The Pearson test statistic is constructed by partitioning the data into bins and computing the difference between the observed and expected counts in these bins. If the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the original data is used, the statistic generally does not follow a chi-squared distribution or any explicit distribution. We propose a bootstrap-based modification of the Pearson test statistic to recover the chi-squared distribution. We compute the observed and expected counts in the partitioned bins by using the MLE obtained from a bootstrap sample. This bootstrap-sample MLE adjusts exactly the right amount of randomness to the test statistic, and recovers the chi-squared distribution. The bootstrap chi-squared test is easy to implement, as it only requires fitting exactly the same model to the bootstrap data to obtain the corresponding MLE, and then constructs the bin counts based on the original data. We examine the test size and power of the new model diagnostic procedure using simulation studies and illustrate it with a real data set.
Keywords: Asymptotic distribution, bootstrap sample, hypothesis testing, maximum likelihood estimator, model diagnostics
1. Introduction
The model goodness-of-fit test is an important component of model fitting, because model misspecification may cause severe bias and even lead to incorrect inference. The classical Pearson chi-squared test can be traced back to the pioneering work of Pearson (1900). Since then, various model selection and diagnostic tests have been proposed in the literature (Claeskens and Hjort, 2008). In contrast to model selection which concerns multiple models under consideration and eventually selects the best fitting model among them, model diagnostic tests are constructed for a single model, and the goal is to examine whether the model fits the data adequately. The commonly used criterion-based model selection procedures include the Akaike information criterion (AIC) by Akaike (1973) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC), which, however, cannot be used for testing the fit of a single model. For model diagnostics, a common practice is to plot the model residuals versus the predictive outcomes. If the model fits the data adequately, we expect the residuals would be fluctuating around the zero axis, which can thus be used as a graphical checking tool for model misspecification. More sophisticated statistical tests may be constructed based on the partial or cumulative sum of residuals (for example, see Su and Wei, 1991; Stute, Manteiga and Quindimilm, 1998; and Stute and Zhu, 2002).
The classical Pearson chi-squared test statistic is constructed by computing the expected and observed counts in the partitioned bins (Pearson, 1900). More specifically, let (y1, … , yn) denote a random sample from the distribution Fβ0(y), where β0 is the true parameter characterizing the distribution function. We are interested in examining whether the sample is from Fβ0(y); that is, the null hypothesis is H0 : Fβ0(y) is the true distribution for the observed data, and the alternative is H1 : Fβ0(y) is not the true distribution for the observed data. In the Pearson test, we first partition the sample space into K nonoverlapping bins, and let pk denote the probability assigned to bin k, for k = 1, … , K. When the true parameter value β0 is known, we can easily count the number of observations falling into each prespecified bin. We denote the observed count for bin k as mk. The Pearson goodness-of-fit test statistic takes the form of
(1.1) |
which asymptotically follows the distribution under the null hypothesis. We may replace the expected counts npk in the denominator of (1.1) by the observed counts mk,
(1.2) |
which is asymptotically equivalent to Q1(β0), and also follows the distribution.
However, the true parameter β0 is often unknown in practice. As a consequence, we need to estimate β0 in order to construct the bin probabilities or bin counts. For non-regression settings with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) data, Chernoff and Lehmann (1954) showed that using the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of β0 based on the original data, , the test statistic does not follow a χ2 distribution or any explicit known distribution. In particular, we denote the corresponding estimates for the bin probabilities by , and define
Generally speaking, does not follow a χ2 distribution asymptotically, but it stochastically lies between two χ2 distributions with different degrees of freedom. This feature of the Pearson-type χ2 test weakens its generality and limits its applicability to a variety of regression models for which the maximum likelihood estimation procedure dominates. Although some numerical procedures can be used to approximate the null distribution, but they are typically quite computationally intensive (e.g., see Imhof, 1961; and Ali, 1984). If we apply the maximum likelihood estimation to the grouped data and denote the corresponding MLE as , then
asymptotically follows a distribution with r indicating the dimensionality of β. More recently, Johnson (2004) took a Bayesian approach to constructing a χ2 test statistic in the form of
(1.3) |
where is a sample from the posterior distribution of β. In the Bayesian χ2 test, the partition is constructed as follows. We prespecify 0 ≡ s0 < s1 < ⋯ < sK 1, and let pk = sk − sk−1, and let be the count of yi's satisfying , for i = 1, … , n. Johnson (2004) showed that is asymptotically distributed as regardless of the dimensionality of β. Intuitively, by generating a posterior sample , , recovers the χ2 distribution and the degrees of freedom that are lost due to computing the MLE of β. However, the Bayesian χ2 test requires implementation of the usual Monte Carlo Markov chain (MCMC) procedure, which is computationally intensive and also depends on the prior distribution of β. In particular, the prior distribution on β must be noninformative. A major class of noninformative prior distributions are improper priors, which, however, may lead to improper posteriors. If some informative prior distribution is used for β, the asymptotic χ2 distribution of may be distorted, i.e., is sensitive to the prior distribution of β. In addition, the Pearson-type statistic is largely based on the frequentist maximum likelihood approach, and thus combining a Bayesian posterior sample with the Pearson test is not natural. As a result, cannot be generally used in the classical maximum likelihood framework. Johnson (2007) further developed Bayesian model assessment using pivotal quantities along the similar direction in the Bayesian paradigm.
