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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Aug 1.
Published in final edited form as: Ann Inst Stat Math. 2011 Nov 18;64(4):687–714. doi: 10.1007/s10463-011-0341-x

Strong consistency of nonparametric Bayes density estimation on compact metric spaces with applications to specific manifolds

Abhishek Bhattacharya 1, David B Dunson 2
PMCID: PMC3439825  NIHMSID: NIHMS341736  PMID: 22984295


This article considers a broad class of kernel mixture density models on compact metric spaces and manifolds. Following a Bayesian approach with a nonparametric prior on the location mixing distribution, sufficient conditions are obtained on the kernel, prior and the underlying space for strong posterior consistency at any continuous density. The prior is also allowed to depend on the sample size n and sufficient conditions are obtained for weak and strong consistency. These conditions are verified on compact Euclidean spaces using multivariate Gaussian kernels, on the hypersphere using a von Mises-Fisher kernel and on the planar shape space using complex Watson kernels.

Keywords: Nonparametric Bayes, Density Estimation, Posterior consistency, Sample dependent prior, Riemannian manifold, Hypersphere, Shape space

1 Introduction

Density estimation on compact metric spaces, such as manifolds, is a fundamental problem in nonparametric inference on non-Euclidean spaces. Some applications include directional and axial data analysis, spatial modeling, shape analysis and dimensionality reduction problems in which the data lie on an unknown lower dimensional space. However, the literature on statistical theory and methods of density estimation in non-Euclidean spaces is still under-developed. Our focus is on Bayesian nonparametric approaches.

For nonparametric Bayes density estimation on the real line ℜ, there is a rich literature, with Dirichlet process mixtures of Gaussian kernels providing a commonly-used approach (Escobar and West (1995)[6]) that leads to dense support (Lo (1984)[14]) and weak and strong posterior consistency (Ghosal et al. (1999)[8]). From the celebrated theorem of Schwartz (1965)[16], weak posterior consistency results when the true density f0 is in the Kullback-Leibler (KL) support of the prior, meaning that all KL neighborhoods around f0 are assigned positive probability. In general, it is quite difficult to show KL support for new priors for a density, though Wu and Ghosal (2008)[20] provide useful conditions for a class of kernel mixture priors, with Bhattacharya and Dunson (2010a)[2] extending these conditions to general compact metric spaces. It is widely accepted that weak consistency is an insufficient property when the focus is on density estimation. For example, if f0 is a density with respect to Lebesgue measure, weak consistency does not even ensure that the posterior assigns positive probability to the set of densities with respect to Lebesgue measure. Hence, it is important to provide stronger results.

Until very recently, essentially all the literature on theory of nonparametric Bayes density estimation focused on one-dimensional Euclidean spaces. An important development in multivariate Euclidean spaces is the article of Wu and Ghosal (2010)[21] who provide sufficient conditions for strong consistency in nonparametric Bayes density estimation from Dirichlet process mixtures of multivariate Gaussian kernels. However severe tail restrictions are imposed on the kernel covariance, which become overly restrictive when the data are very high dimensional. Also the theory developed in their paper is specialized and cannot be easily generalized to arbitrary kernel mixtures on more general spaces.

We are particularly interested in density estimation in the special case in which the compact metric space M corresponds to a Riemannian manifold. In order to extend kernel mixture models used in Euclidean spaces to manifolds M, the kernel needs to be carefully chosen. One approach is to introduce an invertible coordinate map between a subset of M and a Euclidean space (Hirsch (1976)[10]). Under such an approach, the density prior on M can be induced through a kernel mixture model in a Euclidean space. However, several major problems arise in using such an approach. Firstly, it is not possible to cover the entire manifold with a single smooth coordinate chart except for very simple manifolds, so unless the data are very concentrated one may obtain poor performance. Different local charts can be patched together to form an atlas, but this may introduce artifactual discontinuities in the resulting density. Because the coordinate map is not isometric, the geometry of the manifold can be heavily distorted. As good choices of coordinate frames necessarily depend on the observations, additional uncertainty is automatically induced. Due to these and other shortcomings of coordinate based methods, we focus on modeling approaches that are coordinate free in the sense that we build density models with respect to the invariant volume form on the manifold.

In Bhattacharya and Dunson (2010a)[2], a density model is presented on a general compact metric space with respect to any fixed base measure using a random mixture of probability kernels. Under mild conditions on the kernel and the mixing prior, it is shown that the prior probability of any uniform neighborhood of any continuous density f0 is positive and if f0 is positive everywhere, it lies in the KL support of the prior. This inturn implies posterior consistency in the weak sense. Density estimation on the planar shape space is presented as a special case. However strong posterior consistency is not addressed. The everywhere positivity restriction on the true density cannot be easily relaxed. Also besides the location mixing distribution, the only other parameter in the model is a scalar band-width. This restricts the flexibility when the sample size is small.

Focusing on kernel mixture priors for densities on a compact metric space M, in this article, we provide sufficient conditions on the kernel, prior and the underlying space to ensure strong consistency. Theorem 2 and Corollary 1 provide sufficient conditions to ensure that all total variation neighborhoods around f0 will be assigned probability converging to one as the sample size increases. The theoretical development relies on the method of sieves and exponentially consistent tests discussed in Barron (1989)[1]. However, applying this framework outside multivariate spaces is not standard and requires careful use of differential geometry. Through Theorem 1, we prove weak consistency for a bigger class of kernels than Bhattacharya and Dunson (2010a)[2]. The only requirement on the true density is that it is continuous everywhere. To illustrate the theory, we focus on density estimation on the unit hypersphere using von Mises-Fisher kernels and on the planar shape space using complex Watson kernels. In both these cases, it is shown that the kernels satisfy the sufficient conditions. The results also apply to Gaussian mixture densities on ℜd whenever the true density has compact support. In that case, a truncated and transformed Wishart prior on the covariance inverse, the transformation depending on the data dimension is shown to suffice as in Wu and Ghosal (2010)[21]. Appropriate kernel choices are presented on other manifolds such as axial spaces, Stiefel manifolds and Grasmannians which arise as generalisations of the two manifolds.

When the manifold is high-dimensional, priors satisfying conditions for strong consistency tend to put too little probability near bandwidths close to 0, which is undesirable for applications. A gamma prior on the inverse-bandwidth, for example, cannot be shown to satisfy the conditions. Hence, we extend the consistency results to cover cases with priors depending on the sample size n. Theorem 3 extends the Schwartz theorem to prove weak consistency, while Theorem 4 proves strong consistency using such priors. A gamma prior with scale decreasing with n at an appropriate rate satisfies the conditions for both weak and strong posterior consistency at an exponential rate. When using multivariate Gaussian mixtures, a truncated Wishart prior with hyper-parameters depending on n, is shown to work.

