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. 2012 Oct 19;14(2):259–272. doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxs036

Incorporating auxiliary information for improved prediction in high-dimensional datasets: an ensemble of shrinkage approaches

Philip S Boonstra 1,*, Jeremy MG Taylor 1, Bhramar Mukherjee 1
PMCID: PMC3590922  PMID: 23087411


With advancement in genomic technologies, it is common that two high-dimensional datasets are available, both measuring the same underlying biological phenomenon with different techniques. We consider predicting a continuous outcome Y using X, a set of p markers which is the best available measure of the underlying biological process. This same biological process may also be measured by W, coming from a prior technology but correlated with X. On a moderately sized sample, we have (Y,X,W), and on a larger sample we have (Y,W). We utilize the data on W to boost the prediction of Y by X. When p is large and the subsample containing X is small, this is a p>n situation. When p is small, this is akin to the classical measurement error problem; however, ours is not the typical goal of calibrating W for use in future studies. We propose to shrink the regression coefficients β of Y on X toward different targets that use information derived from W in the larger dataset. We compare these proposals with the classical ridge regression of Y on X, which does not use W. We also unify all of these methods as targeted ridge estimators. Finally, we propose a hybrid estimator which is a linear combination of multiple estimators of β. With an optimal choice of weights, the hybrid estimator balances efficiency and robustness in a data-adaptive way to theoretically yield a smaller prediction error than any of its constituents. The methods, including a fully Bayesian alternative, are evaluated via simulation studies. We also apply them to a gene-expression dataset. mRNA expression measured via quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction is used to predict survival time in lung cancer patients, with auxiliary information from microarray technology available on a larger sample.

Keywords: Cross-validation, Generalized ridge, Mean squared prediction error, Measurement error

1. Introduction

As sequencing and array technologies change, multiple platforms can measure the same biological quantity of interest. Often investigators have measurements using an older technology on a large sample and those from a newer technology on a subset of this sample. We are interested in predicting an outcome using the newer measurements, which is a statistical problem of fitting a prediction model for Y |X, where Y is the outcome and X is the p-dimensional vector of biomarkers. One such model is a linear regression:

1. (1.1)

On nA subjects, we have Y , X, and W, where W, also of length p, measures the same biomarkers as does X but with a prior technology. A model for W|X consistent with this motivating context is

1. (1.2)

Here Ip is the identity matrix and ψ, ν, and τ are scalars. For notational simplicity, we develop methods under the assumption β0=ψ=0. Both quantities are estimated in our analyses.

The quantity nA is of modest size, such that p>nA. Additionally, nB observations of Y and W are available. Assume p<nB. Denote subsamples A and B (each assumed to be from the same population) by (yA,xA,wA) and (yB,wB), respectively. Using this notation, xB, the set of X's from subsample B, is missing. Figure1 gives a schematic representation. xA is also standardized, i.e. if xij is from the ith row and jth column, Inline graphic and Inline graphic, j=1,…,p.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

The schematic representation of the prediction problem: (yA,xA,wA) constitutes subsample A, of size nA, and (yB,wB) constitutes subsample B, of size nB. The covariates represented by xB are considered missing. The quantity W is an error/prone noisy version of X. The goal is to utilize the data on W to boost the prediction of Y by X.

The goal is a prediction model for Ynew|Xnew for a new subject: Inline graphic. Predictive performance of Inline graphic is measured by mean squared prediction error (MSPE), defined as

1. (1.3)

where indicates the trace operator, and the expectation is over Ynew,Xnew,yA,yB|xA,wA,wB. We consider two questions: (i) How can the auxiliary information in subsample B be used in the prediction of Y |X? (ii) When does using such information lead to an improved MSPE?

