The present study was designed to assess the importance of ovine neosporosis in abortion of Iraninan sheep. Seventy aborted foetuses and dams from ovine dairy farms in northwest of Iran were analyzed to investigate the role of Neospora caninum (N. caninum) in ovine abortion. Diagnosis of the infection was determined by serology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A total of 70 aborted dairy ovine were blood sampled and used to evaluate serological status for N. caninum infection by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and extracted DNA from the same aborted foetuses were subjected to PCR. Data were compared using Kruscal-Wallis test. From A total of the 70 sheeps, four (5.7 %) of the dams were seropositive. DNA from aborted foetuses was extracted primarily from placenta and CNS tissues. Extracted DNA from foetuses were analyzed using PCR with primers Np21+ and Np6+. Out of the 70 ovine fetuses 8.5 % were considered to be infected by PCR. This study confirms the importance of N. caninum as an important cause of ovine abortion in northwest of Iran.
Keywords: Neospora caninum, Abortion, Ovine
Neosporosis, caused by the protozoan N. caninum, is an important cause of bovine abortion (Anderson et al. 1991), and neurological alterations in dogs (Barber and Trees 1998). It can also cause abortion or neonatal mortality in other animal species, including sheep, goats, horse, and deer (Dubey 2003). N. caninum was first described as a natural infection in sheep in a congenitally infected lamb in England (Dubey et al. 1990). Subsequently, naturally occurring ovine neosporosis has been reported in Japan, South America and Switzerland (Koyama et al. 2001; Hassig et al. 2003; Moore et al. 2005). Although N. caninum was shown to cause mortality in new born lambs and congenital infection in naturally exposed sheep, it is not regarded as a significant cause of abortion in sheep (Dubey et al. 1990; Dubey and Lindsay 1990; Buxton et al. 1998; Helmick et al. 2002).
Natural infection in sheep and goat is uncommon and only a few cases of abortion or congenital disease have been reported (Barr et al. 1992; Dubey et al. 1992; Dubey and Lindsay 1996; Lindsay et al. 1995; Corbellini et al. 2001; Dubey 2003). The role of N. caninum as a cause of natural abortion in small ruminants needs to be investigated, since their experimental inoculation with N. caninum during pregnancy causes a condition very similar to that observed in cattle (Buxton et al. 2002). In Iran, several serological surveys have allowed the detection of antibodies to N. caninum in cattle herds from different areas of the country (Sadrebazzaz et al. 2004), but no data are available about the infection in sheep.
Diagnosis of N. caninum is difficult, due to the vague nature of early clinical signs and low numbers of parasites in infected tissues (Ellis et al. 1999). Furthermore clinical signs and pathological lesions in sheep are similar to those induced in them by Toxoplasma gondii. Therefore, specific serological tests such as the ELISA for the dam and specific direct tests such as PCR for the fetus are prerequisites to reliably confirm the diagnosis of the infectious agent causing abortion, which may have already been indicated by histopathology. Thus the objective of the present study were to determine the presence of antibodies to N. caninum in serum samples from dams by ELISA and presence of the parasite genome in different foetal tissues from the same sheep by PCR.
Materials and methods
During breeding season 2009–2010, 15 flocks, with reported abortions in late gestation period, were investigated. Tissue and blood samples were collected from 70 ewes with abortion. The animals belonged to two breeds, including Ghezel and Makuii.
Serum samples
70 Blood samples were collected from 70 aborting ewes when abortion was identified. Blood samples were taken using disposable needles (venoject). All samples were immediately transported to the diagnostic laboratory. Serum was removed after centrifugation at 1,000 × g for 10 min. All sera were divided equally into two micro tubes and stored at −20 °C until the test.
All sera were tested for antibody activity to N. caninum by using the commercially available ELISA kit (IDEXX Laboratories) coated with N. caninum antigen. Instead of the HRP conjucated anti-bovine IgG recommended in the commerical kit, HRP conjugated rabbit anti-bovine IgG was used to assay the sheep sera. A checker board titration was applied to obtain the optimal concentration of the HRP conjugated anti–ruminant IgG. Results are calculated as a corrected sample to positive (S/P) ratio (ODSample − ODNeg)/(ODPos − ODNeg)−100) and expressed in percent. Positive control sera were perpared from three sheep infected experimentally by N. caninum infected sheeps. All serum samples were analyzed twice.
