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American Journal of Human Genetics logoLink to American Journal of Human Genetics
. 2012 Aug 10;91(2):215–223. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2012.06.004

A Permutation Procedure to Correct for Confounders in Case-Control Studies, Including Tests of Rare Variation

Michael P Epstein 1,, Richard Duncan 1, Yunxuan Jiang 2, Karen N Conneely 1, Andrew S Allen 3, Glen A Satten 4
PMCID: PMC3415546  PMID: 22818855


Many case-control tests of rare variation are implemented in statistical frameworks that make correction for confounders like population stratification difficult. Simple permutation of disease status is unacceptable for resolving this issue because the replicate data sets do not have the same confounding as the original data set. These limitations make it difficult to apply rare-variant tests to samples in which confounding most likely exists, e.g., samples collected from admixed populations. To enable the use of such rare-variant methods in structured samples, as well as to facilitate permutation tests for any situation in which case-control tests require adjustment for confounding covariates, we propose to establish the significance of a rare-variant test via a modified permutation procedure. Our procedure uses Fisher’s noncentral hypergeometric distribution to generate permuted data sets with the same structure present in the actual data set such that inference is valid in the presence of confounding factors. We use simulated sequence data based on coalescent models to show that our permutation strategy corrects for confounding due to population stratification that, if ignored, would otherwise inflate the size of a rare-variant test. We further illustrate the approach by using sequence data from the Dallas Heart Study of energy metabolism traits. Researchers can implement our permutation approach by using the R package BiasedUrn.


Association mapping of rare variants (those with a minor allele frequency [MAF] < 1%) and less-common variants (those with a MAF between 1% and 5%) requires different analytic methods from those typically used for the detection of common genetic variants in a genome-wide association study (GWAS). For a case-control study, GWAS-based statistical methods usually consider genetic variants individually and develop an association test based on allele-frequency differences of the variant between cases and controls. For rare-variant analysis, this strategy will most likely have inadequate power given that power decreases with decreasing allele frequency for fixed sample and effect sizes. Thus, many recent publications recommend association tests that aggregate rare and less-common variants within a gene or region for analysis. Many “burden” tests pool such variants into a composite variable and then test for association between that composite variable and disease status. The composite variable could be a binary indicator of whether a subject possesses a rare variant (defined as a variant below some allele-frequency threshold value) within the region of interest1–3 or could be a sum over the number of rare variants that a subject possesses across that region.4–6 Other tests that remain powerful when testing regions containing risk and protective rare variants include the replication-based test (RBT),7 the C-alpha test,8 and the weighted haplotype and imputation-based test (WHaIT),9 among others.10–13

An open issue with rare-variant association tests is their validity in the presence of confounders such as population stratification. Confounding from population stratification occurs when genetic variation is correlated with variation in disease risk across latent subpopulations or geographic gradients. This confounding is likely to arise in association studies of rare variants because such variants might be unique to a particular ancestral group.14,15 Like common-variant tests employed in GWASs, certain rare-variant tests like SKAT12 and others implemented in a logistic-regression framework2,5,13 can incorporate summary measures of such variables as covariates. Unfortunately, many other rare-variant association tests that exist today are implemented in statistical frameworks that do not allow such straightforward corrections for confounders. These include the RBT method,7 which creates a statistic that detects enrichment of rare variants in cases versus controls and vice versa and that can also incorporate adaptive weights, and the C-alpha test,8 which uses a general homogeneity score statistic16 to test whether the variance in the proportion of cases that possess rare variants within a region differs from the expected binomial distribution if all variants are neutral. Many other rare-variant tests that do not correct for covariates also exist.4,9,17–20

In addition to those rare-variant tests that cannot directly adjust for confounders, there are other rare-variant tests that offer only limited mechanisms to correct for such variables. One such example is the variable-allele-frequency threshold test,3 which proposes adjusting for covariates by the replacement of disease-outcome variables in the test statistic with residuals from a regression analysis of disease outcome on covariates under a linear model. Such a strategy is not ideal because studies have shown that applying a linear model to binary disease-outcome data can lead to an inappropriate correction for confounding.21–23 Another test with restricted ability to correct for confounders is the cumulative minor-allele test (CMAT),6 which allows for the adjustment of a single categorical covariate. Such an adjustment will be insufficient if there is a need to model multiple continuous covariates, such as summary ancestry measures based on significant eigenvectors from a principal-component analysis of genome-wide SNP data.

