Generation of myeloid and lymphoid cells from progenitors involves dynamic changes in transcription factor expression and use, and disruption of hematopoietic transcription factor function and expression can contribute to leukemic transformation. PU.1 and Ikaros are pivotal factors whose expression and utilization are dynamically altered during hematopoietic development. Here, we demonstrate that expression of PU.1, encoded by the Sfpi1 gene, is divergently regulated by Ikaros in distinct cell-type-specific contexts. ChIP analysis and functional perturbations revealed that Ikaros can directly repress or activate Sfpi1 transcription via different PU.1 cis-elements, with PU.1 and Ikaros collaborating at myeloid-specific elements but not at other elements. Our results thus shed light on how PU.1 and Ikaros can act as lineage competency factors to facilitate both myeloid and lymphoid developmental programs.
Keywords: cis-regulatory element, hematopoiesis, chromatin immune precipitation, context dependent regulation, RNA polymerase II
The proto-oncogene PU.1, upregulated in virally-induced erythroleukemias, is an Ets family transcription factor encoded by the Sfpi1/Spi-1 gene (1). PU.1 plays critical roles in multiple hematopoietic cell types (2, 3) and has emerged as a key determinant regulating cell-type specification.Higher PU.1 dosage restricts erythrocyte specification and enables generation of committed myeloid progenitors or joint myeloid/lymphoid progenitors, the lymphoid-primed multipotent precursors (LMPP) (2, 4). Expressed at the LMPP stage, PU.1 levels rise in myeloid progenitors, but fall in pre-pro-B-cells (5, 6). Differences in PU.1 level strongly affect specification of myeloid vs. B-cells from LMPPs (7). However, PU.1 deficiency blocks both myeloid and B-cell development and reduced PU.1 dosage promotes AML (8, 9). Thus, precise transcriptional controls of PU.1 expression are required.
The mechanisms controlling PU.1 expression as LMPPs become myeloid or B-cells remain unclear. PU.1 positively autoregulates by binding the Sfpi1 promoter and URE, a compound enhancer element located ~14 kb upstream of the Sfpi1 transcriptional start site (10, 11, 12, 13). Additional myeloid-specific enhancers have also been found between the URE and the promoter (14, 15). A recently proposed gene regulatory network model for the differential control of PU.1 expression in B-cell versus myeloid specification suggests that attenuation of PU.1 autoregulation by two transcription factors, Gfi-1 and Ikaros, can regulate these cell fate decisions (13).
Many cell types that depend on PU.1 also depend on Ikaros. However, the optimal ratios of these two factors diverge in myeloid and B lymphoid lineages (16), and it is unclear whether Ikaros and PU.1 work collaboratively or antagonistically. Ikaros is a lineage determinant with a critical role in priming the lymphoid developmental program in HSCs and progenitors, and mice lacking Ikaros also develop myeloid hyperproliferation (17, 18). The dominant negative Ikaros isoform 6 has been linked with AML (19). Although PU.1 and Ikaros collaborate to control at least one important target in LMPPs (20, 21),genetic evidence suggests that Ikaros opposes PU.1 to support B-cell development over alternative myeloid programs (13, 22). Indeed, expression of a dominant negative version of Ikaros in erythroid cells increased PU.1 levels (23). Because of the central position of both factors in lymphoid developmental gene networks, and their roles in leukemia, it is crucial to resolve whether Ikaros is indeed a direct repressor of PU.1.
Here, we show that Ikaros binds distinct subsets of Sfpi1 cis-elements, including the URE, in myeloid and B lineage cells. Whereas Ikaros suppresses URE activity in pre-B-cells, we show that Ikaros is a cell-type-specific URE activator in myeloid cells. Furthermore, we find that Ikaros, PU.1 and RNA polymerase II are co-recruited and collaborate to drive activation through additional myeloid-specific enhancers. These results resolve the bifunctional role of Ikaros in PU.1 regulation through lineage-specific recruitment to distinct cis-elements that direct both Ikaros and PU.1 functional specificity.
Results and Discussion
A ~3 kb DNA fragment, CE5-CE3, is a myeloid enhancer lacking B-cell regulatory function
After PU.1 is expressed in LMPPs, its levels diverge between myeloid and lymphoid cells (5). We recently described a Sfpi1 cis-regulatory region, CE5-CE3, which had cell-type-specific functions. The CE5 element, on its own or as part of CE5-CE3, was an enhancer in a myeloid cell line but not in a pro-T-cell line (14). To determine whether this function is myeloid specific or common to all PU.1 expressing cells, we tested CE5-CE3 function in B lineage cells.
