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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 May 22.
Published in final edited form as: Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 2012 Jun;12(2):241–268. doi: 10.3758/s13415-011-0083-5

Meta-analytic evidence for a superordinate cognitive control network subserving diverse executive functions

Tara A Niendam 1,, Angela R Laird 2, Kimberly L Ray 3, Y Monica Dean 4, David C Glahn 5,6, Cameron S Carter 7
PMCID: PMC3660731  NIHMSID: NIHMS465892  PMID: 22282036


Classic cognitive theory conceptualizes executive functions as involving multiple specific domains, including initiation, inhibition, working memory, flexibility, planning, and vigilance. Lesion and neuroimaging experiments over the past two decades have suggested that both common and unique processes contribute to executive functions during higher cognition. It has been suggested that a superordinate fronto–cingulo–parietal network supporting cognitive control may also underlie a range of distinct executive functions. To test this hypothesis in the largest sample to date, we used quantitative meta-analytic methods to analyze 193 functional neuroimaging studies of 2,832 healthy individuals, ages 18–60, in which performance on executive function measures was contrasted with an active control condition. A common pattern of activation was observed in the prefrontal, dorsal anterior cingulate, and parietal cortices across executive function domains, supporting the idea that executive functions are supported by a superordinate cognitive control network. However, domain-specific analyses showed some variation in the recruitment of anterior prefrontal cortex, anterior and midcingulate regions, and unique subcortical regions such as the basal ganglia and cerebellum. These results are consistent with the existence of a superordinate cognitive control network in the brain, involving dorsolateral prefrontal, anterior cingulate, and parietal cortices, that supports a broad range of executive functions.

Keywords: Cognitive control, Prefrontal cortex, Executive function, Activation likelihood estimation, Meta-analysis

Early cognitive theories posited that cognitive functions are modular in nature and located within separable but interconnected parts of the brain (Luria, 1970; Shallice, 1988). Within this framework, executive functions have been described as a set of superordinate processes that guide thought and behavior and allow purposive action toward a goal (Miller, 2000). These functions are critical for normal day-to-day cognitive functioning and appear to be particularly susceptible to altered development, injury, and disease. From a traditional cognitive or neuropsychological perspective, executive functions have been thought to comprise a set of distinct cognitive domains that include vigilance, or sustained attention (Pennington & Ozonoff, 1996; Smith & Jonides, 1999); initiation of complex goal-directed behaviors (Lezak, 1995); inhibition of prepotent but incorrect responses (Luna, Padmanabhan, & O’Hearn, 2010; Smith & Jonides, 1999); flexibility to shift easily between goal states (Ravizza & Carter, 2008); planning the necessary steps to achieve a goal (Smith & Jonides, 1999); and working memory, the ability to hold information in mind and manipulate it to guide response selection (Goldman-Rakic, 1996).

These theoretically distinct domains are supported by discrete neural systems (Luria, 1970; Shallice, 1988), which typically include elements of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Early animal lesion studies provided evidence for PFC involvement in the coordination of complex behaviors, by serving as a temporary store for incoming information, making this information immediately available to guide response selection (Fuster, 1990; Goldman-Rakic, 1987; Jacobsen, 1936). Prefrontal damage in humans also impairs various executive functions, including planning (Owen, Downes, Sahakian, Polkey, & Robbins, 1990; Shallice, 1982, 1988), flexibility (Milner, 1982), response inhibition (Leimkuhler & Mesulam, 1985), and working memory (Milner, 1982).

Early neuroimaging and human lesion studies revealed that the frontal cortex is just one element in a network of spatially distinct regions associated with executive functions (Baddeley & Wilson, 1988). For example, neuroimaging studies of a prototypical working memory task, the n-back paradigm, have consistently shown activated regions in the frontal and posterior parietal cortex and cerebellum (Owen, McMillan, Laird, & Bullmore, 2005). Within this task, Broca’s area and premotor cortex have been associated with subvocal rehearsal processes, while posterior parietal areas were associated with the storage of verbal information (Awh et al., 1996). On tasks that require flexibility, the ability to flexibly switch attention and behavioral responses between different rules is associated with activation of dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC), while switching attention responses between different perceptual features of a stimulus is associated with parietal activation (Ravizza & Carter, 2008).

While traditional theories of executive functions have posited a set of distinct domains supported by at least partially unique brain regions, increasing numbers of functional neuroimaging studies examining diverse executive functions have suggested that these tasks may engage very similar brain networks (e.g., Duncan & Owen, 2000). Recent views of the PFC highlight its role in higher cognitive functions by supporting coordinated activation of multiple brain areas within the “cognitive control network,” including the DLPFC, medial frontal cortex (including the anterior cingulate cortex [ACC]), parietal cortex, motor areas, and cerebellum (Bellebaum & Daum, 2007; Braver, Cohen, & Barch, 2002; D’Esposito, 2007; Fuster, 2002). Furthermore, analyses of functional connectivity in healthy adults revealed that coordinated temporal activation across the network of prefrontal and posterior brain regions is associated with better performance on cognitive control tasks (Fornito, Yoon, Zalesky, Bullmore, & Carter, 2011; Yoon et al., 2008). Miller and Cohen proposed that the PFC supports “cognitive control” by actively maintaining “rules” online in order to evaluate incoming information, as well as internal states to guide response selection toward a current goal (Miller, 2000; Miller & Cohen, 2001). According to this view, cognitive control mechanisms support the range of executive functions, including working memory, selective attention, stimulus–response mapping, and performance monitoring (Carter et al., 1998; Cohen, Dunbar, & McClelland, 1990; Miyake & Shah, 1999; Shallice, 1988), and are not restricted to a particular cognitive domain (Banich, 1997; Smith & Jonides, 1999).

The diverse array of executive functions has limited our ability to directly test the unitary or modular nature of the underlying brain systems within a single set of experiments. Capitalizing on the unique power of activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta-analytic tools, this study is the first to synthesize almost 200 published reports, testing the hypothesis that traditional executive functions are supported by a common PFC-related cognitive control network. The ALE meta-analytic approach models three-dimensional coordinates (from reported activations in standard space) as the center of a three-dimensional Gaussian distribution (Laird, Fox, et al., 2005). By combining published data from a wide variety of studies, the ALE method provides the unique opportunity to examine this question in the largest sample of control subjects published to date. Activation likelihood estimation has been has been used to address similar research questions in both healthy and patient samples (Binder, Desai, Graves, & Conant, 2009; Caspers, Zilles, Laird, & Eickhoff, 2010; Chouinard & Goodale, 2010; Dickstein, Bannon, Castellanos, & Milham, 2006; Fusar-Poli et al., 2009; Glahn et al., 2005; Goghari, 2010; Mana, Paillere Martinot, & Martinot, 2010; Minzenberg, Laird, Thelen, Carter, & Glahn, 2009; Molenberghs, Cunnington, & Mattingley, 2009; Owen et al., 2005; Ragland et al., 2009; Richlan, Kronbichler, & Wimmer, 2009; Samson, Mottron, Soulieres, & Zeffiro, 2011; Schwindt & Black, 2009; Spaniol et al., 2009; Turkeltaub & Coslett, 2010; Yu et al., 2010). We hypothesized that healthy adults would show a common pattern of activation across prefrontal (DLPFC, ACC) and parietal regions when performing executive function tasks across multiple domains (see Table 1). Furthermore, we hypothesized that additional areas of domain-specific activation may be observed, but these would occur in addition to the common pattern of activation within the cognitive control network.

Table 1.

