The Hippo signaling pathway regulates organ size by controlling the activity of the transcriptional co-activator Yorkie (Yki). Yki is recruited to its target genes by DNA-binding proteins such as Scalloped (Sd). In addition, transcription factor dE2f1, of the Retinoblastoma (Rb) pathway, cooperates with Yki/Sd to synergistically activate a set of common cell cycle target genes. However, little is known about other factors that ensure the proper transcriptional output of Hippo signaling. In this report we identified the chromatin protein GAGA factor (GAF), which is encoded by the Trithorax-like (Trl) gene, as a novel and critical partner in transcriptional regulation by Yki/Sd and dE2f1. We show that GAF is required for the full activation of target genes by dE2f1 and Yki/Sd; while ablation of GAF compromises both normal and inappropriate cell proliferation driven by Yki and dE2f1 in multiple tissues. The importance of GAF is further supported by strong genetic interactions between GAF and the Rb and Hippo pathways. Additionally, we show that GAF directly interacts with RBF, a Drosophila pRB homolog, and partially co-localizes with RBF on polytene chromosomes. Collectively, our data provide a novel connection between a chromatin-binding protein and a transcriptional program governed by the Hippo and Rb pathways.
Keywords: Drosophila, E2F, Yki, GAGA factor, Trl
How organisms ensure proper organ size and shape is a fundamental biological question. Such mechanisms are important for normal development, while their deregulation can lead to malignancy. For example, the Hippo tumor suppressor pathway has been identified as a key regulator of organ size in flies and in mammals. Furthermore, genetic inactivation of the Hippo kinase cascade results in dramatic hyperplasia. In Drosophila, a complex network of upstream regulators converges on the core kinase cascade consisting of the Hippo (Hpo) and Warts (Wts) kinases.1-3 A primary function of this kinase cascade is to regulate the transcriptional co-activator Yorkie (Yki), which mediates the transcriptional output of the Hippo pathway. Following phosphorylation, Yki is retained in the cytoplasm, thus preventing Yki from executing its transcriptional program. Unphosphorylated Yki translocates into the nucleus and drives the expression of its target genes, many of which are necessary for cell proliferation and protection from apoptosis.
Yki lacks a DNA-binding domain and relies on an array of DNA-binding partners to regulate the expression of distinct target genes. Early studies done in flies identified the TEAD/TEF family protein Scalloped (Sd), the homeodomain protein Homothorax (Hth) and a zinc-finger transcription factor Teashirt (Tsh)1-3 that recruit Yki to DNA. These proteins were found to help define target gene specificity of Yki in distinct developmental contexts, and, thus, directly influence the output of Hippo signaling. For example, Hth and Tsh promote Yki-dependent cell proliferation and survival in the anterior compartment of the eye imaginal disc by upregulating the microRNA bantam (ban).1 In contrast, Sd is required for Yki-driven overgrowth in the posterior eye disc and in the wing, although it is not required in the eye during normal development.2,3
Recent work revealed that two growth control pathways, Decapentaplegic (Dpp) and Retinoblastoma (Rb), also directly influence the output of the Hippo pathway.4,5 In both cases, the output of signaling is dependent on the interaction of Yki with the downstream effectors of the two pathways, Mad and dE2f1, respectively. However, the underlying mechanisms are different. In the case of Dpp signaling, Mad and Yki physically interact to form a transcription factor complex to activate their common targets, including the microRNA bantam.5 In contrast, interaction between the Rb and Hippo pathways occurs at the level of regulation of a panel of common cell cycle genes, such as DNA polymerase ε, Mcm3, Mcm10 and expanded. dE2f1 and Yki/Sd bind to distinct DNA elements in the promoters of these genes and synergize in the activation of their expression.4 The suggested cooperation between dE2f1 and Yki/Sd is supported by genetic interaction tests that showed the wts mutant phenotype is strongly enhanced by inactivation of rbf, which encodes a negative regulator of dE2f1.
These results illustrate the existence of multiple tiers of regulation that determine the transcriptional output of Hippo pathway signaling. Adding to this complexity, a recent study found that the histone-binding protein L(3)MBT co-localizes with three insulator proteins, CP190, CTCF and BEAF-32, to limit the expression of Hippo pathway targets.6 Insulator proteins affect gene transcription via mediating enhancer-promoter interaction and blocking the spreading of heterochromatin.7 This implies that a dynamic coordination between chromatin factors may exist during Yki-dependent gene activation. Importantly, L(3)MBT has been previously shown to be involved in E2F-dependent repression.8,9 This prompted us to investigate what influence chromatin proteins have on the regulation of the dE2f1-Yki/Sd transcriptional output.
In this report we describe GAGA factor (GAF) as a novel and relevant partner in the transcriptional activation of dE2f1 and Yki/Sd target genes. GAF is encoded by the Trithorax-like (Trl) gene.10 GAF is a multi-functional protein that has been implicated in a variety of biological processes including insulator functions and transcription.11,12 We show that GAF is required for full activation of common targets by dE2f1 and Yki/Sd, while ablation of GAF compromises the ability of Yki and dE2f1 to drive normal and inappropriate cell proliferation. Importantly, GAF is present on dE2f1-Yki/Sd common target promoters and physically interacts with RBF, a negative regulator of dE2f1. Consistently we observed strong genetic interactions between GAF and the RB and Hippo pathways. Thus, our results provide evidence that GAF is important in ensuring the proper transcriptional output of Hippo signaling.
