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. 2013 Apr 25;519(1):98–106. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2013.01.036

Dissecting the mechanisms responsible for the multiple insecticide resistance phenotype in Anopheles gambiae s.s., M form, from Vallée du Kou, Burkina Faso

Rachel M Kwiatkowska a, Naomi Platt a, Rodolphe Poupardin a, Helen Irving a, Roch K Dabire b, Sara Mitchell a, Christopher M Jones a, Abdoulaye Diabaté b, Hilary Ranson a, Charles S Wondji a,
PMCID: PMC3611593  PMID: 23380570


With the exception of target site mutations, insecticide resistance mechanisms in the principle malaria vector Anopheles gambiae, remains largely uncharacterized in Burkina Faso.

Here we detected high prevalence of resistance in Vallée du Kou (VK) to pyrethroids, DDT and dieldrin, moderate level for carbamates and full susceptibility to organophosphates. High frequencies of L1014F kdr (75%) and Rdl (87%) mutations were observed showing strong correlation with pyrethroids/DDT and dieldrin resistance. The frequency of ace1R mutation was low even in carbamate resistant mosquitoes. Microarray analysis identified genes significantly over-transcribed in VK. These include the cytochrome P450 genes, CYP6P3 and CYP6Z2, previously associated with pyrethroid resistance. Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis suggested that elevated neurotransmitter activity is associated with resistance, with the over-transcription of target site resistance genes such as acetylcholinesterase and the GABA receptor. A rhodopsin receptor gene previously associated with pyrethroid resistance in Culex pipiens pallens was also over-transcribed in VK.

This study highlights the complex network of mechanisms conferring multiple resistance in malaria vectors and such information should be taken into account when designing and implementing resistance control strategies.

Abbreviations: VK, Vallée du Kou; DDT, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; kdr, knockdown resistance; RDL, resistance to dieldrin; GO, Gene Ontology; MoH, Ministry of Health; IRS, indoor residual spraying; LLINs, long lasting insecticide nets; AChE, acetylcholinesterase; GSTs, glutathione-S-transferases; WHO, World Health Organization; SINE, short interspersed element; FC, fold change; sHSP, small Heat Shock Protein; qRT-PCR, quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid

Keywords: Anopheles gambiae, Malaria, Insecticide resistance, Burkina Faso, Microarray


► High pyrethroids, DDT and dieldrin resistance in VK, moderate for carbamate ► High frequencies kdr and Rdl mutations in VK with strong correlation with resistance ► Detection using microarray of genes upregulated in VK notably CYP6P3 and CYP6Z2 P450s ► Neurotransmitter activity GO terms enriched in VK; Ace-1/GABA receptor upregulated ► A rhodopsin gene associated with resistance in Culex p. pallens upregulated in VK

1. Introduction

Malaria is endemic in Burkina Faso (West Africa) where it is the main cause of morbidity and mortality (MoH, Burkina Faso). Current efforts to control malaria in Burkina Faso, as elsewhere in Africa, rely on vector control methods such as long lasting insecticides nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) (Dabiré et al., 2012).

Insecticide resistance in malaria vectors is widely reported in Burkina Faso and has been linked to the heavy agricultural use of insecticides (Dabiré et al., 2012; Diabate et al., 2002a). One of the locations highly impacted by agricultural selection pressure is the region of Vallée du Kou (VK) in the south west of the country, an area comprising seven villages. Vallée du Kou is surrounded by agricultural land which has long been exposed to pesticides, contributing to the selection of resistance in malaria vectors (Diabate et al., 2002a). For this reason, Vallée du Kou has regularly been used to monitor patterns of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors, most notably Anopheles gambiae (Dabire et al., 2008).

The two major causes of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors are alterations in the target sites and increase in the rate of insecticide metabolism. One of the main target site mutations is the ‘knock-down resistance’ mutation (kdr) conferring resistance to pyrethroids and DDT. In A.. gambiae, two amino acid changes in the voltage-gated sodium channel gene at codon 1014, a leucine to phenylalanine substitution also known as 1014F (Martinez-Torres et al., 1998) and a leucine to serine substitution also known as 1014S (Ranson et al., 2000), are involved. A single amino acid substitution of glycine to serine at position 119 in the catalytic domain of the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) gene confers resistance to both organophosphates and carbamates in A. gambiae (Weill et al., 2004). Resistance to cyclodienes such as dieldrin is conferred by either a change of alanine to serine or to glycine in the GABA receptor gene at codon 296 (Du et al., 2005). Metabolic resistance is caused primarily by three enzyme families, the cytochrome P450s, the esterases and glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs)(Hemingway and Ranson, 2000).

Since the first report of resistance to insecticide in this VK A. gambiae population (Chandre et al., 1999), a constant increase in the level of pyrethroid and DDT resistance has been observed, associated with an increase in the frequency of the 1014F kdr allele (Dabire et al., 2008; Diabate et al., 2002b). In addition to this kdr mutation, the G119S mutation in the acetylcholinesterase gene (Ace-1R), known to confer resistance to organophosphates and carbamates, has been detected in the A. gambiae population of VK in 2005, but at low frequencies (0.03 M form, 0.37 S form) (Dabire et al., 2008). Other resistance mechanisms, such as metabolic resistance, undoubtedly play an important role in the insecticide resistance observed in field populations of malaria vectors across Africa (Djouaka et al., 2008; Muller et al., 2008a), but the potential role of these mechanisms, and the genes underlying the resistance trait, have not been widely explored in mosquitoes from Burkina Faso. Additionally, insecticide resistance profiling in VK have mainly focused on two of the seven villages: VK5 (Diabate et al., 2002b) and VK7 (Dabire et al., 2008; Diabate et al., 2002b). A broad resistance pattern from the seven villages has not yet been established.

This study aims to build on previous studies from Vallée du Kou to establish the extent and distribution of insecticide resistance in populations of A. gambiae from all seven villages against the four major classes of insecticide. The underlying resistance mechanisms are dissected by assessing the correlation between resistance phenotypes and target-site mutations and by investigating the contribution of metabolic resistance using a microarray approach.

