausing white-eyed silkworm strain (w1-pnd), derived from another resistant strain (w1-c) used routinely for transgene expression (27). We established two transgenic strains (SS16-1 and SS16-3) expressing Rin-007792–93 under an upstream activating sequence (UAS) together with EGFP as a selectable marker. Southern blot analysis and inverse PCR of genomic DNA revealed that SS16-1 had two copies of the transgenes, on chromosomes 15 and 23, and SS16-3 had one copy, on chromosome 25 (SI Appendix, Fig. S7). We crossed these males with females of a previously established GAL4 driver strain carrying DsRed2 (52–2) (28) and selected offspring that possessed both Gal4 and Rin-007792–93 by examining eye colors derived from DsRed2 and EGFP at a late embryonic stage (SI Appendix, Fig. S8).

We tested the resistance levels of the parental and transgenic silkworms at the second and fourth larval instars by feeding Cry1Ab toxin on mulberry leaf disks and recording mortality after 4 d. We first examined the Bt toxin response of parent (Rin and C2), recipient (w1-c and w1-pnd), and GAL4-driver (52–2) strains at second instar (Table 3). The susceptible strain, Rin, had an LC50 of 0.006 μg toxin/cm2, in contrast with the LC50 of the resistant strain, C2, which was greater than 17.6 μg toxin/cm2. The recipient and driver strains had LC50 values of 1.9 to 22 μg toxin/cm2, also in a resistant range. We then tested the two transgenic strains, SS16-1 and SS16-3, at two larval stages. The LC50 values of second-instar larvae from crosses between 52–2 and SS16-1 or SS16-3 were 0.0054 and 0.0033 μg toxin/cm2, respectively (Table 3 and SI Appendix, Fig. S9), showing susceptibility to Bt toxin. As controls, offspring from crosses between w1-c females and the UAS-transgenic strains lacking a GAL4 driver showed high resistance to toxin (LC50 values 48.7 and >800 in SS16-1 and SS16-3, respectively). Crosses between the 52–2 GAL4 driver strain and the original w1-c strain also produced resistant offspring (LC50 value of 3.9). We obtained similar results for fourth instar larvae, confirming that introducing Rin-007792–93 into Bt-resistant silkworm strains made them highly susceptible to Cry1Ab toxin (Table 3).

Table 3.

Susceptibility to Cry1Ab toxin in transgenic silkworms

Strains cross, female × male No. tested LC50, μg protein/cm2 95% CL Slope ± SE*
Original strains, second instar
 Ringetsu (Rin) 168 0.00616 0.0027–0.0147 1.85 ± 0.27
 Chinese 2 (C2) 168 >17.6
 w1-c 168 1.94 1.13–3.54 1.10 ± 0.16
 w1-pnd 144 22.1 10.8–123 1.23 ± 0.33
 52–2 168 12.7 2.56–37300 0.74 ± 0.15
Gal4 × UAS, second instar
 52–2 × SS16-1 144 0.00543 0.0040–0.0074 3.62 ± 0.76
 w1-c × SS16-1 144 48.7 19.4–4230 1.33 ± 0.48
 52–2 × SS16-3 168 0.00329 0.0001–0.0024 1.38 ± 0.19
 w1-c × SS16-3 144 846
 52–2 × w1-c 144 3.89 2.01–9.69 0.89 ± 0.17
Gal4 × UAS, fourth instar
 52–2 × SS16-3 144 0.00942 0.0067–0.0129 4.67 ± 1.03
 w1-c × SS16-3 108 131 20.1–11.0 × 107 0.69 ± 0.27
 52–2 × w1-c 90 2.36 1.01–7.12 0.87 ± 0.21

CL, confidence limit; LC50 = median lethal concentration. w1-c, diapausing recipient strain used for maintaining the transgenic strains; w1-pnd, nondiapausing recipient strain in which the susceptible gene (Rin-007792–93) was introduced; 52–2, GAL4 driver strain with DsRed2; SS16-1 (2 copies) or SS16-3 (1 copy), transgenic strains expressing EGFP and Rin-007792–93. We tested susceptibility to Cry1Ab toxin at second instar for SS16-1 and SS16-3 and at fourth instar for SS16-3. We tested individual larvae by providing a leaf applied with Bt toxin in 24-well plates at second instar or six-well plates at fourth instar. We fed a fresh leaf after 1 d and recorded the number of surviving larvae after 4 d. — means that confidence limits were not generated because of low mortality rates.

