Figure 8.
Sequence-specific analysis of tll enhancers. (a) Expression patterns of tll enhancers in vivo; fragments are named in accordance to the original publications.46, 51 Fragments K2 and P3 reproduce the posterior pattern, fragment AD reproduces the anterior pattern and the fragment P2 reproduces both, the anterior and the posterior patterns. (b) In vivo binding patterns of five transcriptional regulators in the tll locus.52, 53 (c) Results of sequence analysis: statistical significance of binding site density in the tll locus.41 Peaks (see the encircled numbers) correspond to significant clusters of binding sites for transcriptional regulators Bcd, Dl, Zld and Cic. (d) Alignment of DNA fragments corresponding to the identified clusters from seven species of Drosophila, binding site matches to regulatory motifs are boxed. Shaded areas mark regions highly conserved in evolution. (E) Binding motif logos for binding motifs of the transcriptional regulators used in the sequence analysis.35, 54, 55, 56