To mantain a free flow while reading, we put all the proofs together at the end in a section called Appendix.

2 Consistency theorems on compact metric spaces

2.1 Weak posterior consistency

Let (M, ρ) be a compact metric space, ρ being the distance metric, and let X be a random variable on M (from some measurable space (Ω, Inline graphic, Q)). We assume that the distribution of X has a density with respect to some fixed finite base measure λ on M. The natural choice for such a λ when M is a Riemannian manifold is the invariant volume form. We are interested in modelling this unknown density via a flexible model. Let K(m; μ, Inline graphic) be a probability kernel on M with location μM and other parameters Inline graphicN, N being a Polish space, that is, it is homeomorphic to a complete seperable metric space. In the special case, we choose N = (0, ∞) and then K may be called a location-scale kernel.

Given the parameters (μ, Inline graphic), K satisfies ∫M K(m; μ, Inline graphic)λ(dm) = 1. Then a location mixture density model for X is defined as

f(m;P,K)=MK(m;μ,K)P(dμ) (1)

with parameters P in the space Inline graphic(M) of all probability distributions on M and Inline graphicN. We call P the location mixing distribution. When N = (0, ∞), we view Inline graphic as the band-width of the kernel and hence call Inline graphic the precision or inverse band-width parameter. More generally Inline graphic comprises of many other parameters in different spaces determining the kernel shape, modality etc, and the precision is a particular function of Inline graphic. The upcoming consistecy theorems and examples will illustrate that function. Kernel mixture models are used routinely in Bayesian density estimation in Euclidean spaces, with Lennox et al.(2009)[13] applying such an approach to bivariate angular data and Bhattacharya and Dunson (2010a)[2], (2010b)[3] considering kernel mixtures on general metric spaces.

A prior Π1 on (P, Inline graphic) induces a prior Π on the space of densities Inline graphic(M ) on M through the model (1). Given a random realization X1, …, Xn of X, we can compute the posterior of f. The Schwartz theorem provides a useful tool in proving that the posterior assigns probability converging to one in arbitrarily small neighborhoods of the true density f0 as the sample size n → ∞. Let F0 denote the probability distribution corresponding to f0, let KL(f0; f ) = ∫M f0(m) log{f0(m)/f(m)}λ(dm) denote the KL divergence of another density f from f0, and let Kε(f0) denote the KL neighborhood {fInline graphic(M): KL(f0; f ) < ε}. f0 is said to be in the KL support of Π or Π is said to satisfy the KL condition at f0 if Π{Kε(f0)} > 0 for all ε > 0.

Proposition 1 (Schwartz Theorem)

If (1) f0 is in the KL support of Π, and (2) UInline graphic(M) is such that there exists a uniformly exponentially consistent sequence of test functions for testing H0: f = f0 versus H1: fUc, then Π(U |X1, …, Xn) → 1 as n → ∞ a.s. F0.

The posterior probability of Uc can beexpressed as

Π(UcX1,,Xn)=Uci=1nf(Xi)f0(Xi)Π(df)1nf(Xi)f0(Xi)Π(df) (2)

Condition (1), known as the KL condition, ensures that for any β > 0,

liminfnexp(nβ)i=1nf(Xi)f0(Xi)Π(df)=a.s. (3)

while condition (2) implies that


for some β0 > 0 (depending on U ) and therefore


Hence Proposition 1 provides conditions for posterior consistency at an exponential rate. Theorem 1 derives sufficient conditions on the kernel and the prior so that f0 is in the uniform support and hence KL support of Π. They are

  • A1

    The kernel K is continuous in its arguements.

    For any continuous function f: M → ℜ (written as fC(M)), for any ε > 0, there exists a compact subset Nε of N with non-empty interior, such that

  • A2

    supmM, Inline graphicNε|f(m) − ∫M K(m; μ, Inline graphic)f (μ)λ()| < ε.

  • A3

    For any ε > 0, the set {F0}×Nεo intersects with the (weak) support of Π1. Here Ao denotes the interior of a set A.

  • A4

    f0 is a continuous density.

Theorem 1

Under assumptions A1A4, for any ε > 0,


which implies that f0 is in the KL support of Π.

As a corollary, we obtain the KL property for the location-scale kernel, derived in Bhattacharya and Dunson (2010a)[2]. However unlike in there, we need not assume f0 to be positive everywhere.

When U is a weakly open neighborhood of f0, condition (2) in Proposition 1 is always satisfied. Hence under assumptions A1A4, weak posterior consistency at an exponential rate follows. Assumptions A1 and A2 impose some mild conditions on the kernel choice, which are easily satisfied by several parametric families. In particular, A2 implies that as a probability distribution on M, K(; μ, Inline graphic) can be made arbitrarilly close in weak sense to the degenerate point mass at μ, uniformly in μ, for appropriate Inline graphic choice, thereby justifying the name ‘location’ for μ. When the compact neighborhood Nε can be represented as the inverse image under some function ψ(ψ: N → ℜ+) of some neighborhood around infinity, then ψ( Inline graphic) can be viewed as the precision parameter. We will provide examples of kernels on some non-Euclidean manifolds arising in shape and directional data analysis which satisfy A1 and A2. A common choice for Π1 satisfying A3 can be a full support product prior such as a Dirichlet process DP(w0P0) prior on P satisfying supp(P0) = M and an independent everywhere positive density prior on Inline graphic.

2.2 Strong consistency

When U is a total variation neighborhood of f0, LeCam (1973)[12] and Barron (1989)[1] show that condition (2) of Proposition 1 will not be satisfied in most cases. In Barron (1989)[1] (also see Ghosal et al.(1999)[8]), a sieve method is considered to obtain sufficient conditions for the numerator in (2) to decay at an exponential rate and hence get strong posterior consistency at an exponential rate. This is stated in Proposition 2. In its statement, for Inline graphicInline graphic(M) and ε > 0, the L1-metric entropy N (ε, Inline graphic) is defined as the logarithm of the minimum number of ε-sized (or smaller) L1 subsets needed to cover Inline graphic.