GAF is required for cell proliferation in the wing
Previous studies have shown that dE2f1 and Yki/Sd synergistically induce the transcriptional program necessary to drive cell proliferation. Chromatin-binding and insulator protein GAGA factor (GAF), which is encoded by the Trithorax-like (Trl) gene, is a multifunctional protein that has been shown to play a role in transcriptional activation. To begin to address the role of GAF in the transcriptional program driven by Yki/Sd and dE2f1, we selected genes that were upregulated in rbf wts double mutants4 and then used publically available modENCODE genome-wide location data to identify GAF targets among them. Among 279 genes that were upregulated in rbf wts double mutants, GAF was found to be bound to the promoters of 130 genes. Gene ontology of biological processes (GOBP) enrichment analysis of these gene sets revealed that a statistically significant number of targets of GAF are involved in cell cycle and DNA replication processes (Fig. 1A; Table S1). Notably, this enrichment profile was similar to the enrichment signature of all dE2f1-Yki/Sd common target genes that we defined previously.4 The binding of GAF to dE2f1-Yki/Sd targets raise the possibility that GAF may have a role in their regulation. From here on, all the nomenclature referring to the GAF gene will be indicated as “Trl,” and the protein will be designated as “GAF.”
Figure 1. GAF is required for cell proliferation during normal wing development. (A) Gene ontology biological processes enrichment analysis of GAF targets upregulated in rbf, wts and rbf wts double-mutant tissue. The red color on the scale indicates statistically significant enrichment, while gray color indicates non-significant categories. (B) ptc-Gal4; UAS-Trl dsRNA (ptc > Trl dsRNA) third instar wing disc stained for Ptc protein (B) and GAF protein (B'). (C) Control ptc-Gal4 wing with veins L3 and L4 indicated. (D) ptc > Trl dsRNA) wing shows a reduced distance between veins L3 and L4. (E) Quantification of the effects of depleting GAF by RNAi with ptc-Gal4 on the L3-L4 distance. Error bars indicate standard deviation from the mean. At least 10 flies were measured per genotype. A Student’s t-test was performed to draw statistically significant comparisons. *** indicates a p value < 0.001 (F–H) Hair density within the L3-L4 intervein region of control ptc-Gal4 (F) and ptc > Trl dsRNA (G) wings. Each hair represents one cell. Images are taken with the same magnification. Bar corresponds to 50 μm. (H) Quantification of the number of hairs in (Fand G) per field. Error bars indicate standard deviation from the mean. The number of adult wings analyzed are n = 17 (ptc-Gal4) and n = 9 (ptc > Trl dsRNA). (I and J) Control sd-Gal4 (I) and sd > Trl dsRNA (J) adult wings. (K) Expression of ex-lacZ in the ptc > Trl dsRNA background. GAF knockdown is in the area of Ptc expression (K), where ex-lacZ levels are reduced (K'). The dotted lines outline the area of Ptc expression. (L) Gene expression levels in the sd > Trl dsRNA third instar larval wing discs measured by qRT-PCR. The gene levels were normalized to a reference gene, tubulin, and shown as fold change relative to the sd-Gal4 larval wing discs control. (M and N) The level of diap1 (M) and a microRNA bantam (N) expression in wing discs of wild-type, overexpressing Yki under control of sd-Gal4 driver and depleted of GAF by RNAi with sd-Gal4 driver. Error bars represent standard deviation from the mean of technical replicates. For all experiments in this figure, UAS-Trl dsRNA VDRC ID 106433 line was used.
We reasoned that if GAF were important for dE2f1- and Yki/Sd-dependent gene expression, then its inactivation would negatively impact cell proliferation. To test this idea, we employed the use of UAS-dsRNA transgenes to reduce the expression of GAF by RNA interference (RNAi) using a ptc-Gal4 driver. Within the developing wing, ptc-Gal4 is expressed in a narrow domain alongside the anterior-posterior boundary in cells that form the region between the L3 and L4 veins of the adult wings. Reducing cell proliferation within this region, for example, by driving UAS-dE2f1 dsRNA with ptc-Gal4, results in narrowing the distance between L3 and L413 and, thus, provides a robust qualitative way to assess cell proliferation.
We started by examining the efficiency of GAF knockdown in larval wing imaginal discs of ptc-Gal4; UAS-Trl dsRNA by immunofluorescence. As shown in Figure 1B, GAF protein was depleted within the ptc-Gal4 expression domain which was visualized with a Ptc antibody. Notably, GAF depletion resulted in a significant reduction of the distance between L3 and L4 veins in adult wings (Fig. 1C–E). The decrease of the L3-L4 intervein region could be due to either fewer cells in that region or smaller cell size. Since each intervein cell is marked with a hair in the adult wing, it is possible to distinguish between the effects on cell number and cell size by counting the number of hairs in adult wings. As shown in Figure 1F–H, the cell density in the L3-L4 intervein regions was indistinguishable between ptc-Gal4, UAS-Trl dsRNA and ptc-Gal4 control wings. This suggests that the depletion of GAF causes a reduction in cell number in the L3-L4 intervein region. To confirm that reduced proliferation is not transgene-specific, we used a different UAS-Trl dsRNA transgene (for details, see Materials and Methods). Expression of this transgene under the ptc-Gal4 driver resulted in efficient depletion of GAF protein and led to a reduction of the L3-L4 intervein region (Fig. S1A and B). Furthermore, knockdown of GAF with either of the transgenes in the entire wing pouch using the sd-Gal4 driver caused a severely small and notched wing (Fig. 1I–J; Fig. S1C). Thus, the reduced size of GAF-deficient tissue was observed with two independent UAS-Trl dsRNA transgenes and with two different Gal4 drivers. This strongly argues that GAF knockdown results in reduced cell proliferation in the wing.
