Ca2+ independent lipoprotein associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) is a member of the phospholipase A2 superfamily with a distinguishing characteristic of high specificity for oxidatively modified sn-2 fatty acid residues in phospholipids which has been especially well characterized for peroxidized species of phosphatidylcholines (PC). The ability of Lp-PLA2 to hydrolyze peroxidized species of phosphatidylserine (PS) – acting as a recognition signal for clearance of apoptotic cells by professional phagocytes - as well as the products of the reaction have not been investigated. We performed LC-MS-ESI-based structural characterization of oxygenated/hydrolyzed molecular species of PS - containing linoleic acid in either sn-2 position (C18:0/C18:2) or in both sn-1 and sn-2 positions (C18:2/C18:2) - formed in cytochrome c/ H2O2 driven enzymatic oxidation reaction. Cytochrome c has been chosen as a catalyst of peroxidation reactions due to its likely involvement in PS oxidation in apoptotic cells. We found that Lp-PLA2 catalyzed the hydrolysis of both non-truncated and truncated (oxidatively fragmented) species of oxidized PS species albeit with different efficiencies and performed detailed characterization of the major reaction products – oxygenated derivatives of linoleic acid as well as non-oxygenated and oxygenated species of lyso-PS. Among linoleic acid products, derivatives oxygenated at the C9 position, including 9-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid (9-HODE) – a potent ligand of G protein-coupled receptor G2A - were the most abundant. Computer modeling of interactions of Lp-PLA2 with different PS oxidized species indicated that they are able to bind in proximity (<5Å) to Ser273 and His351 of the catalytic triad. For 9-hydroxy- and 9-hydroperoxy- derivatives of oxidized PS, the sn-2 ester bond was positioned within the very close proximity (<3Å) from the Ser273 residue - a nucleophile directly attacking the sn-2 bond – thus favoring the hydrolysis reaction. We suggest that oxidatively modified free fatty acids and lyso-PS species generated by Lp-PLA2 may represent important signals facilitating and regulating execution of apoptotic and phagocytosis programs essential for control of inflammation.
Diversity of phospholipids, including a large variety of their polyunsaturated species, is essential for normal physiology of mammalian cells.(1, 2) Most commonly, polyunsaturated acyl residues are localized in the sn-2 position whereas saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids are linked at the sn-1 position of the glycerol backbone. However saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated residues may be present in both sn-1 and sn-2 positions and the abundance of these species varies dependently on the type of tissue, cell or organelles as well as on nutritional and (patho)physiological conditions.(3, 4) For example, the level of polyunsaturated fatty acids esterified at the sn-1 position may significantly increase during phospholipid remodeling, transacylation, under low fat diet supplementation.(5, 6) The sn-position of polyunsaturated acyl residues in phospholipid glycerol backbone has a significant impact on the membrane function, cell signaling, and substrate specificity of various enzymes.(7)
The presence of multiple double bonds makes lipids susceptible to catalytic oxidative modifications with the addition of oxygen (lipid peroxidation) resulting in even greater variety and diversification of lipid species. The role of oxidized phospholipids as modulators of chronic inflammation, particularly in atherosclerosis, has been widely discussed.(2, 8, 9) Recent reports indicate that oxidized phospholipids may act as ligands for receptors that detect conserved pathogen-associated molecular patterns as an important part of innate immune defense. It is believed that the diversity of individual phospholipid oxidation products reflects their involvement in regulation of many aspects of the inflammatory processes.(2, 10-12)
Further diversification of oxidatively modified phospholipid species may be achieved via their hydrolysis by either phospholipase A1 (PLA1) or phospholipase A2 (PLA2) which cleave fatty acids from the sn-1 or sn-2 positions of glycerol backbone, respectively. The hydrolysis yields two types of products - free fatty acids (FFA) and lyso-phospholipids (lyso-PLs) that may also contain oxygenated functionalities. Polyunsaturated non oxidized and oxygenated FFA and their metabolites released from phospholipids are well recognized precursors of signaling molecules such as lipoxins, protectins and resolvins – significant players in the resolution of inflammation.(3, 13) Linoleic acid and its oxidized metabolites - abundant in LDL and atherosclerotic plaques – can act as regulators of macrophages differentiation and atherogenesis.(14, 15) Notably, in mammalian cells, polyunsaturated fatty acids especially linoleic acid, can be located in both sn-1 and sn-2 position of phosphatidylethanolamine and PS.(7) lyso-PLs (1-acyl-2lyso-PL or 2-acyl-1-lyso-PL) can also exhibit signaling capabilities, for example, through interaction with G protein-coupled receptors (GPR34) on target cells.(16, 17) Substantial concentrations of polyunsaturated lyso-phosphatidylcholine (lyso-PC, such as linoleoyl-lyso-PC and its hydroxy-derivatives) can accumulate in the heart and human plasma.(10, 11, 18)
In the 1970-80s, comparative assessments of the rates of PLA2-catalyzed hydrolysis of “peroxidized” versus intact phospholipids in membranes documented a higher PLA2 activity towards membranes and liposomes enriched with oxidatively modified lipids.(19-21) More recently, a Ca2+-independent lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) - also known as platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase or type VIIA PLA2 - actively secreted by monocyte-derived macrophages, has been shown to preferentially hydrolyze oxidatively modified phospholipids, particularly phosphatidylcholines (PC).(22-24) The enzyme is associated with circulating LDL in humans and with macrophages within atherosclerotic plaques and catalyzes the formation of lyso-PC and oxygenated FFA.
Although PS comprises a relatively minor fraction of membrane phospholipids, its regulatory functions are central to cell activity.(25) Clearance of apoptotic cells by professional phagocytes is largely dependent on the ability of the latter to recognize PS as well as its oxidation products on the surface of apoptotic cells.(26-33) The possibility of hydrolysis of externalized PS or its oxidation products and the role of this for the recognition of apoptotic cells by professional phagocytes and inflammatory response have not been considered. Interestingly, activation of a secretory PS-specific PLA1 was detected at various sites of inflammation and has been implicated in the eicosanoid production.(34, 35) However, substrate specificity of PLAs towards different molecular species of peroxidized PS and their hydrolysis products are still insufficiently studied.
In this work, we performed LC-MS-based structural characterization of oxygenated/hydrolyzed molecular species of PS - containing linoleic acid in either sn-2 position C18:0/C18:2 (SL-PS) or in both sn-1 and sn-2 positions C18:2/C18:2 (LL-PS) - formed in cytochrome c (cyt c) driven enzymatic reaction in the presence of H2O2. Cyt c has been chosen as a catalyst of peroxidation reactions due to its likely involvement in PS oxidation in apoptotic cells.(29, 36, 37) Oxidation of SL-PS and LL-PS yielded oxygenated molecular species containing hydroxy-, hydroperoxy-, di-hydroxy-, hydroxy/hydroperoxy-, and di-hydroperoxy- groups at different carbon atoms (C8, C9, C12, C13, C14) of linoleic acid in sn-2 position. Further, LL-PS containing oxygenated linoleic acid in sn-1 position with one and two oxygens was detected. Small amounts of oxidatively fragmented (truncated) PS molecular species were also generated. Lp-PLA2 catalyzed the hydrolysis of both non-truncated and truncated species of oxidized PS species albeit with different efficiencies. Computer modeling of interactions of Lp-PLA2 with oxidized species of PS indicated that they bind in close proximity (<3Å) to a catalytic triad active site residue Ser273, favoring the hydrolysis of their sn-2 ester bond.
