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Applied and Environmental Microbiology logoLink to Applied and Environmental Microbiology
. 2012 Dec;78(24):8719–8734. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02565-12

Characterization of Two Virulent Phages of Lactobacillus plantarum

Mariángeles Briggiler Marcó a, Josiane E Garneau b, Denise Tremblay b, Andrea Quiberoni a, Sylvain Moineau b,
PMCID: PMC3502894  PMID: 23042172


We characterized two Lactobacillus plantarum virulent siphophages, ATCC 8014-B1 (B1) and ATCC 8014-B2 (B2), previously isolated from corn silage and anaerobic sewage sludge, respectively. Phage B2 infected two of the eight L. plantarum strains tested, while phage B1 infected three. Phage adsorption was highly variable depending on the strain used. Phage defense systems were found in at least two L. plantarum strains, LMG9211 and WCSF1. The linear double-stranded DNA genome of the pac-type phage B1 had 38,002 bp, a G+C content of 47.6%, and 60 open reading frames (ORFs). Surprisingly, the phage B1 genome has 97% identity with that of Pediococcus damnosus phage clP1 and 77% identity with that of L. plantarum phage JL-1; these phages were isolated from sewage and cucumber fermentation, respectively. The double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) genome of the cos-type phage B2 had 80,618 bp, a G+C content of 36.9%, and 127 ORFs with similarities to those of Bacillus and Lactobacillus strains as well as phages. Some phage B2 genes were similar to ORFs from L. plantarum phage LP65 of the Myoviridae family. Additionally, 6 tRNAs were found in the phage B2 genome. Protein analysis revealed 13 (phage B1) and 9 (phage B2) structural proteins. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing such high identity between phage genomes infecting different genera of lactic acid bacteria.


Lactobacilli are widely used in a variety of food fermentation processes, where they contribute to the flavor and texture of final products. They also produce organic acids, and the resulting low pH protects fermented products from degradation by spoilage microorganisms (15). In recent years, the industrial relevance of lactobacilli has been significantly enhanced by their increasing use as probiotics (12) or as a biotechnological tool (32).

Lactobacillus plantarum is commonly found as part of the natural microflora of fermented foods (dairy, vegetables, and meats) (12, 53, 68). This lactic acid bacterium may also be added as a starter or adjunct culture, in both cases improving the organoleptic characteristics of the final products (2, 12, 14, 15, 48, 49). Additionally, many L. plantarum strains possess documented probiotic properties, and marketed functional foods contain these strains (12, 53). L. plantarum can be used as a probiotic starter culture in the production of functional foods, taking advantage of, among others, its ability to grow in milk. However, the increasing use of L. plantarum as a starter or adjunct culture can lead to phage infections in industrial environments, with adverse effects on the final product (25, 51).

Phage infection is still one of the persistent causes of substandard dairy fermentation processes (60). Virulent phages can lyse starter cultures, yielding low-quality products that lead to economic losses. Consequently, efficient control measures to minimize problems caused by phage attacks become essential. In order to carry out successful antiphage strategies, knowledge about phage population and biology is needed (27, 39).

To date, over 30 L. plantarum phages, isolated from several sources, have been reported (16, 70, 72). All belong to the Caudovirales order (tailed phages, double-stranded DNA genome) (1, 70), and members belonging to each of the three Caudovirales families have been isolated: Siphoviridae (19 phages), Myoviridae (5 phages), and Podoviridae (1 phage). Other L. plantarum phages have been reported but not classified (70). Therefore, L. plantarum phages are relatively diverse and found in a wide variety of niches.

To our knowledge, only four L. plantarum phage genomes have been sequenced. Phage g1e (Siphoviridae, temperate) was isolated from plant materials and has a 42,259-bp genome with a G+C content of 43.1% and 62 open reading frames (ORFs) (37). Phage Sha1 (Siphoviridae, temperate) was isolated from kimchi and has a 41,726-bp genome with a G+C content of 40.6% and 58 putative ORFs (72). Phage JL-1 (Siphoviridae, virulent) was isolated from fermented cucumbers (43) and possesses a 36,700-bp genome with a G+C content of 39.4% and 52 ORFs. Finally, phage LP65 (Myovidiae, virulent) was isolated from fermented meat and has a very large genome of 131,573 bp with a G+C content of 37.3% and 165 ORFs (10).

Other L. plantarum phages have been analyzed in some detail; studies mainly included thermal and chemical sensitivities, and there were some preliminary genetics studies (9, 16, 44, 54, 65, 74). Overall, research on Lactobacillus phages has progressed over the past decade, but our knowledge of their biology and genetic composition is still limited and lags somewhat behind that of other industrially relevant phages (70).

The aim of this work was to carry out the characterization of two available L. plantarum phages. Phages ATCC 8014-B1 and ATCC 8014-B2 (herein referred to as B1 and B2, respectively) were previously isolated from corn silage and anaerobic sewage sludge (21).


Bacterial strains, phages, and culture conditions.

L. plantarum strains were grown at 37°C in MRS broth (Difco). L. plantarum ATCC 8014 was used as the host strain for phages B1 and B2. For phage amplification, MRS was supplemented with 10 mM CaCl2 (MRS-Ca). Phage stocks were prepared as described previously (56) and stored as lysates at 4°C. Phage counts, expressed as PFU per milliliter, were obtained using the double-layer plaque titration method (64). Bacterial strains are maintained at the INLAIN Collection (Argentina) and the Félix d'Hérelle Reference Center for Bacterial Viruses of the Université Laval (Canada; as frozen stocks in MRS broth containing 15% (vol/vol) glycerol. Phages B1 and B2 as well as the host L. plantarum ATCC 8014 were purchased from the American Type Culture Collection (Manassas, VA;

Electron microscopy.

Ten microliters of 2% phosphotungstic acid (pH 7.0) was put in a clean sterile petri dish. A 200-mesh Formvar-carbon-coated copper grid (Pelco International) was deposited face down on the staining solution for 30 s. Then, 10 μl of a purified phage suspension (1010 PFU ml−1) was mixed with the stain by pipetting up and down. After 90 s, the grid was deposited face up on blotting paper. The grid was dried for 5 min and observed at 80 kV using a JEOL 1230 transmission electron microscope (62).

Microbiological assays.

The host range of L. plantarum phages B1 and B2 was assessed by spotting 5 microliters of 10−2 and 10−4 dilutions of a high-titer lysate (109 PFU ml−1) on top of agar containing one of the eight L. plantarum strains tested (see Table 1). To study the phage adsorption process, L. plantarum cultures were grown in MRS to an optical density at 600 nm of 0.6 to 0.8, after which they were in contact with phage B1 or B2 at a final concentration of 103 PFU ml−1. The phage-containing cultures were incubated at 37°C for 15 min, and then we proceeded as described elsewhere (22). To determine the presence of active natural defense mechanisms against phages B1 and B2, the efficiency of plaquing (EOP) was calculated by dividing the phage titer on the test L. plantarum strain by the titer of the phage on the phage-sensitive host strain L. plantarum ATCC 8014. For phage-host systems showing reduced EOP values, two phage plaques obtained on the restrictive strain were purified and propagated on the same strain. The lysate obtained (modified phage) was titrated on both strains (original sensitive host and the restrictive strain) to determine a second EOP value. Modified phages were then propagated again on L. plantarum ATCC 8014, and the resulting lysate (unmodified phage) was titrated on both strains (4).