Definitions of the cognitive domains examined within this study, tasks included within each of the domains, the total numbers of available studies examined, and the total numbers of studies and subjects included in the present analysis, by domain and task

Cognitive Domain Definition Task Included
in Domain
Number of
Number of Studies
Included in Current
Total Number
of Subjects
Flexibility1,2 Switch from one task OR rule to another Task switching 26 12 201
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test 16 9 129
Inhibition1,3 Inhibit prepotent response in order to make correct, but less common, response Antisaccades 13 11 149
Flanker task 10 9 108
Go/no-go task 40 23 417
Simon task 12 10 192
Stroop task 55 26 346
Working memory4 Maintain information/context/ temporal or spatial relationships online and manipulate or use that information to guide response selection Complex calculation/ PASAT 39 11 152
Delayed match to sample 24 12 150
N-back/AXCPT 73 37 502
Spatial span/sequence recall 20 3 24
Sternberg task 21 15 232
Initiation5 Initiate sequence of complex behaviors Word generation 85 9 115
Planning1 Identify and organize steps and elements needed to carry out an intention or achieve a goal Tower Maze test 13 4 51
Vigilance1,6 Maintaining set in the face of interference Oddball discrimination 10 2 64
TOTAL = 457 193 2,832


Study selection

A search of the BrainMap database (Fox & Lancaster, 2002; Laird, Fox, et al., 2005) was performed to identify all English-language, peer-reviewed studies that investigated executive function tasks in multiple healthy individuals, ages 18–60 years, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) or positron emission tomography (PET). Executive functions were defined as processes that are required in order to regulate or guide other cognitive processes in order to support goal-directed behavior (Minzenberg et al., 2009). For the purpose of this investigation, we examined studies that used task paradigms that are typically considered measures of executive function or cognitive control. As outlined in Table 1, these included measures of vigilance, inhibition, flexibility, planning, working memory, and initiation. Within each study, we included data from healthy individuals on specific contrasts that examined within-group whole-brain activation in response to a task of interest that was compared to an active control task, rather than to rest or fixation. Studies were excluded if the subject pool overlapped with other published studies on smaller subsets of the same sample or included subjects outside of the age range (18–60 years), if the task of interest did not require an appropriate behavioral response (e.g., a buttonpress), or if contrasts with the available coordinate data did not examine a specific executive function or rather examined differences between patients and controls. Table 1 provides the numbers of studies that were available and that met the criteria for inclusion within each domain. The BrainMap database archives the peak coordinates of activations as well as their corresponding metadata, such as the number and diagnosis of the subjects, the analysis technique, the paradigm, and the cognitive domain. Coordinates originally published in MNI space were converted to Talairach space using the Lancaster (icbm2tal) transformation (Laird et al., 2010; Lancaster et al., 2007). Further filtering and meta-analysis of the experiments was carried out using BrainMap’s software applications (Laird et al., 2009), as described below.

Activation likelihood estimation

We performed a series of coordinate-based meta-analyses of executive functioning using the ALE method (Laird, McMillan, et al., 2005; Turkeltaub, Eden, Jones, & Zeffiro, 2002), in which the voxel-wise correspondence of neuroimaging results is assessed across a large number of studies. The ALE algorithm aims to identify areas showing a higher convergence of findings across experiments than would be expected under a spatially random spatial association. The identified literature coordinates were modeled with a three-dimensional Gaussian probability distribution reflecting the spatial uncertainty of each focus on the basis of an estimation of the intersubject and interlaboratory variability typically observed in neuroimaging experiments. This algorithm limits the meta-analysis to an anatomically constrained space specified by a gray-matter mask and includes a method that calculates the above-chance clustering between experiments (i.e., random-effects analysis), rather than between foci (i.e., fixed-effects analysis), and it also accounts for differences in sample sizes across the included studies (Eickhoff et al., 2009). The probabilities of all foci reported in a given experiment were combined, resulting in a modeled activation map for each experiment, and the union of these probabilities was computed in order to derive voxel-wise ALE values that described the convergence of results across the whole brain. To determine which ALE values were statistically significant, ALE scores were compared with an empirical null distribution reflecting a random spatial association between experiments, thereby estimating convergence between studies rather than the clustering of foci within a particular study.

ALE was performed in Talairach space using GingerALE 2.0 ( to analyze the global set of activation foci for concordance, as well as subsets of foci that corresponded to the cognitive components of interest within executive function. From the set of included studies (Table 2), the results for a global set of within-group activations across all six domains were meta-analyzed to address the primary hypothesis. To examine the foci of greatest concordance across studies, we also performed a conjunction analysis across the three domains in which the data from more than nine studies were available (flexibility, inhibition, and working memory). To examine potential domain-specific patterns of activation, we completed within-group meta-analyses for the domains in which data from more than nine studies were available. The resultant ALE maps were thresholded at a false-discovery rate (FDR)-corrected threshold of p < .05. Images were viewed in Mango (“multi-image analysis GUI”), developed at the Research Imaging Institute in San Antonio (

Table 2.

Published studies included in the ALE meta-analysis of executive functions, by domain

