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. 2013 Apr 25;7:38. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2013.00038

Characterizing Functional Connectivity Differences in Aging Adults using Machine Learning on Resting State fMRI Data

Svyatoslav Vergun 1,2,*, Alok S Deshpande 3,4, Timothy B Meier 3,5, Jie Song 3,6, Dana L Tudorascu 7, Veena A Nair 3, Vikas Singh 8, Bharat B Biswal 9, M Elizabeth Meyerand 1,5,6,10, Rasmus M Birn 1,5,11, Vivek Prabhakaran 3,5,11,12
PMCID: PMC3635030  PMID: 23630491


The brain at rest consists of spatially distributed but functionally connected regions, called intrinsic connectivity networks (ICNs). Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) has emerged as a way to characterize brain networks without confounds associated with task fMRI such as task difficulty and performance. Here we applied a Support Vector Machine (SVM) linear classifier as well as a support vector machine regressor to rs-fMRI data in order to compare age-related differences in four of the major functional brain networks: the default, cingulo-opercular, fronto-parietal, and sensorimotor. A linear SVM classifier discriminated between young and old subjects with 84% accuracy (p-value < 1 × 10−7). A linear SVR age predictor performed reasonably well in continuous age prediction (R2 = 0.419, p-value < 1 × 10−8). These findings reveal that differences in intrinsic connectivity as measured with rs-fMRI exist between subjects, and that SVM methods are capable of detecting and utilizing these differences for classification and prediction.

Keywords: aging, resting state fMRI, support vector machine, reorganization


Functional networks are defined by a temporal correlation of brain regions normally involved during a task and are observed when individuals are resting without performing a specific task (Biswal et al., 1995).

Research efforts in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) are shifting focus from studying specific cognitive domains like vision, language, memory, and emotion to assessing individual differences in neural connectivity across multiple whole-brain networks (Thomason et al., 2011). Subsequently, an increasing number of studies using rs-fMRI data, are showing reproducibility and reliability (Damoiseaux et al., 2006; Shehzad et al., 2009; Van Dijk et al., 2010; Zuo et al., 2010; Thomason et al., 2011; Song et al., 2012), for studying functional connectivity of the human brain.

Simultaneously, use of machine learning techniques for analyzing fMRI data has increased in popularity. In particular, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have become widely used due to their ability to handle very high-dimensional data and their classification and prediction accuracy (Schölkopf and Smola, 2002; Ben-Hur and Weston, 2010; Meier et al., 2012). Various fMRI data analysis methods are currently used including seed-based analysis, independent component analysis (ICA), graph theory methods, but in this work we chose SVMs because they, unlike the others, offer the ability to classify and predict individual scans and output relevant features. A growing number of studies have shown that machine learning tools can be used to extract exciting new information from neuroimaging data (see Haynes and Rees, 2005; Norman et al., 2006; Cohen et al., 2011 for selective reviews).

With task-based fMRI data, LaConte et al. (2007) observed 80% classification accuracy of real-time brain state prediction using a linear kernel SVM on whole-brain, block-design, motor data and Poldrack et al. (2009) achieved 80% classification accuracy of predicting eight different cognitive tasks that an individual performed using a multi-class SVM (mcSVM) method.

Resting state fMRI data has been shown viable in classification and prediction. Craddock et al. (2009) used resting state functional connectivity MRI (rs-fcMRI) data to successfully distinguish between individuals with major depressive disorder from healthy controls with 95% accuracy using a linear classifier with a reliability filter for feature selection. Supekar et al. (2009) classified individuals as children or young-adults with 90% accuracy using a SVM classifier. Shen et al. (2010) achieved 81% accuracy for discrimination between schizophrenic patients and healthy controls using a SVM classifier and achieved 92% accuracy using a C-means clustering classifier with locally linear embedding (LLE) feature selection. Dosenbach et al. (2010), using a SVM method, achieved 91% accuracy for classification of individuals as either children or adults, and also predicted functional maturity for each participant’s brain using support vector machine regression (SVR).

One advantage of resting state data as opposed to task-based data is that the acquiring of resting data is not constrained by task difficulty and performance. This provides a potentially larger group of subjects that are not able to perform tasks (e.g., Alzheimer’s Disease patients, patients with severe stroke) on which studies can be done. There has been a great amount of progress made in describing typical and atypical brain activity at the group level with the use of fMRI, but, determining whether single fMRI scans contain enough information to classify and make predictions about individuals remains a critical challenge (Dosenbach et al., 2010). Our method builds on the classification and prediction of individual scans using multivariate pattern recognition algorithms, adding to this currently novel domain in the literature.

We describe a classification and regression method implemented on aging adult rs-fcMRI data using SVMs, extracting relevant features, and building on the SVM/SVR study of children to middle-aged subjects (Dosenbach et al., 2010) and aging adults (Meier et al., 2012). SVM has been applied to a wide range of datasets, but has only recently been applied to neuroimaging-fMRI data, especially resting fMRI data which is still relatively novel. This work expands upon and adds to the relatively new literature of resting fMRI based classification and prediction. Our objective was to investigate the ability of the SVM classifier to discriminate between individuals with respect to age and the ability of the SVR predictor to determine individuals’ age using only functional connectivity MRI data. Beyond binary SVM classification and SVR prediction, our work investigates multi-class classification and linear weights for evaluating feature importance of healthy aging adults.

Materials and Methods


Resting state data for 65 individuals (three scans each) were obtained from the ICBM dataset made freely accessible online by the 1000 Connectome Project1. Each contributor’s respective ethics committee approved submission of the de-identified data. The institutional review boards of NYU Langone Medical Center and New Jersey Medical School approved the receipt and dissemination of the data (Biswal et al., 2010).

Data sets

The analyses described in this work were performed on two data sets contained in the ICBM set. The same preprocessing algorithms were applied to both sets of data.

Data set 1 consisted of 52 right-handed individuals (age 19–85, mean 44.7, 23M/29F). This was the binary SVM set (both for age and gender classification) which contained a young group of 26 subjects (age 19–35, mean 24.7, 12M/14F) and an old group of 26 subjects (age 55–85, mean 64.7, 11M/15F).

Data set 2 consisted of 65 right-handed individuals (ages 19–85, mean 44.9, 32M/33F). This was the mcSVM set as well as the SVR age prediction set. It contained three age groups used for mcSVM: a young group of 28 subjects (age 19–37, mean 25.5, 14M/14F), a middle-aged group of 22 subjects (age 42–60, mean 52.4, 11M/11F), and an old group of 15 subjects (age 61–85, mean 69.9, 7M/8F).

