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. 2012 Apr 2;590(Pt 11):2613–2628. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2011.224238

How the Hodgkin–Huxley equations inspired the Cardiac Physiome Project

Denis Noble 1, Alan Garny 1, Penelope J Noble 1
PMCID: PMC3424720  PMID: 22473779


Early modelling of cardiac cells (1960–1980) was based on extensions of the Hodgkin–Huxley nerve axon equations with additional channels incorporated, but after 1980 it became clear that processes other than ion channel gating were also critical in generating electrical activity. This article reviews the development of models representing almost all cell types in the heart, many different species, and the software tools that have been created to facilitate the cardiac Physiome Project.

Inline graphic

Denis Noble (left) is Emeritus Professor of Cardiovascular Physiology in the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics at Oxford University. Fifty years ago, he published the first mathematical model of the electrical activity of the heart based on experimental measurements of ion channels. This has since been developed into the virtual heart project within the Human Physiome Project of the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS). Penelope Noble (middle) is a research assistant in the same department. During her 15 years working on various projects in the Oxford Cardiac Electrophysiology Group, she has maintained the OXSOFT HEART software, first written by Denis Noble for simulations using cardiac cell models, and then translated for many of the currently available cell models into other computer languages so that they could be run in more recent simulation packages; including COR, CHASTE and OpenCOR. She has been involved in the effort to make all these models publicly available in CellML and in several research studies using the models. Penelope also works as a psychotherapist. Alan Garny (right) is a senior research scientist in the same department. Alan studied software engineering before undertaking a DPhil in the group of Denis Noble. Alan has expertise in both cardiac electrophysiological modelling, from single cell to tissue level, as well as in the development of cardiac modelling tools (he is the author of COR, the first public CellML-based environment). He is currently the project manager and lead developer of OpenCOR (a replacement for COR and OpenCell, another CellML tool), as well as still being involved in cardiac electrophysiological modelling.


The 1952 paper by Hodgkin & Huxley raised quantitative and computational analysis of physiological function to an entirely new level. Precise measurements of sodium and potassium ion channel kinetics were used to formulate differential equations that were then solved to yield accurate predictions of the voltage waveform of the nerve impulse and of its conduction velocity. The kinetic equations took the form of conformational change reactions responsible for opening and closing the channels, with the electrical potential determining the rate coefficients of these reactions. It was this combination of reaction theory with the physics of electric current flow in the nerve axon which was the key to success. Those conformational reactions (m, h and n in the Hodgkin–Huxley (HH) equations) could eventually become identified with molecular configurations of the channel proteins, and so open the way to molecular biological interpretations of the processes involved. This approach differed fundamentally from the purely ‘physical’ approach adopted, for example, by Cole (Cole & Curtis, 1939; Cole, 1968). Cole had realised that representing the nerve membrane by a capacitor, resistors and batteries was not sufficient. There was inductive behaviour as well to account for. In his analysis, an inductor was added to complete the picture (Cole & Curtis, 1939), but this approach could not connect in the same way to the molecular biology of ion channels. We have also to remember that it was by no means certain at that time that such channels existed. Attempts to attribute the electrical properties of a nerve membrane to natural processes in the lipid structure were still being made. Cole later generously acknowledged the ground-breaking nature of the Hodgkin–Huxley papers: “It is hard to believe that this collection will not remain an obvious turning point in electrophysiology and membrane biophysics” (Cole, 1968, p. 274).

Hodgkin and Huxley's deep insights, fusing conformational reaction kinetics and electrical processes, were therefore critical to their success. They were also fortunate in the choice of preparation. The squid giant nerve axon was not only large enough to permit the insertion of the relatively large voltage clamp electrodes; it was also one of the simplest excitable cells, with just two identifiable ion channels. Other excitable cells, such as the heart, have proved far more complex. One of us (D.N.) received a letter from Cole with a gift of his book (Cole, 1968) in which he confessed “Nerve has been so tedious. How can the heart be much more difficult?”

Initially, it was thought that the heart could be analysed with relatively modest extensions of the Hodgkin–Huxley equations. Noble added the inward potassium rectifier, IK1 (Hutter & Noble, 1960; Noble, 1965), and greatly slowed the kinetics of the delayed rectifier, IK, both of which were identified in the experimental work on which the 1962 model was based (Hall et al. 1963a; Hall & Noble, 1963b; Noble, 1965). This was sufficient to generate voltage waveforms very similar to those recorded experimentally in the conducting tissue of the ventricle (the Purkinje fibres) and to reconstruct important experiments on the conductance changes and dependence on ion concentrations (Noble, 1962, 1966). But it was not long before the extension of the voltage clamp technique to the heart (Deck & Trautwein, 1964) revealed a much richer array of ion channels, including multiple delayed rectification channels (Noble & Tsien, 1968, 1969a,b), calcium channels (Reuter, 1967) and the involvement of the sodium–potassium (Gadsby, 1980) and sodium–calcium (Reuter & Seitz, 1968) exchangers.

