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Journal of Leukocyte Biology logoLink to Journal of Leukocyte Biology
. 2013 Apr;93(4):623–631. doi: 10.1189/jlb.0812383

VDR hypermethylation and HIV-induced T cell loss

Nirupama Chandel 1, Mohammad Husain 1, Hersh Goel 1, Divya Salhan 1, Xiqian Lan 1, Ashwani Malhotra 1, Joseph McGowan 1, Pravin C Singhal 1,1
PMCID: PMC3597838  PMID: 23390308

HIV-induced T cell loss was mediated through ROS generation in response to HIV-induced VDR methylation and associated activation of the RAS.

Keywords: DNA methyltransferase, renin angiotensin system, double-strand break, reactive oxygen species


Epigenetics contributes to the development of variety of diseases by modulation of gene expression. We evaluated the effect of HIV-induced VDR methylation on loss of TCs. HIV/TC displayed enhanced VDR-CpG methylation and increased expression of Dnmt3b but attenuated expression of VDR. A demethylating agent, AZA, inhibited this effect of HIV. HIV/TC also displayed the activation of the RAS, which was reversed by EB (a VDA). Further, HIV/TCs displayed enhanced generation of ROS and induction of DSBs but attenuated DNA repair response. However, in the presence of AZA, EB, LOS (a RAS blocker), Cat, and tempol (free radical scavengers), HIV-induced TC ROS generation and induction of DSBs were attenuated but associated with enhanced DNA repair. Additionally, AZA, EB, and LOS provided protection against HIV-induced TC apoptosis. These findings suggested that HIV-induced TC apoptosis was mediated through ROS generation in response to HIV-induced VDR methylation and associated activation of the RAS.


The severity of TC depletion in general and CD4 +ve TCs, in particular, has been demonstrated to be a major determinant for occurrence of life-threatening bacterial infections in AIDS patients [1, 2]. Despite strong correlation between loss of TCs and life-threatening morbidities and mortality in AIDS patients, there are insufficient therapeutic strategies to prevent the rapid loss of TCs in this population [3].

Patients with HIV infection have been reported to display compromised levels of antioxidants [48] and higher levels of oxygen consumption rates [9, 10]. Oxidative stress has been reported to contribute to HIV disease pathogenesis by multiple ways, including enhanced viral replication [11], inflammatory immune response [12], and loss of immune function [13]. However, the role of HIV-induced oxidative stress in TC loss is not well understood. In the present study, we evaluated the role of HIV-induced epigenetic factors on TC oxidative stress and associated outcome.

Ang II has been demonstrated to cause apoptosis in several cell types [14]; however, the role of Ang II in the induction of TC apoptosis in the HIV milieu has not been investigated to date. TCs not only carry all components of the renin-angiotensin system [15, 16] but also express Ang II receptors [15, 16]. On that account, the role of TCs has been highlighted in the development of hypertension through the activation of the RAS [15]. As VDR has been demonstrated to be a negative regulator of renin [17, 18], we hypothesized that HIV would activate RAS by down-regulating TC VDR expression. We hypothesized further that HIV-induced activation of the RAS could be contributing to TC apoptosis.

Naive human TCs display very low expression of VDR [19]. Activation or priming of TCs induces moderate expression of VDR [19, 20]. VDR mediates most of the biologic effects of 1,25(OH)2 D3 [21]. The latter stabilizes the VDR and inhibits its degradation [19]. Depending on its cross-linking with vitamin D, VDR shuttles constantly between the nucleus and cytoplasm.

Epigenetics involves alterations in gene expression without any change in DNA sequence [22]. The epigenetic mechanisms are comprised of DNA methylation, histone modifications, and noncoding RNA-mediated transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation [22]. Disruptions of the Dnmt enzymes or other components of DNA methylation have been reported to lead to a variety of human diseases [22]. Hypermethylation of promoter regions of genes often leads to transcriptional silencing [2]. We hypothesized that HIV would promote VDR methylation at its promoter region and further induce down-regulation of TC VDR expression.

In the present study, we evaluated the role of HIV-induced methylation of VDR and its effect on TC RAS activation and the associated outcome. We further investigated the effects of demethylating agents, VDAs, RAS blockade, and free radical scavengers on HIV-induced ROS generation, DNA damage, and TC loss.


