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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: Risk Anal. 2012 Jul;32(Suppl 1):S125–S141. doi: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2012.01795.x

A Macro-Model of Smoking and Lung Cancer: Examining Aggregate Trends in Lung Cancer Rates Using the CPS-I and CPS-II and Two-Stage Clonal Expansion Models

David Levy 1, Kenneth Blackman 2, Eduard Zaloshnja 3
PMCID: PMC3431288  NIHMSID: NIHMS354643  PMID: 22882883



Past studies have examined the relationship of lung cancer to smoking using longitudinal data for select samples. This study applies the two-stage clonal expansion model to U.S. +smoking data over a 25 year period.


Smoking Base Case (SBC) data on actual smoking duration and intensity from the years 1975–2000 are applied by gender to separate TSCE models, which are then calibrated to historical trends in lung cancer death rates using regression analysis. The uncalibrated and calibrated TSCE models are also applied to SBC data for two scenarios: 1) no tobacco control and 2) complete tobacco control. The results are used to develop estimates of the number of lives saved as a result of tobacco control and how many lives would be saved if cigarette use had ceased in 1965.


Predictions of lung cancer from the TSCE models with CPS-II and especially the CPS-I data for males and especially females are considerably below historical rates with the deviations from historical rates increasing over time. Residual trends unrelated to the smoking models were also found. Tobacco control activities saved approximately 625,000 lives between the years 1975 and 2000. An additional 2,110,000 lives would have been saved if all smoking was stopped in 1965.


Tobacco control has successfully prevented lung cancer deaths, but many more lives could be saved with further reductions in smoking rates. Systematic biases were observed from TSCE models using CPS-I and CPS-II data to estimate smoking-related lung cancer deaths.

Keywords: lung cancer, simulation, macromodel


Trends in U.S. lung cancer death rates have dramatically changed in the last twenty years 1. After a long upward climb, the age-adjusted lung cancer mortality rate for men has been declining steadily since 1984 and for women began to level off in the 1990s. The reversal in trends has generally been attributed to reduced smoking.2 Smoking has been established as the leading cause of lung cancer deaths, with as much as 90% of the deaths due to smoking.3, 4 The relationship of lung cancer to smoking has been established by biological and epidemiological studies 3. At a population level, lung cancer has been strongly linked to the smoking dose, both in terms of the number of cigarettes smoked per day and the number of years smoked.510

Estimates of lung cancer deaths due to smoking for the U.S.3, 11 are usually based on relative risks estimated from the CPS-II data. Nevertheless, this data is not representative of the U.S. population, because it over-represents those who are middle class, married, White, and more educated.12, 13 In addition, there may be bias from misclassification error, due to former or current smokers classifying themselves as never smokers, exposure of true never smokers to second hand smoke and undetected lung cancer.1417 Risks also appear to be changing over time. Comparing the CPS-I (1959–1981) to the CPS-II (1982–1988), the relative risk of lung cancer in smokers increased from 11.9 to 23.2 for men and from 2.7 to 12.8 for women.18 While much of the change can be explained by the changes in smoking behaviors, such as duration and intensity, a large portion of the difference is still unexplained.18, 19

This study examines the role of smoking in explaining levels and trends in lung cancer deaths. We employ a macro modeling approach that uses smoking prevalence, duration and intensity data and lung cancer data by age, year and gender. We first apply this data, known as the smoking base case (SBC), to the two stage clonal expansion (TSCE) model to incorporate the role of smoking in predicting lung cancer deaths. We aggregated the predictions from the TSCE over age groups for each year and gender and compare the results to levels and trends in historical lung cancer deaths by gender over the years 1995 through 2000. We develop separate predictions using the CPS-I and CPS-II versions of the TSCE models. By separately considering models that use CPS-I and CPS-II data, we also indirectly consider how well these two data sets, as applied to the TSCE model, explain lung cancer deaths. Unlike other studies in this supplement, we focus on annual trends using a population level “top down” approach rather than an individual level “bottom up” approach, with the aim of examining how predicted trends in lung cancer deaths using CPS data deviate from actual trends.

This paper also considers the role of tobacco control efforts in reducing lung cancer deaths. Beginning with the Surgeon General’s Report in 1964, efforts have been aimed at reducing smoking; restrictions have been placed on certain types of advertising and on smoking in public places, and higher taxes have been imposed on cigarettes. Using SBC data, we consider the counterfactual cases of how lung cancer rates would have been affected 1) in the absence of tobacco control policies since the early fifties, and 2) if all cigarette use (i.e., all smokers permanently quit and no new initiation takes place) was terminated in 1965.


This study considers male and female lung cancer rates, confining the analysis to ages 30 to 84 and to the years 1975 to 2000. Lung cancer deaths by smoking status, age, gender and year are predicted using separate versions of the TSCE model using CPS-I and CPS-II data. Predictions are developed under three scenarios: 1) actual tobacco control (ATC), 2) no tobacco control (NTC), and 3) complete tobacco control (CTC). We then fit the predicted rates under ATC to historical lung cancer deaths to evaluate the predictions of the models and calibrate the models. Finally, we apply the calibrated equations to the NTC and CTC scenarios.

2.a. Data

SBC data on smoking prevalence, smoking intensity and smoking duration were provided for each of the smoking scenarios: ATC, NTC and CTC. Smoking prevalence data were distinguished by 7 smoking categories: never, current, and former smokers, with former smokers further divided into 5 groups based on how long ago they had quit (1–2, 3–5, 6–10, 11–15, and 16+ years). For smokers and former smokers, intensity data were measured as the average number of cigarettes smoked per day. Duration of smoking for smokers was measured as the current age minus the age of smoking initiation, and for former smokers was measured as the current age minus the age of smoking initiation, minus the number of years quit.

