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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 May 15.
Published in final edited form as: Alcohol. 2010 Jan 6;44(0):673–690. doi: 10.1016/j.alcohol.2009.10.002

Effects of moderate drinking during pregnancy on placental gene expression

Martina J Rosenberg 1, Christina R Wolff 1, Ahmed El-Emawy 1, Miranda C Staples 1, Nora I Perrone-Bizzozero 1, Daniel D Savage 1,*
PMCID: PMC3654802  NIHMSID: NIHMS463214  PMID: 20053520


Many children adversely affected by maternal drinking during pregnancy cannot be identified early in life using current diagnostic criteria for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). We conducted a preliminary investigation to determine whether ethanol-induced alterations in placental gene expression may have some utility as a diagnostic indicator of maternal drinking during pregnancy and as a prognostic indicator of risk for adverse neurobehavioral outcomes in affected offspring. Pregnant Long-Evans rats voluntarily consumed either a 0 or 5% ethanol solution 4 h each day throughout gestation. Ethanol consumption produced a mean maternal daily intermittent peak serum ethanol concentration of 84 mg/dL. Placentas were harvested on gestational day 20 for gene expression studies. Microarray analysis of more than 28,000 genes revealed that the expression of 304 known genes was altered twofold or greater in placenta from ethanol-consuming dams compared with controls. About 76% of these genes were repressed in ethanol-exposed placentas. Gene expression changes involved proteins associated with central nervous system development; organ morphogenesis; immunological responses; endocrine function; ion homeostasis; and skeletal, cardiovascular, and cartilage development. To date, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis has confirmed significant alterations in gene expression for 22 genes, including genes encoding for three calcium binding proteins, two matrix metalloproteinases, the cannabinoid 1, galanin 2 and toll-like receptor 4, iodothyronine deiodinase 2, 11-β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2, placental growth factor, transforming growth factor alpha, gremlin 1, and epithelial growth factor (EGF)-containing extracellular matrix protein. These results suggest that the expression of a sufficiently large number of placental mRNAs is altered after moderate drinking during pregnancy to warrant more detailed investigation of the placenta as a biomarker system for maternal drinking during pregnancy and as an early indicator of FASD. Furthermore, these results provide new insights into novel mechanisms on how ethanol may directly or indirectly mediate its teratogenic effects through alterations in placental function during pregnancy.

Keywords: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, Ethanol, Placenta, Microarray, qRT-PCR, Biomarker


Heavy or binge patterns of drinking during pregnancy can cause profound morphological and neurological aberrations in offspring called fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS; Clarren and Smith, 1978; Jones et al., 1973; Jones and Smith, 1973; Lemoine et al., 1968). Increasing evidence indicates that moderate drinking during pregnancy can cause subtle, long-term behavioral and cognitive impairments in the absence of the birth defects associated with FAS (Abel, 1995; Hanson et al., 1978; Shaywitz et al., 1980). These behavioral deficits may not become apparent until the educational years (Conry 1990; Hamilton et al., 2003; Jacobson et al., 1998; Streissguth et al., 1990) and may increase in severity as the child matures (Jacobson et al., 2004; Streissguth et al., 1991, 1994). Collectively, these observations led to an expansion of the diagnostic classification of prenatal alcohol-related effects to include alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (Stratton et al., 1996) and, subsequently, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) to encompass the entire range of fetal ethanol-affected children.

Current estimates suggest that at least 1% of the pediatric population has FASD (May et al., 2007, 2008; Sampson et al., 1997), and that a large majority of this group may have no physical evidence of prenatal alcohol effects at birth. In such cases, adverse neurobehavioral consequences may not be diagnosed for years, diminishing the beneficial prospect of earlier interventional opportunities. Thus, one of the critical challenges for the fetal alcohol research community is to develop more sensitive and reliable means to detect moderate drinking during pregnancy. Ideally, a reliable indicator of prenatal ethanol exposure may also serve as a predictor of functional damage to newborns, allowing earlier identification of children at risk for longer-term adverse neurobehavioral outcomes.

One approach to this clinical challenge has focused on the identification of biomarkers of alcohol consumption as a means to confirm maternal drinking during pregnancy. A relatively small number of studies on biomarkers of drinking during pregnancy have been reported (see review by Bearer, 2001a). Most of these efforts have been clinical studies of serum biomarkers and have focused either on measurements of ethanol, ethanol metabolites, compounds that chemically interact with ethanol, or a variety of proteins either directly involved in ethanol metabolism or impacted indirectly as a consequence of ethanol metabolism. A recurring theme in most of these clinical studies is that the sensitivity of these biomarkers is generally limited to heavy drinking, these ethanol-induced changes are often short-lived with abstinence, and specificity is impacted by confounding variables present in subject populations (Bearer, 2001).

Another biomarker that appears to have greater sensitivity and specificity for detecting drinking during pregnancy are the fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs) ethyl linolate, ethyl oleate, and ethyl arachidonate, which accumulate in maternal liver, placenta, fetal tissues, meconium, and hair after ethanol consumption (Bearer et al., 1999, 2003a; Bearer, 2001a; Kulaga et al., 2006). FAEEs have a half-life of approximately 7 days in mouse placenta (Bearer et al., 1992) and have been detected in umbilical cord blood and meconium from newborns of alcoholic mothers (Bearer et al., 1999, 2003b, 2005). However, FAEEs have also been found in some abstinent groups (Bearer, 2001a) and their sensitivity for moderate drinking during pregnancy is not firmly established at present, possibly indicating a need for more sensitive analytical approaches for detecting these compounds in clinical samples (Pichini et al., 2008).

One alternative strategy to the challenge of diagnosing drinking during pregnancy is to use a bottom-up approach, where biomarkers are first identified and validated in animal models of drinking during pregnancy and then, based on this information, pursue parallel human studies to assess clinical utility. This approach has four distinct advantages. First, it increases the prospects of identifying novel markers without the confounding variables associated with patient populations. Second, biomarker validation can proceed in a more systematic and controlled fashion over a shorter period of time and in a more cost-effective manner. Third, an animal model system provides an opportunity to assess more directly how a biomarker signature may change as a function of ethanol dosing, patterns of ethanol exposure, and the influence of other interacting risk factors during pregnancy, such as concomitant exposure to nicotine, other drugs of abuse, stress, malnutrition, or heavy metals. How a biosignature pattern is altered by concurrent exposure to other risk factors would be critically important to the interpretation of data from clinical studies. Finally, an animal model system allows for direct correlation of biomarker patterns with markers of functional damage to the fetus, longer-term adverse neurobehavioral outcomes and, in the best-case scenario, provide insights about the mechanistic basis for the teratogenic damage—assessments that would be more difficult, if not impossible, to examine in a clinical study.

In the present study, we used a recently developed rat model of voluntary drinking during pregnancy that produces offspring with deficits in hippocampal synaptic plasticity and learning to study the effects of moderate drinking during pregnancy on placental gene expression. From a clinical standpoint, placenta has a number of advantages in consideration as a biomarker tissue given that relatively large quantities are readily obtainable by minimally invasive and inexpensive procedures that are generally ethically acceptable to both the mother and in clinical practice. To date, we have confirmed that moderate drinking during pregnancy significantly altered the expression of nearly two dozen genes, of which the protein products play important roles in placental function and fetal development.

Materials and methods


All reagents were acquired from Sigma Chemical Company unless indicated otherwise in parenthetical text.

Voluntary drinking paradigm

All procedures involving the use of live rats were approved by the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Four-month-old Long-Evans rat breeders (Harlan Industries, Indianapolis, IN) were single housed in plastic cages at 22°C and kept on a “reverse” 12-h dark/12-h light schedule (lights on from 2100–0900 h) with Harlan Teklad rodent chow and tap water ad libitum. After 1 week of acclimation to the animal facility, all female rats were provided 0.066% saccharin in tap water for 4 h each day from 1000 to 1400 h. The saccharin water contained 0% ethanol on the first and second day, 2.5% ethanol (vol/vol) on the third and fourth day, and 5% ethanol on the fifth day and thereafter. Daily 4-h consumption of ethanol was monitored for at least 2 weeks, and then, the mean daily ethanol consumption was determined for each female breeder. At the end of 2 weeks of daily ethanol consumption, females that drank less than 1 standard deviation below the mean of the entire group were removed from the study. The remainder of the females were assigned to either a saccharin control or 5% ethanol-drinking group and matched such that the mean prepregnancy ethanol consumption by each group was similar.

Subsequently, females were placed with proven male breeders until pregnant, as indicated by the presence of a vaginal plug. Female rats did not consume ethanol during the breeding procedure. Beginning on gestational day 1, rat dams were provided saccharin water containing either 0 or 5% ethanol for 4 h a day. The volume of 0% ethanol saccharin water provided to the controls was matched with the mean volume of saccharin water consumed by the 5% ethanol-drinking group. Daily 4-h ethanol consumption was recorded for each dam.

