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. 2010 Dec 22;48(4):484–488. doi: 10.1007/s13197-010-0189-8

Effect of storage temperature on physico-chemical and sensory attributes of purple passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims)

Kundan Kishore 1,, K A Pathak 2, Rohit Shukla 2, Rinku Bharali 2
PMCID: PMC3551175  PMID: 23572775


Physico-chemical and sensory quality of juice from purple passion fruit under different storage temperature and time were assessed. The maximum loss in fruit weight was recorded under room temperature (25 ± 1°C) followed by at 11 ± 1°C. There was an increase in juice percentage up to 9 and 13 days under room temperature and storage at 11 ± 1°C respectively. The optimum flavour in juice was up to 5 days at 25 ± 1°C and up to 21 days at 8 ± 1°C. A significant reduction in sourness was recorded on 5th day under all treatments and the scores for sourness became almost constant after 17 days. The maximum increase in the mean scores of sweetness on 5th day was observed at 25 ± 1°C followed by at 11 ± 1°C. The optimum level of juice sweetness was maintained up to 21 days at 8 ± 1°C. Total soluble solids content increased in initial stage followed by reduction. There was a reduction in the titrable acidity up to 21 days at 8 ± 1°C. A decreasing trend in the reducing and non-reducing sugar of passion fruit was observed under all the treatments. Fruits stored at 25 ± 1°C, developed off-flavour in juice after 5 days, while storage at 8 ± 1°C produced no off-flavor even up to 21 days. Fruits can be stored for 5 days only at 25 ± 1°C as the overall sensory quality of juice reduced significantly afterwards, while juice maintained the optimum overall quality up to 21 days at 8 ± 1°C.

Keywords: Purple passion fruit, Physico-chemical properties, Sensory attributes


The genus Passiflora L. belongs to family Passifloraceae with its major centre of diversity in Brazil (Knight and Winters 1962). There are two recognized forms of edible passion fruit (Passiflora edulis): purple (Passiflora.edulis Sims) and yellow (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg.). The purple passion fruit is native of Tropical America while yellow passion fruit is being considered as a mutation of purple variety, or as a natural hybrid between purple and another related species of passion fruit (Akamine and Girolami 1959). The cultivation of passion fruit is dominated in Latin American countries and its processed products are exported to European countries. In India it is mainly cultivated in South India but now its cultivation has been extended to NorthEastern region due to the prevalence of suitable climate.

Purple variety is grown mainly for fresh juice and its flavour is a vital attribute which make the juice a desirable ingredient for many formulated beverages (Chen et al. 1987). The unique flavour of passion fruit is attributed to several volatile compounds which get deteriorated with the increase in temperature (Jagtiani et al. 1988). Purple passion fruit begins to loose moisture after harvesting and the continuous moisture loss for a week leads shriveling of fruits, which cause reduction in juice quality. Storage of passion fruit juice under low temperature is aiming to increase the shelf life, by controlling the action of enzymes and microbial activity.

In India, limited work has been done on the post harvest quality of passion fruit. The intervention in this aspect has better scope in improving the shelf life of fruits and in minimizing the loss by extending the storage life. The objective of the present experiment was to study some of the alterations taking place in juice quality during storage.

Materials and methods

Fruits of purple type were harvested after the development of purple colour (74 days old) during May–June and September–October in 2005, 2006 and 2007. Harvested fruits were properly washed and stored at room temperature (25 ± 1°C) (T1), 6 ± 1°C (T2), 8 ± 1°C (T3) and at 11 ± 1°C (T4). The RH at room temperature was 68–73% and fruits under T2, T3 and T4 were also kept at the same RH. Colton BOD Incubator was used to keep the fruits under different temperature ranges and at constant RH. There were 200 fruits under each treatment and 25 fruits under each treatment were taken for juice extraction at 4 days interval. Aril was extracted manually and macerated and sieved using nylon cheese cloth to separate pulp and seed from juice. The quality of juice under each treatment and extracted at every interval was measured.

