Uranium and plutonium’s 5f electrons are tenuously poised between strongly bonding with ligand spd-states and residing close to the nucleus. The unusual properties of these elements and their compounds (e.g., the six different allotropes of elemental plutonium) are widely believed to depend on the related attributes of f-orbital occupancy and delocalization for which a quantitative measure is lacking. By employing resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy (RXES) and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy and making comparisons to specific heat measurements, we demonstrate the presence of multiconfigurational f-orbital states in the actinide elements U and Pu and in a wide range of uranium and plutonium intermetallic compounds. These results provide a robust experimental basis for a new framework toward understanding the strongly-correlated behavior of actinide materials.
Keywords: local moment magnetism, intermediate valence, strongly correlated systems
The magnetic and electronic properties of actinide (An) materials have long defied understanding, where scientists prior to World War II (and even Mendeleev) placed the actinide series underneath the 5d transition series in the periodic table. The reason for such confusion is that the 5f orbital is intermediate between localized, as generally are the 4f orbitals in the lanthanide series, and delocalized, such as occurs in the d-orbitals of the transition metals. In those two limiting cases, well-defined methodologies exist that account for their magnetic behavior such as Hund’s Rules, crystal-field theory, and quenched angular momentum theory. No similarly successful theory exists for the intermediate localization that occurs in elemental U, Np, and Pu, and their intermetallic compounds; yet, the consequences are likely fundamental toward understanding their complex behavior (1, 2).
Although the degree of f-electron localization is widely recognized as the dominant factor in determining the structural, magnetic, and electronic properties of the actinides, for instance, in determining basic crystal bonding (3), experimental methods for determining the f-orbital occupancy have generally failed to yield quantitative measurements though some exceptions exist. For example, elemental Pu is thought to have an f-orbital occupancy near 5, close to that expected for a 5f5 ground-state configuration (Pu3+) based on photoemission, N4,5-edge X-ray absorption, and electron-energy loss spectroscopy (4, 5). In addition to these examples, several researchers have shown that so-called “two-fluid” or “dual nature” models of the 5f orbitals, whereby some fraction of the f-electrons contribute to delocalized behavior and the rest contribute to the more localized local moment behavior, can successfully describe some properties (6) such as coexistent antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in CeRhIn5 (7), the inelastic neutron scattering of UPd2Al3 (8), de Haas-van Alphen frequencies of UPt3 (9), and the photoemission spectra of PuCoGa5 and PuIn3 (10). Such mixed behavior also manifests itself in the spin and orbital components of the angular momentum (11)—important quantities for understanding the absence of magnetism in plutonium (12). These results rely on fractional f-occupancies especially in the delocalized channel. Recent Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT) calculations by Shim, Haule, and Kotliar (13) suggest that, whereas the average f-occupancy is an important quantity, the actual ground state in elemental plutonium may require a more complete description. In particular, they find that unlike cerium and ytterbium intermetallics that are described as dominated by two valence configurations (f0 and f1 for Ce4+ and Ce3+ and f13 and f14 for Yb3+ and Yb2+), a description of elemental plutonium actually requires three valence configurations, f4, f5, and f6. Here, we present both X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy (RXES) data collected at the actinide L3 edge in a wide variety of uranium and plutonium intermetallics that not only point to the necessity of a multiconfigurational ground state for understanding elemental plutonium but also demonstrate the wide applicability of such multiconfigurational ground states in actinide intermetallics in general.
There are some advantages to using L3-edge spectroscopy for obtaining f-occupancies, especially for multiconfigurational states. At this X-ray absorption edge, a 2p3/2 core electron is excited primarily into a state of d symmetry where the number of unoccupied 6d states is only a weak function of the f-occupancy (Fig. 1A). If a multiconfigurational f-state exists, its otherwise-degenerate components are split by the core-hole interaction as the different number of f-electrons in each configuration screen the core hole differently. Because the total number of unoccupied d-states is approximately fixed, the excitation amplitude into any split states is proportional to that particular configuration’s electronic occupancy. By associating a given peak with a particular configuration, the relative weight to each configuration can be simply determined. For instance, in RXES results on Yb intermetallics (14, 15), the integrated intensity I13 and I14 of features identified as due to the f13 and f14 configurations give the f-hole occupancy nf = I13/(I13 + I14). Similar methods have long been applied in XANES spectroscopy (16). Whereas these measurements give the f-occupancy and configuration fractions in the excited state, which includes the core hole and the outgoing photoelectron, such final-state occupancies are within several percent of those obtained using more sophisticated treatments for deep core-level excitations (17).