Maternal serum ethanol levels

A separate set of 12 rat dams was used to determine serum ethanol concentrations. These dams were run through the same voluntary drinking paradigm as described earlier, except that at the end of the 4-h ethanol consumption episode on each of three alternate days during the third week of gestation, each rat dam was briefly anesthetized with isoflurane. One hundred microlitres of whole blood was collected from the tail vein and immediately mixed with 0.2 mL of 6.6% perchloric acid, was frozen, and was stored at –20°C until assayed. Serum ethanol standards were created by mixing rat whole blood from untreated rats with known amounts of ethanol ranging from 0 to 240 mg ethanol/dL and then mixing 100-μL aliquots of each standard with perchloric acid and storing the standards frozen with the samples. Serum ethanol samples were assayed using a modification of the method of Lundquist (1959).

Tissue harvesting and RNA preparative procedures

On gestational day 20, rat dams were sacrificed, Caesarian sections were performed, and placental tissue was harvested rapidly. The position of each placenta within the uterine horn and the gender of the associated fetus were noted. The placenta was perfused with ice-cold saline to remove blood, frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at –80°C. Total RNA was isolated from the frozen tissue using the RNeasy kit following the manufacturer's instructions (Qiagen, Valencia, CA), and the yield was determined by spectrophotometry (Nanodrop, Wilmington, DE). Total RNA was assessed with an Agilent 2001 Bioanalyzer using RNA 6000 nanochips (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA). All samples had a RNA integrity number of 9.8 or higher, indicating high quality RNA (Schroeder et al., 2006).

Microarray analysis

RNA samples from individual placenta were labeled and analyzed separately on GeneChip Rat Genome 230 2.0 Arrays (Affymetrix Inc., Santa Clara, CA). Equal amounts of total RNA (5 μg) were converted into double-stranded cDNA using Superscript II (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). The resulting cDNA was used for the in vitro synthesis of biotin-labeled cRNA using the ENZO Bioarray High Yield RNA Transcript Labeling Kit T7 (Enzo Diagnostics Inc., Farmingdale, NY). After a cleanup step, 15 μg of the antisense cRNA was fragmented for 35 min at 94°C and then used as a probe on the microarray. Immediately following incubation for 16 h at 45°C, the chips were washed and stained with streptavidin–phycoerythrin using a GeneChip Fluidics Station 400 (Affymetrix Inc.). Washing, staining, and scanning were carried out according to the standard Affymetrix protocol.

The raw data were analyzed with the Affymetrix Microarray Analysis Suite (MAS 5.0) and GeneSpring GX 7.3 software (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA), starting with a per-chip normalization. The microarray data are available from the National Center for Biotechnology Information's Gene Expression Omnibus at (Barrett et al., 2005; Edgar et al., 2002) under series accession number GSE18162. All samples had a scaling factor of less than 20 to achieve the same overall intensity (500 RFU). Raw data were adjusted using a pergene normalization step to the median to compare the relative expression profiles of genes that might be expressed at very different absolute levels. Next, samples from the ethanol-exposed group were normalized to the saccharin controls. Normalized data was prefiltered by expression level (> 100 RFU). In addition, only genes that were called “present” (i.e., by intensity of signal and specificity of hybridization to all of the corresponding oligonucleotide probes per set of each gene on the chip) in at least three of the seven samples were analyzed, thereby reducing false-positive calls and removing genes that were not reliably detected (McClintick and Edenberg, 2006). A principal component analysis of the samples demonstrated that all of them passed this quality control step (data not shown). Significant changes in gene expression were defined using two filters: first by fold change of more than 2 and then by a Student's t-test multiple testing correction with a threshold of P < .05 for false discovery rate (Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995).

A global characterization of significant genes in gene ontology (GO) categories of biological processes, molecular function, and cellular compartment (Ashburner, Ball et al., 2000; Harris, Clark et al., 2004) was performed using the Gene Ontology Tree Machine tool of Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN ( Briefly, a list of differentially expressed genes was compared with a list of all genes represented on the Rat Genome 230 2.0 Array. Relatively enriched genes were identified using the GO hypergeometric distribution analysis. Categories were considered significant at P < .01.

Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis

Total RNA was isolated and quantified as described earlier and stored in aliquots at –80°C until use. First-strand cDNA synthesis from 1 μg of total RNA was performed using Superscript II reverse transcriptase and oligo(dT) primer (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). Gene expression levels in all samples were examined by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) reactions using SYBR® green Supermix (BioRad, Hercules, CA) on an ABI 7300 system (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Using Primer 3 software (Rozen and Skaletsky, 2000), the primer pairs were designed to be exon-spanning if possible to ensure that no product was amplified from genomic DNA and were created to be specific for each gene (as verified by a BLAST search) to a region different from the one used by the oligonucleotides on the Affymetrix chip. Table A1 provides detailed information of the primer sets used in the qRT-PCR studies. In preliminary studies, the optimal concentration for each primer set was determined using 5 ng of template per reaction, and a dissociation curve analysis was performed to ensure that specific amplification was achieved. The amplification conditions consisted of an initial step at 50°C for 2 min, denaturation at 95°C for 10 min, followed by 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 s and 60°C for 1 min. Controls included analysis of template-free reactions (both in the reverse transcription and in the PCR reaction), RNA not being reverse transcribed (to detect contamination with DNA in the RNA preparation) and samples treated with RNase A before reverse transcription reaction.

RNA samples were run in triplicate for the genes of interest and for the reference gene within the same experiment. Each experiment was performed three times. Triplicate cycle thresholds (Ct's) of all the experiments were averaged for each sample. The size of the amplicons and specificity of the primer set was verified on a 2% agarose Tris-acetate-EDTA (TAE) gel.

All data were normalized against β-actin as a reference gene. The expression of β-actin was similar in the saccharin and ethanol-exposed groups both in the microarray data and the qRT-PCR experiments. The mean Ct values for all samples were similar, making β-actin an appropriate control. Relative quantification of gene expression, that is, the relative amount of target RNA, was determined using the 2–ΔΔCt method (Livak and Schmittgen, 2001).


Voluntary drinking paradigm

Rat dams stably consumed an average of 2.82 ± 0.13 g of ethanol/kg body weight over the 4-h interval each day (approximately 16 mL of 5% ethanol in 0.066% saccharin water). This pattern and level of ethanol consumption produced a mean maternal serum ethanol concentration of 84.0 ± 5.5 mg/dL during the third week of gestation. Ethanol consumption did not affect maternal weight gain during pregnancy (Table 1). Litter sizes and placental wet weights at harvesting were not different between the two experimental groups.

Table 1.

Effects of the voluntary ethanol consumption paradigm

Outcome measure Saccharin control 5% Ethanol
Maternal weight gain during pregnancy 120 ± 3a (44) 115 ± 4 (51)
Daily 4-h ethanol consumption NA 2.82 ± 0.13b (51)
Maternal serum ethanol concentration NA 84.0 ± 5.5c (24)
Fetal litter size 12.7 ± 0.8d (9) 12.9 ± 0.9 (13)
Placental wet weight 0.533 ± 0.049e (6) 0.513 ± 0.045 (6)

NA = not applicable; Numbers in parentheses indicate sample size; S.E.M. = standard error of mean.


Mean ± S.E.M. grams increase in body weight from gestational day 1 through 21.


Mean ± S.E.M. grams ethanol consumed/kg body weight/day.


Mean ± S.E.M. mg ethanol/dL serum, 30 min after a 4-h drinking period.


Mean ± S.E.M. number of fetuses/litter at gestational day 20.


Mean ± S.E.M. grams/placenta (averaged from four placentas in each litter).

Microarray analysis of placental gene expression

The Rat Genome 230 2.0 Expression Array contains more than 31,000 probe sets (30,000 transcripts and variants) from more than 28,000 rat genes. Of those, about 53% were detected as being expressed in placental tissue, that is, “present” in at least three of seven samples. After applying our criteria of a minimum twofold change in expression and statistical significance (P < .05) based on a Student's t-test, 649 genes were identified as significantly altered in the placenta of ethanol-consuming dams compared with the saccharin controls. The whisker box plots shown in Fig. 1A illustrate that the distribution of signal intensities of altered genes among the placental samples within each of the two experimental groups was similar, with the alcohol-exposed samples showing an overall reduction in expression levels. Figure 1B shows an unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis of expression profile similarity between the two experimental conditions for the 649 identified genes, indicating that the two groups can be clearly distinguished. After excluding expressed sequence tags and unidentified genes, 304 of the identified genes remained. A compilation of the 304 identified genes is available in Table A2.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

A. Box whisker plots of placental gene expression in control and ethanol-exposed placentas representing the minimum (end of the bottom whisker), the first quartile (bottom border of the box), the median (line through the box), the third quartile (top border of the box), and the maximum (end of the top whisker) of the distribution. The separately drawn points are outliers. Points are regarded as outliers if the minimum of their distance to the first and the third quartile is greater than 1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR = third quartile–second quartile). B. Heat map plots illustrating unsupervised hierarchical clustering on similarity in expression profiles across conditions of 643 genes list, filtered by twofold expression changes and statistical significance (Student's t-test). CONT = saccharin control group and EtOH = 5% ethanol treatment group. The numbers below the group labels indicate the litter number from which the placenta tissue was harvested. Each heat map corresponds to the whisker plot directly above it.

In general, ethanol consumption repressed placental gene expression. About 76% of the 304 identified genes were downregulated in the placentas harvested from ethanol-consuming dams compared with the controls. Of the 304 selected genes altered by ethanol consumption, 147 were differentially regulated between two- to threefold; 115 genes displayed a three- to fivefold difference in expression; and 40 genes showed differences in expression greater than fivefold (Table 2), including genes encoding proteins involved in a wide array of biological processes associated with placental and fetal development.

