Ribosomal proteins are traditionally associated with protein biosynthesis until recent studies that implicated their extraribosomal functions in human diseases and cancers. Our previous studies using GeneFishing™ DEG method and microarray revealed underexpression of three ribosomal protein genes, RPS26, RPS27, and RPL32 in cancer of the nasopharynx. Herein, we investigated the expression pattern and nucleotide sequence integrity of these genes in nasopharyngeal carcinoma to further delineate their involvement in tumourigenesis. The relationship of expression level with clinicopathologic factors was also statistically studied.
Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction was performed on nasopharyngeal carcinoma and their paired normal tissues. Expression and sequence of these three genes were analysed.
All three ribosomal protein genes showed no significant difference in transcript expressions and no association could be established with clinicopathologic factors studied. No nucleotide aberrancy was detected in the coding regions of these genes.
There is no early evidence to substantiate possible involvement of RPS26, RPS27, and RPL32 genes in NPC tumourigenesis.
Keywords: NPC, RP, RPS27, RPS26, RPL32, transcript expression
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a distinct type of head and neck cancer that refers to the malignancy of the nasopharynx tissue. NPC has its highest incidence in Southern China and South East Asia, and is more prevalent in the population of Cantonese-Chinese heritage (1). Interestingly, in the East Malaysian state of Sarawak, the native Bidayuh population was found to exhibit highest age-standardized rates of NPC occurrence in the world (2). Although many molecular studies have been carried out, NPC remains one of the most commonly misdiagnosed diseases due to the nature of the disease itself (3). Thus, the development of a suitable biomarker is important and essential in the early diagnosis of the disease to better control the prognosis of the cancer.
Traditionally, ribosomal proteins (RP) are thought to play an important role mainly in catalysing protein translation. However, in 1996 extraribosomal functions of RPs was discovered (4). In a more recent review (5) a list of RPs associated with many extraribosomal functions that are independent of their own involvement in the protein biosynthesis was summarizes. Ribosomal proteins have been implicated in many human diseases and disorders. Gazda’s group (6) reported association of RPS19 with Diamond-Blackfan Anemia, in which mutations of RPS19 together with downregulation of other RP genes, alter transcription, translation, apoptosis and promote oncogenic pathways in the disease. In colorectal carcinoma, the differential expression of RP genes has been found (7,8). Studies by Amesterdam’s group (9) using Zebrafish as model suggested RP genes to be candidate cancer causing genes. Developmental defects were also reported in RP knockdown Zebrafish (10). A recent study by Maclnnes et al. (11) reported loss of p53 synthesis in Zebrafish carrying heterozygous mutations for 17 different RP genes hence possibly predisposing Zebrafish to malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours.
In our previous studies, RPS26 and RPS27 genes encoding proteins for small ribosomal subunit were identified to be downregulated in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (12). A subset of RP genes for the large ribosomal subunit was also found to be differentially expressed among cell lines derived from the human nasopharyngeal epithelium (13). Microarray screening on an NPC case also revealed differential expression of a few RPs that includes RPL32 (unpublished data). This study was aimed at delineating possible involvement of RPS26, RPS27, and RPL32 in NPC tumourigenesis, as well as determining the relationship of the expression levels of these RP genes with NPC associated clinicopathologic factors.
Materials and Methods
Tissue biopsies and total RNA extraction
Ethical approval for this study was provided by the Medical Research Ethics Committee (Ministry of Health Malaysia, Ref: (H) dlm. KKM/NIHSEC/08/0804/MRG-IMR). Biopsies of tumouric growths and their adjacent normal tissues were obtained via forceps-biopsy method from NPC suspects admitted to Sarawak General Hospital and Hospital Serian. These biopsy specimens were immediately kept in RNA later RNA stabilizing solution (Qiagen, USA) prior to total RNA extraction using Trizol method (Invitrogen, USA). Assessment of RNA quality and quantity was later performed via spectrophotometric analysis and gel electrophoresis. Only patients diagnosed as NPC cases were subjected to subsequent expression study. For each NPC subjects, the RNA extracted from the adjacent normal tissues would serve as controls. Both the NPC and normal tissues had been confirmed histopathologically by pathologists. The details of the NPC subjects in this study are as listed in Table 1.