*Slope calculated by probit analysis.

Expression of Introduced Gene in Transgenic Silkworms.

We confirmed expression of the introduced gene into the transgenic silkworms by real-time RT-PCR. As the transgenic silkworms possessed a pair of endogenous 007792–93 genes, we used primers designed for the 3′ region, which included mismatched nucleotides for distinguishing the expression of the endogenous and exogenous genes separately (SI Appendix, Fig. S10 and Table S2). We successfully quantified expression of the genes in the midgut of fourth-instar C2 and Rin larvae (Fig. 4A). We also quantified expression in three groups of transgenic animals: 52–2 × SS16 (GAL4 × UAS), w1-c × SS16 (no-GAL4 × UAS), and 52–2 × w1-c (GAL4 × no-UAS) by real-time RT-PCR using the two effector strains, SS16-1 (Fig. 4B) and SS16-3 (Fig. 4C). The exogenous Rin-007792–93 gene(s) was highly expressed in 52–2 × SS16-1 and 52–2 × SS16-3 (GAL4 × UAS; Fig. 4 B and C, a). Although we could not compare directly the expression levels of the introduced gene, Rin-007792–93, and the endogenous gene, w1-c-007792–93, because of different PCR efficiency with the use of different primers, the expression level of Rin-007792–93 was apparently as high as that of w1-c-007792–93 in SS16-1 and SS16-3. Notably, Rin-007792–93 was expressed at a low level even in the absence of GAL4 (Fig. 4 B and C, b), indicating leaky expression of the introduced gene. However, the effect of the leaky expression on the resistance level was unclear, as resistance of transformed insects in the absence of a GAL4 driver (w1-c × SS16-1 or × SS16-3; Table 3) was higher than in untransformed controls (w1-c, Table 3).

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

Expression of introduced and endogenous 007792–93 genes in silkworms. Susceptible (Rin-007792–93) and resistant (C2- or w1-c-007792–93) genes were individually detected in midguts of fourth-instar larvae by real-time RT-PCR. Expression levels relative to those of a ribosomal protein gene (RpL32) are shown with SEs. The number of larvae tested is shown above the columns. Closed and open boxes indicate susceptible and resistant genes, respectively. The asterisk indicates no expression. (A) Parental strains, Rin and C2; expression of endogenous genes, Rin-007792–93 and C2-007792–93, respectively, using a real-time PCR method that differentially detects susceptible and resistant genes. (B and C) Gene expression level in offspring of SS16-1 and SS16-3; expression of the exogenous (Rin-007792–93) and endogenous (w1-c-007792–93) genes is shown in closed and open boxes. a, offspring from 52–2 × SS16; b, offspring from w1-c × SS16; c, offspring from 52–2 × w1-c; offspring from 52–2 × SS16 showing expression of the introduced susceptible gene as well as the endogenous gene. Leaky expression of the susceptible gene is observed in the offspring from w1-c × SS16.

Structure of ABC Transporter Gene.

The gene 007792–93 showed high homology to human ABC transporter gene ABCC4, which is known to be involved in multidrug resistance (SI Appendix, Fig. S11). Two ABC domains were predicted in the silkworm protein, including Walker A motif, Walker B motif, and C-motif. Two transmembrane domains each consisting of six transmembrane regions (TMs) were also predicted (SI Appendix, Fig. S11). The insertion of tyrosine was predicted in or on the edge of the second outer loop between TM 3 and TM 4 (Fig. 5 and SI Appendix, Fig. S12).

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.

Schematic structure of the ABC transporter. Twelve transmembrane domains were predicted based on the amino acid sequence of BGIBMGA007792-93 (SI Appendix, Fig. S11) using TMHMM version 2.0. The tyrosine residue (magenta dot) was predicted to be located on the second outer loop (SI Appendix, Fig. S12).


