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. 2011 Apr 8;2(4):705–713. doi: 10.3892/etm.2011.252

Identification of novel molecular markers for detection of gastric cancer cells in the peripheral blood circulation using genome-wide microarray analysis

PMCID: PMC3440735  PMID: 22977563


Although metastasis or relapse is a leading cause of death for patients with gastric cancer, the hematogenous spread of cancer cells remains undetected at the time of initial therapy. The development of novel diagnostic molecular marker(s) to detect circulating gastric cancer cells is an issue of great clinical importance. We obtained peripheral blood samples from 10 patients with gastric cancer who underwent laparotomy and 4 healthy volunteers. Microarray analysis consisting of 30,000 genes or ESTs was carried out using eight gastric cancer tissues and normal gastric mucosae. We selected 53 genes up-regulated in gastric cancer compared to normal gastric mucosae from our microarray data set, and, among these, identified five candidate marker genes (TSPAN8, EPCAM, MMP12, MMP7 and REG3A) which were not expressed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 4 healthy volunteers. We further carried out semi-quantitative nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for HRH1, EGFR, CK20 and CEA in addition to the five newly identified genes using PBMCs of patients with gastric cancer, and found that expression of one or more genes out of the nine was detected in 80% of the patients with gastric cancer. Moreover, the numbers of genes expressed in PBMCs were ≤2 and ≥2 in all vascular invasion-negative cases and in 5 of 6 positive cases, respectively, showing significant differences between the two groups (P=0.041). Nested RT-PCR analysis for the set of nine marker genes using PBMCs may provide the potential for detection of circulating gastric cancer cells prior to metastasis formation in other organs.

Keywords: microarray, gastric cancer, molecular marker, nested RT-PCR, peripheral blood


Gastric cancer causes approximately 800,000 deaths worldwide per year and is still one of the leading causes of cancer-related death in the world (1). Most gastric cancers at an early stage can be cured by surgical resection; however, patients with advanced gastric cancers have worse prognosis than those with early stage disease (2). Although metastasis or relapse is the main cause of death for patients with gastric cancer (3), the hematogenous spread of malignant cells remains undetected at the time of initial therapy. During the development of cancer, tumor cells may detach from the primary tumor and disseminate into the lymph system and/or blood circulation, and grow in the bone marrow, liver, kidney and other organs, which is called micrometastasis (4). Micrometastasis is barely detected by routine biochemical and histopathological assays or graphical methods, such as X-ray, CT and MRI (3). Detection of circulating tumor cells at the mRNA level [reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)] in blood samples of patients with cancer could serve as a unique and easy diagnostic tool to predict cancer recurrence and to monitor treatment effectiveness (57). However, molecular marker(s) that detect circulating gastric cancer cells for routine clinical use have not yet been identified. Hence, the development of novel diagnostic molecular marker(s) to detect circulating gastric cancer cells is an issue of great clinical importance.

Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a well-known tumor marker and has been used to detect small amounts of adenocarcinoma cells in the blood, peritoneal wash or other body fluids (812). However, the expression of CEA mRNA is not specific to cancer cells and often produces false-positive results (13). Profiling of gene expression patterns on genome-wide microarrays enables investigators to perform comprehensive characterization of molecular activities in cancer cells (1417). Systematic analysis of expression levels for thousands of genes is also a useful approach for identifying molecular markers to detect small amounts of circulating cancer cells (18). In this study, we identified genes whose expression had been altered during gastric carcinogenesis using genome-wide information obtained from 8 cases on a microarray consisting of 30,000 transcribed elements. Based on the results of the microarray assay, we identified five candidate genes for the specific detection of circulating gastric cancer cells at the mRNA level. We suggest that such information may lead ultimately to improve the prognosis of patients with gastric cancers.

Materials and methods

Blood and tissue samples

Blood samples were obtained from 10 patients with gastric cancer who underwent laparotomy and 4 healthy volunteers after obtaining informed consent. Heparinized blood samples (5 ml) from the 10 patients with gastric cancer were obtained from a peripheral artery through a catheter used for monitoring arterial blood pressure during surgical operation. Peripheral venous blood was obtained from 4 healthy volunteers for control after discarding the initial 10 ml of blood to protect the mixture from epithelial cells. Clinicopathological characteristics of the 10 patients are shown in Table I. Clinical stage of each patient was judged according to the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) TNM classification. Among the 10 patients with gastric cancer, 8 primary gastric cancer tissues and corresponding non-cancerous gastric mucosae from surgically resected tissues were obtained at Sapporo Medical University and Douto Hospital after each patient had provided informed consent. The samples that had been confirmed histologically as gastric adenocarcinoma were used for microarray study. These samples were immediately frozen and stored at −80°C. All cancer tissues were obtained from the margin of the tumor mass, while non-cancerous tissues were obtained from corresponding normal mucosae of the same stomach. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Sapporo Medical University, School of Medicine, Hokkaido, Japan.