Proposition 2

If there exists a Inline graphicInline graphic(M) such that (1) for n sufficiently large, Π(Dnc)<exp(-nβ) for some β > 0, and (2) N (ε, Inline graphic)/n → 0 as n → ∞ for any ε > 0, then for any total variation neighborhood U of f0, there exists a β0 > 0 (depending on U) such that limsupnexp(nβ0)Uc1nf(Xi)f0(Xi)Π(df)=0 a.s. F0. Hence if f0 is in the KL support of Π, the posterior probability of any total variation neighborhood of f0 converges to 1 almost surely.

Theorem 2, which is the main theorem of this paper, describes a Inline graphic which satisfies condition (2). We assume that there exists a continuous function φ: N → [0, ∞) for which the following assumptions hold.

  • A5
    There exists positive constants κ1, a1, A1 such that for all κκ1, μ, νM,
  • A6
    There exists positive constants a2, A2 such that for all Inline graphic, Inline graphicφ−1 [0, κ], κκ1,

    ρ2 metrizing the topology of N.

  • A7

    For any κκ1, the subset φ−1 [0, κ] is compact and given ε > 0, the minimum number of ε (or smaller) radius balls covering it (known as the ε-covering number) can be bounded by (κε−1)b2 for appropriate positive constant b2 (independent of κ and ε).

  • A8

    There exists a3, A3 > 0 such that the ε-covering number of M is bounded by A3εa3 for any ε > 0.

For two positive sequences {an} and {bn}, {an} is said to be ‘little-o’ of {bn}, written as an = o(bn), if the sequence {an/bn} converges to 0 as n → ∞.

Theorem 2

For a positive sequence {κn} diverging to ∞, define


Under assumptions A5A8, given any ε > 0, for n sufficiently large, N(ε,Dn)C(ε)κna1a3 for some C(ε) > 0. Hence N(ε, Inline graphic) is o(n) whenever κn is o (n(a1a3)−1).

As a corollary, we derive conditions on the prior Π1 on (P, Inline graphic) under which strong posterior consistency at an exponential rate follows.

Corollary 1

Under the hypothesis of Theorems 1 and 2 and

  • A9

    Π1( Inline graphic(M ) × φ−1 (na, ∞)) < exp(−) for some a < (a1a3)−1 and β > 0,

the posterior probability of any total variation neighborhood of f0 converges to 1 a.s. F0.

Theorem 1 ensures that f0 is in the KL support of Π. Theorem 2 and assumption A9 ensure that Inline graphic satisfies conditions (1) and (2) of Proposition 2. Hence from the Proposition, the proof follows.

When we use a location-scale kernel, that is, when N = (0, ∞), choose a prior Π1 = Π11π1 having full support, set φ to be the identity map, then a choice for π1 for which Assumption A9 is satisfied is a Weibull density W eib( Inline graphic; α, β) ∝ Inline graphicexp(−β Inline graphic) whenever the shape parameter α exceeds a1a3 (a1, a3 as in Assumptions A5 and A8).

Remark 1

A gamma prior on Inline graphic satisfies the requirements for weak consistency but not A9 (unless a1a3 < 1). However that does not prove that it is not eligible for strong consistency because Corollary 1 provides only sufficient conditions. In Section 2.3, we prove it to be eligible as long as the hyperparameters are allowed to depend on sample size n in a suitable way.

When the underlying space is non-compact such as ℜd, Corollary 1 applies to any true density f0 supported on a compact set, say M. Then the kernel can be chosen to have non-compact support, such as Gaussian, but to apply Theorem 2, we need to restrict the prior on the location mixing distribution to have support in Inline graphic(M). We can weaken assumptions A5 and A6 to

  • A5′

    supInline graphicφ−1[0, κ]||K(μ, Inline graphic) − K(ν, Inline graphic)|| ≤ A1κa1ρ (μ, ν) and

  • A6′

    μM||K(μ, Inline graphic) − K(μ, Inline graphic)|| ≤ A2κa2ρ2( Inline graphic, Inline graphic) ∀ Inline graphic, Inline graphicφ−1 [0, κ] respectively. Here ||fg|| denotes the L1 distance between densities f and g. The proof of Theorem 2 can be easily modified to show consistency under the new assumptions and is left to the reader.

The multivariate Gaussian kernel can be represented as


M+(d) being the space of all d × d positive matrices. Hence Inline graphic is the kernel covariance. It satisfies A5′ and A6′ as shown in Proposition 3. Here by λ1( Inline graphic), …, λd( Inline graphic), we denote the eigen-values of Inline graphic in increasing order.

Proposition 3

The multivariate Gaussian kernel satisfies A5′ with φ being the largest eigen-value function, φ( Inline graphic) = λd( Inline graphic) and a1 = 1/2. It also satisfies A6′ once we restrict N to be the space of all positive matrices with the least eigen-value being bounded below by some pre-specified positive constant, say, λ1, i.e., N = { Inline graphicM+ (d): λ1( Inline graphic) ≥ λ1}. The space M+(d) (and hence N) satisfies A7 while any compact subset M of ℜd satisfies A8 from Theorem 2 with a3 = d. Hence if


for some a < 2/d and β > 0, and if f0 is in the KL support of Π, strong posterior consistency follows.

Theorem 4 in Ghosal et al.(1999)[8] provides sufficient conditions on f0 and Π1 for the KL condition to be satisfied while using a Gaussian mixture model in the univariate setting to model a compactly supported density. It assumes Π1 = Π11π1 with F0 ∈ supp(Π11) and ∞ ∈ supp(π1). The theorem can be extended to multivariate setting with the condition on Π1 relaxed to, for any κ > 0, there exists a Inline graphicM + (d) with λ1( Inline graphic) ≥ κ such that (F0, Inline graphic) ∈ supp(Π1). Therefore λ1( Inline graphic) can be viewed as the kernel precision in this case. A full support product Π1 on Inline graphic(M ) × N will satisfy these requirements. Using a product prior, a choice for π1 for which strong consistency also follows can be the so called truncated transformed Wishart defined as follows. Set Inline graphic = Λa for any a ∈ (0, 2/d) with Λ following a Wishart distribution restricted to N. Then Inline graphic is said to follow a truncated transformed Wishart with transformation power a.

Remark 2

The truncation restriction on the space N is not undesirable, because for more precise fit, we are interested in low bandwidths and the least eigen-value of Inline graphic can be viewed as the inverse of the band-width. However, lower the transformation power, lower is the prior probability for high precisions which is undesirable when sample sizes are not high.