The early canonical models

Other recent review articles (Noble, 2007, 2011) have analysed the detailed interaction between experiment and theory that led to the early canonical models. Here, we will focus on the modelling implications as an introduction to the central part of this article, which will be to review the current state of cardiac cell modelling and the tools that have been developed. These early models include the McAllister–Noble–Tsien (MNT) (McAllister et al. 1975), Beeler–Reuter (BR) (Beeler & Reuter, 1977), Noble–Noble (NN) (Noble & Noble, 1984), Noma–Irisawa (NI), DiFrancesco–Noble (DN) (DiFrancesco & Noble, 1985), Hilgemann–Noble (HN) (Hilgemann & Noble, 1987) and Earm–Noble (EM) (Earm & Noble, 1990) models.

The MNT model added the multiple slow potassium ion channels and the calcium ion channels. These were significant extensions in themselves, but the importance of the MNT model is that it was the first to use detailed experimental measurements for deriving the voltage dependence of the rate equations in the HH formulation. This model set the quantitative standard, and as a consequence it had considerable success in explaining experimental results, such as the counter-intuitive effects of small current perturbations on cardiac rhythm (McAllister et al. 1975, see Fig. 14; Weidmann, 1951). It was also the basis for the extension to the ventricular muscle cells developed in the BR model, which was the first model of cells from the ventricular muscle mass rather than from the Purkinje conducting tissue.

The DN model incorporated the hyperpolarizing-activated mixed cation (Na+–K+) channel If (DiFrancesco, 1981) to replace the role of IK2 in the MNT model. This also was a significant extension in terms of types of ion channels and it opened the way to more accurate models of pacemaker activity. There was, however, an additional aspect which was ground-breaking. This was the incorporation for the first time of changes in intracellular and extracellular ionic concentrations and of the intracellular calcium signalling system. This was the most significant departure from the HH formulation. Cardiac models continued to be inspired by the Hodgkin–Huxley work, but they also started to include many processes that were not in the HH nerve equations.

It was the modelling of calcium movements that led to the HN and EM models. These were based on Hilgemann's (1986a,b) demonstration that calcium efflux begins during the repolarization process rather than when this process is complete. This work matched the prediction of the DN model that there should be a contribution of sodium–calcium exchange current to the action potential itself. The EM model extended this approach and was the first model to be based on work on single cardiac cells rather than multicellular cardiac tissue.

A review of current heart cell models

There are now so many cardiac cell models that it is impossible to adequately review each one separately. We have chosen rather to categorize the models using some fairly subjective criteria that will also convey the extent to which this field of research has matured. We have reached the stage at which many of the more recent developments are better characterised as extensions or refinements of previous models. It is becoming more difficult for such developments to be truly ground-breaking in the sense in which the earlier canonical models were. That does not mean that further ground-breaking models are not required. On the contrary, the challenge has become greater, and we will discuss that challenge later in this article. There is rather a focus on ‘fixing’ problems with previous models as experimentalists obtain new and better data and computational modellers discover applications for which the models are not well-suited. Extensions and refinements (fixing) are important. It matters, for example, in simulating whole-organ re-entry arrhythmias to have accurate descriptions of the recovery processes after each excitation, while pharmaceutical researchers will require good simulations of repolarization and the T wave of the ECG. Different applications will lay stress on the accuracy of different aspects of the cell models. That is one of the reasons why there are now so many models. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Our categorisations must therefore be seen in this light.

In the ground-breaking category (Table 1), we have placed those models that established the field, introduced important new mechanisms or involved major reformulations. For the reasons already explained, the earliest models (prior to 1990) are naturally in this category since they broke the ground at an early stage, but the list also includes a considerable number of more recent models. In the part-ground-breaking category, we have listed models that have established new aspects of the modelling, and this list includes many of the recent formulations.

Table 1.