GAF is required for expression of dE2f1-Yki/Sd targets
Given that GAF is present at the promoters of dE2f1-Yki/Sd targets, we asked whether GAF depletion affects the expression of these genes. We started by examining the effect of GAF knockdown on the expression of the ex-lacZ reporter in the wing imaginal disc. ex-lacZ is commonly used to assess Yki-dependent transcription.14,15 In a wild-type wing disc, the ex-lacZ reporter is expressed uniformly throughout the wing disc. In contrast, depletion of GAF by RNAi with the ptc-Gal4 driver resulted in a slight but consistent reduction in the level of ex-lacZ expression in the corresponding domain alongside the anterior-posterior boundary (Fig. 1K; Fig. S2).
In a complementary approach, we employed quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR (qRT-PCR) to measure the expression of a panel of dE2f1-Yki/Sd targets, including ex. Total RNA was isolated from larval wing imaginal discs that express UAS-Trl dsRNA under the control of the sd-Gal4 driver. As a control, wing discs expressing sd-Gal4 without UAS-Trl dsRNA were used. Consistent with the lower expression of ex-lacZ reporter described above (Fig. 1K), the steady-state mRNA level of ex was found to be reduced (Fig. 1L). Notably, the expression of several tested dE2f1-Yki/Sd common targets was also significantly reduced following GAF knockdown (Fig. 1L). To determine the effect of GAF depletion on expression of other Yki target genes that are not regulated by dE2f1, we examined expression of diap1 and the microRNA bantam, two canonical targets of the Hippo pathway. According to modENCODE, diap1 is a GAF target, while GAF is not present within the 3 kb region upstream or downstream of the bantam annotated transcription start. As expected, overexpression of Yki under control of sd-Gal4 driver potently induced their expression (Fig. 1M and N). Interestingly, depletion of GAF with the same Gal4 driver resulted in a subtle but consistent downregulation in the diap1 mRNA level, while the effect on bantam expression was opposite (Fig. 1M and N). Thus, GAF is not only required for the expression of dE2f1-Yki/Sd common target genes, but it appears to be important for the expression of other Yki target(s).
Trl mutant cells proliferate slowly
To confirm the effects of GAF inactivation by RNAi on cell proliferation, we investigated the phenotype of Trl mutant animals. Although Trl alleles are embryonic or early larval lethal, some of the transheterozygous combinations survive until early third instar larvae.16 We compared wing imaginal discs of Trl13C/TrlS2325 transheterozygotes with the wing discs of the heterozygous animals in segregating populations. The Trl13C/ TrlS2325 mutant wing discs were markedly smaller than those of the heterozygous counterparts (Fig. 2A' and B'). In spite of reduced size, there were no apparent changes in the number of cells in S phases or in mitoses, as revealed by BrdU labeling and staining with antibody against phosphorylated histone H3 (PH3) (Fig. 2A and B). This indicates that Trl mutation does not significantly affect different stages of the cell cycle.
Figure 2.Trl13C mutant cells proliferate slowly. (A) A control third instar wing disc heterozygous for Trl stained with DAPI (A'). Cells undergoing S-phase and mitosis are visualized by BrdU and phosphorylated histone H3 (PH3), respectively (A'' and A'''). (B) Trl13C/TrlS2325 transheterozygous wing disc with DAPI (B'), stained for BrdU (B'') and PH3 (B'''). The Trl13C/TrlS2325 wing disc is outlined with a white line (B') and overlayed onto the control wing disc (A') to demonstrate the difference in the overall size. The size bar is 50 μm. (C) hs-Flp induced Trl13C mutant clone marked by the absence of GFP expression and outlined. The histogram shows the comparison of 20 pairs of clones with the Trl13C mutant clone area indicated with black bars and corresponding wild-type sister clones in white bars. The area was measured in pixels using Adobe Photoshop.
To complement these results, the cycling properties of Trl mutant cells were quantified in clonal analysis. hs-FLP/FRT technique was used to generate mitotic clones of Trl13C mutant cells and their wild-type twin spots in the wing disc. Clones were generated at 48 h after egg deposition (AED), and the wing discs of wandering third instar larvae were dissected 72 h later. From the individual clone pairs, the areas of Trl13C mutant clone and its wild-type sister clone were measured (Fig. 2C). In all of the clone pairs examined, the clone of Trl mutant cells was consistently smaller than the wild-type sister clone, suggesting that Trl13C mutant cells proliferated slower. Thus, this reduced rate of proliferation is likely to account for the smaller wing disc in the Trl13C/ TrlS2325 transheterozygous animals.
GAF genetically interacts with the members of the Rb and Hippo pathways
To further understand the functional relationship between GAF and the Hippo and Rb pathways, we performed a series of genetic interaction tests. We first examined the effect of GAF knockdown on Yki-induced growth in the wing. The Wts kinase negatively regulates Yki by phosphorylation on several serine sites. In Drosophila, the major regulatory phosphorylation site is Ser168. The mutation of Ser168 to Ala renders Yki constitutively active and hyposensitive to Wts-mediated inhibition.17 Two additional Wts phosphorylation sites are Ser111 and Ser250. The three Yki phosphorylation mutants: ykiS111A, ykiS250A and ykiS168A have varying levels of hyperactivity, with ykiS111A being the mildest and ykiS168A being the strongest.19 Consistently, overexpression of ykiS111A and ykiS250A using ptc-Gal4 led to an expansion of the distance between veins L3 and L4 (Fig. 3A, C and E; quantification is shown in Fig. 3M), while overexpression of ykiS168A resulted in early pupal lethality (Fig. 3G).18 In these settings, knockdown of GAF limited the ability of Yki to drive cell proliferation and induce tissue overgrowth. For example, expansion of the region between L3 and L4 induced by ykiS111A or ykiS250A was suppressed when GAF was depleted in the same domain using UAS-Trl dsRNA (Fig. 3B, D and F). Furthermore, the depletion of GAF was sufficient to partially rescue the pupal lethality induced by the expression of ykiS168A and recover rare escapers (Fig. 3H).