In Wu and Ghosal (2010)[21], strong consistency is proved in the special case of Dirichlet process Gaussian mixtures used to model density f0 having support as ℜd. It requires a to be less than 1/d resulting in even smaller precision. In the next section, we prove that no transformation is required (a = 1) as long as the hyper-parameters are allowed to depend on the sample size appropriately.

2.3 Consistency with sample size-dependent priors

When the dimension of the manifold is large, as is the case in shape analysis with a large number of landmarks, the constraints on the shape parameter in the proposed Weibull prior on the inverse bandwidth become overly-restrictive. In particular, for strong posterior consistency, the shape parameter needs to be very large in high-dimensional cases, implying a prior on the bandwidth that places very small probability in neighborhoods close to zero, which is undesirable in many applications. By instead allowing the prior to depend on sample size n, we can potentially obtain priors that may have better small sample operating characteristics, while still leading to strong consistency. However, for n-dependent priors, the KL condition is no longer sufficient to ensure that (3) holds and hence the Schwartz theorem breaks down. In this section, we will modify the conditions and derive weak and strong consistency results for n-dependent priors.

As recommended in earlier sections, we let P and Inline graphic be independent under Π1. Then, assuming P ~ Π11 is a constant prior, we focus on the case in which Inline graphic has a sample size-dependent prior density πn with respect to some base measure λ1 on N, Inline graphic ~ πn( Inline graphic)λ1(d Inline graphic). We pick λ1 to have full support. Depending on the context, πn will refer to both the density and distribution of Inline graphic. Denote the resulting sequence of induced priors on Inline graphic(M) as Πn. Theorem 3 proves weak posterior consistency under the following assumptions on the prior.

  • A10

    The prior Π11 contains F0 in its support.

  • A11
    For any ε > 0, for all Inline graphicNε,

    Here Nε is as defined in Assumption A2.

Theorem 3

Under assumptions A1 and A2 on the kernel, A4 on the true density f0, and, A10 and A11 on the prior, the posterior probability of any weak neighborhood of f0 converges to one a.s. F0.

The proof is immediate from the following two lemmas.

Lemma 1

Under assumptions A1A2, A4 and A10A11, for any ε > 0,

liminfnexp(nε)1nf(Xi)f0(Xi)Πn(df)= (4)

a.s. F0.

Lemma 2

If there exists a uniformly exponentially consistent sequence of test functions for testing H0: f = f0 versus H1: fUc, and Πn(Uc) > 0 for all n > C with C a sufficiently arge constant, then for some β0 > 0,


a.s. F0.

The proof of Lemma 2 is related to that of Lemma 4.4.2. from Ghosh and Ramamoorthi (2003)[9] which is stated for a constant prior Π but with the set Uc depending on n, they call this Vn. There it is assumed that lim infn→∞Π(Vn) > 0 but that is not necessary as long as Π(Vn) > 0 for all large n. Lemma 1 is proved in the Appendix.

With a location-scale kernel, N being (0, ∞), a gamma prior πn( Inline graphic) ∝ exp(−βn Inline graphic) Inline graphic, α, βn > 0, denoted by Gam(α, βn), satisfies Assumption A11 on entire of N, as long as βn is o(n).

With a multivariate Gaussian kernel on ℜd with dispersion Inline graphic, a Wishart prior on Inline graphic,


denoted as Wish(βn-1Id,q) satisfies A11 on entire M+(d), as long as βn is o(n). Here Γd(.) denotes the multivariate gamma function defined as


For strong consistency, we impose the following additional condition on πn. Let a1 and a3 be as in Assumptions A5 (or A5′) and A8 respectively.

  • A12
    For some β0 > 0 and a < (a1a3)−1,

This assumption is in place of A9 used for constant priors.

Theorem 4

Under Assumptions A1A2 and A4A8 and A10A12, the posterior probability of any total variation neighborhood of f0 converges to 1 a.s F0.

The proof is very similar to that of Corollary 1. This is because under assumptions A1A2, A4 and A10A11, the conclusion (4) of Lemma 1 holds. The other assumptions are to show that the L1-metric entropy of Inline graphic is o(n) while Πn(Dnc) is exponentially small, Inline graphic being defined in Theorem 2. Under these assumptions, the proof of Proposition 2 goes through to prove strong consistency with sample size dependent priors. This is also mentioned in §5 of Ghosal et al.(1999)[8]. They require lim infn→∞Πn(Kε(f0)) > 0 in place of of the assumption Π(Kε(f0)) > 0 for constant priors but this is only to ensure that (4) holds.

Again as in §2.2, we can weaken assumptions A5 and A6 to A5′ and A6′ respectively.

For a location-scale kernel, a Gam(α, βn) prior on precision Inline graphic satisfies A12 when n 1−a is o(βn) for some a ∈ (0, (a1a3)−1). Hence, for example, we have weak and strong posterior consistency with βn = b1n/{log(n)}b2 for any b1, b2 > 0.

For a multivariate Gaussian kernel, to satisfy assumption A6′, we need to truncate the space N to { Inline graphicM + (d): λ1( Inline graphic) ≥ λ1}, as proved in Proposition 3. Then we may set a truncated Wishart prior on Inline graphic, defined as

πn(K)=exp(-βn/2Tr(K))det(K)(q-d-1)/2ANexp(-βn/2Tr(A))det(A)(q-d-1)/2dA,KN. (5)

Then for Assumption A12 to be satisfied, we require n1−a to be o(βn) for some a ∈ (0, (a1a3)−1). This is shown in Proposition 4. Hence we have weak and strong posterior consistency once we set βn = b1n/{log(n)}b2 for any b1, b2 > 0. Unlike in §2.2, we impose no transformation constraints, which is very helpful especially when sample sizes are not that high while the data dimensions are huge.

Proposition 4

For a positive sequence {βn} diverging to infinity, Assumption A12 is satisfied for the Truncated-Wishart density sequence πn in (5) if there exists an a ∈ (0, (a1a3)−1) for which βn satisfies n1−a/βn → 0 as n → ∞.

In the subsequent sections, we present kernel choices for density estimation on some specific non-Euclidean manifolds that arise in several applications. We illustrate how to apply Theorems 1, 2, 3 and 4 and obtain weak and strong posterior consistency.