Table I.

Characteristics of patients included in the nested RT-PCR analysis of PBMCs.

Parameters No. of patients
Gender (male:female) 5:5
Age range (average), in years 41–82 (61.9)
Depth of tumor invasion (T1:T2:T3:T4) 1:6:2:1
Lymph node metastasis (N0:N1:N2:N3) 4:3:2:1
Distant metastasis (M0:M1) 10:0
Liver metastasis (H0:H1) 10:0
Peritoneal metastasis (P0:P1) 9:1
Peritoneal lavage cytology (CY0:CY1) 9:1
Stage (I:II:III:IV) 4:1:2:3
Lymphatic invasion (ly0:ly1–3) 2:8
Vessel invasion (v0:v1–3) 4:6

RNA extraction of blood samples

We prepared peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) using Ficoll (Amersham Biosciences, Buckinghamshire, UK) and extracted total RNA using TRIzol (Invitrogen, Inc., Carlsbad, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Before the synthesis of cDNA, deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I) (Nippon Gene, Japan) was added to each sample of total RNA according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Analysis of microarray

Total RNA was extracted from each gastric tissue using TRIzol according to the manufacturer’s instructions. To guarantee the quality of RNAs, total RNA extracted from the residual tissue of each case was electrophoresed on a denaturing agarose gel, and the quality was confirmed by the presence of rRNA bands. After treatment with DNase I, T7-based RNA amplification was carried out as described previously with a few modifications (19). Using 5 μg of total RNA from each tissue sample as starting material, one round of amplification was performed; the amount of each amplified RNA (aRNA) was measured by a spectrophotometer. A mixture of normal gastric mucosae from 8 patients was prepared as a universal control and was amplified in the same manner; 2.5 μg of aRNAs from each cancerous tissue and from the control was reversely transcribed in the presence of Cy5-dCTP and Cy3-dCTP, respectively (15). AceGene 30K-1 Chip Version (Hitachi Software Engineering Co., Japan) was used for microarray analysis. The procedures for hybridization, washing, photometric quantification of signal intensities of each spot and normalization of data were according to the manufacturer’s instructions. To normalize the amount of mRNA between tumors and controls, the fluorescence intensities of Cy5 (gastric cancer) and Cy3 (control) for each target spot were adjusted so that the mean Cy5/Cy3 ratio of 30,000 genes equaled 1. Genes were categorized into three groups according to the cancer/normal ratio of their mean signal intensity: up-regulated (expression ratio >5.0), down-regulated (expression ratio <0.2) and unchanged expression (expression ratio between 0.2 and 5.0).

Semi-quantitative RT-PCR

To validate the result of the microarray analysis, we examined the expression levels of the genes up-regulated in gastric cancer by means of semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis. Total RNAs (3 μg) extracted from each cancerous tissue and normal gastric mucosa were reversely transcribed for single-stranded cDNAs using oligo(dT)12–18 primer with Superscript II reverse transcriptase (Life Technologies, Inc.). Each single-stranded cDNA was diluted for subsequent PCR amplification. A housekeeping gene, GAPDH, served as the internal control. The PCR reaction was conducted at 95°C for 5 min, and then for 30 cycles at 95°C for 30 sec, 60°C for 30 sec and 72°C for 1 min followed by 72°C for 10 min, in the Gene Amp PCR System 9700 (Perkin-Elmer Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA).

Nested RT-PCR using blood samples

We performed nested RT-PCR using total RNAs extracted from PBMCs to accurately examine mRNA levels of the candidate marker genes. Initially, RT-PCR was carried out as described above. In nested RT-PCR, 1 ml of the initial PCR product, 4 ml of 10X PCR buffer, 200 mmol/l dNTP mixture, 0.2 mmol/l primers and 1 unit Taq DNA polymerase (Takara) were added to a 40-ml aliquot of the reaction mixture. The PCR reaction was conducted at 95°C for 5 min, and then 30 cycles at 95°C for 30 sec, 60°C for 30 sec and 72°C for 1 min followed by 72°C for 10 min, in the Gene Amp PCR System 9700. The RT-PCR products were detected using 2% agarose gel electrophoresis. The primer sequences are summarized in Table II.