Table 2.

Differentially regulated placental genes, filtered by statistical significance and fold change of more than five

Affymetrix ID Symbol RefSeq Downregulated gene name Fold Δ
1369113_at GREM1 NM_019282 Gremlin 1, cysteine knot superfamily homolog –25.3
1385568_at DIO2 NM_031720 Deiodinase, iodothyronine type 2 –25.2
1387088_at GAL NM_033237 Galanin –21.4
1368731_at ORM1 NM_053288 Orosomucoid 1 –17.0
1388269_at HBG1 NM_172093 Hemoglobin, gamma A –16.2
1390112_at EFEMP1 NM_001012039 EGF-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 1 –15.8
1369677_at CNR1 NM_012784 Cannabinoid receptor 1 –15.5
1368304_at FMO3 NM_053433 Flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 –14.2
1368394_at SFRP4 NM_053544 Secreted frizzled-related protein 4 –13.9
1368912_at TRH NM_013046 Thyrotropin-releasing hormone –13.3
1398688_at SPINK5 XM_341607 Serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 5 –10.7
1374558_at ICOSLG XM_574731 Inducible T-cell co-stimulator ligand –9.31
1387563_at PGR NM_022847 Progesterone receptor –9.21
1369625_at AQP1 NM_012778 Aquaporin 1 –9.15
1367846_at S100A4 NM_012618 S100 calcium binding protein A4 –8.78
1367627_at GATM NM_031031 Glycine amidinotransferase –8.26
1370843_at GNG8 NM_139185 Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G-protein), gamma 8 –8.25
1369695_at WT1 NM_031534 Wilms tumor 1 –8.14
1393069_at SFRP5 XM_219887 Secreted frizzled-related protein 5 –7.86
1369164_a_at TRPC4 NM_080396 Transient receptor potential cation channel 4C –7.63
1387450_at TGFA NM_012671 Transforming growth factor, alpha –7.62
1371102_x_at HBD NM_033234 Hemoglobin, delta –7.35
1369817_at HAND2 NM_022696 Heart and neural crest derivatives expressed 2 –6.97
1388270_at HBE1 NM_001008890 Hemoglobin, epsilon 1 –6.91
1368919_at PGF NM_053595 Placental growth factor –6.46
1396407_at GAS8 NM_001039030 Growth arrest-specific 8 –6.43
1380206_at KIF5C XM_221307 Kinesin family member 5C –6.32
1367600_at DES NM_022531 Desmin –6.23
1370157_at PLN NM_022707 Phospholamban –6.03
1388138_at THBS4 XM_342172 Thrombospondin 4 –5.69
1367794_at A2M NM_012488 Alpha-2-macroglobulin –5.62
1387656_at SLC4A1 NM_012651 Solute carrier family 4, anion exchanger, member 1 –5.60
1368713_at MMP10 NM_133514 Matrix metalloproteinase 10 (Stromelysin 2) –5.49
1370956_at DCN NM_024129 Decorin –5.37
1380285_at CHRD NM_001024273 Chordin –5.36
1368342_at AMPD3 NM_031544 Adenosine monophosphate deaminase (isoform E) –5.18
Affymetrix ID Symbol RefSeq Upregulated gene name Fold Δ
1380134_at VTCN1 NM_001024244 V-set domain containing T-cell activation inhibitor 1 5.08
1370594_at IGSF1 NM_175763 Immunoglobulin superfamily, member 1 6.00
1370077_at INS NM_019130 Insulin 6.67
1370165_at SMPX NM_053395 Small muscle protein, X-linked 13.7

Gene ontology analyses

Of 15,389 GO categories surveyed by GO analyses, 77 were significantly enriched in altered placental genes, that is, the odds ratio of experimentally observed differentially transcribed genes to expected genes in a given GO category was greater than 1 with P values less than .01. Those enriched categories were divided into three main groups (GO level 1): biological processes, molecular function, and cellular component (localization). The vast majority of enriched gene categories were found within the biological processes component. After applying an exclusion criterion of at least four ethanol-altered genes per category, several categories were significantly overpopulated with alcohol-altered gene products, including nervous system development; organ morphogenesis; immunological responses; ion homeostasis; and skeletal, cardiovascular, and cartilage development (Fig. 2). A prominent category of particular interest to us, within the context of biomarkers for fetal alcohol-related synaptic plasticity and learning deficits, was the nervous system development category, where 31 genes were significantly altered greater than twofold (Table 3) with an enrichment factor of 1.8 (P < .002).

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Selected enriched “biological processes” gene ontology (GO) level 5 categories. Data were analyzed using Gene Ontology Tree Machine GOTM software (Zhang et al., 2000). The distribution of differentially regulated genes (gray bars) in each GO category was compared with all genes on the Affymetrix Rat 230 2.0 array (black bars). Statistical significance was analyzed using the hypergeometric statistical test; *P < .05, **P < .005.

Table 3.

Thirty-one differentially regulated genes in the “Nervous System Development Ontology Category”

Affymetrix ID Symbol Fold Δ Gene
1387088_at GAL –21.4 Galanin
1370843_at GNG8 –8.25 G-protein gamma 8
1380172_at KIF5C –6.36 Kinesin 5C
1388138_at THBS4 –5.70 Thrombospondin 4
1380285_at CHRD –5.36 Chordin
1386903_at S100B –4.93 S100 protein B
1387659_at GDA –4.33 Guanine deaminase
1368914_at RUNX1 –3.93 Runt-related transcription factor 1
1377336_at SEMA3B –3.31 Sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (IG)
1367668_a_at SCD2 –2.90 Stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase 2
1368721_at ASCL2 –2.67 Achaete-scute complex homolog 2
1370236_at PPT1 –2.58 Palmitoyl-protein thioesterase
1376973_at SDCBP2 –2.44 Syndecan binding protein 2
1369977_at UCHL1 –2.40 Ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase 11
1369012_at INHBA –2.38 Inhibin beta A
1388427_at MXRA8 –2.24 Limitrin
1385013_at WNT1 –2.22 Wingless-related MMTV integration site 1
1390233_at Gli2 –2.20 GLI-Kruppel Family member GLI2
1390882_at Heyl –2.20 Hairy/enhancer-of-split related with YRPW motif-like
1387271_at PHYH –2.13 Phytanoyl-CoA hydroxylase
1369640_at GJA1 –2.11 Gap junction protein, alpha 1
1382511_at E2F1 –2.07 E2F transcription factor 1
1384667_x_at GALR2 –2.05 Galanin receptor 2
1368254_a_at SPHK1 –2.04 Sphingosine kinase 1
1372690_at RTN4RL1 –2.02 Reticulon 4 receptor-like 1
1386943_at PLLP 2.03 Transmembrane 4 superfamily, member 11
1375849_at RGMA 2.05 Rgm domain family, member A
1387232_at BMP4 2.13 Bone morphogenic protein 4
1383981_at TRP53BP 2.16 Transformation-related binding protein 53
1389066_at DSCR1L1 2.22 Regulator of calcineurin 2
1382965_at AMIGO3 2.68 Amphoterin induced gene ORF 3

The enrichment factor for this category was 1.8, as determined by the ratio between the expected number of genes to the observed number of altered genes (P = .0016).

Within the molecular function GO categories, five were overpopulated by alcohol-sensitive placenta genes after application of our exclusion criterion (Fig. 3). Most significant among these were the hormone activity category (enrichment factor of 3.9) and the calcium ion–binding category (enrichment factor of 2.1). It is worth mentioning some categories that failed to pass the exclusion criteria of more than four genes/term. Several functional categories consisting of only two to three members have the common theme of binding to protein families dealing with attachment, migration, and organization of cells (i.e., laminin, collagen, actinin). GO cellular component analyses revealed that altered genes coded for proteins at various cellular locations. Most of the proteins in significantly enriched GO categories are in the extracellular region (95 observed genes, 53.12 expected genes, P > .0005).

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Selected enriched “molecular function” gene ontology (GO) categories. Numbers in parenthesis after the molecular function denote the GO category level. Data were analyzed using Gene Ontology Tree Machine GOTM software (Zhang et al., 2000). The distribution of differentially regulated genes (gray bars) in each GO category was compared with all genes on the Affymetrix Rat 230 2.0 array (black bars). Statistical significance was analyzed using the hypergeometric statistical test; *P < .05, **P < .005, ***P < .0005.

Real-time polymerase chain reaction confirmation of differential gene expression

Quantitative reverse-transcription (RT-PCR) measurements were conducted to verify placental gene alterations observed in the microarray studies. Thus far, 38 placental genes have been evaluated using qRT-PCR. These genes were selected based primarily on either having a relatively high microarray fold change and/or specific interest related to known placental function or putative teratologic mechanisms of ethanol action, based on the literature. Table 4 summarizes the qRT-PCR results for these genes organized by the cellular location of action of their protein product. Within cellular location, genes are listed from most to least statistically significant. Overall, the mRNA expression values obtained for each gene using qRT-PCR qualitatively mirrored the directional change in the microarray data, but the quantitative differences varied considerably and, in general, were of smaller magnitude compared with the microarray fold-change data. These differences likely reflect technical differences between the two analytical platforms.

