Table 3.
Description of the intervention sessions
Session | Participants | Goals for the session | Example activities |
1 Parenting Styles |
Parents |
Parents will: |
Parents will: |
· Recognize their own parenting style. |
· Review a video on parenting styles and discuss. |
· Distinguish the key elements of the positive parenting style. |
· Self-assess their parenting styles and discuss in small groups. |
2 Between Multiple Worlds |
Parents |
Parents will: |
Parents will: |
· Recognize that their strong family orientation as Latino parents protects against youth risk behavior. |
· Identify their own cultural values as parents and compare/contrast with those of school and youth. |
· Understand that their youth must navigate between family, school, and peer cultures. |
· Self-assess their own and their youth’s cultural orientation and reflect on differences. |
· Learn skills to help their youth navigate across cultures. |
3 Adolescent Development |
Parents |
Parents will: |
Parents will: |
· Review normal adolescent development and the need to adapt parenting strategies to developmental stages. |
· Compare the behaviors of their youth with previous years. |
· Contextualize challenging behavior within tasks of adolescent development. |
· Reflect on why adolescents challenge parents and how not to ‘take it personally’. |
4 Communication |
Parents and youth |
Parents will: |
Parents will: |
· Understand how strong communication fits with the values of respect for authority and confianza (trusting relationships). |
· Practice active listening. |
· Discuss barriers and facilitators to conversations with youth. |
· Learn basic principles of good communication and develop communication skills. |
· Practice communication using ‘I’ messages. |
Youth will: |
Youth will: |
· Recognize the importance of communication with parents. |
· Play the broken phone and identify barriers in communication. |
· Learn specific communication skills. |
· Practice when and how to talk and listen. |
· Practice ‘I’ messages. |
5 Discipline |
Parents |
Parents will: |
Parents will: |
· Learn the importance of positive behavioral reinforcement. |
· Identify strategies to encourage positive behavior in their youth. |
· Understand the importance of establishing negotiable and non-negotiable rules, and establishing and reinforcing consequences. |
· Practice developing negotiable and non-negotiable rules for their family. |
6 Conflict resolution |
Parents and youth |
Parents will: |
Parents will: |
· Understand that conflict is part of the normal developmental process, and does not need to damage their relationships. |
· Identify positive and negative aspects of conflicts. |
· Identify collaborative problem-solving and conflict resolution strategies. |
· Discuss and role-play a strategy to solve problems with their youth. |
· Learn to recognize and self-regulate emotions. |
· Develop strategies to manage anger. |
Youth will: |
Youth will: |
· Learn collaborative problem-solving strategies. |
· Talk about rules, consequences and mistakes. |
· Identify strategies to recognize and manage emotions. |
· Talk about emotions and their consequences. |
· Name the steps to effectively solve problems. |
7 Supervision and Friends’ Influence |
Parents and youth |
Parents will: |
Parents will: |
· Understand the meaning and importance of monitoring. |
· Discuss scenarios to differentiate supervision from over-control. |
· Learn strategies to monitor their youth effectively at each developmental stage of adolescence. |
· Role-play initiating conversations with parents of their children’s friends. |
Youth will: |
Youth will: |
· Identify dreams that they want to achieve. |
· Develop a collage to help visualize dreams and goals. |
· Identify influences and behavior (including substance use) that may get in the way of achieving dreams. |
· Practice strategies to refuse risky behaviors. |
· Learn strategies to avoid problem behaviors. |
8 Connection | Parents and youth | Parents will: |
Parents will: |
· Understand that parent–youth connection is the foundation for parenting, and recognize barriers to relationship-building. |
· Engage in activity around setting kids as priority for time. |
· Identify strategies to strengthen their relationship with their youth. |
· Write a letter to their children expressing their love and expectations. |
Youth will: |
Youth will: |
· Reflect on the importance of a strong parent–youth relation. |
· Complete a map of personal connections. |
· Identify parents and other adults as a support network. | · Write a message to their parents expressing their thankfulness. |