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. 2013 Apr 17;41(11):5582–5593. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt260

Models incorporating chromatin modification data identify functionally important p53 binding sites

Ji-Hyun Lim 1,2, Richard D Iggo 2,3,*, Daniel Barker 1,*
PMCID: PMC3675478  PMID: 23599002


Genome-wide prediction of transcription factor binding sites is notoriously difficult. We have developed and applied a logistic regression approach for prediction of binding sites for the p53 transcription factor that incorporates sequence information and chromatin modification data. We tested this by comparison of predicted sites with known binding sites defined by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), by the location of predictions relative to genes, by the function of nearby genes and by analysis of gene expression data after p53 activation. We compared the predictions made by our novel model with predictions based only on matches to a sequence position weight matrix (PWM). In whole genome assays, the fraction of known sites identified by the two models was similar, suggesting that there was little to be gained from including chromatin modification data. In contrast, there were highly significant and biologically relevant differences between the two models in the location of the predicted binding sites relative to genes, in the function of nearby genes and in the responsiveness of nearby genes to p53 activation. We propose that these contradictory results can be explained by PWM and ChIP data reflecting primarily biophysical properties of protein–DNA interactions, whereas chromatin modification data capture biologically important functional information.


Two mechanisms have come to dominate our understanding of gene regulation: binding of transcription factors to short DNA sequences, and binding of microRNAs to short RNA sequences. The primary information dictating the choice of binding site in both cases lies in the genomic DNA sequence. For microRNAs the detection problem is relatively simple because the binding sites must lie somewhere within the transcript, and they typically lie within an even smaller region spanning only a few hundreds or thousands of bases in the untranslated regions of the mRNA. For transcription factors, the problem is vastly more difficult because binding sites can lie over 1 Mb from the gene they regulate, although chromatin interaction analysis with pair-end tag sequencing (ChIA-PET) data for oestrogen receptor alpha (ER-α) suggest most binding sites are located within 100 kb of the gene (1). Despite the difficulty, genome-wide mapping of transcription factor binding sites is fundamental to understanding gene regulation and it remains an important goal in bioinformatics.

The p53 tumor suppressor gene (TP53) encodes a transcription factor that binds directly to DNA and activates transcription in response to a wide range of different stresses (2–4). p53 is a critical defense against cancer, and loss of p53 function through TP53 mutation occurs in more than half of all human tumors (5). p53 target genes are implicated in a wide range of functions of which the best known are cell cycle control and cell death (6). p53 binds to DNA as a dimer of dimers. Each core domain dimer binds to a decamer that is described by the palindromic regular expression pattern [AG][AG][AG]C[AT][TA]G[TC][TC][TC] (7), where ‘[AG]’, for example, matches either of the two bases ‘A’ and ‘G’. A p53 response element (RE) typically contains two decamers that are either directly adjacent or separated by a spacer up to 13 bp in length or occasionally longer (3,7).

As is typical for a transcription factor binding site, the p53 binding motif is short and degenerate. In large genomes, approximate matches to the motif are found in extremely large numbers. From the point of view of predicting functional binding sites, most of these matches are false positives. Despite decades of study covering a wide range of different transcription factors, identification of binding sites purely on the basis of sequence has not yielded predictions that could plausibly be extrapolated to a genome-wide scale. Hence, further progress in the field will almost certainly require the inclusion of additional types of information to reduce the number of false-positive predictions. Computational sequence-based approaches to predict binding sites include position weight matrices (PWMs) (8–16), hidden Markov models (17–19) and support vector machines (20,21). Compared with a simple regular expression, these more accurately represent the extent of variation at specific base positions in the binding sequence. However, the short length of the sequence still leaves a large number of false positive predictions. One promising approach for improved predictions is to combine evidence from DNA sequence with evidence as to whether the genomic location is ever likely to act as a regulatory region (20,22,23). Chromatin architecture is a critical regulator of transcription factor binding and activity. Specific histone modifying enzymes recruited by p53 directly affect gene expression (24,25). The two histone arginine methyltransferases CARM1 and PRMT1, which methylate Arg2, Arg17 and Arg26 of histone H3 and Arg3 of histone H4, have been shown to act as coactivators by directly interacting with p53 and its associated cofactor p300 (24,26). Several groups have previously attempted to incorporate histone modification data into transcription factor binding site mapping algorithms. Won et al. (23) developed a hidden Markov model–based approach, combining sequence information with chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) signals of histone modifications at promoter and enhancer regions to detect functional sequence patterns. Ernst et al. (22) described a logistic regression-based method to arrive at a ‘general binding preference’ for DNA on the basis of 29 input features, including the distance to nearest transcriptional start site, information on conservation and levels of histone modifications, followed by use of a PWM to predict which specific transcription factor is involved. However, despite success with several other transcription factors, the authors found the ability of this method to predict p53 binding sites was low (22).