Germline introduction of a functional form of a gene associated with resistance to a Bt toxin converted an insect from resistance to susceptibility, confirming a central role for the 007792–93 gene in Cry1Ab toxin action. The achievement of the cloning and confirmation of the function of the cloned gene was accomplished by using three main research platforms. First, the success of the map-based cloning was much the result of a well-maintained genome database, KAIKObase ( (15) and a high density of SNP markers on the genetic map ( (8, 9). Second, the transformation technique, first developed in the silkworm among lepidopteran insects (29), clearly demonstrated that the candidate 007792–93 gene played a key role in the Bt toxin response. Finally, selection of two suitable Bt resistant/susceptible strains for map-based cloning and determination of the site of the mutation were made possible by the large number of naturally resistant and susceptible silkworm strains maintained in the Genetic Resource Center of the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences ( Successful use of these resources further validates the silkworm as an effective research model for lepidopteran insects. Further, that the function of this gene appears to have been conserved in Lepidoptera belonging to widely divergent superfamilies (Bombycoidea, Noctuoidea, Yponomeutoidea) supports the value of comparative studies between B. mori and other members of this large and highly pestiferous insect clade.

To confirm the ABC transporter gene was responsible for the resistance/susceptibility to Cry1Ab toxin, we introduced a susceptible Rin allele into a resistant strain, w1-pnd, and performed all subsequent crosses to activate and test the function of the transgene with resistant strains. We did not perform the transgenesis in the reverse direction, introducing a resistant allele of the gene from the C2 strain into a susceptible strain, because resistance behaved as a recessive trait in heterozygotes with one resistant and one susceptible allele, and the introduction of a resistant allele of 007792–93 into a strain carrying two endogenous susceptible alleles would not be expected to alter the phenotype.

Sequence analyses of seven independent resistant and 10 susceptible strains suggested that only a single common amino acid (codon) insertion/deletion was responsible for the change in function of the Bombyx Bt resistance gene 007792–93. This gene possesses domains required for the functions of an ABC transporter (SI Appendix, Fig. S11) and shows high homology to the human multidrug resistance gene ABCC4 (30). An orthologue was recently reported as a candidate for Cry1Ac resistance in H. virescens and named ABCC2 (7). However, its function in Bt resistance is still unclear. Two plausible alternative Bt resistance mechanisms may be considered. One is that the protein is involved in binding and/or insertion of Bt toxin into the midgut membrane, working as a receptor in a mechanism similar to those proposed for a cadherin-like protein (16) or aminopeptidases (31), or as a membrane channel (7), and the insertion of tyrosine in the second loop outside the membrane may interfere with these processes. Another possibility is that the ABC transporter works to detoxify the Bt protein by excluding it from cells in a manner analogous to that used by members of ABC transporter subfamily C in drug resistance (32). However, the second mechanism is irreconcilable with the finding that resistance associated with this gene is a recessive trait in three evolutionarily disparate lepidopteran species besides B. mori (7, 11). If the ABC transporter acts in the detoxification of Cry toxins, resistance should be dominant, because detoxification would be expected to occur in heterozygous (i.e., R/S) insects, including silkworm. On the contrary, if the ABC transporter is involved with toxin binding or membrane insertion, both alleles in the sister chromosomes should carry a mutation (i.e., be homozygous) for resistance.

Gahan et al. (7) recently reported that a frameshift mutation in an ABC transporter of H. virescens, which is orthologous to silkworm gene 007792–93 (ABCC2) and located in a syntenic chromosome region, is linked genetically with resistance to Cry1Ac. The H. virescens mutation is accompanied by reduced binding of Cry1Ac and Cry1Ab toxins to midgut membranes. This suggests the possibility that the exposed loop region where the tyrosine insertion occurred in B. mori is a toxin-binding region (Fig. 5). However, Cry1Ab bound equally to the BBMV from susceptible and resistant silkworm strains (SI Appendix, Fig. S3). As Cry1A toxins are shown to bind a cadherin-like protein (33) and aminopeptidase N (34) in B. mori, the failure to find a difference in the BBMV toxin binding assay between the two strains indicates that further experiments are needed to clarify the mechanism underlying the present form of Bt toxin resistance. Studies on the impact of other amino acid variants on the degree of resistance or susceptibility among silkworm strains may help identify additional critical regions of the 007792–93 protein and elucidate their roles in Bt toxin action.