For case-control studies, we propose a method that enables the adjustment of any association test, including the rare-variant association tests discussed previously, for an arbitrary number of categorical and continuous confounding covariates. These covariates can include summary measures of ancestry to correct for confounding due to population stratification. Our strategy involves a permutation procedure that repeatedly shuffles the disease outcomes of study participants in a way that generates permuted (replicate) data sets with the same extent of confounding found in the original data set. The distribution of any test statistic, calculated with these replicate data sets, is a valid null distribution for the test statistic. Whereas other rare-variant tests (including the RBT, CMAT, and WHaIT) already use permutations to establish significance thresholds, such permutations are performed by random shuffling of case or control status among individuals; this shuffling does not preserve the confounding present in the data set and thereby invalidates the use of the distribution of permuted statistics for inference when confounding exists.

To implement our approach, we first model the odds of disease given confounding covariables (typically by using logistic regression). We then use Fisher’s noncentral hypergeometric distribution24 to resample disease status such that the odds of a subject being selected as a case are equal to his or her odds of disease conditional on confounder variables (which we previously defined as the stratification score in Epstein et al.25). The sampling is carried out with the open source R package BiasedUrn.26,27 Using simulated sequence data, we apply our permutation strategy to three existing rare-variant tests (RBT, CMAT, and C-alpha) and show that it corrects for confounding due to population stratification that would otherwise inflate the size of these rare-variant statistics. In addition, we show that even the standard single-locus tests commonly used for analyzing GWASs might benefit from our approach when the MAF is small enough that only a few risk alleles are observed in the population. We also illustrate the approach with an application to sequence data from the Dallas Heart Study of energy metabolism traits.28,29

Material and Methods

We assume a case-control study with N1 case participants and N0 control participants and let N=N0+N1. For j=1,...,N, we let Dj indicate the jth study participant’s disease status for which Dj=1 represents a case participant and Dj=0 represents a control participant. For the jth study participant, we let Cj be the covariate vector that we will adjust for when evaluating the relationship between rare variants and disease outcome by using an appropriate test statistic. The vector Cj can include summary measures of ancestry, such as eigenvectors from principal-component analysis30,31 or spectral-graph analysis32 of GWAS SNP data. Additionally, Cj can include other potential confounders, such as age, smoking status, and body mass index (BMI).

We use permutation to establish the significance of an observed association between genetic variants and disease status. If confounding exists, then certain subjects will have greater odds of being a case than will other subjects even after differences in causal risk factors are accounted for. Therefore, we propose sampling a permuted data set in such a way that the odds of a subject being selected as a case are equal to his or her odds of disease conditional on confounder variables. For permutation k, we let rk=(rk1,rk2,,rkN)T be the N-dimensional vector whose jth component is 1 if the jth study participant is selected as a case and 0 if the participant is selected as a control. On the basis of the study design, each rk will have N1 components valued at 1 and N0 components valued at 0. As shown in Table 1, rk corresponds to the vector of cell occupation counts for the first row of the table given that all row and column marginal totals are fixed. Thus, the distribution of rk is governed by a multivariate hypergeometric distribution.24 Therefore, we sample rk by using Fisher’s noncentral hypergeometric distribution with noncentrality parameter θˆ=(θˆ1,θˆ2,,θˆN), where θˆj is subject j’s estimated odds of disease conditional on confounder variables Cj (previously defined as the stratification score25).

Table 1.