Human TCs and virus

TCs were isolated from the human blood obtained from healthy volunteers (New York Blood Center, New York, NY, USA). PBMCs were harvested by the standard technique. Briefly, TCs were isolated from PBMCs by passing through the TC column (Invitrogen, Oslo, Norway). Primary X4 strain HIV-1HT/92/599 was used for HIV infection. Viral titer was assayed by p24 ELISA (Lenti-X p24 rapid titer kit; Clontech, Mountain View, CA, USA; 1 LP=8×0−5 pg p24; 1 ng p24=1.25×107 LPs; 1 IFU=1000 LPs); we have used HIV at 250 IFU concentration in our experiments. TCs were primed before their use (IL-2, 20 U/ml; PHA-P, 5.0 μg/ml) and were incubated with HIV for 2 h, followed by extensive washing. Cells were cultivated in medium containing 20U/ml IL-2 (Roche, Indianapolis, IN, USA). As JTCs (modified Jurkat cell line with intact TCR; NIH AIDS Research and Reference Reagent Program, Bethesda, MD, USA) are comparable with primed TCs, and they constitutively express PLC-γ1 [20], we have also used them (JTCs) as a substitute for primary primed human TCs. A dose response effect of EB (VDA; Tocris Bioscience, UK; R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN, USA) was studied on the viability of TCs. IC50 of EB (VDA) on TCs was found to be 25 nM. We have used EB at 0.01 nM concentration, which is within physiological range and did not affect viability of TCs.

Informed consent and human and/or animal experimentation guidelines were followed according to the Institute Review Board and Experimental Animal Committee.

TUNEL assay

A TUNEL assay was performed using the apoptosis detection TACS TdT kit (R&D Systems), as described previously [23].

Determination of ROS kinetics in TCs

The kinetics of ROS metabolism in TCs and JTCs was determined by measuring the intensity of the fluorescent signal from the redox-sensitive fluoroprobe DCFDA at multiple time points, as described previously [23].

Immunofluorescence detection of VDR, DNA strand breaks, and repairs

Control and experimental TCs were fixed and permeabilized with a buffer containing 0.02% Triton X-100 and 4% formaldehyde in PBS. Cells were colabeled for phospho-histone H2AX (γH2AX; Upstate Biotechnology, Lake Placid, NY, USA) and KU80 (Cell Signaling Technology, Danvers, MA, USA), as described previously [23]. Negative controls were performed in the presence of nonspecific isotype antibodies in place of a primary antibody. Nuclei were stained with DAPI. Cells were examined under a confocal microscope [23].

Silencing of VDR

TCs were transfected with 100 nM VDR siRNA (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA) with siPORT NeoFX transfection reagent and suspended in Opti-MEM media for 24 h. Control and transfected cells were used under control and experimental conditions.

Western blotting studies

TCs were lysed in RIPA buffer. Protein lysates (20 μg) were separated on a 15% polyacrylamide gels (PAGE; Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) and transferred onto a nitrocellulose membrane using a Bio-Rad miniblot apparatus. Nitrocellulose membranes were then subjected to immunostaining with primary antibodies against VDR (mouse monoclonal; Santa Cruz Biotechnology) and renin (rabbit polyclonal; Santa Cruz Biotechnology) and subsequently, with HRP-labeled, appropriated secondary antibodies, as described previously [23].


Ang II levels were determined in control and experimental cells using commercial ELISA kits (Peninsula Laboratories, San Carlos, CA, USA), as described by the manufacturer. Briefly, Ang II was extracted with 20 mM Tris buffer, pH 7.4, partially purified, and concentrated after filtering through Centricon filters (cut off of 10,000 MW; Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA).

Real-time PCR analysis

Control and experimental TCs were used to quantify mRNA expression of molecules pertaining to VDR, renin, and Dnmts, as described previously [23]. qPCR was carried out in an ABI Prism 7900HT sequence detection system using the primer sequences as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. List of Genes and Their Primer Sequences.

Gene Primer sequences(5′–3′) Annealing temp (°C)

The data are expressed as relative mRNA expression in reference to control, normalized to quantity of RNA input by performing measurements on an endogenous reference gene, GAPDH.