The origin of the resistant allele carrying a tyrosine insertion is unclear. The predicted sequence of the ABC transporter in Bombyx mandarina (accession no. JQ774504), the nearest wild ancestor to the silkworm, has only 3 aa differences from susceptible and resistant alleles of the B. mori gene reported here, and carries a deletion of the tyrosine in question (SI Appendix, Fig. S13). Hence, B. mandarina is expected to be susceptible to Bt toxin. Although B. thuringiensis may be present on mulberry leaves routinely fed to laboratory and commercial strains, rearing of domestic silkworms takes place in a relatively controlled and hygienic environment. The majority of susceptible strains were of European and tropical origin, whereas resistance was found mostly in traditional and genetically improved Chinese and Japanese strains. This suggests that, after the resistant allele arose, it has been maintained as a cryptic mutation for long periods of time under nonselective conditions. Preliminary phylogenetic analysis based on the ABC transporter nucleotide sequences indicates that resistant strains belong to a single clade; however, additional variants are needed for a well-supported evolutionary scenario.

Materials and Methods

Silkworm Strains Used.

Two B. mori strains, C2 (resistant to Cry1Ab toxin, race 401; and Rin (susceptible to Cry1Ab toxin, race 606;, were used for map-based cloning; they were reared on mulberry leaves or artificial diet (Nosan) at room temperature. The strains used for transgenesis were reared on artificial diet. They included the recipient, w1-pnd, a white eye color and nondiapausing mutant strain of diapausing strain w1-c, a GAL4 driver strain, 52–2, which expresses the GAL4 protein in the midgut and DsRed2 in the eyes (28, 35), and SS16-1 and SS16-3, two newly established UAS-Rin-007792–93 strains expressing EGFP. B. mori strains are listed in SI Appendix, Table S7.

Insecticidal Screening by Cry1Ab Toxin.

The Cry1Ab toxin from B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki HD-1 was expressed in Escherichia coli (36). Bacteria expressing the toxin were centrifuged and protoxin inclusions were recovered by the method of Lee et al. (37). The protein content of the suspension of protoxin inclusions was estimated by a Lowry assay (38) using BSA (Wako Pure Chemical) as a standard. The protoxin content in the suspension was estimated by a modified method of Brussock and Currier (39). The protoxin was eluted by using 7% (wt/vol) SDS/PAGE, and the content of 130 kDa protein was measured by image analyzing software (Quantity One; Bio-Rad).

For Bt toxin screening, a mulberry leaf fragment (2 × 4 cm) coated with 80 μL of diluted suspension of Cry1Ab protoxin was fed to 15 newly hatched larvae for 2 d. The dose (usually >0.03 μg/cm2) was determined to be high enough to kill 100% neonate larvae of susceptible strains that were homozygous or heterozygous for susceptible genes, but not to kill those homozygous for resistance (Table 1). Larvae were fed fresh mulberry leaves for 2 d after toxin exposure, and mortality was recorded 4 d after the initial application of Bt toxin. Transgenic silkworms were tested individually at second or fourth instar on treated leaf discs under similar conditions in 24-well or six-well plastic plates. Probit analysis was carried out by using SPSS software (version 7.5.1J; SPSS) to determine LC50.

Toxin Digestion by Gut Enzymes.