SBC data were provided by 5 year cohort, gender and year. We converted the data by cohort, gender and year into age groups by gender and year. To obtain data for a single age, we smoothed over 5 ages starting at age 32 and ending at age 82, and extrapolated estimates for ages 30 and 31 from smoothed estimates for ages 32 and 33, and for ages 83 and 84 from smoothed estimates for ages 81 and 82.

SBC data were also provided on population and historical U.S. lung cancer deaths by age, gender and year for 1975 to 2000, from which we calculated lung cancer deaths per 100,000. Population data were also applied to the smoking prevalence data to obtain the number of never, current and former (by years quit) smokers by age, gender and year.

2.b. Methods used to predict lung cancer death rates by smoking-related factors

To relate smoking duration and intensity to lung cancer death rates, we used the TSCE model as applied by Hazelton et al.10 to the CPS-I and CPS-II data. They estimated a series of non-linear equations that related the lung cancer death rate to rates of initiation, cell division, apoptosis of initiated cells, and malignant conversion of initiated cells, which, in turn, were a function of smoking intensity and duration. Programming for the models was made available to us by the authors as a Microsoft Excel add-in.

Following Hazelton et al.,10 we developed separate estimates of lung cancer death rates for the CPS-I and CPS-II models and separate estimates by gender. Specifically, for each of the three scenarios (ATC, NTC and CTC), four (male CPS-I, female CPS-I, male CPS-II, and female CPS-II) separate sets of estimates of lung cancer death rates were developed, yielding a total of 12 separate cases. Data on smoking intensity and duration (both equal to zero in the case of never smokers) by smoking status (never, current, and 5 categories of former smokers), age and year were loaded into the programmed TSCE model for each of the 12 cases

For each of the 12 cases, death rates were applied by smoking status, age and year to the population in the respective categories to obtain total deaths. The deaths were summed over the 7 smoking status categories and age for each of the 12 cases to obtain predicted total lung cancer deaths by age and year, which were then converted to lung cancer death rates.

In addition to considering lung cancer death rates for the 30 to 84 year old age group, we considered selected age sub-groups. Based on a visual inspection of historical rates by 5 year age groups, we grouped together ages 30 to 49, 50 to 69, and 70 to 84 because of the similar trend patterns observed within those groups. We also considered rates distinguished by smoking status.

2.c. Calibration and Comparison of Predicted to Historical Rates

The TSCE models were originally estimated using either CPS-I or CPS-II data, neither of which are representative of the U.S. population and may be subject to misclassification error. Consequently, predictions from the TSCE models based on these data may be biased when applied to the population at large. In addition, the biases may change over time if the risks from smoking or non-smoking factors (e.g. air pollution, radon, or second hand smoke) vary over time. To detect and correct for potential biases, we estimated regression models that allow for deviations in the predictions of lung cancer death rates of the ATC models from historical lung cancer death rates.

To control for population size, results from the TSCE models were converted to rates and calibrated against the lung cancer death rates rather than total lung cancer deaths. These models were estimated by gender using data aggregated over the 30 to 84 age group for each of the years from 1975 to 2000. We consider general trends for the population as a whole after netting out smoking factors, as incorporated in the TSCE models. Specifically, for each model, we regressed the historical lung cancer rates (HLCR) against the predicted lung cancer rates (PLCR) alone, PLCR interacted with time trends, and separate time trend factors:


where TT denotes a time trend (TT= 1 in 1975, TT = 2 in 1976, …, TT = 26 in 2000), subscript t = year (t= 1975, …, t = 2000), and e is the error term. The first part of the equation shows the influence of smoking as predicted by the TSCE model (b1) with any constant deviation (b0), while the next two terms correct the predictions of the smoking model for linear (b2) and non-linear (b3) biases over time. The second part of the equation allows for linear (a1) and non-linear (a2) trends not captured by the smoking model. We also estimated log specifications of the above model, which imply a proportional rather than constant deviation of model predictions from the historical rates, and a multiplicative rather than linear relationship between the variables.

Because reliable data were not available for cohorts born before 1900, values in the SBC data were inferred for smoking rate variables for the older missing ages in the years 1975 to 1985. To check for bias in the method used to calculate these values, we included a correction factor in the estimation equation equal to the number of age years with missing variables: 10 = 1975, 9= 1976,…, 1= 1984, 0 = 1985 and above. The correction factor was generally insignificant and induced autocorrelation. Consequently, it was dropped from the model.

Our goal was to determine the most parsimonious model with the highest level of predictability and with predictions that were not systematically biased over time. Predictability was gauged by the adjusted R-square. Systematically biased predictions were gauged by autocorrelation in the error terms. The Durbin-Watson (D-W) statistic was used to test for first order correlation of the error terms et and et−1. We began with a simple model that regressed HLCR on PLCR and a constant term. We then added variables to the equation, and kept those variables in the equation if the coefficient of the variable had a t-statistic < 1 (i.e., which lowers the adjusted R-square) or if autocorrelation was reduced.

2.d. Lung Cancer Deaths under the No, Actual and Complete Tobacco Control Scenarios

For each of the 4 models (male and female TSCE CPS-I and TSCE CPS-II) we compared predicted lung cancer death rates under the NTC, ATC and CTC scenarios. We consider uncalibrated and calibrated models. To calibrate the counterfactual NTC and CTC predictions we applied the best-fitting calibration equations from the ATC model (for the corresponding gender and CPS model) to the predicted lung cancer rates for NTC and CTC. We also calibrated by multiplying the NTC and CTC predicted rates by a correction factor, measured as the ratio of the historical to the corresponding (gender, year and CPS-type data set) ATC rates. Corrections were separately applied to each estimate of lung cancer deaths in two ways: using a measure 1) aggregated over all ages by year and 2) distinguished by each age and year.

