Tubes of differing cellular architecture connect into networks. In the Drosophila tracheal system, two tube types connect within single cells (terminal cells); however, the genes that mediate this interconnection are unknown. Here we characterize two genes that are essential for this process: lotus, required for maintaining a connection between the tubes, and wheezy, required to prevent local tube dilation. We find that lotus encodes N-ethylmaleimide Sensitive Factor 2 (NSF2), while wheezy encodes Germinal Center Kinase III (GCKIII). GCKIIIs are effectors of Cerebral Cavernous Malformation 3 (CCM3), a protein mutated in vascular disease. Depletion of CCM3 by RNA interference phenocopies wheezy; thus, CCM3 and GCKIII, which prevent capillary dilation in humans, prevent tube dilation in Drosophila trachea. Ectopic junctional and apical proteins are present in wheezy terminal cells, and we show that tube dilation is suppressed by reduction of NSF2, of the apical determinant Crumbs, or of septate junction protein Varicose.
Most organs are composed of epithelial or endothelial cells organized as tubes; junctional complexes maintain the intercellular or auto-cellular connections (“seams”) that seal the cells into selectively permeable tubes. Should these connections be compromised, the consequences for organ function can be catastrophic. For example, individuals with the vascular disease, familial cerebral cavernous malformation (CCM), may suffer from seizures and strokes as a consequence of dilated leaky tubes (Clatterbuck et al., 2001; Haasdijk et al., 2011; Rigamonti et al., 1988).
Three architecturally distinct tube types have been described (Lubarsky and Krasnow, 2003), and all three are found in the Drosophila tracheal system. These include multicellular seamed tubes (with intercellular junctions), seamed tubes formed by single cells (with auto-cellular junctions), and seamless tubes formed within single cells (no junctions)(Ribeiro et al., 2004; Samakovlis et al., 1996a) (Figure 1A). Most seamless tubes are thought to form intracellularly, although they may also form by fusion of membrane along auto-cellular junctions, converting auto-cellular tubes into seamless ones (Lubarsky and Krasnow, 2003; Rasmussen et al., 2008; Stone et al., 2009).
Tubes with single seams (auto-cellular) and seamless tubes form relatively late during tracheal development. The first tubes of the tracheal system are large multi-cellular sacs generated by invagination from the embryonic ectoderm. The tracheal epithelial cells are polarized along their apical-basolateral axis, with the apical membrane of each cell facing the lumen of the tracheal sac to which it belongs. Cells are next recruited to the distinct primary branches that migrate away from the sacs towards Branchless-FGF chemo-attractant cues (Sutherland et al., 1996). Many of the primary branches initially form short wide tubes that lengthen and narrow over time, as the cells that comprise them intercalate, changing the underlying tubular architecture from multi-cellular to auto-cellular (Ribeiro et al., 2004). Tip cells are required for, and lead, the migration of the new branches (Ghabrial and Krasnow, 2006). Ultimately, tip cells assume specialized cell fates (terminal cell or fusion cell), and initiate secondary branch formation by targeting apical membrane internally to form seamless tube (Gervais and Casanova, 2010; Gervais et al., 2012; Ikeya and Hayashi, 1999; Lee and Kolodziej, 2002; Llimargas, 1999; Samakovlis et al., 1996a; Samakovlis et al., 1996b). The precise mechanism by which this occurs remains subject to debate and may differ between terminal and fusion cells (Gervais and Casanova, 2010; Lubarsky and Krasnow, 2003; Schottenfeld-Roames and Ghabrial, 2012; Uv et al., 2003).
Intriguingly, Drosophila terminal cells contain both auto-cellular and seamless tubes ((Samakovlis et al., 1996a), but see also (Gervais and Casanova, 2010)). Transition from one tube type (auto-cellular) to the other (seamless) occurs within the terminal cell at a location proximal to the terminal cell nucleus (Figure 1B). This observation raises a number of questions including: how do the two tube types connect to each other, how do they match each other in diameter, and which pathways are required to regulate and execute these processes? To begin to address these questions we have taken a genetic approach, and have screened through a large collection of terminal cell mutants (Ghabrial et al., 2011) to identify those that display tube morphogenesis defects within the region of the terminal cell wherein the auto-cellular-to-seamless tube transition occurs (hereafter, the “transition zone”).