Data acquisition

Resting data were acquired with a 3.0 Tesla scanner using an echo planar imaging (EPI) pulse sequence. Three resting state scans were obtained for each participant, and consisted of 128 continuous resting state volumes (TR = 2000 ms; matrix = 64 × 64; 23 axial slices). Scan 1 and 3 had an acquisition voxel size = 4 mm × 4 mm × 5.5 mm, while scan 2 had an acquisition voxel size = 4 mm × 4 mm × 4 mm. All participants were asked to keep their eyes closed during the scan. For spatial normalization and localization, a T1-weighted anatomical image was acquired using a magnetization prepared gradient echo sequence (MP-RAGE, 160 sagittal slices, voxel size = 1 mm × 1 mm × 1 mm).

Data preprocessing

Data were preprocessed using AFNI (version AFNI_2009_12_31_14312), FSL (version 4.1.43), and the NITRC 1000 functional connectome preprocessing scripts made freely available online (version 1.14) (Neuroimaging Informatics Tools and Resources Clearinghouse (NITRC), 2011). Initial preprocessing using AFNI consisted of (1) slice time correction for interleaved acquisition using Fourier-space time series phase-shifting, (2) motion correction of time series by aligning each volume to the mean image using Fourier interpolation, (3) skull stripping, and (4) getting an eighth image for use in registration. Preprocessing using FSL consisted of (5) spatial smoothing using a Gaussian kernel of full-width half maximum = 6 mm, and (6) grand-mean scaling of the voxel values. The data were then temporally filtered (0.005–0.1 Hz) and detrended to remove linear and quadratic trends using AFNI. A mask of preprocessed data for each person was generated.

Nuisance signal regression

Nuisance signal [white matter, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and six motion parameters] was then removed from the preprocessed fMRI data. White matter and CSF masks were created using FSL by the segmentation of each individual’s structural image. These masks were then applied to each volume to remove the white matter and CSF signal. Following the removal of these nuisance signals, functional data were then transformed into Montreal Neurological Institute 152 (MNI152-brain template; voxel size = 3 mm × 3 mm × 3 mm) space using a two-step process. First a 6 degree-of-freedom affine transform was applied using FLIRT (Smith et al., 2004) to align the functional data into anatomical space. Then, the anatomical image was aligned into standard MNI space using a 12 degree-of-freedom affine transform implemented in FLIRT. Finally, the resulting transform was then applied to each subject’s functional dataset.

ROI based functional connectivity

One hundred functionally defined regions of interest (ROIs) encompassing the default mode, cingulo-opercular, fronto-parietal, and sensorimotor networks (see Figure 1), were selected in agreement with a previous study by Dosenbach et al. (2010) and Meier et al. (2012). Each ROI was defined by a sphere (radius = 5 mm) centered about a three-dimensional point with coordinates reported in MNI space.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Functional ROIs used in the study. Each ROI is spherical with a 5 mm radius.

Average resting state blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) time series for each ROI were extracted. The BOLD time series for each ROI were then correlated with the BOLD time series of every other ROI (Pearson’s correlation) for every subject and every scan. This resulted in a square (100 × 100) symmetric matrix of correlation coefficients for each scan, but only 4950 ROI-pair correlation values from the lower triangular part of the matrix were retained (redundant elements and diagonal elements were excluded). These were then z-transformed (Fisher’s z transformation) for normalization. These 4950 values of the functional connectivity matrix were subsequently used as features in the SVM and SVR methods. Figure 2 shows a series of steps in a representative pipeline of the classification method.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Pipeline of the classification method.

Support vector machine classification and regression

The SVM is a widely used classification method due to its favorable characteristics of high accuracy, ability to deal with high-dimensional data and versatility in modeling diverse sources of data (Schölkopf et al., 2004). We chose this method of classification due to its sensitivity, resilience to overfitting, ability to extract and interpret features, and recent history of impressive neuroimaging results (Mitchell et al., 2008; Soon et al., 2008; Johnson et al., 2009; Dosenbach et al., 2010; Schurger et al., 2010; Meier et al., 2012).

A SVM is an example of a linear two-class classifier, which is based on a linear discriminant function:


The vector w is the weight vector, b is called the bias and xi is the i-th example in the dataset. In our study we have a dataset of n examples each of p retained features, xi ∈ ℝp, where n is the number of subjects and p is the number of retained ROI-pair correlation values after t-test filtering. Each example xi has a user defined label yi = +1 or −1, corresponding to the class that it belongs to. In this work binary participant classes are young or old and male or female subjects.

A brief description of the SVM optimization problem is given here and a more detailed one can be found in Vapnik’s (1995) work and Schölkopf and Smola (2002). For linearly separable data, a hard margin SVM classifier is a discriminant function that maximizes the geometric margin, which leads to the following constrained optimization problem:

minw,b12w2subject to:yi(wxi+b)1i=1,,n.

In the soft margin SVM (Cortes and Vapnik, 1995), where misclassification and non-linearly separable data are allowed, the problem constraints can be modified to:


where ξi ≥ 0 are slack variables that allow an example to be in the margin (0 ≤ ξi ≤ 1), or to be misclassified (ξi > 1). The optimization problem, with an additional term Ci=1nξi that penalizes misclassification and within margin examples, becomes:

minw,b12w2+Ci=1nξisubject to:yi(wxi+b)1ξii=1,,n.

The constant C > 0 allows one to control the relative importance of maximizing the margin and minimizing the amount of discriminating boundary and margin slack.

This can be represented in a dual formulation in terms of variables αi (Cortes and Vapnik, 1995):

maxαi=1nαi12i=1nj=1nyiyjαiαjxixj   subject to: i=1nyiαi=0,0αiC.

The dual formulation leads to an expansion of the weight vector in terms of input data examples:


The examples xi for which αi > 0 are within the margin and are called support vectors.

The discriminant function then becomes:


The dual formulation of the optimization problem depends on the data only through dot products. This dot product can be replaced with a non-linear kernel function, k(xi, xj), enabling margin separation in the feature space of the kernel. Using a different kernel, in essence, maps the example points, xi, into a new high-dimensional space (with the dimension not necessarily equal to the dimension of the original feature space). The discriminant function becomes:


Some commonly used kernels are the polynomial kernel and the Gaussian kernel. In this work we used a linear kernel and a Gaussian kernel, which is also called a radial basis function (RBF):

k(xi,xj)=exp (xixj2/(2σ2)),       with σ=2.

We tuned the value of C using a holdout subset of the respective dataset. Soft margin binary SVM classification was carried out using the Spider Machine Learning environment (Weston et al., 2005) as well as custom scripts run in MATLAB (R2010a; MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA). Multi-class classification was also carried out using the Spider Machine Learning environment (Weston et al., 2005) utilizing an algorithm, developed by Weston and Watkins (1998), that considers all data at once and solves a single optimization problem.

With some datasets higher classification accuracies can be obtained with the use of non-linear discriminating boundaries (Ben-Hur and Weston, 2010). Using a different kernel maps the data points into a new high-dimensional space, and in this space the SVM discriminating hyperplane is found. Consequently, in the original space, the discriminating boundary will not be linear. All SVM classification and SVR prediction in this work used a linear kernel or a non-linear RBF kernel.