1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, DOPC, 1-stearoyl-2-linoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine, SL-PS, 1,2-linoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine, LL-PS, 1,2-diheptadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine, PS (C17:0/C17:0), 1-stearoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine, (C18:0-lyso-PS), 1-tridecanoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (C13:0-lyso-PS) were purchased from Avanti Polar Lipids Inc (Alabaster, AL) and were of the highest purity available. Recombinant human lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) was obtained from GlaxoSmithKline Co (Collegeville, PA). Cytochrome c (cyt c), diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, PLA1 from Thermomyces lanuginosus, DTPA, H2O2 and all organic solvents (HPLC grade) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). High purity lyso PS molecular species were obtained after their hydrolysis by porcine pancreas PLA2 (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) and subsequent separation by 2D-HPTLC. HPTLC silica G plates were purchased from Whatman (Schleicher & Schuell, England). Heptadecanoic acid (C17:0) was obtained from Matreya LLC (Pleasant Gap, PA). 9S-hydroperoxy-10E,12Z-octadecadienoic acid, 9S-hydroxy-10E,12Z-octadecadienoic acid, 13-oxo-9Z,11E-octadecadienoic acid, 13S-hydroxy-9Z,11E-octadecadienoic acid, 13S-hydroperoxy-9Z,11E-octadecadienoic acid, 9S-hydroxy-10E,12Z-octadecadienoic-9,10,12,13 d4 acid, 9(10)epoxy-12Z-octadecenoic acid, 12(13)epoxy-9Z-octadecenoic acid were purchased from Cayman Chemical Co (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA).
Oxidation of phosphatidylserine
DOPC/PS (500 μM, at a ratio of 1:1) liposomes were prepared by sonication in 50 mM HEPES buffer in the presence of 100 μM DTPA pH 7.4. Liposomes, containing PS (250 μM) were incubated with cyt c (5 μM) and H2O2 (100 μM) during 30 min or 3 h at 37°C. At the end of incubation, lipids were extracted by Folch procedure (38) with minor modifications.
Phospholipid hydrolysis by Lp-PLA2
Liposomes containing DOPC/PS were treated with Ca2+-independent secreted Lp-PLA2 (0.26 - 2.6 μg protein/sample) in 50 mM HEPES pH 8.2, containing 100 μM DTPA for 30 min at 37°C. After incubation with Lp-PLA2, lipids were extracted and used for structural analysis by LC/ESI-MS.
Phospholipid hydrolysis by PLA1
Liposomes containing DOPC/PS were treated with PLA1 (2.4 - 24 μg protein/sample) in 50 mM HEPES pH 7.4, containing 100 μM DTPA for 30 min at 37°C. After incubation with PLA1 lipids were extracted and used for structural analysis by LC-ESI-MS.
Liquid chromatography/electro-spray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS) analysis
was performed on a Dionex HPLC system (utilizing the Chromeleon software) consisting of a Dionex UltiMate 3000 mobile phase pump, equipped with an UltiMate 3000 degassing unit; UltiMate 3000 autosampler (sampler chamber temperature was set at 4°C), 5 μL sample loop. Dionex HPLC system was coupled to ion trap mass spectrometer (FinniganTM LXQ™ with the Xcalibur operating system, Thermo Electron, San Jose, CA). The instrument was operated in the negative ion mode. For optimization of MS conditions and preparation of tune files, standards (2 pmol/μL) were injected by direct infusion through a syringe pump (flow rate 10 μL/min) into the HPLC solvent flow (flow rate 200 μL/min). The electrospray probe was operated at a voltage differential of 5.0 kV in the negative ion mode. Source temperature was maintained at 150°C. Spectra were acquired in negative ion mode using full range zoom (400-1600 m/z and 210 - 400 m/z for FFA) scans. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS analysis) of individual PS species was used to determine the fatty acid composition. MSn analysis was carried out with relative collision energy ranging from 20-40% and with activation q value at 0.25 for collision-induced dissociation (CID) and q value at 0.7 for pulsed-Q dissociation (PQD) technique. MS/MS analysis was performed using isolation width of 1 m/z, 5 micro-scans with maximum injection time 1000 ms. For selected reaction monitoring (SRM) experiments the optimum collision energy was determined for each m/z parent daughter ion pair (30 kV).
Normal phase column separation of phospholipids
Normal-phase LC conditions were as described by Malavolta et al.(39) with slight modifications. Phospholipids (5 μL) were separated on a normal phase column (Luna 3 μm Silica (2) 100A, 150×2 mm, (Phenomenex, Torrance, CA)) with flow rate 0.2 mL/min. The column was maintained at 30°C. The analysis was performed using gradient solvents (A and B). Solvent A was chloroform:methanol:ammonium hydroxide (28%), 80:19.5:0.5 (v/v). Solvent B was chloroform:methanol:water:ammonium hydroxide, 60:34:5:0.5 (v/v). The column was eluted during the first 3 min isocratic at 10% solvent B, 3 – 15 min with a linear gradient from 10% solvent B to 37% solvent B, 15 – 23 min linear gradient to 100% solvent B, and then 23 – 45 min isocratic at 100% solvent B, 47 - 57 min isocratic at 10% solvent B for equilibrium column. Reference standards of lyso PS for LC-ESI-MS analysis were obtained after hydrolysis of SL-PS and LL-PS by PLA2 and following their separation by 2-D-HPTLC.
Reverse phase column separation of fatty acids
FFA were separated on a reverse phase column (Luna 3 μm C18 (2) 100A, 150×2 mm, (Phenomenex)) at a flow rate of 0.2 mL/min. The column was maintained at 30°C. The analysis was performed using gradient solvents (A and B) containing 5 mM ammonium acetate. Solvent A was tetrahydrofuran/methanol/water/CH3COOH, 25:30:44.9:0.1 (v/v). Solvent B was methanol/water, 90:10 (v/v). The column was eluted during the first 3 min isocratically at 50% solvent B, from 3 to 23 min with a linear gradient from 50% solvent B to 98% solvent B, then 23 – 40 min isocratically using 98% solvent B, 40-42 min with a linear gradient from 98% solvent B to 50% solvent B, 42 - 48 min isocratically using 50% solvent B for equilibration of the column.
Molecular docking studies
Three dimensional structures of SLPS, LLPS, SL-PSox and LL-PSox were generated using Marvin Sketch 5.3.6.(40) Hydroxy- and hydroperoxy-groups were placed at the sn-2 positions of SL-PS and LL-PS, yielding 9-hydroxy, 9-hydroperoxy, 9-hydroxy-14hydroxy, 9-hydroxy-12,13-epoxy, 9-hydroperoxy-14-hydroperoxy, 13-hydroxy, and 13-hydroperoxy species. Oxidatively-fragmented PS species containing either –oxo- or carboxy groups at the C9 position (the end of truncation) were also created. These different species of oxidized PS were docked to the crystal structure of Lp-PLA2 (PDBid: 3F9C using AutoDock Vina(41, 42) available at http://vina.scripps.edu. The lipid and Lp-PLA2 3D structures were converted from pdb into pdbqt format using MGL Tools.(43) The Lp-PLA2 structure was treated as the receptor and was kept rigid during docking. In contrast, rotatable bonds in the lipid structures imparted flexibility on the ligands. A grid box was centered at the −14.59, −9.92, −32.08 coordinates with 70Å units in x, y and z directions to cover the active site of Lp-PLA2. Support for the chosen location of the grid box comes from a prediction of putative binding pockets by using Pocket-Finder software (http://www.modelling.leeds.ac.uk/ pocketfinder). Using this independent approach, the active site was predicted to be the largest putative ligand binding site. Docking with Autodock Vina(42) resulted in 9 lowest energy conformations. Of these conformations, we concentrated on those binding poses where the sn-2 ester bond of the acyl chain was found in proximity to the active site. For docking purposes, proximity was defined as distance less than 5 Å to either residue Ser273 or His315 of the catalytic triad.