The number of deaths avoided as a result of tobacco control policies was calculated as the difference in deaths between the ATC and NTC scenarios. The number of deaths that could have been avoided if smoking was entirely eliminated in 1965 was calculated as the difference in deaths between the ATC and CTC scenarios.


3.a. Predictions of Lung Cancer Deaths Rates from the TSCE Smoking Models

Historical male lung cancer death rates for those ages 30 to 84 increase through 1982, plateau through 1987, and then fall from 1988 onward. Both male TSCE models predict levels of lung cancer rates that are considerably less than historical rates. The trend pattern predicted by the CPS-I model is similar to that of historical lung cancer rates, with similar percentage increases albeit at a lower initial level from 1975 to 1981. The lung cancer rates predicted by the male CPS-II model begin to decline almost immediately but are considerably closer to historical rates than the CPS-I model. For males in the 30 to 49 age group, historical lung cancer death rates followed a continual downward trend with some flattening beginning in 1990. The rates predicted by the CPS-I and CPS-II models showed similar patterns, but with less decline and were generally less than historical rates. Unlike higher ages, rates predicted by the CPS-I model were greater than those from the CPS-II model for those below age 50. Historical rates of males in the 50 to 69 and 70 to 84 age groups increased until about 1990 and then declined, with a steeper decline in the 50 to 69 age group. Generally, the male models under-predict historical rates; the CPS-I models better mirrored changes in trends, but predictions from the CPS-II models were closer to historical rates and mirrored trends from 1990 to 2000. The projected trends from both models converged toward historical rates for those at lower ages, but diverged for those above age 70.

For females, historical lung cancer death rates increased over the years 1975 to 2000, but began to flatten around 1990. Although the rates predicted by the CPS-I model show a similar trend to the historical rates, the gap widens, with a 50% relative difference from historical rates in 1975 increasing to 75% in 2000. The rates predicted by the CPS-II model are only 10% lower than historical rates in 1975, but the gap increases to about 40% in 2000. For females age 30 to 49, the CPS-I and CPS-II models were considerably below historical rates and did not fall as rapidly over time. For females age 50 to 69, historical rates increased quite rapidly through 1993 and then fell. The predictions of the two models, especially the CPS-I model, were below historical rates and their trends were much flatter. For females age 70 to 84, the upward trend exhibited by both models, especially the CPS-I model, was considerably less than the historical rates. The CPS-II model, and to a much greater extent the CPS-I model, predicted female lung cancer death rates below historical rates, but both under-predicted the change in rates relative to historical changes. Like for males, the projected trends from both models converged toward historical rates for those at younger ages, but diverged for those at older ages.

The TSCE smoking models predicted that lung cancer death rates vary little over time for male never smokers, but unlike previous studies20, 21 indicate that the rates differ considerably by gender and whether CPS-I or CPS-II data are applied. Rates decrease over time for male smokers, but stay relatively constant for female smokers. Again, the rates differ considerably by gender and whether CPS-I or CPS-II data is applied. Different patterns are also observed for male former smokers from the CPS-I and CPS-II models, increasing until about 1990 and then decreasing more dramatically in CPS-II than in CPS-I. For female former smokers, the CPS-I and the CPS-II models predict a rapid rise until 1995 and then a taper off. For both genders, the CPS-II model predicts higher death rates than the CPS-I model for current and former smokers, but lower rates for never smokers.

3.b. Calibration of Predictions of the ATC Model to Historical Lung Cancer Death Rates

Tables I.a and I.b show the results from the calibration equations for males and females respectively. For both the log and linear models, the predictability improved and autocorrelation was reduced to acceptable levels when PLCR variables were interacted with time trends.

Table I.a.

Calibration of TSCE Model Predictions to Historical Data for Male Lung Cancer Death Rates

Model Constant Linear time trend Quadratic time trend Predicted rate per 100K pop Predicted * Time Trend Predicted * Quad. Time Trend R Square Adjusted R Square Eqn, Std. Error Durbin-Watson
CPS-I: Linear Form
1 29.5 1.28 0.830 0.822 4.095 0.13**
t-stat 3.1 10.81
sig 0.0 <0.001
2 −68.5 2.31 0.016 0.952 0.948 2.218 0.43**
t-stat −5.0 15.49 7.67
sig <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
3 121.1 0.07 0.032 −0.0016 0.992 0.991 0.902 1.70
t-stat 6.6 0.34 18.6 −10.8
sig <0.001 0.74 <0.001 <0.001
4 127.3 0.032 −0.0017 0.992 0.992 0.885 1.70
t-stat 221.1 27.5 −40.4
sig <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
5 131.3 −7.42 0.098 0.989 0.988 1.060 1.51*
t-stat 215.1 −33.6 29.5
sig <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
6 128.3 −1.93 0.049 −0.0012 0.993 0.992 0.876 1.89
t-stat 127.3 −1.19 3.40 −3.41
sig <0.001 0.25 0.003 0.0030
7 107.8 −2.83 0.25 0.056 −0.0009 0.993 0.992 0.875 1.98
t-stat 5.4 −1.54 0.24 0.016 0.0010
sig <0.001 0.14 0.31 0.002 0.10
Natural Log Form
8 1.41 0.79 0.844 0.837 0.03114 0.14*
t-stat 4.63 11.38
sig <0.001 <0.001
9 −1.96 1.53 0.0022 0.949 0.945 0.018 0.41**
t-stat −3.80 13.47 6.96
sig <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
10 4.85 0.0043 −0.00023 0.992 0.991 0.0070 1.78
t-stat 1086.2 25.1 −36.69
sig <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
11 3.36 −0.20 0.34 0.047 0.992 0.991 0.0072 1.92
t-stat 6.42 −11.04 2.90 11.6
sig <0.001 <0.001 0.01 <0.001
12 3.66 −0.00076 0.27 0.0038 0.993 0.992 0.0067 1.98
t-stat 7.25 −12.02 2.37 21.45
sig <0.001 <0.001 0.03 <0.001