3 Application to unit hypersphere

Let M be the unit sphere Sd embedded in ℜd+1. It is a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension d and a compact metric space under the chord distance ρ(u, v) = ||uv||2, ||.||2 denoting the L2-norm. Spherical data on S2 arise in the context of directional data analysis. Most of the shape spaces are quotients of high dimensional spheres. Hence it is important to develop consistent inference procedures on this space, and very few results exist in the context of Bayesian nonparametrics.

To define a probability density model as in (1) with respect to the volume form V, we need a suitable kernel which satisfies the assumptions in Section 2. One of the most commonly used probability densities on this space is the von Mises-Fisher (vMF) density which is given by

vMF(m;μ,K)=c-1(K)exp(KmTμ),m,μSd,K[0,), (6)

with c being the normalizing constant which can be derived to be

2πd/2Γ(d2)-11exp(Kt)(1-t2)d/2-1dt. (7)

The vMF density on S1 was first derived in Von Mises (1918)[18] and the density in case of S2 was given by Fisher (1953)[7]. Watson and Williams (1953)[19] generalized this distribution to Sd and examined many of its properties. It can be shown that the parameter μ is the extrinsic mean (as defined in Bhattacharya and Patrangenaru (2003)[4]), and hence can be interpreted as the distribution location. The parameter Inline graphic is a measure of concentration, with Inline graphic = 0 corresponding to the uniform distribution having constant density equal to 1/∫SdV (dm). As Inline graphic diverges to ∞, the vMF distribution converges to a point mass at μ in an L1 sense uniformly. This is proved in Theorem 5.

Theorem 5

The vMF kernel satisfies Assumptions A1 and A2.

Hence from Theorem 1, weak posterior consistency follows using the location mixture density model (1) with a Dirichlet Process prior on P and an independent gamma prior on Inline graphic. In the d = 2 special case, Lennox et al.(2009)[13] proposed a closely related model but did not consider theoretical properties. Theorem 6 verifies the assumptions for strong consistency.

Theorem 6

With φ( Inline graphic) = Inline graphic, the vMF kernel on Sd satisfies assumption A5 with a1 = d/2 + 1 and A6 with a2 = d/2. The compact metric-space (Sd, ρ) satisfies assumption A8 with a3 = d.

As a result a Weibull prior on Inline graphic with shape parameter exceeding (d + d2/2)−1 satisfies the condition of Corollary 1 and strong posterior consistency follows. The proofs of Theorems 5 and 6 use the following lemma which establishes certain properties of the normalizing constant.

Lemma 3

Define ( Inline graphic) = exp(− Inline graphic)c( Inline graphic), Inline graphic ≥ 0. Then is decreasing and for Inline graphic ≥ 1,


for some appropriate positive constant C.

When d is large, as is often the case for spherical data, a more appropriate prior on Inline graphic for which weak and strong consistencies hold can be Gam(α, βn) as mentioned at the end of §2.3.

It is easy to check that the vMF density is the conditional distribution, given ||X|| = 1, of a Gaussian random vector X on ℜd+1 with mean μ and dispersion matrix Inline graphicId+1. A more general family of distribution on Sd may be obtained as the conditional distribution, given ||X|| = 1, of a Normal X on ℜd +1 with mean μ and dispersion matrix Inline graphic, Inline graphicin the space M + (d + 1) of (d + 1) × (d + 1) positive matices. Then we obtain the Fisher-Bingham family of kernels. It can be interesting to show that the resulting kernel mixture satisfies the assumptions of Theorems 1, 2, 3 and 4 and obtain posterior consistency. We postpone that to later works.

A generalization of the sphere is the Stiefel manifold Vd+1,k, the space all k dimensional orthonormal frames in ℜd+1. One can easily extend the vMF kernel to the so called Fisher kernel on this manifold and carry out density estimation. Again, proving that consistency holds is postponed for future works.

Another important manifold arising in axial data analysis is RPd, the space of all rays in ℜd+1. This manifold can be obtained as the quotient of Sd after identifying antipodal points p and −p as identical. In the next section, we illustrate density estimation on its complex analogue, the complex projective space. It is easy and simpler to obtain analogous results on the real version.

4 Planar Shape Space

4.1 Background

Let M be the planar shape space 2k which is defined as follows. Consider a set of k landmark locations, k > 2, on a 2D image, not all points being the same. We refer to such a set as a k-ad. The similarity shape of this k-ad is what remains after removing the Euclidean rigid body motions of translation, rotation and scaling. We use the following shape representation first proposed by Kendall (1984)[11]. Denote the k-ad by a complex k-vector z in Inline graphic. To remove the effect of translation from z, let zc = z, with z¯=(j=1kzj)/k being the centroid. The centered k-ad zc lies in a k − 1 dimensional complex subspace, and hence we can use k − 1 complex coordinates. The effect of scaling is then removed by normalizing the coordinates of zc to obtain a point w on the complex unit sphere Inline graphic Inline graphic in Inline graphic. Since w contains the shape information of z along with rotation, it is called the preshape of z. The similarity shape of z is the orbit of w under all rotations in 2D which is


This represents a shape as the set of all intersection points of a unique complex line passing through the origin with Inline graphic Inline graphic and the planar shape space 2k is then the set of all such shapes. Hence 2k can be identified with the space of all complex lines passing through the origin in Inline graphic which is the complex projective space and is a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension 2k − 4. The 2k can be embedded into the space of all order k − 1 complex Hermitian matrices via the embedding J([w]) = ww*, * denoting the complex conjugate transpose. This embedding induces a distance on 2k called the extrinsic distance which generates the manifold topology and is given by


For more details, see Bhattacharya and Dunson (2010a)[2] and the references cited therein.

4.2 Density model

We define a location-mixture density on 2k as in (1) with respect to the Riemannian volume form V and the kernel being a complex Watson density. This complex Watson density was used in Dryden and Mardia (1998)[5] for parametric density modelling and is given by

CW(m;μ,K)=c-1(K)exp{K(zν2-1)}(m=[z],μ=[ν]) (8)
withc(K)=πk-2K2-k(1-exp(-K)r=0k-3Krr!). (9)

It is shown in Bhattacharya and Dunson (2010a)[2] that the complex Watson kernel satisfies assumptions A1 and A2 in §2. Using a Dirichlet Process prior on the location mixing distribution and an independent gamma prior on the precision parameter, Theorem 1 implies that the density model (1) has full support in the space of all positive continuous densities on 2k in uniform and KL sense and hence the posterior is weakly consistent.

Theorem 7 verifies that the complex Watson kernel also satisfies the regularity conditions in A5 and A6.