No. Model Type Species ODEs Citations Comments
1 Noble, 1962 Purkinje Mammalian 4 175 First cardiac cell model.
2 Krause et al. 1966 Ventricle Mammalian First ventricular cardiac cell model.
3 McAllister et al. 1975 Purkinje Mammalian 10 88 Introduction of repolarising potassium currents (Ix1 and Ix2) and second-inward calcium current (Isi). First use of experimental data to derive rate equations.
4 Hunter et al. 1975 Purkinje Mammalian 1 38 Polynomial model with a single variable.
5 Beeler & Reuter, 1977 Ventricle Mammalian 8 411 First well-used mammalian ventricular model.
6 Yanagihara et al. 1980 SAN Mammalian 7 64 First sino-atrial node (SAN) model.
7 DiFrancesco & Noble, 1985 Purkinje Mammalian 16 298 Introduction of the sodium–calcium exchanger, ionic concentrations, etc.
8 Hilgemann & Noble, 1987 Atrium Rabbit 15 90 First atrial model and revolutionized calcium dynamics.
9 Rasmusson et al. 1990a Atrium Frog 16 29 First, and only, frog atrial model.
10 Rasmusson et al. 1990b SAN Frog 14 25 First, and only, frog SAN model.
11 Luo & Rudy, 1991 Ventricle Guinea pig 8 619 First guinea-pig ventricular model (with Noble et al. 1991).
12 Noble et al. 1991 Ventricle Guinea pig 17 85 First guinea-pig ventricular model (with Luo & Rudy, 1991).
13 Winslow et al. 1993 51 First network models.
14 Endresen, 1997 SAN Mammalian 3 12 Simplification.
15 Fenton & Karma, 1998 Ventricle Mammalian 3 Simplification with just three membrane currents.
16 Jafri et al. 1998 Ventricle Guinea pig 31 179 Introduction of mechanistic calcium dynamics into the Luo & Rudy models.
17 Noble et al. 1998 Ventricle Guinea pig 22 205 Introduction of the dyadic space for calcium (Cads), repolarising potassium currents (IKr/s), persistent sodium current (IpNa), stretch and drug effects.
18 Priebe & Beuckelmann, 1998 Ventricle Human 22 190 First human ventricular model. Introduced formulations for the normal and failing hearts.
19 Winslow et al. 1999 Ventricle Canine 33 230 First canine ventricular model.
20 Ramirez et al. 2000 Atrium Canine 25 88 First canine atrial model.
21 Bondarenko et al. 2004 Ventricle Mouse 41 75 First mouse ventricular model.
22 Iyer et al. 2004 Ventricle Human 67 76 Joint first human ventricular model (see ten Tusscher et al. 2004) but with Markov formulations for the fast sodium current (INa), transient outward current (Ito), rapid delayed rectifier current (IKr) and L-type calcium current (ICaL).
23 ten Tusscher et al. 2004 Ventricle Human 17 289 Joint first human ventricular model from human data.
24 Cortassa et al. 2006 Ventricle Mammalian 50 45 Introduction of electrophysiology, contraction and mitochondrial bioenergetics together.
25 Aslanidi et al. 2009b Purkinje Canine 30 17 First canine Purkinje model from canine Purkinje data.
26 Inada et al. 2009 AVN Mammalian 29 1 First, and only, atrio-ventricular node (AVN) model.
27 Li et al. 2010 Ventricle Mouse 36 3 Complete refit of mouse model from mouse data.
28 Sampson et al. 2010 Purkinje Human 82 7 Human Purkinje model from more detailed human data.
29 Corrias et al. 2011 Purkinje Rabbit Refit of most ionic currents from rabbit Purkinje data.
30 Li & Rudy, 2011 Purkinje Canine Complete refit of canine Purkinje model from canine Purkinje data.
31 O’Hara & Rudy, 2011 Ventricle Human 41 Substantially increased human-specific model accuracy from human data.

The next category is ‘ground-breaking extensions’ (Table 2), which includes models that significantly extended existing models and were in part ground-breaking themselves. This includes some widely used models. For example, the Luo & Rudy, 1994 model has been widely used because the authors made important advances in the modelling itself, in addition to making the code readily available. All the models we have placed in this category have incorporated significant advances.

Table 2.