Our goal is to overcome the dependence of on the prior distribution and further expand the Pearson-type goodness-of-fit test to regression models in the classical maximum likelihood paradigm. We propose a bootstrap χ2 test to evaluate model fitting, which is easy to implement, and does not require tedious computations other than calculating the MLE of the model parameter by fitting exactly the same model to a bootstrap sample of the original data. The new test statistic maintains the elegance of the Pearson-type formulation, as the right amount of randomness is produced as a whole set through a bootstrap sample to recover the classical χ2 test. The proposed bootstrap χ2 test does not require intensive MCMC sampling, and also it is more objective because it does not depend on any prior distribution. Moreover, it is more natural to combine the bootstrap procedure with the classical maximum likelihood estimation in the Pearson test, in contrast to using a posterior sample in the Bayesian paradigm.
The rest of this article is organized as follows. In Section 2, we propose the bootstrap χ2 goodness-of-fit test using the MLE of the model parameter obtained from a bootstrap sample of the data, and derive the asymptotic distribution for the test statistic. In Section 3, we conduct simulation studies to examine the bootstrap χ2 test in terms of the test size and statistical power, and also illustrate the proposed method using a real data example. Section 4 gives concluding remarks, and technical details are outlined in the appendix.
2. Pearson χ2 test with bootstrap
Let (yi, Zi) denote the i.i.d. data for i = 1, … , n, where yi is the outcome of interest and Zi is the r-dimensional covariate vector for subject i. For ease of exposition, we take the generalized linear model (GLM) to characterize the association between yi and Zi (McCullagh and Nelder, 1989). It is well known that GLMs are suitable for modeling a broad range of data structures, including both continuous and categorical data (e.g., binary or Poisson count data). We assume that the density function of yi is from an exponential family in the form of
(2.1) |
where θi is a location parameter, ϕ is a scalar dispersion parameter, and ai(·), b(·) and c(·) are known functions. The linear predictor ηi = βT Zi can be linked with θi through a monotone differentiable function h(·), i.e., θi = h(ηi). This is a standard formulation of the GLM, with E(yi|Zi) = b′(θi) and Var(yi|Zi) = b″(θi)ai(ϕ), where b′(·) and b″(·) represent the first and second derivatives, respectively.
We are interested in testing whether the model in (2.1) fit the observed data adequately. We illustrate the bootstrap χ2 test under the GLM framework as follows. We first take a simple random sample with replacement from the observed data {(yi, Zi), i = 1, … , n}, and denote the bootstrap sample as . We then fit the original regression model to the bootstrap sample and obtain the MLE of β, denoted as β*. We partition the range of [0, 1] into K intervals, 0 ≡ s0 < s1 < ⋯ < sK 1, with pk = sk − sk−1. Based on the original data {(yi, Zi), i = 1, … , n} and β*, we then compute the Pearson-type bin counts for each partition. Let mk(β*) denote the number of subjects satisfying Fβ* (yi|Zi) ∈ [sk−1, sk), where Fβ(yi|Zi) is the cumulative distribution function corresponding to f(yi|Zi) in (2.1). That is
and then we define
(2.2) |
The proposed bootstrap chi-squared statistic QBoot(β*) has the following asymptotic property.
Theorem 2.1. Under the regularity conditions in the appendix, QBoot(β*) asymptotically converges to a chi-squared distribution with K − 1 degrees of freedom, , under the null hypothesis.