Table 1.

Host range and adsorption rates of phages B1 and B2 on L. plantarum strains

Strain Sourcea Phage B1
Phage B2
EOP Adsorption (%) EOP Adsorption (%)
ATCC 8014 ATCC 1.0 99.6 ± 4.8 1.0 90.8 ± 3.0
WCSF1 Human saliva (NCBIM collection) 1.5 × 10−2 19.0 ± 1.4 b 0
LMG9211 Human saliva (BCCM collection) 4.0 × 10−3 2.3 ± 0.4 92.4 ± 1.8
PLN NSLAB (INLAIN collection) 0 1.0 98.5 ± 1.5
SMQ-1113 Industrial strain - 1.1 ± 0.7 - 14.4 ± 3.9
SMQ-1114 Industrial strain - 8.2 ± 2.3 - 3.2 ± 1.0
SMQ-1115 Industrial strain - 9.5 ± 2.5 - 12.3 ± 1.6
SMQ-1116 Industrial strain - 13.7 ± 3.6 - 10.4 ± 6.4

ATCC, American Type Culture Collection; BCCM, Belgian Coordinated Collections of Microorganisms; NCBIM, National Collection of Industrial and Marine Bacteria; NSLAB, nonstarter lactic acid bacteria; INLAIN, Instituto de Lactología Industrial.


—, not determined, as the phage does not infect the strain.

Phage DNA preparation and sequencing.

Genomic DNA of phages B1 and B2 was isolated using a Maxi lambda DNA purification kit (Qiagen) with modifications (19). The restriction profiles of phage B1 and B2 DNA were compared to confirm differences. Restriction endonucleases (Roche Diagnostics) were used as recommended by the manufacturer. The DNA fragments were separated in a 0.8% agarose gel, stained with ethidium bromide, and photographed under UV illumination. Genome sequencing was performed at the Plateforme d'ADN génomique de l'Université Laval (Université Laval, Québec, Canada) using a GS-FLX Titanium apparatus (Roche) and the 454 pyrosequencing technique. For phage B1, 39,144 reads were generated and assembled into a single contig with a coverage of 430-fold. For phage B2, 4,670 reads were generated and assembled into a single contig with a coverage of 18-fold. The extremities of the genomes were determined by sequencing ligated phage DNA preparations using converging PCR primers at the genomic platform of the Centre Hospitalier de l'Université Laval with an ABI Prism 3100 apparatus.

Bioinformatics analysis.

Sequence analyses were performed using BioEdit (30). Open reading frames (ORFs) were first identified using the GenMark program (46) and were further confirmed with ORFinder ( An ORF was considered valid if it had AUG, UUG, or GUG as the starting codon, encoded at least 29 amino acids (aa), and was preceded by an L. plantarum Shine-Dalgarno sequence (AGAAAGGAGGTGATC) (5). Function was attributed to an ORF using Blast2go ( and BLASTp (NCBI []). The annotations were supported by searching for protein functional domains using the NCBI Conserved Domain Database ( and EMBL InterProScan ( The tRNAs were identified using the tRNAscan-SE server ( and the ARAGORN program (41). Codon usage was determined through the DNA 2.0 Web server (Menlo Park, CA) and the Count-codon program available on the Kazusa DNA Research Institute Web page ( The bacterial codon usage for the L. plantarum host strains was obtained from the Kazusa DNA Research Institute database.

Analyses of phage B1 and B2 structural proteins.

Phage lysates were concentrated with polyethylene glycol (PEG) and purified using two CsCl gradients (61). Purified phages were recovered by ultracentrifugation using a Beckman SW41 Ti rotor at 35,000 rpm (210,053 × g) for 3 h, followed by a second ultracentrifugation using a Beckman NVT65 rotor at 60,000 rpm (342,317 × g) for 18 h. The phage preparations were then dialyzed against phage buffer (0.05 M Tris-HCl [pH 7.5], 0.1 M NaCl, 8 mM MgSO4). Purified phages (4 × 1011 PFU ml−1) were treated as described elsewhere (62). Briefly, phages were mixed with 4× loading buffer and boiled for 5 min. The samples were sonicated for 5 s with an ultrasonic Sonifier W-350 cell disrupter. Proteins were then separated by migration on a 12% SDS-polyacrylamide gel (1.5 mm thick). The Coomassie-stained protein bands of interest were excised from the gel and identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) at the Centre Protéomique de l'Est du Québec (Université Laval, Quebec, Canada). These results were analyzed using the Scaffold Proteome software (13, 33, 55). Purified phage lysates were also directly analyzed by LC-MS/MS.

Nucleotide sequence accession numbers.

The complete genome sequences of phages B1 and B2 have been deposited in GenBank under accession numbers JX486087 and JX486088, respectively.


Electron microscopy.

Both B1 and B2 phages have long noncontractile tails (Fig. 1) and belong to the Siphoviridae family, as do most characterized L. plantarum phages (70). Phage B1 has an icosahedral capsid with an estimated diameter of 54 ± 3 nm and a tail of 157 ± 10 nm in length and 8 ± 1 nm in width. The baseplate appears somewhat complex, with spikes or fibers (Fig. 1A). Phage B2 has an icosahedral capsid with a diameter of 74 ± 2 nm and a tail of 240 ± 3 nm in length and 10 ± 1 nm in width (Fig. 1B). Other investigators previously reported a larger capsid diameter (110 nm) and a much longer tail (500 nm) for L. plantarum phage B2 (54). Although dimensions may vary due to the use of different electron microscopes and methodologies (59), this cannot explain such large differences. At this time, it is unclear why such a discrepancy exists.

Fig 1.

Fig 1

Electron micrographs of the phages B1 (A) and B2 (B). Bars, 50 nm (A) and 100 nm (B).

Microbiological assays.

The results of the host range and adsorption tests are presented in Table 1. Each phage exhibited a distinctive host range but shared a common host (L. plantarum ATCC 8014). Phage B1 also replicated on L. plantarum strains WCSF1 and LMG9211, but the EOP was reduced. Surprisingly, under the conditions tested, the adsorption of phage B1 on strains LMG9211 and WCSF1 was very low, although clear plaques were formed. This low adsorption could be due to a limited number of phage receptors (in comparison with L. plantarum ATCC 8014) or their availability on the cell surface. Similar results were reported for Lactobacillus paracasei phages (8). Conversely, phage B2 was amplified on L. plantarum strain PLN and on its host ATCC 8014 (Table 1). Interestingly, phage B2 adsorbed well to strain LMG9211 without forming plaques (Table 1), suggesting the presence of phage resistance mechanisms in this strain (39). In general, phages were not able to adsorb on the other L. plantarum strains tested, suggesting the absence of receptors or perhaps adsorption blocking mechanisms (39).

Restriction/modification systems.

As indicated above, L. plantarum LMG9211 and WCSF1 seemed to carry a natural defense system, as the EOP of phage B1 was reduced (Table 1). Phage plaques were recovered from these two hosts (LMG9211 and WCSF1), purified, and amplified on each strain. These amplified phages had an EOP of 1.0 on L. plantarum ATCC 8014. When these phages were propagated again in their original host, L. plantarum ATCC 8014, the EOP values were reduced and similar to those shown in Table 1. This temporary host-specific immunity suggests the presence of a classical restriction/modification (R/M) system in both strains (52). Besides, the same specificity might be involved in both systems, since an EOP value of 1 was obtained when LMG9211-amplified phage was tested on L. plantarum WCSF1 and when WCSF1-amplified phage was tested on L. plantarum LMG9211. A type I restriction/modification system was previously identified in the genome of L. plantarum WCSF1, though its functionality was not demonstrated (36, 63).