Ground-breaking extensions

No. Model Type Species ODEs Citations Comments
1 Wilders et al. 1991 SAN Mammalian 83 Introduction/refinement of the T-type calcium current (ICaT) into/for SAN.
2 Luo & Rudy, 1994 Ventricle Guinea pig 19 818 Introduction of after-depolarizations through calcium dynamics.
3 Dokos et al. 1996 SAN Rabbit 18 63 New formulation for the sodium–calcium exchanger (NCX) and the background sodium current (IbNa).
4 Lindblad et al. 1996 Atrium Rabbit 28 84 First rabbit atrial model.
5 Courtemanche et al. 1998 Atrium Human 21 286 First human atrial model (with Nygren et al. 1998).
6 Nygren et al. 1998 Atrium Human 29 189 First human atrial model (with Courtemanche et al. 1998).
7 Rice et al. 1999 Ventricle Guinea pig 67 Inclusion of a contraction component.
8 Clancy & Rudy, 1999 Ventricle Guinea pig 195 Inclusion of genetic mutations.
9 Dumaine et al. 1999 Ventricle Guinea pig 265 Study of mutations in INa SCN5A and Brugada syndrome.
10 Greenstein et al. 2000 Ventricle Canine 51 118 Markov formulation for the calcium-sensitive transient outward current (ItoCa), Kv4.3 and 1.4 channels.
11 Zhang et al. 2000 SAN Rabbit 15 164 Regional differences in the rabbit SAN.
12 Clancy & Rudy, 2001 Ventricle Guinea pig 76 Inclusion of genetic mutations.
13 Mazhari et al. 2001 Ventricle Canine 55 Markov formulation for HERG model and LQT mutations.
14 Clancy & Rudy, 2002 Ventricle Guinea pig 130 Inclusion of genetic mutations.
15 Fox et al. 2002 Ventricle Canine 13 149 Showing of calcium alternans.
16 Kurata et al. 2002 SAN Rabbit 27 72 Introduction of sustained inward current (Ist).
17 Matsuoka et al. 2003 Ventricle Mammalian 37 81 Combined with Negroni & Lascano, 1996 contraction model.
18 Sarai et al. 2003 SAN Mammalian 41 35 Combined with Negroni & Lascano, 1996, contraction model.
19 Saucerman et al. 2003 Ventricle Rat 84 First β-adrenergic signalling formulation.
20 Hund & Rudy, 2004 Ventricle Canine 29 104 Canine version of Luo & Rudy, 1994 from canine data, and inclusion of Cads and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CAMK).
21 Lovell et al. 2004 SAN Rabbit 36 14 Regional differences in the rabbit SAN and Markov formulation.
22 Shannon et al. 2004 Ventricle Rabbit 46 142 New calcium dynamics formulation.
23 Michailova et al. 2005 Ventricle Canine 34 12 Formulation for metabolism, i.e. Ca/Mg buffering, ATP, ADP, MgATP regulationn of the sodium potassium pump (NaK) and calcium pump (CaP).
24 Iribe et al. 2006 Ventricle Guinea pig 23 12 Interval–force relations.
25 Mangoni et al. 2006 SAN Mouse 22 24 First mouse SAN model.
26 Pasek et al. 2006 Ventricle Rat 41 12 Inclusion of T-tubules.
27 Livshitz & Rudy, 2007 Ventricle Canine 18 31 New mechanistic sarcoplasmic reticular calcium-release current (Irel).
28 Niederer & Smith, 2007 Ventricle Rat 24 Stretch in rat ventricular cells (from the Pandit et al. 2001 model) including sodium–hydrogen exchanger (NHE), chloride–bicarbonate exchanger (AE) and stretch-activated channels (SAC).
29 Bueno-Orovio et al. 2008 Ventricle Human 4 26 Simplified human model. Fast inward current (Ifi), slow inward current (Isi) and slow outward current (Iso). No calcium dynamics.
30 Mahajan et al. 2008 Ventricle Rabbit 26 64 Markov formulation for ICaL, and calcium cycling model for the study of APD and calcium alternans at rapid heart rates.
31 Stewart et al. 2009 Purkinje Human 20 10 First human Purkinje model.
32 Aslanidi et al. 2009a Atrium Rabbit 29 7 Regional differences in rabbit atrial model.

The third category is ‘fixers’ (Table 3), i.e. models whose primary purpose was to fix problems encountered in previous models. This is important. As models become more complex and include many new components and observations, it becomes increasingly difficult to ensure that all the previous advantages of a model are retained intact. In a highly interactive system like the cardiac electrophysiological system, altering one component inevitably affects many others involved in those interactions.

Table 3.


No. Model Type Species ODEs Citations Comments
1 Jafri et al. 1998 Ventricle Guinea pig 31 179 Of Luo & Rudy, 1994.
2 Noble & Noble, 2001 Ventricle Guinea pig 20 Of Noble et al. 1998.
3 Garny et al. 2003a SAN Rabbit 15 30 Of Zhang et al. 2000.

The fourth category, ‘extensions’ (Table 4), includes models whose primary purpose was to extend previous models in the light of new experimental results or of new demands by those using the models for particular applications.

Table 4.