We outline the key steps of the proof in the appendix. For continuous distributions, mk(β*) in (2.2) can be obtained in a straightforward way. However, if the data are from a discrete distribution, the corresponding distribution function F(·) is a step function. In this case, we replace the step function with a piecewise linear function that connects the jump points, and redefine Fβ* (yi|Zi) to be a uniform distribution between the two adjacent endpoints of the line segment. In particular, for binary data we define
where β* is the MLE for a bootstrap sample under the logistic regression. If yi = 0, then we take Fβ* (yi|Zi) to be a uniform draw from ; and if yi = 1, we take Fβ* (yi|Zi) to be a uniform draw from . In the Poisson regression, for each given subject with (yi, Zi), we can calculate the Poisson mean based on the bootstrap sample MLE β*. We then take Fβ* (yi|Zi) as a uniform draw from , where
In the proposed goodness-of-fit test, the MLE of β needs to be calculated only once based on one bootstrap sample, and thus computation is not heavier than the classical Pearson chi-squared test. On the other hand, the test result depends on one particular bootstrap sample, which can be different for different bootstrap samples. Ideally, we may eliminate the randomness by calculating , where the expectation is taken over all the bootstrap samples conditional on the original data. In practice, we may take a large number of bootstrap samples, and for each of them we construct a chi-squared test statistic. Although these chi-squared values are correlated, the averaged chi-squared test statistic may provide an approximation to .
In terms of empirical distribution functions, Durbin (1973) and Stephens (1978) studied the half-sample method and random substitution for goodness-offit tests for distributional assumptions. In particular, using the randomly chosen half of the samples without replacement, the same distribution can be obtained as if the true parameters are known. Nevertheless, our bootstrap procedure not only examines the distributional assumptions, but it also checks the mean structure of the model.
3. Numerical studies
3.1. Simulations
We carried out simulation studies to examine the finite sample properties of the proposed bootstrap χ2 goodness-of-fit test. We focused on the GLMs by simulating data from the linear model, the Poisson regression model, and the logistic model, respectively. We took the number of partitions K = 5 and the sample sizes n = 50, 100, and 200. For each model, we independently generated two covariates: the first covariate Z1 was a continuous variable from the standard normal distribution and the second Z2 was a Bernoulli variable taking a value of 0 or 1 with an equal probability of 0.5. We set the intercept β0 = 0.2, and the two slopes corresponding to Z1 and Z2, β1 = 0.5 and β2 = −0.5. Under the linear regression model,
(3.1) |
we simulated the error term from a normal distribution with mean zero and variance 0.01 under the null hypothesis. The Poisson log-linear regression model took the form of
where Z1 and Z2 were generated in the same way as those in the linear model. The logistic model assumed the success probability p in the form of
and all the rest of setups are the same as before. We conducted 1,000 simulations under each configuration.
The simulation results evaluating the test levels are summarized in Table 1. We can see that for each of the five prespecified significance levels of α = 0.01 up to 0.5, the bootstrap χ2 test clearly maintains the type I error rate under each model. As the sample size increases, the test sizes become closer to the corresponding nominal levels. Figure 1 exhibits the quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plots under each modeling structure with n = 100. Clearly, the proposed bootstrap χ2 test recovers the χ2 distribution, as all of the Q-Q plots using the MLE from a bootstrap sample closely match the straight diagonal lines. This demonstrates that the proposed bootstrap χ2 test performed well with finite sample sizes. We also computed the classical Pearson test statistic when using the MLE calculated from the original data. The corresponding Q-Q plots are presented in Figure 1 as well. The Pearson test statistics using the original data MLE are lower than the expected quantiles. This confirms the findings by Chernoff and Lehmann (1954) and also extends their conclusions for the i.i.d. case to the general regression models.
Table 1.
Test sizes of the proposed bootstrap χ2 goodness-of-fit test with K = 5 at different significance levels of α, under the null hypothesis: linear, Poisson and logistic models, respectively
Model | n | α = 0.01 | α = 0.05 | α = 0.1 | α = 0.25 | α = 0.5 |
Linear | 50 | 0.013 | 0.047 | 0.095 | 0.249 | 0.522 |
100 | 0.006 | 0.057 | 0.094 | 0.239 | 0.483 | |
200 | 0.006 | 0.038 | 0.096 | 0.245 | 0.483 | |
Poisson | 50 | 0.012 | 0.048 | 0.010 | 0.267 | 0.557 |
100 | 0.010 | 0.052 | 0.109 | 0.250 | 0.479 | |
200 | 0.005 | 0.042 | 0.091 | 0.245 | 0.488 | |
Logistic | 50 | 0.014 | 0.047 | 0.098 | 0.286 | 0.542 |
100 | 0.010 | 0.051 | 0.102 | 0.260 | 0.512 | |
200 | 0.009 | 0.058 | 0.104 | 0.253 | 0.495 |
Fig 1.