Cry1Ab toxin inclusion expressed in E. coli was incubated in 0.1M Na2CO3/NaHCO3 (pH 10.2) with 10 mM DTT for 1 h on ice. After centrifugation for 20 min at 5,000 × g, the supernatant was passed through a 0.45-μm filter and dialyzed overnight at 4 °C, followed by precipitation with ammonium sulfate and washing with sterile distilled water. Prestarved fifth-instar larvae were frozen and thawed, the midgut was dissected, and the liquid that leached out of the midgut was collected. The midgut juice was mixed with the Cry1Ab protoxin. After incubation at 25 °C for 0 min, 1 min, 10 min, or 120 min, the solution was inactivated with heat and analyzed with SDS/PAGE (e-PAGEL; ATTO) followed by staining with Coomassie brilliant blue R250. The toxin molecules were also visualized by Western blot analysis. Proteins in the PAGE gel were transferred onto PVDF membranes (Hybond-P; GE Healthcare) by Transblot SD (Bio-Rad). After blocking with skim milk, the membrane was incubated with rabbit antiserum against Cry1A toxin (40), then with peroxidase-labeled anti-rabbit antibody (GE Healthcare), and visualized using a HistMark TrueBlue Peroxidase System (KPL).

Toxin Binding.

Protoxin (130 kDa) prepared as described earlier was activated with trypsin (41), and the activated toxin (60 kDa) was labeled with biotin using an ImmunoProbe Biotinylation Kit (Sigma). Midgut BBMV were prepared from C2 and Rin strains as described by Wolfersberger et al. (42). The BBMV suspension in 0.01 M PBS solution (including 0.15 M NaCl) was stored at −80 °C until use, and evaluated by aminopeptidase activity (31). BBMV (25 μg protein) was incubated in PBS solution with 0.1 μg of biotin-labeled Cry1Ab for 1 h at 25 °C. Excess unlabeled Cry1Ab (1 or 10 μg) was also added for the competition assay for toxin binding. The BBMVs were collected by centrifugation (10,000 × g, 10 min) and washed three times with PBS solution at 4 °C, followed by electrophoresis (e-PAGEL) and staining with an Ez Stain Silver Kit (ATTO). Proteins were blotted onto PVDF membranes (Hybond-P), which were incubated with a streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate (GE Healthcare) for 1 h at 25 °C. The biotin-labeled toxin was detected with ECL Plus (GE Healthcare) by using a Lumino Imaging Analyzer FAS-1000 (TOYOBO).

Cloning and Sequencing.

Glycosyltransferase genes were cloned and sequenced using total RNA of the C2 strain. cDNA was synthesized by using SUPERSCRIPT II (Invitrogen) and an oligo(dT) primer. The cDNA was amplified with PCR primers (SI Appendix, Table S2) and 3′-RACE was performed. PCR products were cloned into a pGEM-T vector (Promega). DNA amplified from the clones by colony PCR was used for sequencing reactions. The sequence analysis was performed with an ABI Prism 3730 sequencer using a BigDye Terminator kit (Applied Biosystems). Cloning and sequencing of other genes in this study were carried out in a similar manner. PCR products amplified with SNP-PCR primers were directly sequenced (without cloning) using the SNP-PCR primers from both ends.

Linkage Analysis and Positional Cloning of the Resistance Gene.

SNP-based linkage analysis and recombination mapping were performed by PCR amplification of the SNP region and sequencing the PCR products (8, 9). Genomic DNA was isolated from an anterior leg of adult moths of grandparental strains (C2 female and Rin male) and parental F1 individuals by using DNAzol (Invitrogen). For the BC1 generation, genomic DNA was isolated from legs of fifth-instar larvae. Nineteen segregant BC1 larvae that survived after screening with Cry1Ab were used for the linkage analysis. Thirty SNP markers were used, including three markers for chromosome 15 and a single marker for each of the other 27 chromosomes (9). The PCR products were directly sequenced by BigDye terminator cycle sequencing (Applied Biosystems) by using the same PCR primers. The homozygous (A) or heterozygous (H) state of each linkage group was determined (SI Appendix, Fig. S1). A pair of sister chromosomes for each of the 28 linkage groups should be composed of the two same chromosomes that originated from C2, or different chromosomes from C2 and Rin. Larvae that possessed a pair of homozygous sister chromosomes should show resistance to Bt toxin if the resistance gene was located on this chromosome. Therefore, the chromosome (i.e., linkage group) carrying the resistance trait should be homozygous in all resistant larval samples examined.