In this article, we present a multiple logistic regression approach that integrates DNA sequence information and histone modification data to model p53 binding on a genome-wide scale. Unexpectedly, our combined-evidence model shows similar performance to a sequence-only (PWM) model in tests strictly limited to DNA–protein interactions, but is much better at predicting functionally important p53 binding sites.


Data for training and testing

The set of 1757 p53 binding sites used to train and test our binary logistic regression model contained 1422 sites from Smeenk et al. (27), 327 sites from Wei et al. (28) and 8 sites from Horvath et al. (29). To avoid redundancy, we deleted 123 sites from (27) because they were also present in (28). The overlap between the two main data sources is analyzed in Supplementary Table S1. To avoid overfitting when building the model, we included eight validated p53 binding sites from (29) that differed from the known p53 consensus sequence (Supplementary Table S2). For the ChIP-PET data (28), we extracted the hg17 coordinates of all clusters with three or more overlapping DNA fragments (PET-3+ clusters) from UCSC ( (30,31) via MySQL ( The genome-wide ChIP-on-chip binding data were supplied directly by the authors (27). Because these data were based on NCBI36 coordinates, we mapped them to hg17 using nucleotide–nucleotide BLAST (32) with a database of human genomic DNA from release 35 of Ensembl (33).

To determine the precise locations of binding sites within ChIP-based binding regions, we scanned the ChIP sequences for matches to PFM M01651 in the TRANSFAC database (BioBase Corporation; We split this 20-mer motif into two component half sites, and searched both strands of the DNA for matches to each half site using FIMO (34) in the MEME package (35). Two decamer half sites were regarded as a match to the full binding site if they were directly adjacent or separated by a spacer of at most 13 bp. The score of a full site was determined as the sum of the individual scores for its half sites. The full site with the highest score was selected to represent the p53 binding site within the ChIP sequence.

The 1757 p53 binding sites were split into training and testing sets. Half of the binding sites from each study were randomly taken as positive training data and the remaining half were used as positive test data. In addition, we generated the same proportion of negative data for training and testing. We generated the negative sites by randomly selecting repeat-free regions from protein-coding regions of exons within the human genome in Ensembl release 35, on the assumption that p53 binding sites are rare in coding exons (3). The length (bp) of spacer between the two half sites of each negative sequence was chosen using the ‘random_uniform_integer’ function in the Math::Random Perl module to select an integer in the range 0–13 with equal probability. Training and test data are given in Supplementary Datasets S1 and S2.

Model input

The predictor variables considered in the combined-evidence model are listed in Supplementary Table S3. For the combined-evidence model, logistic regression was used as our prediction method. This is suited to a binary response (y = 1 if a given site is a p53 binding site; y = 0 if a given site is not a p53 binding site) and reports coefficients for all predictors, allowing biological interpretation.

Histone modification ChIP-seq data for histone 3 lysine 4 monomethylation (H3K4me1), dimethylation (H3K4me2) and trimethylation (H3K4me3) in the HMEC, HUVEC, NHEK and NHLF cell strains and for H3K4me2 and H3K4me3 in the HepG2 cell line were obtained from ENCODE/Broad Institute via the UCSC Genome Browser. All four cell strains and the HepG2 cell line are known to express wild-type p53. The coordinates of the 36 589 enhancers recently predicted via chromatin signatures (36) were downloaded from the Ren Lab Web site. The hg18 coordinates of histone modifications and enhancers were converted to hg17 coordinates using the LiftOver tool on the UCSC Genome Browser (

The primary structure-based predictors considered were decamer1_score, representing FIMO score for first half site; decamer2_score, representing FIMO score for second half site; pair_score, representing FIMO score for the full binding site; and spacer, representing spacer length. Preliminary analyses were performed using binary and continuous encodings of these predictors. The non-sequence predictors considered were in_enhancer, representing full or partial overlap with enhancer chromatin signatures, and in_H3K4me1, in_H3K4me2 and in_H3K4me3, representing overlap with H3K4me1, H3K4me2 and H3K4me3 signals, respectively. Non-sequence predictors were encoded as binary variables (1 for overlap and 0 for no overlap).

The sequence-only model used a single predictor, the continuously encoded pair_score, obtained as for the combined-evidence model. This is equivalent to using the 20-mer PWM and allowing a zero-penalty gap of up to 13 bp between bases 10 and 11.

