Expression of SNARE complex proteins in the developing endoderm. a:
Stxbp1 expressed along the dorsal mesendoderm periphery in the transverse section at NF32. b: Transverse section at NF36 shows punctate expression of stxbp1 restricted to the dorsal endoderm. c: Whole gut at NF44, stxbp1 has a punctate expression throughout the gut. d: NF42 liver and pancreas showing stxbp1 punctate expression in the dorsal pancreas and more diffuse expression in the liver. e:
syntaxin 1B has minimal punctate expression within the endoderm at NF32. f: At NF36 there is an increase in the punctate expression of syntaxin 1B in the endoderm, transverse section. g: NF44 whole gut showing expression of syntaxin 1B in the stomach, liver and duodenum. h: NF42 liver and pancreas with expression throughout the liver and pancreas. dme, dorsal mesendoderm; de, dorsal endoderm; l, liver; st, stomach; p, pancreas; dp, dorsal pancreas; vp, ventral pancreas.