Drucker et al. (1997) extended the SVM method to include SVM regression (SVR) in order to make continuous real-valued predictions. SVR retains some of the main features of SVM classification, but in SVM classification a penalty is observed for misclassified data points, whereas in SVR a penalty is observed for points too far from the regression line in high-dimensional space (Dosenbach et al., 2010).

Epsilon-insensitive SVR defines a tube of width ε, which is user defined, around the regression line in high-dimensional space. Any points within this tube carry no loss. In essence, SVR performs linear regression in high-dimensional space using epsilon-insensitive loss. The C parameter in SVR controls the trade-off between how strongly points beyond the epsilon-insensitive tube are penalized and the flatness of the regression line (larger values of C allow the regression line to be less flat) (Dosenbach et al., 2010). SVR predictions described in this work used epsilon-insensitive SVRs carried out in The Spider Machine Learning environment (Weston et al., 2005), as well as custom scripts run in MATLAB (R2010a; MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA). The parameters C and ε were tuned using a holdout subset of the respective dataset.

Cross validation

We used leave-one-out-cross-validation (LOOCV) to estimate the SVM classification and SVR prediction accuracy since it is a method that gives the most unbiased estimate of test error (Hastie et al., 2001). In LOOCV the same dataset can be used for both the training and testing of the classifier. The SVM parameters: C and the number of top features, were tuned using a holdout set with LOOCV.

In a round, or fold, of LOOCV, an example from the example set is left out and is used as the entire testing set, while the remaining examples are used as the training set. So each example is left out only once and the number of folds is equal to the number of examples. In our work, LOOCV was performed across participants, not scans, so three scans per participant were removed in each fold and used only in the testing set to avoid “twinning” bias.

T-test and correlation filter

During each SVM LOOCV fold, two-sample t-tests (not assuming equal variance) were run on every feature of the two classes of the training set and the number of features (selected to maximize accuracy) that had the highest absolute t-statistics were selected for use in the classifier. Analogously, during each SVR LOOCV fold, the correlation between each feature and the independent variable (age) was computed, and the features that had the highest absolute correlation values were selected for use in the predictor.

SVM and SVR feature weights

One important aspect of SVM and SVR is the determination of which features in the model are most significant with respect to example classification and prediction.

For linear kernel SVM and SVR features, the individual weights of the features as given by the SVM or SVR revealed their relative importance and contribution to the classification or prediction. In the linear kernel SVM and SVR method each node’s (ROI’s) significance, as opposed to each feature’s significance, was directly proportional to the sum of the weights of the connections to and from that node.

Feature and node visualization

Feature connections and nodes were visualized using BrainNet Viewer (Version 1.15).

Parameter tuning

Dosenbach et al. (2010) chose C = 1, top features = 200 for their SVM method and ε = 0.00001, top features = 200 for their SVR method since previous work on a subset of the data revealed that these values provided highest accuracy. Our functional connectivity features used 100 ROIs instead of 160 and this resulted in a different feature space than the one used in the aforementioned study. To tune our SVM parameters for our feature space, we selected a randomly chosen subset, a holdout set, of the respective dataset and chose parameters that maximized classification accuracy and prediction performance for this set.

A holdout set of 20 randomly chosen subjects was used to tune the SVM age and gender classification parameters. We limited ourselves to number of features <1000 for two reasons: previous work (Dosenbach et al., 2010) achieved highest accuracy for features on the order of 100, and this order provides a suitable number of features for characterizing the most relevant brain networks. A “grid search” like method (Hsu et al., 2010) was performed for an interval of number of top features ranging from 20 to 300 to output accuracy as a function of the number of top features and C (see Figure 3). The number of features and value of C that maximized accuracy were used in the total dataset SVM method.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

A grid search plot of the hold out set linear SVM age classifier accuracy, as a function of the number of top features and C. Accuracy peaks at 80% for top features retained = 100 and C = 0.1.

A similar procedure for the SVR method was taken. A holdout set of 25 randomly chosen subjects was used to tune the SVR age prediction parameters. First, slope (of a linear regression line fitting the predicted age) as a function of top features was computed to reveal a peak performance area. Then, slope as a function of the number of features and ε was output with a grid search method. The number of features and value of ε that maximized the slope and R2 were used in the total dataset SVR method, where R2 (in this simple linear regression model) is the squared correlation between the predicted and true age. The slope and R2 of a regression line were chosen as measures of performance since a perfect predictor would produce a regression line of ŷ=1x+0; the closer the slope and R2 approached one the better the predictor was considered to be.


Support vector machine

The binary SVM classifier, using a linear kernel, was able to significantly discriminate between young and old subjects with 84% accuracy (p-value < 1 × 10−7, binomial test). Chance performance of the classifier would have yielded an accuracy of 50% (the null hypothesis). Therefore, we treated each fold of the LOOCV as a Bernoulli trial with a success probability of 0.5, as specified by Pereira et al. (2009). The p-value is then calculated using the binomial distribution with n trials (n = number of subjects) and probability of success equal to 0.5 as follows: p-value = Pr(X ≥ number of correct classifications), where X is the binomially distributed random variable.

The linear kernel SVM classifier outperformed the RBF kernel SVM classifier with this dataset and a comparison of the two classifiers is given in Table 1. Figure 3 shows how the linear SVM classification accuracy varied with the number of top features retained in the t-test filter as well as how the accuracy varied as a function of the C parameter. The RBF SVM accuracy was 81% with 62 top features retained and C = 1.

Table 1.

A comparison of the two kernel classifiers used for age classification.

Classifier Accuracy (%) Top features retained C
Linear SVM 84 100 0.1
Rbf SVM 81 62 1.0

Listed are the accuracy, number of top features retained and the value of C for each classifier.

Of the 100 total features retained per fold, 63 were present in every fold and these are called the consensus features. Table 2 lists the consensus features and their relative weights or contributions to the classifier; they are also represented in Figure 4. A summation of all of the weights of the connections from each node was performed and the node weights are listed in Table 3 and represented in Figure 5.

Table 2.

List of the 63 consensus features, their node connections and weights for the linear SVM classifier.