Quantile-quantile plots for the bootstrap χ2 test statistics with sample size n = 100 and K = 5 (“circle” representing the proposed statistics based on the bootstrap sample MLE, and “+” representing the classical Pearson statistics based on the original data MLE): (a) the linear regression model; (b) the Poisson log-linear model; and (c) the logistic model.
We further examined the power of the proposed bootstrap χ2 test by simulating data from the alternative hypothesis. Under the linear model, we simulated the error terms from a student t(2) distribution with two degrees of freedom, i.e., ∊ ~ t(2) in model (3.1). The covariates were generated similarly to those in the null case. We took the number of partitions K = 5, the sample size n = 150, and conducted 1,000 simulations. Under the linear model with the t(2) error, the power of our χ2 test was 0.893. In another simulation with the linear model, we generated data from an alternative model with an extra quadratic term of covariate Z1, that is,
while the null model is still given by (3.1). The power of the proposed χ2 test was 0.817 for γ = 0.15, and 0.940 for γ = 0.2.
Similarly, for the Poisson regression model, we added an extra quadratic term in the Poisson mean function under the alternative model, that is,
If γ = 0.5, the power of our χ2 test was 0.829, and if γ = 0.6, the power increased to 0.962. We also examined the case where the alternative model was from a negative binomial distribution but with the same mean as that of the Poisson mean. In particular, we took the mean of the negative binomial distribution μ = exp(β0 +β1Z1 +β2Z2) and the negative binomial parameter p = r/(r +μ). The probability mass function of the negative binomial distribution is given by
which converges to a Poisson distribution (the null model), as r → ∞. When r = 0.7, the power of our chi-squared test was 0.838, and when r = 0.8, the corresponding power was 0.783.
Finally, we examined the test power for the logistic regression model using the proposed χ2 test. Under the alternative hypothesis, we added a quadratic term in the logistic model,
where Z1 was simulated from a uniform distribution on (1, 2) and Z2 was still a binary covariate. As γ = 0 corresponded to the null model, we took γ = 0.4 to yield a power of 0.897 for our test, and γ = 0.5 to have a power of 0.976. We also examined a different modeling structure by taking p = Ψ(β0 + β1Z1 + β2Z2), where Ψ(·) is the cumulative distribution function of an exponential distribution. Under this alternative, the power of the proposed test was 0.929. Our test uses the bootstrap data MLE, which recovers the chi-squared distribution. In contrast, the Chernoff and Lehmann test statistic does not follow any explicit distribution.
3.2. Application
As an illustration, we applied the proposed goodness-of-fit test to a well-known steam data set described in Draper and Smith (1998). The steam study contained n = 25 observations measured at intervals from a steam plant. The outcome variable was the monthly use of steam, and the covariates of interest included the operating days per month and the average atmospheric temperature. The steam data set was analyzed using a linear regression model, which involved three unknown regression parameters and the variance of the errors. The linear model was claimed to be of adequate fit based on the plot of residuals versus the predicted outcomes. This was also confirmed by the Durbin-Watson test (Draper and Smith, 1998).
To quantify the model fit in a more objective way, we applied the proposed bootstrap χ2 test to examine how well the linear model fit the data from the steam study. Because the sample size was quite small, we partitioned the range of [0, 1] into 3 or 4 intervals, i.e., K = 3 or 4. We took 10,000 bootstrap samples from the original data, and for each of them, we computed the MLEs of the model parameters. Based on these MLEs, we constructed our test statistics by plugging the bootstrap sample MLEs in the Pearson-type statistic. In Figure 2, we show the histograms of the proposed and statistics for K = 3 and 4, respectively. We can see that among 10,000 bootstrap χ2 test statistics only 2.92% of the test statistics exceed the critical value at the significance level of α = 0.05 for K = 3, while 2.75% for K = 4. Our findings provided strong evidence for the model fit, and thus confirmed that the linear regression model adequately fit the steam data.
Fig 2.
Histograms of the Pearson-type goodness-of-fit test statistics for the steam data with (a) K = 3 and (b) K = 4.