Genome analysis.

Phages B1 and B2 have linear double-stranded DNA genomes comprising 38,002 bp and 80,618 bp, respectively. Nes et al. (54) reported a relatively similar genome size for phage B2 (73 kbp), which was calculated from the addition of the molecular sizes of DNA restriction fragments. Phage B1 has the highest GC content (47.6%) reported to date for an L. plantarum phage. The GC content of phage B2 was much lower, at 37.0%, but is similar to the GC content of the L. plantarum myophage LP65 (10). The GC content of the host strain L. plantarum ATCC 8014 was previously estimated at 45.1% (50), whereas genome sequencing of strain WCSF1 revealed a GC content of 44.5% (36, 63). The genomes of two other L. plantarum strains also have GC contents of 44.5 to 44.7% (71, 75). The GC contents were similar throughout the genomic sequences of both phages, although some noncoding regions in phage B2 were AT rich. The lower GC content of phage B2 may suggest that some genetic elements were derived from phages infecting other hosts (23, 31).

The phage genomic DNA was also digested with various restriction enzymes (EcoRV, HindIII, MluI, and SalI), and the profiles obtained were similar to the theoretical profiles obtained from the genomic data (NEBcutter), suggesting the absence of modified nucleotides (data not shown). The profile obtained for phage B2 was similar to that reported elsewhere (54). Analysis of the genome extremities indicated that phage B1 is a pac-type phage, like L. plantarum phages fri, JL-1, and LP65 (10, 43, 65), whereas phage B2 was classified as a cos-type phage, similar to SC921 phage (74). The cos site is 11 nucleotides long (5′-TGAGCGCCCTA-3′) (data not shown).

Sixty ORFs were identified for phage B1 and 127 ORFs for phage B2 (Tables 2 and 3; Fig. 2 and 3). They covered 93% (B1) and 87% (B2) of the genome length. A total of 56 ORFs (93%) for phage B1 and 65 ORFs (51%) for phage B2 had homology to previously characterized genes in public databases. However, a protein function could be attributed to products of only 25 ORFs (42%) for phage B1 and 37 ORFs (29%) for phage B2. The predominant starting codon was ATG for both phages (90% for B1, 86% for B2). Interestingly, four B1 ORFs share some identity with B2 ORFs, namely, B1 ORF15 and B2 ORF33, B1 ORF18 and B2 ORF36, B1 ORF22 and B2 ORF40, and B1 ORF35 and B2 ORF99. Of interest, ORF18 of phage B1 is likely involved in host recognition, and its identity with B2 ORF36 agrees with the observation that both phages infect the same host strain.

Table 2.

Open reading frames deduced from the genome of L. plantarum phage B1 and their predicted functions

