Fig. 7.
Deletion of CHOP results in enhanced functional recovery after SCI. A: Open field BMS locomoter analyses performed following SCI revealed a significant functional recovery in CHOP KO mice (n = 5; filled squares) when compared with WT (n = 4; filled diamonds) mice from day 14 to day 42. B: Analysis of BMS subscore post-SCI between WT and CHOP KO mice showed significant group differences at days 14, 21, and 42 post-SCI. Data (A, B) are the mean ± SD (*P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001; mixed-model ANOVA, post hoc t-test: Bonferroni). There are no subscore data at 3 and 7-day post-SCI as all BMS scores were below 5. Identical significant data were obtained in an independent replicate of this experiment (P < 0.005; WT; n = 5, CHOP null; n = 4).