Here we report the identification and characterization of two mutants that disrupt lumen morphology in the transition zone in strikingly different ways. The first mutant, lotus, shows a transition zone gap in gas-filled tube, and more precise analysis shows that the gap corresponds to a local absence of tube, although tube is present proximal and distal to the gap. The second mutant, wheezy, shows dramatic tube dilation in the transition zone. These mutants may thus have opposing effects on the addition of apical membrane within the transition zone: too little, resulting in a gap, in lotus mutants; and too much, resulting in a dilation, in wheezy mutants. We show that lotus encodes N-ethylmaleimide Sensitive Factor 2 (NSF2), a protein required for SNARE recycling (Zhao et al., 2011). This implies an especially stringent requirement for vesicle traffic in connecting the two tube types. Significantly, we find that the second mutant, wheezy, encodes Germinal Center Kinase III (GCKIII). The human orthologs of GCKIII are effectors of the protein encoded by the human vascular disease gene, Cerebral Cavernous Malformation 3 (CCM3), and are putative Golgi-resident kinases (Fidalgo et al., 2010). Patients suffering from cerebral cavernous malformations show gross dilations of cerebral capillaries, thus suggesting that CCM3/GCKIII play a conserved role in tubulogenesis in limiting diametric tube expansion. Mutations in lotus and in wheezy both point to a crucial role of apical membrane delivery in tube morphogenesis.
We next go on to show that Drosophila CCM3 has a loss of function phenotype identical to GCKIII, and that it interacts genetically with GCKIII. Interestingly, our results stand in contrast to a previous report suggesting a requirement for the genes in tracheal lumen formation (Chan et al., 2011). Further, we find ectopic localization of junctional proteins in CCM3-depleted or GCKIII mutant cells, and an over-accumulation of the apical determinant, Crumbs, in GCKIII mutant cells. In contrast, although Crumbs also accumulates in lotus/NSF2 mutant cells, it does not appear to be enriched in the lumenal membrane. Over-expression of Crumbs by itself induces formation of multiple tiny dilations throughout the terminal cell, but not a large transition zone tube dilation.
Nevertheless, knockdown of crumbs in GCKIII mutants strongly suppresses the large local dilation defect. Similarly, we find that mutations in lotus (NSF2), that cause mislocalization of Crumbs, are epistatic to GCKIII. We also find that knock-down of the essential septate junction scaffold, Varicose (a MAGUK protein orthologous to human PALS-2), suppresses the transition zone dilation defect associated with GCKIII mutants. These data suggest that it is the inappropriate increase of septate junctions in combination with over-accumulation of Crumbs that confers a transition zone dilation defect. These studies of transition zone tube morphogenesis have direct relevance to human development and disease, and provide important mechanistic insight into the basic biological question of how tubes of differing architecture connect to each other.
Two mutants affect tube morphology in the transition zone
In a collection of mutants that nearly saturates the third chromosome for tracheal morphogenesis genes (Ghabrial et al., 2011), we were able to identify only 2 loci with transition zone-specific terminal cell tubulogenesis defects. Terminal cells mutant for lotus displayed a gap in the gas-filled transition zone tube (compare Figure 1C–C″ and D with 1E-E″ and F; for other lotus phenotypes see Figure S1) (Ghabrial et al., 2011). In contrast, terminal cells mutant for wheezy displayed a transition zone tube dilation defect (Figure 1G–G″; H; for other wheezy phenotypes see Figure S1).
lotus encodes Drosophila NSF2
Mapping of lotus (Figure 2A and Experimental procedures) defined a 180 kb interval that included only 7 candidate genes: art9, art6, CG14362, CG31495, Mst87F, NSF2, and e5. We sequenced these on lotus mutant chromosomes and identified single point mutations for each allele of lotus in the N-ethylmaleimide Sensitive Factor 2 (NSF2) primary transcript; these resulted in predicted mis-sense (312, B91) and nonsense mutations (O48) as well as a splice donor mutation (urdur2) (Figure 2B). We confirmed gene identity by testing the ability of terminal cell-specific RNAi knockdown of NSF2 to phenocopy lotus (Figure 2C–D′; 52% of terminal cells showed a gap defect, n = 80). Drosophila has two NSF orthologs, with NSF1 being neuron-specific (Golby et al., 2001; Sanyal and Krishnan, 2001). NSF is an AAA protein required for SNARE recycling, and therefore ought to affect all aspects of SNARE-dependent transport, but surprisingly shows an uncommon and specific transition zone defect in terminal cells.