Sampling a Permuted Data Set

j = 1 j = 2 j = N Total
Case rk1 rk2 rkN N1
Control 1rk1 1rk2 1rkN N0
Total 1 1 1

A key aspect of our approach is that the confounding role of covariates is maintained in each permuted data set even though the association between risk genotypes (or, more generally, exposure) and disease is broken. Recall that a covariate is a confounder if it influences both genotype and disease. Because we reassign only disease status, any relationship between confounding covariates and genotype found in the original data is maintained in each permutation data set. Furthermore, sampling from Table 1 with Fisher’s noncentral hypergeometric distribution with each participant’s odds of disease θj given covariates Cj maintains the relationship between confounding covariates and disease status. In particular, the odds that individual j is chosen to be a case is θj. However, any association between genotype and disease is broken because genotype is not considered in the calculation of the stratification score θj or in the resampling of disease status.

We estimate θˆj with the logistic regression model

log(P[Dj=1|Cj]P[Dj=0|Cj])log(θj)=α+γT·Cj, (Equation 1)

where α is an intercept and γ is a vector of disease-risk parameters corresponding to the elements in Cj. We use the maximum-likelihood estimates of these parameters to construct the estimated odds of disease θˆj for subject j as

θˆj=exp(αˆ+γˆT·Cj). (Equation 2)

Using θˆj in Equation 2, we construct the probability mass function of Fisher’s noncentral hypergeometric distribution as

f(rk;θˆ,N1)=g(rk;θˆ)sΞg(s;θˆ), (Equation 3)

where g(rk;θˆ)=j=1Nθˆjrkj and Ξ denotes the set of all possible rk configurations consistent with Table 1. We observe that f(rk;θˆ,N1) in Equation 3 does not depend on αˆ in Equation 2 because the intercept cancels from numerator and denominator.

We point out that, within Cj, specific covariates that do not predict disease status should have little impact on θˆj because their disease-risk parameters γ should be small. Note that use of the estimated odds (Equation 2) in place of the true odds is justified given that our method can be considered as a type of parametric bootstrap. Specifically, our sampling procedure can be thought of as a bootstrap in which we prospectively assign each participant a disease outcome on the basis of the logistic model (Equation 1) but then reject all data sets that do not contain N1 case and N0 control participants.

Up until now, we have avoided specification of an alternate hypothesis so that the replicate data sets we generate can be used for any hypothesis test provided that the composite null hypothesis (Equation 1) is correctly specified. If we are willing to assume a parametric alternative hypothesis, we can exploit the connection between our resampling approach and the parametric bootstrap to generate replicate data sets under a specified alternative hypothesis. For example, we can assume that

log(P[Dj=1|Gj,Cj]P[Dj=0|Gj,Cj])log(θj)=α+β·Gj+γT·Cj, (Equation 4)

where Gj counts the number of minor alleles found at a risk locus. Although standard asymptotic methods can be used for making inference about β, we can question these methods when the MAF of the variant is less common (<5%).

To generate a resampling-based confidence interval for (βˆβ) under the alternative hypothesis (Equation 4), we first estimate coefficients α, γ, and β. We then use these estimates in Equation 4 to estimate θˆj and then use these estimates of θj to generate replicates as described previously. We then fit Equation 4 to each replicate data set and collect βˆr, the β estimate obtained from the rth replicate. Because these replicates correspond to a parametric bootstrap sample in which all data sets that do not have N1 case and N0 control participants are rejected, we can base inference on the observed distribution of the βˆr values. For example, we can construct a confidence interval for βˆ by using the quantiles of the resampling distribution of βˆr. Other bootstrap-based confidence regions described in Efron and Tibshirani33 can also be calculated.


We generated random variates from Fisher’s noncentral hypergeometric distribution by using the R package BiasedUrn created by Fog.26 The name “Biased Urn” refers to a related use of Fisher’s multivariate hypergeometric distribution in an urn-model problem in which each of N balls has a specified odds of being selected and in which we sample N1 of these balls without replacement. As distributed in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), the BiasedUrn package has set the maximum number of columns in Table 1 to 32. So that the package is amenable for the sample sizes expected from resequencing studies, the package is recompiled so that it can generate permutation data sets for any case-control study in which N ≤ 10,000. On our website, we provide instructions on how to recompile and install this package with the increased value for N (see Web Resources). We also provide sample R code implementing the approach in Appendix A. Because we use the R package BiasedUrn for calculations involving Fisher’s noncentral hypergeometric distribution, we refer to our sampling procedure as biased urn sampling throughout the remainder of the paper.