A simple approach, which ignores subsample B, is ordinary least squares of yA on xA, i.e. Inline graphic. However, (xAxA)−1 does not exist for p>nA. Even for pnA, multicollinearity of the covariates may lead to variance inflation and numerical instability. Ridge regression (ridg) (Hoerl and Kennard, 1970) can ameliorate these issues by shrinking coefficients toward zero, i.e. Inline graphic. This can be viewed from a Bayesian perspective: given a normal prior on β with mean 0p and precision σ−2λIp, the ridg coefficients are the posterior mode for a given λ. Hoerl and Kennard showed that there exists λ>0 which decreases the mean squared error of Inline graphic, Inline graphic, compared with λ=0. ridg penalizes the L2 norm; other methods exist which constrain the Ld norm for some d (e.g. Frank and Friedman, 1993. In contrast to variable selection procedures, which might use an L1 penalty, our goal is using auxiliary information to boost prediction, and so we restrict attention to ridge-type estimators.

Dempster and others (1977) evaluate 57 variants of shrinkage estimators and argue for ridg. Draper and van Nostrand (1979) are critical of ridg because of difficulties in choosing the parameter λ. However, Craven and Wahba (1979) and Li (1986) demonstrate the asymptotic optimality of the generalized cross-validation (GCV) function in selecting λ. Simulation studies Gelfand, 1986; Frank and Friedman, 1993 demonstrate good prediction properties of ridg for many choices of β. Rao (1975) generalizes ridg to allow for different levels of shrinkage between each coefficient. Swindel (1976) proposes ridge estimators that take into account prior information, changing the direction of shrinkage. Casella (1980) and Maruyama and Strawderman (2005) propose variants of ridge estimators with minimax properties. Sclove (1968) adapts the shrinkage estimator of James and Stein (1961) (JS) which, for p>3, uniformly beats the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of β in terms of MSE. Gruber (1998) offers a unified treatment of different kinds of JS and ridge estimators from frequentist and Bayesian points of view.

By incorporating subsample B, this may be viewed as a problem of combining multiple estimators. George (1986) proposes JS estimators that shrink toward multiple targets. Green and Strawderman (1991) consider a targeted JS estimator: an unbiased estimator is shrunk toward a biased but more efficient estimator so as to minimize MSE under certain assumptions. LeBlanc and Tibshirani (1996) propose linear combinations of regression coefficients to improve prediction error. This bias and variance trade-off in combining estimators has been used in recent genetic studies((Chen and others, 2009)).

For p<nA, the problem closely resembles that of measurement error (ME) in the covariates, W being an error-prone version of X. Fuller (1987) and Carroll and others (2006) review ME methods for unbiased and efficient inference on β. In linear regression, using W instead of X gives biased estimates of β. However, this substitution is typically not problematic for predicting Ynew with Inline graphic. Our prediction model of interest being Y given X, this bias in Inline graphic from using W instead of X does bias Inline graphic away from Ynew. Regression calibration, which fills in each missing X with its conditional expectation given W, may provide unbiased estimates of β and therefore Ynew. In contrast, although the substitution of X by W gives biased estimates of β, it may reduce the variance of estimates of β relative to regression calibration (Buzas and others, 2005) and consequently reduce MSPE. Even for p<nA, then, it is not evident that the regression calibration algorithm is best for making predictions with Inline graphic.

This paper makes several new contributions. We consider an important but non-standard prediction problem which has not yet received a rigorous mathematical treatment. We introduce a class of targeted ridge (TR) estimators, borrowing ideas from the shrinkage and regression calibration literature. We also consider combining an ensemble of TR estimators, as in Green and Strawderman (1991). In contrast to minimizing MSE, we determine the shrinkage weights adaptively so as to minimize MSPE. Interestingly, one is able to combine two or more biased estimators of β for better prediction than any individual estimator. This result applies to a linear combination of any set of estimates of β. We evaluate all of these estimators via simulation studies and a data analysis.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section2, we unify ridg and regression calibration methods under a class of TR estimators. In Section3, we propose hybrid estimators that achieve superior prediction by data-adaptively combining multiple estimators. Section4 gives a fully Bayesian alternative and Section5 presents a simulation study. Section6 applies the methods: survival time (Y) in lung cancer patients is predicted with quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) data (X), aided by microarray data (W) from a larger sample. Section7 concludes with a discussion. Analytical details are in supplementary material available at Biostatistics online.