Author Task PET
vs. MRI
Age (Range
or Mean)
Included Contrasts Materials Used Perceptual
K. F. Berman et al., 1995 WCST PET 40 18–39 1. WCST > Control Pictures (Cross Shape Array) Visual
Brass & von Cramon, 2004 Task Switching fMRI 14 Mean = 24 1. Meaning Switch vs. Cue Switch Shapes Visual
Braver, Reynolds, & Donaldson, 2003 Task Switching fMRI 13 19–26 1. Switch × Time Words Visual
Cools, Clark, & Robbins, 2004 Task Switching fMRI 16 18–45 1. Object-Rule Switch vs. Nonswitch Pictures (Abstract Patterns) Visual
Dove, Pollmann, Schubert, Wiggins, & von Cramon, 2000 Task Switching fMRI 16 21–29 1. Task Switch –Task Repetition Shapes Visual
Dreher & Grafman, 2003 Task Switching fMRI 8 20–31 1. Task Switching vs. Baseline Letters Visual
Goldberg et al., 1998 WCST PET 12 24–39 1. WCST – Control, Activations Pictures (Five Card Stimulus) Visual
Kimberg, Aguirre, & D’Esposito, 2000 Task Switching fMRI 9 College age 1. Switch – Repeat Letters Visual
Konishi, Nakajima, Uchida, Kameyama, et al., 1998 WCST fMRI 7 20–31 1. Three-Dimensional – (Two- + One-Dimensional) Pictures (Five Card Stimulus), Letters Visual
Luks, Simpson, Feiwell, & Miller, 2002 Task Switching fMRI 11 24–45 1. Switch > Repeat Numbers, Shapes Visual
Monchi, Petrides, Petre, Worsley, & Dagher, 2001 WCST fMRI 11 18–34 1. Matching After Negative Feedback – Control Matching (Increases) Pictures (Five Card Stimulus) Visual
Nagahama et al., 1996 WCST PET 18 21–35 1. Modified Card Sorting Test (MCST) vs. Matching Pictures (Five Card Stimulus) Visual
Nagahama et al., 1997 WCST PET 12 21–24 1. WCST > Matching, Young Pictures (Five Card Stimulus) Visual
Nagahama et al., 2001 WCST fMRI 6 Mean = 27 1. Set Shifting Task Pictures (Three Card Stimulus) Visual
Rao et al., 1997 WCST fMRI 11 19–45 1. Conceptual Reasoning – Control Words Visual
Rogers, Andrews, Grasby, Brooks, & Robbins, 2000 WCST PET 12 Mean = 43 1. Extradimensional (ED) – Intradimensional (ID) Shift Shapes Visual
Rubia et al., 2006 Task Switching fMRI 52 20–43 1. Switch Task, Adults Shapes Visual
Ruff, Woodward, Laurens, & Liddle, 2001 Task Switching fMRI 12 Mean = 23 1. Switching Color Naming, Incongruent vs. Neutral 1. Letters, Words, Visual
2. Switching Word Reading, Incongruent vs. Neutral 2. Words
Rushworth, Hadland, Paus, & Sipila, 2002 Task Switching fMRI 18 19–31 1. Switch – Stay, RS, Increases Shapes Visual
Smith, Taylor, Brammer, & Rubia, 2004 Task Switching fMRI 20 20–43 1. Switch vs. Repeat Shapes Visual
Sohn, Ursu, Anderson, Stenger, & Carter, 2000 Task Switching fMRI 12 18–36 1. Foreknowledge Effects Numbers, Digits Visual
2. Transition Effects
Altshuler et al., 2005 Go–No Go fMRI 13 Mean = 31 1. No Go > Go, Normals Letters Visual
Asahi, Okamoto, Okada, Yamawaki, & Yokota, 2004 Go–No-Go fMRI 17 23–30 1. Response Inhibition Letters Visual
Banich et al., 2000 Stroop fMRI 10 College age 1. Incongruent > Congruent, Color Words Visual
Banich et al., 2001 Stroop fMRI 14 21–35 1. Incongruent, Color vs. Neutral Words Visual
2. Incongruent, Object vs. Neutral
Bellgrove, Hester, & Garavan, 2004 Go–No-Go fMRI 42 18–46 1. Response Inhibition Letters Visual
Bench et al., 1993 Stroop PET 12 21–34 1. Stroop I vs. Crosses I 1. Words, Shapes Visual
2. Stroop I vs. Neutral 2. Words
3. Stroop II vs. Crosses II 3. Words, Shapes
G. G. Brown et al., 1999 Stroop fMRI 8 Under age 55 1. Incongruent – Nonlexical 1. Words, Shapes Visual
2. Incongruent – Neutral 2. Words
M. R. G. Brown, Goltz, Vilis, Ford, & Everling, 2006 Antisaccade fMRI 10 22–33 1. Antisaccade Response > Prosaccade Response Shapes Visual
M. R. G. Brown, Vilis, & Everling, 2007 Antisaccade fMRI 11 20–28 1. Preparation, Antisaccade > Preparation, Prosaccade Shapes Visual
2. Response, Antisaccade – Preparation, Antisaccade
Bunge et al., 2002 Flanker fMRI 10 18–44 1. Incongruent vs. Neutral Letters Visual
Bush et al., 1998 Stroop fMRI 9 Mean = 24 1. Interference – Neutral Words Visual
Carter, Mintun, & Cohen, 1995 Stroop PET 15 22–49 1. Incongruent – Neutral Words Visual
2. Incongruent – Congruent
Chikazoe, Konishi, Asari, Jimura, & Miyashita, 2007 Antisaccade fMRI 25 20–29 1. Antisaccade – Control Saccade Shapes Visual
Coderre, Filippi, Newhouse, & Dumas,2008 Stroop fMRI 9 18–36 1. Kana Incongruent > Kana Congruent Words/Symbols Visual
2. Kanji Incongruent > Kanji Congruent
3. Kana Incongruent > Kana Words
4. Kanji Incongruent > Kanji Words
de Zubicaray, Andrew, Zelaya, Williams, & Dumanoir, 2000 Go–No-Go fMRI 8 Mean = 27 1. Effect of Decreased # of No-Go Trials Shapes Visual
  2. Linear Decreases With Number of Trials Equated per Block
de Zubicaray, Wilson, McMahon, & Muthiah, 2001 Stroop fMRI 8 Mean = 29 1. Semantically Related Distractor vs. Control Words, Letters Visual
Dichter & Belger, 2007 Flanker fMRI 17 Mean = 25 1. Incongruent Arrows > Congruent Arrows, Controls 1. Shapes Visual
2. Incongruent Gaze > Congruent Gaze, Controls 2. Faces
Doricchi et al., 1997 Antisaccade PET 10 20–26 1. Antisaccades vs. Fast–Regular Shapes Visual
Durston et al., 2003 Flanker fMRI 9 Mean = 26 1. Compatible Increased, Incompatible Decreased Shapes Visual
Ettinger et al., 2008 Antisaccade fMRI 17 20–40 1. Saccade-by-Delay Interaction Shapes Visual
Fan, Flombaum, McCandliss, Thomas, & Posner, 2003 Stroop & Flanker fMRI 12 18–34 1. Stroop Incongruent – Congruent, 1. Words Visual
2. Flanker Incongruent – Congruent 2. Shapes
Fassbender et al., 2004 Go–No-Go fMRI 21 19–37 1. Activations for Correct Inhibitions Numbers Visual
K. D. Fitzgerald et al., 2005 Flanker fMRI 7 Mean = 30 1. High > No Interference, Normals Letters Visual
2. High > Low Interference, Normals
Ford, Goltz, Brown, & Everling, 2005 Antisaccade fMRI 10 Mean = 28 1. Late Preparatory Period Comparison: Anti vs. Pro Shapes Visual
Forstmann, van den Wildenberg, & Ridderinkhof, 2008 Simon fMRI 24 Mean = 24 1. Incongruent vs. Neutral Shapes Visual
Garavan, Ross, & Stein, 1999 Go–No-Go fMRI 14 19–44 1. Response Inhibition Letters Visual
Garavan, Ross, Murphy, Roche, & Stein, 2002 Go–No-Go fMRI 14 19–45 1. Successful No-Gos Letters Visual
Garavan, Ross, Kaufman, & Stein, 2003 Go–No-Go fMRI 16 18–46 1. Event-Related STOPS Letters Visual
George et al., 1993 Stroop PET 21 Mean = 38 1. Standard Stroop – Control Words, Shapes Visual
Hazeltine, Bunge, Scanlon, & Gabrieli, 2003 Flanker fMRI 10 18–44 1. Incongruent – Neutral (Conjunction of Color and Letter) Letters, Shapes (Circle) Visual
Heckers et al., 2004 Stroop fMRI 15 Mean = 47 1. Interference vs. Control, Normals Numbers, Letters/Digits Visual
Hester et al., 2004 Go–No-Go fMRI 15 23–40 1. Cued and Uncued Successful Response Inhibition Letters Visual
Horn, Dolan, Elliott, Deakin, & Woodruff, 2003 Go–No-Go fMRI 21 18–50 1. Go/No-Go > Go Letters Visual
Kelly et al., 2004 Go–No-Go fMRI 15 23–40 1. Fast and Slow Successful Response Inhibitions Letters Visual
Kerns et al., 2005 Stroop fMRI 13 Mean = 36 1. Conflict-Related Activity in Normal Subjects Words Visual
Kerns, 2006 Simon fMRI 26 18–36 1. Incongruent, Activations Shapes Visual
Kimmig et al., 2001 Antisaccade fMRI 15 20–37 1. Prosaccade and Antisaccade Shapes Visual
Konishi, Nakajima, Uchida, Sekihara, & Miyashita, 1998 Go–No-Go fMRI 5 20–31 1. No-Go Dominant Foci Shapes Visual
Konishi et al., 1999 Go–No-Go fMRI 6 20–31 1. No-Go Dominant Area Shapes Visual
Kronhaus et al., 2006 Stroop fMRI 11 Mean = 36 1. Incongruent Stroop > Letter String, Healthy Controls Words, Letters Visual
Lee, Dolan, & Critchley, 2008 Simon fMRI 14 Mean = 24 1. Activation Associated with Interference Effect of the Simon Task Film, Words Visual, Auditory
Leung, Skudlarski, Gatenby, Peterson, & Gore, 2000 Stroop fMRI 19 20–45 1. Stroop Positive Words Visual
Liddle, Kiehl, & Smith, 2001 Go–No-Go fMRI 16 Mean = 30 1. Correct No-Go – Go Letters Visual
Liu, Banich, Jacobson, & Tanabe, 2004 Simon & Stroop fMRI 11 24–40 1. Simon Incongruent > Simon Congruent Shapes Visual
2. Stroop Incongruent > Stroop Congruent