Characterization of the transition zone in lotus terminal cells
The phenotype of lotus transition zone tubes could reflect a defect in gas-filling for that portion of the tube, or absence of the tube. In this context, it should be noted that tracheal tubes are thought to gas-fill by forcing dissolved gas out of solution (Tsarouhas et al., 2007). Thus, discontinuous isolated tubes in terminal cells could be gas-filled even in the absence of a physical connection that would allow diffusion from the external environment. Further complicating the analysis, we found that while 35% of lotusO48 terminal cells displayed the gap defect described above, the remaining 65% of cells lacked gas-filling in all terminal cell tubes (n = 20). We examined homozygous mutant lotus first instar larvae, and found that the initial formation and gas-filling of the terminal cell tubes occurred normally (Figure S4). We next asked whether the defect is in maintenance of gas-filling, maintenance of tube connectivity, or both. In control wild type clones in third instar larvae, a GFP-excluding lumen could be detected; therefore we asked if tubes could be detected in lotus cells by GFP exclusion, and also assayed for the presence of tube using a marker of terminal cell lumenal membrane (α-Wkdpep; (Schottenfeld-Roames and Ghabrial, 2012)) (Figure 2E–F′). We found that ~70% of lotusO48 mutant terminal cells show a discontinuous tube that is disrupted in the transition zone (n = 13). These data suggested that tube in the transition zone is uniquely sensitive to defects in vesicle trafficking, indicating a key role for membrane fusion in the maintenance of a connection between seamed and seamless tubes, as well as in their gas-filling. The affected trafficking events may be those for which one or more required SNARE proteins are especially limiting.
wheezy encodes the Drosophila Germinal Center Kinase III
Complementation tests against overlapping chromosomal deficiency strains defined a wheezy candidate interval spanning ~50 genes (Figure 3A). Of these candidate genes, GCKIII was of particular interest because of the vascular defects associated with the vertebrate orthologs (Zheng et al., 2010), and because of the reported Golgi localization of GCKIII (Preisinger et al., 2004), which would be consistent with a role in regulation of vesicle trafficking, a process our recent data suggest to be critical to seamless tube morphogenesis (Schottenfeld-Roames and Ghabrial, 2012). The GCKIII gene was sequenced, and the wheezy770 allele was found to be a molecular null for GCKIII, as we identified a nonsense mutation predicted to terminate the protein after 56 amino acids (Figure 3B). We confirmed gene identity by recapitulating the wheezy mutant phenotype (Figure 3C) in a substantial fraction of terminal cells with pan-tracheal knock-down of GCKIII. As was true in our mosaic analysis with wheezy, only terminal cells showed GCKIII RNAi-induced defects (data not shown). While the most prominent defect (and the focus of our studies) was the transition zone tube dilation, we did note additional terminal cell defects consistent with a general effect on the lumenal membrane (as described in Figure S1). In a final proof that wheezy encodes Drosophila GCKIII, we were able to rescue all tracheal defects observed in wheezy mutants with tracheal-specific expression of a wild type GCKIII cDNA (Figure 3D–E).
Knockdown of Drosophila CCM3 (CG5073) phenocopies wheezy
The three vertebrate GCKIII family members (Mst4, Stk24, Stk25) bind in vitro to Cerebral Cavernous Malformation 3 (CCM3/PDCD10) (Voss et al., 2009; Zheng et al., 2010). Mutations in CCM3 are causative for a vascular disease in humans characterized by gross dilation of cerebral capillaries, and CCM3 has been shown to have an essential role in endothelial cells for normal vascular development (Bergametti et al., 2005; Chan et al., 2011; Guclu et al., 2005; He et al., 2010; Lee et al., 2008; Pagenstecher et al., 2009; Voss et al., 2009). While human disease has not been linked to mutations in GCKIII proteins, knock-down of multiple stk24 and stk25 family members in zebrafish (Zheng et al., 2010) confered cardio-vascular defects identical to those seen with knockdown of both zebrafish CCM3 orthologs (Voss et al., 2009). Since CCM3 is well conserved in Drosophila (Figure 4A), and the Drosophila CCM3 and GCKIII proteins bind (Chan et al., 2011), we sought to determine whether loss of CCM3 would phenocopy wheezy or show the lumenization defect previously reported in the tracheal system for RNAi of GCKIII and CCM3 (Chan et al., 2011). Indeed, we found that pan-tracheal knockdown of CCM3 caused transition zone tube dilation (Figure 4B). We note that the CCM3 dilation is somewhat less extensive than that seen with GCKIII, this could reflect a maternal contribution of CCM3 or incompleteness of knockdown. We next tested for genetic interactions between wheezy (GCKIII) and CCM3 using a chromosomal deletion for CCM3 (Df(3R)EXEL6174; for convenience, referred to here as CCM3Df), as well as new CCM3 alleles we generated by mobilization of a P element in the gene (P{EPg}CG5073HP36555, Experimental procedures, Figure 4C). We found that heterozygosity for CCM3 enhanced the penetrance of the GCKIII RNAi phenotype, and that heterozygousity for wheezy likewise enhanced the penetrance of the CCM3 RNAi phenotype (Figure 4D, E). Together, these data demonstrate conservation of the CCM3-GCKIII pathway in tube morphogenesis between flies and man.