2. Targeted shrinkage

For p>nA, ordinary least squares using subsample A is not applicable. In fact, when Xnew is not in the column space of xA, no unbiased estimate of Xnewβ using only subsample A exists (Rao, 1945). A biased alternative is ridge regression (Hoerl and Kennard, 1970,

2. (2.1)

ridg is equivalent to adding λ to each eigenvalue of xAxA, thus allowing the matrix inversion. The coefficient estimates are shrunk to zero, more so for larger values of λ. That the ridge estimator is applicable for p>nA is crucial in our setting. Shrinkage estimators from Sclove (1968) and Casella (1980) make use of unbiased estimators of β and hence are not directly applicable for p>nA situations.

For ridge regression, Craven and Wahba (1979) proposed to select λ using the GCV function, choosing the λ that minimizes

2. (2.2)

where Θ is an arbitrary p×p positive semi-definite (PSD) matrix. Rao (1975) suggested that any PSD matrix Ω−1β can replace Ip in (2.1). Swindel (1976) proposed to shrink toward a non-null vector γβ. From the Bayesian perspective, these replace the prior precision σ−2λIp in ridg with σ−2λΩ−1β and the prior mean 0p with γβ. The posterior mode is

2. (2.3)
2. (2.4)

Gruber (1998, p.241) calls this a generalized ridge estimator. Because “generalized ridge” has been used for several distinct methods in the shrinkage literature, we instead call this a TR estimator, referring to shrinkage toward a target γβ. The estimator in (2.4) gives the three terms Inline graphic which determine the general class of TR estimators. As we shall see, different estimators, we propose either implicitly or explicitly specify values for Inline graphic. In particular, ridg is a TR estimator: Inline graphic.

As stated in (1.3), Inline graphic. Thus, we calculate the MSPE of a TR estimator from its bias and variance, taking expectations over the response distribution yA,yB|xA,wA,wB:

2. (2.5)
2. (2.6)

These expressions assume that λ and Ω−1β are fixed with respect to yA,yB|xA,wA,wB but allow γβ to be data-dependent. A TR estimator may use a true prior, as in ridg, in which case γβ is fixed.

We now propose several other TR estimators. If xB were observed, logical selections of γβ and Ω−1β would be Inline graphic and xBxB, respectively, with λ=1, giving the estimator Inline graphic. In the absence of xB, the naïve inclination is to regress yB on wB and use Inline graphic and wBwB as γβ and Ω−1β, that is, use wB itself as an imputation for xB. We first consider approaches that derive a replacement for the missing xB which may be better than wB. This is obtained by modeling W|X based on the relationship observed in subsample A and thereby inducing data-driven values of γβ and Ω−1β. From the ME perspective, this is regression calibration. These TR estimators fix λ=1 (data-adaptive estimation of λ may be done using, e.g. a GCV criterion).

Structural regression calibration (src): A distribution on X and the ME model for W|X imply a value of [X|W]. src fills in the missing xB with its conditional expectation given wB. Assuming that X is normal, say Np{μX,ΣX}, implies that X|W is also normal. Let Inline graphic. From properties of the conditional distribution of X|W,

2. (2.7)
2. (2.8)

We suppress the dependence on θ of xsrcB(θ), M(θ), and V(θ) hereafter. This is a precision-weighted average of Inline graphic and (1/ν)wB. Using (2.4), define Inline graphic, with Inline graphic and Inline graphic. In the ME literature, src is the standard “Regression Calibration” approach. We append “Structural” (Carroll and others, 2006, p.25), referring to a distributional assumption about X, to distinguish from its “Functional” alternative, which does not assume this, proposed as follows.

Functional regression calibration (frc): Solving (1.2), W=νX+τξ, for X gives X=(1/ν)W−(τ/ν)ξ. Another natural estimate of xB, and consequently a corresponding γβ and Ω−1β, is therefore

2. (2.9)

This gives a TR estimate defined as Inline graphic. This imputation for xB is a scaled version of a substitution of wB for xB, to which frc is equivalent when ν=1, i.e. under the classical ME model. In supplementary material available at Biostatistics online (Appendix A), we conduct extensive analyses which suggest that frc is preferred over src in terms of MSPE as any of ββ, σ2, or τ/ν increase.