MacDonald et al., 2000 Stroop fMRI 12 18–30 1. Color, Incongruent > Color, Congruent Words Visual
Maclin, Gratton, & Fabiani, 2001 Simon fMRI 8 18–47 1. Incongruent > Congruent Shapes Visual
Maguire et al., 2003 Go–No-Go fMRI 6 22–30 1. Go/No-Go vs. Go Shapes Visual
Maltby, Tolin, Worhunsky, O’Keefe, & Kiehl, 2005 Go–No-Go fMRI 14 Mean = 37 1. Correct Inhibition, Normals Letters Visual
Matsuda et al., 2004 Antisaccade fMRI 21 Mean = 39 1. Antisaccades > Saccades Shapes Visual
Mead et al., 2002 Stroop fMRI 18 18–46 1. Incongruent > Congruent Words Visual
2. Incongruent > Neutral
Menon, Adelman, White, Glover, & Reiss, 2001 Go–No-Go fMRI 14 17–41 1. Go/No-Go – Go Letters Visual
Milham et al., 2001 Stroop fMRI 16 18–30 1. Incongruent > Neutral Words Visual
Milham et al., 2002 Stroop fMRI 22 21–27 1. Incongruent > Congruent or Neutral, Young Subjects Words Visual
Milham & Banich, 2005 Stroop fMRI 18 18–40 1. Incongruent vs. Congruent Words Visual
Mostofsky et al., 2003 Go–No-Go fMRI 48 Mean = 27 1. Primary No-Go Effects Pictures (Spaceships) Visual
2. Primary Counting No-Go Effects
Norris, Zysset, Mildner, & Wiggins, 2002 Stroop fMRI 7 23–31 1. Incongruent vs. Neutral, GE-EPI, Activations Words, Letters Visual
O’Driscoll et al., 1995 Antisaccade PET 10 22–39 1. Antisaccade – Saccade Shapes Visual
Paus, Petrides, Evans, & Meyer, 1993 Antisaccade PET 9 19–30 1. Oculomotor, Antistimulus – Prostimulus Shapes Visual
Peterson et al., 2002 Simon & Stroop fMRI 10 24–29 1. Simon Incongruent vs. Congruent 1. Shapes Visual
2. Stroop Incongruent vs. Congruent 2. Words
Roth et al., 2006 Stroop fMRI 11 18–55 1. Incongruent > Congruent, Normals Words Visual
Roth et al., 2007 Go–No Go fMRI 14 Mean = 38 1. Response Inhibition, Normals Shapes Visual
Rubia et al., 2001 Go–No-Go fMRI 15 26–58 1. Generic Go/No-Go Activation Pictures (Planes, Airplanes Bombs) Visual
2. Generic Stop Activation
Rubia et al., 2006 Go–No-Go & Simon fMRI 52 10–43 1. Go/No-Go Task, Adults Shapes Visual
2. Simon Task, Adults
Sommer, Hajak, Döhnel, Meinhardt, & Müller, 2008 Simon fMRI 12 22–37 1. Incompatible > Compatible Letters Visual
Sweeney et al., 1996 Antisaccade PET 11 Mean = 27 1. Antisaccades – Visually Guided Saccades, Increases Shapes Visual
2. Conditional Antisaccades – Visually Guided Saccades, Increases
Tang, Critchley, Glaser, Dolan, & Butterworth, 2006 Stroop fMRI 18 21–38 1. Numerical Task Conflict Trials > Numerical Task Nonconflict Trials Numbers Visual
2. Physical Task Conflict Trials > Physical Task Nonconflict Trials
Taylor, Kornblum, Lauber, Minoshima, & Koeppe, 1997 Stroop PET 18 Under age 30 1. Stroop – Neutral Words Words Visual
Ullsperger & von Cramon, 2001 Flanker fMRI 12 21–29 1. Response Competition (Incompatible Correct vs. Compatible Correct) Shapes Visual
van Veen, Cohen, Botvinick, Stenger, & Carter, 2001 Flanker fMRI 12 Mean = 27 1. (Congruent = Stimulus Incongruent) < Response Incongruent Letters Visual
2. Congruent < Stimulus Incongruent < Response Incongruent
Vink et al., 2005 Go–No-Go fMRI 20 Mean = 20 1. Go/Stop > Go Only Shapes Visual
2. Parametric Analysis
Watanabe et al., 2002 Go–No-Go fMRI 11 19–40 1. Specific Activation Areas During NO-GO Phase Shapes Visual
Wittfoth, Buck, Fahle, & Herrmann, 2006 Simon fMRI 20 21–31 1. Motion-Based: Incompatible > Compatible Shapes Visual
2. Location-Based: Incompatible > Compatible
Wittfoth, Kustermann, Fahle, & Herrmann, 2008 Simon fMRI 15 21–31 1. Incompatible > Compatible Shapes Visual
Yücel et al., 2007 Flanker fMRI 19 Mean = 31 1. Incongruent > Congruent, Normals Numbers Visual
Zysset, Muller, Lohmann, & von Cramon, 2001 Stroop fMRI 9 21–34 1. Incongruent vs. Neutral 1. Words, Letters Visual
2. Incongruent vs. Congruent 2. Words
Audoin et al., 2005 Complex Calculation fMRI 18 19–40 1. PASAT – REPEAT, Controls Numbers Auditory
Awh et al., 1996 Sternberg & N-back PET 20 18–27 1. Sternberg Item Recognition Memory – Control Letters Visual
2. 2-Back – Search Control
Barch et al., 2001 N-back fMRI 12 Mean = 25 1. Main Effect of Delay Letters Visual
Bedwell et al., 2005 Sternberg fMRI 14 22–40 1. Brain regions significantly active during encoding period Letters Visual
2. Brain regions significantly active during retrieval period
Braver et al., 1997 N-back fMRI 8 18–25 1. Brain Areas Showing Monotonic Increases in Activity as a Function of Memory Load Letters Visual
Bunge, Ochsner, Desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli, 2001 Sternberg fMRI 16 18–40 1. Load 6 > Load 4 Letters Visual
Cairo, Liddle, Woodward, & Ngan, 2004 Sternberg fMRI 18 18–35 1. Encoding, Linear Regression with Load Letters Visual
  2. Retrieval, Linear Regression with Load
Callicott et al., 1999 N-back fMRI 9 18–39 1. Significant Increases in Activation as a Function of Working Memory Load Numbers Visual
Carlson et al., 1998 N-back fMRI 7 17–23 1. Two-Back vs. Zero-Back Shapes Visual
2. One-Back vs. Zero-Back
3. Two-Back vs. One-Back
Casey et al., 1998 N-back fMRI 32 19–43 1. Memory – Motor, Pooled Data Shapes Visual
Chen et al., 2004 Delayed Match to Sample fMRI 8 Mean = 28 1. Verbal Working Memory 1. Words 1. Visual
2. Visual Abstract Working Memory 2. Pictures (Abstract Patterns) 2. Shapes
Clark et al., 2000 N-back PET 10 Mean = 47 1. Variable Target > Fixed Target Words Visual
Cohen et al., 1994 N-back fMRI 12 20–29 1. Memory – Control Letters Visual
Cohen et al., 1997 N-back fMRI 10 18–34 1. Load Letters Visual
2. Load × Time
Crespo-Facorro et al., 2001 Delayed Match to Sample PET 34 Mean = 26 1. Novel – Well-learned, Normals Shapes Visual
Dade, Zatorre, Evans, & Jones-Gorman, 2001 N-back PET 12 20–30 1. Odor Working Memory – Baseline 1. Scent 1. Ofactory,
2. Face Working Memory – Baseline 2. Faces   2. Visual
Delazer et al., 2003 Complex Calculation fMRI 13 Mean = 31 1. Untrained vs. Trained Multiplication Set Numbers Visual
Dolcos & McCarthy, 2006 Delayed Match to Sample fMRI 15 18–31 1. Neutral – Scrambled Pictures Faces Visual
Druzgal & D’Esposito, 2001a N-back fMRI 9 21–27 1. Match > No Match Faces Visual
Druzgal & D’Esposito, 2001b Sternberg fMRI 9 22–27 1. Working Memory Load Faces Visual
Fehr, Code, & Hermann, 2007 Complex Calculation fMRI 11 22–40 1. Addition, Complex > Simple Numbers Visual
2. Subtraction, Complex > Simple
3. Multiplication, Complex > Simple
4. Division, Complex > Simple
5. Conjunction (All Conditions)
Garavan, Kelley, Rosen, Rao, & Stein, 2000 Delayed Match to Sample fMRI 17 Mean = 26.6 1. Visual working memory vs. Control Shapes Visual
Garavan, Ross, Li, & Stein, 2000 Complex Calculation fMRI 11 19–41 1. Function of Switching Frequency Shapes Visual
Ghatan, Hsieh, Petersson, Stone-Elander, & Ingvar, 1998 Complex Calculation PET 6 20–24 1. Irrelevant Speech + Arithmetical Task vs. Arithmetical Task (Increase in rCBF) Words & Digits Auditory & Visual
Harvey et al., 2005 N-back fMRI 10 18–45 1. n-Back vs. 0-Back, Healthy Subjects Letters Visual
Honey et al., 2003 N-back fMRI 27 Mean = 35 1. Working Memory, Normals Letters Visual
Hugdahl et al., 2004 Complex Calculation fMRI 12 Mean = 31 1. Mental Arithmetic – Vigilance, Healthy Subjects Numbers Visual
Ischebeck et al., 2006 Complex Calculation fMRI 12 Mean = 27 1. Multiplication Untrained vs. Number Matching Numbers Visual
2. Subtraction Untrained vs. Number Matching
Johnson et al., 2006 Sternberg fMRI 18 Mean = 37 1. Controls, Activation Modulated by Load, Encoding Letters Visual
2. Controls, Activation Modulated by Load, Retrieval
3. Controls, Difficult 6 > Medium 6, Encoding
4. Controls, Difficult 6 > Medium 6, Retrieval
Jonides et al., 1997 N-back PET 19 College age 1. 3-back minus Control, Activations Letters Visual
2. 2-back minus Control, Activations
3. 1-back minus Control, Activations
4. 0-back minus Control, Activations
Kim et al., 2002 N-back PET 14 Mean = 25 1. Simple Pictures – Control 1. Shapes Visual
2. Korean Words – Control 2. Words
Kim et al., 2003 N-back fMRI 12 19–35 1. 2-Back – Control, Normals Shapes Visual