ORFa Start (bp) Stop (bp) Predicted protein
Putative RBS and start codonb Predicted function Best match(es) (extentc; % amino acid identity) E value Aligned protein
Size (aa) Molecular mass (kDa) pI Size (aa) GenBank accession no.
1 242 553 103 11.4 6.3 ATAAAGGAGATAACGgaATG Terminase small subunit clP1_010 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (99/103; 96) 3.0E−64 139 YP_004934175
2 550 1845 431 48.9 8.2 AACATCGGGTTTCCCgaATG Terminase large subunit clP1_009 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (430/431; 99) 0 431 YP_004934174
ORF440 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (293/431; 68) 0 440 YP_223885
3 1861 3402 513 58.4 4.8 ATAACGGAGGAGTTAaaacATG Portal protein clP1_008 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (508/513; 99) 0 513 YP_004934173
ORF506 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (284/506; 56) 0 506 YP_223886
4 3320 4132 270 30.6 8.8 CGAAAGGCGGATTGAttatcaATG Capsid protein clP1_007 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (266/270; 99) 0 270 YP_004934172
ORF273 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (121/270; 45) 2.0E−72 273 YP_223887
5 4232 4762 176 19.1 4.7 ATTGAGGAGGAGAAAccatcATG Scaffold protein clP1_006 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (174/176; 99) 1.0E−118 176 YP_004934171
ORF184 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (70/161; 43) 1.0E−27 184 YP_223888
6 4780 5640 286 30.9 4.8 CGGAGGAACTTAAACaATG Major capsid protein clP1_005 (P. damnosus phage clP1 (284/286; 99) 0 286 YP_004934170
ORF286 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (198/286; 69) 7.0E−138 286 YP_223889
7 5688 5915 75 7.2 4.4 CAAAAGACCGCTAGCATG Minor capsid protein clP1_004 (P. damnosus phage clP1 (74/75; 99) 9.0E−37 75 YP_004934169
ORF64b (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (33/49; 67) 6.0E−11 64 YP_223890
8 5943 6314 123 14.1 5.0 ATAATTAACGTACCCgtatggGTG DNA packaging clP1_003 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (113/115; 98) 6.0E−74 115 YP_004934168
ORF113 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (69/113; 61) 2.0E−42 113 YP_223891
9 6311 6589 92 10.2 9.5 GGGGTTCAGGTTCTTATG clP1_002 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (90/92; 98) 5.0E−57 92 YP_004934167
ORF94 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (49/93; 53) 3.0E−27 94 YP_223892
10 6546 6959 137 15.1 9.3 GAACGTGCCGTTATCaATG Head to tail joining clP1_001 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (123/125; 98) 5.0E−85 125 YP_004934166
ORF125 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (77/121; 64) 3.0E−46 125 YP_223893
11 7035 7388 117 13.2 8.0 CGCTAGGGGGTGTCAcaagATG ORF117 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (64/117; 55) 2.0E−40 117 YP_223894
12 7407 8033 208 22.7 4.3 AATGAGGAGTGTAaaaaaatATG Major tail protein clP1_057 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (208/208; 100) 5.0E−150 208 YP_004934222
ORF199 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (131/195; 67) 4.0E−92 199 ZP_03964227
13 8064 8468 134 15.2 5.0 AAAAAGGACGGTACCaacaaaATG clP1_056 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (134/134; 100) 1.0E−93 134 YP_004934221
ORF139 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (71/138; 51) 7.0E−37 139 YP_223896
14 8546 8785 79 8.7 9.9 GAAGCCGAGGCCGTCATG clP1_055 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (79/79; 100) 9.0E−48 79 YP_004934220
ORF140 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (23/79; 29) 5.1E−2 140 YP_223897
15 8789 12043 1084 110.9 9.6 TCGGAGGAGGTTAACgaATG Tape measure protein clP1_054 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (1067/1084; 98) 0 1084 YP_004934219
ORF1133 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (97/172; 56) 5.0E−51 1133 YP_223898
16 12347 12877 176 19.1 9.0 ATTACCGAGCTGGCCgATG Minor tail protein clP1_053 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (169/176; 96) 1.0E−118 273 YP_004934218
ORF441 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (47/101; 47) 1.0E−23 441 YP_223899
17 12892 15390 832 90.7 5.0 ATATAGATAGGAGTGATG Prophage tail superfamily clP1_052 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (653/839; 78) 0 829 YP_004934217
ORF738 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (270/455; 59) 0 738 YP_223900
18 15371 17479 702 75.7 5.4 CGACAGGAGGAGTTAaacaATG Tail/host recognition clP1_051 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (648/702, 92) 0 702 YP_004934216
ORF749 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (66/189; 35) 3.0E−26 749 YP_223901
19 17491 17862 123 14.0 5.4 AGTTAGGAGGCCGAAccATG clP1_050 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (118/119, 99) 2.0E−79 119 YP_004934215
21 18031 18363 110 12.3 6.7 AAAAAGAATTAAAGGagtATG Holin clP1_048 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (99/106, 93) 2.0E−64 106 YP_004934213
22 18363 19604 413 45.5 9.6 GATAACGAGGTACAAtaATG Endolysin clP1_047 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (399/413, 97) 0 413 YP_004934212
ORF398 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (316/393; 80) 0 398 YP_223905
23 20279 20395 38 3.9 6.7 ATAACGGCGTTAGTTatGTG clP1_046 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (36/38, 95) 8.0E−18 71 YP_004934211
24 20346 20810 154 17.6 5.2 CCACATGTGGCTCGCtactgGTG Endonuclease clP1_045 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (138/140 (99) 3.0E−99 140 YP_004934210
ORF134 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (46/129; 36) 2.0E−13 134 YP_223908
25 20813 21559 248 28.2 4.6 AGTGAGGAGGACTAAacATG clP1_044 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (248/248, 100) 0 248 YP_004934209
ORF246 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (118/233; 51) 4.0E−71 246 YP_223909
26 21950 22609 219 23.6 5.7 CGAGGAGAGATAAGCATG Helicase (NTPd binding) clP1_043 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (219/219, 100) 5.0E−157 219 YP_004934208
ORF224 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (169/218; 78) 3.0E−121 224 YP_223910
27 22616 24556 646 72.7 5.1 AAAGGGGAAATAAAGcactATG DNA primase clP1_042 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (641/646, 99) 0 646 YP_004934207
ORF637 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (285/634; 45) 7.0E−180 637 YP_223911
29 24921 25337 138 15.7 5.1 ATTGAGGAGGAAATGtaATG clP1_040 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (105/138, 76) 2.0E−68 138 YP_004934205
30 25340 25639 99 11.3 7.8 AAACGGGAGGATTATtaaatATG clP1_039 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (64/99, 65) 4.0E−39 99 YP_004934204
31 25600 26091 163 18.6 10.3 ACTAAGGGGGTGAAAacATG Replication protein clP1_038 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (143/150, 95) 4.0E−102 150 YP_004934203
32 25959 26450 163 19.2 5.2 CGCGGGCACGTCATCtATT clP1_037 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (115/123, 93) 8.0E−80 123 YP_004934202
33 26488 26685 65 9.5 6.2 TCATAGGAGGTAATTatATG clP1_036 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (62/65, 95) 2.0E−37 66 YP_004934201
34 26687 27151 154 17.8 5.1 AAAAAGGGGAATTATtaacATG Replicase clP1_035 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (153/154, 99) 4.0E−106 154 YP_004934200
ORF153 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (74/156; 47) 3.0E−35 153 YP_223913
35 27167 27487 106 11.8 4.6 AGTAAAGGGGTAAAAcgATG DNA binding clP1_034 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (100/106, 94) 2.0E−67 106 YP_004934199
ORF97 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (45/94; 48) 1.0E−18 97 YP_223877
37 27725 29155 476 53.3 9.1 TGTACGGAGGGATTGcaATG Helicase clP1_033 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (470/476, 99) 0 476 YP_004934198
ORF467 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (291/446; 65) 0 467 YP_223915
38 29199 29471 90 10.2 4.8 ATCAAGCAAGGGAGGtaATT clP1_032 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (64/88, 73) 2.0E−39 102 YP_004934197
39 29458 29832 124 13.8 4.4 AGAAAAGGGGTATTTtgATG clP1_031 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (119/124, 96) 3.0E−71 125 YP_004934196
40 29834 30253 139 16.0 5.4 TGAAAGGATTGATTAacATG clP1_030 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (125/143, 87) 3.0E−85 149 YP_004934195
41 30225 30659 144 16.4 5.3 AAACTAAAAGTCACGaATG clP1_029 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (98/139, 71) 4.0E−68 139 YP_004934194
42 30659 31102 147 16.2 9.0 AAAAAGGGGTAATTGaataATG clP1_028 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (129/147, 88) 5.0E−89 147 YP_004934193
43 31095 32072 325 36.9 5.3 ATTATGGAGGTTGTGaaagATG Structural protein clP1_027 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (306/325, 94) 0 324 YP_004934192
44 32073 32468 131 14.3 4.5 AAATCGGAGGTTATTtaaATG clP1_026 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (129/131, 98) 1.0E−89 131 YP_004934191
45 32601 32840 79 9.1 6.0 CGAAAGGACGAGGGAtaaATG clP1_025 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (78/79, 99) 4.0E−50 79 YP_004934190
46 32827 33183 118 13.7 9.3 ATCATGGAGGACGACaATG clP1_024 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (117/118, 99) 2.0E−81 118 YP_004934189
ORF114 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (54/104, 52) 8.0E−31 114 YP_223917
48 33518 33706 62 7.6 5.2 AGGAAAGTGGTAATAaaaATG clP1_023 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (61/62, 98) 3.0E−35 76 YP_004934188
49 33703 33831 42 4.7 8.5 GGATATGAGGTGATCgaATG clP1_022 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (39/42, 93) 3.0E−6 42 YP_004934187
50 33857 34030 57 6.2 12.1 AACAAAGGGGTCTTAtattATG clP1_021 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (42/44, 95) 6.0E−18 57 YP_004934186
51 34030 34275 81 9.3 5.6 AAAAAGGGGGCCAAGtaATG clP1_020 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (78/81, 96) 6.0E−51 81 YP_004934185
ORF77 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (40/75, 53) 2.0E−3 77 YP_223874
52 34341 34634 97 11.5 9.5 AGAACGTCATGGGTCgATG clP1_019 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (94/97, 97) 1.0E−64 119 YP_004934184
53 34621 34920 99 11.1 9.8 TAAAAGGCGGCGAGAttATG clP1_018 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (99/99, 100) 1.0E−65 99 YP_004934183
54 34917 35108 63 7.2 4.4 ATAAAGGGGATAAAAgtATG clP1_017 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (61/63, 97) 4.0E−37 63 YP_004934182
55 35077 35238 53 6.1 6.0 CGAAAAGGGGTTTTTaaATG clP1_016 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (52/53, 98) 1.0E−27 53 YP_004934181
56 35251 35685 144 16.8 5.0 AATTAGGAGGGTTTTaccATG clP1_015 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (136/144, 94) 4.0E−95 144 YP_004934180
57 35678 36124 148 17.1 6.1 ACGGAGGTTGAAATCaATG clP1_014 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (132/148, 89) 3.0E−94 148 YP_004934179
58 36117 36512 131 14.9 9.8 ATCGAGGTGAAGCTAcATG clP1_013 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (1126/131, 96) 3.0E−87 131 YP_004934178
59 36514 37032 172 19.1 10.0 TACTGGGAGGTGTTAtgacATG Endonuclease clP1_012 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (167/172, 97) 1.0E−119 172 YP_004934177
60 37025 37441 138 15.7 9.1 TGAAAGGTGATAATAATG clP1_011 (P. damnosus phage clP1) (136/138, 99) 4.0E−93 141 YP_004934176

Only the ORFs with significant hits to those of other proteins in the database are included.