Reporter constructs were made to test segments of the Sfpi1 upstream region joined to the Sfpi1 promoter element, CE1 (Fig 1a). In NFS-25 pre-B-cells the construct containing CE5-3 (L5-3) generated similar luciferase expression as L1, the promoter only construct, but in RAW264.7 myeloid cells L5-3 produced strongly enhanced reporter expression (Fig. 1b). In contrast, the conserved URE elements CE9 and CE8 within the L98 reporter enhanced luciferase expression similarly in pre-B and myeloid cells alike (Fig. 1b). Cell-type-specific CE5-CE3 activity was also demonstrated in a chromatin context in stably transfected cell lines. We tested reporters comprising the URE and CE7/6 either without CE5-CE3 (L9-6) or with it (L9-3). L9-6 generated similar luciferase expression in pre-B and myeloid cells. However, L9-3 gave stronger reporter activity only in the myeloid cells (Fig. 1c), implying that CE5-CE3 enhancer activity is myeloid restricted.
CE5 and CE7/6 are myeloid-restricted PU.1 target elements
To identify potentially important transcription factor binding sites within CE5, we used TRANSFAC to analyze regions of CE5 that were conserved in multigenome alignments. As the CE7/6 region may contribute to myeloid specific PU.1 regulation (15), we also examined CE7/6. The most frequently predicted sites in both CE5 and CE7/6 are overlapping Ikaros and Ets family sites (Fig. 1d). Ikaros is a bifunctional transcription factor able to activate or repress transcription, and Ikaros can compete with Ets factors for the same sites (24). Ikaros, which is required for B-cell development, might constrain PU.1 expression by blocking PU.1 autoregulation through the URE (13). However, in our myeloid and B-cell lines the URE drove similar levels of reporter activity. Thus, the myeloid specific enhancer activity of CE5-CE3 and its predicted Ets family sites suggested that myeloid restricted PU.1 autoregulation could contribute to the functional specificity of CE5-CE3.
PU.1 chromatin immune precipitation (ChIP) in fact revealed cell-type-specific patterns of PU.1 occupancy at Sfpi1 regions. PU.1 bound the promoter region (CE1) in myeloid cells (Fig. 2a, red panel) as previously reported (11), but that binding was weak compared with the strong PU.1 binding at the URE elements CE9 and CE8 in these cells (Fig. 2a, red panel). PU.1 also bound CE8 in pre-B-cells (Fig. 2a, blue panel), as well as known PU.1 target genes, Mef2c and Il7r, in both PU.1-expressing cell lines (red and blue panels)(25, 26); Adh.2C2 pro-T cells, which lack PU.1, showed no binding (green panel). However, only in the myeloid cells was strong PU.1 binding found at CE5 and CE7/6 (Fig.2a, arrows).
PU.1’s failure to bind some Sfpi1 regions in pre-B-cells could be due to other Ets factors competitively binding in preference to PU.1. However, while three Ets factors expressed in the cell types examined, Elf-1, Ets-1, and GABPα, could bind some PU.1 target sites, only PU.1 bound strongly to CE7-CE5 (Fig. 2b-2d)(27).
The URE can recruit RNA polymerase II (Pol II)-containing complexes in PU.1-expressing cells (28, 29). Pol II association with other Sfpi1 regions was also cell-type-specific. Pol II occupied CE8 in all cell lines tested, but bound to the promoter (CE1) only in PU.1-expressing cells (Fig. 2e). Significantly, however, Pol II bound CE5 and CE7/6 only in the myeloid cells (Fig. 2e, arrows). These results support a functional role for CE5 in myeloid specific PU.1 regulation as well as CE7/6 (15).
Cell-type-specific binding of Ikaros at Sfpi1 cis-elements
The presence of numerous predicted Ikaros binding sites across CE5, and the absence of PU.1 binding in the pre-B-cell line, suggested that Ikaros might compete with PU.1 to block PU.1 autoregulation. Anti-Ikaros ChIP iindeed revealed cell-type-restricted patterns of Ikaros binding. Ikaros bound CE9 and CE8 in macrophages and pre-B-cells (Fig. 3a). Much lower Ikaros binding was seen in the pro-T-cell line, despite high Ikaros expression (discussed below). Additionally, Ikaros uniquely bound CE10 in pre-B-cells, a region that may participate in Sfpi1 repression in erythroid cells (30)(Fig. 3a, blue arrow). Surprisingly, Ikaros did bind CE7/6 and CE5 too, but only in myeloid cells (Fig. 3a, red arrows).