Kirschen, Chen, Schraedley-Desmond, & Desmond, 2005 Sternberg fMRI 16 Mean = 25 1. Linear Activations (effect of increasing load) Letters Visual
Kumari et al., 2006 N-back fMRI 13 18–55 1. 1 Back > 0 Back, Normals Shapes Visual
2. 2 Back > 0 Back, Normals
LaBar, Gitelman, Parrish, & Mesulam, 1999 N-back fMRI 11 Mean = 33 1. Working Memory Letters Visual
Lagopoulos, Ivanovski, & Malhi, 2007 Sternberg fMRI 10 20–54 1. Encoding, Healthy Controls Words Visual
2. Response, Healthy Controls
Landau, Schumacher, Garavan, Druzgal, & D’Esposito, 2004 Delayed Match to Sample fMRI 10 22–27 1. Encoding: Main Effect Only Faces Visual
2. Retrieval: Main Effect Only
Lange et al., 2005 Complex Calculation fMRI 44 21–45 1. mPASAT vs. Auditory Monitoring using a random effects model, Controls Numbers Auditory
Lazeron, Rombouts, de Sonneville, Barkhof, & Scheltens, 2003 Complex Calculation fMRI 9 19–30 1. High (rapid math) vs. Low (slow simple math) Numbers Visual
Leung, Gore, & Goldman-Rakic, 2002 Delayed Match to Sample fMRI 6 Mean = 28 1. Late Delay Shapes Visual
2. Main Task Effects
3. Time Effects
4. Interaction Between Task and Time
Linden et al., 2003 Sternberg fMRI 12 24–31 1. Encoding Shapes Visual
MacDonald & Carter, 2003 N-back fMRI 17 Mean = 34 1. Cue by Scan Interaction, Normals Letters Visual
MacDonald et al., 2005 N-back fMRI 28 Mean = 25 1. Nontarget vs. Target, Normals Letters Visual
2. Long vs. Short Delay, Normals
Manoach et al., 2000 Delayed Match to Sample fMRI 9 28–49 1. 5 Targets WM vs. Arrows, Normals Numbers, Shapes Visual
Martinkauppi, Rama, Aronen, Korvenoja, & Carlson, 2000 N-back fMRI 10 20–30 1. 3-Back vs. 1-Back Tones Auditory
2. 2-Back vs. 1-Back
Matsuo et al., 2007 N-back fMRI 15 Mean = 38 1. 1-back > 0-back, Normals Numbers Visual
2. 2-back > 0-back, Normals
Mayer et al., 2007 Delayed Match to Sample fMRI 18 20–44 1. Working Memory Selective, WM Load Shapes Visual
Mendrek et al., 2005 N-back fMRI 12 Mean = 28 1. Activations, 2-Back vs. 0-Back, Normals Letters Visual
Menon, Anagnoson, Mathalon, Glover, & Pfefferbaum, 2001 N-back fMRI 13 37–49 1. Average Group Activation For Controls Numbers Auditory
Monks et al., 2004 N-back & Sternberg fMRI 12 Mean = 46 1. 2-Back vs. Baseline, Controls 1. Letters Visual
2. Sternberg, Controls 2. Numbers
Owen et al., 1998 N-back fMRI 6 College age 1. Spatial Working Memory vs. Control 1. Shapes Visual
2. Nonspatial Working Memory vs. Control 2. Pictures (Abstract Patterns)
Owen et al., 1999 N-back & Sequencing PET 5 44–55 1. Spatial Manipulation – Visuomotor Control Shapes Visual
2. Spatial Span – Visuomotor Control
Perlstein, Dixit, Carter, Noll, & Cohen, 2003 N-back fMRI 15 26–47 1. N-Back Load Main Effect Letters Visual
2. AX-CPT Cue Type Main Effect
Petit, Courtney, Ungerleider, & Haxby, 1998 Delayed Match to Sample fMRI 12 Mean = 28 1. Spatial Working Memory Faces Visual
2. Face Working Memory
Petrides, Alivisatos, Meyer, & Evans, 1993 Complex Calculation PET 10 19–39 1. Self-Ordered – Counting Numbers Auditory
2. Externally Ordered – Counting
Pochon et al., 2001 N-back & Sequencing fMRI 8 20–25 1. Visuospatial matching (MAT) vs. Control (MAT CONT) Shapes Visual
2. Visuospatial reproduction (REP) vs. Control (REP CONT)
Ragland et al., 2002 N-back fMRI 11 21–53 1. Letter 1-Back – 0-Back 1. Letters Visual
2. Fractal 1-Back – 0-Back 2. Shapes (Fractals)
3. Letter 2-Back – 0-Back 3. Letters
4. Fractal 2-Back – 0-Back 4. Shapes
5. Letter 2-Back – 1-Back 5. Letters
6. Fractal 2-Back – 1-Back 6. Shapes (Fractals)
Rowe, Toni, Josephs, Frackowiak, & Passingham, 2000 Delayed Match to Sample fMRI 6 24–34 1. Working Memory Maintenance Shapes Visual
2. Selection from Memory
Rypma, Prabhakaran, Desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli, 1999 Sternberg fMRI 6 Mean = 25 1. 3–1 Contrast Letters Visual
2. 6–1 Contrast
Rypma, Prabhakaran, Desmond, & Gabrieli, 2001 Sternberg fMRI 12 22–29 1. Sternberg, Load 6 vs. Load 1, Young Subjects Letters Visual
Sanchez-Carrion et al., 2008 N-back fMRI 14 Mean = 24 1. 2-back vs. 0-back, Normals Numbers Visual
2. 3-back vs. 0-back, Normals
Schumacher et al., 1996 N-back PET 8 Under age 60 1. Visual Memory – Control, Increases 1. Letters 1. Visual
2. Auditory Memory – Control, Increases 2. Letters 2. Auditory
Sheridan, Hinshaw, & D’Esposito, 2007 Delayed Match to Sample fMRI 10 12–17 1. Encoding, High Load > Low Load, Normals Letters Visual
Smith, Jonides, & Koeppe, 1996 N-back & Sternberg PET 30 College age 1. Verbal 3-Back – Control 1. Letters Visual
2. Spatial 3-Back – Control 2. Letters
3. Verbal 2-Back – Control 3. Letters
4. Verbal Memory – Control 4. Letters, Shapes
5. Spatial Memory – Control 5. Letters, Shapes
Stern et al., 2000 Delayed Match to fMRI 5 Missing 1. Working Memory I vs. Control Pictures (Abstract Patterns) Visual
Sample 2. Working Memory II vs. Control
3. Working Memory I vs. Working Memory II
van der Wee et al., 2003 N-back fMRI 11 Mean = 35 1. 1+2 + 3-Back vs. 0-Back, Normals Shapes Visual
Veltman, Rombouts, & Dolan, 2003 N-back & Sternberg fMRI 22 Mean = 23 1. n-Back vs. Control Letters Visual
2. Sternberg vs. Control
Volle et al., 2005 Sequencing fMRI 11 22–34 1. MemG Delay One, 3 Square vs. 1 Square Shapes Visual
2. MemG Delay One, 5 Square vs. 3 Square
3. MemG Delay Two vs. VisG Delay Two
Walter, Wolf, Spitzer, & Vasic, 2007 Sternberg fMRI 17 Mean = 31 1. Load 1 > Simple Reaction, Normals Letters Visual
2. Load 2 > Simple Reaction, Normals
3. Load 3 > Simple Reaction, Normals
Yoo et al., 2005 N-back fMRI 10 20–30 1. Working Memory, Normals Faces, Abstract Patterns Visual
Zago et al., 2001 Complex Calculation PET 6 Mean = 21 1. Compute (complex math) vs. Read Numbers Visual
Zurowski et al., 2002 N-back PET 8 Mean = 27 1. Main Effect of Working Memory Syllables Visual
Audenaert et al., 2000 Word Generation fMRI 20 19–28 1. Letter Fluency vs. Control 1. Letters, Words Auditory
2. Category Fluency vs. Control 2. Words
Basho, Palmer, Rubio, Wulfeck, & Muller, 2007 Word Generation fMRI 12 21–37 1. Factor-Specific Effects for Overt Words Auditory, Visual
Crosson et al., 1999 Word Generation fMRI 17 28–32 1. Emotionally Neutral words – Repetition Words Auditory
Frith, Friston, Liddle, & Frackowiak, 1991 Word Generation PET 6 25–45 1. Fixed Words, Generate – Random Words, Repeat Words Auditory
Fu et al., 2002 Word Generation fMRI 11 Mean = 30 1. Easy Letter Fluency vs. Repetition Letters Visual
2. Difficult Letter Fluency vs. Repetition
Klein, Milner, Zatorre, Meyer, & Evans, 1995 Word Generation PET 12 Mean = 22 1. L1 Synonym Generation – L1 Word Repeating Words Auditory
Klein, Milner, Zatorre, Zhao, & Nikelski, 1999 Word Generation PET 13 18–28 1. Verb Generation minus Word Repetition (Chinese words) Words Auditory
Petersen, Fox, Posner, Mintun, & Raichle, 1988 Word Generation PET 17 Under age 40 1. Generate Words – Repeat Words, Visual Words
2. Generate Words – Repeat Words, Auditory
Petersen, Fox, Posner, Mintun, & Raichle, 1989 Word Generation PET 7 18–49 1. Generate Verbs, Visual vs. Repeat Words, Visual Words 1. Visual
2. Generate Verbs, Auditory vs. Repeat Words, Auditory 2. Auditory
Fincham, Carter, van Veen, Stenger, & Anderson, 2002 Tower Test fMRI 8 18–32 1. Planning (Tower vs. control) Numbers Visual
P. B. Fitzgerald et al., 2008 Tower Test fMRI 13 Mean = 35 1. Regions Correlated with Reaction Time During TOL Task in Controls Shapes Visual
Ghatan et al., 1995 Maze Task PET 8 41–59 1. Perceptual Maze vs. Motor Control, Increase in rCBF Shapes Visual
van den Heuvel et al., 2005 Tower Test fMRI 22 Mean = 30 1. Planning (Tower) vs. Counting, Normals Shapes Visual
2. Increases Correlating With Increased Task Load, Normals
Gur et al., 2007 Oddball fMRI 36 18–48 1. Target Green Circles > Standard Red Circles Shapes Visual
Laurens, Kiehl, Ngan, & Liddle, 2005 Oddball fMRI 28 Mean = 28 1. Novel Stimuli vs. Nontarget Stimuli, Controls Tones Auditory