Biased Urn Sampling Preserves Structure in the Original Data Set

We first performed a proof-of-principle simulation on the basis of an existing GWAS to ensure that our proposed biased urn sampling strategy with Fisher’s noncentral hypergeometric distribution would preserve the structure present within a data set (such structure is not preserved with random [naïve] permutations.) We used data from a case-control GWAS of African American subjects with schizophrenia (these data are available for download from the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes [dbGaP]34 [see Web Resources and Acknowledgments]). The GWAS data set initially consisted of data from 921 case and 954 control participants genotyped for 845,814 SNPs on the Affymetrix 6.0 platform. After we used the PLINK software package35 to implement quality-control procedures similar to those described in Fellay et al.,36 our final sample consisted of data from 907 case and 937 control participants genotyped for 808,169 SNPs. We then used a reduced set of 41,182 SNPs in approximate linkage equilibrium (pairwise r2 ≤ 0.04 as determined by PLINK) to infer eigenvectors from principal-component analysis;31 these eigenvectors serve as summary measures of ancestry. On the basis of the principal-component analysis, we used Tracy-Widom statistics to identify eight eigenvectors that were significant at level α = 0.01.

We fit the logistic regression model (Equation 1) to our sample of 907 cases and 937 controls, and we let Cj represent the vector of the eight significant eigenvectors for study participant j. The maximum-likelihood estimates of γˆ=(γˆ1,γˆ2,,γˆ8) are shown in the second column of Table 2. We next examined whether permuted data sets generated with our biased urn sampling procedure maintained the structure found within the original case-control data set. We generated a permuted data set by using our biased urn sampling procedure and then refit the logistic regression model (Equation 1) to the new data set to obtain a new estimate of γ. We repeated this process 1,000 times and recorded the mean value of γ across the permuted data sets in the third column of Table 2. The results clearly show that permuted data sets generated with our biased urn procedure maintain the same population structure found within the original data set; however, when we repeated the same analysis by using the standard approach of randomly permuting the disease status without regard for confounding, we saw that the structure present in the case-control sample was not preserved in the permuted data sets (see fourth column of Table 2). This confirms that the use of random permutations for assessing the significance of rare-variant association tests like RBT and WHaIT, which ignore confounders, could lead to erroneous inference if the observed association is due to confounding in the original case-control sample.

Table 2.

Regression Coefficient Estimates Under Biased Urn and Random Permutation Schemes

Original Data Permutation Scheme
Biased Urn
Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
γ1 −8.39 −8.47 (2.02) −0.06 (2.03)
γ2 1.41 1.44 (2.14) −0.08 (2.03)
γ3 −2.13 −2.28 (2.00) −0.11 (2.04)
γ4 −4.86 −4.96 (2.05) −0.09 (2.03)
γ5 −0.88 −0.93 (2.02) −0.08 (2.02)
γ6 0.69 0.80 (2.09) 0.01 (2.03)
γ7 −1.22 −1.24 (2.01) 0.00 (2.04)
γ8 −0.76 −0.80 (1.99) 0.03 (1.96)

The results for each permutation scheme are based on 1,000 permutations of the data set. The following abbreviation is used: SD, standard deviation.

Simulations to Assess Validity of Rare-Variant Tests in the Presence of Confounding

We compared the performance of the biased urn sampling procedure with that of random permutations on different rare-variant tests by using simulated resequencing data sets that were subjected to confounding arising from population stratification. We used the coalescent simulator cosi37 to produce large sets of haplotypes (ranging from 10 kb to 100 kb) whose variation patterns mimicked those observed in HapMap YRI (Yoruba in Ibadan, Nigeria) and CEU (Utah residents with ancestry from northern and western Europe from the CEPH collection) samples. Randomly pairing haplotypes to form diplotypes, we prospectively generated case-control data sets in which a subject’s odds of disease were a function of the average percentage of African ancestry across the region, and we thereby induced confounding. We assumed an overall disease prevalence of 0.01. We considered both discrete population models that treated the YRI and CEU haplotypes as separate groups and admixture models that created haplotypes that were a mixture of YRI and CEU ancestry. We generated admixed haplotypes by using the model of Price et al.;38 for a given haplotype, this model assumes crossover events occurring after initial admixture by using an exponential distribution with parameter λ (corresponding to the number of generations since initial admixture; we assumed this value to be 6). These crossover events divide the haplotype into distinct segments. With probability τ, we filled a segment with the corresponding segment from a European haplotype; otherwise, we filled it with the corresponding segment from an African haplotype. τ was sampled from a Beta(3,12) distribution.39