Figure 3. GAF genetically interacts with the members of the RB and Hippo pathways. (A) Control ptc-Gal4 wing. (B) ptc > Trl dsRNA wing with a reduced distance between veins L3 and L4. (C–L) Depletion of GAF suppresses Yki-induced overproliferation and lethality caused by overexpression of corresponding yki transgenes (C–H) or by knockdown of wts by RNAi (I and J). Depletion of GAF further decreases L3-L4 intervein region that results from overexpressing RBF (K and L). (M) L3-L4 intervein distance measurements for (A–L). The horizontal line represents wild-type L3-L4 distance. At least 10 adult wings were measured per genotype. Error bars represent standard deviation from the mean. In this figure, UAS-Trl RNAi VDRC ID 41095 line was used.
In another assay, we examined the effect of GAF knockdown on Yki-driven proliferation earlier in development in the larval wing imaginal disc. Overexpression of V5-tagged ykiS250A under the control of the ptc-Gal4 driver accelerates cell proliferation, as evident by the increased size of the domain of cells expressing Yki (marked by the presence of V5 antigen) when compared with a control (Fig. S3). However, the depletion of GAF significantly reduced the size of the domain of cells expressing Yki. This reduction was statistically significant and is consistent with the adult wing phenotypes.
Finally, we asked whether GAF genetically interacts with Wts and RBF, the negative regulators of Yki and dE2f1, respectively. As expected, depletion of Wts by RNAi using the ptc-Gal4 driver widens the area between veins L3 and L4 (Fig. 3I). The Wts phenotype was potently suppressed by the coexpression of UAS-Trl dsRNA (Fig. 3J), in agreement with the requirement of GAF for Yki-induced cell proliferation as described above. GAF also strongly interacted with RBF. RBF restricts cell proliferation by limiting dE2f1 activity. Overexpression of RBF under the control of ptc-Gal4 results in a reduced distance between L3 and L4 veins (Fig. 3K and ref. 17). This phenotype was further enhanced by depletion of GAF (Fig. 3L). Taken together, these results suggest that GAF is required for Yki-induced growth, and that GAF functionally antagonizes the function of RBF to limit cell proliferation.
The loss of GAF limits inappropriate proliferation driven by Yki
It has been previously shown that the inactivation of the Hippo pathway or overexpression of Yki strongly enhances cell cycle exit defects in rbf mutant cells. Such defects are best visualized in the larval eye imaginal disc, since cells that have exited the cell cycle are spatially separated from asynchronously proliferating cells. In a wild-type eye disc, most cells in the posterior compartment are quiescent and do not incorporate BrdU (Fig. 4A). Overexpression of Yki in the posterior compartment of rbf120a mutant eye discs using a GMR-Gal4 driver leads to inappropriate proliferation, as evident by the appearance of ectopic BrdU-positive cells (Fig. 4B). These cells continue to proliferate during the pupal stages leading to ectopic mitoses (marked by PH3) 24 h after puparium formation (APF) (Fig. 4D and E) and eventually give rise to an excess of interommatidial cells (Fig. 4G and H). Consequently, the distance between ommatidial clusters (marked by Elav) is greatly increased and could be easily visualized in pupal retina 45 h APF (Fig. 4G and H). Depletion of GAF does not block inappropriate proliferation, as BrdU-positive cells are still present in the posterior compartment of rbf120a; GMR > ykiS168A, Trl dsRNA larval eye discs as well as the PH3-positive cells in the pupal retina 24 h APF (Fig. 4C and F). However, the number of interommatidial cells is partially reduced following GAF knockdown, indicating that the loss of GAF compromises Yki-driven proliferation of rbf120a-mutant cells (Fig. 4I and J). Interestingly, GAF depletion does not generally compromise cell proliferation in the eye in the context of unperturbed Hippo signaling. For example, RNAi-mediated knockdown of GAF in the eye imaginal disc exerted no effect on the pattern of S phases as detected by BrdU labeling (Fig. S4A). Consistently, Trl13C homozygous mutant tissue generated by ey-FLP was comparable in size with the adjacent wild-type tissue, and the pattern of mitoses, as revealed by phosphorylated histone H3, remained normal (Fig. S4B).
Figure 4. Knockdown of GAF compromises dE2F1- and Yki-driven cell proliferation in the eye. (A–C) A control GMR-Gal4, rbf120a; GMR > ykiS168A and rbf120a; GMR > ykiS168A; UAS-Trl dsRNA third instar larval eye imaginal discs labeled with BrdU to visualize cycling cells. White arrowhead marks the morphogenetic furrow. (D–F) Pupal eye discs of the above genotypes were dissected 24 h after puparium formation (APF) and stained with Dlg (red) to outline cells and PH3 (green) to mark mitotic cells. (G–I) Pupal eye discs were dissected 45 h APF and stained with Dlg (Red) to outline cells and ELAV (green) to mark photoreceptors. (J) Quantification of the number of interommatidial cells separating ommatidial clusters in each genotype. The red arrows indicate the distance along which the number of interommatidial cells was quantified. The number of pupal eye discs analyzed are n = 5 (wild type), n = 5 (rbf; > yki) and n = 10 (rbf; > yki, Trl dsRNA). A Student’s t-test was performed to draw statistically significant comparisons. ** indicates a p value < 0.01. (K) Gene expression levels measured by qPCR in the larval eye imaginal discs of each genotype. Error bars indicate standard deviation from the mean for technical replicates. In this figure UAS-Trl RNAi VDRC ID 41095 line was used.