Table 1:
Clinicopathologic details of NPC subjects in this study
Patient ID | Age | Gender | Ethnicity | TNM Staging | WHO Classification |
GH20 | 36 | M | Iban | II | III |
GH22 | 44 | M | Chinese | II | III |
GH24 | 54 | M | Iban | IV | III |
GH27 | 58 | M | Malay | IV | II |
GH39 | 69 | M | Malay | IV | III |
GH41 | 68 | M | Bidayuh | I | III |
GH48 | 49 | M | Malay | IV | II |
GH54 | 61 | M | Bidayuh | III | III |
GH55 | 37 | F | Lun Dayak | II | II |
GH67 | 49 | M | Bidayuh | III | III |
HS96 | 56 | M | Bidayuh | II | III |
GH: Subjects admitted to Sarawak General Hospital, HS: Subjects admitted to Hospital Serian; M: Male, F: Female. Iban, Bidayuh and Lun Dayak are natives of Sarawak. TNM Staging: A cancer staging system that describes the extent of cancer in a patient’s body based on size of tumour (T), whether regional lymph nodes are involved or not (N) and whether metastasis has occurred (M). Small, low-grade cancers with no metastasis and no spread to regional lymph nodes are classified as Stage I or II. High, large-grade cancers with spread to regional lymph nodes or organs are classified as Stage III, whereas Stage IV refers to cancers that have metastasized. WHO Classification: Classification by World Health Organization based on histopathological types. Type I - keratinizing carcinoma, Type II - non-keratinizing carcinoma, Type III - undifferentiated carcinoma.
Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis
Real-time quantitative PCR was carried out on eleven sample pairs. The extracted RNA was first DNase treated with RQ1 RNase-Free DNase (Promega, USA) and heat inactivated according to manufacturer’s protocol. First strand cDNA synthesis was synthesized from 2 μg of total RNA using oligo-dT primers, catalysed by MML-V reverse transcriptase (Promega, USA) in a reaction volume of 25 μl. Then, 0.5 μl of the first strand cDNA was used as template for subsequent PCR amplification. A total of 4ng of cDNA was added to a final reaction volume of 25 μl containing 1X Rotor-Gene™ SYBR Green PCR Master Mix (Qiagen, USA) and 1 μM of each forward and reverse primer. All qPCR primers used in this study are listed in Table 2. The β-actin (14) and RPS27 (15) qPCR primers are established primers. Singleplex amplification was then carried out in Rotor-Gene™ 6000 Rotary Analyzer (Qiagen, USA) with initial denaturation for 5 min at 95 °C followed by 40 cycles of denaturation at 95 °C for 5 sec and annealing or extension at 60 °C for 10 sec. Changes in fluorescence of SYBR Green dye in every cycle were monitored with the aid of Rotor-Gene™ 6000 software version 1.7 (Qiagen, USA). The threshold cycle (CT) value for amplification of each gene was determined by auto threshold function of the software. Prior to the amplification, PCR efficiency and primers compatibility of gene of interest and reference gene were validated via standard curve method (16). Melting curve analysis with temperature rampling from 55 °C to 99 °C was also carried out in each run to confirm specificity of PCR amplification. β-actin which served as reference gene was used for normalization of the cDNA input. In each NPC cases studied, its respective normal controls served as calibrator. The Δ CT value and relative quantitative value 2-Δ Δ CT were calculated (16) and statistical significance was later tested using Δ Δ CT value (17). The experiment was carried out in duplicate.