For each simulated data set, we applied the CMAT,6 RBT,7 and C-alpha8 test to test for association between disease and the rare variants (defined as those variants with a sample MAF threshold < 5%) within the region. For each test, we first established significance by using 5,000 random permutations that did not adjust for confounding due to population stratification. Next, we established the significance of the test by using 5,000 data sets generated with biased urn sampling that adjusted for this confounding. To do this, we simulated genotype data for each subject on at least 10,000 SNPs that were selected from HapMap and showed marked allele-frequency differences between HapMap YRI and CEU samples. We then constructed principal components30,31 for each subject on the basis of the SNP data and used them to construct the stratification score in Equation 2; we then used this stratification score within the biased urn procedure in Equation 3. We also investigated similar sampling based on known ancestry.

Table 3 provides empirical type-I error rates for the CMAT, RBT, and C-alpha test for 10 kb regions on the basis of biased urn and random permutation procedures, whereas Table 4 provides such rates for 100 kb regions. For each table, the results show that biased urn sampling and random permutations both maintain the appropriate significance level when no confounding exists within the simulated data sets (the odds ratio of African to European ancestry is 1). However, when we induce confounding in the simulated data sets (when the odds ratio of African to European ancestry > 1), we see that biased urn sampling maintains appropriate type-I error, whereas random permutations yield inflated size. This inflation increases with the degree of confounding. These results are based on simulations under discrete population models; we see similar findings for admixture models (results not shown).

Table 3.

Type-I Error Results Under Confounding for 10 kb Regions

Test Odds Ratio of Disease (YRI versus CEU) α = 0.05
α = 0.005
Biased Urn Random Biased Urn Random
1 0.0521 0.0511 0.0046 0.0045
2 0.0450 0.0850 0.0047 0.0123
4 0.0485 0.1607 0.0053 0.0503
8 0.0551 0.2366 0.0058 0.1004

1 0.0469 0.0468 0.0043 0.0042
2 0.0487 0.0591 0.0045 0.0066
4 0.0501 0.0962 0.0055 0.0169
8 0.0546 0.1994 0.0055 0.0463

C-alpha 1 0.0491 0.0542 0.0043 0.0051
2 0.0460 0.1712 0.0049 0.0364
4 0.0453 0.4890 0.0042 0.2251
8 0.0527 0.7603 0.0055 0.5011

These results are based on 10,000 replicates each assuming 300 cases and 300 controls. The significance of each replicate was established with 5,000 permutations. The following abbreviations are used: YRI, Yoruba in Ibadan, Nigeria; CEU, Utah residents with ancestry from northern and western Europe from the CEPH collection; CMAT, cumulative minor-allele test; and RBT, replication-based test.

Table 4.

Type-I Error Results Under Confounding for 100 kb Regions

Test Odds Ratio of Disease (YRI versus CEU) α = 0.05
α = 0.005
Biased Urn Random Biased Urn Random
1 0.0466 0.0482 0.0045 0.0048
2 0.0474 0.1040 0.0048 0.0192
4 0.0480 0.2308 0.0050 0.0868
8 0.0544 0.3035 0.0052 0.1439

1 0.0477 0.0497 0.0048 0.0053
2 0.0445 0.0691 0.0046 0.0080
4 0.0461 0.1463 0.0042 0.0308
8 0.0515 0.3986 0.0057 0.1406

C-alpha 1 0.0440 0.0501 0.0044 0.0049
2 0.0402 0.2834 0.0040 0.0727
4 0.0410 0.7962 0.0050 0.5049
8 0.0422 0.9771 0.0038 0.8729

These results are based on 10,000 replicates each assuming 300 cases and 300 controls. The significance of each replicate was established with 5,000 permutations. The following abbreviations are used: YRI, Yoruba in Ibadan, Nigeria; CEU, Utah residents with ancestry from northern and western Europe from the CEPH collection; CMAT, cumulative minor-allele test; and RBT, replication-based test.