Training and testing

To avoid difficulties with complete or quasi-complete separation or numerical problems in the standard generalized linear model, which relies on maximum likelihood estimation, we used penalized likelihood (Firth logistic regression), implemented in the ‘logistf’ function in the ‘logistf’ package (37,38) in R (39). We used backward elimination, starting with a model that included the binary non-sequence predictors and continuous encoding of the primary structure-based predictors pair_score and spacer with its quadratic term (Supplementary Table S3), and sequentially removed the least important predictors (the ones with the largest P values) until no further improvement of the model could be achieved. The remaining predictor variables in the combined-evidence model had individual P values that were less than or close to 0.05, indicating some evidence of statistical significance. The final combined-evidence model was compared with the sequence-only model. We evaluated the quality of the models using the testing dataset. The maximized sum threshold (MST), which gave the best sensitivity (true positive rate or recall) and specificity (true negative rate) on the training dataset, was used as the cutoff for categorizing the predictions obtained from the testing dataset.

Location of genome-wide predictions

Starting at the first position in the genomic sequence we used a sliding window of size 20–33 bp to retrieve all pairs of potential decameric sites separated by a spacer of 0–13 bp. For each pair of such decameric sites in the human genome, we estimated the probability of being a p53 binding site based on the combined-evidence model. We identified the location of our predictions in the human genome relative to Ensembl genes that are not single-exon genes and grouped the binding sites into six categories: intragenic (all introns and exons except the first exon and intron), flanking the transcription start site (TSS) (first intron, first exon and 5 kb upstream of TSS), 5 kb downstream (5 kb downstream of last exon), 5–25 kb downstream, 5–25 kb upstream and intergenic regions. A distinction between protein coding region and untranslated region was not made. The categories were based on (27) with the exception that we did not merge 5–25 kb downstream and 5–25 kb upstream regions together as one classification group. G tests were used to compare the distribution of sets of predictions across these genomic categories, between each prediction set and expectations from the proportions of the genome in each category, between pairs of prediction sets, and between positive training data and prediction sets.

The predicted p53 binding sites were assigned to their nearest genes using the Ensembl Perl API (Ensembl release 35). If a prediction was located within the transcribed region of a gene, that gene was considered as the nearest gene. If not within a transcribed region, the prediction was determined to have two nearest genes, one up- and one downstream, that overlapped the 150 kb flanking region at both the 5′ and 3′ ends of the prediction. Those predictions that were >150 kb away from any gene were regarded as having no nearest gene. Non-redundant lists of unique nearest genes were functionally analyzed using Gene Ontology (GO) ‘biological process’ categories (40) and KEGG pathways (41). For given gene lists, statistically enriched GO terms were detected using DAVID ( (42,43).

Gene set enrichment analysis of genome-wide predictions

To detect any tendency of binding sites predicted by the two models to be in or near genes up- or downregulated by p53, gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) of a p53 activation experiment was performed. The HCT116 cell line contains wild-type p53 and has been extensively used to study gene expression changes following p53 activation. The .cel files for an Affymetrix microarray experiment in which HCT116 cells were treated with 5-fluorouracil (5FU) to activate p53 were downloaded from GEO, accession GSE36593 (44). The .cel files were normalized for ‘core’ transcripts with ‘rma’ in the ‘oligo’ package in R, then differentially expressed genes were ranked by t statistic generated by contrasting control with 5FU-treated cells with the ‘limma’ package (45). GSEA plots were created in R without weighting the step size by the t statistic. To create the gene sets, the predictions from the models were ordered by logit score (combined evidence) or bit score (sequence only). To determine whether meaningful predictions were concentrated at the top of the prediction lists, progressively larger gene sets were tested, in steps of 100 genes. To test the significance of the GSEA enrichment score, the gene ranking from limma was permuted 100 000 times to generate a null distribution for the enrichment scores, which was compared with the observed enrichment using both a Normal assumption (Z score) and a direct comparison with the empirical null distribution (quantile).


A logistic regression model to predict p53 binding sites

The final reduced model using combined sources of evidence includes the following continuous inputs: the quality of the match to the p53 decamer RE expressed as the sum of the PWM scores for the two constituent decamers; and the spacer length between the decamers, up to a maximum of 13 bp. We refer to these inputs as pair_score.cont and spacer.cont, respectively. The final model also includes the following binary inputs, where 1 indicates overlap and 0 indicates no overlap: monomethylation of lysine 4 in histone 3, in the NHLF (in_NhlfH3K4me1) and NHEK (in_NhekH3K4me1) cell strains; and trimethylation of lysine 4 in histone 3, in the NHEK (in_NhekH3K4me3) and HUVEC (in_HuvecH3K4me3) cell strains. Binary logistic regression combines the inputs to create a logit score. The logit score is a log likelihood ratio, positive when the model predicts a region of the genome is a p53 binding site (y = 1) and negative when the model predicts a region is not a p53 binding site (y = 0). The logit score may be converted to a probability (46), with higher logit scores representing higher probability that a region is a p53 binding site. The logit score for the final reduced model, using combined evidence, is given as follows:

graphic file with name gkt260m1.jpg (1)

A Perl script to apply this model is provided as Supplementary Script 1.