Table 4.

Relative quantification of mRNA using the comparative cycle threshold (Ct) method

Cellular location of protein product gene name Relative mRNA levelsa P b Gene ontology categoryc
Extracellular space
    Gremlin 1 0.05 .002 Organ morphogenesis
    Matrix metalloproteinase 2 0.13 .011 Peptidase activity/blood vessel maturation
    EGF-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 1 0.06 .013 Calcium ion binding
    Galanin 0.08 .013 Nervous system development
    Transforming growth factor alpha 0.12 .013 Regulation of cell cycle progression
    Serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 5 0.04 .046 Regulation of cell adhesion
    Placental growth factor 0.09 .048 Progression through cell cycle
    Thyrotropin-releasing hormone 0.06 .061 Neuropeptide hormone activity
    Orosomucoid 1 0.03 .069 Acute-phase response
    Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 6 0.32 .106 Regulation of cell growth
    Matrix metalloproteinase 3 0.17 .213 Proteolysis
    Matrix metalloproteinase 10 (stromelysin 2) 0.34 .402 Proteolysis
    Insulin 3.58 .477 Insulin receptor signaling pathway
    Alpha-fetoprotein 2.27 .707 Progesterone metabolism
Plasma membrane
    Cannabinoid receptor 1 0.13 .001 G-protein coupled receptor
    Galanin receptor 2 0.33 .001 G-protein coupled receptor
    Toll-like receptor 4 0.22 .018 Inflammatory response
    Integrin α7 0.34 .024 Receptor activity/regulation of cell shape
    Secreted frizzled-related protein 4 0.01 .037 Development
    Lipopolysaccharide binding protein 0.16 .042 Lipid transport
    Transient receptor potential cation channel 4 0.04 .043 Calcium ion transport
    Secreted frizzled-related protein 5 0.04 .079 Development
    Nicotinic cholinergic receptor, α2 subunit 1.39 .220 Neurotransmitter receptor
    Nicotinic cholinergic receptor, α7 subunit 0.64 .438 Extracellular ligand-gated ion channel
    Hemoglobin, epsilon 1 0.15 .003 Oxygen transport
    Hydroxysteroid (11β) dehydrogenase 2 0.09 .009 Oxidoreductase activity
    Hemoglobin, gamma A 0.10 .010 Oxygen transport
    Deiodinase, iodothyronine type II 0.02 .012 Hormone biosynthesis
    S100 calcium binding protein A4 0.09 .021 Calcium ion binding
    S100 calcium binding protein G 3.10 .029 Calcium ion binding
    S100 calcium binding protein B 0.04 .038 Regulation of neuronal synaptic plasticity
    Small muscle protein, X-linked 17.8 .058 Striated muscle contraction
    Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1B 2.05 .092 Anti-apoptosis
    Flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 0.77 .233 Oxidoreductase activity
    Cytochrome P450 1A1 2.45 .549 Oxidoreductase activity
    Cytochrome P450 2E1 0.95 .910 Oxidoreductase activity
    Heart and neural crest derivatives expressed 2 0.18 .012 Neural crest cell development
    Progesterone receptor 0.06 .065 Steroid hormone receptor

All mRNA levels were calculated relative to beta-actin using the formula 2–ΔΔCT. Values < 1 are indicative for downregulation of expression, and values > 1 signify higher expression in the experimental group compared with the control group.


The P value is calculated by comparing all control with all ethanol exposed samples and applying Student's t-test.


Shown are selected levels of gene ontology; most genes fit in more than one category. Statistically significant genes with P ≤ .05.

In general, qRT-PCR expression values less than 0.2 or greater than 5.0 correlated with statistically significant alterations in gene expression. Six exceptions to this observation were the genes for thyrotropin-release hormone (TRH), orosomucoid 1, matrix metalloproteinase 3 (MMP-3), secreted frizzled-related protein 5, small X-linked muscle protein, and the progesterone receptor. In each of these six cases, the qRT-PCR value was in the same direction as the microarray fold-change data, but greater variability among individual samples in one or both experimental groups and the small group sample sizes resulted in P values greater than .05 but less than .10.

Thus far, 22 of the genes examined were confirmed as significantly altered (P < .05) based on qRT-PCR analysis (Table 4). This group includes genes encoding for three isoforms of S100 calcium binding proteins (A4, B, and G), two isoforms of hemoglobin (ε1 and γA), galanin and the galanin 2 receptor, the cannabinoid 1 (CB1) and toll-like 4 receptors, iodothyronine deiodinase 2, 11-β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (HSD2), placental growth factor, transforming growth factor (TGF)-α, gremlin 1, EGF-containing extracellular matrix protein, and MMP-2.


The salient observation from this study is that intermittent consumption of moderate quantities of ethanol during pregnancy alters the expression of at least 22 placental genes. These alterations occur in the absence of any gross observable effects of ethanol on the mother's weight gain during pregnancy, the placenta at term, fetal litter size, or pup weight (Table 1). Nevertheless, adult offspring of this moderate prenatal ethanol exposure paradigm exhibits hippocampal synaptic plasticity deficits and performance deficits in learning paradigms (unpublished observations), indicating long-lasting functional brain damage in the absence of physical defects at birth. Taken together, these results suggest that placental gene expression may be a more sensitive indicator of moderate ethanol consumption than most current ethanol biomarker systems.

Although we are encouraged by the number of placental gene alterations confirmed to date, we have also identified at least five factors that may have contributed to variability in the results of this initial study that precluded the likely identification of a larger number of ethanol-induced placental gene changes. One factor is the impact of individual genetic variation in an outbred rat stock. However, the ability to identify altered genes in an outbred stock should be considered a strength of this paradigm, as it more accurately models the human condition and promises that gene alterations that stand out will be a reliable tool for the detection of maternal drinking. A second putative factor contributing to variability may be the voluntary drinking paradigm itself. We endeavored to minimize this by screening female drinking behavior during the prepregnancy period and removing females from the study whose ethanol consumption was greater than 1 standard deviation below the mean of the entire group. Furthermore, although there were some small day-to-day variations in ethanol consumption by individual rat dams, the ethanol-exposed placentas used in this study were harvested from four ethanol-consuming dams whose mean daily ethanol consumption was within the standard error of the mean range shown in Table 1. A third factor relates to intrauterine variability in ethanol's effects (Mitchell et al., 2002). We strove to minimize this factor in our initial study by only selecting placentas attached to female fetuses, from litters with greater than nine pups (average litter size was 13), where at least one of the adjacent fetuses was male and the location of the selected fetal–placental unit was a least one position away from either the proximal or distal end of a uterine horn. Even with the incorporation of these selection criteria, it is likely that ethanol has variable effects within a litter and that this putative effect on gene expression will require more detailed investigation.

A fourth issue relates to the fact that we opted to examine whole placenta in this initial study. The placenta contains multiple cell types and, in some cases, it is clear that some genes are primarily expressed in more discreet regions within the placenta (Sood et al., 2006). Thus, sampling from whole placenta diminished our “signal to noise ratio” for detecting effects of ethanol on gene expression. For example, placental gene and protein expression of the CB1 receptor is primarily located in the syncytiotrophoblast layer near the surface facing the maternal boundary (Park et al., 2003). A similar distribution has been observed for 11β-HSD2 in preliminary in situ hybridization studies (unpublished observations). Although we were able to confirm ethanol-induced gene repression of both the CB1 receptor and HSD2 in whole placenta (Table 4), the question remains as to how many genes whose expression is heterogeneously distributed across placenta were missed in an analysis of the effects of ethanol on whole placenta. Subsequent histological approaches using in situ hybridization to examine gene expression and immuno- and radiohistochemical approaches for quantitating protein will be required to better address this question. Finally, another factor contributing to variability is that we were limited in our ability to analyze a larger number of samples in a preliminary microarray analyses. It is likely that larger sample sizes would have resulted in more significantly altered genes based on the qRT-PCR analysis. Subsequent studies will use larger sample sizes to better address this point.

Considerable work remains to confirm the utility of placental gene alterations as a biomarker system, both for detecting ethanol consumption and a prognostic indicator of adverse neurobehavioral outcomes in the absence of morphological alterations. Systematic examination of altered gene expression as a function of different levels and patterns of ethanol consumption as well as the persistence of gene alterations after the last drinking episode are critical translational research questions to address. Further, how the presence of other common pregnancy risk factors impacts ethanol-induced alterations in placental gene expression patterns needs to be determined. For example, how will concomitant exposure to such factors as nicotine, other drugs of abuse, stress, malnutrition, or heavy metals modify a biomarker signature pattern? Data from such studies would be critical for interpreting altered patterns of placental gene expression in clinical studies.

The results of this initial study also provide intriguing insights into the implications of maternal drinking on placental function and putative mechanisms of ethanol teratogenesis. At a more global level, the GO analyses of biological processes (Fig. 2) indicated that ethanol has significant effects on genes associated with organ morphogenesis as well as nervous, endocrine, and immune system development and function. This observation is consistent with a wealth of literature indicating that prenatal ethanol exposure affects organ development (Weinberg, 1994, Byrnes et al., 2003; Qiang et al., 2002; Taylor et al., 1999), particularly the development of these three highly susceptible and critically interactive organ systems. Altered expression of genes associated with vascular, skeletal, and cartilage development, although less investigated in the fetal alcohol research field to date, clearly merit additional study.

