Expression of HoxA6 and HoxB4. (A-J) Whole-mount in situ hybridization for HoxA6 (A-E) and HoxB4 (F-J) in chick embryos. (A) No HoxA6 expression is detectable at stage 4. (B,C) At stage 6 (B) and stage 8 (C), expression is seen in the primitive streak. (D,E) Stage 11 whole mount shows expression up to the axial level of somite 12 (D, arrow indicates somite 10), and in cross-sections expression is seen primarily in the somite, nephrogenic cord lateral plate and neural tube, with little expression in the nephric duct (E). (F-H) Hox B4 expression initiates at stage 4 in the primitive streak (F) and expands to surrounding tissues at stages 6 (G) and 8 (H). (I) At stage 11, HoxB4 is expressed up to the axial level of somite 6. (J) Section of stage 11 embryo shows HoxB4 expression throughout the mesoderm, including the nephric duct. Dashed lines in D and I indicate level of sections in E and J, respectively. c, nephrogenic cord; d, nephric duct; lp, lateral plate; nt, neural tube; ps, primitive streak; som, somite.