Table 2:
qPCR primers used in real-time PCR expression study
Gene | Primer Sequence (5’-3’) | PCR efficiency | r2 of calibration curve |
β-actin |
0.99 | 0.99944 |
RPS26 |
1.05 | 0.99265 |
RPS27 |
0.98 | 0.98496 |
RPL32 |
1.08 | 0.99521 |
p53 |
1.03 | 0.99384 |
Paxillin |
0.96 | 0.98714 |
F: forward primer, R: reverse primer. Calibration curve: 5x dilution of cDNA input ranging from 40 ng to 0.064 ng except for RPS27 which starts from 20 ng and ends at 0.032 ng.
Sequence analysis
RPS27 amplification was carried out in a mixture volume of 25 μl with final reaction concentrations of 1X GoTaq™ Reaction Buffer, 0.2 mM dNTPs, 3mM MgCl2, 1 μM of each RPS27 specific primers (forward: 5’-ACGACCTACGCACACGAGA-3’; reverse: 5’-CACTCATCTTGACTCAGAGTGCT-3’) and 1.25 U GoTaq® Flexi DNA Polymerase (Promega, USA). PCR amplifications were performed using PTC-2000 Peltier Thermal Cycler (MJ Research) converter. The mixture was first incubated at 96 °C for 1 min, followed by denaturation at 94 °C for 30 s and annealing at 64 °C for 30 s and then extension at 72 °C for 30 s. The complete amplification procedure was carried out for 30 cycles followed by further incubation at 72 °C for 5 min. On the other hand, amplifications of RPS26 was carried out using 1 μM of each RPS26 specific primers (18) at annealing temperature 54 °C. For the case of RPL32 amplification, RPL32 specific primers (forward: 5’-GTGGCAGCCATCTCCTTCT-3’; reverse: 5’-GAAAACGTGCACATGAGCTG-3’) were used. Aliquots of PCR products were later size-fractionated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The amplicons ranged in size from 243-455 bp.
PCR products of the correct size were purified using Gel Extraction System extraction kit (Viogene, USA) according to manufacturer’s instructions and then sent to a commercial sequencing service provider (1st Base Laboratory Sdn Bhd, Malaysia). All purified DNA samples were sequenced in both forward and reverse directions. All sequences obtained were verified by comparative analysis with the sequences in GenBank database (RPS26 [GenBank: NM001029]; RPS27 [GenBank: NM001030]; RPL32 [GenBank: NM000994]). The sequence corresponding to the amplified gene or region of interest was searched using the Blastn program (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) with the nucleotide sequence obtained as a query sequence. Verifications of forward and reverse sequences were performed using blast2q alignment tool available at the NCBI website.
Statistical analysis
Paired Student’s t-test and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test were used to test the significance of the difference in expression of gene of interest between the NPC cases and controls. Results were expressed as mean ± SD. Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) test was used to assess the association between demographic/clinicopathologic factors and expression of the RP gene(s). The correlation between p53 or Paxillin expression and RP gene expression was calculated either with Pearson or Spearman correlation test. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS® software version 17.0 (SPSS Inc., USA). Statistical significance was set as P < 0.05.
Expressions of RPS26, RPS27 and RPL32 genes and their association with clinicopathologic factors
Real time qPCR analysis on 11 NPC cases namely GH20, GH22, GH24, GH27, GH39, GH41, GH48, GH54, GH55, GH67, and HS96 revealed that there was no significant difference in expressions of all 3 RP genes when comparing NPC cases to controls (0.093 ≤ P ≤ 0.929) (Table 3). Although statistically they are not significant, RPS27 and RPL32 did display a pattern of underexpression in 7 out of 11 cases (64%) and 8 out of 11 cases (73%), respectively. An association study using MLR analysis was performed to further investigate any possible hidden relationship between these RP genes and clinicopathogic factors. MLR analysis on NPC associated factors revealed no relationship between RPS26, RPS27, and RPL32 expressions with age, ethnic group, TNM staging and WHO classification. There was also no linear relationship of each RP genes with each of the factors when we examined them at univariate level. The result was as shown in Table 4. The gender factor was not analysed because the ratio of cases was biased, M:F = 10:1.