Of particular interest was the observation that a number of placental genes altered by moderate ethanol exposure are known to play critical roles in pattern formation during nervous system development. For example, interactions of the members of the TGFβ family, such as bone morphogenic protein (BMP)4 and the BMP4 antagonist chordin, help regulate polarity (i.e., back to front patterning) of the developing embryo (Chesnutt et al., 2004; Millet et al., 2001). Likewise, the products of the WnT and Notch signaling–related genes ASCL2, HeYL, SFRP4, SFRP5, and WnT1 are known to regulate cell fate during the induction of both the central and peripheral nervous system (Ciani and Salinas, 2005; Nakagawa et al., 2001). Further, both the products of SEMA3B, semaphorin 3B (Falk et al., 2005) and of THBS4, thrombospondin (Arber and Caroni, 1996) are important for axonal growth and guidance. It is also important to note that similar levels of these genes occur in both placenta and fetal brain (Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation website Taken together, these observations suggest that some changes in placental gene expression may be predictive of similar changes in gene expression in fetal brain, and that the placenta could serve as a window on brain development. Follow-up studies examining both placental and fetal brain gene expression in the same placental–fetal brain unit will directly address this supposition and, in the process, could strengthen the prospects of establishing meaningful cause–effect relationships that will further our understanding of ethanol's impact on early developmental processes.

GO analyses of molecular processes also suggested important effects of maternal ethanol consumption on endocrine mechanisms (Fig. 3). Of particular note are the systems that regulate corticosterone and thyroid hormone. The expression of 11β-HSD2 mRNA was significantly reduced by maternal ethanol consumption (Table 4). Placental HSD2 inactivates corticosterone, and the enzyme plays a critical role in regulating the levels of maternal corticosterone that cross the placenta and enter fetal circulation (Michael et al., 2003; Waddel et al., 1998). If reduced gene expression results in diminished HSD2 protein or enzymatic activity, the fetus may be exposed to abnormally high levels of corticosterone, which has been shown to have deleterious effects on brain development (Holmes et al., 2006; Welberg et al., 2000; Weinstock, 2007) and longer-term consequences (see review by Seckl and Holmes, 2007). In contrast to the neuroprotective effects of placental HSD2 during development, placental iodothyronine deiodinase 2 (DIO2) is responsible for the conversion of maternal thyroxine (T4) to the triiodothyronine (T3), the physiologically active form of thyroid hormone. Placental conversion of maternal T4 to T3 provides the only source of active thyroid hormone to the fetus through most of gestation in rodents (Morreale de Escobar et al., 1987). T3 regulates the expression of a large number of molecules important in fetal development, including neurotropic factors (Alvarez-Dolado et al., 1994), cytoskeletal elements (Silva and Rudas, 1990), and extracellular matrix molecules, such as L1 (Alvarez-Dolado et al., 2000), which is also affected by relatively low levels of ethanol exposure (see review by Bearer, 2001b). Thus, if diminished DIO2 protein or activity follows from an ethanol-induced reduction in placental DIO2 gene expression (Table 4), the fetus may be subject to a broad array of immediate and prolonged neurodevelopmental consequences as a function of a hypothyroid environment during most of the prenatal period.

GO analysis of molecular processes also suggested important effects of ethanol exposure on calcium ion binding and various types of protein- and carbohydrate-binding interactions in placenta (Fig. 3). Of particular note was ethanol's impact on three of the S100 calcium binding proteins (Table 4). The members of the S100 family are multifunctional signaling proteins that influence with many cellular events. S100B, S100A4, and S100G appear to be involved in neurotrophic and/or neuroprotective processes (Donato 2007; Druse et al., 2007; Santamaria-Kisiel et al., 2006). The literature on the function of these proteins in placental tissue is sparse. However, S100B is highly abundant in the nervous system, predominantly in astroglia, exhibiting temporal and spatial concentration patterns during brain maturation. Although the mechanisms of action of these proteins are not completely understood, they have protective neurotrophic effects during brain development, and alterations may serve as early, quantitative indicators of fetal brain damage in some biological fluids, for example, cord blood (Michetti and Gazzolo, 2002). Of particular note is the observation that S100B acts as a trophic factor for the development of the brainstem serotonergic system, which is adversely affected by prenatal ethanol exposure (Druse et al., 1991; Zhou et al., 2001, 2005).

Other proteins whose gene expression was altered (Table 4) suggest that a number of additional placental functions important for fetal development may be compromised by maternal drinking during pregnancy. However, confirmation of this speculation will require quantitation of protein levels and function in placental tissues. Such studies will be challenging for a number of reasons, including the relative paucity of tools for quantitating these proteins by standard means. Many of these proteins are membrane associated and likely to be scarce enough to be difficult to detect by proteomic approaches. Further, a number of these proteins have not been studied in placental preparations and, in some cases, the function of these proteins is not well understood in any tissue type.

Nevertheless, these challenges do not diminish the diagnostic potential of altered placental gene expression as a biomarker of fetal alcohol exposure and fetal alcohol effects. Even in this preliminary report, a sufficiently large enough number of placental genes were altered by ethanol exposure to warrant more detailed investigation of placenta as a biomarker system. Given that these genes are also expressed in human placenta, it is reasonable to expect that these findings could translate into human studies of drinking during pregnancy. Further, the clinical relevance of our findings is underscored by the fact that these gene changes occur after moderate intermittent ethanol consumption during pregnancy, a level that causes functional brain damage and learning deficits in the absence of any observable dysmorphologic effects in rat offspring. With the growing realization that most of the children with FASD exhibit neurobehavioral deficits in the absence of dysmorphologic features, the discovery of more sensitive biomarkers of fetal alcohol effects becomes an increasingly important objective for earlier diagnosis and treatment of FASD.


The authors thank the technical support of Marilee Morgan and Gavin Pickett at the Keck UNM Genomics Shared Resource, which is supported by the UNM Cancer Research and TreatmentCenter, the WM Keck Foundation,and the State of New Mexico. We also thank Ms. Denise Cordaro and Ms. Christie Wilcox for their outstanding animal care support for this project. This work was supported by AA15420, AA16619, AA17068, MH19101, and Dedicated Research Funds from the UNM Health Sciences Center.


Table A1.

Primer sets used in quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction validation of candidate placental genes listed in Table 4

Symbol Gene name Affymetrix ID Forward primer Reverse primer Amplicon bp size Positiona
CNRNA7 Nicotinic cholinergic receptor α7 1387419_at TATCACCACCATGACCCTGA CAGAAACCATGCACACCAGT 81 121903
CNR1 Cannabinoid receptor 1 1369677_at AGGAGCAAGGACCTGAGACA TAACGGTGCTCTTGATGCAG 166 1197
DIO2 Iodothyronine deiodinase 2 1385568_at CTTCCTGGCGCTCTATGACT ACACTGGAATTGGGAGCATC 189 69
EFEMP1 EGF-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 1 1390112_at CCGGGTTCCTTTTACTGTCA CCACTTGGTAACCCTGAGGA 286 74674
FMO3 Flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 1368304_at GAGAAACCAACCATGGCAGT CTGGGGTCCTTGAGAAACAG 284 15144
Hand2 Heart and neural crest derivatives expressed 2 1369818_at CAAGGCGGAGATCAAGAAGA TGGTTTTCTTGTCGTTGCTG 81 94561
HSD11B2 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 1368102_at GCTATTGCACTGCTCATGGA GCAATGCCATTCTGAGTGAA 235 4060
HSPA1B Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1B 1368247_at CAAGATCACCATCACCAACG GCTGATCTTGCCCTTGAGAC 193 3326
IGFBP6 Insulin growth factor binding protein 6 1387625_at CAGAGACCGGCAAAAGAATC CTGCTTGCGGTAGAAACCTC 193 2779
LBP Lippopolysaccharide binding protein 1387868_at AAGGCGCAAGTGAGACTGAT AGTCGAGGTCGTGGAGCTTA 172 216
MMP10 Matrix metalloproteinase protein 10 (Stromolysin2) 1368713_at GGATAAAGGCTTCCCGAGAC TGTGATGATCCACGGAAGAA 111 6274
MMP2 Matrix metalloproteinase protein 2 (gelatinase A) 1370301_at GGATACAGGTGTGCCAAGGT TCGGTGAGAAAAATGCAGTG 141 37
MMP3 Matrix metalloproteinase protein 3 1368657_at GATCGATGCAGCCATTTCTT CACTTTCCCTGCATTTGGAT 235 9908
PGF Placental growth factor 1368919_at TGCTGGGAACAACTCAACAG CAGCGACTCAGAAGGACACA 159 1186
PGR Progesterone receptor 1387563_at GAGAGGCAGCTGCTTTCAGT AAACACCATCAGGCTCATCC 117 42364
S1004A S100 calcium binding protein A4 1367846_at CAACGAGGGTGACAAGTTCA TGCAGGACAGGAAGACACAG 182 1281
S100B S100 calcium binding protein G 1386903_at GGTGACAAGCACAAGCTGAA TGGAGACGAAGGCCATAAAC 172 28294
S100G S100 calcium binding protein B 1368339_at CTCTGGCAGCACTCACTGAC GCTGGGGAACTCTGACTGAA 164 24
SFRP4 Secreted frizzled-related protein 4 1368394_at TATGACCGTGGAGTGTGCAT CGATCAGGGCTCAGATGTTT 140 485
SFRP5 Secreted frizzled-related protein 5 1393069_at TCCTCTGGACAACGACCTCT CTTAATGCGCATCTTGACCA 163 484
SMPX Small muscle protein, X-linked 1370165_at AGCCTCCCAGAAGGAAAGAG CCATTGAGAAAGCACGTCAA 212 15686
SPINK5 Serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 5 1398688_at TTAGAGCACCAGCTGAGCAA GCCTTGTGGACATGACAGTG 202 30
TGFA Transforming growth factor alpha 1387450_at GGTTTTTGGTGCAGGAAGAG GGCACCACTCACAGTGCTT 219 69269
TLR4 Toll-like receptor type 4 1387982_at TCACAACTTCAGTGGCTGGA GTCTCCACAGCCACCAGATT 176 5708
TRH Thyrotropin releasing hormone 1368912_at CAGAACGTCGATTCTTGTGG TTCTCCCAAGTCTCCCCTCT 152 1515
TRPC4 Transient receptor potential cation channel C4 1369164_a_at GATGGCGGACTTCAGGATTA CAGGTGAGAATTGGCAGTGA 240 100275

Position number refers to the first base of the target sequence from transcription start.

