Fixation to the lumbosacral spine to correct pelvic obliquity in neuromuscular scoliosis has always remained a surgical challenge. The strongest fixation of the lumbosacral junction has been achieved with either a Galveston technique with rods or screws or with iliosacral screws. We have devised a new fixation system, in which iliosacral screws are combined with iliac screws. This is made possible by using the AO Universal Spine System with side opening hooks above and below the iliosacral screws and iliac screws below it. The whole sacropelvis is thus encompassed by a maximum width (MW) fixation, which gives an ‘M’ appearance on the pelvic radiographs and a ‘W’ appearance in the axial plane. We report on our surgical technique and the early results where such a technique was used. We feel that this new means of fixation (by combining the strongest fixation systems) is extremely solid and should be included in the wide armamentarium of sacropelvic fixation.
Keywords: Key words Scoliosis, Surgical, procedures, Arthrodesis
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Received: 31 July 1998 Revised: 26 October 1998 Accepted: 10 November 1998