Structural characterization of oxidized SL-PS molecular species generated by cyt c/H2O2
We characterized cyt c/H2O2 catalyzed oxidation of two PS species: SL-PS, and LL-PS, containing non-oxidizable stearic acid (C18:0) in the sn-1 position and oxidizable linoleic acid (C18:2) in the sn-2 position, or linoleic acid in both sn-1 and sn-2 positions, respectively. A complex mixture of oxidation products, containing 1, 2, 3 and 4 oxygens was documented by LC-MS profiles (Fig. 1A), MS1 (Fig.1B) and MS2 spectra (data not shown) of SL-PSox. Peroxidation of SL-PS (30 min at 37°C) resulted in the formation of several oxygenated products at m/z 802, 818, 834 and 850 corresponding to the following species: C18:0/C18:2+O, C18:0/C18:2+2O, C18:0/C18:2+3O and C18:0/C18:2+4O (Fig. 1C). Detailed MS2 analysis demonstrated that the PS [M-H]− ions at m/z 802, 818, 834 and 850 contained mono-hydroxy, mono-hydroperoxy, di-hydroxy and di-hydroperoxy groups attached to either C9 or C13 carbons of linoleic acid (Table 1). Oxygenated molecular species of SL-PSox with m/z 800 containing oxidized isomers of 9-oxo- and 13-oxo-linoleic acid were also observed (data not shown). The molecular species with two oxygens (m/z 818) – corresponding to C18:0/C18:2+2O was dominant and its amount was estimated to be 9.4 ± 1.0 mol% of SL-PS.
Figure 1.
LC-ESI-MS detection and structural characterization of SL-PS oxidation molecular species formed in cyt c driven reaction in the presence of H2O2.
A. Typical reconstructed LC-ESI-MS profiles of non-oxidized (m/z 786) and oxidized (m/z 818 and 850) SL-PS molecular species that contained 2 and 4 oxygens, respectively. Peak at m/z 762 corresponded internal standard PS (C17:0/C17:0).
B. MS1 spectra of SL-PS before (front panel) and after its oxidation during 30 min induced by cyt c/H2O2 (back panel). Molecular ions corresponding to SL-PS containing 1-4 oxygens are detected on MS spectrum.
C. Quantitative assessment of oxidized molecular species of SL-PS.
Table 1.
Structural characterization of non-oxidized and oxidized SL-PS molecular species.
Paren t ion, [M-H]− |
[M-H- serine] − |
[M-serine- R1CH2COO H]− |
[M-serine- R2CH2COO H]− |
[FA- H]− sn-1 |
[FA- H]− sn-2 |
Possible structure |
786 | 699 | 415 | 419 | 283 | 279 |
![]() |
802 | 715 | 431 | 419 | 283 | 295 |
![]() |
818 | 731 | 447 | 419 | 283 | 311 |
![]() |
834 | 747 | 463 | 419 | 283 | 327 |
![]() |
850 | 763 | 479 | 419 | 283 | 343 |
![]() |
Note: SL-PS was analyzed by LC-ESI-MS using PQD mode. Chemical structure of five SL-PS regio-isomers and their characteristic fragments indicated positions of the hydroxy- or hydroperoxy- groups on the side chain are shown. Structural ESI-MS analysis of non-hydrolyzed SL-PS in negative mode revealed de-protonated ions [M-H]− with m/z 786. The peak with m/z 699 is formed during fragmentation of PS (m/z 786) due to the loss of the serine group (786-87). Molecular ions corresponding to stearic and linoleic acids with m/z 283 and 279, respectively, were detected on MS spectrum as well. Fragments of [M-serine-RCH2COOH]− corresponding to m/z 415, 419 were identified as daughter ions without fatty acid from sn-1 and sn-2 positions, respectively. MS2 fragmentation of oxygenated SL-PS revealed the appearance of peaks at m/z 715, 731 747 and 763 formed due to loss of the serine group (802-87, 818-87 and 834-87). Ions with m/z 419 formed after the loss of oxidized linoleic acid a detected in the MS spectra. Appearance of carboxylate anions at m/z 295, 311 and 327 indicated that oxidized acyl chains from sn-2 position of the glycerol backbone were also detected on MS2 spectra. Detailed MS2 analysis demonstrated that the PS [M-H]− ions at m/z 802, 818, 834 and 850 corresponded to the PS species (C18:0/C18:2+O), (C18:0/C18:2+2O), (C18:0/C18:2+3O) and (C18:0/C18:2+4O), respectively.
Structural characterization of SL-PSox molecular species formed after hydrolysis of oxidized PS by Lp-PLA2
DOPC liposomes containing oxidized species of either SL-PS or LL-PS were treated with human recombinant Lp-PLA2 and the hydrolysis products were analyzed by LC-ESI-MS. Typical LC-ESI-MS base-profiles of lyso-PS formed during hydrolysis of SL-PS with Lp-PLA2 are presented in Fig. 2 Aab. Hydrolysis of SL-PS by Lp-PLA2 yielded non-oxidized 1-stearoyl-2-lyso-PS (m/z 524) (Fig. 2Aa-c) and a mixture of free linoleic acid (m/z 279) along with a wide spectrum of its oxygenated metabolites (Fig. 3Aa). In line with previous reports, (19-21) significantly higher contents of hydrolysis products were found in the presence of peroxidized molecular PS species compared with non-oxidized PS (Fig. 2Ba-c). We found that Lp-LA2-driven accumulation of lyso-PS was dependent on incubation time with enzyme (Fig. 2Ac). Further, the hydrolysis rate grew proportionally to the increased level of SL-PS oxidation (Fig. 2Ad) whereby oxidatively truncated species were preferable substrates for Lp-PLA2 (Fig. 2Bc).Under our experimental conditions, no hydrolysis of non-oxidized DOPC was observed. This is consistent with the exclusive role of PS – compared to other classes of phospholipids as an activator of PLA2.(44) Expectedly, PLA1-induced hydrolysis of peroxidized SL-PS caused the release of stearic acid (m/z 283) and a mixture of lyso-PS with non oxygenated (m/z 520) and oxygenated linoleic acid (m/z 534, 536, 550, 552, 566, 568, 584) (data not shown).
Figure 2.
LC-ESI-MS detection and structural characterization of products formed after Lp-PLA2-catalyzed hydrolysis of oxidized SL-PS.
A. (a) Typical normal phase LC-ESI-MS profiles of SL-PS before and after hydrolysis by LpPLA2, (upper and lower panels, respectively). (b) MS2 spectrum of lyso-PS molecular species formed after the hydrolysis and characteristic fragments of lyso-PS (m/z 524) (lower panel) with its chemical structure are shown (upper panel). (c) Quantitative assessment of 1-acyl-2-lyso-PS formed after hydrolysis of non-oxidized (control) and oxidized (by cyt c/H2O2, after 0.5; 1 and 3h) SL-PS at different time points. (d) Initial rate of non-oxidized and oxidized SL-PS hydrolysis by LpPLA2. (Each value represents the mean + S.D. of at least three separate experiments).