To complement this analysis, we determined the effect of GAF knockdown on the expression of a panel of dE2f1-Yki/Sd target genes in rbf120a; GMR > ykiS168A mutant eye discs. As expected, overexpression of Yki in the rbf120a mutant results in upregulation of dE2f1-Yki/Sd common target genes (Fig. 4K). However, depletion of GAF prevents induction of dE2f1-Yki/Sd targets, suggesting that GAF is required for dE2f1 and Yki/Sd to fully activate their common target genes. These results are consistent with the requirement of GAF for expression of dE2f1-Yki/Sd targets in the wing (Fig. 1).
GAF directly binds to common dE2f1-Yki/Sd target genes in vivo
We performed chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) in S2R+ cells to confirm that GAF directly binds to common dE2f1-Yki/Sd target genes. Four representative genes were selected: DNApol ε, dDP, Mcm10 and ex. As shown in Figure 5, genomic regions in the proximity of the transcription start site for each gene were strongly amplified in immunoprecipitates with GAF antibody in comparison to a negative control gene RpP0. In contrast, no enrichment was found using a non-specific antibody. Consistent with our previous results,4 DNApol ε, dDP and Mcm10 genes are also directly bound by RBF, a negative regulator of dE2f1, while the enrichment for ex was indistinguishable from the background level.
Figure 5. GAF and RBF occupy promoters of dE2f1/Yki/Sd common target genes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed by qPCR on DNApol ε (A), dDP (B), Mcm10 (C) and ex (D). Promoter regions of representative target genes are schematically shown with open bars indicating amplicons for putative E2F-binding sites and closed bars marking amplicons for GAF-binding regions. An antibody that recognizes the MYC epitope (9E10) was used as a non-specific control. The enrichment was calculated and the data are presented as the percentage of input precipitated. RpP0 is not bound by either RBF or GAF and was used as an internal negative control for each ChIP. Error bars indicate standard deviation from the mean for qRT-PCR reaction replicates.
The results described above raise the question of how many RBF genomic targets are occupied by GAF. Therefore, we examined the in vivo genome-wide distribution of each of the two proteins by co-staining wild-type polytene chromosomes with RBF and GAF antibodies. GAF and RBF each recognize approximately 100 euchromatic sites on polytene chromosomes.19,20 As shown in Figure 6A, GAF and RBF band patterns partially overlap, indicating that the two proteins share a limited number of common sites, although their distributions are clearly distinct.
Figure 6. RBF and GAF physically interact. (A) Distribution of GAF (green) and RBF (red) on wild-type polytene chromosomes. DAPI was used to visualize DNA (blue). On the right, red and green arrows point to the bands occupied by RBF only and GAF only, respectively. Yellow arrows point to the bands where RBF and GAF co-localize. (B) Overexpressed RBF associates with GAF in S2 cells. Cells were transiently co-transfected with plasmids expressing Flag-GAF and HA-RBF. Complexes were immunoprecipitated with anti-HA antibodies. Associated proteins were detected by western blot analysis with antibodies against Flag. Cells transfected with Flag-GAF only served as a negative control. The molecular mass marker is shown on the left. (C) Overexpressed GAF and endogenous RBF physically interact. The cells were transfected with Flag-GAF only. Blot on the left shows IP with an antibody specific to endogenous RBF and western blot for Flag-GAF. An antibody recognizing MYC-epitope was used as a non-specific negative control for IP. Blot on the right shows IP with an antibody for Flag tag and western blot for endogenous RBF. An antibody for HA tag was used as a non-specific negative control. (D) Overexpressed GAF associates with E2F1 in S2 cells and the interaction is dependent on RBF. EGFP dsRNA treated control cells or RBF dsRNA treated cells were transiently transfected with plasmids expressing Flag-GAF and myc-E2F1. Immunoprecipitation was performed with anti-Myc antibody and the associated protein was detected with anti-Flag antibody. Untransfected cells served as negative control. The molecular mass marker is shown on the left. Western blot for the efficiency of RBF1 knockdown is shown on the right. (E) Endogenous RBF and GAF interact in S2 cells. Co-immunoprecipitation followed by western blot demonstrating that endogenous RBF and GAF directly interact. Immunoprecipitation was performed with an antibody specific to RBF followed by western blot analysis with an antibody specific to GAF. Anti-GAF antibody reveals multiple isoforms associated with RBF. In contrast, no GAF protein is detected when immunoprecipitation was performed from S2 cells that were depleted of RBF by RNAi. Interaction between RBF and GAF is preserved in Wts-depleted cells. Anti-IgG was used as a negative control.
Since GAF and RBF genetically interact, and appear to participate in the regulation of a shared set of target genes, we tested whether GAF could physically associate with RBF. We started by examining interactions between Flag-GAF and HA-RBF proteins that were transiently expressed in S2 cells. Flag-GAF was significantly enriched in the HA-RBF immunoprecipitates using HA antibody, while only a negligible amount of Flag-GAF was immunoprecipitated in a negative control that lacked HA-RBF (Fig. 6B). Curiously, we observed a modest but consistent decrease in the levels of HA-RBF upon co-transfection of Flag-GAF (compare input lanes in Fig. 6B).