How loss of CCM3 or GCKIII activity causes a tube dilation defect has not been clear. It hasbeen suggested that phosphorylation of Moesin may be the key event downstream of GCKIII kinase activity in endothelial cells (Zheng et al., 2010); we therefore sought to determine whether moesin played a key role in wheezy transition zone tube dilation. First, we found that moesin loss of function does not affect transition zone tube in an otherwise wild type background (data not shown). Second, expression of a phospho-mimetic isoform of Moesin in GCKIII mutant terminal cells does not suppress the transition zone tube dilation (data not shown). Lastly, in mosaic larvae, we found that phospho-Moesin levels appear to be substantially higher in wheezy mutant terminal cells than in neighboring heterozygous cells, the opposite of the expected outcome were Moesin a target of GCKIII kinase activity (Figure S2). Interestingly, p-Moe appears to be especially enriched in the transition zone, in association with dilated tube (45%, n = 11). These data are consistent with published results that Slik is the Ste20K responsible for phosphorylation of Moesin in epithelia (Hughes et al., 2010), and lead us to look elsewhere for candidate GCKIII substrates.
Defects in the abundance and localization of junctional and apical proteins
In the embryonic tracheal system, septate junctions (functional equivalent to vertebrate tight junctions) have been suggested to line the intercellular connection between the terminal cell and its neighboring stalk cell, and also to extend in from the intercellular junction into the terminal cell transition zone (Samakovlis et al., 1996a). Because of the transition zone defects of lotus and wheezy, we wished to determine whether the transition zone junctions were perturbed. In contrast to our expectations, we found that in wild type third instar larvae (Figure 5A–D′), septate junctions extended into the transition zone of only ~4 % of terminal cells (n = 49). We interpret this outcome as suggesting that a remodeling of the junctional complexes had occurred during development. When we went on to examine terminal cells depleted of GCKIII by RNAi, we found septate junctions appeared to extend into the transition zone at a much higher frequency than in wild type (Figure 5E, E′) – 32% by Varicose staining (n=25) and 42% by Fas3 (n=64) or Coracle (n=45) staining, with patchy punctate junctional staining (Figure 5F, F′) detected in an additional ~ 25% of cells. While ultrastructural analysis would be required to definitively show the ladder-like organization of septate junctions, we find that co-staining experiments (Figure S3) for Vari and Fas3 showed identical or largely overlapping distribution in 100% of cells (n = 17), suggesting the maintenance of functional septate junctions in the transition zone. Furthermore, we found that septate junction proteins were present in foci far from the transition zone (Figure 5G, G′); these foci showed only partial co-staining for Fas3 and Vari. The ectopic puncta of junctional protein may represent protein undergoing vesicular trafficking; Tiklova and colleagues (Tiklova et al., 2010) show that dispersed basolateral septate junction proteins are trafficked through an endocytic pathway prior to their assembly in mature septate junctions. However, we were unable to detect substantial co-localization between isolated Fas3 puncta and Lamp-1, FYVE-GFP, Rab4, 5, or 11 (Figure S3). These data suggest that ectopic Fas3 may be present at the basolateral membrane at steady state, perhaps reflecting a deficit in endocytosis or in the initial targeting of Fas3 containing vesicles. Similar defects were seen for septate junctions in CCM3 RNAi animals (Figure S3). In contrast, septate junctions appeared largely similar to wild type in lotus terminal cells (Figure S4). Because it has been suggested that autocellular tubes in the terminal cell transition zone may derive from the neighboring stalk cell, which might insert its tube into the terminal cell like a finger poking into a balloon (Uv et al., 2003), we tested whether the septate junctions we detect are autonomous to the terminal cell, and found that they are (Figure S3).