2. Results

2.1. Mosquito collections and bioassays

All bioassay tests were carried out using F1 mosquitoes generated from indoor-collected blood-fed female A. gambiae s.l. from VK1 (n = 226), VK2 (= 241), VK3 (n = 292), VK6 (n = 311) and VK7 (n = 225). Only few mosquitoes were collected in VK4 and VK5 due to low water levels in the rice paddies in these two villages. In total, 2302 mosquitoes from the five villages were exposed to the diagnostic concentration of insecticide defined by WHO (WHO, 1998).

Pooling the data from all five villages, there is a high prevalence of resistance to permethrin (3.4% mortality), DDT (10% mortality), dieldrin (5.9% mortality), deltamethrin (24.8% mortality), and lambda-cyhalothrin (7.3% mortality). Malathion was the only insecticide found to be fully effective (100% mortality). A small number of mosquitoes survived bendiocarb exposure (91.1% mortality) (Fig. 1; Table S1). Bioassay results were fairly uniform between villages (Fig. 1; Table S1) except in the case of bendiocarb exposure, where mortality was significantly lower in VK2 than in other villages (81.2% mortality compared with mean 92.6% from other villages. χ2 = 18.9, P = 0.000).

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Susceptibility/resistance status of the A. gambiae M form population of Vallée du Kou to the main insecticides. Due to sample size limitations, not all insecticides were tested in all villages. Absence of bars for some villages indicates that there is no data for the tested insecticide.

2.2. Genotyping of target-site mutations

The SINE PCR carried out on 15 field-collected females from each village and on 50 F1 samples indicated that they were all A. gambiae s.s. from the M molecular form.

2.2.1. kdr mutation

The pyrosequencing method unambiguously scored the three genotypes of the L1014F kdr (Fig. S1) and also genotyped the L1014S kdr T/C position simultaneously. The frequency of the 1014F kdr allele was 75% in the 100 F0 females tested. No 1014S alleles were detected. Overall the T/T resistant homozygote genotype was present at 53% in the field collected F0 females, the heterozygote A/T present at 43% while the homozygote susceptible genotype A/A was observed at only 4%.

The frequencies of the kdr genotypes significantly differed between susceptible and resistant phenotypes for both permethrin and DDT (permethrin, χ2 = 101, df = 2 and P = 0.000; DDT, χ2 = 64.9, df = 2 and P = 0.000) (Table S2). A significant association was observed between the kdr mutation and resistance to permethrin and DDT with odds ratio of 2.7 (P < 0.05) and 2.8 (P < 0.05) respectively when comparing the allele counts between phenotypes.

In both permethrin and DDT exposed samples, the majority of mosquitoes with the T/T homozygote kdr genotype were resistant (73.1 and 72.0% respectively for permethrin and DDT) while approximately half of the heterozygote mosquitoes were resistant (49.2% for permethrin and 45.7% for DDT), and none of the wild-type (susceptible) genotype were resistant (Figs. 2A and B). The frequencies of the A/T heterozygote genotype in resistant and susceptible DDT phenotypes (52% and 62% respectively) were significantly higher compared to the permethrin exposed mosquitoes (41% and 43% respectively) (χ2 = 7.75, P = 0.005).

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Correlation between resistance phenotype and the L1014F genotypes; A) is for permethrin and B) for DDT. The frequency of each genotype is plotted in each phenotype to indicate differences in survival between the genotypes (T/T: resistant L1014F kdr genotype; A/T: heterozygote; A/A: wild type susceptible).

2.2.2. AChE mutation

The pyrosequencing method successfully scored the A/G mutation according to the expected nucleotide peaks on the histograms (Fig. S2). The 119S ace1R allele was present at a low frequency of 4.2% (n = 124) and always as heterozygote. Thirty-five bendiocarb survivors and 24 females dead after exposure were also genotyped for ace1R. Only four individuals contained the ace1R allele and all of these were bendiocarb survivors, suggesting a correlation between the ace1R allele and resistance to bendiocarb (Table S3). The overwhelming predominance of the susceptible Ace1S genotype, even in resistant mosquitoes, is a strong indicator that other resistance mechanisms are mainly responsible for the observed carbamate resistance.

2.2.3. Resistance to dieldrin (Rdl) mutation

The A296S Rdl mutation, unambiguously scored by the pyrosequencing method (Fig. S3), was present at a high frequency in VK (87%) (n = 94). Overall, the T/T resistant homozygote genotype was present in F0 females at 77.7%, the heterozygote G/T present at 19.1% while the homozygote susceptible genotype G/G was observed at only 3.2%. A subset of 76 dieldrin phenotyped individuals was also scored for the Rdl mutation. Resistant samples were almost exclusively homozygous for the Rdl mutation (94%). In contrast, over half of the susceptible mosquitoes were heterozygous (G/T 60%), 30% wild type (G/G) and only 10% homozygous T/T (Table S4). The difference between the phenotypic composition of each RDL genotype is highly significant (χ2 = 257, P = 0.00). A significant association was observed between the RDL mutation and resistance to dieldrin with an odds ratio of 39.4 (P < 0.0001) when comparing the allele counts between phenotypes. Homozygotes were almost all resistant to dieldrin (90.9%R) (Fig. 3), whereas heterozygotes were for the most part susceptible (89.2%S) indicating that this mutation may be recessive. The wild type genotypes were all from the susceptible subset.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Correlation between resistance phenotype to dieldrin and the A296S genotypes. The frequency of each genotype is plotted in each phenotype to indicate differences in survival between the genotypes (T/T: resistant Rdl genotype; G/T: heterozygote; G/G: wild type susceptible).