DNA methylation by enzyme kit

The EpiTect Methyl DNA restriction kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA) was used to prepare the genomic DNA samples for analysis by real-time PCR primers for the predicted mCpG islands by real-time PCR, according to the manufacturer's instruction. Briefly, four digests were performed to detect different methylated DNA fractions. The product of a mock digest contained all of the input genomic DNA. The product of the methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme (Enzyme A) digest contained hypermethylated DNA sequences, whereas the product of the methylation-dependent restriction enzyme (Enzyme B) digest contained unmethylated DNA sequences. The product of a double-digest measured the background and the success of both enzymatic digestions. The EpiTect Methyl DNA restriction kit together with the Epitect Methyl VDR qPCR primers (#MePH16492-1A; Qiagen) were used to analyze the methylation status of CpG islands in the VDR genes. A dissociation curve was generated to find the melting temperature (TM) and check the specificity of the VDR gene.

Bisulfite conversion and pyrosequencing

Bisulfite conversion was carried out using EZ DNA Methylation-Gold kits (#D5005 and #D5006), according to the manufacturer's instructions (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA, USA). Briefly, 0.5 μg genomic DNA from control or HIV-treated cells in a 20-μl vol was mixed with 130 μl cytosine-to-thymidine conversion reagent and was preincubated for 10 min at 98°C, followed by incubation for 2.5 h at 64°C. After bisulfite conversion, the unmethylated cytosine(s) were converted to thymidine, and the methylated cytosine(s) were not altered. Therefore, the methylated and unmethylated cytosine could be differentiated according to the sequencing results by comparing it with the original DNA sequence, with/without bisulfite treatment, as described previously [24].

M-binding buffer (600 μl; Zymo Research) was added to the above reaction, and DNA was purified using a Zymo Research spin column. Sequential washes were performed with 100 μl M-wash buffer, 200 μl M-sulfonation buffer, and 200 μl M-wash buffer before eluting the DNA in 30 μl M-elution buffer. Purified DNA (2 μl) was used as a template for PCR reactions with primers [25]. Pyrosequencing was performed at the Genomic Core Facility of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Bronx, NY, USA).

Primer pairs were used to amplify the VDR promoter region (AY342401.1) in between −28 and −512 upstream relative to the ATG start site, and methylation level of each CpG is defined by the sequencing reads of CpGs [26].

Percent mCpG = reads(mCpG)/reads(CpG) × 100

Reads (mCpG) present the number of mCpG reads at the CpG dinucleotides and reads (CpG) represent the total number of cover reads comprising unmethylated and methylated reads at the CpG dinucleotides. The following primer sequence was used for the amplification of bisufite-converted samples: VDR_Meth, forward 5-ATTTTATTTTAATTTGTGGGATTAGGTTGA-3; reverse 5-CCAATCCTCTCTTACCAAAAACTCC-3, [25].

Statistical analysis

For comparison of mean values between two groups, the unpaired t-test was used. To compare values between multiple groups, ANOVA was used to calculate a P value. Statistical significance was defined as P < 0.05. Results are presented as mean ± sd. Sequencing data were aligned to the reference genome through Needleman-Wunsch global aligner for nucleotide sequences (, and further bisulfite sequencing results were screened through “Geospiza's FinchTV”

mCpG and CpG content of the VDR promoter region before and after bisulfite conversion was calculated using the following formula [26]

Percent mCpG = reads(mCpG)/reads(CpG) × 100


HIV induces hypermethylation of VDR

To determine the methylation transcription status, total RNA was extracted from C/TC and HIV/TC, followed by quantification of mRNA expression for Dnmts (1, 2, 3a, and 3b) by real-time PCR. HIV did not modulate TC expression of Dnmts1–3a (data not shown); however, HIV enhanced (P<0.05) TC mRNA expression of DnmT3b (Fig. 1A).

Figure 1. HIV induces hypermethylation of VDR.

Figure 1.