RBS, ribosome binding site. Underlined codons correspond to bases identical to the L. plantarum RBS consensus sequence; uppercase letters represent the RBS sequence; boldface indicates the starting codon; lowercase letters indicate spacer nucleotides between the RBS and start codon.


Number of identical amino acids/total number of amino acids.


NTP, nucleoside triphosphate.

Table 3.

Open reading frames deduced from the genome of L. plantarum phage B2 and their predicted proteins

ORFa or tRNA Start (bp) Stop (bp) Predicted protein
Putative RBS and start codonb Predicted function Best matches (extentc; % amino acid identity) E value Aligned protein
Size (aa) Molecular mass (kDa) pl Size (aa) GenBank accession no.
12 3401 2769 210 25.1 5.2 TAAAAGGAGGAATAAaattATG Fatty acid/phospholipid synthesis protein PlsX gene product (Clostridium ljungdahlii DSM 13528) (29/154; 19) 9.0E−2 337 YP_003779451
15 4262 4393 43 4.8 3.9 AAAAGGGAGGACTTAgcATG C.D.d: transcription factor EUBREC_3432 (Eubacterium rectale ATCC 33656) (15/43; 35) 2.0E−3 209 YP_002939292
16 4320 4802 160 18.6 9.3 ACAAGAAAGATGATTATG C.D.: HNH endonuclease pls32_p096 (Bacillus subtilis subsp. natto) (54/122; 44) 8.0E−26 135 YP_004243694
17 4815 5321 168 18.7 5.1 TCTAAGGGGGTGAACacATG Terminase small subunit pls32_p095 (Bacillus subtilis subsp. natto) (61/166; 37) 3.0E−22 163 YP_004243693
18 5476 5988 170 19.7 4.9 AAAAGGTAGGTAAAGtcaaATG gp089 (Lc. lactis phage 949) (33/114; 29) 8.0E−11 171 YP_004306249
tRNA 6246 6317 tRNA-Asn
tRNA 6925 6997 tRNA-Leu
tRNA 6999 7072 tRNA-Met
20 7143 7403 86 10.2 5.3 GAAAGAGAGGAAAACtATG ORF78 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (81/86; 95) 1.0E−40 109 YP_164713
tRNA 7742 7814 tRNA-Gly
21 7937 9646 569 65.0 5.5 TATAACGAGGTGATAtgTTG Terminase large subunit ORF5 (L. delbrueckii phage c5) (211/522; 40) 9.0E−131 559 ACA63297
22 9830 11137 435 48.0 4.8 ACAGAAGATACGGTTATG Portal protein ORF5 (L. delbrueckii phage LL-Ku) (106/384; 28) 3.0E−37 404 AAV30165
23 11133 12236 367 40.6 4.3 TGTTAGGAGGTAATGacaATT Major capsid protein/protease pls32_p090 (Bacillus subtilis subsp. natto) (93/201; 46) 1.0E−38 313 YP_004243688
24 12240 13526 428 45.9 5.3 GATTTGGAGGTCTAAttaATG Major capsid protein ORF7 (L. delbrueckii phage LL-Ku) (106/381; 28) 1.0E−21 395 AAV30167
25 13657 14115 152 15.9 4.5 TGATAGGAGGGAATActaTTG Tail protein SPC35_0138 (enterobacterial phage SPC35) (37/90; 41) 5.0E−9 162 YP_004306621
27 14453 14881 142 15.9 5.4 TTTAGTGAGGTGAGAaaATG Head-tail adaptor HMPREF9104_01875 (Lactobacillus kisonensis F0435) (23/87; 26) 1.0E−3 120 ZP_09556164
28 14832 15323 163 18.4 6.2 AAACGGCGGTTCATCtgGTG Head-tail joining protein LSL_0288 (Lactobacillus salivarius phage Sal2) (31/126; 25) 7.6E−2 130 YP_535185
29 15447 15704 85 9.7 4.8 GTTCAGAATAAAATAGTG Tail protein ORF10 (L. casei phage phiAT3) (23/83; 28) 5.0E−2 123 YP_025035
30 15723 16334 203 21.5 4.7 AAGAAAGAGGTAATTactaATG Major tail protein OF23 (L. plantarum phage Sha1) (61/209; 29) 8.0E−06 212 ADW01304
31 16442 16861 139 15.6 4.4 AAAAATAAAATATTTagATG LAR_1055 (Lactobacillus reuteri JCM 1112) (31/95; 33) 1.0E−5 132 YP_001842051
33 17115 22778 1,887 199.5 10.1 TGCAAGGAGGGTTTTaaATG Tail tape measure protein LSL_0794 (L. salivarius phage SalI) (243/686; 35) 4.0E−93 1,274 YP_535687
34 22802 24613 603 66.1 6.0 ATACGAGGGGTAATCccctcGTG Minor structural protein ORF27 (L. plantarum phage Sha1) (321/596; 54) 1.0E−177 590 ADW01308
35 24669 27053 794 88.0 4.7 GATTAGGAGGTAATGgaATG Minor structural protein ORF28 (L. plantarum phage Sha1) (339/768; 44) 0 789 ADW01309
36 27065 30406 1,113 118.8 4.9 GAGTAGGAGGTTATCaaATG Tail fiber/Host specificity protein ORF29 (L. plantarum phage Sha1) (373/588; 63) 0 929 ADW01310
37 30403 30624 73 8.0 4.7 CTGGAGGATAAAATCaaATG ORF30 (L. plantarum phage Sha1) (61/71; 86) 3.0E−34 84 ADW01311
38 30639 31061 140 16.1 4.7 AAATAGGAGGAAATTaaactATG ORF96 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (46/123; 37) 5.0E−20 125 YP_164731
39 31078 32277 399 41.8 4.6 AGAAAGGAATGATTTggtTTG P53-like protein ORF32 (L. plantarum phage Sha1) (115/179; 64) 3.0E−65 294 ADW01313
40 32351 33742 463 50.7 9.4 TAAAAGGAGACAAAAagATG Lysin ORF88 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (388/45; 86) 0 464 YP_164723
41 33760 34098 112 12.9 5.3 ATAAGGGAGGTTCACcacATG phig1ep16 (L. plantarum phage phig1e) (26/92; 28) 4.0E−5 118 YP_003084354
42 34085 34693 202 21.1 4.4 AGGGGAGAAATAAACATG ORF35 (L. plantarum phage Sha1) (53/95; 56) 5.0E−29 176 ADW01316
43 34751 35725 324 38.3 7.7 GGGAATGGTGAGATAcaATG Recombinase/integrase gp131 (Lc. lactis phage 949) (80/324; 25) 8.0E−12 330 YP_004306291
45 38528 36027 833 95.1 7.9 ATTAGTCAGATGAAGatATA DNA polymerase III alpha subunit yorL (Bacillus phage SPBc2) (279/833; 34) 7.0E−128 1,305 NP_046685
47 40897 39467 476 54.9 5.7 ATAGAGGAGGAAAAAtaATG DNA polymerase III alpha subunit yorL (Bacillus phage SPBc2) (171/472; 37) 3.0E−72 1,305 NP_046685
tRNA 42308 42237 tRNA-Arg
tRNA 42595 42522 tRNA-Arg
53 43264 42965 99 11.7 7.8 TTATTGGAGGACATAttATG ORF148 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (39/95; 41) 2.0E−15 93 YP_164783