Positive coefficients in the model indicate positive evidence for a site being a functional p53 binding site. Interestingly, one of the coefficients for histone H3 K4 trimethylation in the model is negative, indicating that—in the context of the model as a whole—penalizing these sites improves performance. This makes sense because the strongest signals for trimethylation of histone H3 K4 are found at TSSs independently of p53. The other coefficient for H3 K4 trimethylation in the model is positive, presumably because this histone mark is also found to a lesser extent at enhancers.

Training and testing

The MST was used to choose the threshold at which to evaluate the performance of the model on the training and testing data. At a logit cutoff of 0.4422 (probability cutoff of 0.6087938), the combined-evidence model achieved a sensitivity of 0.9989, a specificity of 1 and an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.9999974 for the training data. The corresponding figures for the test data were sensitivity = 0.9943, specificity = 0.9932 and AUC = 0.9994. In the test data, five out of the 878 positive sites (including three of the sites shown in Supplementary Table S2 that were included to increase variability) and six out of the 878 negative sites were misclassified by the combined-evidence model. At its MST (bit-score cutoff −3.8731), the sequence-only model achieved a sensitivity of 0.9989, specificity of 0.9966 and AUC of 0.9999573 for the training data, and a sensitivity of 0.9966, specificity of 0.9954 and AUC of 0.9995 for the test data. Precision-recall plots also show high performance for both models, with both training and test data (Figure 1). We conclude from this that there is no gain from including additional predictors in the model when dealing with a small dataset that is highly enriched in p53 binding sites.

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Precision-recall curves for (A) the training data and (B) the test data, for the combined-evidence and sequence-only models. To distinguish the performance of the two methods, the varying areas of the full plots on the left side (highlighted with a gray box) are re-plotted at higher magnification (right side).

Genome-wide prediction of p53 binding sites

It has been estimated that there may be 3000 functional p53 binding sites in the human genome (27). Allowing a binding site to start at any base and including a spacer of length 0 to 13 bp, a priori the number of sites in the human genome where a binding site could potentially occur (which must be at least considered when making computational predictions) is the number of nucleotides in the genome multiplied by 14, or ∼4 × 1010 potential binding sites. True binding sites thus represent <1 in 107 potential sites. Identification of functional binding sites in the whole genome is thus far more difficult than in small preselected datasets because of the vastly greater number of false positives expected at all levels of sensitivity. For this reason, we suspected that the difference in performance of the combined-evidence and sequence-only models would be greater in genome-wide analyses than in the test dataset. To evaluate the benefit of including modification data, we used the sequence-only and combined-evidence models to predict p53 binding at levels of stringency chosen to give ∼300, 3000 and 30 000 predicted sites. For each prediction method, we refer to these three sets of predictions as the ‘stringent’, ‘intermediate’ and ‘large’ sets, respectively. The ‘large’ set was expected to contain a large fraction of the true p53 binding sites in the genome, whereas the ‘stringent’ set was used to find out whether extreme scores would enrich for the best sites. The thresholds (logit score) used for the combined-evidence model were 30.9749, 27.1470 and 22.5783 for the stringent, intermediate and large sets, respectively, yielding 305, 2999 and 30 000 predicted binding sites. The thresholds (bit score) used for the sequence-only model were 24.7577, 21.6901 and 17.97233 for the stringent, intermediate and large sets, respectively, yielding 305, 2998 and 30 006 predicted binding sites. The sets of predictions for each model are provided as Supplementary Material (Supplementary Datasets S3–S8). The combined-evidence model gives high scores for a range of ‘classic’ p53 binding sites (Supplementary Table S4).

As expected, the sequence logos of the p53 binding sites predicted by both models closely resembled the known p53 consensus, [AG][AG][AG]C[AT][TA]G[TC][TC][TC] (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Sequence logos for the predicted p53 binding sites. Combined-evidence model: (A) large set, (B) intermediate set and (C) stringent set of predictions. Sequence-only model: (D) large set, (E) intermediate set and (F) stringent set of predictions. For clarity, spacers between the two decamers were removed for generation of the logos. Any spacer would appear between bases 10 and 11. The logos were generated with the ‘seqLogo’ package for R.