To ensure that biased urn sampling’s preservation of type-I error under confounding did not reduce power, we performed a simulation under an alternative model, in which we assumed stratification but no confounding due to stratification in samples (by assuming the odds ratio of African to European ancestry was 1). Within a simulated region, we assumed that 10% of variants with a MAF < 0.01 were causal and that each variant independently increased disease risk under a log-additive model; we assumed that the relative risk of each causal variant was identical. Table 5 provides power results for biased urn sampling and random permutations for different values of relative risk. These results show that the power of biased urn and random permutations are quite similar in these situations, suggesting that biased urn will yield results analogous to random permutations when confounding is absent, whereas the procedure has appropriate control of size when confounding is present.

Table 5.

Power Results for 10 kb Regions

Test Permutation Scheme Relative Risk of Rare Variant
1.5 2.0 2.5
Biased urn 0.135 0.244 0.290
Random 0.141 0.241 0.289

Biased urn 0.144 0.263 0.373
Random 0.144 0.273 0.383

C-alpha Biased urn 0.267 0.552 0.735
Random 0.279 0.572 0.754

Results assume 300 cases and 300 controls. Results were evaluated at α = 0.05 and are based on 1,000 replicates. The significance of each replicate was established with 5,000 permutations. Simulations assumed no confounding due to population stratification. Ten percent of rare variants (MAF ≤ 1%) were assumed to be causal in the region. Each causal rare variant was assumed to have an identical relative-risk value. For the RBT, we tested a one-sided hypothesis of excess rare variants in cases compared to controls. The following abbreviations are used: CMAT, cumulative minor-allele test; and RBT, replication-based test.

Resampling-Based Confidence Intervals of Variant Risk Estimates

For less-common variants, we examined the confidence intervals of risk estimates based on our biased urn sampling under the alternative hypothesis specified in Equation 4 and compared such intervals to those derived on the basis of asymptotic theory. Assuming a disease prevalence of 0.01, we prospectively generated 5,000 data sets comprising 300 cases and 300 controls as described previously. We assumed a risk variant with a MAF of 0.02 (and an effect size of β = 1 on the log-disease-odds scale) and further induced confounding by letting the disease odds ratio of each African chromosome be 4. For each data set, we calculated a 95% resampling-based confidence interval for the variant risk estimate by using 10,000 biased urn replicates generated from Equation 3 on the basis of the model in Equation 4. We calculated resampling-based confidence intervals various ways, including by using the quantiles of the resampled estimates and a bias-corrected calculation.40 We also calculated an asymptotic 95% confidence interval for the estimate of the variant effect on the basis of a standard logistic-regression model adjusting for the effect of the confounding.

Our simulations revealed that the resampling-based confidence intervals had appropriate coverage and were smaller in magnitude than the corresponding asymptotic interval. We observed that our 95% resampling-based confidence interval calculated with quantiles had appropriate coverage of 0.949. The coverage of the asymptotic 95% confidence interval was also appropriate (0.953); however, the resampling-based confidence intervals were somewhat shorter than the asymptotic intervals and shifted away from the null. We found that the mean 95% resampling-based confidence interval calculated with quantiles was (0.122, 2.120), whereas the corresponding asymptotic confidence interval was wider at (−0.029, 2.087) and further contained the null value of 0. We observed similar trends for 99% confidence intervals (results not shown).

Application to the Dallas Heart Study

The Dallas Heart Study is a multiethnic population-based study that previously examined the relationship between sequence variation within ANGPTL3 (MIM 604774), ANGPTL4 (MIM 605910), and ANGPTL5 (MIM 607666) and various quantitative metabolism-related traits.28,29 Coding regions of these three genes were sequenced in a group of 3,476 subjects (1,830 African Americans, 1,045 European Americans, and 601 Hispanics). In this application, we studied two metabolic outcomes: triglyceride levels and BMI. Prior to analysis, we first removed data from 216 subjects who were being treated with statins. Then, for each outcome, we selected subjects in the top and bottom 20% of the outcome distribution (after removing subjects with missing outcomes) to mimic a case-control study design. To study triglycerides, we obtained 570 case and 570 control participants. To study BMI, we obtained 563 case and 563 control participants.