Table A2.

Differentially regulated genes (304) in microarray experiment filtered by statistical significance and fold change greater than two, excluding expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and not annotated genes

Affymetrix ID Symbol RefSeq Downregulated gene name Fold Δ
1369113_at GREM1 NM_019282 Gremlin 1, cysteine knot SuperFamily –25.3
1385568_at DIO2 NM_031720 Deiodinase, iodothyronine type II –25.2
1387088_at GAL NM_033237 Galanin –21.4
1368731_at ORM1 NM_053288 Orosomucoid 1 –17.0
1388269_at HBG1 NM_172093 Hemoglobin, gamma A –16.2
1390112_at EFEMP1 NM_001012039 EGF-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 1 –15.8
1369677_at CNR1 NM_012784 Cannabinoid receptor 1 –15.5
1368304_at FMO3 NM_053433 Flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 –14.2
1368394_at SFRP4 NM_053544 Secreted frizzled-related protein 4 –13.9
1368912_at TRH NM_013046 Thyrotropin-releasing hormone –13.3
1398688_at SPINK5 XM_341607 Serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 5 –10.7
1374558_at ICOSLG XM_574731 Inducible T-cell co-stimulator ligand –9.31
1387563_at PGR NM_022847 Progesterone receptor –9.21
1369625_at AQP1 NM_012778 Aquaporin 1 –9.15
1367846_at S100A4 NM_012618 S100 calcium binding protein A4 –8.78
1367627_at GATM NM_031031 Glycine amidinotransferase –8.26
1370843_at GNG8 NM_139185 Guanine nucleotide binding protein, gamma 8 –8.25
1369695_at WT1 NM_031534 Wilms tumor 1 –8.14
1393069_at SFRP5 XM_219887 Secreted frizzled-related protein 5 –7.86
1369164_a_at TRPC4 NM_080396 Transient receptor potential cation channel C4 –7.63
1387450_at TGFA NM_012671 Transforming growth factor alpha –7.62
1371102_x_at HBD NM_033234 Hemoglobin, delta –7.35
1369817_at HAND2 NM_022696 Heart and neural crest derivatives expressed 2 –6.97
1388270_at HBE1 NM_001008890 Hemoglobin, epsilon 1 –6.91
1368919_at PGF NM_053595 Placental growth factor, VEGF-related protein –6.46
1396407_at GAS8 NM_001039030 Growth arrest-specific protein 8 –6.43
1380206_at KIF5C XM_221307 Kinesin family member 5C –6.36
1367600_at DES NM_022531 Desmin –6.23
1370157_at PLN NM_022707 Phospholamban –6.03
1388138_at THBS4 XM_342172 Thrombospondin 4 –5.70
1367794_at A2M NM_012488 Alpha2 macroglobulin –5.62
1387656_at SLC4A1 NM_012651 Solute carrier family 4, anion exchanger 1 –5.60
1368713_at MMP10 NM_133514 Matrix metalloproteinase 10 (stromelysin 2) –5.49
1370956_at DCN NM_024129 Decorin –5.37
1380285_at CHRD NM_001024273 Chordin –5.36
1368342_at AMPD3 NM_031544 Adenosine monophosphate deaminase E –5.18
1386903_at S100B NM_013191 S100 calcium binding protein B –4.93
1370301_at MMP2 NM_031054 Matrix metalloproteinase 2 –4.87
1387295_at SLC6A12 NM_017335 Solute carrier family 6, betaine/GABA, member 12 –4.69
1387868_at LBP NM_017208 Lipopolysaccharide binding protein –4.66
1382757_at FOXL2 XM_345975 Forkhead box l2 –4.62
1368362_a_at ASGR2 NM_017189 Asialoglycoprotein receptor 2 –4.49
1380432_at CMAH XM_341876 Cytidine monophosphate-n-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase –4.46
1385182_at PKP1 XM_222666 Plakophilin 1 –4.41
1387659_at GDA NM_031776 Guanine deaminase –4.33
1390596_at MLANA XM_215234 Melan-A –4.26
1387625_at IGFBP6 NM_013104 Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 6 –4.26
1383792_at SYTL1 NM_001025651 Synaptotagmin-like 1 –4.19
1389670_at HOXA11 XM_575479 Homeobox A11 –4.19
1386921_at CPE NM_013128 Carboxypeptidase E –4.17
1377311_at EMX2 XM_574698 Empty spiracles homolog 2 –4.11
1388292_at KCNJ3 NM_031610 Potassium inwardly-rectifying channel J3 –4.08
1387025_at DYNC1I1 NM_019234 Dynein, cytoplasmic 1, intermediate chain 1 –4.04
1373032_at MUSTN1 NM_181368 Musculoskeletal embryonic nuclear protein 1 –4.02
1372254_at SERPING1 NM_199093 Serpin peptidase inhibitor, Clade G (C1 inhibitor) –3.95
1368413_at ABP1 NM_022935 Amiloride binding protein 1 –3.93
1368914_at RUNX1 NM_017325 Runt-related transcription factor 1 –3.93
1372065_at ART3 NM_001012034 ADP–ribosyltransferase 3 –3.92
1387004_at NBL1 NM_031609 Neuroblastoma, suppression of tumorigenicity 1 –3.90
1388608_x_at HBA2 NM_001013853 Hemoglobin, alpha 2 –3.90
1387419_at CHRNA7 NM_012832 Nicotinic cholinergic receptor alpha 7 –3.89
1367992_at SCG5 NM_013175 Secretogranin V (7B2 protein) –3.88
1369773_at BMP3 NM_017105 Bone morphogenetic protein 3 –3.88
1376198_at ASAM NM_173154 Adipocyte-specific adhesion molecule –3.87
1389160_at ERAF XM_215059 Erythroid-associated factor –3.86
1387200_at OLIG1 NM_021770 Oligodendrocyte transcription factor 1 –3.84
1369430_at BCMO1 NM_022862 Beta-carotene 15, 15’-monooxygenase 1 –3.74
1378745_at PER3 NM_023978 Period homolog 3 –3.73
1368081_at ABCA2 NM_024396 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 2 –3.71
1369735_at GAS6 NM_057100 Growth arrest-specific 6 –3.69
1391534_at ELOVL2 XM_574001 Elongation of very long chain fatty acids-like 2 –3.64
1377867_at QPCT XM_233812 Glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase –3.61
1367985_at ALAS2 NM_013197 Delta-aminolevulinate, synthase 2 –3.60
1372649_at HSPB7 XM_342966 Heat shock 27 kDa protein family member 7 –3.60
1369572_at MCPT1 NM_017145 Mast cell protease 1 –3.58
1369464_at ZP1 NM_133569 Zona pellucida glycoprotein 1 –3.57
1388569_at SERPINF1 NM_177927 Serpin peptidase I, Clade F (alpha-2 antiplasmin) –3.52
1393588_at CLDN14 NM_001013429 Claudin 14 –3.51
1377643_at HOXD10 XM_221510 Homeobox D10 –3.47
1367566_at SCGB1A1 NM_013051 Secretoglobin 1A1 –3.46
1378898_at DDX19A NM_001005381 Dead box polypeptide 19A –3.44
1368583_a_at HRG NM_133428 Histidine-rich glycoprotein –3.44
1394316_a_at TSPAN5 NM_001004090 Tetraspanin 5 –3.42
1391018_at MYO5C XM_236411 Myosin VC –3.41
1372335_at PCGF1 NM_001007000 Polycomb group ring finger 1 –3.38
1369926_at GPX3 NM_022525 Glutathione peroxidase 3 –3.35
1369520_a_at BCAT1 NM_017253 Branched-chain aminotransferase 1 –3.33
1377336_at SEMA3B XM_343479 Semaphorin 3B –3.31
1388170_at KCTD1 XM_214617 Potassium channel tetramerisation domain-containing 1 –3.32
1367847_at NUPR1 NM_053611 Nuclear protein 1 –3.27
1368102_at HSD11B2 NM_017081 Hydroxysteroid (11-beta) dehydrogenase 2 –3.22
1387982_at TLR4 NM_019178 Toll-like receptor 4 –3.21
1379039_at CMKLR1 NM_022218 Chemokine-like receptor 1 –3.21
1388204_at MMP13 XM_343345 Matrix metalloproteinase 13 (collagenase 3) –3.21
1378673_at MITF XM_001065525 Microphthalmia-associated transcription Factor –3.19
1368167_at CTSE NM_012938 Cathepsin E –3.16
1386637_at FGL2 NM_053455 Fibrinogen-like 2 –3.14
1368338_at CD52 NM_053983 CD52 molecule –3.12
1397516_at ALG2 XM_232987 Asparagine-linked glycosylation 2 homolog –3.08
1382612_at HOXA9 XM_001057018 Homeobox A9 –3.06
1393219_at C2 NM_172222 Complement component 2 –3.06
1398398_at HOXA10 XM_347220 Homeobox A10 –3.03
1377729_at ELOVL4 XM_236476 Elongation of very long chain fatty acids-like 4 –3.03