Physicochemical analysis

The physiological loss in weight (PLW) was calculated by considering mean weight differences over time and the juice percentage was calculated by dividing the juice content (ml) and fruit weight (g) and by multiplying the resultant with 100. The total soluble solids (TSS) content was recorded with the help of hand refractometer (0–32° Brix). The titrable acidity, reducing sugar and total sugar were determined by following the methods of Ranganna (1986).

Sensory analysis

A panel of six judges familiar with passion fruit juice was trained prior to the start of the experiment by using triangular test method (ISO 1983). Flavour profiling (ISO 1985) was used to evaluate the juices. Flavour descriptive attributes of passion fruit juice unanimously agreed upon were flavour intensity, acidity (sourness), sweetness, off-flavour and overall quality of juice. Judges were served with the coded juice samples at the ambient temperature (25 ± 1°C). The attributes were rated at a 7-point scale (1 = imperceptible to 7—very pronounced). A score of 4 for flavour intensity, sweetness and overall impression was the optimum level below which attributes were considered undesirable while it was the desired level of acidity and off-flavour. A score of 1 was the desired level that indicated absence of any off-flavour in the juice.

Statistical analysis

The data recorded on various attributes by taking three replicates during the study were statistically analyzed by completely randomized design following the methods of Panse and Sukhatme (1985). The critical difference at 5% level of probability was used for comparing between treatments.

Results and discussion

Physico-chemical characteristics

Maximum PLW of 4% was recorded on 5th day at 25 ± 1°C (T1) followed by at 11 ± 1°C (T1) (Table 1). Rate of PLW increased with increase in storage temperature (Mahajan et al. 2009) and this was largely due to water loss through lenticels of fruits, which permit free water vapour movement (Salaheddin and Kader 1984). An increase of 27.3–39.6% in juice quality was recorded at 25 ± 1°C on 9th day of storage followed by reduction. The change in the juice content was relatively slower at 6 ± 1°C and 8 ± 1°C. Increase in the juice percentage for certain period was directly correlated with the temperature increase. The increase in juice per cent may be due to the high rate of weight loss.

Table 1.

Changes in physico-chemical quality parameters of purple passion fruit during storage at different temperatures

Storage temp. Storage period, days
1 5 9 13 17 21 25
T1 0.0ap 4.1cs 4.2ds 5.1ct 2.2br 1.5aq 1.3aq
T2 0.0ap 1.5aq 1.7ar 2.0ars 2.3bt 1.8brs 1.7br
T3 0.0ap 1.6as 2.2bt 2.5bu 1.0aq 1.5as 1.3ar
T4 0.0ap 1.9b 2.5cr 2.6br 2.9cs 1.8bq 1.7bq
Juice, %
T1 27.3aq 32.5cr 39.6cs 33.2cr 28.5aq 26.5ap 25.7ap
T2 27.5ap 28.7aq 29.6ar 32.2bs 33.4bt 32.7cs 34.5cu
T3 27.2ap 28.6aq 30.5br 30.9ar 33.6bs 35.4dt 36.5du
T4 27.4ap 28.9bq 29.8ar 34.6du 33.4bt 31.9bs 33.2bt
TSS, %
T1 15.2as 16.0bt 15.8at 15.7at 14.2ar 13.5aq 13.0ap
T2 15.3ap 15.4ap 15.7aq 15.9aq 16.0cr 15.8dq 15.5dp
T3 15.2ap 15.6aq 16.0abr 15.8aq 15.7cq 15.2cp 15.0cp
T4 15.3ar 15.6as 15.9abs 15.7as 15.0br 14.5bq 14.0bp
Titrable acidity, %
T1 3.8at 3.2ar 2.9aq 2.7ap 2.6ap 3.2acr 3.6cs
T2 3.7at 3.6ct 3.4bs 3.0br 2.8bq 2.6ap 2.6ap
T3 3.7ar 3.4br 3.1aq 3.0bq 2.8bp 2.7ap 2.8bp
T4 3.8as 3.3ar 3.0aq 2.9bp 2.8bp 2.8abp 2.9bp
Reducing sugar, %
T1 10.2au 8.3at 8.5at 7.8as 7.5ar 7.2aq 6.9ap
T2 10.3av 10.0cu 9.7ct 9.4ds 9.2dr 9.0dq 8.7dp
T3 10.2at 9.9cs 9.4br 9.1cq 8.9cq 8.6cp 8.4cp
T4 10.1au 9.7bt 9.2bs 8.8br 8.6br 8.2bq 7.8bp
Non- reducing sugar, %
T1 1.8au 1.6at 1.4as 1.2ar 0.9ap 1.1aq 1.2ar
T2 1.7as 1.7bs 1.6cr 1.5cq 1.4cp 1.4bp 1.4bp
T3 1.8at 1.7bs 1.6cr 1.5cq 1.4cp 1.4bp 1.4bp
T4 1.7av 1.6au 1.5bt 1.4bs 1.3br 1.1ap 1.2aq