We applied the CMAT6 to test for association between rare nonsynonymous (NS) variants in ANGPTL3, ANGPTL4, and ANGPTL5 and our case-control representations of triglycerides and BMI. Within the triglyceride sample, we found 36 NS variants in ANGPTL3, 39 in ANGPTL4, and 27 in ANGPTL5. Within the BMI sample, we saw 36 NS variants in ANGPTL3, 38 in ANGPTL4, and 27 in ANGPTL5. For each CMAT statistic, we established significance by using both random permutations and biased urn sampling that adjusted for the effects of age, gender, and race. The results of these analyses are shown in Table 6. The results clearly show that the CMAT p values based on random permutations are smaller than their corresponding p values based on biased urn sampling adjusting for confounders. Notably, failing to adjust for confounders appears to lead to a spurious association between rare NS variants in ANGPTL5 and triglyceride levels. Subsequent investigation revealed that, as expected, race was a confounder because it was associated with both case-control status (p < 0.0001) and the presence of rare NS variants in ANGPTL5 (p = 0.0002). We also repeated the analyses by using a two-sided version of the RBT7 and observed similar findings and trends (Table 7). We also applied the C-alpha8 test and observed similar trends with the exception that there was no evidence of association between rare NS variants in ANGPTL5 and either BMI or triglyceride levels with the use of either random permutations or biased urn sampling (Table 8).

Table 6.

CMAT Analysis of Sequence Data from the Dallas Heart Study

Trait Gene p Value of CMAT
Random Permutations Biased Urn Permutations
ANGPTL3 <0.0001 0.0141
ANGPTL4 <0.0001 0.0015
ANGPTL5 0.0201 0.0974

BMI ANGPTL3 0.5930 0.7418
ANGPTL4 0.6984 0.7058
ANGPTL5 0.0077 0.0301

Biased urn permutations are corrected for effects of age, gender, and race. Analysis is based only on nonsynonymous variants in each gene. Each p value is based on 10,000 permutations. The following abbreviations are used: CMAT, cumulative minor-allele test; and BMI, body mass index.

Table 7.

RBT Analysis of Sequence Data from the Dallas Heart Study

Trait Gene p Value of RBT
Random Permutations Biased Urn Permutations
ANGPTL3 0.0006 0.0126
ANGPTL4 <0.0001 0.0034
ANGPTL5 0.0231 0.1102

BMI ANGPTL3 0.5174 0.6890
ANGPTL4 0.9180 0.9348
ANGPTL5 0.0046 0.0170

Biased urn permutations are corrected for effects of age, gender, and race. Analysis is based only on nonsynonymous variants in each gene. Each p value is based on 10,000 permutations. The following abbreviations are used: RBT, replication-based test; and BMI, body mass index.

Table 8.

C-Alpha Analysis of Sequence Data from the Dallas Heart Study

Trait Gene p Value of C-Alpha Test
Random Permutations Biased Urn Permutations
ANGPTL3 <0.0001 0.0010
ANGPTL4 0.0001 0.0363
ANGPTL5 0.1572 0.2043

BMI ANGPTL3 0.9168 0.9814
ANGPTL4 0.8314 0.8472
ANGPTL5 0.2310 0.2872

Biased urn permutations are corrected for effects of age, gender, and race. Analysis is based only on nonsynonymous variants in each gene. Each p value is based on 10,000 permutations. The following abbreviation is used: BMI, body mass index.