DNA extraction of tissues
Diagnostic specimens were also collected from brain, liver, gastric content and placenta of the aborted foetuses for genomic DNA isolation. Approximately, 5–10 g of each sample were taken selectively from different anatomic regions of the mentioned tissues were homogenized and powdered separately under liquid nitrogen, transferred to microtubes, and then stored at −20 ºC until further use. Total DNA was extracted from approximately 200 mg powdered tissues using a Aquaprep DNA Tissue kit (Bioneer, S. Korea) according to manufacture instructions. DNA concentration was measured in 260 and 280 nm (Biophotometer plus, eppendorf, Germany). Electrophoresis of each DNA sample on 0.5 % agarose gel in 1X TBE buffer was undertaken to check the integrity of the DNA. A 60 μl aliquot of total DNA was produced from each sample and stored at −20 ºC until required for PCR analysis.
PCR primers
Neospora caninum specific primer pair; Np21+ Forward (3′ AAC ACT ACG ACT TGC AAT CC 5′) and Np6+ Reverse (3′ GGT TCC TTA GGA CTC CGT CG 5′) that anneals to repetetive region of the parasite genome were used for molecular diagnosis of the parasite (Muller et al. 1996). Furthermore, two primers were included; BA1 Forward (5′ GAG AAG CTG TGC TAC GTC GC 3′) and BA2 Reverse (5′ CCA GAC AGC ACT GTG TTG GC 3′) that target a part of the Beta actin gene were considered as an internal control.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
All PCR reactions were performed in a 20 μl volume with 1 μl of sample containing 100 ng DNA, 0.4 μl of 0.2 mM dNTPs mix, 1.4 μl of 3.5 Mm MgSo4, 2 μl of PCR buffer, 0.12 μl of 0.6 U of platinm Taq polymerase, 0.4 μl of 0.2 Mm of each primer. PCR was performed in a thermocycler (primus 96, MWGA, GmBH, Germany) with the following conditions: Initial denaturation at 95 °C for 5 min, followed by 40 cycle at 94 °C for 1 min, 63 °C for 1 min and 72 °C for 2 min, with a final extension of 72 °C for 10 min. A non template control (water blank) and a positive control DNA from N. caninum (NC-5 strain) included in each PCR run. Amplification products were analyzed by electrophoresis through a 2 % agarose gel and stained with ethidium bromide.
Statistical analysis
Datas were compared using Kruscal-Wallis test with the SPSS version 19 program. The differences were not significant among the two groups at the confidence interval of 95 %.
The average gestational time of all registered abortions varied considerably (range 1–5 months). N. caninum was detected by means of PCR in six aborted ovine foetuses from different ewes. A placentitis was observed in the same cases (Data not shown). Of the 70 aborted foetuses and their dam sampled, four (5.7 %) of the dams were seropositive for antibodies to N. caninum.
DNA was successfully extracted from all samples and Beta actin gene was shown in all tissue samples (brain, liver, lung, gastric content and placenta). Aborted fetuses from the same seropositive and two seronegative ewes had N. caninum DNA at least in one type of their tissues (Table 1).The PCR demonstrated that four of six aborted foetal brain samples were infected by N. caninum. The primers Np21+ and Np6+ were used to amplify a 328 bp fragment of the repetitive region of the parasite genome (Fig 1).
Table 1.