CPS-II: Linear Form
1 65.84 0.62 0.741 0.730 5.051 0.11**
t-stat 8.29 8.28
sig <0.001 <0.001
2 −46.98 1.44 0.019 0.947 0.943 2.326 0.41**
t-stat −3.78 15.43 9.49
sig <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
3 146.95 −0.17 0.026 −0.0010 0.991 0.991 0.929 1.60*
t-stat 8.06 −1.12 25.80 −11.05
sig <0.001 0.27 <0.001 <0.001
4 126.5 0.025 −0.0010 0.991 0.991 0.934 1.50*
t-stat 203.1 27.16 −39.95
sig <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
5 130.1 −5.53 0.057 0.992 0.991 0.920 1.84
t-stat 234.7 −40.6 34.04
sig <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
6 128.3 −2.90 0.042 −0.00062 0.993 0.992 0.863 1.96
t-stat 128.2 −2.23 5.56 −2.04
sig <0.001 0.04 <0.001 0.05
7 127.7 −2.93 0.0054 0.042 −0.00061 0.993 0.992 0.883 1.96
t-stat 6.30 −1.83 0.03 4.66 −1.30
sig <0.001 0.08 0.98 <0.001 0.21
Natural Log Form
8 2.48 0.51 0.774 0.765 0.03743 0.12**
t-stat 9.43 9.07
sig <0.001 <0.001
9 −1.80 1.39 0.0036 0.945 0.939 0.019 0.39**
t-stat −3.42 12.88 8.42
sig 0.0023 <0.001 <0.001
10 4.85 0.0041 −0.00021 0.993 0.992 0.0069 1.82
t-stat 1093.4 25.7 −37.5
sig <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
11 3.80 −0.17 0.22 0.04 0.993 0.991 0.0070 2.030
t-stat 7.63 −12.2 2.14 13.45
sig <0.001 <0.001 0.04 <0.001
12 3.77 −0.0008 0.225 0.0038 0.993 0.992 0.0067 1.98
t-stat 7.87 −12.6 2.26 24.9
sig <0.001 <0.001 0.033855 <0.001

Table I.b.

Calibration of TSCE Model Predictions to Historical Data for Female Lung Cancer Death Rates

Model (Constant) Linear time trend Quadratic time trend Predicted rate per 100K pop Predicted * Time Trend Predicted * Quad. Time Trend R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson
CPS-I: Linear Form
1 −127.6 9.69 0.936 0.934 3.312 0.12**
t-stat −12.9 18.77
sig <0.001 <0.001

2 −54.7 5.32 0.04 0.994 0.993 1.055 0.60**
t-stat −9.3 15.56 14.61
sig <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

3 105.7 −4.79 0.27 −0.01 0.998 0.998 0.573 2.05
t-stat 4.9 −3.51 8.79 −7.49
sig < 0.001 0.00 < 0.001 < 0.001

4 29.6 0.16 −0.003 0.997 0.997 0.700 1.23**
t-stat 72.0 44.84 −24.07
sig < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001

5 40.9 −7.04 0.42 0.937 0.932 3.353 0.14**
t-stat 16.2 −1.80 2.22
sig <0.001 0.08 0.04

6 31.3 −2.62 0.29 −0.003 0.998 0.998 0.543 2.19
t-stat 59.8 −4.04 9.31 −29.26
sig < 0.001 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001

7 57.1 −1.95 −1.65 0.29 0.00 0.998 0.998 0.548 2.26
t-stat 1.64 −1.74 −0.74 9.14 −3.07
sig 0.12 0.10 0.47 <0.001 0.01

Natural Log Form
8 −2.37 2.29 0.996 0.996 0.01595 0.68**
t-stat −28.4 76.8
sig <0.001 <0.001

9 −1.70 2.03 0.0010 0.998 0.997 0.01245 1.11**
t-stat −12.12 38.14 5.29
sig < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001

10 3.44 0.02 −0.00053 0.999 0.999 0.00008 2.43
t-stat 626.16 76.35 −46.21
sig < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001

11 −3.00 −0.1113 2.340043 0.04 0.999 0.999 0.00011 1.73
t-stat −16.92 −3.11 37.72 3.43
sig < 0.001 < 0.002 < 0.001 < 0.000

12 1.66 −0.0010 0.644 0.019 0.999 0.999 0.00876 2.39
t-stat 1.70 −4.94 1.83 6.20
sig 0.103 <0.001 0.081 <0.001

CPS-II: Linear Form
1 −57.50 2.91 0.878 0.873 4.576 0.09**
t-stat −6.52 13.16
sig <0.001 <0.001

2 −7.50 1.31 0.02 0.996 0.995 0.866 0.82**
t-stat −2.91 17.40 25.43
sig 0.01 <0.001 <0.001

3 48.56 −0.60 0.09 −0.0020 0.998 0.998 0.540 2.20
t-stat 5.21 −1.90 8.14 −6.10
sig <0.001 0.07 <0.001 <0.001

4 30.82 0.07 −0.0014 0.998 0.998 0.570 1.82
t-stat 96.76 53.8 −27.0
sig <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

5 40.54 −5.28 0.16 0.964 0.961 2.525 0.23**
t-stat 30.43 −3.92 5.12
sig <0.001 0.00 <0.001