Next, cells were transfected with a Flag-GAF, and the endogenous RBF complexes were immunoprecipitated from the cell lysates. Immunoprecipitates were subjected to western blotting using Flag antibody to detect the presence of Flag-GAF. As shown in Figure 6C, Flag-GAF was found in the RBF immunoprecipitates, but was absent in a negative control when a non-specific antibody was used for the immunoprecipitation. In a converse experiment, cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with Flag antibody, and the presence of endogenous RBF in complex with Flag-GAF was visualized by western blotting with Flag antibody (Fig. 6C).
Sine RBF can be present either in a free form or in a complex with dE2f1, we asked whether GAF could interact with RBF-dE2f1 complexes. We transiently transfected Flag-GAF and Myc-dE2f1 in S2R+ cells that were treated with a control EGFP dsRNA or with RBF dsRNA to deplete endogenous RBF protein. As shown in Figure 6D, Flag-GAF was detected in the Myc-dE2f1 immunoprecipitates from cells treated with a control EGFP dsRNA, but not from RBF-depleted cells. This suggests that GAF can interact with RBF that is in a complex with dE2f1.
Finally, to determine whether endogenous RBF and GAF interact, we immunoprecipitated endogenous RBF complexes from S2R+ cells. Immunoprecipitates were separated by SDS-PAGE, and western blot was performed to detect the presence of GAF. Endogenous GAF was specifically detected in the RBF immunoprecipitate, while no signal was observed using a control antibody (Fig. 6E). Importantly, no GAF was found when immunoprecipitation was performed from cells depleted of RBF by RNAi, further confirming the specificity of the interaction. We concluded that GAF associates with RBF under normal physiological conditions.
The Hippo pathway is a signal transduction pathway that integrates multiple extracellular cues into a transcriptional output. The focal point of the Hippo pathway is the transcriptional co-activator Yki, which governs the expression of genes needed for cell proliferation and genes that protect from apoptosis. Recent studies have uncovered the existence of multiple tiers of regulation that influence the Yki transcriptional program. One mechanism is defined by the DNA-binding specificity of transcriptional factors such as Sd, Hth, Tsh and Mad that tether Yki to DNA.1-3,5 In addition, Yki can cooperate with other transcription factors directly on target promoters. This mode of regulation is exemplified by the synergistic activation of a panel of cell cycle-related genes by Yki/Sd and dE2f1.4 Here, we report identification of the insulator protein GAGA factor (GAF) as a novel player in the regulation of dE2f1-Yki/Sd-dependent transcription. The failure to fully activate cell cycle target genes in GAF-deficient tissues provided a molecular explanation for our findings that dE2f1-Yki/Sd-driven cell proliferation is highly sensitive to changes in GAF protein levels.
A requirement for GAF in cell proliferation is particularly evident in the wing pouch, where the knockdown of GAF severely compromises growth during normal development. Reduced cell proliferation of GAF-deficient cells was observed with two independent UAS-Trl dsRNA transgenes and with two Gal4 drivers. Consistently, Trl mutant wing discs were significantly reduced in size, while the clonal analysis revealed that Trl mutant cells proliferate much slower than adjacent wild-type cells. Taken together, these data strongly argue that the normal function of Trl is required for cell proliferation. We note that the results of Trl inactivation are reminiscent of the phenotype of sd mutants, which similarly exhibit a severe loss of the wing tissue.21 In contrast, a sd mutation does not affect normal proliferation during eye development; however, it is sufficient to block Yki-driven growth in the eye.2,3 Intriguingly, in a strikingly similar manner, the loss of GAF reduced dE2f1-Yki/Sd-driven inappropriate cell proliferation in the eye while exerting no apparent effect during normal eye development. Thus, the genetic interaction between GAF and mutations in the Hippo and RB pathways appears to reflect a specific requirement for GAF for the full activation of the Sd/Yki- and dE2f1-dependent transcriptional program. Given that GAF physically interacts with RBF and partially co-localizes with RBF on polytene chromosomes, we suggest that one of the functions of GAF is to limit or release the inhibitory effect of RBF on dE2f1-Yki/Sd-dependent transcription. In support of this idea, we found that GAF can associate with RBF in a complex with dE2f1. Although our analysis focused on the role of GAF in expression of dE2f1-Yki/Sd targets, we note that diap1 and bantam, two canonical Yki targets, which are not regulated by dE2f1, were also differentially expressed in GAF-deficient cells. Thus, the importance of GAF in Yki-dependent transcription could extend beyond genes co-regulated by dE2f1 and Yki/Sd.
GAF belongs to a group of insulator proteins that function by regulating enhancer-promoter interactions and by forming barriers to shield promoters from heterochromatin spreading to regulate gene expression.7 For example, the only known conserved insulator protein, CTCF, establishes a chromatin boundary immediately adjacent to the 5′ end of the p16INK4a tumor-suppressor gene. In the absence of CTCF, repressive chromatin invades the p16INK4a gene, and this results in its transcriptional silencing.22 In Drosophila, mutations in the Trl gene encoding GAF were initially isolated as enhancers of position effect variegation (PEV).10 PEV is the result of a stochastic inactivation of a euchromatic gene when the gene is juxtaposed to centromeric heterochromatin by a chromosomal rearrangement. GAF was shown to counteract the spreading of heterochromatin into the white gene in the In(1)wm4 inversion by promoting replacement of heterochromatin-associated K9-methylated histones H3 within the white gene by histone variants H3.3.23 However, it appears unlikely that GAF functions by preventing epigenetic silencing of dE2f1-Yki/Sd common targets, as we did not find an elevated level of me3H3K27, one of the repressive chromatin marks that we tested on these genes upon GAF knockdown (our unpublished observations). Another possibility is that the recruitment of GAF could be affected in the context of Hippo and Rbf inactivation, similar to the changes in distribution of insulator proteins following heat shock or ecdysone treatments.24 However, we did not detect any changes of GAF occupancy on several tested dE2f1-Yki/Sd common targets in RBF-depleted cells. Reciprocally, depletion of GAF also did not affect the ability of RBF to occupy the promoters of these genes (our unpublished observations). Thus, although we cannot formally exclude the possibility that GAF relocalizes to different promoters in rbf wts double-mutant cells, we consider such a scenario less likely.