Theorem 7

The complex Watson kernel CW(m; μ, Inline graphic) on the compact metric space 2k endowed with the extrinsic distance dE satisfies assumption A5 with a1 = k − 1 and A6 with a2 = 3k − 8.

The proof uses Lemma 4 which verifies certain properties of the normalizing constant.

Lemma 4

Let c( Inline graphic) be the normalizing constant for CW(μ, Inline graphic) as defined in (9). Then c is decreasing on [0, ∞) with


If we define


it follows that is increasing with


The proof follows from direct computations.

Theorem 8 verifies that assumption A8 holds on 2k.

Theorem 8

The compact metric space ( 2k ,dE) satisfies assumption A8 with a3 = 2k − 3.

As a result, Corollary 1 implies that strong posterior consistency holds with Π1 = (DP)(ω0P0)⊗π1, for Weibull π1 with shape parameter exceeding (2k − 3)(k − 1). Alternatively one may use a gamma prior on Inline graphic with inverse-scale increasing with n at a suitable rate and we have consistency using Theorems 3 and 4.

The complex Watson kernel is a special case of the complex Bingham kernel which has density proportional to exp(z*Az) with respect to the volume form. This kernel has location corresponding to the shape of a eigen-vector corresponding to the largest eigen-value of A. Since it has more parameters, we expect better fit in smaller samples. We will prove that weak and strong posterior consistency holds while using this kernel in a later work.

When the landmarks are obtained from a 3D object, it is more appropriate to carry out an affine shape analysis, that is identify two k-configurations as identical if they are related by an affine transformation. One can identify the resulting shape space with the Grassmanian manifold - the space of all 3D subspaces of ℜk−1, a result of Sparr (1992)[17]. The Grassmanian is an extension of the real projective space and hence one may consider (real) Bingham kernels and construct kernel mixture density models on this space.

5 Summary & Future Work

We consider kernel mixture density models on general compact manifolds and obtain sufficient conditions on the kernel, priors and the space for the density estimate to be strongly consistent. Thereby we extend the existing literature on strong posterior consistency on ℜd using Gaussian kernels to more general non-Euclidean manifolds. The conditions are verified for specific kernels on two important manifolds, namely the hypersphere and the planar shape space. It is discussed how to extend the kernel choice on these manifolds and construct their counterparts on other manifolds arising as generalisations. The multivariate Gaussian mixture model with an appropriate truncated and transformed Wishart prior on the within cluster covariance inverse is also shown to satisfy the consistency conditions when used to model a compactly supported density on ℜd. We also allow the prior to depend on the sample size and obtain sufficient conditions for weak and strong consistency, while expecting better small sample operating characteristics. As a result a truncated Wishart prior on the covariance inverse of a multivariate Gaussian kernel is shown to satisfy the requirements for strong consistency.

In later works we plan to prove the results for other kernels on additional manifolds arising in applications. We also plan to extend the results to cover densities with non-compact support, in particular ℜd. Since most of the non-Euclidean manifolds arising in applications are compact, that is not a high priority.

6 Appendix

6.1 Proof of Theorem 1

The proof runs on the lines of that of Theorem 1 in Bhattacharya and Dunson (2010a)[2].


First of all we show that the set

{PM(M):supmM,KNf(m;P,K)-f(m;F0,K)<ε} (10)

contains a weakly open neighborhood of F0, F0 being the distribution corresponding to f0. The kernel K being continuous from assumption A1, for any (m, Inline graphic) ∈ M × Nε,


defines an open neighborhood of F0. The mapping from (m, Inline graphic) to f (m; P, Inline graphic) is a uniformly equicontinuous family of functions on M × Nε, labeled by PInline graphic(M), because, for m1, m2M; Inline graphic, Inline graphicNε,


and K is uniformly continuous on M × M × Nε. Therefore there exists a δ > 0 such that ρ12((m1, Inline graphic), (m2, Inline graphic)) < δ implies that


Here ρ12 denotes any distance on M × N inducing the product topology. Cover M × Nε by finitely many balls of radius δ:M×Nε=i=1JB{(mi,Ki),δ}. Let Wε=i=1JWmi,Ki which is an open neighborhood of F0. Let PInline graphic and (m, Inline graphic) ∈ M × Nε. Then there exists a (mi, Inline graphic) such that (m, Inline graphic) ∈ B{(mi, Inline graphic), δ}. Then |f(m; P, Inline graphic) − f(m; F0, Inline graphic)|


This proves that the set in (10) contains Inline graphic, an open neighborhood of F0.

For PInline graphic and Inline graphicNε, supm|f0(m) − f(m; P, Inline graphic)|


because of assumptions A2 and A4. Hence


because of assumption A3 and the fact that int( Inline graphic × Nε) interects with supp(Π1). This implies the KL property when f0 is strictly positive (and hence bounded below), as shown in Corollary 1 of Bhattacharya and Dunson (2010a) [2].

In case f0 is not bounded below, we use Lemma 4 in Wu and Ghosal (2008)[20] to get a continuous everywhere positive density f1 (depending on f0 and ε) for which Π(Kε(f1))Π(K2ε+ε(f0)). From what we have proved above, Π(Kε(f1)) > 0 and as a result the KL condition follows for f0.

6.2 Proof of Theorem 2

In this proof and the subsequent ones, we shall use a general symbol C for any constant not depending on n (but possibly on ε).


Given δ1 > 0 (≡ δ1(ε, n)), cover M by N1 (≡ N1(δ1)) many disjoint subsets of diameter at most δ1:M=i=1N1Ei. Assumption A8 implies that for δ1 sufficiently small, N1Cδ1-a3. Pick μiEi, i = 1, …, N1, and define for a probability P,

Pn=i=1N1P(Ei)δμi,Pn(E)=(P(E1),,P(EN1))T. (11)

Denoting the L1-norm as ||.||, for any Inline graphic with φ( Inline graphic) ≤ κn,

||f(P,K)-f(Pn,K)||i=1N1Ei||K(μ,K)-K(μi,K)||P(dμ)CiEisupmMK(m;μ,K)-K(m;μi,K)P(dμ) (12)
Cκna1δ1. (13)

The inequality in (13) follows from (12) using Assumption A5.

For Inline graphic, Inline graphic in φ−1 [0, κn], PInline graphic(M),

||f(P,K)-f(P,K)||Csupm,μMK(m;μ,K)-K(m;μ,K)Cκna2ρ2(K,K), (14)

the inequality in (14) following from Assumption A6. Given δ2 > 0 (≡ δ2(ε, n)), cover φ−1 [0, κn] by finitely many subsets of diameter at most δ2, the number of such subsets required being at most C(κnδ2-1)b2, from Assumption A7. Call the collection of these subsets W (δ2, n).