2.3. Microarray analysis

Microarrays were used to compare the genome-wide transcriptome between VK6 samples and the susceptible Ngoussou strain (also M form). The quality control (QC) analysis of all the samples after normalization indicated that 5576 out of 14,999 probes or entities (37.2%) passed the filtering based on flags present or marginal in at least 1 out of the 5 samples used in this experiment. Using this 5576 probes set, the number of differentially expressed probes (≥ 2-fold) between the VK and Ngoussou samples is 1493, 1075, 786 and 108 respectively for P values of 0.05, 0.01, 0.005 and 0.001 (Fig. S4). For subsequent analysis, a P value of 0.005 was selected which resulted in a subset of 429 probes over-transcribed in the resistant VK sample and 357 probes under-transcribed compared to the susceptible Ngoussou strain. The top fifty probes in the over-transcribed subset, based on fold-change are listed in Table 1 while the top 30 probes the most under-transcribed are listed in Table 2. A complete list of the 786 probes is provided in the supplementary files (Table S5).

Table 1.

The top 50 probes the most over-transcribed in the Vallée du Kou A. gambiae M form population compared to the Ngoussou susceptible strain.

Probe name Gene name Corrected P-value Absolute FC Function
CUST_2693_PI422575199 AGAP007160-RB 6.22E − 04 77.1967 Alpha crystallin–small heat-shock protein
CUST_2694_PI422575199 AGAP007160-RC 5.37E − 04 75.60545 Alpha crystallin–small heat-shock protein
CUST_2692_PI422575199 AGAP007160-RA 9.12E − 04 74.3092 Alpha crystallin–small heat-shock protein
CUST_4851_PI422575199 AGAP002878-RA 0.0010 73.0915 Cysteine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity
CUST_2394_PI422575199 AGAP006879-RA 0.0013 26.39016 ATP synthase E chain.
DETOX_487_PI422610884 CYP6Z2 0.0018 20.53136 Cytochrome P450
CUST_9916_PI422575199 AGAP011318-RA 0.0031 18.17117 Asparaginase
CUST_6539_PI422575199 AGAP012982-RA 8.92E − 04 16.65581 Putative rhodopsin receptor deltamethrin resistance-associated NYD-OP3 in Culex pipiens pallens
DETOX_66_PI422610884 Aldehyde_oxidase 0.0061 16.55706 Aldehyde oxidase
CUST_1987_PI422575199 AGAP006504-RA 0.0022 15.49114 Hypothetical salivary protein SG2A
CUST_1836_PI422575199 AGAP006365-RA 0.0069 14.33992 ss-DNA binding protein 12RNP2
CUST_6404_PI422575199 AGAP004033-RA 0.0015 14.10266 Hypothetical protein
CUST_1777_PI422575199 AGAP006263-RA 9.24E − 04 13.52441 Arrestin, Arr2-like
CUST_1475_PI422575199 AGAP005996-RA 9.71E − 04 12.37302 Cuticular protein 21, RR-1 family CPR21
CUST_5632_PI422575199 AGAP003444-RA 0.0010 11.92223 Putative 13.4 kDa salivary protein
DETOX_489_PI422610884 CYP6Z2 0.0020 11.06083 Cytochrome P450
CUST_10688_PI422575199 AGAP012129-RA 0.0070 10.90494 Dimethyladenosine transferase
CUST_1367_PI422575199 AGAP005901-RA 0.0016 10.63078 SARM1; Sterile alpha and TIR motif-containing protein, putative
CUST_12342_PI422575199 AGAP009110-RA 5.37E − 04 10.52897 Conserved hypothetical protein
CUST_13058_PI422575199 AGAP009828-RA 0.0021 10.41671 Chymotrypsin 1
DETOX_461_PI422610884 CYP6P3 0.0052 9.987807 Cytochrome P450
CUST_12441_PI422575199 AGAP009212-RA 0.0036 9.820358 Serpin 6 protein
CUST_3330_PI422575199 AGAP006741-RA 9.71E − 04 9.792675 Conserved hypothetical protein
CUST_2964_PI422575199 AGAP007403-RA 0.0018 9.442213 No description
CUST_11795_PI422575199 AGAP008533-RA 0.0018 8.799952 Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activator
CUST_8859_PI422575199 AGAP000461-RB 9.71E − 04 8.625973 Tenascin isoform g
CUST_10735_PI422575199 AGAP012179-RA 7.68E − 04 8.576783 Calbindin 53e calcium ion binding
CUST_2696_PI422575199 AGAP007161-RA 0.0011 8.46717 (response to heat) Alpha crystallin/heat shock protein
CUST_7424_PI422575199 AGAP001610-RA 0.0055 8.436959 Alpha-kinase family
CUST_3716_PI422575199 AGAP002089-RA 0.0019 8.329749 NPR3 nitrogen permease regulator of amino acid transport activity
CUST_7821_PI422575199 AGAP000646-RA 0.0015 8.208787 Alpha trans-inducing protein (alpha-TIF)
CUST_13511_PI422575199 AGAP010286-RA 9.71E − 04 8.107342 Isoform g; chromatin structure and dynamics
CUST_2186_PI422575199 AGAP006678-RA 0.0027 8.010792 No description
CUST_12137_PI422575199 AGAP008903-RA 4.05E − 05 7.86584 Leukocyte receptor [Culex quinquefasciatus]
DETOX_462_PI422610884 CYP6P3 0.0024 7.741744 Cytochrome P450
CUST_5633_PI422575199 AGAP003442-RA 7.37E − 04 7.734673 kDa salivary protein
CUST_11285_PI422575199 AGAP007990-RA 8.90E − 04 7.692011 Glucosyl glucuronosyl transferases
CUST_14062_PI422575199 AGAP002789-RA 0.0017 7.496881 Protein unc-13-like protein
DETOX_460_PI422610884 CYP6P3 0.0017 7.36139 Cytochrome P450
CUST_1553_PI422575199 AGAP006068-RB 9.96E − 04 7.348426 No description
CUST_3219_PI422575199 AGAP007657-RA 0.0088 7.288038 Isoform e; signal transduction mechanisms
CUST_12023_PI422575199 AGAP008782-RA 0.0012 7.245967 kDa salivary protein
CUST_308_PI422575199 AGAP004949-RA 0.0011 7.236758 No description
CUST_12435_PI422575199 AGAP009206-RA 0.0016 7.233563 GTP cyclohydrolase I feedback regulatory protein (GFRP)
CUST_8191_PI422575199 AGAP012956-RB 6.22E − 04 7.205309 No description
CUST_2641_PI422575199 AGAP007110-RA 0.0017 7.022706 No description
CUST_6548_PI422575199 AGAP013149-RA 0.0035 7.011612 Rhodopsin receptor 1
DETOX_488_PI422610884 CYP6Z2 0.0098 6.978962 Cytochrome P450
CUST_4468_PI422575199 AGAP013226-RA 0.0099 6.936893 No description
CUST_3988_PI422575199 AGAP002272-RB 5.37E − 04 6.723799 Ankyrin unc44