Feature index SVM feature number ROI 1 Connected with ROI 2 Weight
1 632 L_precentral_gyrus_3 L_vent_aPFC 0.3119
2 1037 L_sup_frontal R_sup_frontal 0.4479
3 1038 M_ACC_2 R_sup_frontal 0.2472
4 1047 L_basal_ganglia_1 R_sup_frontal 0.1405
5 1048 M_mFC R_sup_frontal 0.203
6 1231 R_pre_SMA M_ACC_1 0.0986
7 1233 M_SMA M_ACC_1 0.1508
8 1727 R_vFC_2 R_vFC_1 0.121
9 1732 L_mid_insula_1 R_vFC_1 0.2313
10 1795 M_mFC R_ant_insula 0.0542
11 1950 M_mFC L_ant_insula 0.1294
12 2110 L_vFC_3 L_basal_ganglia_1 0.1074
13 2183 R_basal_ganglia_1 M_mFC 0.0652
14 2301 L_post_cingulate_1 R_frontal_1 0.0016
15 2311 R_precuneus_3 R_frontal_1 0.1118
16 2314 R_post_cingulate R_frontal_1 0.0027
17 2315 L_precuneus_2 R_frontal_1 0.0074
18 2441 R_precuneus_1 R_dFC_2 0.3302
19 2509 L_precuneus_1 R_dFC_3 0.0548
20 2511 R_precuneus_1 R_dFC_3 0.3977
21 2542 M_SMA L_dFC 0.1668
22 2551 R_precentral_gyrus_3 L_dFC 0.029
23 2605 L_basal_ganglia_2 L_vFC_2 0.2421
24 2606 R_basal_ganglia_1 L_vFC_2 0.1719
25 2618 L_precentral_gyrus_2 L_vFC_2 0.1803
26 2884 L_mid_insula_2 R_pre_SMA 0.0787
27 2887 R_mid_insula_2 R_pre_SMA 0.0787
28 2908 L_precuneus_1 R_pre_SMA 0.112
29 2935 M_SMA R_vFC_2 0.0752
30 2989 R_post_cingulate R_vFC_2 0.0487
31 3033 L_precuneus_1 M_SMA 0.1055
32 3094 L_precuneus_1 R_frontal_2 0.0269
33 3256 L_parietal_5 L_mid_insula_1 0.1804
34 3277 R_precuneus_2 L_mid_insula_1 0.0604
35 3298 L_parietal_1 L_precentral_gyrus_1 0.1927
36 3328 L_precuneus_1 L_precentral_gyrus_1 0.0331
37 3330 R_precuneus_1 L_precentral_gyrus_1 0.1669
38 3357 R_precentral_gyrus_3 L_parietal_1 0.1524
39 3367 L_parietal_4 L_parietal_1 0.1008
40 3368 R_parietal_1 L_parietal_1 0.0787
41 3376 R_parietal_3 L_parietal_1 0.021
42 3379 L_parietal_7 L_parietal_1 0.0593
43 3546 L_precuneus_1 R_precentral_gyrus_3 0.0535
44 3548 R_precuneus_1 R_precentral_gyrus_3 0.2019
45 3598 L_precuneus_1 L_parietal_2 0.0234
46 3835 R_parietal_3 R_mid_insula_2 0.2415
47 3926 R_parietal_3 L_mid_insula_3 0.2598
48 4021 L_precuneus_1 L_parietal_4 0.2507
49 4061 L_temporal_2 R_parietal_1 0.1886
50 4063 L_precuneus_1 R_parietal_1 0.0089
51 4065 R_precuneus_1 R_parietal_1 0.1549
52 4095 M_post_cingulate L_parietal_5 0.241
53 4104 L_precuneus_1 L_parietal_5 0.0656
54 4249 M_post_cingulate R_post_insula 0.1736
55 4299 L_post_cingulate_1 R_basal_ganglia_2 0.3015
56 4311 L_post_cingulate_2 R_basal_ganglia_2 0.2509
57 4334 L_post_cingulate_1 M_post_cingulate 0.3287
58 4430 R_precuneus_1 L_post_insula 0.1071
59 4518 L_precuneus_1 L_post_parietal_1 0.1153
60 4602 L_IPL_1 L_precuneus_1 0.1964
61 4683 L_IPL_2 L_IPL_1 0.2273
62 4802 L_IPL_3 L_parietal_8 0.379
63 4812 L_angular_gyrus_2 L_parietal_8 0.0522

Figure 4.

Figure 4

(A) Shows a bar graph representation of the relative weight of each of the 63 consensus features. (B) Shows a representation of the consensus features revealing location using BrainNet Viewer software. Each connection thickness is proportional to the feature weight.

Table 3.

Linear SVM nodes and their weights.

ROI index ROI Weight
7 L_vent_aPFC 0.1559
12 R_sup_frontal 0.5193
14 M_ACC_1 0.1247
15 L_sup_frontal 0.2239
16 M_ACC_2 0.1236
20 R_vFC_1 0.1761
21 R_ant_insula 0.0271
23 L_ant_insula 0.0647
25 L_basal_ganglia_1 0.0165
26 M_mFC 0.0229
27 R_frontal_1 0.0591
29 R_dFC_2 0.1651
30 R_dFC_3 0.1714
31 L_dFC 0.0979
32 L_vFC_2 0.1169
33 L_basal_ganglia_2 0.1211
34 R_basal_ganglia_1 0.1185
35 L_vFC_3 0.0537
36 R_pre_SMA 0.072
37 R_vFC_2 0.0473
38 M_SMA 0.0232
39 R_frontal_2 0.0135
42 L_mid_insula_1 0.0556
43 L_precentral_gyrus_1 0.1963
44 L_parietal_1 0.3025
46 L_precentral_gyrus_2 0.0901
47 R_precentral_gyrus_3 0.1649
48 L_parietal_2 0.0117
50 L_mid_insula_2 0.0394
53 R_mid_insula_2 0.1601
55 L_mid_insula_3 0.1299
57 L_parietal_4 0.1758
58 R_parietal_1 0.0181
59 L_parietal_5 0.0631
60 L_precentral_gyrus_3 0.1559
63 R_post_insula 0.0868
64 R_basal_ganglia_2 0.2762
65 M_post_cingulate 0.043
66 R_parietal_3 0.2401
68 L_post_insula 0.0536
69 L_parietal_7 0.0296
71 L_post_parietal_1 0.0577
72 L_temporal_2 0.0943
74 L_precuneus_1 0.4059
76 R_precuneus_1 0.5722
77 L_IPL_1 0.2118
79 L_post_cingulate_1 0.0128
80 R_precuneus_2 0.0302
83 L_parietal_8 0.2156
86 L_IPL_2 0.1137
88 L_IPL_3 0.1895
89 R_precuneus_3 0.0559
91 L_post_cingulate_2 0.1255
92 R_post_cingulate 0.023
93 L_precuneus_2 0.0037
98 L_angular_gyrus_2 0.0261

Omitted nodes have a weight of zero.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

(A) Shows a bar graph representation of the relative weight or contribution of each node to the classifier. (B) Shows a representation of the weighted nodes revealing location using BrainNet Viewer software. Each node’s size is proportional to its weight.

We employed the same SVM method on gender classification as we did for age classification. A linear SVM classifier was not able to significantly discriminate between male and female subjects (55% accuracy, p-value < 0.17, binomial test; compared to 50% for random chance). Also a multi-class linear kernel SVM classifier was applied to 65 subjects partitioned into three age groups: young, middle, and old. It was able to significantly discriminate between the three groups using a linear SVM with 28 top features retained and C = 0.1 (57% accuracy; p-value < 1 × 10−4, binomial test; compared to ∼33% for random chance).