Table 3:
Expression of genes of interest in NPC cases and their paired normal controls (n = 11)
Gene | Expression Mean (SD) | t statistic (df) | P value |
RPS26 |
–0.089 # | 0.929 |
RPS27 |
–0.606 (10) | 0.558 |
RPL32 |
–1.856 (10) | 0.093 |
p53 |
–1.129 (10) | 0.285 |
–1.036 (10) | 0.324 |
SD = standard deviation, df = degree of freedom, N = normal controls, T = NPC cases, # Z statistic. Expression was calculated as Δ CT in which CT of β-actin was subtracted from CT of gene of interest. The CT (cycle threshold) is defined as the number of cycles required for the fluorescent signal to cross the threshold. Thus, no unit is required. The smaller the value of Δ CT is, the higher the expression of a gene is. Statistical significance was determined using Paired Student’s t test except for RPS26. In the case of RPS26, the distribution of data is skewed to the left. Thus, expression is reported as median and interquartile range (IQR) and analysed using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test.
Table 4:
Simple linear regression analysis on NPC associated clinicopathologic variables with RP gene expression
Independent Variable | P value | ||
RPS26 | RPS27 | RPL32 | |
Age | 0.919 | 0.893 | 0.735 |
Ethnic group | 0.245 | 0.186 | 0.365 |
TNM staging | 0.505 | 0.587 | 0.917 |
WHO classification | 0.313 | 0.093 | 0.403 |
Expression was calculated as Δ Δ CT in which Δ CT of normal controls was subtracted from Δ CT of NPC cases. Ethnicity is categorised as (i) high risk group that includes Bidayuh (2) and Chinese (1) (ii) others that include Malay, Iban and Lun Dayak. TNM staging refers to cancer staging of the subjects eg. Stage I, II, III, and IV whereas WHO classification categorises the NPC tumours into Type I, II, and III based on the degree of differentiation.
Nucleotide surveillance of coding regions of RPS26, RPS27 and RPL32
In order to detect presence of any genetic alterations that may be associated with NPC, full length cDNAs encompassing the entire coding regions of RPS26, RPS27, and RPL32 were amplified and sequenced. Not all samples used in the expression study were subjected to sequence analysis due to sample limitation. For RPS26 and RPL32, sequence analysis was carried out on GH20, GH22, GH24, GH27, GH39, GH41, GH48, and GH55 whereas sequence analysis of RPS27 was performed on all eleven samples. Off all the samples screened, no nucleotide aberrancy could be detected in the entire coding regions of the 3 RP genes studied.
Comparison of expression pattern: p53 and Paxillin Vs RP genes
The qPCR analysis for p53 and Paxillin genes were carried out on sample GH20, GH22, GH24, GH27, GH39, GH41, GH48, GH54, GH55, GH67, and HS96. No significant difference was observed for both genes (Table 3). The relationship of these two genes with each RP genes was determined using Pearson’s correlation test. For data spread that was not linear or that did not show bivariate normal distribution, Spearman’s correlation test was used. For p53, correlations between p53 and each RP genes were tested using Spearman’s correlation test. No significant correlation was found (0.298 ≤ P ≤ 0.979). For Paxillin, Pearson correlation test was used except for the case of RS26. The analysis revealed that there was no significant correlation between Paxillin and each of RPS27 and RPL32 (P = 0.977 & 0.295, respectively). Spearman’s correlation test on RPS26 also showed that there was no correlation between the gene and Paxillin (P = 0.689).
RPS26 had previously been implicated in type 1 diabetes (19) and Diamond-Blackfan Anemia (DBA) (19,20). Studies had shown that DBA is associated with predisposition to cancer in particularly acute myeloid leukemia and osteogenic sarcoma (21,22) and mutation of RPS26 in DBA is common (19). In this study, however, we did not detect any nucleotide aberrancy in the entire coding region of RPS26. The mutation of RPS26 therefore might not be a common event in some cancer types. Expression study and MLR analysis on qPCR data further confirmed that RPS26 is unlikely to be associated with NPC tumourigenesis.