(A) C/TC and HIV/TC were incubated in SFM for 24 h. Total RNA was extracted. mRNA expression for Dnmt3b was quantified by real-time PCR. *P<0.05 compared with C/TC. (B) C/TC and HIV/TC were incubated in SFM for 24 h. Cellular lysates of C/TCs and HIV/TCs were electrophoresed and probed for Dnmt3b. The same blot, after stripping, was reprobed for actin. A representative gel displaying Dnmt3b and actin expressions in three different preparations of cellular lysates of C/TCs and HIV/TCs is shown. Densitometric scanned data of experiments (n=3) shown as bar graphs are described in A. *P < 0.01 versus C/TC. (C) C/TCs and HIV/TCs were incubated in SFM containing buffer, EB (0.01 nM), AZA (5 μM), or EB + AZA for 24 h. Subsequently, protein blots were prepared and probed for VDR. The same blots were reprobed for actin. A representative gel displaying expressions of VDR and actin by control and experimental cells, along with densitometric scanned data, is shown. H, HIV. (D) C/TCs and HIV/TCs were incubated in SFM for 24 h, and CpG DNA methylation qPCR (EpiTect restriction) and methylation qPCR assay with VDR-specific primers were carried out. Methylated fraction was calculated by measuring unmethylated, hypermethylated, and resistance-to-get-methylated fractions.

To confirm whether HIV also enhanced TC Dnmt3b protein expression, cellular lysates of C/TC and HIV/TC were subjected to electrophoresis and probed for Dnmt3b. A gel displaying Dnmt3b and actin expressions in three different cellular lysates of C/TCs and HIV/TCs is shown in Fig. 1B. Cumulative densitometric data are also shown. HIV/TCs displayed a 2.5-fold increase (P<0.01) in DNA methylation.

To determine whether HIV was down-regulating TC VDR expression through hypermethylation, C/TCs and HIV/TCs were incubated in media containing buffer, EB (0.01 nM), AZA (5 μM), or EB + AZA for 24 h. Subsequently, protein blots were probed for VDR and actin. A representative gel is shown in Fig. 1C, along with densitometric data.

To determine the methylation status of VDR, CpG DNA methylation qPCR and methylation qPCR assay with VDR-specific primers were carried out. The methylated fraction was calculated by measuring unmethylated, hypermethylated, and resistance-to-get-methylated fractions. As shown in Fig. 1D, unmethylated as well as resistant-for-methylation VDR fractions were lower in HIV/TCs when compared with C/TCs; moreover, HIV/TCs displayed an increased amount of the hypermethylated VDR fraction.

Bisulfite conversion and pyrosequecing to identify VDR methylation sites in a VDR promoter region

To determine the genomic methylation from bisulfite sequencing data, the methylation level of a particular cytosine from control and HIV/TCs was extrapolated from the number of times that a cytosine or thymidine is observed in the sequenced clones or sequencing reads at the corresponding positions(described and labeled as read). Representative chromatograms of methylated/unmethylated and partially mCpG reads are shown in Fig. 2; interestingly, flanking cytosines, which are not in CpG sites, displayed complete thymidine conversion. After bisulfate conversion, the cytosine was converted to thymidine; however, methylated cytosine remained unaltered. In these reads, the methylated and unmethylated cytosines were compared with the original DNA sequence, with/without bisulfate treatment. Additionally, sequencing results for partially mCpG sites (where cytosine and thymidine are equally showing their presence) are displayed (Fig. 2). Forty-five percent of the amplified VDR promoter regions were found to be methylated, whereas 55% were found to be partially/unmethylated.

Figure 2. VDR methylation sites in VDR promoter region.

Figure 2.

Representative reads of the bisulfate sequencing in a VDR promoter region of the TCs are shown. After bisulfite conversion, the cytosine was converted to thymidine, whereas methylated cytosine remained unaltered. In these reads, the methylated and unmethylated cytosines were compared with original DNA sequence, with/without bisulfate treatment. The left panel shows sequencing data of bisulfite-converted control and HIV-treated samples. Original sequence is DNA sequence before bisulfite conversion. The right panel displays sequencing residues showing equal presence.

EB up-regulates VDR and down-regulates renin in the HIV milieu

To determine the effect of HIV on TC VDR expression, three different cellular lysates of C/TCs and HIV/TCs were probed for VDR and actin. HIV/TCs displayed attenuated expression of VDR (Fig. 3A). Protein blots of control and HIV/JTC were also probed for VDR and actin expression. HIV also down-regulated VDR expression in JTCs too (data not shown).

Figure 3. EB up-regulates TC VDR expression and down-regulates renin expression in the HIV milieu.

Figure 3.