54 43897 43340 185 21.4 9.2 ATTAAGAACATTACCATG ORF145 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (76/121; 63) 6.0E−46 157 YP_164780
55 44582 44277 101 11.7 5.0 TGATTGGAGCAGTGAataATG ORF21 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (32/86; 38) 2.0E−10 95 YP_164656
57 45726 45028 232 24.3 5.2 AGAAAGAGGTTTATTttaaATG Endolysin ORF121 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (92/204; 46) 1.0E−33 193 YP_164756
58 46337 45804 177 20.7 8.8 AGGGAGAAATTAAATcATG LRATCC53608_1805 (L. reuteri ATCC 53608) (30/97; 31) 5.0E−3 174 CCC04558
60 46931 46671 86 9.7 5.8 AGCGAGGAAAACGGCcgGTG Growth inhibitor ORF6 (L. reuteri) (33/87; 38) 1.0E−10 94 CAC03499
63 47855 47460 131 15.9 7.8 GAAAGAGAGGTAAATaatgATG ORF32 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (81/124; 66) 1.0E−52 130 YP_164667
65 48770 48306 154 17.1 4.4 AAGACGGAGGTAAAAtaATG Nucleoside deoxyribosyltransferase lb338_phage_72 (L. paracasei phage Lb338-1) (56/156; 36) 5.0E−27 164 YP_002790751
66 49087 48770 105 12.0 7.7 AGATGGAGAGTGCTAaagATG Glutaredoxin nrdH (L. plantarum JDM1) (31/86; 36) 5.0E−10 76 YP_003062153
68 49575 49234 113 13.2 4.1 GGAAAAGTGATTGTAATG ORF127 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (41/64; 65) 3.0E−16 74 YP_164762
69 50369 49665 234 26.5 9.4 CAGAGTCAGTTAGTCggGTG Nicotinamide mononucleotide transporter ORF125 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (78/229; 34) 3.0E−34 259 YP_164760
70 51724 50492 410 46.2 5.7 TACTAGAGGGAGAACttaATG DNA polymerase ORF63 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (90/323; 28) 1.0E−13 434 YP_164698
71 52780 51737 347 39.2 5.9 AGGAGTGAGAGTATAaaaATG ATP/GTP binding protein yorG (Bacillus phage SPBc2) (81/335; 24) 3.0E−18 323 NP_046680
73 54148 53165 327 36.0 4.8 AACTAGGAGGAATTTgtaATG Replication protein ORF29 (L. casei phage phiAT3) (25/64; 39) 2.4E−2 185 YP_25056
74 54555 54220 111 13.1 4.4 CACGATAATGTGAATtATG BsubsN3_22549 (Bacillus subtilis sNCIB 3610) (27/92; 30) 7.3E−2 344 ZP_03598300
75 55051 54527 174 20.4 9.2 TAAAATTAAAAATACaaATG LRU_02117 (Lactobacillus ruminis SPM0211) (68/143; 48) 1.0E−38 151 ZP_08564332
82 57966 58499 177 20.5 6.3 GAAGTGGAGTTGAGCgaatATG Sca_0483 (Streptococcus carnosus TM300) (32/67; 48) 1.0E−9 158 YP_002633582
83 58517 59224 235 27.2 4.8 AATTAGGAGGAAAAAtaTTG Deoxyguanosine kinase ORF73 (L. paracasei phage Lb338-1) (80/239; 33) 2.0E−42 240 YP_002790752
85 59491 59961 156 18.2 9.1 AAACAGGAGGTTAAAaccaATG yorH (Bacillus subtilis subsp. natto) (49/162; 31) 3.0E−12 162 YP_004243622
86 59954 61543 529 60.3 4.9 TTAGTGGAGATGATTtacTTG DNA helicase yorI (Bacillus subtilis subsp. natto) (186/517; 36) 2.0E−89 530 YP_004243623
87 61745 62590 281 32.1 8.6 CTCAAACTGTGGTTCaATG DNA primase ORF61 (Lc. lactis phage 949) (49/162; 31) 2.0E−6 330 ADM73619
88 62587 64332 581 65.6 5.3 ACAAGGAAGGTAATGtcTTG Single-stranded DNA exonuclease ORF62 (Lc. lactis phage 949) (141/572; 25) 2.0E−18 593 YP_004306222
91 64909 65292 127 14.4 6.6 CATTAGGAGGAAAAAgcgATG ORF14 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (53/118; 45) 2.0E−22 120 YP_164649
98 67529 67873 114 13.5 4.8 TAAAATGACGAAAGAactaATG ORF13 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (33/106; 31) 7.0E−9 124 YP_164648
99 67870 68175 101 11.7 5.3 TGGAATGGAGAGAGCATA DNA binding protein ORF97 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (66/97; 68) 3.0E−41 97 YP_223877
100 68172 68573 133 15.6 4.4 AAAGAGGAGGATAAGaagctATG ORF5 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (26/71; 37) 1.0E−1 182 YP_164640
101 68896 69588 230 26.4 6.7 GGAGAAGAGGAGTTTaaatATG ORF93 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (35/85; 41) 1.0E−08 93 YP_223879
102 69578 70021 147 16.9 5.9 AGAAAGGTGACAACGATG ORF157 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (55/156; 35) 4.0E−10 146 YP_164792
ORF142 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (52/149; 35) 2.0E−10 142 YP_223880
105 70682 71113 143 16.3 4.4 AAAACGGAGGTGGCAacgATG DNA replication protein ORF15 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (55/161; 34) 2.0E−07 149 YP_164650
ORF115 (L. plantarum phage phig1e) (49/144; 34) 2.0E−10 115 NP_695176
108 71911 72354 147 16.6 4.9 TCGATGGTAGTGACGatATG ORF8 (L. plantarum phage Sha1) (49/106; 46) 3.0E−18 140 ADW01289
110 72510 72953 147 17.4 5.7 AGGAAGGCAGTGGTAatcATG ORF93 (L. plantarum phage phiJL-1) (54/91; 59) 4.0E−21 93 YP_223879
111 72964 73206 80 9.5 4.7 TGTTAGGGGGAATAAtATG phig1ep44 (L. plantarum phage phig1e) (16/50; 32) 2.0E−3 73 NP_695175
114 73964 74617 217 25.0 5.0 AGTAAGAAGGGAAAAaATG Thymidine kinase tk (enterobacterial phage RB69) (56/196; 29) 1.0E−12 193 NP_861801
123 77549 77731 60 7.0 9.3 TAAAAGGGGGTGTTGagATG ORF40 (Staphylococcus phage 2638A) (33/56; 59) 9.0E−12 93 YP_239845
124 77757 78140 127 14.5 10.6 AGAATAGAGGCTTATtaaaATG ORF165 (L. plantarum phage LP65) (85/122; 70) 5.0E−58 135 YP_164800
127 79214 79630 138 15.8 4.3 AAATAAGGGTTGCAAttaaGTG gp24 (Brochothrix phage A9) (37/125; 30) 2.0E−2 198 YP_004301357

Only the ORFs with significant hits to those of other proteins in the database are included.