The combined model showed no strong single nucleotide preferences other than for the invariant C or G in the fourth and seventh base position in the decamers, corresponding to the fourth positions in the primary DNA pentamers that bind to p53 protein monomers. In contrast, the sequence-only model showed a preference for G at the second position in the primary pentamers and for AT in the middle of the decamers. Both models showed a preference for no spacer between the decamers, although this effect was stronger for the combined-evidence model (Figure 3). The combined-evidence model includes spacer length as an input, and hence it is expected to better match the training data in this respect (Equation 1). Interestingly, the combined-evidence model showed a progressive fall in the number of sites up to a spacer length of eight base pairs, followed by an increase. Recent structural studies explain the preference for having no spacer (47). In the absence of a spacer, the p53 dimers pack together with a much larger buried surface area and form interdimer salt bridges between 180E and 181R in helix 1. An increase in electrostatic potential induced by minor groove narrowing at Hoogsteen base pairs further improves binding through strengthening the interaction with the positively charged 248R side chain. Early studies showed that spacers of 5 or 15 bp reduced p53 binding and transactivation, whereas spacers of 10 bp did not (48). This phasing behavior was interpreted as indicating a preference for the core DNA binding domain dimers within the p53 tetramer to be placed on the same side of the DNA helix. Consistent with this, the Smeenk et al. ChIP-on-chip study showed a greater abundance of sites with spacers of length 10 bp than other lengths in the range 2–13 bp (27) but most studies would not support a role for phasing as a major constraint on DNA binding [reviewed in (3)].

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Spacer length distribution of the sites predicted by the sequence-only model (light gray) and the combined-evidence model (dark gray) for (A) large sets, (B) intermediate sets and (C) stringent sets of predictions, and for the full positive data (D).

To test the quality of our genome-wide predictions, we first checked the degree of overlap with sites of p53 binding defined experimentally by ChIP-on-chip (27) and ChIP-PET (28). To avoid overestimating the degree of overlap, binding sites present in the training set were excluded from this comparison. For the ChIP-on-chip data, the combined-evidence model discovered a higher proportion of sites than the sequence-only model, at each of the three sizes of prediction set (Table 1). The ChIP-PET dataset (28) lists the number of PET tags per site, a surrogate measure of DNA binding affinity or enhancer occupancy. With the intermediate prediction sets, the models identified 41.10% (combined evidence) or 38.04% (sequence only) of the ChIP-PET binding sites; with the stringent sets, they identified 15.34% (combined evidence) or 11.66% (sequence only) of the ChIP-PET sites. Table 2 shows that sensitivity was slightly better for sites in PET clusters with a greater number of tags, but sites in the stringent set were not selectively enriched for clusters with higher numbers of tags. For the combined-evidence model to identify ∼90% of the ChIP-PET sites, we estimate that a prediction set containing >1 000 000 predicted binding sites would be required (Supplementary Table S6). The benefit was slightly greater for the ChIP-on-chip than for the ChIP-PET sites, perhaps because of the larger number of ChIP-on-chip than ChIP-PET sites used to train the model. Overall, these results show curiously little gain in sensitivity from inclusion of modification and spacing data in the model. This highlights the primacy of DNA sequence in determining DNA binding by p53, even when modification data are included, but the failure of either model to identify some sites indicates that binding to non-consensus sequences, possibly bridged by another protein (49), may be responsible for recruitment to a substantial number of enhancers.

Table 1.

ChIP-on-chip sites in the test set predicted to be p53 binding sites by the sequence-only and combined-evidence models

Model Large set Intermediate set Stringent set
Combined-evidence 330 (42.47 %) 147 (18.92 %) 35 (4.50 %)
Sequence-only 307 (39.51 %) 93 (11.97 %) 14 (1.80 %)

Among the 1545 ChIP-on-chip sites (26), 777 were used as a test set. Counts are given with percentages in parentheses. The fraction of sites predicted by the two models was significantly different for the intermediate (exact binomial test, P = 2.62 × 10−8) and stringent (exact binomial test, P = 2.01 × 10−6) sets.

Table 2.

ChIP-PET sites in the test set predicted to be p53 binding sites by the sequence-only and combined-evidence models

Number of tags per PET cluster Total number of PET clusters Number of PET clusters not used for training Sequence-only model
Combined-evidence model
Large set Intermediate set Stringent set Large set Intermediate set Stringent set
>2 327 163 112 (68.71%) 62 (38.04%) 19 (11.66%) 106 (65.03%) 67 (41.10%) 25 (15.34%)
>4 106 49 40 (81.63%) 30 (61.22%) 13 (26.53%) 37 (75.51%) 26 (53.06%) 13 (26.53%)
>7 28 12 11 (91.67%) 9 (75.00%) 7 (58.33%) 9 (75.00%) 7 (58.33%) 3 (25.00%)
>10 6 3 3 (100.00%) 1 (33.33%)(2) 1 (33.33%)(2) 3 (100.00%) 3 (100.00%)(1,2,3) 1 (33.33%)(2)
>11 5 2 2 (100.00%) 1 (50.00%)(2) 1 (50.00%)(2) 2 (100.00%) 2 (100.00%)(2,3) 1 (50.00%)(2)
>12 3 1 1 (100.00%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (100.00%) 1 (100.00%)(3) 0 (0%)

The number and fraction of sites identified by each model are given for each level of ChIP-PET stringency (i.e. minimum number of tags per PET cluster). Counts are given with percentages in parentheses. For a given set size, where the fraction of sites predicted by the combined-evidence model differs significantly from that predicted by the sequence-only model (exact binomial test, P < 0.05), the count is given in bold font for the model retrieving the largest fraction of the ChIP-PET sites. Significantly different fractions were observed for the sets with >7 (stringent set, P = 0.04), >10 (intermediate set, P = 0.04) and >12 (intermediate set, P < 2.20 × 10−16) tags. No tests were significant after discounting a comparison with zero at PET > 12 and after correction for multiple testing. Superscripts refer to specific PET clusters with >10 tags that are described in Supplementary Table S5.