6 31.42 −0.54 0.08 −0.0013 0.998 0.998 0.557 2.04
t-stat 60.44 −1.44 10.91 −21.24
sig <0.001 0.16 <0.001 <0.001

7 60.34 0.53 −1.03 0.10 −0.0024 0.998 0.998 0.548 2.24*
t-stat 2.74 0.59 −1.31 6.99 −2.82
sig 0.01 0.56 0.20 <0.001 0.010

Natural Log Form
8 −3.71 2.11 0.920 0.916 0.0711 0.084**
t-stat −7.94 16.57
sig <0.001 <0.001

9 −0.73 1.24 0.0041 0.998 0.997 0.0123 1.12**
t-stat −5.46 32.5 27.8
sig <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

10 3.44 0.019 −0.00041 0.998 0.998 0.0092 2.21
t-stat 612.0 73.4 −43.8
sig <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

11 −0.52 −0.07 1.18 0.02 0.998 0.998 0.0104 1.71
t-stat −3.93 −3.22 32.1 3.91
sig <0.001 0.00 <0.001 <0.001

12 1.91 0.00 0.45 0.01 0.999 0.999 0.0090 2.30
t-stat 3.31 −4.64 2.65 6.65
sig 0.003 <0.001 0.01 <0.001

For the both the CPS-I and CPS-II male linear models, serial correlated errors were detected, except when both the PLCRt*TTt and PLCRt*TTt2 variables were included in the estimation equation. In addition, the adjusted R-square was marginally higher when the noninteracted PLCR variable was dropped and the D-W statistic and adjusted R-square improved when a non-interacted time trend variable was added for both models. The CPS-I and CPS-II linear models with the PLCRt*TTt, PLCRt*TTt2 and TT variables (eqn. 6) have strong explanatory power (as indicated by R-square values that exceed 0.99), exhibit no significant autocorrelation (i.e. the D-W statistic is within the 1.7–2.3 range), and all coefficients are statistically significant. For the log models, the equations with a non-interacted PLCRt and PLCRt*TTt (eqn. 10 for CPS-I and CPS-II) performed best in terms of non-serially correlated errors and the adjusted R-square (above 0.99). When a non-interacted time trend was added, its coefficient was significant and autocorrelation was reduced (eqn. 11).

Similar to the male models, the variables PLCRt*TTt and PLCRt*TTt2 were required in the linear models for females to reduce autocorrelation to insignificant levels. For the CPS-I model, the equations with PLCRt*TTt and PLCRt*TTt2 (eqn. 4) or with PLCRt*TTt and PLCRt*TTt2 and TTt (eqn. 6) performed best in terms of the D-W statistic and the adjusted R-square. For the CPS-II linear model, the adjusted R-squares were higher when the non-interacted PLCR variable was dropped (eqns. 4 and 6), and the D-W statistic improved when a non-interacted TT variable was added (eqn. 6). In log form, the CPS-I models with either the variables PLCRt*TTt and PLCRt*TTt2 or with the variables PLCRt and PLCRt*TTt and TTt2 performed best. The log model with PLCRt, PLCRt*TTt and TTt induced severe autocorrelation. The CPS-II female models in log form performed about equally well in terms of autocorrelation and the adjusted R-square when either the variables PLCRt, PLCRt*TTt and TTt (eqn. 11) or PLCRt*TTt and PLCRt*TTt2 (eqn. 12) were included. These models, along with equations 4 and 6, had adjusted R-square values above 0.99 and no detectable autocorrelation in the error terms.

3. Lives Saved and Potential Lives Saved from Tobacco Control

The predicted lung cancer rates (un-calibrated and calibrated to equation 11) for the NTC, ATC and CTC cases are shown for males and females, respectively, in Figures I.a–I.d. and II.a.–II.d. The figures each show that, as expected, the gap between the NTC and ATC and between the ATC and CTC scenarios grows over time for all cases. The un-calibrated results from the CPS-II model for each scenario are higher than those from the CPS-I model for males and females, with a larger relative gap for females.

Figure I.

Figure I

Figure I

Figure II.

Figure II

Figure II

When calibration equations other than equation 11 were applied to the predictions from the models using the NTC and CTC data, the calibrated predictions did not always yield plausible estimates for the CTC and NTC cases (i.e., CTC>ATC>NTC was violated). In particular, some of the better models that did not have a non-interacted time trend (e.g., equations 6 and 10) were not robust to the large deviations in smoking rates imputed to the CTC and NTC scenarios. The model predictions for males and females calibrated to equations 6 and 11 (results shown for equation 11), model predictions for males and females calibrated to the ratio of historical to predicted ATC rates, and model predictions for females calibrated to equation 13 showed patterns similar to those exhibited for the un-calibrated cases (i.e., CTC>ATC>NTC in roughly similar proportions).

The estimates of lung cancer deaths for NTC, ATC and CTC under each of the consistent calibrated estimates as well as for the un-calibrated estimates scenarios are shown for the male and female cases, respectively, in Tables II.a. and II.b. In addition, for each of the calibrated and un-calibrated cases, these tables show the lives saved from tobacco control (CTC deaths –ATC deaths) and the lives that could have been saved by eliminating smoking in 1965 (CTC deaths – NTC deaths), and the last column sums these estimates over all years.

Table II.a.