Table II.

Primer sequences for semi-quantitative nested RT-PCR.

Gene Forward primer Reverse primer


Identification of up- or down-regulated genes in the gastric cancers

We extracted RNAs from eight primary gastric cancer tissues and corresponding normal gastric mucosae as control, and carried out gene expression analysis using a microarray consisting of 30,000 genes or ESTs. We then selected genes from our data set according to the criterion that the cancer/ normal ratio of the mean signal intensity of a given gene was >5.0 or <0.2, and 53 genes were identified as up-regulated and 123 genes as down-regulated in the gastric cancer tissues compared to the normal gastric mucosa (Tables III and IV). The up-regulated genes represented a variety of functions, including genes associated with signal-transduction pathways (SFRP4 and TSPAN8), genes encoding transcription factors (TRIM33), genes involved in various metabolic pathways (ADH4, USP33, RNF128, MAN2A1, UBD and GCNT3), apoptosis (SPP1 and RIPK2), chemokines (CCL20), DNA replication and recombination (SNRPA1), cell adhesion and cytoskeleton (LAMB3, EPCAM, MMP7 and COL1A1), cell-cell signaling (CEACAM6 and CXCL9), cell cycle (CDC2, BUB1 and CCNB2), cell proliferation (REG1B and REG3A), or other functions (SPINK4, TMC5, LGALS2, KYNU, DDX58, LY96, UMPS and RNF157).

Table III.

Genes up-regulated in advanced gastric cancer.

No. Accession no. Gene symbol Description
1 NM_006507 REG1B Regenerating islet-derived 1 β (pancreatic stone protein, pancreatic thread protein)
2 NM_004577 PSPH Phosphoserine phosphatase
3 NM_138938 REG3A Regenerating islet-derived 3 α
4 NM_014471 SPINK4 Serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 4
5 NM_001105249 TMC5 Transmembrane channel-like 5
6 NM_002426 MMP12 Matrix metallopeptidase 12 (macrophage elastase)
7 NM_002423 MMP7 Matrix metallopeptidase 7 (matrilysin, uterine)
8 NM_002483 CEACAM6 Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 6 (non-specific cross reacting antigen)
9 NM_001786 CDC2 Cell division cycle 2, G1 to S and G2 to M
10 NM_000582 SPP1 Secreted phosphoprotein 1 (osteopontin, bone sialoprotein I, early T-lymphocyte activation 1)
11 NM_004751 GCNT3 Glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 3, mucin type
12 NM_000574 CD55 CD55 molecule, decay accelerating factor for complement (Cromer blood group)
13 NM_002443 MSMB Microseminoprotein, β
14 NM_004336 BUB1 UB1 budding uninhibited by benzimidazoles 1 homolog (yeast)
15 NM_015017 USP33 Ubiquitin-specific peptidase 33
16 NM_004591 CCL20 Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 20
17 NM_017633 FAM46A Family with sequence similarity 46, member A
18 NM_000088 COL1A1 Collagen, type I, α 1
19 XR_017717 ADAMTSL3 ADAMTS-like 3
20 NM_138938 REG3A Regenerating islet-derived 3 α
21 NM_017934 PHIP Pleckstrin homology domain interacting protein
22 XR_016124 Similar to p21-activated kinase 2
23 NM_006398 UBD Ubiquitin D
24 NM_002358 MAD2L1 MAD2 mitotic arrest deficient-like 1 (yeast)
25 NM_002483 CEACAM6 Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 6 (non-specific cross-reacting antigen)
26 NM_173164 IPO9 Importin 9
27 NM_003014 SFRP4 Secreted frizzled-related protein 4
28 NM_004616 TSPAN8 Tetraspanin 8
29 NM_002354 EPCAM Epithelial cell adhesion molecule
30 NM_006498 LGALS2 Lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 2
31 NM_002372 MAN2A1 Mannosidase, α, class 2A, member 1
32 NM_003937 KYNU Kynureninase (L-kynurenine hydrolase)
33 NM_003821 RIPK2 Receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2
34 NM_00108039 ITGA7 Integrin, α 7
35 NM_000670 ADH4 Alcohol dehydrogenase 4 (class II), π polypeptide
36 NM_014314 DDX58 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 58
37 NM_006418 OLFM4 Olfactomedin 4
38 NM_198187.3 ASTN2 Astrotactin 2
39 NM_015364 LY96 Lymphocyte antigen 96
40 NM_000574 CD55 CD55 molecule, decay accelerating factor for complement (Cromer blood group)
41 NM_018964 SLC37A1 Solute carrier family 37 (glycerol-3-phosphate transporter), member 1
42 NM_018455 CENPN Centromere protein N
43 NM_001710 CFB Complement factor B
44 NM_033020 TRIM33 Tripartite motif-containing 33
45 NM_003090 SNRPA1 Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A'
46 NM_000373 UMPS Uridine monophosphate synthetase (orotate phosphoribosyl transferase and orotidine-5′-decarboxylase)
47 NM_144584 C1orf59 Chromosome 1 open reading frame 59
48 NM_052916.2 RNF157 Ring finger protein 157
49 NM_006332 IFI30 Interferon, γ-inducible protein 30
50 NM_002416 CXCL9 Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 9
51 NM_001017402 LAMB3 Laminin, β 3
52 NM_004701 CCNB2 Cyclin B2
53 NM_194463 RNF128 Ring finger protein 128