Fig. 1.
Actinide L3-edge follows strongly correlated electron behavior. (A) Energy level diagram demonstrating the dominant transitions and the final state splitting due to the generation of the core hole as well as the final states relationship to EI and ET for the RXES data. Note that other decay channels between the intermediate and final state configurations also occur (for instance, from a f4 intermediate state to an f5 final state); we have chosen only to illustrate the dominant channels for clarity. The intermediate states in the middle of the diagram represent the final state for the XANES data shown in (B). (B) Representative results from Pu L3 edge XANES spectroscopy. (C, D) Linear coefficient of the low temperature specific heat in the normal state (γ) as a function of the shift of the peak in the white line relative to the α-An sample. Many of the γ values come from the literature (12, 19, 31–48). These results are available in tabular form in SI Text together with individual references for the γ values.
In this study, the An L3-edge XANES data collected from α-U, α-Pu, and δ-Pu (1.9 at% Ga) along with 17 other uranium and nine plutonium intermetallic samples delineate the correspondence between the edge position and localization of the 5f electrons. Pu L3-edge XANES data are shown for typical Pu materials from this study in Fig. 1B. Similar U data are in SI Text. The position of the main peak, known as the “white line” position, is shown in Fig. 1 C and D as a function of the shift from the white-line position of the α-phase of the actinide (i.e., α-U or α-Pu), ΔEα. Large shifts in ΔEα are observed as are broadened white-line features for some compounds. Individual peaks are not observed and so obtaining state configuration fractions is not possible from these data. The Sommerfeld coefficient to the linear component of the low-temperature specific heat (γ) is used as a measure of the degree of localization. The value of γ often is the defining quantity for heavy-fermion behavior because it is proportional to the effective carrier mass; that is, it is proportional to the density of states at the Fermi level. In this sense, the flatter bands have a large linear specific heat and are considered to have more localized character due to a higher f-orbital occupancy (18). This higher occupancy could be due to f-orbital hybridization with the conduction band, as in a Kondo model, or due to direct involvement of the f-band at the Fermi level that is uncommon in the lanthanides. In the case of samples with magnetic transitions (many of the more localized materials are antiferromagnetic in their ground state), γ is determined at temperatures above any transitions to remove the effect of changes in magnetic degrees of freedom (19). Some of these transition temperatures are as high as 30 K and so large errors are reported due to the larger contribution of phonon vibrations to the specific heat at such temperatures. (More information regarding the specific heat including all the values of γ and transition temperatures is available in SI Text.) As shown in Fig. 1 C and D, there is a strong correlation between ΔEα and the degree of localization of the 5f electrons, as measured by γ. This correspondence is explained by considering that the higher f-occupancy (i.e., larger γ) implies more localized f-electrons are available for screening the 2p3/2 core hole generating a more negative ΔEα, as observed.
These XANES results indicate that the final-state shifts of the white line correlate well with a ground-state measurement of the density of states. Whereas individual peaks are not observed in the white lines (Fig. 1B), there appears to be a correspondence between the width of the white line and the overall energy shift consistent with two or more configurations, though possibly also indicating a broader 6d band. Focusing on the U intermetallics, ΔEα > 6.5 eV between the end-point samples UCd11 and α-U. Using energy shifts between known oxidation states, for instance, between U3+ and U4+ oxides, a change of one electron corresponds to about 4 eV. A similar value is found between Pu oxides (20). A 6.5 eV shift implies a change in f-occupancy of nearly 1.5 electrons. Whereas this is possible, we point out that a ∼1.5 eV shift is observed between UPd3, which has an f2 configuration and is one of the few An intermetallic materials measured with a relatively well-known f-occupancy (21) and UO2, which is also f2. We contend that such a shift is due to greater screening of the core hole in UPd3 due to conduction electrons (22). Such conduction electron screening reduces the Coulombic attraction between the core hole and the photoelectron and may also affect excitations into the lower unoccupied d-states just above the Fermi level. Although this effect will be roughly constant between metals, it makes determining f-occupancy from the measured edge shifts less reliable.