In previous work (Schottenfeld-Roames and Ghabrial, 2012), we found that Crumbs-GFP expressed as a functional knock-in allele (Huang et al., 2009), is detected in discrete puncta throughout the membrane that surrounds the lumen of seamless tubes in terminal cells (Figure 5H). In a second study, we determined that a mutation causing multiple seamless tube micro-dilations was associated with over-accumulation of Crumbs on the lumenal membrane (Schottenfeld-Roames and Ghabrial, submitted). We note that multiple micro-dilations can be detected in wheezy terminal cells upon staining with an apical membrane marker (also observed with CCM3 RNAi, Figure S1). This led us to explore whether elevated Crumbs levels might also be involved in the wheezy and CCM3 transition zone dilations. In terminal cells depleted of GCKIII by RNAi, Crumbs-GFP levels were dramatically increased (Figure 5I), and the protein accumulated more uniformly along the lumenal membrane (compare 5J, K). In contrast, we noted that in lotus mutant cells, Crumbs accumulated to high levels but was no longer restricted to the lumenal membrane (Figure 5L). In double mutants, we observed that lotus was epistatic to wheezy, consistent with the possibility that apical Crumbs accumulation may be required for tube dilation (Figure 6A–C) – in the double mutant, Crumbs localization was as in lotus single mutants (Figure S5). As might be expected, in ~70% of terminal cells (9/13) no tube was present in the transition zone as a consequence of loss of lotus (Figure 6C; apical membrane staining not shown); however, in the remaining 30% of cells (4/13) with a continuous transition zone tube we observed suppression of the wheezy tube dilation (Supplemental Movie).
Depletion of crumbs suppresses the wheezy tube dilation phenotype
Importantly, over-expression of Crumbs by itself does not give rise to the large transition zone dilation observed in wheezy mutant terminal cells (Schottenfeld-Roames and Ghabrial; submitted); however, we wondered if, as suggested by the lotus-wheezy epistasis results, it might nevertheless contribute to the transition zone tube dilations. We asked if Crumbs depletion might suppress the transition zone dilation defect in wheezy mutant cells. We found that knockdown of crumbs by RNAi in wheezy mutant terminal cells completely suppressed the transition zone dilation defect (Figure 6F) in 61% of terminal cells and appeared to reduce the severity of the dilation in an additional 27% of cells (n = 55). These data imply that apical accumulation of Crumbs is required for the dilations observed in wheezy mutants, but is not in itself sufficient to cause them. The mechanism responsible for Crumbs accumulation in wheezy mutant cells is not yet clear; however, we have found a substantial enrichment of Rab11 within the transition zone, associated with dilated tube (59% of terminal cells, n = 32; Figure 6D, E). This suggests that GCKIII affects the spatial distribution of the recycling endosome compartment, and may regulate Crb levels via vesicular trafficking.
Depletion of varicose suppresses the wheezy tube dilation phenotype
We next asked whether the increase in septate junctions in wheezy mutants contributed to the transition zone dilation defect. To do so, we tested whether depletion of Varicose, a MAGUK protein required for septate junction assembly and function (Bachmann et al., 2008; Moyer and Jacobs, 2008; Wu et al., 2007), was able to suppress the wheezy tube dilation defect. We found that transition zone tube dilation was completely suppressed in 52% of terminal cells and partially suppressed in another 20%, while an additional 9% of cells actually showed the discontinuous tube (“gap”) defect characteristic of lotus (n=48) (Figure 6F). That knockdown of varicose in a wheezy mutant background can give rise to the full spectrum of transition zone tube phenotypes suggests that the effects of knockdown are dosage sensitive. Consistent with a dosage sensitivity for varicose, we note that the Leptin lab was unable to recover homozygous mutant tracheal cell clones deficient for varicose (Baer, 2007). Under the RNAi conditions we used, depletion of varicose in an otherwise wild type background did not cause an obvious tubulogenesis defect, although we could observe altered localization of Fas3 (Figure S6). We interpret these results as implicating septate junctions in targeting of membrane addition to the transition zone tube. Strikingly, in wheezy terminal cells in which varicose knockdown suppressed the transition zone dilation, the presence and number of seamless tube micro-dilations was not altered (Table S2); this implies that the large dilations resulting from loss of wheezy function reflect a specific transition zone requirement for GCKIII.
In the terminal cell “transition zone,” seamed and seamless tubes must connect. We found that during development, remodeling of cell junctions reduced tube type complexity in the transition zone, such that by third instar only seamless tubes are still present in the majority of terminal cells. How the tubes connect initially has been an outstanding question in the field for more than a decade, and whether, or how, transition zone tubes remodel over developmental time has not previously been addressed. In this manuscript, we describe several mutations that disrupt tube morphogenesis in the terminal cell transition zone. The mutants fall into two classes which appear to act in opposing manners: in the case of mutants like lotus, there appears to be a deficit of apical membrane addition to the growing tube within the transition zone, most frequently resulting in a failure to make a continuous tube. In the case of mutants such as wheezy, too much apical membrane is added to the transition zone tube, resulting in a grossly dilated appearance. Our molecular genetic characterization of the genes is consistent with this hypothesis as lotus encodes a factor required for membrane traffic and wheezy encodes a putative Golgi-resident kinase that we show is required for restricting the accumulation of apical and junctional proteins. In this context, it is important to consider that secretion of specific cargo into the tube lumen during embryonic tracheal development is dependent upon septate junctions (Wang et al., 2006); perhaps an increase in transition zone septate junctions promotes enhanced targeting of vesicles to the lumenal membrane. However, the existence of septate junctions in the transition zone by itself does not appear to lead to tube dilation since ~4% of wild type third instar terminal cells have septate junctions in the transition zone, but do not have dilations. This, together with the inability of Crumbs over-expression to cause transition zone dilations, and with the suppression of such dilations by knockdown of crumbs or of varicose, leads us to propose that both ectopic septate junctions and increased accumulation of apical polarity proteins are required for transition zone tube dilation. Our study provides genetic and molecular insight into the process of junctional remodeling and tubulogenesis in the transition zone.