Seeing that classification of age groups was successful, we decided to test whether age prediction of individuals is viable on a continuous scale with the use of only fcMRI data. That is, given an fMRI connectivity map, we wanted to determine the age in years of the individual on a continuous range rather than choose between two or three discrete classes. A SVR linear predictor (top features retained = 298, ε = 0.1) was applied to 65 subjects varying in age (19–85 years) and was able to predict subject age with a reasonable degree of accuracy, [y^=0.5x+23,R2=0.419, p-value < 1 × 10−8 (null hypothesis of no correlation or a slope of zero)], where y^ is a linear regression line applied to the (x, y) points with x being the true age of the subject and y the predicted age (see Figure 6). A similar holdout set method was employed for the SVR predictor as was for the SVM classifiers (see Figures 7 and 8).

Figure 6.

Figure 6

(A) Shows a least squares regression line on the predicted and actual age points. (B) Shows the residuals for the least squares regression fit.

Figure 7.

Figure 7

Slope as a function of ε and the number of top features retained. The slope peaks at 298 features retained and ε = 0.1.

Figure 8.

Figure 8

R2 as a function of ε and the number of top features retained. R2 peaks at around 298 features retained and ε = 0.1, in the same neighborhood as the peak slope.

The SVR method had 185 features (out of the 298) present in every fold. These consensus features’ weights and the node weights were computed in the same way as for the SVM classifier (see Figures 9 and 10; Tables 4 and 5).

Figure 9.

Figure 9

(A) Shows a bar graph representation of the relative weight or contribution of each of the 185 consensus features to the linear kernel SVR predictor. (B) Shows a representation of the 185 consensus features revealing location. Each connection thickness is proportional to the feature weight.

Figure 10.

Figure 10

(A) Shows a bar graph representation of the relative weight or contribution of each node to the linear kernel SVR predictor, with ε fixed at 0.1. (B) Shows a representation of the 100 weighted nodes revealing location. Each node’s size is proportional to its weight.

Table 4.

A list of the consensus features and their weights for the linear SVR age predictor.