Lung Cancer Deaths under No, Actual and Complete Tobacco Control and Actual and Potential Lives Saved, Males

Year 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Cumulative*
Historical Lung Cancer Deaths 61,601 72,854 80,405 86,642 86,223 83,973 2,067,775

No Tobacco Control 42,092 49,464 55,289 59,995 65,813 71,445 1,494,827
Actual Tobacco Control 39,927 45,319 48,485 49,872 50,792 51,014 1,247,860
Complete Tobacco Control 30,137 29,351 29,073 27,121 25,079 22,691 715,555
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 2,166 4,146 6,803 10,122 15,021 20,431 246,967
Potential Lives saved 11,955 20,114 26,215 32,874 40,734 48,754 779,271

Calibrated to Equation6
No Tobacco Control 62,156 73,424 83,246 90,318 94,389 91,748 2,175,285
Actual Tobacco Control 62,052 72,382 80,571 85,526 86,996 82,564 2,067,879
Complete Tobacco Control 61,582 68,369 72,940 74,755 74,341 69,834 1,852,231
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 104 1,042 2,674 4,792 7,393 9,183 107,406
Potential Lives saved 574 5,055 10,305 15,562 20,048 21,913 323,053

Calibrated to Equation11
No Tobacco Control 63,478 76,200 90,474 104,758 121,753 140,531 2,575,185
Actual Tobacco Control 62,193 72,171 80,872 85,675 86,445 83,213 2,067,757
Complete Tobacco Control 55,780 55,114 52,241 44,153 34,008 23,595 1,173,446
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 1,284 4,030 9,602 19,083 35,308 57,317 507,428
Potential Lives saved 7,698 21,086 38,233 60,604 87,746 116,935 1,401,739

Calibrated to historical by year
No Tobacco Control 64,942 79,519 91,687 104,228 111,722 117,605 2,481,113
Actual Tobacco Control 61,601 72,854 80,405 86,642 86,223 83,973 2,067,775
Complete Tobacco Control 46,497 47,184 48,213 47,117 42,573 37,351 1,181,256
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 3,341 6,665 11,282 17,586 25,499 33,632 413,338
Potential Lives saved 18,445 32,334 43,474 57,111 69,148 80,254 1,299,857

Calibrated to historical by age and year
No Tobacco Control 68,683 81,785 91,070 99,221 101,226 102,688 2,379,571
Actual Tobacco Control 61,601 72,854 80,405 86,642 86,223 83,966 2,067,768
Complete Tobacco Control 49,077 48,168 47,444 44,145 38,238 32,363 1,139,192
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 7,082 8,931 10,665 12,579 15,003 18,722 311,803
Potential Lives saved 19,605 33,618 43,626 55,075 62,988 70,326 1,240,379



No Tobacco Control 60,063 69,660 76,728 82,042 87,917 94,150 2,045,876
Actual Tobacco Control 56,691 62,915 65,492 65,197 64,440 63,149 1,653,626
Complete Tobacco Control 39,380 35,560 33,820 29,832 25,982 21,832 815,132
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 3,371 6,745 11,236 16,845 23,476 31,001 392,250
Potential Lives saved 20,683 34,099 42,907 52,211 61,935 72,318 1,230,744

Calibrated to Eqn 6
No Tobacco Control 62,170 73,927 85,022 94,099 101,051 103,691 2,271,775
Actual Tobacco Control 62,031 72,383 80,689 85,480 86,804 82,880 2,067,779
Complete Tobacco Control 61,317 66,124 68,475 67,385 63,464 55,145 1,684,055
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 139 1,543 4,333 8,619 14,247 20,810 203,996
Potential Lives saved 853 7,803 16,547 26,714 37,587 48,546 587,720

Calibrated to Eqn 11
No Tobacco Control 63,120 75,564 89,394 103,393 118,319 134,180 2,522,279
Actual Tobacco Control 62,182 72,204 80,858 85,613 86,500 83,237 2,067,762
Complete Tobacco Control 56,574 55,962 53,186 45,054 34,613 23,379 1,192,307
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 939 3,360 8,536 17,780 31,819 50,943 454,517
Potential Lives saved 6,546 19,601 36,207 58,339 83,706 110,800 1,329,972

Calibrated to historical by year
No Tobacco Control 65,264 80,664 94,199 109,028 117,635 125,196 2,574,942
Actual Tobacco Control 61,601 72,854 80,405 86,642 86,223 83,973 2,067,775
Complete Tobacco Control 42,790 41,178 41,522 39,644 34,764 29,032 1,006,122
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 3,663 7,810 13,794 22,386 31,412 41,223 507,167
Potential Lives saved 22,474 39,486 52,677 69,384 82,871 96,164 1,568,820

Calibrated to historical by age and year
No Tobacco Control 67,851 83,161 96,602 111,444 119,706 127,127 2,635,305
Actual Tobacco Control 61,601 72,854 80,405 86,642 86,223 83,966 2,067,768
Complete Tobacco Control 44,191 42,204 42,605 40,899 36,739 31,472 1,045,067
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 6,250 10,307 16,197 24,802 33,483 43,161 567,537
Potential Lives saved 23,660 40,957 53,997 70,544 82,967 95,655 1,590,238

Best estimate shaded in gray


Cumulative is summed over the years 1975 to 2000

Table II.b.