The first rows of Table1 summarize choices of Inline graphic for ridg, frc, and src. Assuming that the ME is non-differential, i.e. [Y |X,W]=[Y |X], and μX=0p, Table1 also gives γβ and γβ for frc and src. Because γβsrc=β, from (2.5), src provides unbiased estimates of β.

Table 1.

Key information for several TR estimators, conditioning on the true value of θ

Method γβ Ω−1β λ=1?
ridg 0p Ip N
frc Inline graphic Inline graphic Y
src Inline graphic Inline graphic Y
Method γβ γβ
frc Vβ (σ2+κ)ν2(wBwB)−1
src β Inline graphic

κ=(τ2/ν2)βVβ. Inline graphic. The “λ=1?” column indicates whether λ is fixed at 1 or tuned in a data-adaptive fashion using the general GCV function. The corresponding estimator Inline graphic is given by plugging Inline graphic into (2.4). The expectation and variance of γβ, which are useful for calculating the MSPE of Inline graphic, are over yA,yB|xA,wA,wB under the assumption [Y |X,W]=[Y |X].

Remark 2.1 —

One of the reviewers observed that, when γβ and Ω−1β are based on historical data, the prior in the second expression of (2.3) is a power prior (Chen and Ibrahim, 2000), with λ controlling the contribution of the historical data to the posterior.

Remark 2.2 —

These approaches require estimating Inline graphic. One can regress {wij} on {xij} for i=1,…,nA and j=1,…,p , to compute MLEs for ν and τ. If it is required that ν and τ be of a more general form than scalar-valued, the estimation procedure can be modified accordingly. The MLE for μX is Inline graphic, which will be 0p if xA is standardized. For p>nA, the required inversion of Inline graphic is not possible. An alternative is the shrinkage estimator from Schäfer and Strimmer (2005): since xAxA is standardized, it is simply Inline graphic, for η∈[0,1] chosen data-adaptively. We used the R package corpcor to choose η targeting a minimum MSE for Inline graphic.

Remark 2.3 —

The bias and variance outlined in Table1 condition on the true value of θ and are over and above any bias and variance coming from its estimation. In particular, estimating ΣX may pose a challenge to src in the high-dimensional setting.

Remark 2.4 —

One other approach which we do not further explore is modifying frc or src to do adaptive, component-wise shrinkage on β: a TR estimator where Ω−1β is diagonal and λ is estimated. When λ is not fixed, the GCV approach may be used to choose an appropriate value of λ. The form of this modified GCV criterion is given later on in (3.2), in connection with the hybrid estimator.

3. Hybrid estimators

While a particular TR estimator may do well for a given set of factors, e.g. p, nB, β, τ, none is likely to give a small prediction error under all settings. However, a hybrid estimator, that is, an adaptively combined set of multiple TR estimators, may yield this flexibility. Given m estimators, Inline graphic, and a vector ω={ω1,ω2,…,ωm} such that Inline graphic, let Inline graphic. The vector ω determines the contribution from each Inline graphic; a sensible choice for ω in our situation would be the one that minimizes (b(ω)). The following theorem compares the prediction error of the resulting optimal hybrid estimator, b(ωopt), to that of its constituents. The result uses the following definition of the “mean cross-product prediction error” between Inline graphic and Inline graphic:

3. (3.1)

Theorem 3.1 —

Let Inline graphic be a hybrid estimator. (i) If Inline graphic has at least one positive eigenvalue for every Inline graphic, then there exists a unique vector ωopt which minimizes (b(ω)) subject to Inline graphic. (ii) Further, let Inline graphic. If Inline graphic for some i≠j, then Inline graphic.