B. Quantitative assessment of non-oxidized (a) and oxidized (by cyt c/H2O2, after 3h) individual SL-PS species (b. c) during hydrolysis by Lp-PLA2. Note that efficiency of Lp-PLA2 in hydrolyzing SL-PSox species was proportional to the amount of oxygens present in the acyl chains. Oxidatively truncated species were preferable substrates for Lp-PLA2.
C. (a) Typical MS2 spectrum of parent ion with m/z 694 corresponding to oxidatively fragmented ON PS molecular species. Insert: Chemical structure and MS2 fragmentation patterns of molecular ion with m/z 694. (b) Typical MS3 spectrum of daughter ion with m/z 311 formed during fragmentation of parent ion with m/z 818 corresponding to 9S-hydroperoxy-SL-PS molecular species. Insert: Chemical structure and MS3 fragmentation patterns of molecular ion with m/z 818. (c) Typical MS3 spectrum of daughter ion with m/z 295 formed during fragmentation of parent ion with m/z 802 corresponding to hydroxy-SL-PS molecular species. Insert: Chemical structure and MS3 fragmentation patterns of molecular ion with m/z 802. (d) Typical MS3 spectrum of daughter ion with m/z 295 formed during fragmentation of parent ion with m/z 802 after hydrolysis of hydroxy-SL-PS molecular species by Lp-PLA2. Insert: Chemical structure and MS3 fragmentation patterns of molecular ion with m/z 802. In this series of experiment SL-PS was oxidized during 3h. Note: (c, d) Fragments with m/z 171 and 195 corresponding to 9- and 13-oxygenated carboxylate anions of linoleic acid, respectively, were detected in MS3 spectrum of SL-PSox (m/z 802>295). Hydrolysis of SL-PSox by Lp-PLA2 result in elimination of fragment with m/z 171 from MS3 spectrum, only fragment with m/z 195 was observed in the in MS3 spectrum obtained from parent ion with m/z 802. Thus hydrolysis of SL-PSox by Lp-PLA2 results in selective release of oxidized linoleic corresponding to C9-hydroxy molecular species linoleic acid.
Figure 3.
Structural characterization of FFA released from SL-PS after its hydrolysis by Lp-PLA2.
A. Quantitative assessment of fatty acids released from SL-PS after its hydrolysis by Lp-PLA2.
B. (a) Typical reverse phase LC-ESI-MS reconstructed profiles of the SRM for m/z 295 with appropriate mass transitions as noted are shown on the upper panel (295>171) and lower panel (295>195) (b). FFA chemical structures with possible position of oxygenated group on side chain are shown. Peaks with retention time 11-12 min are corresponded to 9S-HODE (m/z 171) and 13S-HODE (m/z 195), respectively. Peaks with retention time 16 min are corresponded to 9,10-epoxy- C18:2 (m/z 171) and 12,13-epoxy-C18:2 (m/z 195), respectively. (c). Quantitative assessment of hydroxy- and epoxy-linoleic acids released from SL-PS after its hydrolysis by PLA2.
C. (a) Typical reverse phase LC-ESI-MS reconstructed profiles of free oxidized linoleic acid at m/z 311 formed after hydrolysis of SL-PSox by Lp-PLA2. (b, c, lower panels) MS2 spectra (C18:2-OO, retention times 6.5 and 13.4 min, respectively) at m/z 311 formed after hydrolysis of SL-PSox by Lp-PLA2 and chemical structures with possible position of oxygenated group on side chain are shown (upper panels).
Efficiency of Lp-PLA2 hydrolysis of PSox species was proportional to the amount of oxygens present in the acyl chains (Fig 2Bc) and increased in the order: SL-PS (m/z 786) << SL-PSox (m/z 802) < SL-PSox (m/z 818) < SL-PSox (m/z 834) << SL-PSox (m/z 694). Quantitatively, the amounts of hydrolyzed SL-PS corresponded to the accumulated lyso-PS species. Because oxidatively fragmented PC species have been reported as substrates for Lp-PLA2 (45) we were anxious to examine the effectiveness of the enzyme towards truncated species of PSox. To this end, we increased incubation time (up to 3h) for DOPC/SL-PS liposomes in the presence of cyt c/H2O2. This resulted in the significantly increased amounts of the major oxidized SL-PS species at m/z 818 (up to 40 Mol % of PS) and simultaneously to the appearance of relatively small amounts of oxidatively fragmented PS molecular species at m/z 678 and 694 corresponding to 1-stearoyl-2-(9-oxononanoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphoserine (ON-PS, 1 Mol % of PS) and 1-stearoyl-2-azelayl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoserine (A-PS, 3 Mol % of PS). In spite of their low abundance, these truncated PSox species were hydrolyzed with higher efficiency compared to other oxidized PS species (Fig. 2Bc). We further performed MS3 analysis to determine which of the oxidatively modified PS acyls - oxygenated at the C9 or C13 carbon atoms - is a preferable substrate for the enzyme. MSn analysis of non-truncated SL-PSox, at m/z 818 (Fig. 2Cb) and m/z 802 (Fig. 2Cc) showed preferential cleavage of fatty acid residues containing hydroperoxy- and hydroxy-group at the C9 position. This preference was also observed for the oxidatively fragmented species of PSox (Fig.2Ca). Accordingly, the remaining, non-hydrolyzed, SL-PSox (m/z 802) contained only 13-hydroxy-linoleic acid in the sn-2 position (Fig. 2Cd). The hydrolysis by Lp-PLA2 – while overall effective towards SL-PSox – was still not 100% complete.
Characterization of the released oxidatively modified linoleic acid derivatives revealed the presence of molecular ions with m/z 295 that were identified as 9-hydroxy-, 13-hydroxy-linoleic acid and mixture of epoxy-derivatives of 9,10 epoxy- and 12,13 epoxy-linoleic acid (Fig. 3Ba, 3Bb). The amount of 9-hydroxy-isomers of linoleic acid hydrolyzed by Lp-LPA2 was significantly higher (51.3 vs 18.1 pmol/nmol lysoPS, for SL-PS) compared with its 13-hydroxy-isomers (Fig, 3Bc). The same tendency was observed for 9,10 epoxy- and 12,13 epoxy- linoleic acid (m/z 295) (25.2 vs 5.3 pmol/nmol lysoPS, for SL-PS), respectively (Fig, 3Bc). Among the oxygenated FFA (with one oxygen), 9-oxo- and 13-oxo-linoleic acid (m/z 293) were found (data not shown). Cleaved oxygenated linoleic acid containing two oxygens was represented by 9-hydroperoxy-linoleic acid and a mixture of dihydroxy- (8,13-, 9,14-hydroxy- and 9-hydroxy-, 12,13-epoxy-) derivatives of linoleic acid, respectively (Fig. 3Ca, 3Cb, 3Cc).
Structural characterization of oxidized LL-PS molecular species generated by cyt c/H2O2
Cyt c-driven oxidation of LL-PS yielded a large variety of oxidized species (Fig. 4AB, Table 2). LL-PS molecular species with oxidized linoleic acid residues containing 1, 2, 3 and 4 oxygens at m/z 798, 814, 830 and 846, respectively, were detected in the MS spectra (Fig. 4B). Quantitatively, significantly greater accumulation of oxidized products was found among modified molecular species of LL-PS compared to those formed from SL-PS (Fig. 4C). Expectedly, oxygenation of LL-PS occurred in both sn-1 and sn-2 positions whereby oxygenated species with oxygen(s) at C9 and C13 carbon atoms of linoleic acid were formed. Oxidation of linoleic acid in the sn-1 position was less pronounced compared with that localized in the sn-2 position. Interestingly, oxygenation in sn-1 position was observed only after the addition of two oxygens in sn-2 position in molecular species of LL-PSox (Table 2).