Lung Cancer Deaths under No, Actual and Complete Tobacco Control and Actual and Potential Lives Saved, Females

Year 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Cumulative*
Historical Lung Cancer Deaths 17,724 26,794 36,686 47,089 54,499 58,589 1,051,978

No Tobacco Control 8,904 11,021 13,157 15,288 17,364 19,314 368,797
Actual Tobacco Control 8,697 10,666 12,571 14,225 15,575 16,423 340,977
Complete Tobacco Control 7,436 8,233 9,148 9,592 9,840 9,850 236,868
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 208 356 586 1,062 1,789 2,891 27,820
Potential Lives saved 1,468 2,788 4,010 5,696 7,524 9,463 131,929

Calibrated to Equation 6
No Tobacco Control 18,006 27,120 38,618 51,403 64,020 75,485 1,184,607
Actual Tobacco Control 17,946 26,542 36,968 47,306 55,531 59,625 1,066,479
Complete Tobacco Control 17,586 22,586 27,327 29,439 28,313 23,570 667,494
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 59 578 1,650 4,097 8,489 15,860 118,128
Potential Lives saved 420 4,534 11,292 21,963 35,707 51,915 517,113

Calibrated to Equation 11
No Tobacco Control 18,939 28,743 41,868 58,052 76,618 101,273 1,378,437
Actual Tobacco Control 17,905 26,408 36,875 46,802 54,143 58,382 1,051,902
Complete Tobacco Control 12,333 13,527 15,201 14,401 12,492 10,284 350,179
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 1,034 2,335 4,993 11,250 22,475 42,892 326,535
Potential Lives saved 6,606 15,216 26,667 43,650 64,126 90,989 1,028,258

Calibrated to historical by year
No Tobacco Control 18,147 27,687 38,396 50,606 60,758 68,903 1,143,972
Actual Tobacco Control 17,724 26,794 36,686 47,089 54,499 58,589 1,051,978
Complete Tobacco Control 15,155 20,683 26,694 31,751 34,432 35,142 719,394
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 423 893 1,710 3,517 6,259 10,314 91,994
Potential Lives saved 2,992 7,005 11,702 18,855 26,326 33,761 424,578

Calibrated to historical by age and year
No Tobacco Control 20,160 29,685 40,381 52,515 62,470 70,303 1,192,352
Actual Tobacco Control 18,544 28,216 38,585 50,088 59,263 64,987 1,128,150
Complete Tobacco Control 14,164 8,233 9,148 9,592 9,840 9,850 243,596
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 1,616 1,469 1,796 2,427 3,207 5,316 64,202
Potential Lives saved 5,996 21,452 31,233 42,923 52,630 60,453 948,756

No Tobacco Control 16,821 22,995 29,416 35,436 40,712 45,419 829,940
Actual Tobacco Control 16,054 21,414 26,585 30,504 32,975 33,846 708,994
Complete Tobacco Control 11,435 12,226 13,612 13,525 12,885 11,791 333,880
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 767 1,581 2,831 4,932 7,737 11,574 120,947
Potential Lives saved 5,386 10,770 15,805 21,912 27,827 33,628 496,060

Calibrated to Eqn 6
No Tobacco Control 18,053 27,152 38,879 51,665 63,573 73,002 1,178,858
ActualTobacco Control 17,989 26,434 36,725 46,721 54,454 58,081 1,052,000
Complete Tobacco Control 17,610 22,259 26,851 29,699 30,778 29,647 693,353
Lives SavedBy Tobacco Control 63 718 2,155 4,944 9,118 14,921 126,858
Potential Lives saved 443 4,893 12,029 21,966 32,795 43,355 485,505

Calibrated to Eqn 11
No Tobacco Control 18,980 29,033 42,604 59,020 77,216 98,802 1,385,887
Actual Tobacco Control 17,941 26,420 36,822 46,726 54,238 58,306 1,051,912
Complete Tobacco Control 11,915 12,580 14,032 13,154 11,230 8,801 321,444
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 1,039 2,612 5,782 12,294 22,978 40,496 333,976
Potential Lives saved 7,066 16,453 28,572 45,866 65,986 90,001 1,064,443

Calibrated to historical by year
No Tobacco Control 17,724 26,794 36,686 47,089 54,499 58,589 1,051,978
Actual Tobacco Control 16,916 24,952 33,155 40,535 44,142 43,660 895,568
Complete Tobacco Control 12,049 14,245 16,976 17,972 17,249 15,210 416,505
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 808 1,842 3,531 6,554 10,357 14,929 156,410
Potential Lives saved 5,675 12,549 19,710 29,117 37,250 43,379 635,473

Calibrated to historical by age and year
No Tobacco Control 20,645 30,888 42,809 56,955 69,479 80,668 1,298,396
Actual Tobacco Control 18,544 28,216 38,585 50,088 59,263 64,987 1,128,150
Complete Tobacco Control 14,337 16,832 20,042 21,974 22,616 21,977 518,564
Lives Saved By Tobacco Control 2,101 2,672 4,224 6,867 10,216 15,681 170,246
Potential Lives saved 6,308 14,055 22,767 34,982 46,863 58,691 779,832

Best estimate shaded in gray


Cumulative is summed over the years 1975 to 2000

For males, the number of lives potentially saved from eliminating smoking in 1965 (the difference between NTC and CTC) is substantially lower for the un-calibrated CPS-I (779,271 lives saved over the period 1975 to 2000) than the un-calibrated CPS-II (1,230,744 lives saved), as is expected due to the lower relative mortality risks that are obtained using the CPS-I compared to the CPS-II data. Using the calibration of the ATC predictions to historical rates, however, brings the estimates much closer together (e.g., 1,240,379 for CPS-I vs 1,590,238 for CPS-II), especially in relative terms. The prediction using the log model (equation 11) for the CPS-II models yielded estimates of lives saved between those of the estimates using the ratio of ATC to historical calibration and were very close to each other. The estimates using equation 6 were below those of the un-calibrated case and substantially below that of the other calibrated cases, suggesting that the linear specification implied in these equations is less plausible than the log specification. Our choice for best estimate is from the results using the log model (equation 11) calibrated to the CPS-II with bounds from the CPS-I model calibrated to the historical rates and the CPS-II calibrated to the historical rates. Our best estimates with bounds in parentheses are 454,517 (311,803 to 567,537) male lives saved as a result of actual tobacco control and the potential to have saved 1,329,972 (1,240,379 to 1,590,238) male lives with complete tobacco control beginning in 1965.