1389408_at RRM2 NM_001025740 Ribonucleotide reductase M2 polypeptide –3.02
1388240_a_at ITGA7 NM_030842 Integrin, alpha 7 –3.01
1387011_at LCN2 NM_130741 Lipocalin 2 (oncogene 24p3) –3.01
1368464_at CLEC10A NM_022393 C-type lectin domain 10A –2.99
1398253_at KAP NM_052802 Kidney androgen-regulated protein –2.99
1379345_at COL15A1 XM_216399 Collagen, type XV alpha 1 –2.99
1367919_at NUP210 NM_053322 Nucleoporin 210 kDa –2.98
1370895_at COL5A2 XM_343564 Collagen, type V, alpha 2 –2.98
1367998_at SLPI XM_215940 Secretory leukocyte peptidase inhibitor –2.97
1367960_at ARL4A NM_019186 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 4A –2.96
1370665_at HYOU1 NM_001034028 Hypoxia up-regulated 1 –2.94
1367774_at GSTA1 NM_031509 Glutathione s-transferase A1 –2.94
1391201_at WDHD1 XM_223933 WD repeat and HMG-box DNA binding protein 1 –2.92
1390547_at ST6GALNAC1 XM_221248 ST6 –2.91
1386889_at SCD2 NM_031841 Stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase 2 –2.90
1368893_at CAP2 NM_053874 CAP, adenylate cyclase-associated protein 2 –2.87
1377772_at TMEFF1 NM_023020 Transmembrane protein w/EGF-& follistatin-like domains 1 –2.84
1368860_at PHLDA1 NM_017180 Pleckstrin homology-like domain A1 –2.83
1398304_at FZD2 NM_172035 Frizzled homolog 2 –2.82
1368490_at CD14 NM_021744 CD14 molecule –2.82
1383862_at CLEC2D XM_342769 C-type lectin domain 2D –2.79
1385665_at ADAM19 XM_220328 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 19 (Meltrin beta) –2.76
1386884_at HTRA1 NM_031721 HTRA serine peptidase 1 –2.71
1375123_at SOX4 XM_344594 SRY (sex determining region y)-box 4 –2.70
1370361_at CGREF1 NM_139087 Cell growth regulator with EF-hand domain 1 –2.69
1368657_at MMP3 NM_133523 Matrix metalloproteinase 3 (stromelysin 1, progelatinase) –2.67
1368721_at ASCL2 NM_031503 Achaete-scute complex homolog 2 –2.67
1393808_at FA2H XM_001073350 Fatty acid 2-hydroxylase –2.66
1371081_at RAPGEF4 XM_215985 RAP guanine nucleotide exchange F 4 –2.64
1371087_a_at MAP6 NM_017204 Microtubule-associated protein 6 –2.64
1382809_at CIRBP NM_031147 Cold inducible RNA binding protein –2.60
1367564_at NPPA NM_012612 Natriuretic peptide precursor A –2.60
1370236_at PPT1 NM_022502 Palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1 –2.58
1370034_at CDC25B NM_133572 Cell division cycle 25 homolog B –2.58
1388902_at LOXL1 NM_001012125 Lysyl oxidase-like 1 –2.58
1387219_at ADM NM_012715 Adrenomedullin –2.55
1370260_at ADD3 NM_031552 Adducin 3, gamma –2.52
1368681_at PTHLH NM_012636 Parathyroid hormone-like hormone –2.51
1368021_at ADH1C NM_019286 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1C gamma polypeptide –2.51
1377950_at IIGP1 NM_001024884 Interferon-inducible GTPase 1 –2.50
1371989_at HMGN3 NM_001007020 High mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 3 –2.47
1368970_at CDH23 NM_053644 Cadherin-like 23 –2.44
1376973_at SDCBP2 NM_001025692 Syndecan binding protein 2 –2.44
1392965_a_at SMOC2 XM_214777 SPARC-related modular calcium binding 2 –2.43
1391279_at SCIN NM_198748 Scinderin –2.42
1370384_a_at PRLR NM_001034111 Prolactin receptor –2.41
1369977_at UCHL1 NM_017237 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal esterase 11 (Ubiquitin thiolesterase) –2.40
1384073_at ADHFE1 NM_001025423 Alcohol dehydrogenase, iron-containing, 1 –2.39
1387972_at MUCDHL NM_138525 Mucin and cadherin-like protein –2.39
1369012_at INHBA NM_017128 Inhibin, beta A (activin A, activin AB alpha polypeptide) –2.38
1367816_at HOP NM_133621 Homeodomain-only protein –2.37
1389746_at NAGLU XM_340905 N-acetylglucosaminidase, alpha –2.35
1387873_at WFDC1 NM_133581 WAP four-disulfide core domain 1 –2.34
1368503_at GCH1 NM_024356 GTP cyclohydrolase 1 –2.33
1370633_at CXCL1 NM_138522 Chemokine ligand 1 –2.33
1372042_at CMTM3 XM_226200 CKLF-like marvel transmembrane domain containing 3 –2.33
1367705_at GLRX NM_022278 Glutaredoxin (thioltransferase) –2.31
1374151_at TM6SF1 NM_145785 Transmembrane 6 SuperFamily, member 1 –2.30
1397758_at GNPTAB NM_001007750 N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate Transferase, α & β subunits –2.29
1379075_at MBOAT2 XM_234011 Membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 2 –2.29
1367568_a_at MGP NM_012862 Matrix GLA protein –2.28
1370714_a_at ST6GAL1 NM_147205 ST6 beta-galactosamide alpha-2,6-sialyltranferase 1 –2.27
1372715_at SFXN1 NM_001012213 Sideroflexin 1 –2.27
1376697_at CHST12 NM_001037775 Carbohydrate (chondroitin 4) sulfotransferase 12 –2.27
1368367_at CUZD1 NM_054005 Cub and zona pellucida-like domains 1 –2.27
1385559_at DNHD3 NM_001126292 Dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 2 –2.26
1383363_at DIRAS2 XM_225214 DIRAS family, GTP-binding RAS-like 2 –2.25
1377573_at CA5B NM_001005551 Carbonic anhydrase VB, mitochondrial –2.24
1388427_at MXRA8 NM_001007002 Limitrin –2.24
1370291_at PDLIM3 NM_053650 PDZ and LIM domain 3 –2.24
1367722_at DPP7 NM_031973 Dipeptidyl-peptidase 7 –2.23
1370026_at CRYAB NM_012935 Crystallin, Alpha B –2.23
1369724_at F13A1 NM_021698 Coagulation factor XIII, A1 polypeptide –2.22
1372301_at AEBP1 XM_223583 AE binding protein 1 –2.22
1368005_at ITPR3 NM_013138 Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor 3 –2.22
1385013_at WNT1 XM_235639 Wingless-type MMTV integration site 1 –2.22
1387588_at EHD3 NM_138890 EH-domain containing 3 –2.21
1398311_a_at KIDINS220 NM_053795 Kinase D-interacting substance of 220 kDa –2.21
1370182_at PTPRN2 NM_031600 Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor N2 –2.21
1389423_at DDR2 NP_113952 Discoidin domain receptor family 2 –2.21
1397164_at POLA2 NM_053480 Polymerase (DNA-directed), alpha 2 (70 kDa Subunit) –2.20
1390233_at GLI2 NM_001107169 Gli-kruppel family member GLI2 –2.20
1390846_at COL16A1 XM_345584 Collagen, type XVI, alpha 1 –2.20
1383630_at DOK3 XM_225170 Docking protein 3 –2.20
1390882_at HEYL NM_001107977 Hairy/enhancer-of-split related with VRPW motif-like –2.20
1367859_at TGFB3 NM_013174 Transforming growth factor beta 3 –2.20
1387505_at GNAI1 NM_013145 G-Protein, alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 1 –2.19
1389651_at APLN NM_031612 Apelin, AGTRL1 ligand –2.18
1374863_at RBP7 XM_575960 Retinol binding protein 7 –2.16
1367823_at TIMP2 NM_021989 TIMP metalloproteinase inhibitor 2 –2.16
1368292_at DNM1 NM_080689 Dynamin 1 –2.16
1375033_at CPT1C XM_218625 Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1C –2.15
1374849_at ADAMTS7 XM_236471 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 7 –2.15
1370342_at KCNK2 NM_172041 Potassium channel K2 –2.15
1393245_at PHYH NM_053674 Phytanoyl-CoA 2-hydroxylase –2.13
1371237_a_at MT1E NM_138826 Metallothionein 1E –2.13
1369443_at ANGPTL2 NM_022926 Angiopoietin-like 2 –2.13
1389739_at NEURL2 XM_230848 Neuralized homolog 2 –2.11
1369640_at GJA1 NM_012567 Gap junction protein, alpha 1, 43 kDa (Connexin 43) –2.11