The proof is in supplementary material available at Biostatistics online (Appendix B). If the assumptions are satisfied, then, using prediction error as the criterion, b(ωopt) will perform better than the best of its constituents. This phenomenon has been observed empirically by Breiman (1996) and LeBlanc and Tibshirani (1996). Fumera and Roli (2005) prove a slightly weaker result for ensembles of classifiers.

Now, (b(ω))=ωPω, where P is the m×m matrix with the (ij)th element given by Inline graphic, which is just Inline graphic when i=j. The results from Theorem3.1 apply when P is known. In practice, however, P and therefore ωopt must be estimated. Since Pij is equivalently expressed as Inline graphic, one might use Inline graphic as an estimate, but this will be biased. A generalization of a result from Mallows (1973) in supplementary material available at Biostatistics online (Lemma B.3) gives that, on average, this underestimates Pij by the amount σ2(ψi+ψj), where Inline graphic. Borrowing Mallows’ idea of adjusting by Inline graphic does not work when there is no good choice of Inline graphic. We propose as an alternative adapting the GCV approach:

3. (3.2)

where y*,ℓ=yAxAγβ,ℓ. Because Inline graphic, this is a penalized version of its naïve counterpart. Lemma B.4 (see supplementary material available at Biostatistics online) provides further justification for this approach.

Note the dual use of the GCV function to calculate b(ω). First, for each ℓ, λ is chosen, when required, to minimize Inline graphic. Then, fixing these choices of λ, (3.2) is employed on the m(m+1)/2 pairwise combinations of components in b(ω) to estimate P. The particular hybrid estimator we evaluate has three components: Inline graphic. Following LeBlanc and Tibshirani (1996), in addition to the constraint Inline graphic, we enforce a non-negativity constraint on ω, which improves numerical results.

Remark 3.2 —

The key aspect that makes Inline graphic practical is that the sum Inline graphic is the quantity to minimize. Estimating either of the terms alone is difficult. Green and Strawderman (1991) propose a similar combination of two estimators which minimizes the MSE of b(ω). For their method, the estimation of ωopt requires an unbiased Inline graphic and independent estimators Inline graphic and Inline graphic. In our case, because MSPE, not MSE, is of interest, we require neither unbiasedness nor independent estimators.

Remark 3.3 —

Although Theorem3.1 proves hyb has a smaller MSPE than any of its constituents when using the true optimal weights ωopt, for a given dataset with estimated optimal weights Inline graphic, this uniform dominance may not hold. Numerical performance depends on how accurately (3.2) estimates P. As will be seen, Inline graphic with estimated weights still performs well across a spectrum of scenarios and closely adapts to the best of its constituents.

4. Bayesian ridge

As a comparison to our proposed TR methods, we consider a fully Bayesian ridge regression which iteratively samples xB and all model parameters from their full conditional distributions. We now briefly describe the construction of this approach; most details are in supplementary material available at Biostatistics online (Appendix C). We assume the models given in (1.1) and (1.2), along with XNp{μX,ΣX}. Let Inline graphic denote the set of all parameters. The likelihood of a complete observation may be factorized as

4. (4.1)

Given the observed data, {yA,xA,wA,yB,wB}, and ϕ, each row of xB is independently multivariate Normal; the data augmentation step samples xB from this distribution to complete the likelihood. With respect to prior specification, we assume that β is Np{0p,(σ2/λ)Ip} (making this a Bayesian ridge) and Σ−1X is Wishart with 3p degrees of freedom and scale Inline graphic, where Inline graphic is the diagonal part of the empirical covariance of xA. From our numerical studies, this Wishart prior on Σ−1X ensures the convergence of the algorithm in spite of the large fraction of missing data, represented by xB. For the remaining components, Jeffrey's priors were used, that is, β0, Inline graphic, ψ, ν, Inline graphic, μX , and Inline graphic, each have flat priors. In summary,

4. (4.2)

The Gibbs steps (Appendix C of supplementary material available at Biostatistics online) sample ϕ from its full conditional distribution derived from the product of the complete data likelihood and the prior. After a burn-in of 2000 iterations, we stored 1000 posterior draws of ϕ. For the sake of comparison to the other methods, which yield a point estimate of β, we used the posterior mean of β, denoted as Inline graphic, for predicting future observations.