Feature index SVR feature number ROI 1 Connected with ROI 2 Weight
1 200 6 R_aPFC_2 3 M_mPFC 3.4199
2 208 14 M_ACC_1 3 M_mPFC 4.0323
3 302 12 R_sup_frontal 4 L_aPFC_2 0.1837
4 308 18 L_vPFC 4 L_aPFC_2 6.7691
5 514 35 L_vFC_3 6 R_aPFC_2 1.9686
6 515 36 R_pre_SMA 6 R_aPFC_2 3.9004
7 517 38 M_SMA 6 R_aPFC_2 1.5754
8 523 44 L_parietal_1 6 R_aPFC_2 0.4170
9 632 60 L_precentral_gyrus_3 7 L_vent_aPFC 2.8031
10 785 30 R_dFC_3 9 R_vlPFC 0.5353
11 871 26 M_mFC 10 R_ACC 7.0751
12 881 36 R_pre_SMA 10 R_ACC 7.2001
13 910 65 M_post_cingulate 10 R_ACC 1.5674
14 955 21 R_ant_insula 11 R_dlPFC_1 1.6761
15 957 23 L_ant_insula 11 R_dlPFC_1 0.0260
16 961 27 R_frontal_1 11 R_dlPFC_1 4.6158
17 1037 15 L_sup_frontal 12 R_sup_frontal 11.408
18 1038 16 M_ACC_2 12 R_sup_frontal 3.0458
19 1044 22 R_dACC 12 R_sup_frontal 3.5010
20 1047 25 L_basal_ganglia_1 12 R_sup_frontal 6.4695
21 1048 26 M_mFC 12 R_sup_frontal 4.8864
22 1139 30 R_dFC_3 13 R_vPFC 4.3102
23 1213 18 L_vPFC 14 M_ACC_1 5.4143
24 1218 23 L_ant_insula 14 M_ACC_1 3.4732
25 1231 36 R_pre_SMA 14 M_ACC_1 4.6873
26 1233 38 M_SMA 14 M_ACC_1 2.9394
27 1239 44 L_parietal_1 14 M_ACC_1 0.6638
28 1260 65 M_post_cingulate 14 M_ACC_1 3.6222
29 1306 26 M_mFC 15 L_sup_frontal 1.8433
30 1387 23 L_ant_insula 16 M_ACC_2 1.2731
31 1398 34 R_basal_ganglia_1 16 M_ACC_2 2.0425
32 1560 31 L_dFC 18 L_vPFC 0.7004
33 1727 37 R_vFC_2 20 R_vFC_1 2.9906
34 1730 40 R_precentral_gyrus_1 20 R_vFC_1 0.8001
35 1732 42 L_mid_insula_1 20 R_vFC_1 3.3381
36 1739 49 R_mid_insula_1 20 R_vFC_1 2.0195
37 1791 22 R_dACC 21 R_ant_insula 3.8335
38 1795 26 M_mFC 21 R_ant_insula 3.2795
39 1870 23 L_ant_insula 22 R_dACC 5.1255
40 1880 33 L_basal_ganglia_2 22 R_dACC 0.8944
41 1881 34 R_basal_ganglia_1 22 R_dACC 1.3206
42 1882 35 L_vFC_3 22 R_dACC 2.0233
43 1883 36 R_pre_SMA 22 R_dACC 4.7918
44 1949 25 L_basal_ganglia_1 23 L_ant_insula 2.8737
45 1950 26 M_mFC 23 L_ant_insula 1.0806
46 1954 30 R_dFC_3 23 L_ant_insula 1.6872
47 1960 36 R_pre_SMA 23 L_ant_insula 6.0690
48 2006 82 R_IPL_1 23 L_ant_insula 2.2798
49 2016 92 R_post_cingulate 23 L_ant_insula 4.7532
50 2110 35 L_vFC_3 25 L_basal_ganglia_1 3.9079
51 2113 38 M_SMA 25 L_basal_ganglia_1 2.0904
52 2176 27 R_frontal_1 26 M_mFC 0.2893
53 2182 33 L_basal_ganglia_2 26 M_mFC 3.0670
54 2183 34 R_basal_ganglia_1 26 M_mFC 0.8171
55 2184 35 L_vFC_3 26 M_mFC 3.9006
56 2190 41 L_thalamus_1 26 M_mFC 2.0477
57 2217 68 L_post_insula 26 M_mFC 12.328
58 2252 30 R_dFC_3 27 R_frontal_1 4.8758
59 2258 36 R_pre_SMA 27 R_frontal_1 3.5564
60 2262 40 R_precentral_gyrus_1 27 R_frontal_1 2.4206
61 2267 45 R_precentral_gyrus_2 27 R_frontal_1 4.0491
62 2271 49 R_mid_insula_1 27 R_frontal_1 1.7481
63 2299 77 L_IPL_1 27 R_frontal_1 1.6080
64 2301 79 L_post_cingulate_1 27 R_frontal_1 9.5243
65 2302 80 R_precuneus_2 27 R_frontal_1 3.2888
66 2304 82 R_IPL_1 27 R_frontal_1 2.3834
67 2308 86 L_IPL_2 27 R_frontal_1 2.5869
68 2311 89 R_precuneus_3 27 R_frontal_1 1.6131
69 2313 91 L_post_cingulate_2 27 R_frontal_1 4.0015
70 2314 92 R_post_cingulate 27 R_frontal_1 3.1354
71 2315 93 L_precuneus_2 27 R_frontal_1 1.4905
72 2317 95 L_post_cingulate_3 27 R_frontal_1 1.2658
73 2340 46 L_precentral_gyrus_2 28 L_vFC_1 2.9832
74 2343 49 R_mid_insula_1 28 L_vFC_1 0.9104
75 2344 50 L_mid_insula_2 28 L_vFC_1 1.5884
76 2374 80 R_precuneus_2 28 L_vFC_1 2.1640
77 2399 34 R_basal_ganglia_1 29 R_dFC_2 1.8317
78 2439 74 L_precuneus_1 29 R_dFC_2 5.2682
79 2441 76 R_precuneus_1 29 R_dFC_2 3.9293
80 2472 37 R_vFC_2 30 R_dFC_3 1.2744
81 2509 74 L_precuneus_1 30 R_dFC_3 3.1864
82 2511 76 R_precuneus_1 30 R_dFC_3 10.158
83 2540 36 R_pre_SMA 31 L_dFC 0.0347
84 2542 38 M_SMA 31 L_dFC 4.5939
85 2551 47 R_precentral_gyrus_3 31 L_dFC 4.2930
86 2561 57 L_parietal_4 31 L_dFC 2.0379
87 2562 58 R_parietal_1 31 L_dFC 0.1465
88 2570 66 R_parietal_3 31 L_dFC 0.6321
89 2573 69 L_parietal_7 31 L_dFC 3.8353
90 2606 34 R_basal_ganglia_1 32 L_vFC_2 1.6084
91 2617 45 R_precentral_gyrus_2 32 L_vFC_2 5.5595
92 2618 46 L_precentral_gyrus_2 32 L_vFC_2 6.3606
93 2620 48 L_parietal_2 32 L_vFC_2 5.3524
94 2806 36 R_pre_SMA 35 L_vFC_3 5.9420
95 2829 59 L_parietal_5 35 L_vFC_3 2.5231
96 2876 42 L_mid_insula_1 36 R_pre_SMA 2.0429
97 2884 50 L_mid_insula_2 36 R_pre_SMA 0.8906
98 2887 53 R_mid_insula_2 36 R_pre_SMA 2.8127
99 2889 55 L_mid_insula_3 36 R_pre_SMA 0.6196
100 2908 74 L_precuneus_1 36 R_pre_SMA 3.0879
101 2935 38 M_SMA 37 R_vFC_2 1.3538
102 2977 80 R_precuneus_2 37 R_vFC_2 2.6368
103 2989 92 R_post_cingulate 37 R_vFC_2 1.0198
104 2992 95 L_post_cingulate_3 37 R_vFC_2 1.2270
105 3001 42 L_mid_insula_1 38 M_SMA 0.0421
106 3009 50 L_mid_insula_2 38 M_SMA 2.5175
107 3012 53 R_mid_insula_2 38 M_SMA 1.0882
108 3013 54 R_temporal_1 38 M_SMA 1.5278
109 3022 63 R_post_insula 38 M_SMA 0.5381
110 3033 74 L_precuneus_1 38 M_SMA 1.6784
111 3094 74 L_precuneus_1 39 R_frontal_2 1.1764
112 3160 80 R_precuneus_2 40 R_precentral_gyrus_1 1.1140
113 3172 92 R_post_cingulate 40 R_precentral_gyrus_1 0.7809
114 3181 42 L_mid_insula_1 41 L_thalamus_1 7.0436
115 3255 58 R_parietal_1 42 L_mid_insula_1 3.3164
116 3256 59 L_parietal_5 42 L_mid_insula_1 3.9536
117 3268 71 L_post_parietal_1 42 L_mid_insula_1 1.1748
118 3274 77 L_IPL_1 42 L_mid_insula_1 0.6810
119 3276 79 L_post_cingulate_1 42 L_mid_insula_1 5.5190
120 3277 80 R_precuneus_2 42 L_mid_insula_1 2.2915
121 3289 92 R_post_cingulate 42 L_mid_insula_1 2.2737
122 3298 44 L_parietal_1 43 L_precentral_gyrus_1 4.8264
123 3320 66 R_parietal_3 43 L_precentral_gyrus_1 2.3284
124 3328 74 L_precuneus_1 43 L_precentral_gyrus_1 4.3556
125 3330 76 R_precuneus_1 43 L_precentral_gyrus_1 3.8301
126 3357 47 R_precentral_gyrus_3 44 L_parietal_1 1.4419
127 3363 53 R_mid_insula_2 44 L_parietal_1 3.9555
128 3366 56 L_parietal_3 44 L_parietal_1 3.5900
129 3367 57 L_parietal_4 44 L_parietal_1 8.5639
130 3368 58 R_parietal_1 44 L_parietal_1 0.9669
131 3372 62 R_parietal_2 44 L_parietal_1 6.2692
132 3376 66 R_parietal_3 44 L_parietal_1 2.2942
133 3377 67 L_parietal_6 44 L_parietal_1 4.2380
134 3379 69 L_parietal_7 44 L_parietal_1 3.3560
135 3386 76 R_precuneus_1 44 L_parietal_1 2.3440
136 3521 49 R_mid_insula_1 47 R_precentral_gyrus_3 1.7159
137 3537 65 M_post_cingulate 47 R_precentral_gyrus_3 1.2226
138 3542 70 R_temporal_2 47 R_precentral_gyrus_3 2.9690
139 3546 74 L_precuneus_1 47 R_precentral_gyrus_3 2.8436
140 3548 76 R_precuneus_1 47 R_precentral_gyrus_3 1.9436
141 3553 81 R_temporal_3 47 R_precentral_gyrus_3 0.1955
142 3598 74 L_precuneus_1 48 L_parietal_2 2.8843
143 3600 76 R_precuneus_1 48 L_parietal_2 5.3379
144 3633 58 R_parietal_1 49 R_mid_insula_1 3.0962
145 3634 59 L_parietal_5 49 R_mid_insula_1 1.2744
146 3683 58 R_parietal_1 50 L_mid_insula_2 0.4134
147 3684 59 L_parietal_5 50 L_mid_insula_2 6.6085
148 3690 65 M_post_cingulate 50 L_mid_insula_2 0.1353
149 3705 80 R_precuneus_2 50 L_mid_insula_2 4.0167
150 3835 66 R_parietal_3 53 R_mid_insula_2 7.7145
151 3926 66 R_parietal_3 55 L_mid_insula_3 0.6183
152 3973 69 L_parietal_7 56 L_parietal_3 0.6484
153 4021 74 L_precuneus_1 57 L_parietal_4 5.2334
154 4061 72 L_temporal_2 58 R_parietal_1 2.2855
155 4062 73 L_temporal_3 58 R_parietal_1 1.2126
156 4063 74 L_precuneus_1 58 R_parietal_1 3.3874
157 4065 76 R_precuneus_1 58 R_parietal_1 0.0311
158 4095 65 M_post_cingulate 59 L_parietal_5 1.0257
159 4104 74 L_precuneus_1 59 L_parietal_5 6.1957
160 4249 65 M_post_cingulate 63 R_post_insula 4.0141
161 4253 69 L_parietal_7 63 R_post_insula 1.0645
162 4255 71 L_post_parietal_1 63 R_post_insula 0.5269
163 4264 80 R_precuneus_2 63 R_post_insula 3.5363
164 4286 66 R_parietal_3 64 R_basal_ganglia_2 2.2027
165 4299 79 L_post_cingulate_1 64 R_basal_ganglia_2 1.9985
166 4311 91 L_post_cingulate_2 64 R_basal_ganglia_2 2.8954
167 4334 79 L_post_cingulate_1 65 M_post_cingulate 11.855
168 4335 80 R_precuneus_2 65 M_post_cingulate 0.2271
169 4400 78 R_parietal_4 67 L_parietal_6 1.0522
170 4430 76 R_precuneus_1 68 L_post_insula 1.6719
171 4441 87 L_angular_gyrus_1 68 L_post_insula 1.6202
172 4516 72 L_temporal_2 71 L_post_parietal_1 2.2346
173 4518 74 L_precuneus_1 71 L_post_parietal_1 1.3602
174 4521 77 L_IPL_1 71 L_post_parietal_1 0.1952
175 4530 86 L_IPL_2 71 L_post_parietal_1 2.9293
176 4552 80 R_precuneus_2 72 L_temporal_2 1.2155
177 4602 77 L_IPL_1 74 L_precuneus_1 3.9390
178 4609 84 L_post_parietal_2 74 L_precuneus_1 3.9741
179 4651 77 L_IPL_1 76 R_precuneus_1 0.8857
180 4683 86 L_IPL_2 77 L_IPL_1 0.2140
181 4686 89 R_precuneus_3 77 L_IPL_1 3.7542
182 4759 99 R_precuneus_4 80 R_precuneus_2 1.0681
183 4802 88 L_IPL_3 83 L_parietal_8 8.7927
184 4812 98 L_angular_gyrus_2 83 L_parietal_8 2.3099
185 4814 100 L_IPS_2 83 L_parietal_8 1.5265