(A) C/TCs and HIV/TCs were incubated in SFM for 24 h. Subsequently, protein blots were probed for VDR. The same blots were reprobed for actin. A gel displaying expressions of VDR and actin from cellular lysates of three different blood donors is shown. (B) HIV/TCs were incubated in media containing variable concentrations of EB (0–50 nM) for 4 h. Protein blots of C/TCs and HIV/TCs were probed for VDR. The same blots were reprobed for actin. A gel displaying expressions of VDR and actin by C/TCs and HIV/TCs is shown in the upper panel. Densitometric scanned data are shown as bar graphs in the lower panel. (C) C/TCs and HIV/TCs were incubated in SFM containing buffer or EB (0.01 nM) for 24 h. Total RNA was extracted and probed for VDR by real-time PCR studies. *P < 0.01 versus C/TCs; **P < 0.05 versus C/TCs; ***P < 0.01 versus C/TCs. (D) C/TCs and HIV/TCs were incubated in SFM containing buffer or EB (0.01 nM) for 24 h (n=3). Protein lysates were probed for renin. The same lysates were reprobed for actin. A representative gel displaying expressions of renin and actin by C/TCs and HIV/TCs in three different sets of lysates is shown. (E) C/TCs and HIV/TCs were incubated in media containing buffer or EB (0.01 nM) for 24 h. Subsequently, total RNA was extracted and probed for renin by real-time. *P < 0.001 versus C/TCs; **P < 0.01 versus HIV/TCs.

To determine the effect of the VDA on TC VDR expression in the HIV milieu, HIV/TCs were incubated in media containing variable concentrations of EB (0–50 nM) for 24 h. Protein blots were probed for VDR and actin. HIV down-regulated VDR; however, EB was able to up-regulate TC VDR expression in the HIV milieu (Fig. 3B).

To determine the effect of EB on transcription of TC VDR in the HIV milieu, C/TCs and HIV/TCs were incubated in media containing buffer or EB (0.01 nM) for 24 h. Total RNA was extracted and probed for VDR by RT-PCR. HIV decreased (P<0.01) mRNA expression of VDR when compared with control TCs (Fig. 3C). EB enhanced TC VDR expression in the control and HIV milieu; however, the effect of EB in the HIV milieu was suboptimal.

To determine whether HIV-induced down-regulation of VDR was also associated with TC up-regulation of renin, three different preparations of cellular lysates of C/TCs and HIV/TCs were electrophoresed and probed for renin and actin. HIV/TCs displayed enhanced expression of renin (Fig. 3D).

To evaluate whether EB-induced up-regulation of VDR was also associated with down-regulation of TC renin transcription, C/TCs and HIV/TCs were incubated in media containing buffer or EB (0.01 nM) for 24 h. Subsequently, total RNA was extracted and probed for renin by RT-PCR. HIV enhanced (P<0.001) renin mRNA expression by TCs (Fig. 3E). This effect of HIV was partially inhibited (P<0.01) by EB (Fig. 3E).

Down-regulation of VDR is critical for TC RAS activation and ROS generation

To establish a causal relationship between HIV-induced down-regulation and the activation of the RAS in TCs, C/TCs were transfected with SCR/siRNA or VDR/siRNA. Subsequently, protein blots were probed for VDR and actin. A representative gel is shown in Fig. 4A.

Figure 4. Down-regulation of VDR is critical for TC RAS activation and ROS generation.

Figure 4.

(A) C/TCs were transfected with SCR/siRNA or VDR/siRNA. Subsequently, protein blots were probed for VDR. The same blots were reprobed for actin. A representative gel is shown. (B) C/TC, HIV/TC, C/SCR/siRNA, C/VDR/siRNA, and C/TC and HIV/TC treated with EB (0.01 nM) were kept in SFM for 24 h. Subsequently, Ang II contents in different cellular lysates (n=3) were measured by ELISA. *P < 0.001 versus C/TC; **P < 0.01 versus HIV/TC. (C) C/JTC and HIV/JTC were loaded with DCFDA followed by incubation in SFM/phenol-free medium containing buffer or LOS (10−7 M). ROS generation, at the indicated time periods, was measured by a fluorometer. *P < 0.001 versus control and LOS alone; **P < 0.01 versus HIV, control, and LOS alone (n=3). (D) C/JTCs and HIV/JTCs were incubated in SFM and phenol-free medium containing buffer or EB (0.01 nM) for 4 h, followed by loading with DCFDA for 30 min and then measured for ROS generation at the indicated time periods by a flurometer. *P < 0.001 versus control and EB alone; **P < 0.01 versus HIV, control, and EB alone (n=3).