Table 2.

The top 30 probes the most under-transcribed in the Vallée du Kou A. gambiae M form population compared to the Ngoussou susceptible strain.

Probe name Gene name Corrected P-value Absolute FC Function
CUST_6937_PI422575199 AGAP013005-RA 0.006354 31.33667 No description
CUST_6058_PI422575199 AGAP003777-RA 6.56E − 04 18.21914 No description
CUST_1289_PI422575199 AGAP005822-RA 0.003885 17.87833 Salivary protein
CUST_6303_PI422575199 AGAP003939-RC 0.001125 15.61139 CG14168 CG14168-PA
CUST_5506_PI422575199 AGAP003354-RA 5.37E − 04 15.10638 Venom allergen 5
CUST_2294_PI422575199 AGAP006782-RA 0.003609 14.07909 No description
CUST_1963_PI422575199 AGAP006480-RB 0.009903 13.98927 No description
CUST_2569_PI422575199 AGAP007043-RA 0.003609 11.93225 Urokinase-type plasminogen activator
CUST_681_PI422575199 AGAP005260-RA 0.002226 11.82989 Thymidylate kinase
CUST_11254_PI422575199 AGAP007959-RA 0.001065 11.82861 No description
CUST_5354_PI422575199 AGAP003251-RA 0.009034 11.71185 CLIPB1 protein
CUST_6623_PI422575199 AGAP004161-RA 6.22E − 04 11.12085 Isoform i
CUST_2570_PI422575199 AGAP007043-RB 0.001709 11.04052 Urokinase-type plasminogen activator
CUST_5154_PI422575199 AGAP003087-RA 0.00289 10.57497 No description
CUST_13257_PI422575199 AGAP010032-RA 6.22E − 04 10.43863 No description
CUST_5977_PI422575199 AGAP003692-RA 0.002895 10.11468 Alanyl aminopeptidase
CUST_4175_PI422575199 AGAP013481-RA 0.001121 10.02706 Conserved hypothetical protein [Culex quinquefasciatus]
CUST_10753_PI422575199 AGAP012197-RA 0.004419 9.860712 Histone
CUST_9966_PI422575199 AGAP011368-RA 0.004491 9.717456 Odorant-binding protein
CUST_324_PI422575199 AGAP004963-RA 0.002356 9.463758 No description
DETOX_576_PI422610884 GSTD1_5 0.001125 9.320538 GST
CUST_11713_PI422575199 AGAP008449-RA 0.001682 9.236979 Cuticle protein
CUST_4170_PI422575199 AGAP013481-RC 0.001159 9.024582 Hypothetical protein AaeL_AAEL002776 [Aedes aegypti]
DETOX_574_PI422610884 GSTD1_5 5.37E − 04 8.88221 GST
DETOX_812_PI422610884 TPX5 0.00186 8.838707 TPX
DETOX_623_PI422610884 GSTE4 0.002105 8.656731 GST
CUST_4174_PI422575199 AGAP013481-RG 7.84E − 04 8.569392 Hypothetical protein AaeL_AAEL002776 [A. aegypti]
CUST_10758_PI422575199 AGAP012202-RA 0.003722 8.315007 No description
CUST_11588_PI422575199 AGAP008311-RA 7.37E − 04 8.105989 Drosophila melanogaster CG14022
DETOX_575_PI422610884 GSTD1_5 0.004114 8.097907 GST
CUST_12969_PI422575199 AGAP009751-RA 0.001444 7.952107 Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (AGAP009751-PA)
CUST_4172_PI422575199 AGAP013481-RF 0.002015 7.8076 Hypothetical protein AaeL_AAEL002776 [A. aegypti]
CUST_12113_PI422575199 AGAP008879-RB 0.003038 7.678863 GM17938 [Drosophila sechellia]
CUST_8594_PI422575199 AGAP000260-RC 0.004567 7.644038 ATP synthase subunit mitochondrial
CUST_2918_PI422575199 AGAP007365-RA 0.001698 7.579763 Maternal protein exuperantia

2.3.1. Over-transcribed genes in VK

The three probes with the highest fold change (FC > 74) in VK relative to Ngoussou belong to three different transcripts (AGAP007160-RA, RB and RC) encoding a small Heat-Shock Protein sHSP20 (168 amino acids) on chromosome 2L. A putative proteinase inhibitor (AGAP002878-RA) on chromosome 2R also appears to be highly over-transcribed (FC 73.1) as does a mitochondrial gene AGAP006879 (FC 26.4) (chromosome 2L) which encodes the subunit E of the ATP synthase involved in transmembrane ion transport.

In addition, a putative rhodopsin receptor gene GPROP3 (AGAP012982), which is an ortholog of the NYD-OP7 gene associated with deltamethrin resistance in the mosquito Culex pipiens pallens (Hu et al., 2007), is also over-transcribed in VK (FC 16.6) besides two other genes known to interact with rhodopsin; arrestin (AGAP006263) and rhodopsin receptor 1 (AGAP013149).