Figure 4.
LC-ESI-MS detection and structural characterization of LL-PS oxidation molecular species formed in cyt c driven reaction in the presence of H2O2.
A. Typical reconstructed LC/ESI-MS profiles of non-oxidized (m/z 782) and oxidized (m/z 814 and 846) LL-PS molecular species that contained 2 and 4 oxygens, respectively. (b) Peak at m/z 762 corresponded internal standard PS (C17:0/C17:0).
B. MS1 spectra of LL-PS before (front panel) and after its oxidation during 30 min induced by cyt c/H2O2 (back panel). Molecular ions corresponding to SL-PS containing 1-4 oxygens are detected on MS spectrum.
C. Quantitative assessment of oxidized molecular species of LL-PS.
Table 2.
Structural characterization of non-oxidized and oxidized LL-PS molecular species.
Paren t ion, [M-H]− |
[M-H- serine] − |
[M-serine- R1CH2COO H]− |
[M-serine- R2CH2COO H]− |
[FA- H]− sn-1 |
[FA- H]− sn-2 |
Possible structure |
782 | 695 | 415 | 415 | 279 | 279 |
![]() |
798 | 711 | 431 | 415 | 279 | 295 |
![]() |
814 | 727 | 447 | 415 | 279 | 311 |
![]() |
830 | 743 | 463 | 415 | 279 | 327 |
![]() |
830 | 743 | 447 | 431 | 295 | 311 |
![]() |
846 | 759 | 479 | 415 | 279 | 343 |
![]() |
846 | 759 | 447 | 447 | 311 | 311 |
![]() |
Note: Structural ESI-MS analysis of LL-PS in negative mode revealed de-protonated ions [M-H]− with m/z 782. The peak with m/z 695 formed after fragmentation of PS molecular ion with m/z 782 was due to a loss of the serine group (782-87). In addition, fragmentation yielded two ions at m/z 415 via losses of C18:2 from molecular ion with m/z 695. Molecular ion with m/z 279 corresponding to carboxylate anion of linoleic acid localized either at sn-1 or sn-2 position of glycerol backbone was also detected on MS spectrum. MS2 fragmentation of molecular ions corresponding to oxidized molecular species of LL-PS with m/z 798, 814, 830 and 846 revealed appearance of peaks at m/z 711, 727, 743 and 759 formed due to the loss of the serine group (798-87, 814-87, 830-87 and 846-87, respectively). Molecular ions with m/z 295, 311, 327 and 343 corresponding to oxygenated linoleic acid with 1-4 oxygen were also observed on MS spectra. Chemical structure of seven LL-PS regioisomers and their characteristic fragments utilized to characterize position of the hydroxy- or hydroperoxy- groups on the side chain are show.
Structural characterization of LL-PSox molecular species formed after hydrolysis of oxidized PS by Lp-PLA2
Typical LC-MS profiles of lyso-PS are presented in Fig 5Aa,b. Hydrolysis of oxidized LL-PS by Lp-PLA2 revealed the presence of two types of lyso-PS products with either non-oxygenated (Fig. 5Ba) or oxygenated linoleic acid in sn-1 position (Fig. 5Bb). Non-oxidized 1-linoleoyl-2-lyso-PS with m/z 520 represented a dominant product, with smaller amounts of oxygenated lyso-PS species containing only one and two oxygens in the fatty acid moieties (m/z 534, 536 and 550, 552, respectively) (Fig. 5Bc). The total amount of accumulated lyso-PS was 18.1 ± 1.3 Mol % of LL-PS, whereby the contents of non-oxidized-lyso-PS (1-linoleoyl-2-lyso-PS) and oxidized lyso-PS (1-oxidized linoleoyl-2-lyso-PS) were estimated as 13.5 ± 0.9 and 4.6 ± 0.3 Mol % of LL-PS, respectively (Fig. 5Bd). LL-PSox species were hydrolyzed with higher efficiency (Fig. 5Ca) yielding higher contents of hydrolysis products of PSox (Fig. 5Cb) compared with non-oxidized PS (Fig. 5Cc).
Figure 5.
LC-ESI-MS detection and structural characterization of lyso-PS formed from LL-PS after hydrolysis by Lp-PLA2.
A. Typical normal phase LC-ESI-MS profiles of LL-PS (a, upper left panel) and 1-acyl-2-lyso-PS (a, lower left panel, and b) formed after hydrolysis of LL-PS and LL-PSox by Lp-PLA2.
B. MS2 spectra of lyso-PS molecular species formed after its hydrolysis. Characteristic fragments of lyso-PS (m/z 552 (a, lower panel) and m/z 520 (b, lower panel)) and their chemical structure are shown (a, b upper panels). (c) Quantitative assessment of lyso-PS formed after hydrolysis of LL-PSox by Lp-PLA2. (d) Quantitative assessment of 1-acyl-2-lyso-PS formed after hydrolysis of non-oxidized (control) and oxidized (cyt c/H2O2, 30 min) LL-PS. (Each value represents the mean ± S.D. of at least three separate experiments).
C. (a) Preferable hydrolysis of oxidized LL-PSox individual molecular species by Lp-PLA2. Relative hydrolysis efficiency of individual SL-PS molecular species by Lp-PLA2 is shown. (b) Quantitative assessment of oxidized LL-PS species during hydrolysis by Lp-PLA2. (c) Quantitative assessment of non-oxidized LL-PS (m/z 782) before and after its incubation with cyt c/H2O2 during hydrolysis by Lp-PLA2.
Similarly to SL-PSox, the preferable cleavage of oxygenated fatty acid residues containing hydroxy- and hydroperoxy groups in the C9 position was observed for LL-PSox (data not shown). Interestingly, among products of LL-PSox hydrolysis, “heavily” oxygenated linoleic acid with 1-4 oxygens at C9 or C13 carbon atoms (m/z 293, 295, 309, 311, 325, 327, 343) were detected (Fig. 6A). MS2 analysis of the liberated oxygenated linoleic acid revealed the presence of 9-hydroxy- and 13-hydroxy-, (Fig. 6Ba, Bb), 8,13-dihydroxy- (Fig. 6Ca, 6Cb) and 9,14-dihydroxy- (Fig. 6Ca, 6Cc) and 9-hydroperoxy-derivatives (data not shown). Quantitatively, the level of oxidized linoleic acid was significantly higher than the content of non-oxidized linoleic acid whereby hydroperoxy-molecular species were dominant. Overall, 170.1 ± 16.6 pmol of oxidized and non-oxidized linoleic acid per nmol of LL-PS was released due to hydrolysis of oxidized LL-PS by Lp-PLA2. The contents of released oxidized and non-oxidized linoleic acid were 154.4 ± 13.1 and 15.7 ± 2.7 pmol/nmol LL-PS, respectively. These estimates are in good agreement with the data on Lp-PLA2 catalyzed accumulation of lyso-PS (see above).
Figure 6.
Structural characterization of free fatty acids released from LL-PS after their hydrolysis by Lp-PLA2.
A. Quantitative assessment of fatty acids released from LL-PS after its hydrolysis by Lp-PLA2.
B. Typical reverse phase LC-ESI-MS reconstructed profile (a) and MS2 spectrum (b) of oxygenated linoleic acid (m/z 295) released after hydrolysis of LL-PSox by Lp-PLA2.
C. Typical reverse phase LC-ESI-MS reconstructed profiles (a) and MS2 spectra (b, c) of free oxidized linoleic acid (C18:2-OO, retention times 6.5 and 13.4 min, respectively) at m/z 311 formed after hydrolysis of LL-PSox by Lp-PLA2.
