Figure 3.
Reproducibility of coefficient of variation. A. Replicate probesets for a single gene. The set of 201 smoking responsive probesets (p<0.05, fold change >2) was assessed for the normal smokers for all genes with duplicate probesets and the coefficient of variation for the first probeset (arbitrarily designated on the basis of Affymetrix probeset identifier) was plotted against the coefficient of variation for replicate probesets. B. Expression levels for six genes CYP1B1, UCHL1, HES6, AKR1B10, NQO1 and TCF7L1 were assessed by TaqMan realtime PCR for n=14 smokers by the ΔΔCt method and the coefficient of variation plotted against to coefficient of variation for all probesets corresponding to those genes on microarrays.