PLW: Physiological loss in weight, (n = 3). T1 = 25 ± 1°C, T2 = 6 ± 1°C, T3 = 8 ± 1°C, T4 = 11 ± 1°C

Values with different superscripts in a column (a, b, c, d, ...) and in a row (p, q, r, s, ...) differ significantly (p ≤ 0.05)

The TSS of juice showed an increase up to 5th day at 25 ± 1°C followed by a gradual reduction (Table 1). The reduction in TSS was relatively more rapid at higher temperature. Similar results were also observed by Patel et al. (2008) in onion. Changes in TSS content were natural phenomenon that occur during storage and it is correlated with hydrolytic changes in carbohydrates during storage. The reduction in TSS during storage indicate faster metabolic rates at higher temperature as also reported by Mahajan et al. (2006).

Rate of reduction in acidity increased with the increase in temperature (Table 1). The reduction in acidity during storage is probably due to catabolism of citrate and malate and the pace of catabolism increases with the temperature (Sammi and Masud 2007).

A declining trend in the content of reducing sugar of passion fruit with the storage time was observed under all treatments (Table 1). The content of reducing sugar decreased more rapidly at 25 ± 1°C than at lower temperatures. The results are in agreement with the findings of Tembo et al. (2008) in ber fruits. The reduction in reducing sugar during storage could be attributed to higher respiratory activity when reducing sugar (glucose and fructose) and non-reducing sugar (sucrose) are used up in the respiratory process (Sammi and Masud 2007).

Sensory attributes

A sharp increase in flavour intensity on 5th day followed by a sudden decrease at 25 ± 1°C was noticed (Table 2). At 11 ± 1°C and 6 ± 1°C the flavour fell below the optimum level after 13 days and 9 days, respectively and the optimum flavour intensity of juice was maintained up to 21 days at 11 ± 1°C. The sudden increase in the flavour intensity with the increase in temperature may be due to the increase in the volatile compounds particularly esters in fruits (Nisperos-Carriedo and Shaw 1990).

Table 2.

Changes in sensory quality attributes of purple passion fruit during storage at different temperatures

