Figure 3. eIF4E transgenic mice exhibit alterations in synaptic function, dendritic spine density, and synaptic plasticity.
a, eIF4E transgenic mice (4E Tg) exhibit increased mEPSC frequency and b, increased mIPSC amplitude in layer 2/3 mPFC pyramidal neurons. n=27–30 neurons/genotype, *p<0.05 vs WT, Student's t-test. c,d, 4E Tg mice exhibit increased dendritic spine density in layer 2/3 mPFC pyramidal neurons. High-magnification images c, and quantification d, of spiny dendrites from wild-type (WT) and 4E Tg mice. n= 12 neurons/genotype, *p<0.05 vs WT, Student's t-test. Scale bar = 2 µm. e, 4E Tg mice exhibit enhanced striatal LTD. n=13 slices from 8 mice/genotype. f, 4E Tg mice exhibit enhanced hippocampal mGluR-LTD. n=15 slices from 8 mice/genotype. g, h, 4EGI-1 normalizes enhanced striatal LTD displayed by 4E Tg mice h, without impacting LTD in WT mice g. n=18 slices from 9 mice/genotype/treatment. All field recordings were analyzed with repeated measure ANOVAs. Arrows indicate delivery of high-frequency stimulation (HFS). Solid bars indicate the duration of bath application of DHPG (10 µM, 10 min) and 4EGI-1 (100 µM, 45 min). Representative traces (right panels) showing fEPSP before (black) and 60 min after (red) HFS. All data are shown as mean ± SEM.