Overexpression of RPS27 or MPS-1 was reported previously in many different types of tumours and evidence had shown that it might involve in progression towards malignancy (23–28). Stack’s group (29,30) using patients’ serum protein in their studies, proposed that it could be a potential biomarker in the early detection and diagnosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). In our study, we examined the expression of RPS27 at the transcript level using qPCR method and found that the expression is not significantly different in NPC cases relative to their paired normal controls. Since this current study incorporated more samples, our findings also invalidates our previous suspicion of the underexpression of RPS26 and RPS27 in NPC (12). Our findings also did not agree with findings by Stack’s which reported RPS27 overexpression in HNSCC (26,30). In their study (30), they compared RPS27 level in the serum of 125 subjects and 89 controls. However, of the 125 subjects examined, only 4 were tumours of the nasopharynx and they were all from stage IV. Our study, which consists of eleven paired normal and NPC samples (that are difficult to come by), and incorporates tumours of all four stages, should therefore be more representative of the expression pattern of RPS27 in NPC progression. We could not establish any linear relationship between RPS27 and age and gender. Others had reported similar findings in breast and gastric cancers (24,27) although their data was based on protein level analysis and thus could not be compared directly with our findings from transcript level. Although studies in many cancers including HNSCC had shown that RPS27 had positive correlation with tumour grades and stages at the protein level (26–28), we did not observe such pattern in our study at the transcript level. A recent study demonstrated that RPS27 was capable of reducing Paxillin mRNA and protein levels (31) in head and neck cancer cell line but the role of Paxillin remains unclear in HNSCC progression. Our expression analysis on Paxillin transcript did not reveal such trend in NPC cases studied. We are well aware that findings from protein level would have added meaningful insights to this study, but given the fact that the biopsy samples obtained were often less than 5mm3 in size, we did not have enough of the remains to perform any protein extraction or analysis after isolating the RNA. The absence of mutation in the coding region of the RPS27 gene further indicated that this RP gene might not be associated with tumourigenesis of NPC.
Differential expression of RPL32 had been reported in prostate cancer cells and colorectal cancer (7,32). A recent study in Schizosaccharomyces pombe also suggested that RPL32 might be a potential transcriptional regulator (33). In our study however, we could not find any evidence that support possible involvement of RPL32 in NPC tumourigenesis. Expression and sequence analysis of the transcripts showed no significant differential expression and absence of nucleotide variation, respectively. No relationship could be established between clinicopathologic factors and RPL32.
Recently, some ribosomal proteins, such as RPS3, RPS7, RPL11 and also our gene of interest RPS27, were reported to be able to regulate p53 activity by binding to MDM2 (34–37). The p53-MDM2 pathway is an important regulatory mechanism in the cells that could cause cellcycle arrest or apoptosis. In order to investigate if there’s any relation between the expressions of RPS26, RPS27 and RPL32 with p53, a correlation analysis was performed. No correlation was found between expressions of RPS26 and RPL32 with p53. We speculate that perhaps these 2 RP genes were not involved in the MDM2-p53 pathway, or at least not in the way similar to RPS3, RPS7, or RPL11. As for RPS27, although Sun’s group (37) reported transcriptional repression of RPS27 by p53 gene and that ectopic expression of RPS27 protein could increase p53 protein level, we could not detect any correlation between transcript expressions of these 2 genes in our study (P = 0.977, n = 11). However, it’s worth mentioning that in an earlier, preliminary study by our group using reverse transcription PCR and with a larger sample size (n = 19), statistical analysis did show significant underexpression of this gene in NPC cases (P = 0.034, data not shown). Of these 19 samples, 9 were used in this current study: GH20, GH22, GH24, GH27, GH39, GH41, GH48, GH54, and GH55 but due to insufficient amount of RNA left, we could not perform qPCR analysis on all 19 NPC cases.