WCST, Wisconsin Card Sort task.


Global analysis across all domains

Across all domains (shown in red in Fig. 1; see also Table 3a), large clusters of significant activation were observed within lateral and medial PFC bilaterally, encompassing superior, middle, and inferior frontal gyri including the DLPFC (Brodmann areas [BAs] 9, 46), as well as the ACC (BA 32) on the medial wall. In addition to prefrontal activation, the overall contrast revealed large parietal clusters, including the inferior (BA 40) and superior (BA 7) parietal lobe. This combined frontal–parietal activation is consistent with previous findings related to the cognitive control circuit (Botvinick, Braver, Barch, Carter, & Cohen, 2001; Carter, Botvinick, & Cohen, 1999; Cohen, Botvinick, & Carter, 2000; Yarkoni et al., 2005). Additional activation in frontal regions included the premotor cortex (BA 6), frontopolar cortex (BA 10), and orbitofrontal cortex (BA 11). Activation was also observed in occipital (BA 19) and temporal (BAs 13, 22, 37) regions, which are consistent with processing of the verbal and auditory stimuli, respectively, that are presented as part of the included tasks. Finally, significant activation was found in subcortical structures, including the thalamus, caudate, and putamen, as well as areas of the cerebellum, including the posterior declive and anterior culmen. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that executive functions are supported by a common set of cortical and subcortical regions within the cognitive control network.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Global analysis of executive function in 193 studies of healthy adults, showing brain regions with significant activation across all executive function domains (red) and the areas of conjunction (green) across the three domains for which data from more than nine studies were available (flexibility, inhibition, and working memory).

Table 3.

Brain regions (Brodmann areas in parentheses) with significant activation within healthy adults from (a) a combined meta-analysis across all six executive function domains and (b) a conjunction meta-analysis for domains with more than nine included studies (flexibility, inhibition, and working memory)

Brain Region (BA) Volume (mm3) x y z
(a) Combined Across All Six Domains
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (9) 20,048 40 30 28
  Right Insula (13) 32 18 4
  Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (10) 32 48 14
Right Inferior Parietal Lobule (40) 12,328 38 −50 42
  Right Superior Parietal Lobule (7) 32 −60 42
  Right Cuneus (19) 28 −76 28
Left Superior Parietal Lobule (7) 11,200 −28 −60 44
  Right Precuneus (7) 8 −68 46
  Left Precuneus (7) −6 −62 44
Left Superior Frontal Gyrus (6) 9,112 −2 6 50
Left Insula (13) 6,744 −32 18 6
Left Cerebellar Declive 4,592 −34 −62 −20
  Left Fusiform Gyrus (37) −46 −50 −12
Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (10) 3,608 −36 44 18
Right Frontal Lobe Subgyral (6) 3,032 26 −2 54
Right Caudate Body 2,984 16 2 12
  Right Thalamus 12 −8 14
  Right Thalamus 6 −16 2
Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus (9) 2,776 −42 4 30
Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (9) 2,480 −40 26 28
Right Cerebellar Culmen 2,352 32 −60 −24
Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (6) 1,936 −28 −4 50
Right Temporal Lobe Subgyral (37) 1,912 46 −52 −6
  Right Middle Temporal Gyrus (22) 50 −42 2
Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus (9) 1,080 44 6 32
Left Lentiform Nucleus Putamen 1,016 −20 8 4
Left Inferior Parietal Lobule (40) 864 −38 −52 40
Right Caudate Head 808 14 10 4
Right Cingulate Gyrus (32) 704 2 16 40
Left Thalamus 296 −2 −20 10
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (11) 224 26 42 −10
Left Fusiform Gyrus (19) 128 −28 −80 −12
Left Lentiform Nucleus Putamen 128 −18 −2 12
(b) Conjunction Analysis
(Flexibility, Inhibition, and Working Memory)
Left Superior Parietal Lobule (7) 1,896 −26 −64 40
Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus (9) 1,880 −38 6 28
  Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (9) −48 6 36
  Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (9) −46 14 28
  Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (9) −42 22 28
Right Inferior Parietal Lobule (39) 856 34 −62 40
  Right Precuneus (19) 30 −66 44
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (6) 576 34 8 42
  Right Precentral Gyrus (9) 40 8 36
Left Inferior Parietal Lobule (40) 568 −38 −52 44
Left Superior Frontal Gyrus (6) 528 −8 10 48
  Left Cingulate Gyrus (32) −6 18 42
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (46) 432 40 26 22

Results of the conjunction analysis (shown in green in Fig. 1; see also Table 3b) across the three domains for which the data from more than nine studies were available (flexibility, inhibition, and working memory) revealed similar patterns of common activation in cognitive-control-related frontal and parietal regions, including the DLPFC (BAs 9, 46), anterior cingulate (BA 32), inferior (BAs 39, 40) and superior (BA 7) parietal lobe, and precuneus (BA 19). The results of these analyses can be examined through an interactive viewer at

Domain-specific within-group analysis


For tasks that examined flexibility, similar patterns of activation were observed in frontal and parietal regions supporting the cognitive control network (see Fig. 2 and Table 4), including the DLPFC (BAs 9, 46), cingulate (BAs 32, 24), as well as superior (BA 7) and inferior (BA 40) parietal lobe. Activation was also observed in additional prefrontal (BAs 6, 10, 11), occipital (BA 19), and temporal (BAs 13, 37) regions.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Domain-specific analysis showing patterns of common and distinct activation across the working memory (red; 78 studies), inhibition (green; 79 studies), flexibility (blue; 21 studies), and initiation (yellow; 9 studies) domains

Table 4.

