Lumbosacral list is a clinical sign that is frequently associated with low back pain and intervertebral disc lesions. This study examines the influence of McKenzie management on the natural history of trunk list. Patients with trunk list and low back pain were randomised into two groups: a control group receiving non-specific back massage and general back care advice, and a group treated according to the McKenzie protocol. Trunk list was measured over a period of 90 days and patients completed Oswestry Disability Questionnaires. There was a significantly greater resolution of list after 90 days in the group receiving McKenzie treatment compared to the control group. There was poor correlation between list magnitude and Oswestry scores. These data support previous observations that trunk list is not necessarily related to the degree of physical disability. The McKenzie method of assessment and treatment may assist in the resolution of trunk list, but it was ineffective in improving clinical condition.
Keywords: Key words Low back pain, Lumbosacral list, Oswestry, Disability Questionnaire, McKenzie physical therapy
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Received: 29 August 1997 Revised: 11 May 1998 Accepted: 28 May 1998