5. Simulation study

We next describe a small simulation study. We fixed nA=50 and used nBisinv;{400,150}. The diagonal elements of ΣX were set to unity, and the off-diagonals were ρ|j1j2|, ρ∈{0,0.75}. Using these parameters, xA and xB were drawn from Np{0p,ΣX}. We considered both high- (p=99) and low (p=5) -dimensional models: Inline graphic. The coefficient of determination, R2, was either 0.1 or 0.4. Thus, given β, ΣX and R2, σ was determined by solving βΣXβ/(βΣXβ+σ2)=R2. The intercept β0 was set to zero; yA|xA and yB|xB were drawn for each combination of β and σ from (1.1). This yielded 16 unique simulation settings: two choices each for p, nB, ρ, and R2. To draw the auxiliary data, we set ψ=0 and ν=1 and repeated each of the 16 settings using τ∈(0,2), drawing wA|xA and wB|xB from (1.2).

For ridg, src, frc, hyb, and hierbetas, we estimated MSPE by averaging the squared prediction error over 1000 new individuals. Figure2 plots this empirical MSPE averaged over 1000 replicates over τ. For reference, σ2, the smallest achievable MSPE, is also given. Tables S2 and S3 in supplementary material available at Biostatistics online provide numeric values of the empirical MSPE over all settings. Note that, in practice, the analyst estimates β0 in addition to β. Following the common prescription for ridge regression, we did not shrink β0 but instead used a flat prior in each of the TR methods and hierbetas.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Empirical MSPE over τ for the simulation study described in Section5. Here p stands for the number of covariates, nB is the size of subsample B, ρ is the first-order auto-regressive correlation coefficient for pairwise combinations of X, and R2=βΣXβ/(βΣXβ+σ2). The top strip varies between rows and the bottom strip varies between columns. In all cases, nA=50, β0=ψ=0, and ν=1. σ2, plotted in black, is the smallest possible MSPE for any estimate of β.

Effect of τ: ridg is not affected by τ, as it does not use wA or wB. frc and src are equivalent when τ is very small, close to the complete data case. The MSPE of src always rises with τ; this increase is sharp when p=99. However, larger values of τ give favorable shrinkage in frc. When p=99, the τ for which frc is best is larger than zero; for p=5, the “optimal” τ is quite small, and the MSPE rises sharply with τ. For p=99, the MSPE of hyb and hierbetas is mostly invariant to τ, except for when ρ=0 and R2=0.4. When p=5, hyb does a better job of improving upon its constituents when τ is large.

Effect of nB, p, ρ, R2: As is expected, larger values of nB decrease the MSPE for all methods except ridg. Notably, hyb sometimes fares poorly compared with frc (see Remark3.3) when p=99, nB=400, and ρ=0.75, but otherwise outperforms its constituents in the p=99 cases. src fares poorly when p=99. Overall, hierbetas is the best-performing method in terms of MSPE. The relative difference between all methods is small when p=5.

Appendix D in supplementary material available at Biostatistics online additionally looks at MSE and investigates several violations to the modeling assumptions in this study. While hierbetas continues to predict very well, another important result is that hyb, which is less expensive computationally, is still flexible: under a variety of model settings and violations, hyb is able to efficiently adhere to the best-performing of its constituents.

6. Predicting survival time from gene expression measurements

We consider whether gene expression measurements offer information for predicting survival time in patients with lung cancer. Expression data may be collected using microarray technology, which assays the mRNA transcripts of thousands of genes. Alternatively, qRT-PCR amplifies gene expression in a targeted region of DNA so as to precisely measure it. Expression is measured as the number of doublings until a threshold is reached. It is both clinically practical to measure on a new tissue specimen, not requiring the specialized laboratory facilities of microarrays, and typically considered a more precise measurement of gene expression than microarrays.