On overall, from our study, there is no evidence to show that RPS26, RPS27, and RPL32 are involved in the tumourigenesis of NPC. It should be noted however that this study is based on a relatively small sample size (n < 20) and is carried out at the transcript level only. We focused on transcript expression because RP mRNA abundance is kept within a fairly narrow range in normal healthy cells and any variation in RP mRNA expression therefore may reflect possible involvements in extraribosomal functions (38). For the case of RPS27, although differential expression at protein level had been reported previously (26,30), we reported no differential expression of the transcripts. Such inconsistencies in findings arise perhaps as a result of the complexity of regulatory process of the ribosome biogenesis and also due to the limitation of our current knowledge on extraribosomal functions of RPs. It could also be for the reason that NPC is a distinct form of HNSCC cancer and thus the molecular pathogenesis pathway varies.
Expression study on RPS26, RPS27, and RPL32 showed no differential expression in NPC cases. No relationship could be established between these RP genes with age, gender, ethnicity, cancer staging, and WHO classification. There was no correlation found between p53 and all three RP genes studied. Absence of nucleotide aberrancy in the coding regions indicated that mutation of any of these RP genes might not be a common event in NPC tumourigenesis. Based on the sample size used, there is no empirical evidence that could suggest possible involvement of these three RP genes in the tumourigenesis of NPC.
The authors thank the Director General of the Ministry of Health for permission to publish the article, the medical staffs of Ear Nose Throat Department of Sarawak General Hospital (Kuching, Malaysia) for their help in the collection of specimens, and the Director of the Institute of Medical Research (IMR Kuala Lumpur) for administrative support in this study. This work is funded by the Malaysian Ministry of Health research grant (Project no: JPP-IMR 06-064). This project is part of the multi-institutional initiative by The Malaysian Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Study Group (Institute for Medical Research: A.S.B. Khoo, A. Munirah , L.P. Tan, A. Subasri, I. Noorhasyimah, M.S. Nurul Ashikin, M.S. Nursyazwani, R.G. Sasela Devi, NM Kumaran; Hospital Pulau Pinang : K.C. Pua, S. Subathra, Y.S. Ee, M. Goh, A.H. Rahmah , C.H. Fong, , N Punithavathi, L.M. Ong, B.S Tan, C.T. Quah; Cancer Research Initiatives Foundation: S.H. Teo, L.F. Yap ; Sarawak General Hospital/UNIMAS: S.K. Subramaniam, Vikneswaran T, T.S. Tiong, E.U.H. Sim, T. W. Tharumalingam, D. Norlida, M. Zulkarnaen, W.H. Lai , S.H. Tan; Hospital Kuala Lumpur/University Putra Malaysia: Y.Y. Yap, B.D. Dipak, R. Deepak, F.N. Lau, P. Shalini, M.A. Atiliyana . P.V.Kam; University of Malaya : G. Gopala Krishnan, S. Shashinder, M. Anura, A.Z. Bustam, M. Saad, M. Dahalil, L.M. Looi, P. Shahfinaz, O. Hashim, C.C. Ng, O. Rahmat, J. Amin, Maznan. Hj.D. ; Queen Elizabeth Hospital: C.A. Ong, S. Bokari, C.L. Lum, A. Vivekanandan, A. Othman, D. Jayendran, A. Kam. W Marilyn; Hospital USM Kubang Kerian: S. Hassan, B.
Authors’ contributions
Conception and design, analysis and interpretation of the data, drafting of the article, critical revision of the article for important intellectual content, and collection and assembly of data: EUS, XMA, TYL, ASK
Conception and design, drafting of the article, critical revision of the article for important intellectual content, final approval of the article, and statistical expertise: EUS, ASK, XMA, TYL, SKS, TST
Critical revision of the article for important intellectual content and statistical expertise: EUS, ASK
Provision of study materials or patients and administrative, technical, or logistic support: ASK, TST, SKS
Administrative, technical, or logistic support: ASK
Competing interests
The author(s) declare that they have no competing interests.
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