No. | Breed | Ewe # | Ewe age | Elisa status | PCR (Np21+ and Np6+) result in: fetal | ||||
Brain | Liver | Lung | Gastric content | Placenta | |||||
1 | Makui | 190 | 2.5 | + | + | – | – | – | + |
2 | Makui | 4261 | 3 | + | + | – | – | – | + |
3 | Makui | 0052 | 2 | + | – | – | + | – | + |
4 | Ghezel | 27 | 2 | + | – | – | – | – | + |
5 | Ghezel | 1613 | 2 | – | + | – | – | – | + |
6 | Ghezel | 7830 | 2.5 | – | + | – | + | – | + |
Presence of N. caninum antibodies in aborted and healthy dairy cattle has been detected (Sadrebazzaz et al. 2004; Razmi et al. 2006), but there has been no information about ovine abortion associated with N. caninum by complex techniques in Iran. In our study, four of the 70 dams were diagnosed as seropositive by N. caninum using ELISA. Similar results were found in Brazil by Figliuolo et al. (2004) who, showed sero–prevalence to be less than 10 %. In contrast, in Brazil Soares et al. (2009) and Vogel et al. (2006) found a sero–prevalence of 1.81 % and 3.2 % N. caninum, respectively. In Italy, Gaffari et al. (2006) in a large study of 1,010 sheeps without abortion, reported a sero-prevalence of about 2 %. On the other hand, in Great Britain, in aborting sheep only sporadic 0.45 % sero–prevalence of N. caninum was found (Helmick et al. 2002). A relatively high N. caninum sero-prevalence (10.3 %) was observed in Switzerland (Hassig et al. 2003) and in the Czech Republic, (12 %) (Bártová et al. 2009). The variability of these results may be due to the common practice of running sheep with beef cattle which is common in Iran, the use of farm working dogs in these flocks, age, differences in management conditions, environment and the serological techniques employed. In our study, no significant correlation was demonstrated in infection rates in different ages in herds. These results are in agreement with Sadrebazzaz et al.(2004) who reported no significant difference in seropositivity for different age groups of cattle. It seems the relationship between age and sero-prevelance in ovine neosporosis is speculative. Some reports suggest that N. caninum sero-prevalence in pure breed can be higher than crossbreed, suggesting that imported animals have a greater neosporosis risk than local breeds (Guimarães et al. 2004; Akca et al. 2005). But in our study, we did not found any significant differences among sheep breeds included in the present study.
In this study, N. caninum DNA was detected in only 8.5 % of ovine foetuses. Our study is higher than that of the 2 % of the ovine from Italy (Masala et al. 2007). Based on the results of PCR using extracted DNA from placenta, it might be concluded that PCR amplification of target gene to detect N. caninum DNA in placenta samples was considered a valuable tool for the diagnosis of abortion caused by N. caninum. In the present study,100 % of N. caninum of fetal placenta were diagnosed by PCR. This value was different as reported in other studies. Masala et al. (2007) reported that 9 ovine placentae (11.8 %) yielded positive PCR agents. In addition, there are two hypotheses to explain the complete absence or the presence of only small numbers of organisms in the placenta of N. caninum seropositive ovine: (1) The infection occurs in mid gestation and at the time of parturition N. caninum organisms are no longer present in the placentas, (2) N. caninum has a tropism for the nervous tissues and is not prevalent in placenta (Bergeron et al. 2001).
Concerning fetal diagnosis, detection of compatible lesions by histology and parasites by PCR in brain (as well as heart and liver) are the best choices for fetal diagnosis.
Histopathological studies have shown that tissue cyct occurs mostly in CNC. In this study, the second highest frequency was observed in PCR using extracted DNA from fetal brain. Our study is consistent with previous studies showing tissue parasites detected most frequently in brain by PCR (Dubey and Schares 2006).
The parasite was not shown in any of the DNA samples from gastric content. Since the parasite spread through trans–placental transmission to the foetus, and it needs to become enclosed in parasitophorous vacuoles, where they divide rapidly by endodyogeny, the entrance of the tachyzoites to gastric content might be uncommon. Thus, this result emphasizes the observation that many sections from a number of tissues may need to be tested in order to detect some parasitic infection (Jenkins et al. 1997). Any study of this type suffers from the possibility that parasites may happen to be absent in the portion of tissue tested and will not therefore be detected. Our results show that homogenization of the tissue before sampling may overcome this limitation when using a PCR as a tool for diagnosis of the parasite. These results emphasized the necessity of combining these complementary techniques to enhance detection of N. caninum infections in ewes and aborted foetuses.
Two of the PCR positive aborting fetuses were negative by ELISA. These negative conclusions, could be due to the limited immuno–competence in sheeps or the short interval between infection and foetal death, or can be a phenomenon of antibody falling titer just after abortion.
Since the titers of antibody may be affected by abortion, PCR had a crucial role in diagnosis of the parasite in foetal tissues and placenta of aborted fetus is the best site for detection of the parasite by PCR. In the present study, a good agreement between ELISA and PCR was observed, and in our study, PCR was used as the sensitive technique.
In conclusion, our findings confirmed the serology and molecular results of other studies about N. caninum infection and it seems to support the hypothesis that Neospora infection is associated with ovine abortion in Iran. Based on these results, it may be prudent to prevent dogs from ingesting placentas and aborted foetuses from seropositive ovine.
The study was supported financially by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz, Iran.
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