To gain quantitative information about the valence in elemental U and Pu and their compounds, U and Pu L3-edge RXES data (23–26) were collected at the An Lα1 emission line (3d5/2 → 2p3/2 corresponding to an emission energy EE of about 14.2 keV for Pu and 13.6 keV for U) (Fig. 1A). Fig. 2 shows the RXES and the X-ray emission spectra (XES) for UCd11 and α-Pu at several incident energies EI as a function of the transfer energy, ET = EI - EE. Data on PuSb2, UCoGa5, and δ-Pu are available in SI Text. Because excitations into the continuum imply that states are always available above a threshold energy and EE has a constant distribution for these states, ET ∝ EI for fluorescence lines. Excitations into unoccupied states with discrete energy levels, on the other hand, have a distribution with a constant ET as a function of EI. Fig. 2 (Top) shows data collected well below the fluorescence threshold with excitations that are at approximately fixed ET as EI is increased in Fig. 2 (Bottom), though the amplitude of the three individual features varies with EI. It is important to note that excitations into states below the fluorescence threshold are not, in fact, discrete in these materials but have a finite bandwidth and so ET is expected to vary as much as a few eV. Fig. 2 B and D show the fluorescence line as a dominant feature with a ET that will increase linearly as EI increases further.
Fig. 2.
XES and RXES data on actinide intermetallics. Representative XES (A) and RXES (B) for UCd11 as an example of a strongly localized An intermetallic. (C, D), Analogous data for α-Pu as an example of a more delocalized An intermetallic. The colors in the RXES data represent the normalized emission flux. Note the clearly sharper resonance in the XES and RXES (yellow peak) plots for the UCd11 compared to the α-Pu data. Similar results for UCoGa5, PuSb2, and δ-Pu are available in SI Text.
These RXES data clearly show changes in line shape due to multiple excitation features as a function of incident energy—made possible by the improved resolution of this technique (27), which is set here by the 3d5/2 orbital (about 4 eV) rather than the 2p3/2 (7–10 eV) and the ability to separate excitations into the continuum. To determine the individual contributions to that line shape, we follow standard procedures set forth by Dallera et al. (14, 15) and find a Lorentzian line shape for the fluorescence and the discrete excitation contributions. In general, three excitations are required to fit most of the data. Although ET varies by 1 or 2 eV with EI for the lowest-ET excitation (the f3 U L3 and the f6 for Pu L3), these three excitations remain well separated by about 4 eV in ET, consistent with a difference of one electron occupancy for each state. The relative weights of each configuration and the fluorescence peak are shown in Fig. 3 as a function of EI. The total configuration fractions are then obtained by integrating these results over EI (Table 1). Absolute errors are estimated by altering the line shape for the standard discrete excitation and are about 10% (see SI Text). Relative errors between these measurements are about 2%. (Unfortunately, the PuSb2 data do not allow for such a determination because the bandwidth-related shifts in ET are too large) (see SI Text). Whereas these below-threshold excitations allow for a measurement of the state configuration fractions and the overall f-occupancy, the RXES data also allow for the determination of the fluorescence threshold energy shifts. These shifts (Fig. 3 C and F) indicate differences in the total screening of the core hole and include the effect of differences in the conduction electron density.
Fig. 3.
Multiconfigurational orbital weights. Relative weights of the principle components to (A, B) the discrete-state excitation and the (C) fluorescence spectra for the measured U intermetallic samples. (D–F) Analogous data from the Pu intermetallics. In the case of the U intermetallics, we assign the excitations at transfer energies of 3548 eV, 3552 eV, and 3556 eV to f3, f2, and f1 configurations based on comparisons to the oxide. Likewise, for the Pu intermetallics, the excitations at 3783 eV, 3787 eV, and 3791 eV are assigned to f6, f5, and f4 configurations. The threshold energy shift in (C) is about 2.2 eV, and in (D) is about 4.5 eV. Discrete-state peak coefficients for PuSb2 are somewhat different and are available in SI Text.