Table IV.

Genes down-regulated in advanced gastric cancer.

No. Accession no. Gene symbol Description
1 NM_004190 LIPF Lipase, gastric
2 NM_020143 PNO1 Partner of NOB1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
3 NM_000257 MYH7 Myosin, heavy chain 7, cardiac muscle, β
4 NM_015173 TBC1D1 TBC1 (tre-2/USP6, BUB2, cdc16) domain family, member 1
5 NM_005408 CCL13 Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 13
6 NM_174929 ZMIZ2 Zinc finger, MIZ-type containing 2
7 NM_004747 DLG5 Discs, large homolog 5 (Drosophila)
8 NM_024872.2 DOK3 Docking protein 3
9 NM_201653 CHIA Chitinase, acidic
10 NM_003893 LDB1 LIM domain binding 1
11 NM_012455.2 PSD4 Pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 4
12 NM_005213 CSTA Cystatin A (stefin A)
13 NM_005416 SPRR3 Small proline-rich protein 3
14 NM_014989 RIMS1 Regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 1
15 NM_001018005 TPM1 Tropomyosin 1 (α)
16 NM_213589 RAPH1 Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) and pleckstrin homology domains 1
17 NM_004898 CLOCK Clock homolog (mouse)
18 NM_013292 Fast skeletal myosin light chain 2
19 NM_020321 ACCN3 Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 3
20 NM_002754 MAPK13 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 13
21 NM_013443 ST6GALNAC6 ST6 (α-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2,3-β-galactosyl-1,3)-N-acetylgalactosaminide α-2,6-sialyltransferase 6
22 NM_001042453 Serine/threonine protein kinase MST4
23 NM_032646 TTYH2 Tweety homolog 2 (Drosophila)
24 NM_015089 p53-associated parkin-like cytoplasmic protein
25 NM_003609 HIRIP3 HIRA interacting protein 3
26 NR_002219 BIRC5 Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 5 (survivin)
27 NM_000068 CACNA1A Calcium channel, voltage-dependent, P/Q type, α 1A subunit
28 NM_203377 MB Myoglobin
29 NM_003768 PEA15 Phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes 15
30 NM_053013 ENO3 Enolase 3 (β, muscle)
31 XR_018802 PI4K2A Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2 α
32 NM_003725 HSD17B6 Hydroxysteroid (17-β) dehydrogenase 6 homolog (mouse)
33 NM_006063 KBTBD10 Kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 10
34 NM_012288 TRAM2 Translocation associated membrane protein 2
35 NM_000730 CCKAR Cholecystokinin A receptor
36 NM_000290 PGAM2 Phosphoglycerate mutase 2 (muscle)
37 NM_199354 PRB1 Proline-rich protein BstNI subfamily 1
38 XR_019039 ACTB Actin, β
39 NM_006478 GAS2L1 Growth arrest-specific 2 like 1
40 NM_024674 LIN28 Lin-28 homolog (C. elegans)
41 NM_001070 TUBG1 Tubulin, γ 1
42 NM_015654 NAT9 N-acetyltransferase 9
43 NM_003643 GCM1 Glial cells missing homolog 1 (Drosophila)
44 NM_006901.2 MYO9A Myosin IXA
45 NM_017785 CCDC99 Coiled-coil domain containing 99
46 NM_025135 FHOD3 Formin homology 2 domain containing 3
47 NM_022566 MESDC1 Mesoderm development candidate 1
48 NM_198255 TERT Telomerase reverse transcriptase
49 NM_018231 Amino acid transporter
50 NM_002458 MUC5B Mucin 5B, oligomeric mucus/gel-forming
51 NM_001001522 TAGLN Transgelin
52 NM_002631 PGD Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
53 NM_006984 CLDN10 Claudin 10
54 NM_004359 CDC34 Cell division cycle 34 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
55 NM_001824 CKM Creatine kinase, muscle
56 NM_002274 KRT13 Keratin 13
57 XR_019039 ACTB Actin, β
58 NM_000477 ALB Albumin
59 NM_001519.2 BRF1 BRF1 homolog, subunit of RNA polymerase III transcription initiation factor IIIB (S. cerevisiae)