4. Discussion
We have proposed a bootstrap-based modification to the classical Pearson χ2 goodness-of-fit test for regression models, which is a major extension of the work of Chernoff and Lehmann (1954) and Johnson (2004). The new procedure replaces the classical MLE from the original data by the MLE from a bootstrap sample. Using the MLE of a bootstrap sample adjusts the right amount of randomness to the test statistic. Not only does the proposed method restore the degrees of freedom, but also the χ2 distribution itself, which would have been a nonstandard distribution lying between two χ2 distributions with different degrees of freedom. Our simulation studies have shown that the proposed test statistic performs well with small sample sizes, and increasingly so as the sample size increases.
Compared with the well-known Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC), we may use the averaged value of the chi-squared statistics computed from a large number of bootstrap samples for model selection or comparison. A smaller value of the averaged chi-squared statistic indicates a better fitting model. It is worth noting that there is no scale associated with the AIC and BIC statistics, thus they are not meaningful alone. In other words, the AIC and the BIC by themselves do not provide any information on the goodness-of-fit of a single model, and they are only interpretable when comparing two or more competing models. In contrast, not only can our averaged bootstrap χ2 statistic be used for model comparison or model selection, but also it is closely related to the χ2 distribution, and as an approximation, one would know how well a model fits the data based on the corresponding χ2 distribution. That is, the proposed test can be used for both model diagnostic and model selection at the same time. For example, a very large value of the averaged value for a small K may shed doubt on the model fit.
For the i.i.d. data, the minimum χ2 statistic estimates the unknown parameter β by minimizing the χ2 statistic or maximizing the grouped-data likelihood (Cramér, 1946). The minimum χ2 statistic may not be directly applicable in regression settings due to difficulties involved in grouping the data with regression models. Also, it is challenging to generalize the proposed bootstrap Pearson-type statistic to censored data with commonly used semiparametric Cox proportional hazards model in survival analysis (Cox, 1972; Akritas, 1988; and Akritas and Torbeyns, 1997). Future research is warranted along these directions.
We thank Professor Valen Johnson for many helpful and stimulating discussions, and also thank referees for their comments. Yin's research was supported by a grant (Grant No. 784010) from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong. Ma's research was supported by a US NSF grant.
Appendix A: Proof of Theorem 2.1
We assume the conditions (a)-(d) in Cramér (1946, pp. 426-427), and the regularity conditions in Chernoff and Lehmann (1954, p. 581). The conditions in Cramér (1946) are sufficient to prove the χ2 distribution when using the grouped data MLE. We essentially require the likelihood to be a smooth function of the parameter, the information in the sample increases with the sample size, and the third-order (partial) derivatives of the density function exist. Let β0 be the true value of the parameter β, let be the MLE of β based on the original observations, and let β* be the MLE of β based on the bootstrap sample. Denote
Let , define , , , , and bk = tk − tk−1.
We have that
(A.1) |
If we follow the notation of (5) in Chernoff and Lehmann (1954), then . We first analyze the term , by writing
The remaining term is of the same order as the standard deviation of , which takes the value of 0 with probability , and the value of 1 or −1 with probability . Thus, we can further write
We now show that bk−pk can be approximated by , in the classical MLE construction. Note that . Denoting
we have that
Thus, , and
where is defined in (7) of Chernoff and Lehmann (1954).
We now consider the first term in (A.1). Following the bootstrap principle, the conditional distribution of this term should be the same as that of the second one. We show that in fact the two terms are identically distributed as n → ∞, and they are independent. As an intermediate result, we have already established that
Following a similar derivation, we have that
Note that G1(β0, β0, sk) − G1(β0, β0, sk−1) is a nonrandom quantity. As n → ∞, converges to a normal distribution with mean zero. Conditional on , also converges to a mean zero normal distribution. In addition, and are asymptotically uncorrelated, so they are independent of each other asymptotically. Hence, we can represent the first term of (A.1) as , which is independent of and ∊k, and has the same distribution as .
Let ∊ = (∊1, … , ∊K)T, and similarly define and υ*. Now, following the notations and arguments of Chernoff and Lehmann (1954), we let the information matrix be , where D is the matrix with element for j, k = 1, … , K. Note that ∊ ~ N(0, I − qqT) asymptotically, where ,
where η ~ N(0, J*), J* is defined the same as in Chernoff and Lehmann (1954, p. 583), and η is independent of ∊. We use e and τ to denote random variables that have the same distributions as ∊ and η, respectively. Note that ∊, η, e and τ are all independent of each other. We then have that
Note that DT q = 0, var(η) = J* and . As n → ∞, (A.2) converges to a normal random vector with the variance-covariance matrix
which is the same as the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix of ∊. This completes the proof that QBoot(β*) has a distribution as n → ∞.
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