Vol. 160: 978–989, 2012
Deng W., Chen G., Peng F., Truska M., Snyder C.L., and Weselake R.J. Transparent Testa16 Plays Multiple Roles in Plant Development and Is Involved in Lipid Synthesis and Embryo Development in Canola.
In Figure 1A for this article, the expression levels of BnTT16s in 15-DAF embryos and 25-DAF embryos were listed incorrectly. The corrected version of Figure 1A is printed below. Additionally, the description of Figure 1A in the first paragraph on p. 980 should read as follows: “Although the expression levels of the four TT16s varied, they all have the highest expression level in the pistil of open flowers (0 d after flowering [DAF]).”