To further verify the localization of oxygenated linoleic acid residues generated by Lp-PLA2 hydrolysis, we additionally utilized PLA1. In this case, the hydrolysis of oxidized LL-PS caused the release of non-oxidized plus oxidized linoleic acid (containing 1 and 2 oxygens only) (Fig. 7A) and oxidized species of lyso-PS containing oxygenated linoleic acid with 1-4 oxygens (m/z 536, 552, 568 and 584, respectively) (Fig. 7B). A lyso-PSox hydrolysis product with m/z 536 (containing 13-hydroxy-linoleic acid with m/z 295) originated from two oxygenated molecular species of LL-PSox - one with m/z 814 (containing trace amount of oxidized linoleic acid (m/z 295) in sn-1 and sn-2 position) and the other one with m/z 830 (containing oxidized linoleic acid (m/z 295 and m/z 311) in sn-1 and sn-2 positions, respectively) (Fig. 7C).
Figure 7.
Structural characterization of free fatty acids released from LL-PS after their hydrolysis by PLA1.
A. Quantitative assessment of FFA released from LL-PS after its hydrolysis by PLA1.
B. Quantitative assessment of lyso-PS released from LL-PS after its hydrolysis by PLA1
C. MS3 spectrum of oxidized lyso-PS molecular species with m/z 536 (lower panel) and its possible chemical structure (upper panel) are shown.
Molecular modeling studies of LpPLA2 interaction with lipids identified in this study
In an effort to better understand the specificity of Lp-PLA2 catalysis, we performed docking studies of a total of 8 different species of PS and its oxidation products at different positions including C9, C13 and C14 as well as truncated species containing either oxo- or carboxy-groups at C9 position. Specifically, 9-hydroxy, 9-hydroperoxy, 9,14-dihydroxy, 9-hydroxy-12,13-epoxy, 9,14-dihydroperoxy, 13-hydroxy, 13-hydroperoxy, truncated C9-oxo and C9-carboxy sn-2 species of both SL-PS and LL-PS were docked to the crystal structure of Lp-PLA2 (PDBid : 3F9C, chain A)(41) to provide models for how different species interact with the protein that would help gain mechanistic insight into the molecular basis for the experimental data obtained. The active site of Lp-PLA2 is characterized by a catalytic triad composed of residues Ser273, Asp296 and His351 (Fig. 8A), which accomplish hydrolysis of the sn-2 ester bond. Thus, we analyzed in detail those docking poses in which the sn-2 ester bond of the different oxidized species of SL-PS and LL-PS was located in proximity (within 5Å) to Ser273 and His351. In particular, we looked for poses in which the side chain ‘O’ of Ser273 was close to the sn-2 carbonyl ‘O’ and the sn-2 ester ‘O’ atom faced the closest His251 ‘N’ atom (Fig. 8A, dashed lines). Table 3 lists the lowest binding energies, the number of poses satisfying this proximity criterion and the above-mentioned distances to Ser273 and His351 for the different oxidized species. The binding poses corresponding to -C9-oxo, -C9-carboxy, -9-hydroxy, -13-hydroperoxy, -9,14-dihydroxy of SL-PS and -9-hydroperoxy of both LL-PS and SL-PS species are shown in Fig. 8. In most cases, the phospholipid head groups of SL-PS and LL-PS bind close to a positively charged Lys370 (Fig. 8). This residue was shown previously to play a role in binding of HDL(46) and LDL(47) to LpPLA2. The -OH of the serine head-group of PS in most cases points towards Lys370 (Fig. 8B-D), although more rarely it points away from Lys370 (Fig. 8E), albeit still in proximity. This proximity, particularly when the serine head-group is facing Lys370, leaves only one reasonable choice for the location of the sn-1 acyl chain, which is to be buried in a hydrophobic pocket (Fig. 8). In general, the position of the sn-1 chain in the hydrophobic pocket is independent of the lipid species analyzed. The sn-1 acyl chain binding site is similar to the proposed platelet activating factor (PAF) binding site.(41)
Figure 8.
Molecular models of oxidized SL-PS and LL-PS bound to the crystal structure of Lp-PLA2.
(A). Cartoon representation of Lp-PLA2 in complex with a hydroperoxy group at C9 position of SL-PS. The residues corresponding to the catalytic triad, Ser273, Asp296, and His351 are colored in blue, green and yellow, respectively and rendered as sticks. The close proximity of the Ser273 side chain ‘O’ to sn-2 carbonyl ‘O’ and His351 ‘N’ atom to the sn-2 ester ‘O’ atom is highlighted using blue and yellow dashes, respectively. Surface representation of Lp-PLA2 with the predicted binding poses for hydroperoxy at C9, hydroxyl at C9 position, and hydroperoxy at C13 position of SL-PS is shown in (B), (C) and (D), respectively. The predicted binding interface of the (E) hydroperoxy group at C9 position of LLPS and (F) an overlay of hydroperoxy group at C9 position for both SL-PS (with carbons colored in cyan) and LL-PS species (with carbons colored in green). The surface is colored based on residue type in B-F. The residues corresponding to polar-, hydrophobic-, aromatic-, positively charged-, and negatively charged residues are colored in the order yellow, white, magenta, blue and red. The SL-PSox and LL-PSox are rendered as sticks in all cases. The Images were generated using Pymol software.(68)
Table 3.
Parameters obtained from molecular docking of non-oxidized and oxidized SL-PS/LL-PS species to the Lp-PLA2 structure using Autodock Vina (see Methods). The reported score corresponds to the lowest binding energy in each case.
sn-2 Species | PS (C18:0/C18:2) | PS (C18:2/C18:2) | ||||
Predicted Binding Energy (number of conformations) |
S273 (Å) |
H351 (Å) |
Predicted Binding Energy (number of conformations) |
S273 (Å) |
H351 (Å) |
Non-oxidized | −6.5 (1) | 4.42 | 6.41 | −6.2 (1) | 4.5 | 4.42 |
*C9-O | −7.3 (4) | 2.75 | 3.33 | −8.3 (3) | 2.76 | 3.40 |
*C9-OOH | −7.3 (6) | 2.83 | 3.28 | −7.3 (5) | 2.77 | 3.07 |
−9OH | −7.5 (3) | 2.89 | 3.46 | −7.5 (4) | 2.90 | 3.26 |
−9OOH | −7.4 (5) | 2.89 | 3.13 | −7.9 (6) | 2.96 | 2.82 |
−9OH-14OH | −7.8 (5) | 2.81 | 3.6 | −7.3 (5) | 2.77 | 3.48 |
−9OOH- 14OOH |
−6.8 (3) | 3.17 | 3.09 | −7.2 (5) | 2.87 | 3.07 |
−9OH- (12,13)O |
−6.8 (1) | 2.98 | 4.28 | −6.7 (1) | 2.79 | 5.08 |
−13OH | [−a) | − a) | − a) | − a) | − a) | − a) |
−13OOH | −7.4 (1) | 5.23 | 3.9 | −6.2 (1) | 4.07 | 5.42 |
Note: The predicted binding energy in Kcal/mol along with the total number of conformers bound in close proximity to the active site is provided in each case i.e., for the SL-PS/LL-PS and various SL-PSox/LL-PSox species. Furthermore, the distances between Ser273 side chain ‘O’ to sn-2 carbonyl ‘O’ and His251 ‘N’ atom to the sn-2 ester ‘O’ atom are listed for the conformation with where the distance was shortest.
denotes truncated species.