To determine the locus of the resistance gene on chromosome 15, F1 males (C2/Rin) were crossed with C2 females (C2/C2). As chromosomal crossing-over (i.e., recombination) occurs in silkworm males but not in females (43, 44), reciprocal backcrosses were used for chromosome linkage assignment and positional cloning. Recombination between sister chromosomes was used to find the homozygous region in chromosome 15 of Bt-resistant BC1 larvae. In addition to already known SNP markers (PCR primers) on chromosome 15, new SNP-PCR primers that could distinguish C2 and Rin were designed after sequencing the corresponding region of the two strains.


An established silkworm GAL4/UAS system (27) was used for transgenesis. Two piggyBac vector constructs were used: a driver construct (GAL4 line) BmA3-0052–2 (52–2) containing Gal4 and DsRed2 genes that was used previously (28, 35), and a new effector construct (UAS line) containing a Rin-007792–93 gene and an EGFP gene (SI Appendix, Fig. S8A). The coding sequence of the Rin-007792–93 gene was amplified from cDNA from the midgut of Rin by using primers with an Xba I cutting site (SI Appendix, Table S2) and cloned into a pGEM-T vector. The insert DNA was digested with Xba I and subcloned downstream of the GAL4 binding site of UAS (Bln I site) of the plasmid pBacMCS[UAS-3×P3-EGFP] (45). The insert sequence of the resultant effector vector was confirmed by DNA sequencing.

Transgenesis was performed as described previously (27, 29). The eye-color mutant strain, w1-pnd, a nondiapausing mutant of diapausing strain w1-c, was used as recipient. Two EGFP-positive UAS lines (SS16-1 and SS16-3) were established and maintained by crossing with w1-c. Females of 52–2, which expresses the GAL4 protein in the midgut and DsRed2 in the eyes, were crossed with males of the UAS lines (SS16-1 and SS16-3). The DsRed- and EGFP-positive offspring were selected at a late embryonic stage. As experimental controls, offspring from crosses between w1-c females and SS16-1 or SS16-3 males and between 52–2 females and w1-c males were used.

Southern Blot Analysis and Inverse PCR.

The copy number of the PiggyBac vector bearing the Rin-007792–93 gene was examined by genomic Southern blot analysis. Genomic DNA was prepared from embryos using a DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen) or from adults as reported previously (27). Approximately 2 μg each of genomic DNA was digested with Pst I, Hpa I, or Eco RV and blotted onto a nylon membrane (Hybond-N; GE Healthcare) after agarose gel electrophoresis. The EGFP gene fragment (672 bp) amplified with primers KS113 and KS248 (SI Appendix, Table S2) was labeled by using an AlkPhos direct labeling and detection system (GE Healthcare) and used as a probe. The chromosomal insertion sites of the vector on the chromosomes were determined by inverse PCR. Two pairs of primers for first and second rounds of PCR were designed on the left and right arms of the vector (SI Appendix, Table S2). After sequencing the second set of PCR products using second-round primers, a BLAST search of the sequences was carried out against the genome sequence in KAIKObase.

Real-Time RT-PCR.

To confirm the expression of the exogenous transformed gene, the endogenous and exogenous genes were detected by using primers that amplified each of the genes separately. Because sequences of both genes were similar and it was difficult to design specific primer pairs for the ORFs, the primers were designed in the 3′ region of the genes (SI Appendix, Fig. S9 and Table S2). The primers included mismatched nucleotides with the corresponding sequences of cDNA to ensure the differential amplification between the two genes. Both genes in transgenic silkworms were quantified on a real-time thermal cycler (LightCycler 480 Real-Time PCR System; Roche Diagnostics). The midguts were dissected from fourth-instar larvae, and total RNA was extracted by using an RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen). cDNA was synthesized from the RNA with an oligo(dT) primer by using a PrimeScript RT reagent Kit (Takara Bio) in a 10-μL reaction volume. The reaction mixture was then diluted 10-fold with MilliQ water. Real-time RT-PCR was carried out in 20-μL reaction volumes containing 5 μL of template cDNA or standard DNA, 0.75× SYBR Green PCR premix (Roche Diagnostics), and 10 pmol of each primer. PCR conditions were 95 °C for 5 min followed by 40 cycles of 95 °C for 10 s, 60 °C for 20 s, and 72 °C for 15 s. The absence of undesirable byproducts was confirmed by automated melting curve analysis. The expressed transcript levels were standardized to that of the ribosomal protein gene RpL32 (AY769302) (46).