In this article, we propose a simple biased urn sampling procedure (based on the use of Fisher’s noncentral hypergeometric distribution) that resamples subjects under the null hypothesis of no association in a way that preserves the confounding present in the actual data set. This procedure is particularly valuable for rare-variant association tests, many of which are not easily adjusted for probable confounders like population stratification and whose applicability is thus limited in case-control resequencing studies. With a combination of simulated and real data sets, we have illustrated how our approach corrects for confounding in three common rare-variant association tests. In addition, we have shown how resampling-based confidence intervals of risk estimates for individual susceptibility variants can be calculated when a parametric alternative hypothesis is specified.

Our procedure adjusts rare-variant association testing for confounders by using permutation, which is a common resampling procedure used for statistical inference. Another resampling procedure called the parametric bootstrap41 has been proposed by Lin and Tang13 for adjusting logistic-regression-based rare-variant association tests for the effects of covariates. The parametric bootstrap of Lin and Tang creates replicate data sets from a prospective model in which the disease outcome of each subject in a data set is generated on the basis of the subject’s probability of disease conditional on covariates (which we write as θˆj/(1+θˆj) by using the notation in Equation 2). For logistic regression, it is known that a retrospective analysis of such prospectively generated data can give the same results (except for the intercept, which is typically not of interest). Furthermore, it is also known that logistic regression is indifferent to whether row and/or column totals in Table 1 are held fixed. However, because the parametric bootstrap does not preserve the number of cases and controls within each generated data set, it is unclear whether it can be applied to tests that are not based on logistic regression. Our biased urn procedure, on the other hand, possesses the useful feature that it preserves the number of cases and controls within each sample by design and so corresponds to retrospective sampling. For this reason, it can be applied to any test that is appropriate for case-control data as long as a valid model for the stratification score is used. Such preservation of case-control numbers in replicate data sets is particularly valuable for exome-sequencing studies of Mendelian traits, studies which often possess only a handful of cases for analysis.19 Finally, we note that we could apply the parametric bootstrap in such a manner that we only accept data sets that preserve the original number of cases and controls, but such a procedure will be much less computationally efficient than biased urn sampling. In our simulations, we observed that this approach required ∼25× more computation time than biased urn sampling across different sample sizes.

Our biased urn sampling is implemented in a recompiled version of the R BiasedUrn package. Appendix A provides sample code for applying the approach. The computation time required for generating permuted data sets depends on sample size but is reasonable even for studies composed of thousands of participants. On a single 3.20 GHz Intel Xeon central processing unit running Windows XP on a Dell PowerEdge 2950 server with 2 GB of random-access memory, the generation of 10,000 permuted data sets for sample sizes of 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 required ∼30 s, ∼8 min, and ∼30 min of computation time, respectively. Furthermore, the process can be implemented in parallel for the reduction of computation time.


Any opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants HG003618 (to M.P.E and R.D.) and MH084680 (to A.S.A). We thank Jonathan Cohen for providing us with sequence data from the Dallas Heart Study. We thank Michael Boehnke and three anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments that improved this article. We thank Cheryl Strauss for assistance with technical editing of the article. Funding support for “Genome-Wide Association Study of Schizophrenia” was provided by the National Institutes of Health, and the genotyping of samples was a courtesy of the Genetic Association Information Network. The data set used for the analyses described in this manuscript was obtained from the database of Genotype and Phenotype (dbGaP) found at through dbGaP accession number phs000021.v2.p1. Samples and associated phenotype data for “Genome-Wide Association Study of Schizophrenia” were provided by Pablo V. Gejman, MD.

Appendix A: Sample R Code for Implementing Biased Urn Sampling Procedure

  • library(‘BiasedUrn’) #load (modified) package

  • # Assume one has already scanned in required data set.

  • # dis: array of disease outcomes (1 affected, 0 unaffected) for N subjects

  • # z: covariate matrix of dimension N × C

  • < - sum(dis) # number of cases

  • n.perm < - 1000 # number of permutations

  • # step 1: fit logistic-regression model in Equation 1

  • model < - glm (dis ∼z, family= binomial())

  • # step 2: construct estimated disease odds in Equation 2

  • d.odds < - exp (model$linear.predictors)

  • # step 3: generate N x n.perm matrix of permuted data sets

  • m1 < - c(rep(1, length(dis)))

  • perm.hg < - rMFNCHypergeo(n.perm, m1,, d.odds)

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