Our dataset comes from Chen and others (2011), who selected p=91 high-correlating genes representing a broad spectrum of biological functions upon which to build a predictive model. Expression on the log-scale using Affymetrix (a microarray technology, W) was measured on 439 tumor samples, and qRT-PCR measurements (X) were collected on 47 of these tumors. The individual correlations between the qRT-PCR and Affymetrix measurements from the 47 tumors are greater than 0.5 across the 91 genes. Clinical covariates, age, gender, and stage of cancer (I–III), are also available. Because qRT-PCR is the clinically applicable measurement for future observations, the goal is a qRT-PCR + clinical covariate model for predicting log-survival time after surgery (Y). An independent cohort of 101 tumors with qRT-PCR measurements and clinical covariates is available for validation.

Eleven measurements in the qRT-PCR-only data, out of 47×91=4277 total, or 0.26 % were missing; in order to use all observations, these values were imputed using chained equations and thereafter assumed known. Additionally, four tumors, three in the Affymetrix-only sample and one in the validation sample, had event times less than 1 month after surgery, and these were removed before analysis. Thus, nA=47, nB=389, and the validation data contain 100 observations.

Because our methodology was developed for continuous outcomes, censoring necessitated some preprocessing of the data. We first imputed each censored log-survival time from a linear model of the clinical covariates, conditional upon the censoring time. This model was fit to the training data but was applied to censored survival times in both the training and validation data. Given completed log-survival times, we refit this same model and calculated residuals from both the training and validation data. These residuals were considered as outcomes, and the question is whether any additional variation in the residuals is explained by gene expression.

Figure S4 (see supplementary material available at Biostatistics online) presents the 91 LOESS curves comparing measurements from the 47 tumors using Affymetrix (wA) to qRT-PCR (xA) after standardization. Based on this, we used a gene-specific ME model: wij=ψj+νjxij+τξij. We modeled ψj and νj as random effects, distributed as Inline graphic and Inline graphic, and used predictions Inline graphic and Inline graphic to calculate xsrcB and xfrcB. For hierbetas, we relaxed the ME model identically. Violation of the constant τ assumption was also present: gene-specific estimates were in the interval (0.209,1.146) with the middle 45 in (0.368,0.689). Considering all genes simultaneously, Inline graphic. Because our simulations indicate robustness to this assumption, this violation was ignored.

We present results for predicting survival time in the validation data using ridg, src, frc, hyb, and hierbetas. Table2 presents numerical results for each of the methods, and Figure3 plots each estimate of β as a kernel density. In terms of MSPE, the best method was hierbetas, with an MSPE of 0.559, compared to 0.620 (ridg), 0.781 (frc), and 8.745 (src). For hyb, Inline graphic, corresponding to ridg, src, and frc; so Inline graphic and hyb matches the best of its constituents. Plugging in Inline graphic yields an MSPE of 0.590, which only hierbetas beats, suggesting a very weak signal in the set of expression measures for predicting survival. In our simulation study of low-R2 situations, we observed a similar ranking of methods. The range of Inline graphic and Inline graphic, excluding the intercept, is(−0.019,0.014). For Inline graphic, it is(−0.588,0.515); for Inline graphic, it is(−0.075,0.062); and for Inline graphic, it is (−0.027,0.023). From Figure 3, the kernel density estimates of ridg and hierbetas are similar, despite yielding different MSPEs. That the MSPEs differ despite similar overall shrinkage may be expected given that hierbetas is itself a ridge regression that uses more data than ridg.

Table 2.

Results from the data analysis

ridg src frc hyb hybunc hierbetas
Inline graphic 0.620 8.745 0.781 0.620 0.601 0.559
Inline graphic −0.019 −0.588 −0.075 −0.019 −0.053 −0.027
Inline graphic 0.014 0.515 0.062 0.014 0.057 0.023
Avg. coverage 0.91 1.00 0.98 0.91 0.99 0.94
Inline graphic 3.372 33.785 4.023 3.372 4.674 3.310

Inline graphic is the empirical MSPE from the validation sample of size 100; Inline graphic and Inline graphic give the range of the estimate of β for each model, Avg. coverage is the proportion of bootstrap-generated prediction intervals for the validation sample which contained the true outcome, and Inline graphic gives the average prediction interval length for the validation sample. hybunc is the hybrid estimator without the non-negativity constraint (Remark6.1).