No. Model Type Species ODEs Citations Comments
1 McAllister et al. 1975 Purkinje Mammalian 10 88 From Noble, 1962.
2 Bristow & Clark, 1982 Purkinje Mammalian 15 From McAllister et al. 1975.
3 Irisawa & Noma, 1982 SAN Mammalian From Yanagihara et al. 1980.
4 Noble & Noble, 1984 SAN Mammalian 15 65 From DiFrancesco & Noble, 1985.
5 DiFrancesco & Noble, 1985 Purkinje Mammalian 16 298 From McAllister et al. 1975.
6 Reiner & Antzelevitch, 1985 SAN Mammalian 9 From Bristow & Clark, 1982.
7 Hilgemann & Noble, 1987 Atrium Rabbit 15 90 From DiFrancesco & Noble, 1985.
8 Noble et al. 1989 SAN Mammalian 14 From Noble & Noble, 1984.
9 Earm & Noble, 1990 Atrium Rabbit 16 57 From Hilgemann & Noble, 1987.
10 Noble et al. 1991 Ventricle Guinea pig 17 85 From Hilgemann & Noble, 1987.
11 Karma, 1993 Ventricle Mammalian 2 150 From FitzHugh & Nagumo, 1961 nerve model.
12 Nordin, 1993 Ventricle Guinea pig 14 42 From DiFrancesco & Noble, 1985 with 3 regions bulk calcium.
13 Demir et al. 1994 SAN Rabbit 27 108 From Rasmusson et al. 1990b.
14 Luo & Rudy, 1994 Ventricle Guinea pig 19 818 From Luo & Rudy, 1991.
15 Zeng et al. 1995 Ventricle Guinea pig 263 From Luo & Rudy, 1994 with IK components.
16 Lindblad et al. 1996 Atrium Rabbit 28 84 From Demir et al. 1994.
17 Courtemanche et al. 1998 Atrium Human 21 286 From Luo & Rudy, 1994.
18 Espinosa, 1998 Ventricle Rat 21 From Noble et al. 1998.
19 Jafri et al. 1998 Ventricle Guinea pig 31 179 From Luo & Rudy, 1994 and calcium dynamics from Rice et al. 1999.
20 Noble et al. 1998 Ventricle Guinea pig 22 205 From Noble et al. 1991.
21 Nygren et al. 1998 Atrium Human 29 189 From Lindblad et al. 1996.
22 Priebe & Beuckelmann, 1998 Ventricle Human 22 190 From Luo & Rudy, 1994.
23 Riemer et al. 1998 Ventricle Guinea pig 50 From Luo & Rudy, 1994 with stretch.
24 Clancy & Rudy, 1999 Ventricle Guinea pig 195 From Luo & Rudy, 1994.
25 Demir et al. 1999 SAN Rabbit 29 47 From Demir et al. 1994.
26 Dumaine et al. 1999 Ventricle Guinea pig 265 From Luo & Rudy, 1994 with Ito.
27 Rice et al. 1999 Ventricle Guinea pig 67 From Jafri et al. 1998.
28 Viswanathan et al. 1999 Ventricle Guinea pig 25 101 From Luo & Rudy, 1994 with regional differences in IKr.
29 Winslow et al. 1999 Ventricle Canine 33 230 From Jafri et al. 1998.
30 Faber & Rudy, 2000 Ventricle Guinea pig 25 217 From Luo & Rudy, 1994.
31 Greenstein et al. 2000 Ventricle Canine 51 118 From Winslow et al. 1999.
32 Sakmann et al. 2000 Ventricle Guinea pig 21 67 From Noble et al. 1998.
33 Clancy & Rudy, 2001 Ventricle Guinea pig 76 From Luo & Rudy, 1994.
34 Mazhari et al. 2001 Ventricle Canine x 55 From Winslow et al. 1999.
35 Pandit et al. 2001 Ventricle Rat 26 122 From Demir et al. 1994.
36 Puglisi & Bers 2001 Ventricle Guinea pig 96 From Luo & Rudy, 1994 with Ito and calcium-induced calcium current.
37 Bernus et al. 2002 Ventricle Human 63 From FitzHugh & Nagumo, 1961 and Priebe & Beuckelmann, 1998.
38 Clancy & Rudy, 2002 Ventricle Guinea pig 130 From Luo & Rudy, 1994.
39 Fenton et al. 2002 Ventricle Mammalian 188 From Fenton & Karma, 1998.
40 Fox et al. 2002 Ventricle Canine 13 149 From Jafri et al. 1998 and Winslow et al. 1999.
41 Greenstein & Winslow, 2002 Ventricle Canine 91 From Greenstein et al. 2000.
42 Kneller et al. 2002 Atrium Canine 28 From Ramirez et al. 2000.
43 Cabo & Boyden, 2003 Ventricle Canine 16 45 From Luo & Rudy, 1994 with normal and infarcted hearts.
44 Mitchell & Schaeffer, 2003 Ventricle Mammalian 2 34 From Karma, 1993.
45 Pandit et al.2003 Ventricle Rat 26 32 From Pandit, 2001, with diabetes.
46 Seemann et al. 2003 Ventricle Human 6 From Priebe & Beuckelmann, 1998 and contraction from Sachse, 2003.
47 Hund & Rudy, 2004 Ventricle Canine 29 104 From Luo & Rudy, 1994.
48 Shannon et al. 2004 Ventricle Rabbit 46 142 From Puglisi & Bers, 2001.
49 Coutu & Metzger, 2005 Ventricle Rat 12 From Winslow et al. 1999, Rice et al. 1999 and Negroni-Lascano, 1996.
50 Michailova et al. 2005 Ventricle Canine 34 12 From Winslow et al. 1999.
51 Fink et al. 2006 Ventricle Human 21 From ten Tusscher et al. 2004.
52 Flaim et al. 2006 Ventricle Canine 18 From Greenstein et al. 2000 with late sodium current (INaL).
53 Greenstein et al. 2006 Ventricle Canine 50 From Greenstein et al. 2000 with calcium-induced calcium release from Hinch et al. 2004.
54 Iribe et al. 2006 Ventricle Guinea pig 23 12 From Noble et al. 1991 and Noble et al. 1998.
55 Mangoni et al. 2006 SAN Mouse 22 24 From Zhang et al. 2000.
56 Pasek et al. 2006 Ventricle Rat 41 12 From Pandit et al. 2001.
57 Sato et al. 2006 Ventricle Canine 38 From Mahajan et al. 2008 and Fox et al. 2002.
58 Simitev & Biktashev, 2006 Atrium Human 3 9 From Courtemanche et al. 1998.
59 ten Tusscher & Panfilov, 2006a Ventricle Human 19 104 From ten Tusscher et al. 2004.
60 ten Tusscher & Panfilov, 2006b Ventricle Human 37 From ten Tusscher & Panfilov, 2006a: a reduced version of the model along the principles of FitzHugh & Nagumo, 1961.
61 Cherry et al. 2007 Left atrium Pulmonary vein Canine 4 12 From Fenton & Karma, 1998.
62 Livshitz & Rudy, 2007 Ventricle Canine 18 31 From Luo & Rudy, 1994.
63 Benson et al. 2008 Ventricle Canine 21 From Hund & Rudy, 2004 with regional differences.
64 Fink et al. 2008 Ventricle Human 27 20 From ten Tusscher et al. 2006a.
65 Mahajan et al. 2008 Ventricle Rabbit 26 64 From Puglisi & Bers, 2001.
66 Pasek et al. 2008 Ventricle Guinea pig 55 11 From Pasek et al. 2006.
67 Saucerman & Bers, 2008 Ventricle Rat 28 From Shannon et al. 2004 and CAMK from Saucerman et al. 2003.
68 Stewart et al. 2009 Purkinje Human 20 10 From DiFrancesco & Noble, 1985 and ten Tusscher et al. 2004/2006, and data for human Purkinje potassium currents from Han, 2002.
69 Wang & Sobie, 2008 Ventricle Rat 35 17 From Bondarenko et al. 2004.
70 Aslanidi et al. 2009b Purkinje Canine 30 17 From Benson et al. 2008.
71 Aslanidi et al. 2009a Atrium Rabbit 29 7 From Lindblad et al. 1996.
72 Decker et al. 2009 Ventricle Canine 22 From Hund & Rudy, 2004.
73 Koivumäki et al. 2009 Ventricle Mouse 5 From Bondarenko et al. 2004, contraction from Cortassa et al. 2006 and CAMK from Bhalla & Iyengar, 1999.
74 Maleckar et al. 2009 Atrium Human 30 9 From Nygren et al. 1998.
75 Grandi et al. 2010 Ventricle Human 39 16 From Shannon et al. 2004.
76 Li et al. 2010 Ventricle Mouse 36 3 From Bondarenko et al. 2004.
77 Aslanidi et al. 2011 Atrium Human From Shannon et al. 2004 for different cell types.
78 Carro et al. 2011 Ventricle Human From Grandi et al. 2010 to study arrhythmias.
79 Grandi et al. 2011 Atrium Human From Grandi et al. 2010.
80 Heijman et al. 2011 Ventricle Canine From Luo & Rudy, 1994 with new β-adrenergic signalling.

