Sorting nexin 3 (SNX3) is localized to the endosomes and phagosomes in dendritic cells (DC). DC2.4 cells (a) or DC2.4 cells over-expressing DMyc-SNX3 (b and c), were fixed and labelled with anti-EEA1 primary antibody (Green), and co-stained with either anti-SNX3 (a, panel i–iii, red) or anti-Myc (b, panel i–iii, red) antibodies. After phagocytosis, cells were washed, fixed and singly stained with antibody against SNX3 (a, panel iv–vi) or Myc (b, panel vi–vi and c), followed by Cy3-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG. (a, panel i–iii) Endogenous SNX3 partially co-localizes with early endosome antigen-1 (EEA1) at endosomes. (a, panel iv–vi) Endogenous SNX3 is recruited to phagosomes containing GFP-Escherichia coli. (b, panel i–iii) DMyc-SNX3 co-localizes with EEA1 at endosomes, showing similar localization to endogenous SNX3. (b, panel iv–vi) DMyc-SNX3 is recruited to phagosomes containing GFP-E. coli. (c) Stereo three-dimensional rendering of collected confocal images showing the recruitment of DMyc-SNX3 (red) to the GFP-E. coli containing phagosomes (green/yellow). Arrows indicate SNX3- and EEA1-positive endosomes, and SNX3-positive phagosomes, respectively. Scale bars: 10 μm.