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The Journal of Biological Chemistry logoLink to The Journal of Biological Chemistry
. 2013 Jan 11;288(2):1277. doi: 10.1074/jbc.A112.389452

Dynamin-mediated Nephrin phosphorylation regulates glucose-stimulated insulin release in pancreatic beta cells.

Jongmin Jeon, Ingo Leibiger, Tilo Moede, Britta Walter, Christian Faul, Dony Maiguel, Rodrigo Villarreal, Johanna Guzman, Per-Olof Berggren, Peter Mundel, Camillo Ricordi, Sandra Merscher-Gomez, Alessia Fornoni
PMCID: PMC3543009

VOLUME 287 (2012) PAGES 28932–28942

PAGE 28937:

The authors have become aware of several mistakes in Fig. 2A. In the second row, the second and third panels are identical, and the fourth and fifth panels are also the same. In the third row, the third and fourth panels are repeated. In reviewing the errors, the authors caught another mistake with the black-and-white digital subtraction images shown in the first and third rows. The figure and figure legend claim to show FM 4-64, which is incorrect. The corrected Fig. 2A is shown below. The duplicated images in the second and third rows have replaced with ones taken at 5-, 8-, 12-, and 18-minute time points. The black-and-white representative images in the first and third rows are now digital subtraction images of the GFP signal for WT-N and 3YF-N. Data shown in the quantitative analysis were also checked for completeness and have been confirmed to be correct. The authors regret any confusion the incorrect figure may have caused. This correction does not influence the validity of the results and conclusions of the original article.



Vesicle formation and secretion differs in WT-Nephrin- and YF-Nephrin-overexpressing cells. A, cell clones were exposed to the FM dye 4-64 (red) to determine the degree of vesicle internalization at base line (time 0) and to determine the degree of vesicle secretion over time after glucose stimulation with 11 mm glucose. WT-Nephrin (WT-N)-overexpressing cells had higher vesicle content at time 0, and red fluorescence over time was lost in WT-Nephrin clones upon glucose stimulation. In contrast, 3YF-Nephrin (3YF-N)-overexpressing cells demonstrated an impaired ability to secrete vesicles upon glucose stimulation. The graphic representation of the means and S.D. of FM4–64 intensity measured every 2 min in four different WT-N clones when compared with four 3YF-N clones is shown. WT-Nephrin-overexpressing cells generated more vesicles at base line and were characterized by a more rapid loss of vesicles after glucose stimulation.

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