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Kernel density estimate of the 91 elements of Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic, Inline graphic and Inline graphic, the hybrid estimator without the non-negativity constraint (Remark6.1), from the data analysis. Inline graphic, with the non-negativity constraint, is identically equal to Inline graphic.

Finally, we generated 95% prediction intervals for each observation in the validation sample, using a bootstrap algorithm described in Appendix E of supplementary material available at Biostatistics online. For hierbetas, draws from the posterior distribution of β0, β, and σ2 naturally yield prediction intervals for future observations. Table2 gives the proportion of intervals which included the outcome and the average interval ranges. ridg/hyb have slight under-coverage (0.91), and src and frc have over-coverage (respectively , 1.00 and 0.98). hierbetas is closest to nominal, with 0.94.

Remark 6.1 —

As in the simulation study, we restricted our optimization of ω to the subspace of non-negative elements, which on average improves numerical results. In the data analysis, removing the constraint yields Inline graphic and an MSPE of 0.601. These unconstrained results are also presented in Table2 and Figure3 denoted as hybunc.

7. Discussion

Augmenting high-dimensional data with external auxiliary information is useful to boost predictive accuracy. We have described how to quantify this auxiliary information using important ideas from the ME and shrinkage literature. The regression calibration algorithm, src, yields unbiased estimates of future outcomes but with large variance when p is large. A modified algorithm, frc, makes a bias-variance trade-off and can give a smaller MSPE. We have also proposed a hybrid estimator, hyb, which is a linear combination of multiple estimators.

The Bayesian ridge regression, hierbetas, proved to be competitive with hyb and typically had smaller MSPE. Also, prediction intervals using hierbetas are automatic with draws from the posterior distribution. For the TR methods and hyb, a simple bootstrap algorithm yields prediction intervals but requires some modifications to achieve nominal coverage rates.

Despite this, there are reasons to recommend hyb. First, hyb is flexible: it is a linear combination of estimators, each of which can make different modeling assumptions. For example, ridg assumes only the outcome regression model in (1.1), frc additionally assumes the ME model in (1.2), and src assumes these two models plus the marginal model: XNp{μX,ΣX}. Estimators with different modeling assumptions, beyond what we have proposed in this paper, can also be included in hyb, and, from Theorem3.1, it will theoretically do better than the best of any of these. hierbetas does not benefit from this robust model-averaging property. Practically, the average performance of hyb across all design and data configurations is encouraging, and, importantly, its flexibility is most apparent in the large p scenarios. Second, and more significantly, hyb is very fast to compute, whereas hierbetas requires considerably more computational effort. Finally, because hyb combines TR estimators, a GCV criterion provides a simple estimate of P, the prediction error matrix (3.2), which is required to optimize with respect to ω. In our current research, we are exploring an improved GCV criterion which avoids the tendency of GCV to overfit in small-sample scenarios. This has potential to further improve estimates of P and, consequently, prediction for hyb. Alternatively, the “632 estimator” of Efron (1983) is another candidate for estimatingP.

Of potential concern is that we have applied our methods, developed for continuous endpoints, to a dataset with censored survival time as the endpoint. In much the same way as ridge regression has been applied to logistic and Cox models, the TR class may also be adapted to other endpoints. While our theoretical and numerical results have focused only on continuous endpoints, we believe that the ideas and intuition developed will generally transfer to these other endpoints. However, the extension is non-trivial and merits in-depth research, not only for deriving estimators but also in determining the right criterion with which to assess prediction.

Supplementary material

Supplementary material is available at


This work was supported by the National Science Foundation [DMS1007494] and the National Institutes of Health [CA129102, CA156608, ES020811].

Supplementary Material

Supplementary Data


The authors would like to thank the associate editor and two reviewers for their insightful comments. Conflict of Interest: None declared.

There was an error in the equation in line 3 of the Figure 2 legend. This has now been corrected. The authors apologize for this error.


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