Letting Sd = {x ∈ [0, 1]d: Σxi ≤ 1}, Sd is compact under the L1-metric (||x||L1 = Σ|xi|, x ∈ ℜd), and hence given any δ3 > 0 (≡ δ3(ε)), can be covered by finitely many subsets of the cube [0, 1]d each of diameter at most δ3. In particular cover Sd with cubes of side length δ3/d lying partially or totally in Sd. Then an upper bound on the number N2N2(δ3, d) of such cubes can be shown to be λ(Sd(1+δ3))(δ3/d)d, λ denoting the Lebesgue measure on ℜd and Sd(r) = {x ∈ [0, ∞)d: Σxir}. Since λ(Sd(r)) = rd/d!, hence


Let Inline graphic(δ3, d) denote the partition of Sd as constructed above.

Let dn = N1(δ1). For 1 ≤ iN2(δ3, dn), 1jC(κnδ2-1)b2, define


with Inline graphic and Wj being elements of Inline graphic(δ3, dn) and W (δ2, n) respectively. We claim that this subset of Inline graphic has L1 diameter of at most ε. For f(P, Inline graphic), f(, Inline graphic) in this set, ||f(P, Inline graphic) − f(, Inline graphic)|| ≤

||f(P,K)-f(Pn,K)||+||f(Pn,K)-f(Pn,K)||++||f(Pn,K)-f(P,K)||+||f(P,K)-f(P,K)||. (15)

From inequality (13), it follows that the first and third terms in (15) are at most Cκna1δ1. The second term can be bounded by


and from the inequality in (14), the fourth term is bounded by Cκna2δ2. Hence the claim holds if we choose δ1=Cκn-a1,δ2=Cκn-a2, and δ3 = C. The number of such subsets covering Inline graphic is at most CN2(δ3,dn)(κnδ2-1)b2. From Assumption A8, it follows that for n sufficiently large,


Using the Stirling’s formula, we can bound log(N2(δ3, dn)) by Cdn. Also κnδ2-1 is bounded by Cκna2+1, so that N(ε, Inline graphic) ≤


for n sufficiently large.

6.3 Proof of Proposition 3


In Lemma 5 of Wu and Ghosal (2010)[21], it is shown that


for all μ, ν ∈ ℝd and Inline graphicM+(d). This means that A5′ is satisfied with a1 = 1/2. Also by the geometry of ℜd, A8 is satisfied with a3 = d.

To show A7, note that φ−1 [0, κ] is a subset of M + (d) consisting of those positive matrices whose eigen values are bounded by κ. We equip M + (d) with the L2 norm distance, i.e.


and view it as a subset of M(d) - the space of all order d real matrices. Then φ−1 [0, κ] is contained in a ball of radius dκ around the zero matrix. The ε-covering number of a such a ball is of the order (κ/ε)d2. Hence A7 is also satisfied.

Remains to check A6′. Since φ−1 [0, κ] is a convex subset of M(d), use the Taylor’s theorem to get


for all x, μ ∈ ℜd, and Inline graphic, Inline graphicφ−1 [0, κ]. This in turn implies that


Some calculation will show that


C being some constant independent of x, μ or Inline graphic. Since φ−1 [0, κ] consists of all positive matrices Inline graphic whose eigen values lie in [λ1, κ], this will imply that


which means that A6′ is also satisfied with a2 = d/2. Here C denotes a constant independent of μ, Inline graphic, Inline graphic or κ. The rest of the proof follows from Theorem 2 and Proposition 2.

6.4 Proof of Lemma 1


Fix ε > 0. Under assumptions A1, A2 and A4, it follows from the proof of Theorem 1 that there exists a weakly open neighborhood Inline graphic of F0 (depending on ε) such that Kε(f0) contains {f (P, Inline graphic): PInline graphic, Inline graphicNε}. Hence


By the law of large numbers, for any fKε(f0),


a.s. F0 as n → ∞. Therefore for any PInline graphic and Inline graphicNε,


Also from Assumption A11, lim infn exp()πn( Inline graphic) = ∞ ∀ Inline graphicNε and hence


By Fubini-Tonelli theorem, there exists a Ω0Ω with probability 1 such that for any ωΩ0,


for all (P, Inline graphic) ∈ Inline graphic × Nε outside of a Π11(dP)⊗λ1(d Inline graphic) measure 0 subset. By Assumption A10, and since λ1 has full support and Nε has a non-empty interior, (Π11λ1)( Inline graphic × Nε) > 0. Therefore using the Fatou’s lemma, we conclude that


Since ε was arbitrary, the proof is completed.

6.5 Proof of Proposition 4


For any a > 0,

πn{φ-1(na,)}=Pr(λd(K)>na),K~πn=Pr(λd(X)>naλ1(X)λ1),X~Wish(βn-1Id,q)Pr(λd(X)>na)/Pr(λ1(X)λ1)=Pr(λd(Z)>βnna)/Pr(λ1(Z)βnλ1),Z~Wish(Id,q), (16)

the last identity following because X equals to βn-1Z in distribution. The numerator in (16) is less than Pr(Tr(Z) > βnna). The trace of Z follows a Gam(1/2, qd/2) distribution which has exponentially decaying tail. Hence the numerator is less than exp(−nna) for some C > 0 when n is sufficiently large.

Now we derive a lower bound for the probability in the denominator of (16). In Mallik (2003)[15], the joint density of λ1(Z), …, λd(Z) has been shown to be


Hence Pr(λ1(Z) ≥ βnλ1) = Pr(λj (Z) ≥ βnλ1j) =

Cβnλ1x1<<xd<(i=1dxi)q-dexp(-i=1dxi)1i<jd(xi-xj)2i=1ddxiCβnλ1x1<<xd<exp(-2i=1dxi)1i<jd(xi-xj)2i=1ddxi (17)

for n sufficiently large. Integrate (17) by parts to get Pr(λ1(Z) ≥ βnλ1) ≥ exp(−n) for appropriate C > 0 when n is sufficiently large. Hence there exists a C > 0 such that the ratio in (16) is less than exp(−nna). If we pick a as in the Proposition, for any β0 > 0, it follows that


which converges to zero because βnna−1 diverges to infinity. This verifies Assumption A12 with a as in the Proposition and β0 being any positive constant.