Supplementary Material

Supporting Information


We thank S. Kobayashi and M. Kitazume for technical support, N. Nakashima for support on the Bt toxin binding assay, E. Kosegawa and O. Ninagi for providing silkworm strains, R. Sato and S. Takeda for valuable suggestions, and A. Papanicolaou for bioinformatic support. This work was supported by the Special Research Fund for Symbiosis and Biological Interactions of the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences and by the Integrated Research Project for Insects Using Genome Technology of the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries.


The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in GenBank (accession nos. AB620070AB620075, AB621548, and JQ774504).

See Author Summary on page 9674 (volume 109, number 25).

This article contains supporting information online at


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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jun 19;109(25):9674–9675.

Author Summary

Author Summary

Toxins produced by Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are widely used for controlling insect pests as insecticidal constituents in agricultural chemicals and transgenic crops. The increasing use of Bt insecticides and widespread cultivation of Bt crops have raised concerns for the potential of accelerated development of Bt resistance in field populations (1). Despite the broad use of Bt toxin and the discovery of molecules involved in Bt resistance in agricultural pests, such as the tobacco budworm Heliothis virescens, the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella, and the pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella, its mode of action is not fully understood (2).

Inbred strains of the domesticated silkworm Bombyx mori, in which this bacterial pathogen was first reported, show various levels of susceptibility to Bt toxin. Taking advantage of recent advances in genome databases and high-density genetic maps for map-based (i.e., positional) cloning (3), together with transgenic techniques for the study of gene function, we initiated cloning of a silkworm gene conferring resistance to the Bt toxin Cry1Ab. In these studies, we used two strains differing substantially in their response to Cry1Ab, C2 (resistant) and Rin (susceptible); C2 strain required 300-fold higher toxin dose to be killed than Rin strain. First-generation (F1) hybrids were susceptible, indicating that resistance was a recessive trait. We used SNP-based PCR (3) to determine the linkage group carrying Bt resistance. Backcross (i.e., BC1) progeny from a cross between an F1 female (C2 female × Rin male) and a C2 male that survived Bt toxin screening were expected to carry homozygous alleles for Bt resistance. Among 28 linkage groups (chromosomes), we observed homozygous genotypes in all tested progeny only at SNP markers on linkage group 15, indicating that the resistance locus was on this chromosome; all other chromosomes exhibited some heterozygotes. We also examined linkage of other genes previously reported to be associated with Bt resistance, including genes encoding cadherin-like protein, aminopeptidase Ns, alkaline phosphatase, and glycosyltransferases; none of these genes were located on chromosome 15, indicating that they represented different forms of resistance. Additionally, we tested another possible resistance factor, enzyme digestion of protoxin (130 kDa) in digestive tract (i.e., midgut), which creates active form of toxin (60 kDa) in insect midgut. We detected no marked difference in digestion between the two strains, indicating that the resistance gene was unlikely to encode a proteolytic enzyme required for the initial step of toxin activation.