Location of predicted binding sites relative to genes

An ideal method would identify sites with the following properties: they would differ from randomly chosen sites; they would differ from sites predicted by less effective methods; and they would resemble the sites in the positive training dataset. To test these assumptions, the genome was divided into six categories or regions: intergenic, intragenic, flanking the TSS, 5 kb downstream, 5–25 kb upstream and 5–25 kb downstream. The null expectation for a model that predicted binding sites at random is that the fraction of predictions in a category should match the fraction of the genome in that category.

The overall assignment of binding sites to the six categories departed from the null expectation for all three sets of predictions made by both models. In general, there was enrichment for genes and neighboring regions, and selection against intergenic regions (Figure 4; Supplementary Tables S7 and S8). For the combined-evidence model, the departure from the null expectation was more extreme, with far fewer predictions in intergenic regions than were made by the sequence-only model (Figure 4). This difference between the two models was statistically significant (large sets G = 2722.46, 5 df, P < 2.2 × 1016; intermediate sets G = 218.81, P < 2.2 × 1016; stringent sets G = 30.34, P = 1.26 × 105).

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Location of p53 binding sites predicted by the combined-evidence model relative to genes. The outer rings describe the predictions; the inner rings describe the distribution over the entire genome. Significantly enriched or under-represented regions (G test, P < 0.05) are marked with an asterisk. Combined-evidence model: (A) large set, (B) intermediate set and (C) stringent set. Sequence-only model: (D) large set, (E) intermediate set and (F) stringent set.

Compared with the positive training dataset, there was no significant difference in the location of sites relative to genes for the stringent set predicted by the combined-evidence model (G = 8.06, 5 df, P = 0.15), but there were significant differences for the other comparisons for both the combined-evidence model (large set G = 70.20, P = 9.3 × 1014; intermediate set G = 40.29, P = 1.3 × 107) and for the sequence-only model (large set G = 23.56, P = 2.64 × 104; intermediate set G = 18.19, P = 2.72 × 103; stringent set G = 23.04, P = 3.31 × 104).

At the level of individual regions, the differences between the combined-evidence model and the sequence-only model were significant in the large set for the intragenic, TSS, 5 kb downstream, 5–25 kb upstream and intergenic regions (Supplementary Table S9). In the intermediate and stringent sets, the differences were significant for the intragenic, TSS and intergenic regions (Supplementary Table S9).

In summary, both models made predictions that were not randomly placed relative to genes. The combined-evidence and sequence-only models made different predictions, showing that the models were not equivalent. At the stringent cutoff, the sites predicted by the combined-evidence model were not significantly different from those in the positive training dataset, whereas those predicted by the sequence-only model did differ from the sites in the positive training dataset. These results are consistent with both models working to some extent, and the combined-evidence model making better predictions than the sequence-only model.

Functional annotation of genome-wide predictions

To test whether the genes identified by the combined-evidence model have functions commonly associated with p53, we tested the intermediate sets of predictions for enrichment in relevant GO biological process and KEGG pathway terms. For the combined-evidence model, there was an enrichment for biological process terms linked to cell death and metabolism (Figure 5; Supplementary Table S10) and an enrichment for KEGG pathway terms linked to cancer, including the specific category ‘p53 signaling pathway’ (Figure 6; Supplementary Table S11). In contrast, the top biological process terms for the sequence-only model did not include ‘regulation of apoptosis’, ‘regulation of cell death’ or ‘regulation of programmed cell death’ (Figure 7; Supplementary Table S12). Instead, the top biological process terms were linked to neural differentiation. The KEGG pathways highlighted by the sequence-only model did include ‘p53 signaling pathway’ but did not include the other cancer pathways identified by the combined-evidence model (Figure 8; Supplementary Table S13). We conclude that, compared with the sequence-only model, the combined-evidence model identifies genes that are more likely to be genuine p53 target genes.

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

Functional enrichment (P < 10−5) of ‘GO FAT’ terms for biological process for the intermediate set predicted by the combined-evidence model. In all, 2457 genes were associated with GO terms of biological process. The order of the displayed GO terms is from least significant (top) to most significant (bottom). The most significant term was ‘regulation of cell death’.