Table 5.

Nodes and their weights for the linear kernel SVR predictor.

ROI index ROI Weight
3 M_mPFC 0.3062
4 L_aPFC_2 3.4764
6 R_aPFC_2 1.7403
7 L_vent_aPFC 1.4016
9 R_vlPFC 0.2676
10 R_ACC 0.8462
11 R_dlPFC_1 3.1330
12 R_sup_frontal 14.747
13 R_vPFC 2.1551
14 M_ACC_1 1.7177
15 L_sup_frontal 6.6258
16 M_ACC_2 3.1807
18 L_vPFC 5.7415
20 R_vFC_1 2.5547
21 R_ant_insula 4.3946
22 R_dACC 0.0952
23 L_ant_insula 10.848
25 L_basal_ganglia_1 3.7628
26 M_mFC 2.6519
27 R_frontal_1 4.1057
28 L_vFC_1 1.3242
29 R_dFC_2 3.6829
30 R_dFC_3 0.6411
31 L_dFC 3.3619
32 L_vFC_2 1.4715
33 L_basal_ganglia_2 1.0863
34 R_basal_ganglia_1 0.9506
35 L_vFC_3 1.7332
36 R_pre_SMA 0.6284
37 R_vFC_2 1.6506
38 M_SMA 2.2000
39 R_frontal_2 0.5882
40 R_precentral_gyrus_1 0.1372
41 L_thalamus_1 2.4979
42 L_mid_insula_1 2.1402
43 L_precentral_gyrus_1 0.9863
44 L_parietal_1 5.0775
45 R_precentral_gyrus_2 4.8043
46 L_precentral_gyrus_2 4.6719
47 R_precentral_gyrus_3 1.8094
48 L_parietal_2 3.9030
49 R_mid_insula_1 2.0883
50 L_mid_insula_2 6.3615
53 R_mid_insula_2 0.0710
54 R_temporal_1 0.7639
55 L_mid_insula_3 0.6189
56 L_parietal_3 2.1192
57 L_parietal_4 5.8797
58 R_parietal_1 2.3834
59 L_parietal_5 9.7648
60 L_precentral_gyrus_3 1.4016
62 R_parietal_2 3.1346
63 R_post_insula 0.8258
64 R_basal_ganglia_2 1.3456
65 M_post_cingulate 6.4323
66 R_parietal_3 5.6008
67 L_parietal_6 1.5929
68 L_post_insula 6.1384
69 L_parietal_7 3.8037
70 R_temporal_2 1.4845
71 L_post_parietal_1 1.9759
72 L_temporal_2 2.8678
73 L_temporal_3 0.6063
74 L_precuneus_1 5.8246
76 R_precuneus_1 15.035
77 L_IPL_1 4.7624
78 R_parietal_4 0.5261
79 L_post_cingulate_1 2.9254
80 R_precuneus_2 2.2972
81 R_temporal_3 0.0978
82 R_IPL_1 0.0518
83 L_parietal_8 4.7881
84 L_post_parietal_2 1.9870
86 L_IPL_2 2.6511
87 L_angular_gyrus_1 0.8101
88 L_IPL_3 4.3964
89 R_precuneus_3 2.6837
91 L_post_cingulate_2 0.5530
92 R_post_cingulate 0.4474
93 L_precuneus_2 0.7453
95 L_post_cingulate_3 1.2464
98 L_angular_gyrus_2 1.1549
99 R_precuneus_4 0.5340
100 L_IPS_2 0.7632

Omitted nodes have a weight of zero.

To check for agreement with previous studies (see Dosenbach et al., 2010), a SVR predictor using a RBF kernel was applied to our same 65 subject data set. The RBF SVR predictor (top features retained = 15, ε = 0.1) was able to predict age comparable to, but worse than, the linear SVR predictor [RBF SVR: ŷ=0.35x+29, R2 = 0.188, p-value < 1 × 10−3, (null hypothesis of no correlation or zero slope)]. The node weights were computed in the same way as for the linear SVR case (see Figure 11), and the highest weight nodes are listed in Table 6.