60 NM_006790 MYOT Myotilin
61 NM_021948 BCAN Brevican
62 NM_001142404.1 CD164 CD164 molecule, sialomucin
63 BC050364.1 C7orf13 Chromosome 7 open reading frame 13
64 NM_005177 ATP6V0A1 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V0 subunit a1
65 NM_020393 PGLYRP4 Peptidoglycan recognition protein 4
66 XM_937007 FRMPD3 FERM and PDZ domain containing 3
67 NM_024754 PTCD2 Pentatricopeptide repeat domain 2
68 NM_001098511 KIF2A Kinesin heavy chain member 2A
69 NM_025058 TRIM46 Tripartite motif-containing 46
70 AK126458.1 MYO15B Myosin XVB pseudogene
71 NM_018659 CYTL1 Cytokine-like 1
72 NM_002965 S100A9 S100 calcium binding protein A9
73 NM_032566 SPINK7 Serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 7 (putative)
74 NM_001669 ARSD Arylsulfatase D
75 NM_206820 MYBPC1 Myosin binding protein C, slow type
76 NM_003200 TCF3 Transcription factor 3 (E2A immunoglobulin enhancer binding factors E12/E47)
77 NM_031413 CECR2 Cat eye syndrome chromosome region, candidate 2
78 NM_017539 DNAH3 Dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 3
79 NM_017426 NUP54 Nucleoporin 54 kDa
80 NM_002020 FLT4 Fms-related tyrosine kinase 4
81 NM_007320 RANBP3 RAN binding protein 3
82 NM_005286 NPBWR2 Neuropeptides B/W receptor 2
83 NM_006428 MRPL28 Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L28
84 NM_014280.2 DNAJC8 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 8
85 NM_020679 MIF4GD MIF4G domain containing
86 NM_001823 CKB Creatine kinase, brain
87 NM_000477 ALB Albumin
88 NM_001927 DES Desmin
89 NM_005416 SPRR3 Small proline-rich protein 3
90 NM_022468 MMP25 Matrix metallopeptidase 25
91 NM_016599 MYOZ2 Myozenin 2
92 NM_000243 MEFV Mediterranean fever
93 NM_002272 KRT4 Keratin 4
94 NM_003279 TNNC2 Troponin C type 2 (fast)
95 NM_006685 SMR3B Submaxillary gland androgen regulated protein 3 homolog B (mouse)
96 NM_014760 TATDN2 TatD DNase domain containing 2
97 NM_006928 SILV Silver homolog (mouse)
98 NM_016522 Neurotrimin
99 NM_000760 CSF3R Colony stimulating factor 3 receptor (granulocyte)
100 NM_003167 SULT2A1 Sulfotransferase family, cytosolic, 2A, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-preferring, member 1
101 NM_183360 DTNB Dystrobrevin, β
102 NM_001711 BGN Biglycan
103 NM_023077 C1orf163 Chromosome 1 open reading frame 163
104 NM_015926.4 TEX264 Testis expressed 264
105 NM_006757 TNNT3 Troponin T type 3 (skeletal, fast)
106 NM_002675 PML Promyelocytic leukemia
107 XR_018113 GAPDH Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
108 NM_021245 MYOZ1 Myozenin 1
109 NM_000383 AIRE Autoimmune regulator
110 NM_006846 SPINK5 Serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 5
111 XM_939725 AP1S2 Adaptor-related protein complex 1, sigma 2 subunit
112 NM_024505 NOX5 NADPH oxidase, EF-hand calcium binding domain 5
113 NM_020145 SH3GLB2 SH3-domain GRB2-like endophilin B2
114 NM_016192 TMEFF2 Transmembrane protein with EGF-like and two follistatin-like domains 2
115 NM_006472 TXNIP Thioredoxin interacting protein
116 NM_031866 FZD8 Frizzled homolog 8 (Drosophila)
117 NM_003808 TNFSF13 Tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 13
118 NM_015503 SH2B1 SH2B adaptor protein 1
119 NM_014047 C19orf53 Chromosome 19 open reading frame 53
120 NM_022754 SFXN1 Sideroflexin 1
121 NM_003061 SLIT1 Slit homolog 1 (Drosophila)
122 NM_003047 SLC9A1 Solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 1 (antiporter, Na+/H+, amiloride sensitive)
123 NM_021991 JUP Junction plakoglobin