We have determined that wheezy encodes GCKIII, the only known downstream effector of CCM3, a protein mutated in human vascular disease characterized by grossly dilated, leaky capillaries. It therefore becomes important to ask whether our insights into the cellular basis of GCKIII/CCM3 deficiency are compatible with what is known from patient samples and vertebrate CCM models. In excised CCMs, staining of apical polarity proteins and junctional proteins has not been reported, but ultrastructural analyses suggest that endothelial cells lack functional tight junctions, and in mouse models, lymphatic vessels show gaps between endothelial cells or show shorter intercellular junctions (Clatterbuck et al., 2001; Kleaveland et al., 2009). On the other hand, EM analysis of vessels from endothelial-specific CCM3 knockout mice showed tight junctions were present and did not detect any gaps between endothelial cells (Chan et al., 2011). It is not clear how to reconcile these data, although it is possible that loss of CCM1 and 2 cause tube dilation by a mechanism that is distinct from that seen with loss of CCM3, as suggested by Chan and colleagues (Chan et al., 2011). In the Drosophila tracheal system, we see a clear and dramatic increase in apical polarity protein accumulation, and a convincing defect in remodeling of septate junctions; this suggests that a re-examination of endothelial tight junctions and an initial study of apical polarity determinants in vertebrate CCM models should be a high priority. Indeed, extant data hint that such studies could be of great value. For example, mutations in the zebrafish orthologs of Stardust and Yurt (physical interactors and regulators of Crumbs in Drosophila) have cardiovascular defects (Jensen et al., 2001; Jensen and Westerfield, 2004). Moreover, remodeling of endothelial cell junctions during angiogenesis, as cells change neighbors and as the tubes they comprise change architectures, is likely to be critical to the formation of functional tubes. That terminal cells are the only tracheal cell type affected by loss of CCM3 or GCKIII activity is striking, and may be directly relevant to human disease given that ~30% of cells comprising capillaries in the cerebral cortex have an analogous cellular architecture, the so-called “seamless” endothelial cells (Bar et al., 1984). In addition, we note that the cellular architecture of endothelial tip cells that lead outgrowth of the zebrafish intersomitic vessels is dynamic: these cells often form seamless tubes, but sometimes appear to make tubes of mixed auto-cellular and seamless character (like fly terminal cells), and at other times appear to contribute to multi-cellular tubes (Blum et al., 2008; Herwig et al., 2011). Given the dynamic nature of tight junctions during angiogenesis, defects in junction remodeling such as those we see with wheezy mutants in the Drosophila tracheal system, might be expected to give rise to leaky vessels composed of endothelial cells that are not properly attached to each other.
The precise function of CCM3 and GCKIII during angiogenesis is not clear. Recently Chan and colleagues have suggested a requirement for the CCM3 pathway in lumen formation (Chan et al., 2011) while Zheng and colleagues (Zheng et al., 2010) have suggested that the pathway regulates cell junctions via phosphorylation of Moesin. Our data conclusively show that neither model is consistent with the observed effects of loss of the CCM3/GCKIII pathway in the fly tracheal system; we discuss each model in the context of our data below.
The lumen formation model of Chan et al. is built upon the outcome of two sets of experiments: tubulogenesis assays of CCM3- or GCKIII-depleted endothelial cells and RNAi studies in the Drosophila tracheal system. The tubulogenesis assays have been used to great effect by Davis and colleagues, allowing them to identify a number of genes required for endothelial lumen formation (Bayless et al., 2000; Fisher et al., 2009; Koh et al., 2009); however, it is important to appreciate that the endothelial cells in this assay must do more than simply lumenize, they must also migrate, remodel the matrix, and organize and re-organize cell:cell contacts. Disruption in any of these pre-conditions for lumenization would also compromise tubulogenesis. Thus, should the junctional remodeling defects observed in the fly tracheal system also pertain to endothelial cells depleted for CCM3 or GCKIII, those remodeling defects might be sufficient to block lumenization in the in vitro assays. Additionally, the fact that patient CCMs are dilated capillaries rather than lumenless capillaries would also seem to argue against this model.