The cell-type-specific Ikaros association patterns observed imply distinct, context-specific rules for Ikaros recruitment. PU.1 but not Ikaros bound Il7r in RAW264.7 (Fig. 2a), whereas Ikaros occupied Il7r in Adh.2C2 cells that lack PU.1 expression (Fig. 3a, green arrow). Thus Ikaros binding strength is determined separately from PU.1 at Il7r. In contrast, the unique pattern of Ikaros occupancy of Sfpi1 sites in the myeloid cells suggested that Ikaros recruitment to CE5 and CE7/6 in RAW264.7 cells might involve co-occupancy with bound PU.1.
PU.1 can recruit Ikaros DNA binding
To test whether PU.1 binds concomitantly with Ikaros at the CE5 sites, a DNA probe was made from the CE5 region (CE5-P2) to span adjacent sites predicted to bind PU.1 and Ikaros (Fig. 1d, box). The CE5-P2 probe nucleated myeloid specific complexes in gel shift experiments (Fig. 3b, lanes 1-6 vs. 7-12; M1, M2, and M3). M1, M2, and M3 contained PU.1, because anti-PU.1 antibody supershifted those complexes (Fig. 3b, lane 5). Additionally, an anti-Ikaros antibody blocked formation of the PU.1 containing M1 complex (lane 6). Mutation of the overlapping PU.1/Ikaros site (mutated in CE5-P2m1) destroyed the ability to compete for the myeloid complexes (lanes 2, 3). Although mutation of the Ikaros specific site in CE5-P2m2 did not prevent competition for M1, M2, and M3 (lane 4), it did prevent probe CE5-P2m2 from nucleating these complexes itself (lanes 13-18). Thus distinct PU.1 and Ikaros binding sites in CE5 may collaborate to form myeloid-specific PU.1-Ikaros complexes. Similar results were found with a probe spanning predicted Ikaros-PU.1-Ikaros sites in CE7/6 (data not shown).
Ikaros could be recruited to CE5-P2 using in vitro translated PU.1 generated in a reticulocyte lysate transcription/translation system. Lysate containing PU.1 could form complex M1 while lysate lacking PU.1 could not (Fig. 3c, lanes 2, 3; arrow). In this system, which contains endogenous Ikaros (31), the M1 complex was sensitive to both anti-PU.1 and anti-Ikaros antibodies (lanes 8, 9). Furthermore, formation of the M1 complex by PU.1 was also blocked by addition of in vitro translated “Plastic”, a dominant negative point mutant of Ikaros that heterodimerizes with wildtype Ikaros family members to inhibit DNA binding (32)(lane 6). Thus PU.1 and Ikaros binding to CE5 can be coordinate, not competitive.
Effect of PU.1 dose on recruitment of PU.1 and Ikaros to Sfpi1 sites in vivo
The CE5 site where PU.1 and Ikaros co-bind in myeloid cells is not bound by the myeloid driver C/EBPα (15). We therefore tested whether high dose PU.1 alone is sufficient to bind and recruit Ikaros to this site. Adh.2C2 pro-T-cells, which normally express no PU.1 but ≥2x more Ikaros protein than RAW264.7 cells (Fig. 3d), were retrovirally transduced with PU.1 (~60% of cells transduced, data not shown), then analyzed by ChIP to track occupancy patterns of endogenous Ikaros and the exogenous PU.1. Transduced Adh.2C2 cells expressed >2x more PU.1 RNA than RAW264.7 cells (Fig. 3e), and the ectopic PU.1 strongly bound to Mef2c, Il7r and both URE elements (Fig. 3f). The presence of PU.1 in PU.1-transduced Adh.2C2 cells now enabled Ikaros to be recruited to CE9 (Fig. 3g), in contrast to untransduced cells (Fig. 3a). Ikaros also bound Il7r more strongly (Fig. 3g). Additionally, Pol II now also bound CE9 and Il7r in the Adh.2C2+PU.1 cells (Fig. 3h).