In total, twenty-one probes, representing 11 genes with putative detoxification function or previously associated with insecticide resistance were over-transcribed (Table S6). Most notable were cytochrome P450s with six genes over-transcribed in VK. CYZ6Z2 and CYP6P3 were the most over-transcribed of this gene family and consistently for their three probes (FC 20.5, 11.1 and 7 for CYP6Z2 and 10, 7.8 and 7.4 for CYP6P3). In addition, CYP6AA1 (all 3 probes; FC 2.4), CYP6AG2 (FC 2.3), CYP6M3 (FC 2.0) and CYP6P1 (FC 2.0) were also over-transcribed. Other over-transcribed detoxification genes include an aldehyde oxidase (FC 16.5) previously associated with insecticide resistance in Culex quinquefasciatus (Giraudo et al., 2011), two peroxidase genes PX13A (FC 3.5) and GPX3 (FC 2.6) and a glutathione-S-transferase gene GSTZ1 (FC 2.6). Surprisingly, 3 probes of the acetylcholinesterase gene Ace-1, were all over-transcribed in VK (FC 2.5) as well as a probe for Ace2 the second acetylcholinesterase gene in A. gambiae (FC 2.7). The Ace-1 gene is normally associated with a target-site mutation conferring carbamate/organophosphate resistance. The GABA receptor gene (AGAP006028) associated with target site resistance to dieldrin was also over-transcribed in VK (FC 5.5).

Several other genes with diverse functions are also over-transcribed in VK. Among these is a group of genes involved in peptidase regulation including a chymotrypsin (AGAP009828) (FC 10.4) and a serine protease (AGAP009212) (FC9.8). Other gene categories include salivary protein genes (AGAP006504 (FC 15.5), AGAP003444 (FC 11.9)), cuticular protein genes (CPR21 (AGAP005996) (FC 12.4)) and an UDP glucosyl glucuronosyl transferase gene (AGAP007990) (FC 7.7).

2.3.2. Under-transcribed genes

No specific gene family is predominant among the under-transcribed genes in VK compared to the susceptible Ngoussou strain and most probes in this list are from genes with unknown functions. However, several GSTs were down regulated (Table S7) including GST1-5 (FC 3.2) GSTE3 (FC 2.6), GSTE4 (FC 2.5), and GST1-6 (FC 2.1) and GSTU1 (FC 2.4). Overall, 35 probes from detoxification genes were under-transcribed in VK including one cytochrome P450, CYP6AK1 (FC 3.3).

2.3.3. Functional profiling of over-transcribed genes using GO enrichment analysis

GO enrichment analysis with both DAVID functional and Blast2Go produced similar results. This analysis confirms that activities related to neuro-muscular and neurotransmitter activities were the most enriched in VK with enrichment scores of 2.36 and 2.04 respectively recorded for these groups (Table 3). GO terms associated with neurotransmitter activity include for the cellular component category terms such as presynaptic membrane, postsynaptic membrane, the terminal buttons, the neuromuscular junction and synaptic vesicles term (or neurotransmitter vesicles) (Table S8). For the molecular function category, it includes terms such as neurotransmitter transporter activity, 4-aminobutyrate transaminase activity, acetylcholinesterase activity and cholinesterase activity (Table S8) in line with the over-expression of the GABA receptor or the Ace-1 and Ace-2 genes observed in this study. GO terms associated with neuro-muscular activity include, for the cellular component category, terms such as A band, Z disk and troponin complex, apical cortex, basolateral plasma membrane and vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V1 domain (Table S8). These terms are associated with the muscular system of insects related to cell membrane activities linked with muscular contraction. For the molecular function category, it includes terms such as actin binding, tropomyosin binding and protein N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity (Table S8), an enzyme which belongs to the family of glycosyltransferases notably over-transcribed in VK.

Table 3.

Enrichment profile of the VK over-transcribed set of probes using the DAVID functional tool.


An enrichment of stress response activity was also observed (with a score of 2.06) as a response to heat or temperature stimulus. This enrichment of stress response activity is in line with the highest over-expression seen in VK for heat shock protein AGAP007160. The DAVID functional analysis which takes into account other parameters such as the protein ID using INTERPRO or the SMART ID (Huang da et al., 2009) also revealed, contrary to Blast2Go, an enrichment of detoxification activity through cytochrome P450 genes but also the aldehyde oxidase gene in correlation with the over-expression of some P450s such as CYP6P3 and CYP6Z2 and an aldehyde oxidase in VK.

2.4. Validation of the microarray up-regulation with qRT-PCR

Nine of the most over-transcribed genes in VK, the heat shock protein sHSP20 (AGAP007160), CYP6Z2, CYP6P3, CYP6M3, aldehyde oxidase (AGAP006226), an UDP glucosyl-transferase (AGAP007990), acetylcholinesterase 1 (Ace-1), the putative rhodopsin receptor AGAP012982 and arrestin (AGAP006263) were selected for validation by qPCR. All primer pairs tested had amplification efficiencies between 90 and 110%. A significant over-expression in VK was confirmed for seven genes when their (2− ΔΔCt) relative expression was compared between VK and Ngoussou after normalization with the two housekeeping genes RSP7 and GDPH (Fig. 4). The highest fold-change is observed for the rhodopsin gene with a 12.1-fold up-regulation in VK compared to the susceptible Ngoussou sample (FC 16.6 for microarray). The P450 CYP6P3 is 11.0-fold over-transcribed in VK (Average FC 8.5 for microarray) while CYP6Z2 is also over-transcribed in this resistant sample at 4.5-fold (average FC 12.7 for microarray), which is similar to the up-regulation observed for the aldehyde oxidase gene (4.4-fold change) (FC 16.5 for microarray). Similarly, the qPCR profiles of CYP6M3, acetylcholinesterase (Ace-1) and the UDP glucosyl-transferase gene correlated with their microarray results showing an over-transcription in VK. No over-transcription was observed for the heat shock protein sHSP20 (AGAP007160) and for the Arrestin gene with both being rather under-transcribed in VK from this qRT-PCR result contrary to the microarray results.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

qRT-PCR expression profile of the six candidate genes in females of the resistant VK population and the susceptible strain Ngoussou. The relative fold change of the 2− ΔΔCt of each gene between VK and Ngoussou are represented on the Y axis.