To determine the effect of VDR status on the activation of the RAS, C/TC, HIV/TC, C/TC/SCR/siRNA, CTC/VDR/siRNA, HIV/TC/EB, and C/TC/EB were incubated in SFM for 24 h. Subsequently, Ang II content of cellular lysates was assayed by ELISA. HIV/TCs and C/TCs silenced for VDR displayed a sixfold increase (P<0.001) in Ang II production when compared with C/TCs; however, EB partially attenuated (P<0.01) this effect of HIV (Fig. 4B).

As Ang II is known to stimulate ROS generation by other cells [14], we asked whether HIV-induced Ang II production also contributed to HIV-induced TC ROS generation. C/JTC and HIV/JTC were loaded with DCFDA, followed by incubation in SFM/phenol-free medium containing buffer or LOS (10−7 M). ROS generation by control and experimental cells was measured at the indicated time periods. HIV stimulated (P<0.001) ROS generation by JTCs (Fig. 4C). On the other hand, LOS, an Ang II blocker, partially attenuated HIV-induced TC ROS generation. These findings indicate that HIV-induced TC ROS generation is contributed partly by Ang II.

We hypothesized that HIV-induced TC VDR down-regulation was contributing to Ang II production and subsequent ROS production. To test our hypothesis, we evaluated the effect of up-regulation of TC VDR expression on ROS generation by JTCs in the HIV milieu. C/JTCs and HIV/JTCs were incubated in SFM and phenol-free medium containing EB (0.01 nM) for 4 h, followed by loading with DCFDA for 30 min, and then, measurement of ROS generation was determined at the indicated time periods. HIV stimulated (P<0.001) TC ROS generation; however, EB partially inhibited this effect of HIV (Fig. 4D). These findings confirmed that HIV-induced down-regulation of VDR was critical for the TC RAS activation and subsequent ROS generation.

HIV-induced TC DNA damage and repair are reversed by AZA, EB, LOS, and free radical scavengers

The generation of ROS induces cell injury by DNA damage and compromises DNA repair [23]. We hypothesized that if HIV-induced down-regulation of VDR and associated downstream signaling was contributing to TC DNA damage and compromised DNA repair, then, the agents that would up-regulate VDR or block its downstream signaling would provide protection against HIV-induced TC injury. To test our hypothesis, HIV/TCs were treated with buffer, AZA (5 μM), EB (0.01 nM), LOS (10−7 M), tempol (1 mM; a superoxide mimetic), or Cat (500 U) for 24 h, followed by colabeling for H2AX (DSBs) and KU80 (NHEJ; DNA repair protein) expression. HIV enhanced DSBs in TCs and displayed minimal expression of KU80, whereas AZA, EB, LOS, tempol, and Cat increased expression of KU80 in HIV-treated cells (Fig. 5A). These findings indicated that down-regulation of VDR was associated with inadequate DNA repair response, whereas the activation of VDR (by AZA or EB), blockade of Ang II, and scavenging of ROS was associated with diminished DSBs and enhanced DNA repair response. Figure 5B and C summarize the data as scattergrams with lines indicating mean values.

Figure 5. HIV/TC DNA damage and repair are reversed by AZA, EB, LOS, and free radical scavengers.

Figure 5.

HIV/TCs were treated with buffer, AZA (5 μM), EB (0.01 nM), LOS (10−7 M), tempol (Temp; 1 mM; a superoxide mimetic), or Cat (500 U) for 24 h, followed by colabeling for H2AX (DSBs) and KU80 (NHEJ; DNA repair protein) expression. Nuclei were stained with DAPI. Representative microphotographs are shown. HIV enhanced DSBs in TCs and displayed minimal expression of Ku80, whereas, AZA, EB, LOS, tempol, and Cat increased expression of Ku80 in HIV-treated cells. (B) Cumulative data of the KU80 concentration are shown in control and experimental cells in the form of scattergrams with lines indicating means. (C) Cumulative data of the number of H2AX foci are shown in control and experimental cells in the form of scattergrams with lines indicating means.