Brain regions (Brodmann areas in parentheses) with significant activation within healthy adults for tasks within the flexibility domain

Brain Region (BA) Volume (mm3) x y z
Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus (9) 6,472 −38 6 28
  Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (46) −46 18 24
  Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (9) −50 6 36
  Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (46) −42 26 16
Left Superior Parietal Lobule (7) 6,328 −26 −62 44
  Left Inferior Parietal Lobule (40) −36 −54 42
  Left Precuneus (19) −26 −78 32
Right Precuneus (19) 2,648 32 −64 42
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (6) 1,176 34 8 44
  Right Precentral Gyrus (9) 40 8 36
  Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus (9) 40 10 24
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (46) 856 40 26 22
  Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (9) 28 24 30
Left Superior Frontal Gyrus (6) 688 −8 10 48
  Left Cingulate Gyrus (32) −6 18 42
Right Cingulate Gyrus (24) 584 4 −8 44
  Right Medial Frontal Gyrus (6) 6 0 48
Left Fusiform Gyrus (19) 544 −38 −68 −14
  Left Cerebellar Declive −38 −68 −18
Left Cuneus (17) 544 −10 −92 8
Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (10) 464 −32 52 10
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (11) 408 22 46 −12
  Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (10) 28 50 −8
Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (11) 408 −26 48 −12
Left Inferior Occipital Gyrus (18) 368 −32 −82 −2
Right Insula (13) 344 32 18 8
Left Cerebellar Declive 328 −20 −78 −16
Left Cingulate Gyrus (32) 296 0 26 36
Right Lentiform Nucleus Putamen 272 20 0 14
  Right Caudate Body 10 4 16
Left Postcentral Gyrus (2) 240 −42 −24 30
Right Cerebellar Declive 208 12 −78 −14
Right Medial Frontal Gyrus (6) 208 18 −10 52
Right Cuneus (18) 152 24 −76 16
  Right Precuneus (31) 22 −70 24
Left Middle Occipital Gyrus (18) 144 −18 −86 16
Left Lingual Gyrus (18) 136 −4 −90 −8
Right Temporal Lobe Sub-Gyral (37) 104 50 −48 −10
Left Paracentral Lobule (6) 104 −6 −24 52


As is shown in Fig. 2 (see Table 5), tasks that require inhibition were associated with activation in frontal and parietal cognitive-control-related regions, including DLPFC (BAs 9, 46), ACC (BA 32), and superior (BA 7) and inferior (BA 40) parietal lobe. Such tasks also elicited activation in other prefrontal (BAs 6, 10), occipital (BA 19), and temporal (BA 13) regions. Activation of subcortical regions included the caudate, thalamus, putamen, and cerebellar declive.

Table 5.

Brain regions (Brodmann areas in parentheses) with significant activation within healthy adults for tasks within the inhibition domain

Brain Region (BA) Volume (mm3) x y z
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (9) 20,464 46 20 28
  Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (46) 40 32 24
  Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (9) 38 28 32
  Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus (9) 46 6 32
  Right Precentral Gyrus (9) 38 6 38
  Right Claustrum 32 16 2
  Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus (47) 34 26 0
  Right Precentral Gyrus (44) 50 10 8
  Right Lentiform Nucleus Putamen 16 2 10
  Right Lentiform Nucleus Putamen 16 8 2
Left Medial Frontal Gyrus (6) 15,872 0 −2 56
  Left Medial Frontal Gyrus (32) 0 10 46
Left Precentral Gyrus (9) 13,368 −42 4 32
  Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (6) −28 −4 50
  Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (9) −40 28 32
  Left Insula (13) −36 12 4
  Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (46) −38 30 12
Right Inferior Parietal Lobule (40) 8,720 38 −48 46
  Right Precuneus (7) 18 −68 42
  Right Supramarginal Gyrus (40) 48 −44 34
  Right Cuneus (7) 20 −74 32
  Right Cuneus (19) 28 –76 26
  Right Angular Gyrus (39) 34 −60 38
  Right Superior Temporal Gyrus (13) 52 −44 20
Left Precuneus (19) 4,160 –28 −62 38
  Left Precuneus (7) −20 −70 42
  Left Precuneus (7) –18 −64 48
  Left Precuneus (7) –12 –72 34
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (6) 3,056 24 −6 52
Left Inferior Parietal Lobule (40) 2,408 −44 −44 40
Left Lentiform Nucleus Putamen 912 −18 8 4
  Left Caudate Body –16 2 14
Left Thalamus Mammillary Body 520 −12 −20 0
Right Thalamus 456 12 −10 14
Right Superior Frontal Gyrus (10) 376 34 50 20
  Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (10) 30 42 18
Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus (10) 304 38 46 4
Right Inferior Occipital Gyrus (19) 232 40 −72 0
Left Inferior Occipital Gyrus (19) 216 −38 −74 0
Right Lingual Gyrus (18) 200 10 −82 −4
Left Parahippocampal Gyrus (19) 192 −18 −52 −6
Right Thalamus 176 6 −18 0
Left Cerebellar Declive 160 −34 −62 −20
Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (10) 160 −34 46 18
Right Superior Frontal Gyrus (9) 160 22 40 34

Working memory

Working memory tasks elicited the common pattern of frontal–parietal activation associated with the cognitive control network (see Fig. 2 and Table 6), including the DLPFC (BAs 9, 46), cingulate (BAs 32, 24), and parietal lobe (BAs 7, 40). A consistent pattern of activation was also observed in prefrontal (BAs 6, 10), occipital (BA 19), temporal (BAs 13, 37), and subcortical (thalamus, caudate, putamen, cerebellar declive) regions.

Table 6.

Brain regions (Brodmann areas in parentheses) with significant activation within healthy adults within the working memory

Brain Region (BA) Volume (mm3) x y z
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (9) 103,712 38 30 28
  Left Superior Frontal Gyrus (6) −2 6 52
  Right Frontal Lobe Sub-Gyral (6) 26 2 54
  Left Cingulate Gyrus (32) 0 16 40
  Right Insula (13) 32 20 6
  Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus (9) −44 6 26
  Left Precentral Gyrus (6) −46 0 36
  Left Insula (13) −32 18 6
  Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus (9) 44 6 32
  Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (6) −26 −4 50
  Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (9) −40 28 28
  Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (10) −36 42 20
  Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (46) −42 16 24
  Left Lentiform Nucleus Putamen −18 −4 12
  Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus (47) 44 18 −2
  Left Precentral Gyrus (44) −48 14 8
  Left Lentiform Nucleus Putamen −22 8 4
  Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (10) −28 54 4
  Left Cingulate Gyrus (24) 0 −2 36
  Left Precentral Gyrus (6) −60 2 14
Right Inferior Parietal Lobule (40) 8,896 40 −50 40
  Right Cuneus (19) 28 −76 30
Right Precuneus (7) 8,152 10 −66 46
Left Cerebellar Declive 3,320 −36 −58 −20
  Left Fusiform Gyrus (37) −44 −52 −14
  Left Cerebellar Declive −38 −70 −14
Right Cerebellar Tuber 3,056 34 −60 −30
Left Thalamus 864 −4 −20 12
  Right Thalamus 8 −14 4
Left Inferior Parietal Lobule (40) 728 −38 −50 40
Right Cerebellar Declive 448 2 −64 −22
Right Caudate Caudate Body 264 16 −6 20

Other domains

Domain-specific analyses for the planning and vigilance domains were not possible, due to the small number of studies available for inclusion within the ALE analysis (four and two studies, respectively). Although the number of studies for the initiation domain was also small (n = 9), the results are presented here as a preliminary analysis of site-specific activation within this domain. In contrast to the pattern of frontal–parietal activation observed in the other three domains, initiation tasks were associated with a pattern of activation primarily in frontal regions, including the DLPFC (BA 46), middle (BA 10) and inferior (BA 47) frontal, anterior cingulate (BA 32), and motor (BA 6) regions, with no observed activation in parietal regions (see Fig. 2, Table 7). Activation was also observed in the superior (BA 21) and middle (BA 22) temporal, occipital (BA 17), and subcortical (putamen, caudate, cerebellar declive and culmen) regions, in a manner similar to other executive domains.

Table 7.

Preliminary data for brain regions (Brodmann areas in parentheses) with significant activation within healthy adults for tasks within the initiation domain

Brain Region (BA) Volume (mm3) x y z
Left Cingulate Gyrus (32) 6,064 −6 18 32
  Right Cingulate Gyrus (32) 4 14 38
  Right Cingulate Gyrus (32) 2 22 30
Left Middle Frontal Gyrus (46) 4,160 −42 26 20
  Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus (46) −42 38 12
  Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus (45) −50 20 4
  Left Precentral Gyrus (44) −46 12 8
Left Middle Temporal Gyrus (21) 904 −60 −58 0
Right Cerebellar Declive 632 22 −76 −16
Right Cerebellar Culmen 584 6 −36 2
Left Cerebellar Declive 504 −34 −64 −22
Right Occipital Lobe Lingual Gyrus (17) 472 2 −84 6
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (46) 384 42 32 18
Left Superior Temporal Gyrus (22) 352 −60 −56 18
Right Claustrum 344 26 20 2
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus (11) 312 26 38 −6
Left Lentiform Nucleus Putamen 216 −20 10 4
Right Caudate Body 160 14 4 14
Right Medial Frontal Gyrus (6) 128 2 36 34
Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus (45) 120 −36 24 4


Using a meta-analytic approach, we examined 193 neuroimaging studies of tasks divided according to classic executive function domains, creating the largest sample of healthy adults to date. We sought to provide evidence that discrete executive functions (initiation, inhibition, working memory, flexibility, planning, and vigilance) are supported by a shared, superordinate network that has been previously associated with cognitive control. Results of the combined analysis across domains showed that executive functions are indeed associated with increased activity in this common cognitive control network (Bellebaum & Daum, 2007; Botvinick et al., 2001; Carter et al., 1999; Cohen et al., 2000; D’Esposito & Postle, 2002; Yarkoni et al., 2005), which includes the DLPFC (BAs 9, 46), frontopolar cortex (BA 10), orbitofrontal cortex (BA 11), and anterior cingulate (BA 32). Additional concurrent regions of activation included the superior and inferior parietal (BAs 7, 40), occipital (BA 19), and temporal (BAs 13, 22, 37) cortex, as well as subcortical areas including the caudate, putamen, thalamus, and cerebellum. These conclusions were further supported by a conjunction analysis across the three domains in which data from more than nine studies were available (flexibility, inhibition, and working memory), which revealed a similar pattern of common activation in cognitive-control-related frontal and parietal regions. Although the present analysis did not directly examine the functional connectivity of these brain regions during each task, previous studies of cognitive control (Fornito et al., 2011; Yoon et al., 2008) have consistently shown task-related increases in functional connectivity between the DLPFC and the network of brain regions shown here.