The fifth category, ‘rearrangements’ (Table 5), refers to models that re-categorised the elements of the model or used new nomenclature. This also is an important activity since ontology and nomenclature raise large problems. This is well-illustrated by cardiac electrophysiology since ion channels were originally given names by those focused on the function in terms of ion current carried and their roles in the electrical changes. As the proteins responsible became identified, and as the genes responsible were found, nomenclature naturally shifted towards this molecular biological viewpoint.

Table 5.

Rearrangements (examples only)

No. Model Type Species ODEs Citations Comments
1 McAllister et al. 1975 Purkinje Mammalian 10 88 IKr and IKs, recorded by Sanguinetti & Jurkiewicz, 1990, and used in the Noble et al. 1998 model, are the same currents as Ix1 and Ix2 in the McAllister et al. 1975 model.
Noble et al. 1998 Ventricle Guinea pig 22 205
2 Dokos et al. 1996 SAN Rabbit 18 63 Part of a trend in SAN models.
Kurata et al. 2002 SAN Rabbit 27 72
Lovell et al. 2004 and a few others SAN Rabbit 36 14
3 Luo & Rudy, 1994 Ventricle Guinea pig 19 818 Several attempts to ‘perfect’ the guinea pig ventricular cell model.
Jafri et al. 1998 and several others Ventricle Guinea pig 31 179
4 Shannon et al. 2004 Ventricle Rabbit 46 142 There was only a minimal amount of difference in the formulations to justify a new model. For example, Grandi et al 2010 is a human model with Shannon et al. 2004 (rabbit model) calcium dynamics formulations. There are several examples of this same issue, where a model is labelled as one species but due to lack of data, or other issues, reuses modelling of components from data for another species. The two rabbit models do have substantial differences in their calcium dynamics models.
Mahajan et al. 2008 Ventricle Rabbit 26 64
Grandi et al. 2010 Ventricle Human 39 16

Our final category, ‘problems’ (Table 6), is naturally highly subjective. In this category, we have included models which have various problems that we think require high-lighting for those considering using them. For example, those models which are unable to simulate delayed after depolarizations (Fink et al. 2011). In a strong sense, all models have problems. All models are partial representations of reality and, when used in contexts for which they were not intended or which the authors could not have anticipated, the deficiencies became readily apparent.

Table 6.