We then performed map-based cloning of the Bt resistance gene on chromosome 15 by using BC1 progeny from crosses between C2 females and F1 males (C2 female × Rin male). We conducted three rounds of chromosome mapping on 44, 32, and 15 larvae selected after Bt toxin exposure, followed by SNP marker screening on more than 1,000 BC1 progeny. This allowed us to refine further the region harboring the Bt resistance gene to an 82-kb segment of linkage group 15, in which we identified six candidate genes by using KAIKObase (; two of these were subsequently removed as a result of incorrect assignments in the database. Of the four remaining candidate genes, two genes were not expressed in the midgut. Given that resistance is presumed to involve proteins with active functions in the gut, we focused on the two remaining genes expressed in this tissue, and examined their complete coding sequences in C2 and Rin strains. One of these genes was identical between the two strains, excluding it from further study; however, many nucleotides were different between C2 and Rin strains in the second gene, BGIBMGA007792-93, which we annotated as an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family C transporter. Upon examining six additional resistant and nine susceptible strains for the sequence polymorphisms of this gene, we found that only a single, common amino acid (tyrosine) insertion/deletion located in the second outer loop of a predicted 12-transmembrane structure (Fig. P1) was able to distinguish resistant from susceptible strains, including C2 and Rin. Based on the known function of ABC transporter proteins, we determined that BGIBMGA007792-93 was a plausible candidate for Bt resistance.

Fig. P1.

Fig. P1.

Positional cloning scheme for a gene from silkworm conferring resistance to Cry1Ab. Two strains, resistant C2 (blue) and susceptible Rin (yellow), were crossed, and silkworms surviving after Bt toxin screening in the BC1 generation were used for chromosome linkage analysis and positional cloning. The susceptibility allele of the candidate gene for Bt resistance (an ABC transporter from the Rin strain) was introduced into a resistant strain (w1-pnd) that is routinely used for transgenesis. Transformed strains carrying the susceptibility allele showed susceptibility by toxin screening; susceptibility could be transferred to previously resistant silkworms. A single amino acid deletion/insertion in the second outer loop of the predicted ABC transporter was found to discriminate between susceptible and resistant strains.

To verify the role of BGIBMGA007792-93 in the Bt toxin response, we introduced the ABC transporter gene from the susceptible strain Rin into resistant strain w1-pnd, which is routinely used in silkworm transgenesis. Silkworm transformation was performed based on the GAL4-UAS (upstream activation sequence) system in the silkworm, which is routinely used in the fruit fly. The transgenic silkworms are expected to possess endogenous resistant ABC transporter genes in both sister chromosomes, together with transformed susceptible gene(s) from Rin. They (second- and fourth-instar larvae) were highly susceptible to Bt toxin, consistent with the dominant trait of the susceptible gene. We confirmed expression of the transgene and endogenous genes by real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR. Therefore, this study demonstrates that the germline introduction of a functional form of a gene associated with susceptibility to Bt toxin can alter the resistance phenotype of an insect.

In line with our findings, ABC transporter genes have also been linked to toxin resistance in other species. For example, an orthologue of the gene mapped in this study was recently implicated in Cry1Ac resistance in H. virescens (4) and two other lepidopteran pests (5); nucleotide deletions in ABC transporter genes were reported in two of these species. It is interesting to note that binding of Cry1Ac to a preparative form of midgut membrane was abolished in homozygous mutants of H. virescens (4); however, we found no difference in Cry1Ab binding to the midgut membrane between susceptible and resistant silkworms, suggesting differences in the mechanisms underlying the response to the two classes of toxin or in B. mori. An ABC transporter (subfamily C) homologous to the Bombyx gene is known to function in human multidrug resistance, suggesting that the ABC transporter in B. mori might confer resistance via a detoxification mechanism. Detoxification is expected to act like a dominant trait, in that a heterozygote bearing only a single copy of the functioning gene should still be able to inactivate or excrete some toxin. However, in four lepidopteran species, Bt resistance is a recessive trait that requires two nonfunctioning gene copies. A more plausible mechanism for its mode of action is that the ABC transporter acts in the midgut in conjunction with a toxin receptor, such as a cadherin-like protein or aminopeptidase N for binding to the midgut membrane or insertion of the toxin into the cell. Involvement of a single amino acid difference in this gene for Bt resistance will provide tools for critical functional studies of the transporter in the mechanism of Bt action. Primary importance of the mutation of the ABC transporter for Bt resistance can also facilitate field monitoring for Bt resistance level of lepidopteran pests.


The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in GenBank (accession nos. AB620070AB620075, AB621548, and JQ774504).

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