Results were generally less consistent for female models. Because the rates from the CPS-I model are far below those of the CPS-II model (reflecting the large difference in relative smoking risks), those results are not considered for best final estimates. For the CPS-II model, the number of potential lives saved over the period 1975 to 2000 from the linear calibration using equation 6 (485,505 potential lives saved) are close to the un-calibrated predictions (496,060 potential lives saved), but substantially less than half those of the log specification from equation 11 (1,064,443 potential lives saved). The midway CPS-II rates calibrated to historical rates are designated as best estimates, 132,034 lives saved as a result of actual tobacco control and 779,832 potential lives saved. Because of the wide disparity in results of the different CPS-II models, we designate the un-calibrated results from CPS-II as the lower bound and the results from CPS-II calibrated to equation 11 as the upper bound; we estimate 170,246 (120,947 to 333,976) female lives saved as a result of actual tobacco control and the potential to save 779,832 (496,060 to 1,064,443) female lives.

In total, we estimate that 624,763 lives were saved between 1975 and 2000 as a result of tobacco control activities and a potential 2,109,804 lives could have been saved from all together eliminating smoking as of 1966.


Using results from the original TSCE smoking models and from models adjusted over time, we estimated how many lung cancer deaths have been avoided as a result of reductions in smoking due to tobacco control efforts implemented since the early fifties and how many deaths could have been avoided if all smoking had stopped as of 1965. Our best estimate is that tobacco control activities saved approximately 625,000 lives that would have been lost to lung cancer between the years 1975 and 2000. An additional 2,110,000 lives would have been saved if all smoking ceased in the year 1965. However, the results varied considerably depending on the calibration scheme.

The estimates were based on separate TSCE models estimated using CPS-I and CPS-II data. The predictions of lung cancer death rates from TSCE models using the CPS-I and CPS-II data were compared to historical death rates. Some relatively consistent patterns were observed for males and females and for predictions from the TSCE model applied to the CPS-I and CPS-II data. We find that the predictions for the male and female TSCE models were considerably below historical rates, likely reflecting the non-representative, more highly educated sample of the CPS samples and misclassification error. As indicated by the graphical analysis and the statistical significance of the PLCRt*TTt and the PLCRt*TTt*TTt variables in the log and linear calibration equations, the deviations of the predictions to the historical rates increases over time. These results are consistent with findings that the relative lung cancer death risks found with the CPS-II data are higher than those found with the CPS-I data and may reflect an increasing relative risk e.g., from a more harmful effect of cigarettes alone or from a synergistic effect with non-smoking factors, such as radon. These results also indicate that there may be major bias in using CPS data to calculate lung cancer deaths attributable to smoking. The results indicate that these deaths may be seriously underestimated and the bias may be increasing over time.

Several other findings also merit further exploration. The convergence of the predictions to historical rates at younger ages may reflect reduced exposure to second hand smoke with the general reductions in smoking prevalence over time beginning in 1964. In addition, the significant, negative coefficient on the non-interacted time trend variable in all of the models, even after adjusting predictions of the smoking model for upward trends, suggests that there is still a residual (i.e., non-smoking) downward trend in lung cancer death rates that is not captured by the TSCE smoking models.

4.a. Limitations

Our analysis relates predictions of the smoking models to historical lung cancer death rates at an aggregated level, i.e., over all ages. In our analysis, age and cohort effects through smoking behaviors are assumed to be captured by the smoking models. The focus is on period effects as captured by time trends, although part of the effects may be due to cohort effects. The graphs by age indicate that age may be an important factor. We have begun to consider less aggregated smoking models calibrated at the level of age by year allowing for separate age related and cohort-related trends. While the relative roles of these effects are more difficult to distinguish, we have found important differences in age-related, trend-related and cohort-related deviations of the model from historical rates.

The TSCE smoking models that we apply to the smoking data are non-linear. Because the TSCE smoking models were estimated for individual ages, we captured nonlinearities as they apply to different ages. However, nonlinearities may exist within age groups due to the variation of duration and intensity among those of a particular age. Since duration and intensity are likely to be correlated, data is needed on their joint distributions in order to analyze those effects.

The TSCE smoking models that we apply do not distinguish racial-ethnic differences. Some previous studies indicate important differences in lung cancer rates and the role of smoking by race (2).

The predictions from the smoking models were calibrated over the entire range of years and ages. Consequently, results could only be compared across models and could not be validated for individual models.

Finally, our analysis of the role of smoking in lung cancer is based on empirical smoking models applying the two-stage clonal expansion model of cancer growth. We also conducted similar analyses using results from a study by Flanders et al.6 using the CPS-II data and from a study by Knoke et al.8 using the CPS-I data. We obtained roughly consistent results when comparing their results to the TSCE models using the same CPS data sets.

In sum, using the Smoking Base Case data, we were able to consider times series relationships between smoking rates and lung cancer deaths over a longer time period than previous longitudinal studies. The analyses conducted in this paper provide a first step in considering the robustness over time of estimates from studies using the CPS-I and CPS-II data. In particular, we consider biases in predictions stemming from the TSCE model and how these biases may be changing over time, but the extent of bias and trends in bias are dependent on whether CPS-I or CPS-II data is used to estimate the model. Our analysis, focusing on lung cancer rates at an aggregated level, indicates strong trends in how the effects of smoking and non-smoking related factors may have changed over time.


Funding for this work was from the Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET) of the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS), National Cancer Institute (NCI) under grant UO1-CA97450-02.


Competing Interests

There are no competing interests.

Contributor Information

David Levy, Georgetown University, Pacific Institute

Kenneth Blackman, Pacific Institute

Eduard Zaloshnja, Pacific Institute


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