Figure 1. Identification of novel Bcd-dependent enhancers.
(A). Testing candidate enhancers from two sources, Bcd ChIP-chip data (Li et al., 2008) and Bcd binding site cluster predictions (Lifanov et al., 2003). There were 34 known Bcd-dependent enhancers (red) when this study started. 37 of 77 tested candidate fragments (blue) drive expression in early NC14 embryos. 32 are Bcd-dependent and 5 (in parentheses) are not altered in bcd mutants. 40 fragments tested negative (green). Note that a single in vivo bound region may contain multiple local binding peaks. Thus, 55 fragments were tested from the top “50” ChIP’d genomic regions. (B). Expression patterns of thirty-two new Bcd-dependent enhancers in early cycle 14 embryos. Embryos here and throughout this paper are oriented with anterior to the left and dorsal up.