Establishment of causal relationship between HIV-induced down-regulation of VDR/downstream signaling and TC loss

To determine the effect of HIV on TC apoptosis, TCs were incubated with variable concentrations of HIV (as indicated) for 2 h, followed by washing and incubation in media for 24 h. Subsequently, cells were analyzed for an apoptosis assay. Representative microphotographs of TUNEL +ve cells are shown in Fig. 6A. HIV induced TC apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 6B).

Figure 6. Establishment of causal relationship between HIV-induced down-regulation of VDR/associated downstream signaling and TC loss.

Figure 6.

(A) TCs were incubated with variable concentrations of HIV (as indicated) for 3 h, followed by washing and reincubation in media for 24 h. Subsequently, cells were assayed for apoptosis by the TUNEL assay. The percentage of TUNEL +ve cells was counted in eight random fields (n=4). Representative microphotographs of TUNEL +ve cells are shown. (B) Cumulative data of percentage of TUNEL +ve cells are shown in the form of a bar diagram (n=4). *P < 0.001 compared with control and HIV, 25 IFU; **P < 0.01 compared with control and HIV, 2500 IFU. (C) C/TCs or HIV/TCs were incubated in media containing buffer or EB (0.01 nM). AZA (5 μM), or LOS (10−7 M) for 24 h. Subsequently, cells were assayed for detection and measurement of apoptosis by the TUNEL assay (n=4). *P < 0.001 versus C/TC; **P < 0.01 versus HIV alone, EB alone, and AZA alone; ***P < 0.05 versus H/LOS.

To establish a causal relationship between hypermethylation/VDR status/RAS and HIV-induced TC apoptosis, C/TCs or HIV/TCs were incubated in media containing buffer or EB (0.01 nM), AZA (5 μM), or LOS (10−7 M) for 24 h. Subsequently, cells were assayed for detection and measurement of apoptosis. HIV stimulated (P<0.001) TC apoptosis;however, this effect of HIV was partially inhibited by AZA, EB, and LOS (Fig. 6C). These findings confirm that HIV-induced hypermethylation of VDR and associated downstream signaling partially contributed to HIV-induced TC apoptosis.


In the present study, HIV/TC displayed enhanced VDR-CpG methylation and enhanced expression of Dnmt3b. HIV/TCs also exhibited down-regulation of VDR, which was reversed after treatment with a demethylating agent, AZA, thus suggesting that enhanced CpG methylation contributed to HIV-induced down-regulation of VDR. HIV/TC also showed the activation of the RAS, whereas treatment with EB not only enhanced TC VDR expression under basal and HIV-infected states but also down-regulated RAS activation in HIV/TCs. As VDR silencing by siRNA in TCs displayed the activation of the RAS, and conversely, activation of the VDR showed down-regulation of the RAS, it appeared that HIV-induced TC RAS activation was dependent on the VDR status. HIV-induced ROS generation was inhibited by an AT1 blocker (LOS) and a VDA (EB). HIV-induced ROS generation not only induced DSBs in TCs but also attenuated DNA repair response, whereas these effects of HIV were inhibited by AZA, EB, and LOS. Additionally, HIV-induced TC apoptosis was partially inhibited by AZA, EB, and LOS. These findings indeed indicate that HIV-induced TC apoptosis is mediated through ROS generation in response to HIV-induced VDR methylation and associated activation of the RAS.

HIV has been demonstrated to alter the expression of human Dnmts in TCs [27]. In these studies, HIV-1-mediated Dnmt regulation provided a basis for identifying viral and cellular factors necessary for de novo DNA methylation of cellular genes. In the present study, HIV enhanced TC Dnmt3b expression and displayed enhanced CpG methylation in the promoter region of VDR. As expected, AZA and EB inhibited this effect of HIV. Interestingly, the qPCR assay in HIV/TCs displayed methylation of CpGs by >70%, whereas bisulfate conversion and the pyrosequencing technique showed methylation of only 45% sites. This discrepancy may be related to the inclusion of partially methylated regions in qPCR studies and their exclusion in bisulfate conversion studies.