1377163_at INHBB XM_344130 Inhibin, beta b (Activin AB beta polypeptide) –2.10
1388070_a_at AKAP1 NM_053665 A Kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 1 –2.10
1381226_at NAV1 XM_222662 Neuron navigator 1 –2.10
1370713_at CDC2L1 NM_145766 Cell division cycle 2-like 1 (PITSLRE proteins) –2.10
1375871_at SLC35B1 NM_199081 Solute carrier family 35, member B1 –2.10
1378671_at CREBBP NM_133381 CREB binding protein (Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome) –2.10
1398295_at SLC29A1 NM_031684 Solute carrier family 29 (nucleoside transporters), member 1 –2.10
1369141_at CSH1 NM_017363 Chorionic somatomammotropin hormone 1 –2.08
1396831_at MAML3 XM_227165 Mastermind-like 3 –2.08
1375243_at BTBD2 XM_576181 BTB (POZ) domain-containing 2 –2.08
1382511_at E2F1 XM_230765 E2F transcription factor 1 –2.07
1368006_at LAPTM5 NM_053538 Lysosomal-associated multispanning membrane protein 5 –2.07
1373970_at IL33 NM_001014166 Interleukin 33 –2.07
1385587_at MCOLN2 NM_001039005 Mucolipin 2 –2.07
1369194_a_at CDKN2A NM_053434 Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A –2.07
1379495_at PLXDC2 NM_001108422 Plexin domain-containing 2 –2.07
1377699_at BACH1 XM_221712 BTB and CNC homology 1 –2.06
1384667_x_at GALR2 NM_019172 Galanin receptor 2 –2.05
1370202_at HRASLS3 NM_017060 HRAS-like suppressor 3 –2.05
1387952_a_at CD44 NM_012924 CD44 molecule –2.04
1386953_at HSD11B1 NM_017080 Hydroxysteroid (11-beta) dehydrogenase 1 –2.04
1368254_a_at SPHK1 NM_133386 Sphingosine kinase 1 –2.04
1389115_at EVPL XM_221129 Envoplakin –2.04
1371441_at PEA15 NM_001013231 Phosphoprotein-enriched in astrocytes 15 –2.04
1369431_at GALNT7 NM_053648 Polypeptide n-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 7 –2.03
1386160_at TCHH XM_227373 Trichohyalin –2.01
1389533_at FBLN2 XM_232197 Fibulin 2 –2.01
1367882_at MAP1A NM_030995 Microtubule-associated protein 1A –2.01
1387296_at CYP2J2 NM_023025 Cytochrome P450 2J2 –2.01
1394451_at ANXA1 NM_012904 Annexin A1 –2.01
Affymetrix ID Symbol RefSeq Upregulated gene name Fold Δ
1386980_at APOM NM_019373 Apolipoprotein M 2.00
1370259_a_at PTHR1 NM_020073 Parathyroid hormone receptor 1 2.00
1369331_a_at UNC13B NM_031550 unc-13 homolog B 2.01
1391345_at BMPER NM_001135799 BMP binding endothelial regulator 2.02
1372690_at RTN1 NM_181377 Reticulon 1 2.02
1398383_at CYB561 XM_221030 Cytochrome B-561 2.02
1375726_at LMO7 NM_001001515 LIM domain 7 2.02
1376799_a_at CRLF1 XM_214312 Cytokine receptor-like factor 1 2.02
1370420_at SRD5A1 NM_017070 Steroid-5 alpha-reductase 2.02
1368785_a_at PITX2 NM_019334 Paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 2 2.03
1369756_a_at SLC4A4 NM_053424 Solute carrier family 4, sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 4 2.03
1386943_at PLLP NM_022533 Transmembrane 4 SuperFamily, member 11 2.03
1385961_at KLF5 NM_053394 Kruppel-like factor 5 2.04
1374273_at CXADR NM_053570 Coxsackie virus and adenovirus receptor 2.04
1377304_at CDC26 NM_001013240 Cell division cycle 26 homolog 2.05
1375849_at RGMA NM_001107524 Rgm domain family, member a 2.05
1368247_at HSPA1B NM_212504 Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1B 2.06
1389735_at RPS6KA6 XM_228473 Ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 90 kDa, polypeptide 6 2.08
1387298_at PGA5 NM_021753 Pepsinogen 5, group I (Pepsinogen a) 2.12
1387232_at BMP4 NM_012827 Bone morphogenetic protein 4 2.13
1392556_at SHROOM3 XM_223229 Shroom family member 3 2.16
1383981_at TRP53BP2 XM_223012 Tumor protein p53 binding protein 2 2.17
1394663_at POLS XM_225072 Polymerase (DNA-directed) Sigma 2.18
1392773_at PCSK5 XM_342032 Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 5 2.20
1389276_at L3MBTL3 XM_001062689 L(3)MBT-like 3 2.20
1383747_at ECT2 XM_342220 Epithelial cell transforming sequence 2 oncogene 2.20
1387574_at CHRNA2 NM_133420 Nicotinic cholinergic receptor alpha 2 2.22
1389066_at DSCR1L1 NM_175578 Down syndrome critical region gene 1-like 1 2.22
1375729_at EPHA4 XM_244186 EPH receptor A4 2.25
1369727_at APOA2 NM_013112 Apolipoprotein A-II 2.29
1377379_at IRF6 XM_344194 Interferon regulatory factor 6 2.33
1368339_at S100 G NM_012521 S100 calcium binding protein G 2.35
1386396_at DUSP8 XM_341963 Dual specificity phosphatase 8 2.36
1367598_at TTR NM_012681 Transthyretin (prealbumin, amyloidosis Type I) 2.37
1371030_at SPP2 NM_053577 Secreted phosphoprotein 2 2.39
1386873_at TNNI1 NM_017184 Troponin I type 1 2.40
1393139_at APOC2 XM_214872 Apolipoprotein C-II 2.40
1389234_at VWF XM_342759 Von Willebrand factor 2.41
1371059_at PRKAR2A NM_019264 CAMP-dependent protein kinase 2A 2.44
1370463_x_at HLA-F NM_001008829 Major histocompatibility complex, class I, F 2.44
1389648_at RIPK4 XM_221619 Receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 4 2.44
1368280_at CTSC NM_017097 Cathepsin C 2.46
1384747_at GPR137B XM_237907 G Protein-coupled receptor 137B 2.51
1369837_at GULO NM_022220 Gulonolactone (L-) oxidase 2.56
1387396_at HAMP NM_053469 Hepcidin antimicrobial peptide 2.59
1368278_at LGALS2 NM_133599 Lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 2 (galectin 2) 2.59
1367758_at AFP NM_012493 Alpha-fetoprotein 2.60
1386913_at PDPN NM_019358 Podoplanin 2.67
1382965_at AMIGO3 NM_178144 Adhesion molecule with Ig-like domain 3 2.69
1367749_at LUM NM_031050 Lumican 2.77
1375183_at ID4 NM_175582 DNA binding inhibitor 4, dominant negative helix-loop-helix prot. 2.80
1368442_at F2 NM_022924 Coagulation factor II (thrombin) 2.85
1380621_at FES NM_001108488 Feline sarcoma oncogene 2.88
1379741_at ATP6V0A4 XM_231615 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V0 subunit A4 2.92
1370086_at FGG NM_012559 Fibrinogen, gamma chain 2.92
1387414_at DUOX2 NM_024141 Dual oxidase 2 2.94
1368316_at AQP8 NM_019158 Aquaporin 8 2.97
1388190_at APOB NM_019287 Apolipoprotein B 2.98
1378866_at ABLIM1 XM_217645 Actin binding LIM protein 1 3.11
1368527_at PTGS2 NM_017232 Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 3.16
1392703_at TBX4 NM_001107034 T-box 4 3.18
1387565_at TRPV6 NM_053686 Transient receptor potential cation channel V6 3.26
1370269_at CYP1A1 NM_012540 Cytochrome P450 1A1 3.33
1369663_at EPHX2 NM_022936 Epoxide hydrolase 2 4.10
1392948_at CLIC6 NM_176078 Chloride intracellular channel 6 4.33
1393891_at COL8A1 XM_221536 Collagen, type VIII, alpha 1 4.40
1370310_at HMGCS2 NM_173094 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A synthase 2 4.65
1368335_at APOA1 NM_012738 Apolipoprotein A-1 4.88
1380134_at VTCN1 NM_001024244 V-set domain-containing T-cell activation inhibitor 1 5.08
1370594_at IGSF1 NM_175763 Immunoglobulin SuperFamily, member 1 5.99
1370077_at INS NM_019130 Insulin 6.67
1370165_at SMPX NM_053395 Small muscle protein, X-linked 13.7


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