Table 1.
f-orbital occupancy and configuration fraction measurements
Sample |
Configuration fractions |
nf | f1 |
f2 |
f3 |
UCd11 | 2.71 | 0.07 | 0.15 | 0.78 |
UCoGa5 | 1.92 | 0.32 |
0.44 |
0.24 |
f4 |
f5 |
f6 |
δ-Pu (1.9% Ga) | 5.28 | 0.17 | 0.38 | 0.45 |
α-Pu | 5.16 | 0.19 | 0.46 | 0.35 |
Values of the f-orbital occupancies, nf, are determined by the weighted sum of the integrated intensities from each configuration peak in Fig. 3A, B, D, and E. For example, nf = (4I4 + 5I5 + 6I6)/(I4 + I5 + I6) where I4 is the integrated intensity of the f4 peak, etc. Absolute errors are estimated by altering the line shape for the standard discrete excitation and are about 10%. Relative errors between these measurements are about 2%.
These results have important implications for understanding the nature of the ground states for all the measured actinide materials in Fig. 1. In particular, Pu in the α- and δ-forms is best described with partially delocalized and strongly multiconfigurational f-orbitals to explain observed changes in the XANES and the broad features in the RXES, each as compared to data from more localized samples such as UCd11 and PuSb2. Indeed, qualitative agreement is obtained with DMFT calculations (13) for the configuration f4, f5, and f6 fractions in δ-Pu that indicate about 60% f5 configuration compared to about 38 ± 10% measured here (see Table 1 caption for discussion of error estimates). In addition, DMFT predicts a difference in the total f-occupation Δnf = 0.2 between α—and δ-Pu, whereas the RXES results give Δnf = 0.12 ± 0.02 (Table 1). Furthermore, within the estimated absolute errors, a multiconfigurational ground state occurs even for our most localized actinide sample, i.e., UCd11, raising the fundamental question of whether any true U3+ intermetallic compound actually exists. Our results not only provide an accurate measure of the f-occupancy in plutonium for the first time, they advance a new paradigm for understanding the light actinides based upon a 5f-electron multiconfigurational ground state that goes far beyond a “dual nature” scenario.
Materials and Methods
Sample Preparation.
Metallic δ-and α-phase samples were first melted and then high temperature annealed to remove any lattice defects and He gas that accumulated while aging at room temperature. Subsequently, 2.3 mm diameter discs were punch pressed, lapped, and polished using a succession of finer grit lapping films ending in a 1 μm surface finish and a final thickness of 70 μm. The samples were then dip coated with liquid Kapton and cured at 150 °C for 2 h. This encasement greatly reduces the oxidation of the metallic Pu over time. The final curing at 150 °C also reverts any potential damage or phase due to the mechanical polishing process. All sample preparation/processing was done in an inert atmosphere glove box for safety and for the minimizing of the continuous oxidative nature of these materials.
Single crystals of all Pu intermetallic compounds were grown by the molten metal flux growth technique (28) as were single crystals of UCoGa5, UM2Zn20 (M = Fe, Co, Ru), USn3, UCd11, and U2Zn17. Polycrystalline samples of UAuCu4, UAu3Ni2, UCu5, UPt3, UNi2Al3, URu2Si2, UPd2Al3, and UPd3 were synthesized by arc melting the elements on a water-cooled Cu hearth with a Zr getter under an ultrahigh pressure (UHP) Ar atmosphere. In some cases, the arc-melted samples were annealed under vacuum to improve crystallinity.
Nearly all of the X-ray data were collected in fluorescence mode on single solid pieces of material. Exceptions are XANES data from PuCoGa5, PuGa3, and PuAl2. Each of these samples was ground with a mortar and pestle and passed through a 30 μm sieve. The resulting powder was mixed with boron nitride or, in the case of PuAl2 only, brushed onto clear adhesive tape. XANES data from these powder samples were collected in transmission mode. The samples were loaded into a LHe-flow cryostat and data were collected with the samples near 30 K, though no changes with temperature have been observed up to room temperature. All fluorescence data in Fig. 1 were measured on beamline 10–2 or 11–2 at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) over a period of 10 y before and after the upgrade to that facility that took place in 2003. All data were collected using a double-crystal Si(220) monochromator half-tuned to remove unwanted harmonic energies from the X-ray beam. The fluorescence data were collected using a multielement, solid-state, Ge detector and were corrected for dead time and were also corrected for self-absorption using the program FLUO (29). All monochromator energies were calibrated to the first inflection point of the L3 edge absorption from UO2 at 17,166.0 eV (30) or PuO2 at 18,062.3 eV (20).