Figure 6.

Figure 6.

KEGG pathway enrichment (P < 0.05) for the intermediate set predicted by the combined-evidence model. In all, 1037 genes were associated with the pathway terms. The most significant term was ‘pathways in cancer’.

Figure 7.

Figure 7.

Functional enrichment (P < 10−5) of ‘GO FAT’ terms for biological process for the intermediate set predicted by the sequence-only model. In all, 2256 genes were associated with GO terms of biological process. The most significant term was ‘axon guidance’.

Figure 8.

Figure 8.

KEGG pathway enrichment (P < 0.05) for the intermediate set predicted by the sequence-only model. In all, 897 genes were associated with the pathway terms. The most significant term was ‘type II diabetes mellitus’.

Gene set enrichment analysis

If our predictions identify important p53 binding sites, the expression of neighboring genes should change following p53 activation. To test this, we analyzed gene expression data from HCT116 colon cancer cells before and after p53 activation with 5FU. We ranked genes by strength of induction or repression after p53 activation, then asked whether genes near predicted p53 binding sites were overrepresented near the beginning or end of the ranked list. We used GSEA to quantify the results. To gain insight into the performance of the models, we ranked the predictions by logit or bit score, then performed GSEA for progressively increasing numbers of predictions. In GSEA terminology, the binding site predictions would be called ‘gene sets’. For computational reasons, we increased the size of the gene sets in steps of 100. The combined-evidence predictions showed extremely significant enrichment for all gene sets except the first (Figure 9, solid black line), whereas the sequence-only predictions showed no enrichment (Figure 9, solid gray line; Supplementary Figure S1). Interestingly, the result was only significant for gene induction by p53 (Figure 9, solid black line); there was no enrichment for binding site predictions among genes repressed by p53 (Figure 9, dotted black line). A Mann–Whitney test of median evidence of differential expression confirmed that the predictions for the large prediction sets used above were different for the combined-evidence and sequence-only models (W = 16192384, P = 1.33 × 104). We conclude that the combined-evidence model is vastly better than the sequence-only model at identifying functionally important p53 binding sites.

Figure 9.

Figure 9.

GSEA for p53 activation by 5FU in HCT116 colon cancer cells. Maximum (solid lines) and minimum (dashed lines) Z scores are shown for the combined-evidence model (black) and sequence-only model (gray). The Z score is positive when genes are induced and negative when they are repressed. The Z scores were obtained by permutations of the ranking of the HCT116 gene induction list. Theoretical P = 1 – 5 × 10−15, 0.995, 0.975, 0.025, 0.005 and 5 × 10−15 limits for a standard normal distribution are indicated (dotted gray lines). The x-axis shows the number of genes included in the gene list.


The main conclusion from this study is that inclusion of histone modification and spacer data in PWM-based models greatly improves the prediction of functionally important p53 binding sites. Interestingly, the improvement was barely significant in conventional ChIP assays of DNA binding, but stood out clearly in assays for functionally important differences.

The first criterion we used to test the quality of our genome-wide predictions was the fraction of known binding sites we could predict. Our initial expectation was that the fraction would be higher for the model including modification and spacer data, but this was not borne out by experiment. Given the large differences seen in the genomic location and GSEA analyses, it may seem paradoxical that the fraction of sites we could predict should be so similar for the combined-evidence and sequence-only models. If we had used only a measure of sensitivity, the similarity could have been explained by the PWM finding the same true positives under both models, from which the combined-evidence model then eliminated some false positives. Because true positives and negatives are not known on a genome-wide scale, we compared the models at equal, fixed numbers of sites. In this setting, sensitivity plays off directly against specificity. If the number of true positives is constant under this constraint, we can infer that the number of false positives has not shown the expected decrease under the combined-evidence model. We suggest that the answer to this conundrum is that the combined-evidence model led to the identification of functionally important sites from within a pool of equally plausible sites defined by the essentially biophysical criteria of PWM or ChIP. If correct, this interpretation has two interesting implications: first, the avalanche of chromatin modification data now entering the databases will improve the prediction of functionally important binding sites over and above what can be achieved by ChIP for the factors themselves; and second, many sites identified by ChIP are functionally unimportant.