How does GAF contribute to the activation of dE2f1-Yki/Sd target genes? At the Hsp70 gene locus, one of the best-studied GAF-regulated genes, GAF acts by facilitating the formation of a nucleosome-free region and helps to maintain the promoter in an open configuration.25 Loss of GAF significantly compromises the association of the heat-shock factor (HSF) and RNA polymerase with the Hsp70 promoter.26 Additionally, GAF was shown to interact with the nucleosome remodeling complexes NURF and FACT to displace nucleosomes and activate gene expression.27,28 Thus, GAF may stimulate dE2f1 and Yki/Sd-dependent transcription by promoting an open chromatin configuration at their target genes similar to its role at the Hsp70 promoter.
Interestingly, unlike other transcriptional activators, GAF cannot activate transcription from a naked DNA template. Instead, it can act by counteracting the effects of transcriptional repressors.29 In this respect, our findings that GAF physically interacts with RBF, a negative regulator of dE2f1, is particularly intriguing. RBF was shown to block synergistic activation by dE2f1 and Yki/Sd in transcriptional assays.4 Although the precise details of how RBF limits dE2f1-dependent transcription in Drosophila are not known, one of the mechanisms by which the mammalian ortholog pRB blocks E2F activation is by interfering with early stages of the preinitiation complex formation.30 The physical interaction between GAF and RBF that we report here raises the possibility that GAF may relieve the inhibitory effect of RBF on dE2f1 activation. Such an idea is consistent with our observed partial colocalization between GAF and RBF on polytene chromosomes. While this study focuses on dE2f1-Yki/Sd target genes repressed by RBF, it is tempting to speculate that GAF may enhance the activation of other RBF-independent Yki transcriptional programs, such as those activated in concert with Hth or Tsh or Dpp signaling. This idea is consistent with our finding that a non-dE2f1-dependent Yki target diap1 is modestly downregulated following GAF depletion. Future studies will be necessary to identify the influence of GAF activity on these transcriptional outputs.
Materials and Methods
Fly stocks
RNAi lines were provided by the Vienna Drosophila RNAi Center (VDRC): rbf RNAi (ID 10696), wts RNAi (ID 9928), Trl RNAi (ID 41095, ID 106433). UAS-yki18 and ex-lacZ14 lines have been previously published. UAS-RBF is a gift from N. Dyson. The following transgenic combination was generated for the final analysis: ptc-Gal4; Trl dsRNA.
Chromatin immunoprecipitation
ChIP was performed as described in ref. 4. Chromatin was immunoprecipitated with the following antibodies: mouse anti-Myc (9E10, 1:100), mouse anti-RBF (DX3/DX5, 1:10) and rabbit anti-GAF (K.White, 1:1000). The amount of immunoprecipitated DNA was measured by quantitative PCR (Roche LightCycler 480 II) using the standard curve method and presented as percent input.
Antibodies used were mouse anti-Ptc (DSHB, 1:50), mouse anti-V5 (Invitrogen, 1:200), rat anti-ELAV (DSHB, 1:150), mouse anti-Dlg (DSHB, 1:400), mouse anti-BrdU (Beckton Dickinson, 1:50), rabbit anti-PH3 (Millipore), mouse anti-β-gal (DSHB, 1:200), Cy3- and Cy5-conjugated secondary antibodies (Jackson ImmunoLaboratories, 1:200). The cells were also stained with DAPI (Sigma). Larval and pupal tissues were fixed in 4% formaldehyde for 30 min on ice, washed in phosphate-buffered saline and 0.3% Triton X-100 (PBST) and incubated with the primary antibodies overnight in PBST and 10% normal donkey serum. The samples were incubated with the secondary antibodies for 1 h at RT at the concentration of 1:200. The imaginal discs were then washed in PBST and stored in glycerol with propyl gallate anti-fade reagent. The images were captured using the Zeiss LSM700 confocal microscope.
Total RNA was extracted from larval imaginal discs (~30 discs per sample) in TRIzol (Invitrogen) and precipitated with isopropanol at -20°C. The RNA was re-suspended in ddH2O. Reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) was performed using iScript kit (BioRad) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. qPCR was performed using Roche reagents on a Roche LightCycler 480 II machine. bantam gene levels were measured using the TaqMan assay for dme-bantam (Applied Biosystems). The gene levels were calculated using the standard curve method and normalized to the reference gene.