Storage temp. Storage period, days
1 5 9 13 17 21 25
Flavour intensity
T1 5.6at 6.2bu 3.6as 2.5ar 1.8aq 1.0ap 1.0ap
T2 5.6at 5.2as 4.2br 3.8bq 3.0bp 3.0bp 3.0cp
T3 5.6au 5.7bu 5.5dt 5.3cs 5.1dr 4.8dq 4.2dp
T4 5.6av 5.2au 4.8ct 4.5ds 3.8cr 3.4cq 2.4bp
T1 5.0ar 3.2aq 3.0ap 3.0ap 2.9ap 2.9ap 2.9ap
T2 4.9au 4.5bt 4.3bs 3.8br 3.7bq 3.6bp 3.6bp
T3 5.0at 3.9cs 3.4ar 3.2aq 3.0ap 3.0ap 3.0ap
T4 5.0au 3.8ct 3.2as 3.0ar 2.9aq 2.8ap 2.8ap
T1 3.8ar 4.6at 4.0as 3.5aq 3.0ap 3.0ap 3.0ap
T2 3.8ap 4.1br 4.2as 4.2bs 4.2bs 4.0bq 4.3bt
T3 3.8ap 4.4cr 4.6bt 4.5cs 4.4cr 4.0bq 3.8cp
T4 3.8aq 4.5ct 4.6bu 4.2bs 4.1br 3.8cq 3.5dp
T1 1.6ap 2.3aq 4.8ar 5.6as 6.0at 6.2at 6.5au
T2 1.6ap 1.7bq 1.8br 1.8br 2.4bs 2.5bt 2.8bu
T3 1.6ap 1.8bq 2.1br 2.3cs 2.4bs 2.6bt 2.9bu
T4 1.6ap 2.0bq 3.1cr 3.6ds 4.0ct 4.8cu 5.2cv
Overall quality
T1 5.8au 5.4at 3.2as 2.1ar 1.8aq 1.0ap 1.0ap
T2 5.8au 5.0bt 4.0bs 3.5br 2.5bq 2.4bp 2.4bp
T3 5.8av 5.6au 5.0ct 4.8cs 4.5cr 4.3cq 3.8cp
T4 5.8av 5.4au 4.6dt 4.4ds 3.6dr 3.4dq 3.0dp

T1–T4: As in Table 1

Values with different superscripts in a column (a, b, c, d, ...) and in a row (p, q, r, s, ...) differ significantly (p ≤ 0.05)

Sourness was high on the day of harvest and a significant reduction in acidity was recorded on 5th day in all treatments. Reduction in sourness was more at higher temperature. Sourness became almost constant after 17 days. The reduction in acidity may be attributed to the conversion of organic acid (citric acid) to carbohydrate catalyzed by enzymes produced during climacteric peak (Satyan and Patwardhan 1984).

The highest increase in sweetness was recorded at 25 ± 1°C (Table 2) and the optimum sweetness in the juice was maintained up to 9th day at 25 ± 1°C and up to 17 days at 11 ± 1°C and up to 21 days at 8 ± 1°C. The increase in the sweetness may be due to higher conversion of organic acids into sugar (Fang et al. 1991) and breakdown of starch into glucose and sucrose (Selvaraj et al. 1989).

Fruits stored at 25 ± 1°C developed off-flavour in their juice only after 5 days (Table 2). The juice stored at 11 ± 1°C developed off-flavour after 13 days and at 8 ± 1°C off-flavour did not develop even up to 21 days. The development of off-flavour in juice with the increase in the temperature may be due to more synthesis of ethanol and ethyl acetate in fruit juice (Namutebi 1998).

Passion fruit can be stored only for 5 days at 25 ± 1°C as the overall quality reduced significantly afterwards (Table 2). Fruits stored at 8 ± 1°C maintained the optimum scores for overall quality up to 21 days. The rapid reduction in the scores of overall quality of juice at 25 ± 1°C may be due to greater synthesis of ethanol and ethyl ester and imbalance between sugar and acid due to rapid conversion of organic acid into sugar (Fang et al. 1991, Namutebi 1998).


The quality of fruit juice reduced rapidly at 25 ± 1°C and fruit can hardly be stored for 5 days without any deterioration in quality. However, storage at 8 ± 1°C, produced better result in terms of physicochemical and sensorial attributes. The sensorial attributes of fruit juice was retained up to 21 days at 8 ± 1°C while at 6 ± 1°C and 11 ± 1°C these attributes were retained only up to 13 days. Therefore it can be concluded that under storage temperature of 8 ± 1°C, passion fruit can be stored for 21 days without any deterioration in juice quality.


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