None of the predicted binding poses for 13-OH were in close proximity to the active catalytic site of PLA2. For this reason, no results are reported for 13-OH, based on our selection criteria as detailed in methods section.
What is the mechanism by which oxidized lipids bind in proximity to the catalytic active site? Although the energies predicted for the different lipid species did not differ drastically, non-oxidized PS does bind less preferentially as compared to oxidized species of both SL-PS and LL-PS (Table 3). Furthermore, a relatively larger number of conformations were observed in proximity of the catalytic site (Table 3). A detailed analysis of the environment of the OH and OOH groups in the different high-ranking poses suggests that a number of interactions by these groups with the protein contribute favorably to binding (Table 4). In particular, OH and OOH groups were frequently observed to interact with aromatic residues in the binding pocket, in particular Phe322 (in contact in poses for *C9-O, *C9-OOH, 9OOH, 9OH-14OH, 9OOH 14OOH) and Tyr324 (for *C9OOH, 9OH, 9OOH, 9OH-14OH, 9OOH-14OOH), but sometimes Phe110 (for *C9-OOH, 9OH-14OH), Tyr321 (9OH-14OH) or Trp298 (for *C9-OOH, 9OH-14OH) were involved. Polar interactions also play a role in some conformations, such as with Arg218 (for *C9-O, *C9-OOH, 9-OOH), Gln211 (for *C9-O), and Glu214 (for *C9-O, *C9-OOH, 9OOH, 9OH-14OH). There are also intramolecular interactions within the lipids observed, such as with the PS-phosphate (*C9-O, *C9-OOH, 9OH, 9OOH) or the PS-amino group (9OH-14OH). Thus predicted stabilization of oxidized lipids through molecular contacts is in line with the known specificity of Lp-PLA2 towards oxidized phospholipids (45) and provides mechanistic insight in to the underlying reasons for the stabilization. Further, the sn-2 ester bond in both LL-PS and SL-PS was positioned in proximity to both Ser273 and His351 in the case of oxidatively fragmented species at the C9 position as compared to C13 position (Table 3). This suggests that one should expect the truncated sn-2 species to be preferred substrates, followed by C9-oxygenated non-truncated isomers, compared to C13-isomers - in line with the effectiveness of the hydrolysis of different oxidized PS species observed experimentally.
Table 4.
Amino acids in proximity to OH and OOH groups on oxidized lipids. Bound ligand conformations predicted by Autodock Vina are numbered according to their rank 1-9 and their dentity is given in brackets behind the contact residue. Only PS (C18:0/C18:2) were evaluated.
sn-2 Species | Contact residue(s) [Conformation(s)] | |
*C9-O | Phosphate of PS [2,4], Phe322 [2,4], Arg218 [5], Gln211 [6], Glu214 [6] | |
*C9-OOH | Phosphate of PS [1,6], Phe322 [2], Arg218 [3], Glu214 [3], Phe110 [4], Tyr324 [5], Trp298 [5] |
−9OH | Phosphate of PS [1], Tyr324 [2], none [3] | |
-9OOH | Phosphate of PS [1,2,3], Tyr324 [1,2,3], Phe322 [1,2,3], Glu214 [4], Arg218 [4], none [6] |
-9OH-14OH | −9OH | −14OH |
Amine of PS [1], Phe322 [1], Tyr 321 [2], Glu214 [3], Trp298 [3], Tyr324 [4,6], Trp298 [6] |
Phe110 [1], Leu111 [1], Amine of PS [2], none [3,4], Glu214 [6] |
−9OOH- 14OOH |
−9OOH | −14OOH |
Phe322 [1], none [2], Tyr324 [3] | Leu111 [1], none [2,3] |
As a member of the PLA2 superfamily, Lp-PLA2 has a distinguishing characteristic that it is highly specific for the type of the sn-2 residue to be hydrolyzed. In particular, phospholipid truncated oxidation products of the abundant sn-2 linoleoyl-containing phospholipids that harbor 9-carbon-long ω-aldehyde or carboxylate functions, are efficiently hydrolyzed by the enzyme.(48) Because circulating Lp-PLA2 is produced by inflammatory cells, bound to lipoproteins and accumulates in human atherosclerotic lesions – the role of the enzyme in metabolism of oxidized PC species was the major focus of many studies.(22, 45) Lp-PLA2 effectively degrades oxidiatively modified phospholipids present in oxidized LDL, particularly PCox, to yield two pro-inflammatory mediators - lyso-PC and oxidized non-esterified fatty acids – both of which may play a role in the development of atherosclerotic lesions and formation of a necrotic core, leading to more vulnerable plaques.(22, 23, 48-50) Recent work has documented essential role of oxidatively truncated PC and its Lp-PLA2 hydrolysis products for TNFα-induced cell death.(51) The biological role of Lp-PLA2 in metabolic conversions of other oxidatively modified phospholipids, particularly of anionic phospholipids, was largely neglected. Among the latter, PS and its oxidation products have been identified as signals essential for prompt and selective removal of “unwanted” or harmful cells, including apoptotic cells, acting as apoptotic cell-associated molecular patterns (ACAMPs).(52) Recognition of PS-based ACAMPs by specific macrophage receptors is an intrinsic part of “programmed clearance” of apoptotic cells at sites of inflammation that plays an important role in the resolution of the inflammatory process.(32)
Recently, we demonstrated that phospholipid peroxidation in vivo induced by a number of “oxidative stress” inducing factors - eg, gamma-irradiation, hyperoxia, traumatic brain injury – follows a specific non-random pattern in which two anionic phospholipids, a mitochondria-specific cardiolipin (CL), and extra-mitochondrial PS, represent the major oxidation substrates. In contrast, more abundant and highly polyunsaturated PC and phosphatidylethanolamine are not involved in the peroxidation process.(53, 54) We identified cyt c as a potent catalyst of these peroxidation reactions taking place in mitochondria early during the initiation of cell death program and in extra-mitochondrial compartments later during the execution of apoptosis.(28) Biologically, these peroxidation reactions were related to two signaling functions: i) participation of CL peroxidation products in mitochondrial membrane permeabilization(28) and ii) involvement of PS peroxidation products in the externalization process and recognition of PS and oxidatively modified PS species by putative receptors of professional phagocytes.(26) Possible hydrolysis of peroxidized species of either CL or PS by PLAs and likely roles of the hydrolysis products in regulation of apoptosis and phagocytosis have not been studied.
In the current work, we employed LC-MS to characterize the hydrolysis pathways of Lp-PLA2 towards peroxidized species of PS. For the first time we demonstrated that oxidized PS can be used by Lp-PLA2 as a substrate. Lp-PLA2 is highly effective in catalyzing the hydrolysis of different non-truncated and truncated peroxidized species of SL-PSox and LL-PSox formed by cyt c/H2O2 driven-catalysis. Expectedly, oxygenated species of linoleic acid and non-oxidized stearoyl-lyso-PS constituted the major products of hydrolysis when SL-PSox was used as a substrate. Notably, 9-isomers of oxygenated linoleic acid were dominating as hydrolysis products. Further, hydroxy-derivatives of linoleic acids, particularly the 9-hydroxy-form, participate in regulatory pathways through interaction with recently described receptor for long-chain fatty acids, G2A. The receptor mediates intracellular signaling events such as intracellular calcium mobilization and JNK activation as well as the secretion of cytokines (interleukin-6 and - 8); it also blocks cell cycle progression at the G1 phase in response to ligands.(55)
We also established that oxidation of doubly polyunsaturated PS resulted in the formation of PS poly-oxygenated products with hydroperoxy- and hydroxy-groups located at both sn-1 and sn-2 positions. Lp-PLA2 utilized 9-stereo-isomers of peroxidized LL-PS as a preferred substrate for the catalytic hydrolysis yielding 9-oxygenated derivatives of linoleic acid. Finally, Lp-PLA2 is effective in catabolism of oxidatively fragmented PSox species - in line with previously demonstrated effectiveness of Lp-PLA2 in hydrolyzing truncated oxidized PC species.(30, 45, 48) It is conceivable that both long-chain oxygenated derivatives of linoleic acid as well as its truncated oxidatively modified fragments will be released by Lp-PLA2. The yield of these respective products will be dependent on the relative abundance of different PS oxidation products which, in turn, are determined by specific peroxidation pathways. Considering that cyt c may be a major catalyst of PS oxidation in pro-apoptotic conditions, it is likely that oxygenated long-chain fatty acid residues may dominate as the products of PS peroxidation. Detailed analysis of these PS peroxidation/hydrolysis products may lead to the identification of meaningful biomarkers of non-random oxidative stress in phospholipids.