We note that our data for GCKIII and CCM3 in the Drosophila tracheal system stand in contrast to the findings of Chan et al (Chan et al., 2011). Unlike Chan et al., we find tube dilation to be the primary consequence of loss of CCM3 or GCKIII function. The fully penetrant transition zone defect we observed in wheezy mutant flies is compelling, and is directly supported, in our hands, by RNAi experiments targeting either GCKIII or CCM3, including with RNAi transgenes employed by Chan and colleagues (Table S1). Consistent with the findings of Chan et al., we do observe defects in terminal cell gas-filling (but not in other tracheal cell tubes by mosaic analysis using a null allele of GCKIII). However, we find that the lack of observable gas-filled tubes is not due to failure in tube formation, as suggested by Chan et al, but rather due to a failure in liquid clearance. Indeed, we readily detected liquid-filled tubes in the knocked-down cells (Figure S1). Importantly, our data argue that CCM3 and GCKIII are not required for making a lumen, but instead are required to prevent inappropriate trafficking of junctional and apical proteins.
We have also addressed the Zheng et al. model that phosphorylation of Moesin is the essential function of the CCM3/GCKIII pathway during tubulogenesis. Moesin is the only ERM (Ezrin-Radixin-Moesin) family member in Drosophila, and we find that phosphorylation of Moesin in the tracheal system is not compromised by loss of CCM3 or GCKIII (in fact it is elevated). These data suggest that the essential target of GCKIII kinase activity is not Moesin, but another protein yet to be identified. Going forward, it will be of great interest to determine what proteins are regulated by GCKIII kinase activity in the tracheal system, and to test whether vertebrate orthologs of these factors are required during angiogenesis.
Experimental Procedures
Fly strains
lotus312, urdur2, and wheezy770 alleles were described (Ghabrial et al., 2011; Kennison and Tamkun, 1988). lotusO48 and lotusB91 were isolated in an EMS mutagenesis screen (below). Tissue specific knockdown was with the GAL4/UAS system. Driver lines used were btl-GAL4 (pan-tracheal) and srf-GAL4 (terminal cell; a gift from Mark Metzstein); and RNAi responder strains were VDRC939 (Fas3), VDRC7743 (NSF2), VDRC49559, VDRC49558, VDRC107158 (GCKIII), VDRC46548, VDRC106841, VDRC109453 (CCM3), VDRC24157 (varicose) and VDRC39177 (crumbs). A full-length cDNA of GCKIII was cloned into pUAST using EcoRI and KpnI, and transgenic flies were generated (Genetic Services Inc). In rescue experiments UAS-GCKIII was driven by btl-GAL4. UAS-GFP-Lamp1 was a gift from Helmut Kramer. The crumbs-GFPA stock was a gift from Yong Hong (Huang et al., 2009). UAS-YFP-Rab4, UAS-YFP-Rab5, UAS-GFP-myc2xFYVE, urdur2, P{EPg}CG5073HP36555, and deficiency strains were obtained from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.
Allele screens
Additional alleles of lotus were isolated in an EMS mutagenesis screen. btl>GFP; FRT2A, FRT82B males were mutagenized, and ~2000 F1 males with lethal mutations were generated. Alleles of lotus were identified using a lotus312 tester strain, and validated by tracheal phenotype.
Generation of CCM3 excision alleles
Male P{EPg}CG5073HP36555 flies were crossed with virgins carrying Δ2–3 transposase. 200 independently derived chromosomes were recovered that had lost the w+ minigene marking the P element; these were balanced over TM3, Sb. Precise and imprecise excision alleles was identified by complementation test with Df(3R)EXEL6174, and by sequence analysis. The presence of at least 2 lethal mutations on the right arm of chromosome 3 in the P{EPg}CG5073HP36555 stock precluded their use in analysis of homozygous mutant animals. Primers pairs used for PCR amplification and sequencing were: 5′-ATGGACTTCTGGTCGGTGAG-3′, and 5′-AATCGCAACTGGGTTCCTGC-3′; 5′-CAATCGTAAGTCCGTGGCTCTC-3′, and 5′-TCGTCCGTCTCCATAAATAGTTGC-3′; 5′-TCCAAGAAGTTCAGCACAACGC-3′, and 5′-AAAAGTGGGTCATCTCGGTCG-3′.