On the other hand, the down-regulated genes included those associated with various metabolic pathways (CKM, ARSD and BGN), small molecule transport (ACCN3, ATP6V0A1 and SFXN1), signal transduction (FLT4, NPBWR2, CSF3R and FZD8), cell cycle regulation (TBC1D1, DLG5, GAS2L1, CDC34 and SH2B1), cell adhesion (RAPH1, CLDN10, BCAN, CD164 and JUP), transcription factors (LDB1, CLOCK, GCM1, BRF1, TCF3, PML and AIRE), cell-cell signaling (PGD, S100A9, CCL13 and RIMS1) or other functions.

Identification of candidate genes as molecular markers for the detection of circulating gastric cancer cells in human peripheral blood

Of the 53 genes that were up-regulated in the gastric cancer compared to the normal gastric tissues, we identified five candidate marker genes [tetraspanin 8 (TSPAN8), epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EPCAM), matrix metallopeptidase 12 (MMP12), matrix metallopeptidase 7 (MMP7) and regenerating islet-derived 3 α (REG3A)] for the detection of circulating gastric cancer cells in peripheral blood in accordance with the following criteria: i) no or weak expression in human normal tissues in the published database (20), ii) no expression in PBMCs from 4 healthy volunteers by nested RT-PCR. In addition to the above five newly identified genes, we analyzed histamine receptor H1 (HRH1) since a previous study reported that this gene was overexpressed in gastric cancer cells, and the expression of this gene satisfied the above criteria (21). Moreover, three candidate marker genes [keratin 20 (CK20), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)], which have been reported to be promising markers for the detection of cancer cells, were further analyzed (11,13,22,23).

Association of the expression of the nine marker genes for the detection of circulating gastric cancer cells with clinicopathological parameters by nested RT-PCR

We carried out semi-quantitative nested RT-PCR analysis of the nine candidate marker genes for the detection of circulating cancer cells using PBMCs of patients with gastric cancer. Of the nine candidate genes, the expression of MMP12 and CEA mRNAs was positive in 40% of the patients with gastric cancer. However, the expression of the other seven genes was positive in ≤30% of the patients, respectively (Table V). We then investigated a combined effect of the expression of the nine genes on the detection of circulating cancer cells. Expression of one or more genes out of the nine was detected in 80% of the patients with gastric cancer by nested RT-PCR (Table VI).

Table V.

Positive ratio of the nine marker genes for detection of circulating gastric cancer cells.

Positive cases (%) 20 30 30 20 40 10 10 20 40

Table VI.

Number of positive genes in 10 cases by nested RT-PCR.

Cases GC-1 GC-2 GC-3 GC-4 GC-5 GC-6 GC-7 GC-8 GC-9 GC-10
No. of positive genes 1 0 2 3 5 6 1 2 0 2

We further investigated the association of the expression of the nine candidate marker genes with clinicopathological parameters of the 10 cases. We focused on four parameters: vascular invasion (v factor), lymphatic invasion (ly factor), lymph node metastasis (N factor) and pathological stage I–IV, and investigated the association of these parameters with the total number of positive genes in the PBMCs of each patient (Fig. 1). Of the four parameters, the numbers of genes expressed in the PBMCs were ≤2 in all of the vascular invasion-negative cases (v 0), while the numbers of genes were ≥2 in 5 of 6 positive cases (v 1–3), exhibiting a significant difference between the two groups (P=0.041; Fig. 1A). However, no significant association was observed for the other three parameters (Fig. 1B–D), suggesting that the combined expression analysis of the nine marker genes using PBMCs detected micrometastasis through vascular invasion in the primary gastric cancer tissues.