The first point is underscored by results from several other groups. Ernst et al. (22) combined a general binding preference, based on a variety of features relevant to transcription factor binding, with a subsequent PWM step. This is an active field of research where new modifications are regularly identified and assigned to roles in transcriptional regulation, notably by the international consortium working on the ENCODE project (50). For example, H3 lysine 27 acetylation (H3K27ac) has recently been shown to mark enhancers (51–54). It is particularly useful to distinguish active enhancers, marked by H3K27ac and H3K4me1, from inactive enhancers, marked only by H3K4me1 (51). The fact that our model gave H3K4me3 a positive coefficient in one cell strain and a negative coefficient in another may indicate that promoters that are differentially active between the two cell types are enriched in functional p53 sites. The higher magnitude of the negative coefficient is not surprising because this particular mark is found both in enhancers, where it should have a positive coefficient, and at TSSs, where in most cases there is no p53 binding and the coefficient should be negative. This type of consideration highlights the importance of incorporating biological insights into future models and hints at the great potential of the technique as more marks are identified and their significance is understood. The strength of approaches that take into account chromatin state is that they can narrow down the regions where functionally important binding occurs. Their weakness is that each modification dataset is unique to a particular cell line or tissue. Hence, they will be most informative when trying to predict the binding of a transcription factor in a cell line that has already been characterized epigenetically. Conversely, the sites predicted by our sequence-only model presumably contain a substantial number of genuine binding sites that are only functional, and so marked, in cell lines or tissues that differ substantially from the ones we used to train the model. This may partly explain the implication suggested above, that ChIP does not define functional sites. This should come as no great surprise because it is well recognized that isolated binding of transcription factors activates transcription poorly; this is the reason why luciferase assays are normally performed with highly multimerized sites. For example, the classic PG13-luc vector contains 39 decameric p53 binding sites (55). To create a functional enhancer, a group of transcription factors normally collaborates to establish a state permissive for transactivation of nearby genes. The chromatin modifications used in our model are both a cause and a consequence of the efforts of these transcription factors. A more fundamental approach would be to identify the clusters of binding sites that establish the chromatin modifications. Smeenk et al. (27) performed this type of analysis on their experimentally defined p53 binding sites and identified enrichment for the REs of eight transcription factors: Krüppel-like factors, Sp1/Sp3, basic helix-loop-helix proteins, AP1, AP2, MZF1, CP2 and ETS2. It remains to be seen whether combinations of sequence-specific transcription factors can replace chromatin modification data to identify functionally important binding sites. The vocabulary of chromatin modification is rich but far smaller than that of transcription factors, so it is easier to generate comprehensive maps of chromatin modification than of transcription factor binding, a situation that will persist at least into the near future. A more general problem with models based purely on transcription factor PWMs is that chromatin modifications can facilitate or block transcription factor binding. Because chromatin state captures essential information about cell identity, it is unrealistic to expect transcription factors to behave correctly without providing information about cell identity. This could take several forms but the only practical way to access it at present is through epigenetic marks such as histone modification data.

The number of potential binding sites is far greater than the number of genes. For this reason, scientists accustomed to thinking in terms of genes commonly underestimate the difficulty of identifying transcription factor binding sites: there are roughly 106-fold more potential binding sites than genes. Viewed from this perspective, our estimate that we would require 106 predictions to identify 90% of the ChIP-PET sites is less shocking. That said, one obvious reason for a model to fail is the use of the wrong PWM. This typically occurs when a transcription factor binds to DNA indirectly; in this case, the model should use the PWM for the factors directly contacting the DNA. A long standing puzzle in genome-wide gene expression studies has been the finding that activation of a single transcription factor leads almost invariably to both induction and repression of target genes, commonly in almost equal numbers. There is no mechanistic difficulty in explaining this based on the presence of other factors at enhancers, but a simpler explanation is that many of the changes seen may be indirect. Our GSEA data point to this being the case for p53: there is highly significant enrichment for predicted binding sites near genes showing increased expression but no enrichment at all for sites near repressed genes. These data indicate that when p53 binds directly to DNA, it functions overwhelmingly as a transcriptional activator. Given the experimentally proven examples of direct repression (reviewed in 2), it is conceivable that training the linear model with repressive chromatin marks would have allowed us to identify enrichment for functionally important p53 binding sites near repressed genes.

In summary, we have shown that models incorporating histone modification and decamer spacing information predict p53 binding scarcely better than models that include only PWM information. We suggest that this is because ChIP and PWMs are at heart biophysical measures of protein–DNA binding. Where we see large and highly significant differences in the binding sites selected by combined-evidence and sequence-only models is in the number of functionally important sites. Because this is the information biologists are most interested in, we conclude that the approach is worthwhile and should be further developed as more chromatin modification data become available. We expect the approach to be useful with a wide range of transcription factors, not just p53, and with genomes other than the human genome.


Supplementary Data are available at NAR Online: Supplementary Tables 1–13, Supplementary Figure 1, Supplementary Datasets 1–8, Supplementary Script 1 and Supplementary Reference [29].


The University of St Andrews School of Medicine and a BBSRC Doctoral Training Grant [BB/D526845/1] (studentship to J.-H.L.); French National Research Agency [ANR grant ANR-08-CEXC-016-01 to R.I.]. Funding for open access charge: University of St Andrews.

Conflict of interest statement. None declared.

Supplementary Material

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