Polytene chromosomes
The salivary glands were dissected in phosphate-buffered saline and placed in the fixation solution (4% Formaldehyde, 45% acetic acid) for 1–2 min. The chromosomes were squashed between a microscope slide and a coverslip and then snap frozen in liquid nitrogen. The coverslip was removed, and the sample was washed in PBS+ 1% Triton X-100 for 10 min. Following the wash step, the samples were incubated in the blocking solution (1xPBS, 5% dry milk, 0.2% Tween-20) for at least 1 h and then rinsed in 1 × PBS for 3–5 min. For antibody labeling, the samples were placed in a humidified chamber, covered with 30–40 μl of blocking solution containing the primary antibody. The antibodies used were mouse anti-RBF (DX3, 1:25) and rabbit anti-GAF (a gift from J. Lis, 1:300). The coverslips were placed on glass slides, and the humidified chamber was placed at 4°C overnight. The samples were washed twice in 1 × PBS for 5 min each on the rocker and were incubated in the blocking solution containing secondary antibodies in the humidifier chamber for 1 h at RT and protected from light. Then, DAPI was added to stain DNA and incubated for additional 20 min. After that, the samples were washed in Solution “300” (1 × PBS, 0.3M NaCl, 0.2% NP-40, 0.2% Tween-20) for 15 min followed by a wash in Solution “400” (1 × PBS, 0.4M NaCl, 0.2% NP-40, 0.2% Tween-20) for 15 min. The samples were covered with the mounting media and a coverslip.
The cDNA for Trl-PC isoform of GAF was cloned with a Flag tag into pIEX-7 Ek/LIC vector (Novagen). For IP-western with epitope-tagged proteins, the cells were transfected with 3 μg of plasmids expressing tagged proteins and incubated for 48 h at 25°C. Antibodies used are mouse anti-HA (1:10 for IP) and rabbit anti-Flag (Sigma, 1:7,000 for WB). The IP was performed overnight at 4°C, after which the lysates were incubated with 20 μg Protein G:A Sepharose beads mixture (1:19) for mouse antibodies or 20 μg Protein A Sepharose beads for rabbit antibodies.
In order to perform IP through endogenous RBF and blot for transfected Flag-GAF, we used monoclonal antibodies for RBF (DX3 and DX5, 1:10 each for IP) and blotted the membrane with rabbit anti-Flag (Sigma, 1:7,000). For IP through Flag-GAF, rabbit anti-Flag Ab (Sigma, 1:300) was used and the immunoprecipitated endogenous RBF was detected with mouse RBF antibody (DX5, 1:250).
For the experiments with RNAi-mediated knockdown of RBF, the cells were incubated with 50 μg of dsRNA targeting RBF1 in serum-free media for 4 h, after which Schneider medium containing 10% FBS was added. The protein depletion lasted 96 h, and these cells were transfected with indicated plasmids and incubated for additional 48 h. Co-immunoprecipitation followed by western blot was performed as described above with the exception of using Dynabeads (Invitrogen).
Immunoprecipitation followed by western blot for endogenous proteins was performed using 2 × 108 Drosophila S2R+ cells per IP and as described previously.4 The lysate was immunoprecipitated with either a mouse RBF monoclonal antibody (DX5, 1:5) or a mouse IgG (1:500) as a nonspecific control. Membranes were probed with rabbit anti-GAF antibody (a gift from J.Lis, 1:2,000) and with mouse anti-E7 (β-tubulin, 1:10,000) as a loading control for input.
Adult wing analysis
Adult flies were dehydrated in 100% ethanol for at least 24 h. The wings from female flies, unless otherwise indicated, were plucked and mounted on a glass slide and immersed in the mounting medium (Permount, Fisher). L3-L4 vein distance measurements were calculated using Adobe Photoshop tools and normalized to the scale. A one-tailed, paired, Student’s t-test was performed to draw statistically significant comparisons cited in the figure legends.
Clonal analysis in the wing disc
The clones were induced 48 h after egg deposition (AED) by heat shocking at 37°C for 10 min. The crosses were kept at 25°C and third instar larval wing discs were dissected, fixed and stained with DAPI for cell counting. The clones were marked with the absence of GFP expression. Clone areas were measured using the Histogram tool in Adobe Photoshop and presented as pixels.
Public data analysis
In this study we have utilized ChIPseq, ChIP-chip and microarray data from previously published articles and data deposited in public database. Genome-wide location data for GAF are from ref. 31. Enriched peaks were annotated to the nearest EnsEMBL32 gene using Bioconductor package ChIPpeakAnno.33 ChIPseq enriched location to nearest target genes were annotated similarly. However, location data extracted from modEncode database were confined to 3 kb up- and downstream from transcription start site (TSS) and database provided target annotation were considered. GAF targets from two different sources were uniquely combined. Gene expression microarray data of rbf, wts and rbf wts single and double mutants are from ref. 4 (accession number GSE24978).
Gene ontology functional enrichment analysis
Functional annotation of target genes is based on Gene Ontology (GO) (Consortium, 2,000; www.geneontology.org) as extracted from EnsEMBL.32 Accordingly, all genes are classified into ontologies involved in Biological Process (BP). We have taken only the GO/pathway categories that have at least 10 genes annotated. Gitools software package was used for enrichment analysis and heatmap generation.34 Resulting p values were adjusted for multiple testing using the Benjamin and Hochberg's method of False Discovery Rate (FDR).
Supplementary Material
We are grateful to V. Corces, N. Dyson, K. Irvine, P. Karpowicz, J. Lis, K. White, the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (University of Iowa) and the Bloomington Stock Center for fly stocks and antibodies. We thank A. Katzen, G. Ramsey and members of the Frolov lab for discussions and critical comments and K. Irvine for communicating results prior to publication. This work was supported by grant GM93827 from the National Institutes of Health to M.V.F. and by a Scholar Award from Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to M.V.F. N.L.B. acknowledges funding from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia grant number SAF2009-06954. A.I. was supported by a fellowship from AGAUR of the Catalonian Government.
Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.
Previously published online: www.landesbioscience.com/journals/cc/article/22486
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