Abbreviation and presentation are as for Table 2.


Extent is as defined for Table 2.


C.D., conserved domains.

Fig 2.

Fig 2

Genomic organizations of L. plantarum phages B1 and phiJL-1 as well as P. damnosus phage clP1. The scales above the genomes are in base pairs. Each arrow represents an ORF, and the numbering refers to Table 2 (for B1) and to the locus tags from phiJL-1 (accession number AY236756) and clP1 (accession number JN051154). The modules were based on the B1 organization. Genes coding for structural proteins experimentally determined by SDS-PAGE are indicated by thick outlines. Products of ORFs from phiJL-1 and clP1 sharing amino acid identity with those from B1 were drawn in a shade of gray according to the color code, and were linked by a shadow. White arrows represent products of ORFs sharing no identity. Phage phiJL-1 and clP1 genomes were split and reorganized in order to facilitate the alignment. ORFs sharing identity (>20%) with those of phage B2 are indicated by asterisks.

Fig 3.

Fig 3

Genomic organization of L. plantarum phage B2. The scale under the genome is in base pairs. Each arrow represents an ORF, with its putative function, and the numbering refers to Table 3. Genes coding for structural proteins experimentally determined by SDS-PAGE are indicated by thick outlines. tRNAs are indicated by vertical arrows. ORFs sharing identity (>20%) with those of phage B2 are indicated by asterisks.

Presence of tRNA in the B2 genome.

Six tRNAs were found in genome of phage B2 (Table 3) but none in B1. These six tRNAs deliver the amino acids asparagine (Asn, AAC), leucine (Leu, CTA), methionine (Met, ATG), glycine (Gly, GGA), and arginine (Arg, AGG and AGA). They were located in two genomic regions (6246 to 7814 and 42308 to 42522) of phage B2. Among L. plantarum phages for which the genomes are available, only the myophage LP65 contained tRNAs (14 tRNAs). The presence of tRNAs is often linked to large phage genomes (62).

The frequency of codon usage was then investigated for phages B1 and B2 (Table 4). The anticodons of some tRNAs found in the genome of phage B2 did not correspond to the codons most frequently used by the phage. For example, one tRNA matched the CTA codon, encoded a leucine, and had a frequency of 21.1% in the whole genome, whereas the most frequently used leucine codon was TTA, which had a frequency of 42.5%. However, the CCT and TCT codons, which encoded arginine, were used more by phage B2 than other possible codons.

Table 4.

Codon usage of L. plantarum strains and phage B2 for amino acids encoded by the B2 tRNAsa

Amino acid Anticodon Codon Frequency of codon usage (%) for:
Phage B1 Phage B2 L. plantarum WCSF1
Asn GTT AAC 16.9 19.3 17.5
AAT 36.8 25.9 26.6
Leu TAG CTA 14.3 21.1 11.5
TTA 17.6 42.5 33.4
TTG 14.1 41.0 25.3
CTT 9.4 13.6 8.9
CTC 5.1 5.3 8.7
CTG 11.2 21.9 12.3
Met CAT ATG 32.0 38.4 26.1
Gly TCC GGA 12.9 8.5 10.0
GGT 22.7 12.4 26.4
GGC 25.2 5.3 17.3
GGG 11.9 6.8 12.3
Arg TCT AGA 3.7 20.7 1.7
CCT AGG 2.9 11.3 0.8
CGT 12.6 8.7 11.7
CGC 12.3 4.1 8.8
CGA 6.6 6.6 7.1
CGG 11.2 7.1 12.9

Codons indicated in boldface are those encoded by the tRNAs in the phage B2 genome.

The codon usage of phage B2 was also compared to that of L. plantarum WCFS1 because no bacterial host strain for phage B2 has been sequenced yet (Table 4). Our results agreed with others (3) who suggested that phages encode tRNAs corresponding to codons that are less used by the host bacteria to increase specific phage protein expression (Table 4). The presence of tRNAs was reported for some Lactococcus phages: P087 (5 tRNAs) (69), KSY1 (3 tRNAs) (11), and 949 (6 tRNAs) (62). In contrast to the results observed here, the frequencies of codon usage by phage 949 tRNAs were similar for the phage and its host Lactococcus lactis IL1403.

Function assignment and genomic organization of phages B1 and B2.

The ORF functions were assigned based on comparison with sequences in public databases (NCBI, InterProScan). Only the ORFs with the highest identity with those encoding other proteins in the database are shown in Tables 2 and 3. Although phages B1 and B2, isolated from corn silage and anaerobic sewage sludge, respectively, were similar according to morphological observations, genome sequencing confirmed wide differences between the phages. Diversity among Lactobacillus phages, due possibly to the high number of species in the Lactobacillus genus, was reported previously (74). However, a relatively conserved genome organization among them was evidenced (74). Yet, L. plantarum phages appear to be among the most diverse Lactobacillus phages. Distinct ecological niches and unrelated host strains may explain such diversity.

As for many siphophages, the genome of phage B1 is organized into the following functional clusters: DNA packaging, morphogenesis, lysis, and DNA replication (Fig. 2). No genes/proteins related to lysogeny were found, confirming its virulent nature. Interestingly, a high level of identity (97%) with the genome of phage clP1, infecting Pediococcus damnosus, followed by 77% identity with the genome of L. plantarum phage JL-1, was found. Of note, the genome of phage clP1 showed a GC content of 47.6%, which is much higher than those reported for pediococci (37.8 to 41.2%) (35). When each ORF was analyzed, high levels of identity with phage clP1 deduced proteins (65 to 100%) were also observed, while the levels of identity with proteins of phage JL-1 were always lower (29 to 80%) (Table 2). Pediococcus and L. plantarum strains are often found in the same ecological niches (cucumber fermentation, silage inoculants) (34, 73); thus, these comparative analyses support the notion that coexistence in the same environment can lead to the exchange of genetic elements (45). Others have shown that phages of L. plantarum were able to infect strains of other bacterial species isolated from the same habitat (10, 20, 45), although this was not tested here. L. plantarum myophage LP65 unexpectedly infected Carnobacterium strains associated with fermented meat (10), and some L. plantarum phages isolated from silage and sauerkraut were able to infect Lactobacillus pentosus and Lactobacillus brevis strains (20, 45). On the other hand, phages B1 and B2 have a narrow host range, as reported for other L. plantarum phages (11, 44, 69).

The genomic organization of phage B2 was also similar to those of other siphophages (Fig. 3). Some ORFs exhibited homology with L. plantarum myophage LP65. However, most were similar to ORFs of Bacillus and Lactobacillus strains and their phages (Table 3). Few proteins (Orf39, Orf43, and Orf105) were linked to prophage proteins, but phage B2 had the growth characteristics of a virulent phage. This observation was also reported for L. plantarum phages LP65 (10), g1e (70), and Sha1 (72). Overall, the genome assemblage of phage B2 was rather unique and appears to be made from parts of other characterized phages.

Phage DNA packaging.