Problems (examples only)

No. Model Type Species ODEs Citations Comments
1 Many models Do not show the correct response, with regards to action potential duration (APD), to hyper/hypokalaemia while experimental data report a reduction/increase in APD.
2 Luo & Rudy, 1991 Ventricle Guinea pig 8 619 Not suitable for delayed after-depolarization-related studies (Fink et al. 2011).
Courtemanche et al. 1998 Atrium Human 21 286
Bondarenko et al. 2004 Ventricle Mouse 41 75
3 Espinosa, 1998 Ventricle Rat 21 Not suitable for early after-depolarization related studies (unpublished data from our group).
Matsuoka et al. 2003 Ventricle Mammalian 37 81
Corrias et al. 2011 Purkinje Rabbit
4 Luo & Rudy, 1991 Ventricle Guinea pig 8 619 Calcium dynamics described as code not mechanism.
Luo & Rudy, 1994 Ventricle Guinea pig 19 818
5 Clancy & Rudy, 1999 Ventricle Guinea pig 195 Some issues with the model code which is not available.
Zhang et al. 2000 SAN Rabbit 15 164
Clancy & Rudy, 2001 Ventricle Guinea pig 76
Clancy & Rudy, 2002 Ventricle Guinea pig 130
6 Priebe & Beuckelmann, 1998 Ventricle Human 22 190 Stiffness in equations leading to lengthy running times.
Faber & Rudy, 2000 Ventricle Guinea pig 25 217
7 Many models ‘Drift’ in intracellular potassium and sodium concentrations over time. This issue has since been addressed – see Livshitz & Rudy, 2009.
8 Human ventricular models Fail to show APD shortening with increased extracellular calcium, as investigated by Grandi et al. 2009.
9 Decker et al. 2009 Ventricle Canine 22 Cannot be used to model some of the effects of drugs.

Some of the models fit into more than one category and have been included in all applicable. The fifth and final category includes examples only and is not an exhaustive list. Note that the number of citations for each model is determined from Scopus and since 1996. The number of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) for each model is also included where known/available. In addition, it is important to note that we are only including whole cardiac cell models in this review.

Researchers in this field face such a bewildering array of models (over 100 in our tables) that a classification of this kind is required. We are aware, however, that others may classify the models differently, and that the utility of a model, which is after all just a mathematical representation of a particular process, depends strongly on the use to which it is put. All the models we have listed have their advantages as well as their limitations.

A review of tools in cardiac cell modelling: CellML and OpenCOR

Software tools have, in their own way, also witnessed great advances over the past 60 years. Hodgkin & Huxley (1952) had to compute their model ‘by hand’, a process which took Andrew Huxley 8 h to compute only 8 ms worth of electrical activity.

Less than 10 years later, one of us (D.N.) decided to rely on University College London's Ferranti Mercury computer (Fig. 1) for his cardiac modelling work (Noble, 1960, 1962). This type of computer was first delivered in August 1957. At the time, Tom Kilburn (Manchester University) was reported saying that “programming for the machine is very simple, using the Autocode technique. The Mercury Autocode system can be learned by a programmer in a few days and has made it possible for anyone to write his own programs.” By today's standards, describing the programming as ‘simple’ is far from correct.

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the Ferranti Mercury computer, a valve-based machine.

Figure 1

It had no screen and no graphics. Communication was via punched-hole paper tape.

As might be expected, there was fierce competition (between numerical analysts, crystallographers and particle physicists) to gain access to the computer since it was the only machine in the whole of London University. So, as a ‘simple’ biologist, D.N. was initially refused access to the machine: ‘you don't know enough mathematics and you don't even know how to program!’ (Noble et al. 2012).

His only other option was to use a Brunsviga Model 20 mechanical calculator (ca. 1910; Fig. 2) which he did to compute the upstroke phase of his model, i.e. ∼2 ms worth of cardiac electrical activity (Noble, 1962, Fig. 7). However, with a full action potential being ∼500 ms long, it became clear that using the Brunsviga was not going to be a long-term solution. Some mathematics and programming had to be learned, and it paid off since upon reapplication, D.N. was granted time on the Mercury computer (… between 2 am and 4 am).

Figure 2.

Figure 2

The Brunsviga Model 20 mechanical calculator (ca. 1910)

To put the performance into perspective, the Ferranti Mercury computer operated at 10 kiloFLOPS (i.e. 10,000 floating point operations per second) while the current fastest supercomputer (the Fujitsu K computer) has a peak performance of 10.51 petaFLOPS (i.e. ∼1 trillion, or ∼1012, times faster). Even the iPhone 4S, Apple's most recent iPhone, has a peak performance of ∼141 megaFLOPS (i.e. ∼14,100 times faster).

In terms of computation time, it used to take ∼2 h on the Mercury computer to compute 1 s worth of cardiac electrical activity using the Noble 1962 model (Noble, 1962). Nowadays, it takes less than 1 ms to compute the same model using COR (Garny et al. 2003b, 2009) (, i.e. ∼10 million, or 107, times faster. (Note that COR has a time discretisation of 1 ms, so the effective speed-up may be even greater than the reported value.)