VDR promoter methylation has been reported to cause truncation of VDR transcripts in breast tumors [25]; conversely, demethylating agents restored the VDR transcription levels and associated downstream signaling in breast cancer cells [25]. In these studies, the VDA alone did not increase VDR expression; nonetheless, addition of a demethylating agent to a VDA markedly increased VDR expression and associated downstream signaling. These investigators suggested that use of VDAs alone at times may not boost VDR expression to the optimal level, which is consistent with the observations described in the present study.

Accumulation of ROS is often associated with DNA damage [23, 28]. There are several DNA repair pathways to deal with endogenous (cellular metabolic processes) and exogenous (environmental factors) DNA damage [29]. Damaged DNA is prone to mutation, senescence, or apoptosis [29, 30]. DSB repair is carried out by two major repair pathways: HR and NHEJ. DSBs are preferentially repaired by HR in bacteria and yeast, whereas DSBs are predominantly repaired by NHEJ in mammalian cells. Nonetheless, inefficiency of both pathways leads to multiple defects [29, 30]. In the present study, HIV/TCs displayed an enhanced number of DSBs and diminished expression of DNA repair protein, KU80. These findings indicated that HIV not only enhanced TC DNA damage but also compromised repair of the damaged DNA.

HIV infection has a potential to induce TC apoptosis by multiple ways, including direct cytotoxicity [31], associated signaling events [30], and unregulated immune activation [31]. Interestingly, apoptosis occurs not only in the HIV/TCs but also occurs in uninfected bystander TCs [32]. Direct viral infection of TCs induces apoptosis via increased apoptotic protein expression, oxidative stress, loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential, and cell cycle arrest [3134]. On the other hand, apoptosis of bystander, uninfected TCs occurs via binding of the HIV envelope protein to its cellular receptors prior to viral fusion and entry [35]. In the present study, RAS-induced ROS generation contributed to TC apoptosis in the HIV milieu. As TCs are likely to release Ang II into the interstitium, Ang II may bind to AT1 receptors of the uninfected bystander TCs and thus initiate stimulation of ROS generation and its consequences. ROS may also diffuse out the cell wall and may down-regulate VDR expression of bystander TCs by VDR hypermethylation [23]. Investigations on the aspects of bystander TCs are not within the scope of this manuscript; nonetheless, we will be interested in focusing on these phenomena in future studies.

Several epidemiologic studies reported an inverse relationship between vitamin D and incidence of infections [36]. On that account, many controlled trials have been carried out [36]; unfortunately, these trials turned out to be inconclusive [36]. We strongly believe that these trials did not show expected outcome because of an unknown VDR status in the tested population. As VDR activation determines the functional status of vitamin D, in the absence of the knowledge of VDR status, it would be difficult to speculate whether vitamin D therapy was able to sustain optimal VDR activation. As per our in vitro findings, it appears that VDA therapy alone is not sufficient to activate TC VDR expression above control levels in the HIV milieu. If that is true in vivo too, one would not be surprised with the outcome of the reported clinical trials.

We conclude that HIV-induced methylation down-regulated VDR and activated the RAS, which stimulated TC ROS generation, DNA damage, and apoptosis. The use of demethylating agents, VDAs and RAS blockade also provided protection against HIV-induced DNA damage and apoptosis. Our current study not only provides insight into HIV-induced TC loss but also forms the basis to develop therapeutic strategies to prevent TC apoptosis in patients with HIV infection.


This work was supported by Grants RO1DK084910 and RO1 DK083931 (P.C.S.) from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, MD, USA).

We thank the AIDS Reagents Program for providing JLTRG-5 cells.


Ang II type 1
control T cell
2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein diacetate
DNA methyltransferase
double-strand break
HIV-infected T cells
homologous recombinant
inclusion-forming unit
lentivirus particle
methylated CpG
nonhomologous end joint
quantitative PCR
renin angiotensin system
scrambled small interfering RNA
serum-free medium
small interfering RNA
T cell
vitamin D receptor agonist
vitamin D receptor


N.C. carried out the experiments related to HIV infection. M.H. helped design the experiments. H.G. performed studies pertaining to VDR. D.S. carried out imaging studies. X.L. carried out ROS studies. A.M. analyzed the data. J.M. helped with experimental design. P.C.S. completed the experimental design and manuscript writing.


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