To obtain molecular insights into the underlying mechanisms for the experimentally found selectivity in hydrolysis of different lipid species, we investigated the structural basis for the interaction of Lp-PLA2 with different oxidized and non-oxidized PS species. While a catalytic dyad with His and Asp residues has been identified in many PLA2s, a catalytically essential Ser273 is present in two major cytosolic PLA2s - GIVA and GVIA (56) as well as in Lp-PLA2. In the latter case, the active site is composed of a catalytic triad involving Ser, His and Asp, whereby Ser273 acts as a nucleophile that attacks the sn-2 ester bond of phospholipids. (57) Thus, the arrangement of the sn-2 ester bond in close proximity to Ser273 might explain the specificity for differential hydrolysis observed experimentally for the different oxygenated molecular species. Especially, for the SL-PSox and LL-PSox species with a hydroxy- and hydroperoxy- group at the C9 position (9-hydroxy- or 9-hydroperoxy-), which are hydrolyzed preferentially, the sn-2 ester bond of these species is predicted to bind very close (< 3Å) to Ser273 compared to other species. Thus, the closer the oxygenated group is to the sn-2 ester bond of the species (i.e, oxygenation at C9 is closer than C13), the more amenable that species is to hydrolysis by Lp-PLA2. While there are only subtle differences in the predicted energies between SL-PS and LL-PS, the conclusion that there is specificity of Lp-PLA2 for C9 versus C13 oxidized lipids from the observed experimental results and the proximity to Ser273 is further supported by the observation that multiple conformers are predicted to bind closer to the active site in the case of oxygenated species at C9 position as compared to C13, regardless of SL-PSox versus LL-PSox. These results are also in agreement with previous studies which indicated that Lp-PLA2 can cleave oxidized lipids in the sn-2 position up to 9 carbons long.(58)
In order to understand the mechanisms by which the sn-2 ester bond may be brought close to the active site, we investigated the different binding poses predicted by computer modeling. We find that the hydroxy- and hydroperoxy-groups in particular at the C9 position bind in close proximity to aromatic residues that surround the binding pocket, especially Tyr324 and Phe322 (Fig. 8B,C, aromatics are shaded in pink). These residues may participate in the stabilization of the interactions with these lipid species via OH donation by the oxidized lipids to pi systems of surrounding aromatic residues in Lp-PLA2. In the C13-OOH case, but also in some poses obtained for the truncated C9 species and in 9OOH, there is a stabilizing interaction with positive charges on Lp-PLA2 (Fig. 8D). These additional stabilizing interactions afforded by the oxidation groups positions the sn 2 ester bond in oxidized species closer to the catalytic site, thus resulting in the experimentally observed preference observed in the hydrolysis of species with oxidation at C9 position by Lp-PLA2. LC-MS experimental data indicates that truncated sn-2 species of oxidatively modified PS are better substrates for Lp-PLA2 than respective long-chain oxygenated species of PS, consistent with the computer modeling results.
The information on possible involvement of oxidatively modified forms of PS and their metabolites in inflammation is starting to emerge. It has been shown that products of peroxidized PS hydrolysis - lyso-PS and oxygenated forms of linoleic acid - may act as signals by regulating anti- and pro-inflammatory responses.(14, 15) However, MS-based analysis of peroxidation/hydrolysis products formed from PS has not been performed. Our findings of oxygenated forms of lyso-PS whereby oxygenated fatty acid residues are located at either sn-1 or sn-2 positions suggest that these unusual PS species may be also involved in yet to be identified signaling pathways of apoptosis and phagocytosis possibly contributing to the development of inflammation. In fact, macrophage receptors – such as scavenger receptors and other putative receptors of PS and PSox – that mediate uptake of oxidatively modified lipoproteins - are also implicated in the recognition of apoptotic cells along with other known receptors – TIM-3, TIM-4, G2A.(59, 60) Interestingly, a recent study demonstrated a role for lyso-PS in enhancing the in vitro clearance of dying neutrophils via the G2A receptor.(31) It is noteworthy from the observations made in our studies that Lp-PLA2 is capable of generating various ligands for the G2A receptor: HODEs, lyso-PS and lyso-PC. Moreover, PS and lyso-PLs are tightly bound to human CD1 molecules (a family of β2-microglobulin associated glycoproteins) at the cell surface and are involved in recognition by T lymphocytes.(59) Interestingly, oxidatively modified PC species have been reported to induce an unusual macrophage phenotype (Mox) that has been associated with the severity of atherosclerotic lesions and chronic inflammation.(61) Surprisingly, the influence of PSox species externalized on the surface of apoptotic cells - directly recognizable by macrophages(17, 31, 36) – as well as their hydrolysis products as determinants of macrophage phenotype in pro-inflammatory environments remains poorly understood.
Free radical peroxidation of phospholipids has been notoriously qualified as one of the major mechanisms of membrane damage occurring in a number of disease conditions. (62) The widely accepted concept of oxidative stress – induced by excessive formation of ROS and other radical intermediates – has leads to numerous clinical trials whose results and subsequent meta-analysis turned out to be less than satisfying.(8, 63-65) The reasons for these disappointments may be associated with poor understanding of enzymatic catalytic mechanisms involved in the production of “oxidative stress” as well as with under-appreciation of the specific signaling (rather than non-specific deleterious) roles of oxidatively modified lipids. While the pathways triggered by PLA2-driven release of eicosanoids, docosapentanoids and docosahexanoids and their subsequent oxygenation by cyclooxygenases and lipoxygenases have been well characterized (66, 67) the role and biology of peroxidzed phospholipids as precursors of biologically active molecules is markedly less studied. Further investigations of the enzymatic metabolic pathways involved in peroxidation of phospholipids and subsequent hydrolysis of their oxidized species leading to the production of important lipid regulators are important. For example, the current work provides a reason to study the biological consequences of having apoptotic cells, together with their extracellular facing oxidized phospholipids, in close conjunction with secreted Lp-PLA2 derived from its primary cellular source, the professional phagocyte, the activated macrophage.
Supported by NIH HL70755, ES020693, ES021068, U19 AIO68021, NS076511, and by NIOSH OH008282.
- A-PS
- CL
diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid
- diHODE
dihydroxy-octadecadienoic acid
epoxy-octadecenoic acid
free fatty acids
hydroperoxy-octadecadienoic acid
hydroxy-octadecadienoic acid
- Lp-PLA2
Lipoprotein-associated phopsholipase A2
- Lyso-PL
- PC
- PS
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