RXES data were collected at room temperature using the a seven-crystal Johann-type X-ray emission spectrometer (25) at the wiggler beamline 6-2 that incorporates a LN2 cooled double-crystal Si(311) monochromator and Rh-coated collimating and focusing mirrors. U Lα1 (13.6 keV) emission was measured using Ge(777) analyzer crystals, and Pu Lα1 (14.2 keV) emission was measured using Si(777) analyzer crystals. The analyzer energy was calibrated using the nearby elastic peak from the 999 reflection and the already-calibrated monochromator energy. The resolution was measured from the elastically scattered beam to be 1.4 eV and 1.7 eV, respectively, at the An Lα1 emission energies.
Determination of the line shapes follows the methods of Dallera et al. (14). The intrinsic lifetime broadening (27) of any observed features is set by the 3d5/2 orbital (approximately 4 eV) rather than the 2p3/2 (7–10 eV). The fluorescence peak line shape and position were determined at an EI that was well above threshold. The U L3 edge data were fit using ELα1 = 13,616.1 eV (UCd11) or 13,617.1 eV (UCoGa5) and a width ΓF = 5.9 eV. The Pu L3 edge data were fit using ELα1 = 1,477.7 eV and a width ΓF = 6.5 eV. The normalized emission line shape from the discrete excitations was obtained well below threshold for the most localized samples measured, namely UCd11 and PuSb2. These data were fit with a skewed Lorentzian:
![]() |
[1] |
where W is the weight coefficient at fixed for a given EI and erf is the error function. The excitation width is ΓS = 3.3 eV and the skew parameter is α = 0.29 for the U edge data and ΓS = 4.7 eV and α = 0.30 for the Pu edge data.
Once the line shape parameters were determined, an average was found for each of the three discrete states as a function of EI. These values were then fixed for the reported results at all EI except for the first peak (the f3 peak for U edge and the f6 peak for the Pu edge data). As noted in the text, this energy shifts by 1–2 eV possibly due to a broad band for this configuration. This shift is severe enough in the PuSb2 data so as to make it impossible to fit for individual f-configurations (see SI Text). Also, note that the width of each peak is due to the convolution of the spectrometer and the final-state lifetime. Difference cuts along EI showed the broadening by the intermediate-state lifetime and the mono.
In addition, below threshold the fluorescence peak was held to zero amplitude to avoid correlations with the other peaks, mostly the f4 peak for the Pu L3-edge RXES data. This constraint is not required if ET is not allowed to vary as a function of EI, and such fits generate configuration fractions within the stated error estimates, though the fits are of poorer quality; however, the fluorescence threshold in these fixed-ET fits is less well defined than shown in the floating-ET fit results in Fig. 3 C and F. An important improvement to these methods will be better defining the relationship between the fluorescence peaks and the below-threshold peaks.
As a final note, an acceptable (but much lower quality) fit can be obtained to the entire RXES spectra with the full Kramers-Heisenberg (KH) formula (23, 25) using three discrete and three fluorescence peaks giving lower estimates of nf (e.g., nf = 5.2 for δ-Pu and 5.0 for α-Pu). We attribute the low quality of these fits to the bandwidth effects in determining ET (not accounted for in such fits) and the use of perturbation theory in deriving the KH formula.
Supplementary Material
Work at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences (OBES), of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. The authors acknowledge enlightening conversations with J. A. Bradley, G. Kotliar, G. H. Lander, J.-P. Rueff, J. Seidler, J. D. Thompson, and Z. Fisk. X-ray absorption and RXES data were collected at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, a national user facility operated by Stanford University on behalf of the DOE, Office of Basic Energy Sciences. Work at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) was performed under the auspices of the U.S. DOE, OBES, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering and funded in part by the LANL Directed Research and Development program.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
*This Direct Submission article had a prearranged editor.
This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1200725109/-/DCSupplemental.
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