3. Discussion

This study has provided an update on the current levels of resistance and the underlying resistance mechanisms in A. gambiae s.s., M form, in the Vallée du Kou region of Burkina Faso.

The WHO bioassay results indicated a high prevalence of resistance to pyrethroids in VK villages for both Type I pyrethroid (permethrin) or Type II (deltamethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin). This pattern is broadly similar between the five villages indicating an extensive gene flow between these populations (potentially constituting a single panmictic population) or similar selection pressure. The proportion of A. gambiae surviving permethrin exposure has increased considerably since 1999 (61.6% mortality in 1999 (Chandre et al., 1999) vs. 3.4% in 2010 reported here). Overall, mortality rates are lower for permethrin (3.4%) than for deltamethrin (24.8%) similar to trends usually observed in A. gambiae (Ramphul et al., 2009; Ranson et al., 2009). A recent nationwide susceptibility study of A. gambiae populations across Burkina Faso revealed that mortality rates for permethrin ranged from 20% in Batié to 97% in Manga (Dabiré et al., 2012). With only 3.4% mortality, VK populations exhibit the highest prevalence of resistance to permethrin in the country. Furthermore, the high levels of resistance to deltamethrin are of real concern given the widespread distribution of LLINs impregnated with this insecticide as part of the National Malaria Control Programme. The efficacy of these LLINs could be negatively affected by this resistance as previously observed in Benin (N'Guessan et al., 2007). A high prevalence of resistance to DDT with mortality rates ranging from 2 to 10.5% between the VK villages was observed, consistent with previous report in VK in 1999 and 2005 (Chandre et al., 1999; Dabire et al., 2008).

The high frequency of L1014F kdr mutation (75%) in this VK population confirms the trend of an increase of this mutation in VK as previously reported. Indeed, the 1014F kdr allele, only detected at a very low frequency of 2% in 2000 (Diabate et al., 2002b) and 20% in 2005 (Dabire et al., 2008) had risen to 75% by 2010. This continued rise of this kdr frequency is an indication that this M form of VK is still undergoing selection for resistance either through the agricultural use of insecticides or the widespread use of LLINs in VK (Dabire et al., 2008; Diabate et al., 2002a). Analysis of the association between kdr genotypes and resistance indicated that the L1014F mutation was associated with both permethrin and DDT resistance as reported previously (Donnelly et al., 2009).

Overall a co-dominance like-effect was observed for the L1014F mutation for both permethrin and DDT as the heterozygote individuals exhibited intermediate resistance levels contrary to the recessive effect originally described for this mutation (Martinez-Torres et al., 1998). A similar analysis of a population of A. gambiae from Uganda found a similar co-dominance effect for L1014S and DDT but not for permethrin resistance (Ramphul et al., 2009). The distribution of the L1014S mutation in A. gambiae s.s. has expanded from its origin in East Africa (Ranson et al., 2000) to Central (Reimer et al., 2008) and West Africa (Djegbe et al., 2011), however, it was not found from M form A. gambiae in VK in this study.

Resistance to the cyclodiene dieldrin was also prevalent in all VK populations with mortality ranging from 3.1 to 9.2% indicating that resistance against this insecticide, already reported since the 1960–70s in Burkina Faso (Hamon et al., 1968), remains established despite the fact that it is no longer used in public health. A similar situation was also recently observed for Anopheles funestus in Burkina Faso (Wondji et al., 2011). Because a fitness cost has been shown to be associated with dieldrin resistance (Rowland, 1991a, 1991b) it is rather expected that in the absence of dieldrin selection, this resistance will revert to susceptibility as previously observed in Nigeria (Hamon and Garrett-Jones, 1963). Therefore, the persistence of dieldrin resistance in A. gambiae in VK may be the result of the use of agrochemicals targeting the GABA receptor in the agricultural sector, rather than reflecting a lack of fitness cost as observed in C. pipiens and Aedes albopictus populations in La Reunion (Tantely et al., 2010). Beside the RDL mutation, some of the genes over-transcribed could be associated to dieldrin resistance. This includes the up-regulation of the GABA receptor gene and the enrichment of the 4-aminobutyrate transaminase activity term, an enzyme which catalyzes the conversion of the 4-aminobutanoic acid (GABA) and 2-oxoglutarate into succinic semialdehyde and glutamate.

The organophosphate malathion remained 100% effective in this population indicating that organophosphates could be considered as an alternative insecticide for IRS campaign around VK. The prevalence of bendiocarb resistance also remains low. However, the presence of ace-1 mutations in the population suggests that resistance to these insecticide classes could increase rapidly. There is no obvious explanation for the higher bendiocarb resistance observed in VK2 as this village directly borders VK1 and both are surrounded by rice paddies. It will be necessary to monitor VK2 further to elucidate the likely reason of this difference. The low ace1R frequency in the resistant bendiocarb mosquitoes indicates that the G119S mutation may not have a major role in the carbamate resistance in this population. Metabolic resistance is probably the cause of this resistance. The enrichment of GO terms associated with acetylcholinesterase activity and cholinesterase activity in this study indicates that besides the Ace-1 G119S mutation, the over-expression of the two acetylcholinesterase genes is possibly associated with the bendiocarb resistance. This over-expression of Ace-1 could also be associated with the presence of a duplicated copy of this gene in some resistant field populations of A. gambiae (Djogbenou et al., 2009).