However, despite the high dose, PU.1 did not bind CE5 and could only weakly bind CE7/6, similar to NFS-25 cells. Similarly, the myeloid-specific elements where PU.1 and Ikaros bind together were not occupied efficiently by either factor in the PU.1-overexpressing lymphoid cells. Thus, high-level PU.1 is not the sole determinant involved in cell-type-specific CE5 and CE7/6 activity.
PU.1 and Ikaros binding sites are required for CE5 enhancer activity
Gel shift analysis resolved potential PU.1 and Ikaros target sites within CE5 that might be required for CE5 enhancer activity. We tested the functional contribution of those sites by constructing additional L5-3 reporters harboring mutations in these CE5 sites (Fig. 4a). When the m1 and m2 sites, required for the PU.1- and Ikaros-containing M1 complex (Fig. 3b), were mutated in L5-3m1-2, enhancer activity in myeloid cells was abolished (Fig. 4a). Additionally, mutation of another overlapping PU.1/Ikaros site in CE5 also abolished CE5-3 enhancer activity (L5-3m4). In contrast, mutation of a predicted C/EBP family site (L5-3m3) did not affect reporter activity. These results indicate that joint PU.1 and Ikaros sites are required at CE5 for its myeloid cell-specific enhancer function.
PU.1 mediates CE7/6-CE5 enhancer activity
To establish whether the myeloid-specific PU.1 binding is functional, we compared the effects of PU.1 knockdown on the activities of L98 and a reporter that contains both CE7/6 and CE5 joined to the PU.1 promoter (L7-5). Antisense morpholinos (E1 and E2) that target different PU.1 exon/intron boundaries eliminated detectable PU.1 protein expression in myeloid cells as compared with a nonspecific control morpholino (Fig. 4b). PU.1 knockdown not only reduced L98 activity ~40% (Fig. 4c), as expected, but also completely abolished the enhancer function of L7-5 (Fig. 4c). Thus while the URE is PU.1 responsive but partially PU.1 independent, CE7-CE5 strictly requires PU.1 for enhancer activity in these myeloid cells.
Lineage-specific effects of Ikaros on Sfpi1 cis-elements: positive regulation in myeloid cells but inhibitory activity in pre-B-cells
To determine why Ikaros, a suspected inhibitor of PU.1 expression, should be specifically corecruited to CE7-CE5 under conditions where these elements act as enhancers, we tested the effect of neutralizing Ikaros in distinct cellular contexts, by transfecting Sfpi1 cis-element driven luciferase reporters into B and myeloid cells with empty vector or the “Plastic” dominant negative mutant of Ikaros. Figure 4d shows that indeed, cotransfection of B-lineage cells with Plastic to neutralize endogenous Ikaros enhances reporter expression driven by the URE (L98), consistent with a repressive role for Ikaros in these cells. In contrast, however, cotransfection with Plastic strongly reduced the activity of the L98 and L7-5 reporters in myeloid cells (Fig. 4e). Thus, via co-occupancy of CE5 and CE7/6 with PU.1, Ikaros is a positive regulator of Sfpi1 in macrophages.
Concluding remarks
These results show that the PU.1 and Ikaros factors can act both as collaborators and as antagonists in different cellular contexts, based on their cell-type-specific recruitment to distinct subsets of their potential DNA target sites (Fig. 4f). The sites examined here for lineage-specific differential recruitment of PU.1 and Ikaros are all conventionally recognizable based on established position weight matrices, but engagement by these factors is highly context dependent. At the myeloid-specific cis-regulatory elements of Sfpi1, neither PU.1 nor Ikaros is sufficient to establish binding in the NFS-25 pre-B or Adh.2C2 pro-T cell lines, yet these elements can mediate potent positive regulation in myeloid cells dependent on both PU.1 and Ikaros. Crucially, the ability of Ikaros to bind with PU.1 at the CE8-CE9 elements themselves is associated with opposite functional consequences in B and myeloid cells. Thus, not only can lineage determinants affect when and where Ikaros will bind DNA, but these distinct patterns of recruitment confer an additional layer of cell-type-specific regulatory interaction which allows Ikaros’ functional contributions to be reversed in distinct developmental contexts.
Support was provided by NIH grant R01 CA90233, the L. A. Garfinkle Memorial Laboratory Fund, the Al Sherman Foundation, and the A. B. Ruddock Professorship to E.V.R.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to report.
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