Figure 11.

Figure 11

Radial basis function kernel SVR node weights. Since the RBF SVR method used 15 top features total, only seven nodes were present as shown in Table 6.

Table 6.

Nodes for the RBF SVR predictor.

ROI index ROI
23 L_ant_insula
26 M_mFC
44 L_parietal_1
66 R_parietal_3
69 L_parietal_7
74 L_precuneus_1
77 L_IPL_1

However, we use the linear SVR predictor for feature and node significance output since weights extracted from the linear SVR have a direct proportionality between absolute weight and significance in variable prediction. The same cannot be said about the RBF SVR weights, which are not as readily interpreted.


In the present study, we examined the ability of a SVM to classify individuals as either young or old, and to predict age solely on their rs-fMRI data. Our aim was to improve the discriminatory ability and accuracy of the multivariate vector machine method by parameter tuning and feature selection and also output interpretable discriminating features.

Support vector machine classification (using temporal correlations between ROIs as input features) of individuals as either children or adults was found 91% accurate in a study by Dosenbach et al. (2010), and our 84% accurate age classifier is in agreement with these results. This shows that a SVM classifier can be successfully applied to rs-fMRI functional connectivity data with appropriate feature selection and parameter tuning. Our linear SVM classifier’s performance was comparable to that of the RBF SVM, and only slightly more accurate. One advantage of the linear SVM classifier over the RBF classifier, used by Dosenbach et al. (2010) for feature interpretation, is that the weights extracted from the linear classifier have a direct relationship between absolute weight and the classifier contribution. The RBF classifier weights are more difficult to interpret.

Although age classification was very significant (p-value < 1 × 10−7), gender classification (p-value < 0.17) was not. This could be due to the lack of significant differences between resting male and female functional connectivity. A recent study by Weissman-Fogel et al. (2010) found no significant differences between genders in resting functional connectivity of the brain areas within the executive control, salient, and the default mode networks. The performance of our classifier is consistent with this result and suggests that functional connectivity may not be significantly different between genders. This also provides confirmation that the SVM method classification is specific to aging and not other characteristics in this group of individuals such as gender.

We found that the SVM method predicted subject age on a continuous scale with relatively good performance. A perfect predictor has a linear regression fit of ŷ=1x+0, that is, for a given age, x, the SVR prediction, y, matches that age exactly, implying a ŷ=1x+0 fit with R2 = 1. The closer the slope of the regression line approached one, and the closer the R2 value approached one, the better the performance of the predictor was considered to be. The R2 value is a measure of the proportion of variability of the response variable (predicted age) that is accounted for by the independent variable (true age), so an R2 of 0.419 (linear SVR) reveals that a substantial portion of the variability in the predicted age is accounted for by the subject age.

From the linear regression plot (Figure 6) it appears that the younger subjects are overestimated in their predicted age and the older subjects are underestimated in their predicted age. The subjects around age 40–50 are estimated accurately. For this regression fit (ŷ=0.5x+23),ŷ (the predicted age) ranges from around 30 (when x = 20) to around 80 (when x = 90) so the predicted age range is smaller than the actual age range – this occurrence may be due to similar connectivity maps of ages in a small range (age 25–30 for example). This difficulty in accurately distinguishing subjects within a small age range could suggest non-significant age-related inter-subject differences in functional connectivity of subjects in small adult age ranges.

The SVM method allows for detection of the most influential features and nodes which drive the classifier or predictor. We utilized this approach to find the “connectivity hubs,” or nodes with the most significant features that influenced age classification. Tables 3 and 5 reveal the 10 most influential nodes for the linear age SVM classifier and for the linear SVR predictor, respectively. Four out of the 10 most influential nodes are present in both methods: R_precuneus_1, R_sup_frontal, L_precuneus_1, and L_sup_frontal (see Figures 12 and 13). There is a similar degree of agreement between the RBF SVR nodes and the linear SVR nodes: L_precuneus_1, L_parietal_1, R_parietal_3, and L_IPL_1 are in both methods. This agreement between classifier and predictor methods suggests that the connectivity of these nodes provides discriminatory information with respect to age differences with some independence of choice of method.

Figure 12.

Figure 12

A comparison of the 10 top consensus features for SVM and SVR. Each connection thickness is proportional to the feature weight. Overlap of features indicates an agreement for both age classification and prediction techniques.

Figure 13.

Figure 13

A comparison of the 10 top nodes for SVM and SVR. Each node size is proportional to the feature weight. Overlap of nodes indicates an agreement for both age classification and prediction techniques.

Of note is the difference in distributions of the node weights for the linear SVM and linear SVR methods (Figures 5 and 10). The SVM result seems to have only a few high valued nodes with many quite small valued ones, indicating a more abrupt distribution. The SVR node weight values are distributed more uniformly, with high valued nodes, middle valued, and low valued ones occurring frequently. This could be attributed to the difference in the number of top features retained by the two methods. Since features were projected into their respective nodes and the SVM had 100 features retained while the SVR had 298, the distribution of the SVR node values seemed more uniform.

The improvement in accuracy due to the reduction of the dimension of the feature space, in general, reveals that the classification performance is related to the number of features used and the “quality” of the features used. Our work, using the t-test feature filter method for SVM and the correlation feature filter method for SVR as well as the method for parameter selection, shows that SVM classifiers and SVR predictors can achieve high degrees of performance.

The growing number of imaging-based binary classification studies of clinical populations (autism, schizophrenia, depression, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) suggests that this is a promising approach for distinguishing disease states from healthy brains on the basis of measurable differences in spontaneous activity (Shen et al., 2010; Zhang and Raichle, 2010). In addition, several recent studies have demonstrated that the rs-fMRI measurements are reproducible and reliable in young and old populations (Shehzad et al., 2009; Thomason et al., 2011; Song et al., 2012) so a brief resting MRI scan could provide valuable information to aid in screening, diagnosis, and prognosis of patients (Saur et al., 2010). Our own work supports the results that rs-fMRI data contain enough information to make multivariate classifications and predictions of subjects. As the amount of available rs-fMRI data increases, multivariate pattern analysis methods will be able to extract more meaningful information which can be used in complement with human clinical diagnoses to improve overall efficacy.

Conflict of Interest Statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


This work was supported by the National Research Service Award (NRSA) T32 EB011434 to Svyatoslav Vergun, University of Wisconsin Institute for Clinical and Translational Research National Institutes of Health (UW ICTR NIH)/UL1RR025011 Pilot Grant from the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) program of the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) and KL2 Scholar Award to Vivek Prabhakaran, and RC1MH090912 National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Mental Health (NIH-NIMH) ARRA Challenge Grant to Elizabeth Meyerand. We are thankful to the 1000 Functional Connectome Project for their data set.



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