The contribution of the metabolic resistance mechanisms to the multiple resistance patterns of the VK population is supported by the microarray results. This contribution is shown through the up-regulation of genes involved in insecticide detoxifications such as P450 genes but also by the over-representation of GO terms from activities associated with resistance in this population. The detection of the detoxification genes such as the P450 CYP6P3 previously shown to confer pyrethroid resistance in other populations of A. gambiae (Djouaka et al., 2008; Muller et al., 2008a) suggests that metabolic resistance is also contributing to the high level of pyrethroid resistance in VK. The up-regulation of other P450 genes such as CYP6Z2 and CYP6AA1, found over-transcribed in pyrethroid resistant strain (David et al., 2005) further supports this role. Among other genes with a potential role in pyrethroid resistance are the peroxidases PX13A and GPX3, which are also over-transcribed in VK. Peroxidases and glutathione peroxidases are known to reduce the damaging effects of reactive oxygen species released by insecticides (Vontas et al., 2005) and are also associated with pyrethroid resistance (Muller et al., 2008b). Glucuronosyl transferase genes are responsible for the process of glucuronidation, which plays a major part in phase II metabolism of xenobiotics. Glucuronidation represents a major pathway which enhances the elimination of many lipophilic xenobiotics and endobiotics to more water-soluble compounds (King et al., 2000). Therefore, the over-expression of genes from this family could feasibly play a role in insecticide resistance in this population. However, the difference in the breeding environments between the VK field strain and the Ngoussou lab strain could also explain this expression pattern. Unfortunately due to high resistance in VK no suitable field susceptible sample with the same genetic background could be found to compare with the resistant VK samples.

Apart from the known detoxification genes, the over-transcription of the GPROP3 rhodopsin receptor gene (AGAP012982-RA) in VK, from both microarray and qPCR analyses, is an interesting observation as a gene from this family (made of 11 genes in A. gambiae), NYD-OP7 with 86% identities to GPR0P3, has previously been associated with deltamethrin resistance in another mosquito species C. pipiens pallens (Hu et al., 2007). NYD-OP7 was shown to independently confer deltamethrin resistance with expression of this gene in the mosquito C6/36 cell line conferring moderate deltamethrin resistance. The up-regulation of the rhodopsin gene in VK is further evidence that increased expression of an opsin gene may have a role in pyrethroid resistance. Additionally, it has been observed that Drosophila UV-sensitive opsins (Rh3 and Rh4) and blue-sensitive opsin (NinaE, ortholog of GPR0P3) were over-transcribed in Drosophila DDT-resistant strain (Pedra et al., 2004), suggesting that opsins gene may also contribute to increased tolerance to DDT.

The highest expression of the heat-shock protein sHSP20 was not confirmed by qRT-PCR. This should be further investigated to establish the reason of this discrepancy. However, this could be due to sequence conservation between members of this gene family inducing non-specific hybridization of the qRT-PCR primers used in this study.

On top of the identification of candidate genes associated with the multiple resistances in the VK population, the analysis of the whole transcriptome of A. gambiae in this study has allowed to establish the broader picture of insecticide resistance mechanism. The higher expression of neurotransmitter genes associated with target site resistance such as acetylcholinesterase and the GABA receptor gene indicates that target site resistance may also be associated to the over-expression of target-site resistance genes. The reason of such over-expression remains unclear, however, we could hypothesize that it may provide extra molecules/receptors to compensate for those which may be compromised by insecticides or this may reflect gene amplification events through duplication as seen in Ace-1. This will need to be further investigated.

4. Conclusion

This investigation into the insecticide resistance pattern in Vallée du Kou, Burkina Faso, has established the extent and investigated the causes of the observed multiple resistance. Insecticide resistance in the major malaria vector A. gambiae, M form, in VK is extremely high to all but the organophosphate and carbamate insecticide classes. We have confirmed the importance of target site resistance but also highlighted the complexities underlying insecticide resistance in malaria vectors, with resistance phenotypes conferred by multiple molecular mechanisms. This complexity should be taken into consideration by vector control programs when designing and implementing insecticide resistance control strategies.

5. Methods

5.1. Field collection

Samples were collected from Vallée du Kou (VK), in South-West Burkina Faso. The region spans 1200 ha from 4° 24′ 42″ longitude west to 11° 23′ 14″ latitude north. Vallée du Kou is an area of wooded savannah consisting of seven adjoining villages (Fig. S5) referred as VK1 to VK7. Semi-permanent irrigation systems are in place dating back to 1972 (Dabire et al., 2008) for the cultivation of rice and in addition the villages are permanently supplied by the river Kou. Mean annual rainfall is estimated at 1200 mm per annum and rice is the major crop. Rice paddies form ideal mosquito breeding sites, as do the depressions and ponds that form in the dirt roads through the villages. The savannah region surrounding Vallée du Kou is largely used for cotton and vegetable cultivation, and has seen decades of heavy insecticide exposure (Dabire et al., 2008).

Indoor resting collections of blood fed and gravid female Anopheles mosquitoes were conducted between the hours of 08:00 am and 12:00 pm in mid- to late April 2010 using manual aspirators. Mosquitoes were transported to the insectaries of the Centre Muraz Institute, Bobo Dioulasso, located 30 km south of VK, and were allowed to lay eggs in cages. After oviposition, these females were stored in Eppendorf tubes with silica gel for further characterization. Emerging larvae were then reared to adults and transferred into cages for use in bioassays.

5.2. Bioassays

Insecticide susceptibility assays were carried out using 2–5 day-old F1 female adults following WHO protocol (WHO, 1998). Approximately 20–25 mosquitoes per tube were exposed to insecticide-impregnated filter papers, supplied by WHO, for 1 h before being transferred to a clean holding tube supplied with 10% sugar. Mortality was then determined 24 h later. Seven compounds representative of the four major insecticide classes were tested: the pyrethroids permethrin (0.75%), deltamethrin (0.05%) and lambda-cyhalothrin (0.05%); the carbamate bendiocarb (0.01%); the organophosphate malathion (5%) and the organochlorines DDT (4%) and dieldrin (4%). After the 24 hour recovery period, surviving mosquitoes were immediately stored in Eppendorf tubes containing RNAlater solution (Ambion) for preservation, while dead females were stored in silica gel tubes.