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Relationships between clinicopathological parameters and the expression of the set of nine marker genes in PBMCs of gastric cancer patients. Associations of the total number of marker genes which were expressed in the PBMCs with (A) vascular invasion (v factor), (B) lymphatic invasion (ly factor), (C) lymph node metastasis (N factor) and (D) pathological stage are shown. The score indicates the number of marker genes expressed in PBMCs of each patient. N.S., not significant (P>0.05). Student’s t-test was used for A and B, and Cochran-Armitage test was used for C and D.


Microarrays, at present, are widely used to analyze expression of thousands of genes simultaneously in cancer tissues. In the present study, we identified five genes (TSPAN8, EPCAM, MMP12, MMP7 and REG3A) as potential markers for the detection of circulating cancer cells in the peripheral blood of patients with gastric cancer through genome-wide gene expression profiling in combination with nested RT-PCR. Some of these genes have previously been reported to be up-regulated in gastric cancer cells; however, they have not previously been designated for the detection of circulating gastric cancer cells by nested RT-PCR. Furthermore, the combined expression analysis of the five genes and four previously reported marker genes, HRH1, EGFR, CK20 and CEA, revealed that one or more mRNAs among the nine genes could be detected in 80% of the patients with gastric cancer by nested RT-PCR, suggesting that a set of nine marker genes is more sensitive than a single marker gene for detection of circulating gastric cancer cells. In this study, we did not investigate the association of distant metastasis with expression of the nine marker genes since no patients had distant metastasis among the 10 studied patients. Although we could not exclude false-positive cases due to non-malignant epithelial cells which may have contaminated the blood samples during collection and which may have expressed the targeted transcripts (18), pathological v factor showed a significant association with the total number of marker genes expressed in the PBMCs of the patients. Hence, the set of nine marker genes may be promising for the detection of minimal amounts of circulating gastric cancer cells prior to the metastatic growth of gastric cancer cells in organ(s).

Among the five marker genes which were newly identified in the microarray analysis, we identified epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EPCAM) which is a member of a family of type I membrane proteins and pan-epithelial differentiation antigen expressed in many types of carcinomas (2428). Magnetic beads or structures coated with EPCAM monoclonal antibodies have been recently used for circulating cancer cell separation (2931). Although we did not compare the accuracy of the detection of gastric cancer cells by these methods to that of nested RT-PCR since we did not conduct the former assays, 30% of patients with gastric cancer exhibited EPCAM-positivity in PBMCs by nested RT-PCR. Further clinical study investigating the relationship between the clinical outcome of patients and EPCAM expression in PBMCs by nested RT-PCR may clarify whether this method could be clinically applied for the detection of circulating gastric cancer cells. Two matrix metalloproteinases, MMP7 and MMP12, were among the five marker genes which were newly identified in this study. MMPs are a family of zinc-dependent proteolytic enzymes capable of cleaving extracellular matrix proteins, and the expression of MMPs in cancer tissue has been reported to be associated with the risk of metastasis (3238). These two MMPs may play important roles in tumor invasion and the formation of metastasis in gastric cancer.

In conclusion, five novel marker genes were designated for the detection of circulating gastric cancer cells. The nested RT-PCR analysis for the set of nine marker genes, TSPAN8, EPCAM, MMP12, MMP7, REG3A, HRH1, EGFR, CK20 and CEA, using PBMCs of patients with gastric cancer may provide the potential for the detection of circulating gastric cancer cells prior to the formation of metastasis in other organs. Our data suggest that early detection and personalized therapy for gastric cancers, by prescribing the appropriate treatment to patients with a high risk of metastasis, may be achievable by utilizing specific sets of marker genes according to the approach shown here.


We thank Tomohisa Furuhata, Yasutoshi Kimura, Chikashi Kihara, Kenji Okita and Noriko Nishikawa for the helpful discussions.


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