To program the Mercury computer was similarly time consuming (and error prone): people had to punch holes in a paper tape which was fed into the computer for execution. D.N. would later code his models in the ALGOL programming language before switching to Turbo Pascal (TP) on an IBM PC running MS-DOS. This latter move resulted, in 1984, in the very first public cardiac modelling software: OXSOFT HEART (OH). At that time, computing was very expensive, so to support its further development, OH was sold to academic institutions and industries around the world.

OH went through several releases and became a de facto reference in the field. However, some 20 years later, an issue with the TP language meant that OH could not be run reliably, if at all, on modern computers (they had become ‘too fast’). Another issue was that OH was an MS-DOS application while most people had, by then, switched to Microsoft Windows. Also, OH was written in a procedural language which made it difficult to maintain and update.

To address these issues, work on Heart 5.0, a Microsoft Windows replacement for OH, was started in the late 1990s, using an object-oriented approach. Around the same time, other efforts also came to life or became more prominent, e.g. Cell Editor, CM16, CMISS (, Continuity (, iCell (, LabHEART ( and Virtual Cell (

The main issue with the above software was that cardiac cell models were still hard-coded. Therefore, though maintenance was made easier by using an object-oriented approach, fixes and/or updates to a model, as well as the addition of new models, involved editing the software code and recompiling it.

Model development has always consisted of several stages, all of which are subject to human error (Garny et al. 2009). For example, someone interested in a published model would get the equations, initial conditions, etc. from the corresponding article. However, published information would rarely be error-free, making it difficult for that person to reproduce the results of the model's authors. The model user might also make mistakes of their own.

For this reason, and others, the group of Peter Hunter (Auckland, New Zealand) specified CellML (, an XML-based language for supporting the definition and sharing of models. The mathematics is encoded using MathML (another XML-based language;, providing the model with a consistent mathematical representation. This, in turn, allows for model equations to be generated and published directly from the CellML code, independently of the operating system and programming language used, thus encouraging model evolution and re-use.

CellML specifications were released in August 2001 (CellML 1.0) and refined in February 2006 (CellML 1.1). CellML 1.1 introduced a concept by which it is now possible to re-use parts or all of a model description. Work on CellML 1.2 is currently under way and some of the topics currently being discussed include support for variable typing, delayed variables, stochastic variables and probability density functions.

Since the release of CellML, several tools have become available for editing, validating, sharing, curating and simulating CellML files, as well as for generating code from CellML. COR was the first such tool to be made publically available (Garny et al. 2008 (; Garny et al. 2003b, 2009) and though its development has now ceased, it is still being used extensively around the world. Other tools include AGOS (, CellML Model Repository (, CESE (, JSim (, OpenCell (formerly known as PCEnv;, PyCml ( and Virtual Cell (

Both COR and OpenCell share similar goals, so their authors decided to join forces and work on a combined product named OpenCOR ( OpenCOR is a cross-platform environment (Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) which relies on the Auckland CellML API ( for its CellML support. It can be used both as a command line tool and through a graphical user interface, and uses a plugin approach, making it easy for anyone to extend (OpenCOR is an open source project:

OpenCOR is still being actively developed, but it will be possible to use it to organise, edit, simulate and analyse CellML files. Organisation will be done through the CellML Model Repository (, a file browser (to access local files) and a file organiser (to virtually organise files). Editing will be based on a view that renders a CellML file in a particular way. For example, there will be a raw XML view, a COR-like view (as in COR), and a tree-like view (as in OpenCell). There will also be support for metadata editing using domain-specific ontologies. This will allow for CellML files to be comprehensively annotated which, in turn, will help the re-use of model components. In addition to the simulation capabilities of COR and OpenCell, OpenCOR will support SED-ML, an XML-based format for the description of simulation experiments ( Analysis features will mainly be provided by the community (through the plugin approach used by OpenCOR). For example, there could be a plugin for the analysis of cardiac action potentials to extract key parameters from them (e.g. upstroke velocity, action potential amplitude, action potential duration at 90% repolarisation).


This article has been written to serve several purposes. The first was to acknowledge the ground-breaking work of Hodgkin and Huxley, 60 years on from their seminal paper, and to show how their work inspired the development of computational modelling of the heart. Initially, that work was seen as an extension of the HH approach with new cardiac-specific data. During the 1980s, the approach shifted towards incorporation of components that have no equivalent in the HH nerve modelling. Later developments used the models in applications that were not anticipated in the early stages, such as incorporation of cell models in tissue and organ models, and extensions to drug action and device applications. The result has been the creation of a bewildering array of cell models.

A thorough investigation on the novelty and significance of each of these models would have provided researchers with a great resource, but this would have gone far beyond the scope of this article. The second purpose of this article has therefore been to document and comment on these models, hoping that it will still help researchers to identify what models and tools to use in their own work.


We would like to thank the CellML community at large for their efforts and model curation work. Also, thanks to Drs Elizabeth Cherry, Flavio Fenton, Martin Fink, Gary Mirams, Steven Niederer and Blanca Rodriguez for their help in ensuring the model list is complete to the best of all of our knowledge, as well as for their additional thoughts, insights and comments on the models and their uses.


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