5.3. Species and molecular form identification

Genomic DNA was extracted from legs and wings of indoor collected A. gambiae s.l. females using the LIVAK technique (Livak, 1984). Species ID of these specimens and the molecular form of A. gambiae s.s. specimens was identified using the SINE PCR protocol (Santolamazza et al., 2008).

5.4. Genotyping of target site mutations using the pyrosequencing method

Both the L1014F and L1014S kdr mutations were genotyped using the pyrosequencing method in resistant (n = 24) and susceptible (n = 14, as few susceptible were available due to high resistance prevalence) permethrin mosquitoes and DDT resistant (n = 23) and susceptible (n = 21) mosquitoes in order to assess the correlation between kdr mutations and resistance phenotype. The same was done for the G119S AChE mutation, conferring carbamate/organophosphate resistance (35 resistant and 24 susceptible mosquitoes) and also for the A296S RDL mutation conferring dieldrin resistance (36 resistant and 40 susceptible mosquitoes) by genotyping a set of resistant and susceptible mosquitoes to bendiocarb and dieldrin respectively. Association between resistance phenotypes and the genotypes of the resistance mutation was assessed by estimating the odds ratios and the statistical significance based on the Fisher's exact probability test. Additionally, the frequency of the kdr, Ace-1 and RDL mutations in the population was assessed by genotyping 100 field-collected female mosquitoes.

Pyrosequencing reactions were carried out as described previously (Wondji et al., 2007) and primer sequences are given in Table S9.

5.5. Microarray

The 8 × 15 K Agilent microarray design chip (A-MEXP-2196) (Mitchell et al., 2012) was used to detect the set of genes differentially expressed between the resistant population of Vallée du Kou and a susceptible laboratory colony Ngoussou. Each array contains 60 mer probes designed from all 13,000 transcripts of the Ensembl P3.5 A. gambiae genome annotation, plus additional probes for the detoxification genes from a previous microarray design, the ‘detox chip’, used previously to explore metabolic resistance in A. gambiae (David et al., 2005).

RNA was extracted from three batches of ten females 3 day old A. gambiae s.s. from a F1 sample from the VK6 population (nonexposed to insecticide but known to be resistant to multiple insecticides from bioassays results of VK) and from the Ngoussou strain which is fully susceptible to pyrethroids, DDT, carbamates and organophosphate with 100% mortality observed 24 h after 1 h exposure. RNA was isolated using the Picopure RNA isolation kit (Arcturus). The quantity and quality of extracted RNA were assessed using NanoDrop ND1000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher) and Bioanalyzer (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA) respectively. Complementary RNA (cRNA) of each sample was amplified using the Agilent Quick Amp labeling Kit (two-color) following the manufacturer's protocol. cRNA from the VK6 samples were labeled with cy3 dye while the cRNA from the susceptible strain Ngoussou was labeled with the cy5 dye. cRNA quantity and quality were checked before labeling using the NanoDrop and Bioanalyzer. Labeled cRNAs were hybridized to the arrays for 17 h at 65 °C according to the manufacturer's protocol. Five hybridizations between cRNA from VK and Ngoussou were carried out by swapping the biological replicates (Fig. S6).

Microarray data were analyzed using Genespring GX 11.0 software. In order to identify differentially expressed genes, a cut-off of 2-fold-change and a statistical significance of P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 were applied. The P values were generated from a t-test against zero using the data from the five hybridizations (Fig. S6) after a multiple testing correction using the Benjamin–Hochberg test. Enrichment analysis was carried out using the Blast2Go software (Conesa et al., 2005; Gotz et al., 2008) to detect the major Gene Ontology (GO) terms over-represented among the set of probes up or under-transcribed in the VK population in comparison to the entire microarray chip using a Fisher's test for statistical significance. The microarray data from this study were submitted to Array Express, accession number: E-MTAB-1083.

5.6. Validation of candidate genes using quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR

Nine of the differentially expressed genes identified from the microarray analysis were further assessed by qRT-PCR to validate their expression pattern (gene names and primer sequences are given in Table S10). One microgram of total RNA from each of the three biological replicates for VK and Ngoussou was used as template for cDNA synthesis using Superscript III (Invitrogen) with oligo-dT20 and RNase H (New England Biolabs), according to the manufacturer's instructions. A serial dilution of cDNA was used to establish standard curves for each gene in order to assess PCR efficiency and quantitative differences between samples. The qPCR amplification was performed using a MX 3005 real-time PCR system (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA) with Brilliant III Ultra-Fast SYBR® Green QPCR Master Mix (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA). 10 ng of cDNA from each sample was used as template in a 3-step program involving a denaturation at 95 °C for 3 min followed by 40 cycles of 10 s at 95 °C and 10 s at 60 °C and a last step of 1 min at 95 °C, 30 s at 55 °C and 95 °C at 30 s. The relative expression and fold-change of each target gene in VK relative to Ngoussou was calculated according to the 2− ΔΔCT method incorporating PCR efficiency (Schmittgen and Livak, 2008) after normalization with the housekeeping genes RSP7 ribosomal protein S7 (AGAP010592) and the GDPH (glucose dehydrogenase phosphate) (AGAP000651).


This work was supported by a Wellcome Trust Research Career Development Fellowship (083515/Z/07/Z) to CSW.


Appendix A

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary Table S5.

mmc1.pdf (468.9KB, pdf)

Supplementary Table S8.

mmc2.docx (30.5KB, docx)

Table supplementary materials.

mmc3.xlsx (179.8KB, xlsx)

Supplementary figures.

mmc4.xls (272.5KB, xls)


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Supplementary Materials

Supplementary Table S5.

mmc1.pdf (468.9KB, pdf)

Supplementary Table S8.

mmc2.docx (30.5KB, docx)

Table supplementary materials.

mmc3.xlsx (179.8KB, xlsx)

Supplementary figures.

mmc4.xls (272.5KB, xls)