6.6 Proof of Theorem 5


Denote by M the unit sphere Sd and by ρ the chord distance on it. Express the vMF kernel as


Since ρ is continuous on the product space M × M and c is continuous and non-vanishing on [0, ∞), K is continuous on M × M × [0, ∞) and assumption A1 follows.

For a given continuous function f on M, mM, Inline graphic ≥ 0, define


Then assumption A2 follows once we show that


To simplify I(m, Inline graphic), make a change of coordinates μμ̃ = U(m)T μ, μ̃θΘd ≡ (0, π)d−1× (0, 2π) where U(m) is an orthogonal matrix with first column equal to m and θ = (θ1, …, θd)T are the spherical coordinates of μ̃μ̃(θ) which are given by


Using these coordinates, the volume form can be written as


and hence I(m, Inline graphic) equals

Θdc-1(K)exp{Kcos(θ1)}{f(m)-f(U(m)μ)}sind-1(θ1)sin(θd-1)dθ1dθd=c-1(K)Θd-1×(-1,1)exp(Kt){f(m)-f(U(m)μ}(1-t2)d/2-1sind-2(θ2)sin(θd-1)dθ2dθddt (18)

where t = cos(θ1), μ̃ = μ̃(θ(t)) and θ(t) = (arccos(t), θ2, …, θd)T. In the integrand in (18), the distance between m and U(m) μ̃ is 2(1-t). Substitute t = 1 − Inline graphics in the integral with s ∈ (0, 2 Inline graphic). Define




Since f is uniformly continuous on (M, ρ), therefore Φ is bounded on (ℜ+)2 and limInline graphic→∞ Φ(s, Inline graphic) = 0. Hence from (18), we deduce that supmM |I(m, Inline graphic)| ≤

c-1(K)K-1Θd-1×(0,2K)exp(K-s)Φ(s,K)(K-1s(2-K-1s))d/2-1sind-2(θ2)sin(θd-1)dθ2dθddsCK-d/2c-1(K)0Φ(s,K)e-ssd/2-1ds. (19)

From Lemma 3, it follows that


This in turn, using the Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem implies that the expression in (19) converges to 0 as Inline graphic → ∞. This verifies assumption A2.

6.7 Proof of Theorem 6

In the proof, Bd(r) denotes the ball of radius r around 0 in ℜd:


and Bd refers to Bd(1).


It is clear from (6) and (7) that the vMF kernel K is continuously differentiable on ℜd+1 × ℜd +1× [0, ∞). Hence




its norm is bounded by Inline graphic−1 ( Inline graphic). Lemma 3 implies that this in turn is bounded by


for Inline graphicκ and Inline graphic ≥ 1. This proves assumption A5 with a1 = d/2 + 1.

To verify A6, given Inline graphic, Inline graphicκ, use the inequality,


By direct computations, one can show that


Therefore, using Lemma 3,


for any Inline graphicκ and κ ≥ 1. Hence A6 is verified with a2 = d/2.

Finally to verify A8, note that SdBd+1 ⊂ [−1, 1]d +1 which can be covered by finitely many cubes of side length ε/(d + 1). Each such cube has L2 diameter ε. Hence their intersections with Sd provides a finite ε-cover for this manifold. If ε < 1, such a cube intersects with Sd only if it lies entirely in Bd+1(1 + ε) ∩ Bd+1(1 − ε)c. The number of such cubes, and hence the ε-cover size can be bounded by


for some C > 0 not depending on ε. This verifies A8 for appropriate positive constant A3 and a3 = d.

6.8 Proof of Lemma 3


Express ( Inline graphic) as


and it is clear that it is decreasing. This expression suggests that


if Inline graphic ≥ 1.

6.9 Proof of Theorem 7


Express the complex Watson kernel as


Given Inline graphic ≥ 0, define


Then φ(t)2K, so that


which implies that

K(m;μ,K)-K(m;ν,K)c-1(K)2KdE(m,μ)-dE(m,ν)2Kc-1(K)dE(μ,ν). (20)

For Inline graphicκ, from Lemma 4, it follows that


provided κ ≥ 1. Hence for any κ ≥ 1,


and from inequality (20), a1 = k − 1 follows.

By direct computation, one can show that

KK(m;μ,K)=πk-2exp{-12KdE2(m,μ)-K}×c-2(K)K2-k[r=k-1Kr-1r!{k-2-r2dE2(m,μ)}]. (21)

Denote by S the sum in the second line of (21). Since dE2(m,μ)2, it can be shown that


so that


Plug the above inequality in (21) to get

|KK(m;μ,K)|Cc-2(K)K2-kexp{-12KdE2(m,μ)}(CKk-2+K2k-4)Cc-2(K)(C+Kk-2). (22)

For Inline graphicκ and κ ≥ 1, using Lemma 4, we bound the expression in (22) by

Cc-2(κ)(C+κk-2)=Cκ2k-6c-2(κ)(C+κk-2)Cκ2k-6c-2(1)(C+κk-2)Cκ3k-8 (23)

for κ sufficiently large. Since K is a continuously differentiable in Inline graphic, from (23) it follows that there exists κ1 > 0 such that for all κκ1, Inline graphic, Inline graphicκ,


This proves Assumption A6 with a2 = 3k − 8.

6.10 Proof of Theorem 8

In the proof, Ci, i = 1, 2, … denote positive constants possibly depending on k.


The preshape sphere Inline graphic Inline graphic, as a real manifold, can be identified with the real unit sphere S2k−3. Endow it with the chord distance induced by the L2-norm


Then from Theorem 6, it follows that given any δ > 0, Inline graphic Inline graphic can be covered by finitely many subsets of diameter less than or equal to δ, the number of such subsets being bounded by C1δ−(2k−3) + C2. The extrinsic distance dE on 2k can be bounded by the chord distance on Inline graphic Inline graphic as follows. For u, vInline graphic Inline graphic,


Hence dE([u],[v])2||u-v||2, so that given any ε > 0, the shape image of a δ-cover for Inline graphic Inline graphic with δ=ε/2 provides an ε-cover for 2k. Hence the ε-covering size for 2k can be bounded by C1ε−(2k−3)+ C2.

Contributor Information

Abhishek Bhattacharya, Email:, Indian Statistical Institute, 203 B.T. Road, Kolkata, W.B. 700108, India.

David B. Dunson, Email:, Department of Statistical Science, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, U.S.A


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