The deduced B1 proteins Orf1 and Orf2 share high similarity with the putative small and large terminase subunits from various phages, including P. damnosus clP1 and L. plantarum g1e and phiJL-1. Phage B2 Orf17 and Orf21 exhibited sequence similarities to the small and large subunits of the terminases from Bacillus subtilis subsp. natto and Lactobacillus delbrueckii phage c5, respectively. Of note, this B2 genomic region was interrupted by 4 tRNAs. In tailed phages, the small terminase subunit is responsible for specific DNA binding whereas the large terminase subunit mediates the cleavage of concatameric phage DNA into genome units as well as prohead binding (26). In particular, the large subunit usually provides the endonuclease and ATPase activities for packaging (38).

The Orf59 gene product of phage B1 was associated with endonuclease function due to its homology with Orf12 of Pediococcus phage clP1 and Orf51 of Lactobacillus casei phage phiAT3. Taking into account the position of the gene in the phage B1 genome, this protein might also be involved in the DNA packaging or replication (43). In phage B2, Orf16 was identified as an HNH endonuclease, which could be involved in DNA packaging since it precedes the small terminase subunit. The HNH family of proteins is associated with DNA binding and cutting functions and includes some phage packaging proteins (47).

Phage DNA replication.

Orf24 and Orf26 of phage B1 have several characteristics in common with endonucleases and helicases (NTP binding). Orf27 exhibited homology to DNA primases, Orf31 to replication proteins, Orf34 to replicases, and Orf35 to DNA binding proteins. A helicase function was also attributed to Orf37 since it shared 99% identity with the putative helicase from phage clP1 (P. damnosus). These seven proteins may be involved in DNA replication. The phage B2 proteins Orf45 and Orf47 exhibited similarities to the DNA polymerase III protein (α subunit) from Bacillus phage SPBc2 (42). A DNA polymerase function was also attributed to Orf70. It is tempting to speculate that phage B2 encodes its own DNA polymerase instead of relying on its host. Helicase and DNA primase functions were attributed to Orf86 and Orf87, respectively. The protein product of ORF88 may be an exonuclease, and Orf71 may be linked to ATP/GTP binding proteins. Other B2 proteins may have roles in nucleotide modification (Orf65, Orf69, Orf83, and Orf114).

Host lysis.

A key step of the phage infection process is the release of new virions at the end of the lytic cycle. Orf21 of phage B1 has similarities with the holins of P. damnosus phage clP1 and of L. casei phage AT3. It has a transmembrane domain in the N-terminal part similar to holins of Lactobacillus rhamnosus phages Lc-Nu and Lmr1 (24, 66). Orf22 exhibited sequence similarity to the endolysins from various phages and was classified an endo-N-acetylmuramidase (muramidase). For phage B2, the endolysin function was attributed to ORF40 (muramidase-like endolysin) as well as Orf57 (transglycosylase). Similarly, two endolysins were encoded by the L. plantarum myophage LP65 genome (Orf88 and Orf121) (10). No recognizable gene encoding a holin was found for phage B2. Of the four classes of bacterial endolysins recognized (muramidase, tranglycosylase, amidase, and peptidase), two are commonly found in Lactobacillus phages (muramidase and amidase) (70). Moreover, similarities found among lysins of phages infecting several bacterial species could suggest a common evolutionary origin. Endolysins from phages LL-H (Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis) and 0303 (Lactobacillus helveticus) were able to hydrolyze the cell walls of some species from Lactobacillus and Pediococcus (17, 67).

Structural proteins of phages B1 and B2.

Analysis of phage B1 using SDS-PAGE revealed at least five protein bands (Fig. 4A). Band B was associated with one phage protein (Orf3, portal), whereas two phage proteins were identified in the other four bands. Band A contained a minor tail protein (Orf18) and, surprisingly, a putative DNA primase (Orf27). Band C was made of Orf43 and Orf22 (endolysin). Band D contained two capsid proteins (Orf4 and Orf6). Finally, bands B and E contained two tail proteins, Orf12 and Orf16. Orf27 (primase) and Orf22 (endolysin) are likely nonstructural proteins that were carried over despite the phage purification procedure. Overall, the observed molecular masses of the phage proteins matched the theoretical values (Fig. 4A). Proteomic analysis of the complete phage particle revealed four other proteins (Orf5, Orf15, Orf17, and Orf21). Orf5 and Orf15 likely correspond to the scaffold and the tape measure proteins, respectively.

Fig 4.

Fig 4

Migration of the phage B1 (A) and B2 (B) proteins on a 12% SDS-PAGE gel followed by Coomassie blue staining. The numbers on the left indicate the molecular masses of the ladder (protein ladder, 10 to 250 kDa; New England BioLabs). Letters on the right indicate bands cut out of the gel and identified by LC-MS/MS. Tables show the analysis of phage B1 and B2 structural proteins by LC-MS/MS.

For phage B2, significantly more protein bands were observed by SDS-PAGE (Fig. 4B). Except for protein band G, which contained two phage capsid proteins (Orf23 and Orf24), all Coomassie-stained bands contained only one phage protein. Orf24 (major capsid protein), with a calculated molecular mass of 45.8 kDa, was associated with three protein bands (F, G, and H), with estimated molecular masses of 45, 35, and 30 kDa, respectively. In fact, when the peptides from Orf24 in bands G and H were analyzed, it was found that the N-terminal peptides of the protein were missing. This suggested that the B2 major capsid protein was processed, a phenomenon observed for other phages (28, 40). Orf23, found in band G, shared homology with a major capsid protein from Bacillus and peptidase U35, which can be fused with capsid proteins (28). This putative peptidase activity may be involved in cleavage of Orf24. Orf36, associated with band B, showed homology with the tail fiber protein of phage Sha1 (L. plantarum). However, tail fibers were not observed in the morphology of phage B2 by electron microscopy (72). In total, nine structural proteins were identified for phage B2 (Fig. 4B). Analysis of the complete phage B2 particles did not reveal any additional structural proteins.


Lactobacillus phages are understudied compared to other industrially relevant lactic acid bacteria (18, 29). One possible reason is that there are fewer reports of Lactobacillus phage infections than of Lactococcus lactis and Streptococcus thermophilus infections in the food industry. It is unclear if this lack of reported Lactobacillus phage infections is due their specific uses or due to their intrinsic properties. Understanding this paucity of Lactobacillus phage infections in industrial settings may provide novel tools to control phage populations in other susceptible environments. Still, phages infecting several Lactobacillus species represent a risk for industrial users (6, 7, 10, 58, 70). Knowledge of their diversity is necessary to devise adapted control strategies. L. plantarum phages seem to have a relatively narrow host range, suggesting that strain rotation could be, whenever possible, an approach to limit phage multiplication. Moreover, some L. plantarum strains carry phage resistance mechanisms, which may be taken into account during the strain selection process. Comparative analysis of the phage B1 genome indicated that it is related to that of L. plantarum phage JL-1, suggesting that they form a phage group. On the other hand, analysis of the phage B2 genome suggested that this phage is currently unique among L. plantarum phages. The ever-increasing number of complete phage genome sequences has greatly improved our knowledge about phage diversity. The characterization of additional L. plantarum phages will help to determine the extent of their diversity.


We are grateful to Willem de Vos and Michiel Kleerebezem for strain WCFS1. We thank Barb Conway for editorial assistance.

M.B.M. was the recipient of a doctoral international fellowship awarded by American Society for Microbiology. S.M. acknowledges funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. S.M. holds a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair on Bacteriophages.


Published ahead of print 5 October 2012


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