In the Abstract, an incorrect expanded form of the gene FASN is shown: “fatty acid synthase 1”; it should be “fatty acid synthase.”
Also, 2012 Jul 23 was the epub date used in reference 28. The date of publication given by PubMed and the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, however, is not the same (they are 2012 Jul 19 and 2012 Jul 23, respectively). Kyriakos E Kypreos indicates that 2012 Jul 19 is the correct date; therefore, the date in reference 28 will be changed to 2012 Jul 19:
Karavia EA, Papachristou DJ, Kotsikogianni I, Triantafyllidou IE, Kypreos KE. (2012) Lecithin/cholesterol acyltransferase modulates diet-induced hepatic deposition of triglycerides in mice. J. Nutr. Biochem. 2012, Jul 19 [Epub ahead of print].
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