These results provide additional evidence that a superordinate cognitive control network supports executive functions across a range of “domains” previously considered to be distinct, including flexibility, working memory, initiation, and inhibition. As proposed by Miller and Cohen (2001), it has been common to stress the distributed nature of the network that supports cognitive control functions, as well as the unique functional contributions by specific regions within the network. Within this framework, elements of the network may be differentially engaged, depending on the task demands. For example, previous studies (Spreng, Stevens, Chamberlain, Gilmore, & Schacter, 2010; Vincent, Kahn, Snyder, Raichle, & Buckner, 2008) have shown that the frontoparietal control network is engaged across multiple goal-directed activities, flexibly engaging the default-mode network to support autobiographical planning, or engaging the dorsal attention network to support visual spatial planning. Similarly, demands for specific goal- or task-context-related activity may be associated with stronger engagement of the PFC, and demands for maintaining information over longer periods of time may lead to more sustained network activity (Dosenbach et al., 2006; Yarkoni, Barch, Gray, Conturo, & Braver, 2009). Its connectivity with sensory and motor regions, including the cerebellum, allows the DLPFC to play a central role in the maintenance of the rules for action, as well as response selection and inhibition (Asaad, Rainer, & Miller, 2000; Bellebaum & Daum, 2007; Watanabe, 1990, 1992). The ACC and related medial frontal regions are considered to support cognitive control by detecting conditions, such as processing conflicts, that indicate the demand for control, which then leads to the engagement of the DLPFC (Egner & Hirsch, 2005; Kerns et al., 2005; MacDonald, Cohen, Stenger, & Carter, 2000). Furthermore, parietal activation is considered to provide the DLPFC with information on stimulus salience and learned stimulus–response pairings, while the DLPFC is thought to support its ability to shift attentional focus according to the demands of the task at hand (Bunge, Hazeltine, Scanlon, Rosen, & Gabrieli, 2002; Bunge, Kahn, Wallis, Miller, & Wagner, 2003; Miller & Cohen, 2001; Posner & Petersen, 1990).

Within the cognitive control network, it is likely that network-level subdivisions also exist and may be differentially engaged in the same manner. For example, Dosenbach, Fair, Cohen, Schlaggar, and Petersen (2008) proposed discrete circuits within this broader network that support task-sustained versus transient aspects of control, and that these networks may be differentially engaged across different forms of executive functions. Similarly, Braver, Paxton, Locke, and Barch (2009) emphasized that cognitive control has proactive and reactive elements. Proactive control may also depend more on sustained activity in the cognitive control network and, to the degree that these systems may be segregated, they may be differentially engaged during executive functions. A study of the degree to which systematic differences exist in the engagement of discrete elements (regions or subnetworks) of the cognitive control networks across different executive function domains is beyond the resolution of this meta-analysis, and our understanding of this issue will be informed by future experimental studies, particularly those that include direct measures of intraregion connectivity or network dynamics across task demands.

While the use of quantitative meta-analytic methods allowed us to examine executive functions across a variety of tasks and domains within the largest sample of healthy adults to date, it is important to recognize that these findings are limited by the quality of the data available in the extant literature. Activation likelihood estimation requires the reporting of imaging data in three-dimensional coordinates in a standard brain space. Therefore, this analysis did not include studies in which such data were not reported for relevant contrasts (e.g., a within-subjects contrast related to the primary effect of interest in healthy controls), analyses that focused on particular regions of interest, or studies that reported negative findings, as the ALE method does not allow for the modeling of null results (Li, Chan, McAlonan, & Gong, 2010). Furthermore, the lack of appropriate contrasts, such as contrasting an active task with rest or fixation, reduced the number of studies available for inclusion within each domain. However, the use of an active control condition is essential in order to isolate the cognitive process of interest in subtraction contrasts (Stark & Squire, 2001). Our approach to this analysis integrated findings from both fMRI and O15 PET studies, and the ALE method does not account for the potential influence of the different physiological signals associated with these two methods. Additionally, this method does not account for differences in behavioral performance across tasks or the influence of demographic factors, although the sample was restricted to studies that examined a specific age range (18–60 years). While all available studies within the BrainMap database were considered for this analysis, studies that were not included in the database at the time of the analysis have been omitted. Furthermore, this meta-analytic method does not allow for the weighting of results on the basis of levels of statistical significance or the numbers of activation foci that may have been reported by some studies within this investigation (Li, Chan, McAlonan, & Gong, 2010). Although Gaussian blurring of the coordinates will have tended to remove per-study bias of the peak activation localizations, noise within the data might have influenced the study results (M. G. Berman et al., 2010). Finally, our definition of executive functions was based on a traditional view that is often used in cognitive or neuropsychological research (Lezak, 1995; Luria, 1970; Shallice, 1988), and the use of other definitions might have altered the domains examined.

In conclusion, the present study used the meta-analysis of a very large number of published fMRI data sets to examine whether traditional taxonomies of executive functions purporting discrete modular cognitive domains are supported by a superordinate cognitive control system that is engaged during the performance of a range of executive function tasks. Our results suggest that a frontal–cingulate–parietal–subcortical cognitive control network is consistently recruited across a range of traditional executive function tasks. Further research investigating the contributions of modular (e.g., prefrontal) versus shared elements (e.g., frontal–parietal connectivity) of the cognitive control network will inform our understanding of common and unique patterns of impairment in traditional executive functions that are often associated with various brain disorders. Novel approaches to investigating the function of different component systems using single methodologies (e.g., resting state; Deshpande, Santhanam, & Hu, 2011) or combined methodologies (e.g., EEG and fMRI; Debener et al., 2005) have the potential to elucidated the complex brain dynamics underlying cognitive control. Further studies will be needed to make explicit the precise functional contributions of each individual element of the cognitive control network, as well as to understand the complex interactions between network nodes to support coordinated, goal-directed behavior. Through increased understanding of the function of modular components within this network, along with their anatomical connections and functional interactions, we will be able to more effectively investigate the mechanisms by which aberrant behavior or clinical symptoms may result from dysfunction in individual regions or in their connectivity within the broader network (Menon, 2011). Additional research on the relationship between various imaging modalities (e.g., resting state, task-related fMRI, or diffusion tensor imaging) will also help us to uncover ways in which discrete brain systems interact to support complex cognition and behavior.


The authors acknowledge the National Institute of Mental Health for its support via Grants K23MH087708 to T.A.N., R01MH074457 to A.R.L., R01MH078143 and R01MH083824 to D. C.G., and 2R01MH059883 and 1R24MH081807 to C.S.C. The authors also thank the various researchers who responded to inquires about their sample demographics during the course of this analysis.


The authors do not have any conflicts of interest to report in relation to this publication.

Contributor Information

Tara A. Niendam, Email:, Imaging Research Center, University of California, Davis, 4701 X Street, Suite E, Sacramento, CA 95817, USA.

Angela R. Laird, Research Imaging Institute, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, USA

Kimberly L. Ray, Research Imaging Institute, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, USA

Y. Monica Dean, Imaging Research Center, University of California, Davis, 4701 X Street, Suite E, Sacramento, CA 95817, USA.

David C. Glahn, Olin Neuropsychiatric Research Center, Institute of Living, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA.

Cameron S. Carter, Imaging Research Center, University of California, Davis, 4701 X Street, Suite E, Sacramento, CA 95817, USA


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