Mosaic analysis
Virgin hsFLP122; btl-Gal4, UAS-GFPor UAS-DsRed; FRT82BUAS -Gal80 (Lee and Luo, 2001) or UAS-GFP RNAi (Ghabrial et al., 2011) flies were crossed to males bearing the mutation of interest on an FRT82B chromosome. Embryos were collected 0–4 hours after egg lay, and subjected to a 38°C heat shock for 45–55 minutes to induce expression of FLP recombinase, and then allowed to develop at 25°C until third larval instar (L3). For wheezy clones in which Fas3 was knocked-down by RNAi: virgin hsFLP122; UAS-Fas3RNAi; FRT82B, Tub-Gal80 flies were crossed to male btl-Gal4, UAS-GFP; FRT2A, FRT82B, wheezy770/TM3Sb, Tub-Gal80. For wheezy clones with pan-tracheal varicose knock-down,: virgin hsFLP122; UAS-variRNAi; FRT2A, FRT82B, wheezy770/TM3Sb, Tub-Gal80 flies were crossed to male btl-Gal4, UAS-GFP; FRT82B, cu, UAS-GFP-RNAi flies. Larvae were mounted in 60% glycerol, killed by heating on a 70°C block for ~10 seconds, and examined with a Leica fluorescence microscope, or were filleted ventrally in ice cold PBS and processed for antibody staining as described below.
Sequence analysis
lotus, urdur or wheezy alleles were balanced over TM3, Sb, Ser, twi-Gal4, UAS -GFP (Bloomington). Homozygous mutant embryos were selected, and DNA was extracted using QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen). Amplicons covering all exons and splice sites were and sequenced. Primers: NSF2 TACACACACGCAATGCCGAACAGG and TCTCACTACCGCTATGCTATGAACG; GGTTCTCGGTTTATCTCGGACG and TGGCTTCTGATTCACCCACG; CCTCGCTGTAAAAACGCTGG and AAAGTCACGCATCCGCTTGGTGTG; GAGTTCAATGCGATTTTCCGAC, and GCAGTTTTTCCATAGCCTCCG; CCAGTTGAGTGATTTCCCATTCG, and CGGTTCTGTGTATTAGGCTTGAAGG; CAAAGAACTTCAGTGGCG-, and GCGGTTGCTTTTTCAGTAG. GCKIII were: CTTTTCGGAACTGCTAACG and CCATAACTTGGTGCCCTT; GGAGTAACAAGGAAACCCG and GGGTGGATTGTTCTTGGGGA; AAGGGCGACGAAAGTGAGAC and CGTTTCAGTTTGTGTTGTCTCG; GAACAACTTCCTCTTCCCC and GGGTTCCTCATTTCCAATAAGG. For lotus312, a single nucleotide change was detected corresponding to a T-to-A transition, which caused an amino acid substitution in the conserved N domain of NSF2; for the lotusB91, a G-to-C nucleotide change was detected which caused a mis-sense mutation in the conserved D1 domain of NSF2; for lotusO48, a G-to-A transition was detected, that caused a non-sense mutation at the 75th codon of NSF2. In urdur2, a G-to-A mutation affecting the splice donor site of the second exon of NSF2 was detected. In wheezy770, a C-to-T transition caused a non-sense mutation in the 57th codon of GCKIII.
Penetrance of tube dilation defects
To compare among different genotypes, dorsal branch terminal cells from L3 larvae were scored. All dorsal branch terminal cells (~20) in five larvae were scored in each of three trials.
L3 larvae were dissected and fixed as described (Schottenfeld-Roames and Ghabrial, 2012). Primary antibody incubations were at 4°C overnight. Primary antibodies used were mouse α-Fas3 (DSHB; 1:50), mouse α-Coracle (DSHB, a cocktail of C566.9C and C615.16A, each at 1:500), rabbit α-Rab11 (a gift from Robert Cohen, 1:500), rabbit αVaricose (a gift from Elisabeth Knust; 1:500), Chicken α-GFP (Invitrogen; 1:500), Mouse-α-Phospho-ERM (Cell Signalling; 1:200), mouse α-RFP (Abcam; 1:1000) and rabbit α-Wkd (Schottenfeld-Roames and Ghabrial, 2012). Secondary antibody incubations were at room temperature for 1 hour. Alexa Fluor 488, 555 and 647 conjugated secondary antibodies were used (Invitrogen; 1:1000). Samples were mounted in aquapolymount (Polysciences, Inc), and images were acquired on a Leica DM5500 compound microscope. Z-stacks were captured for most images. Where possible, single Z images are shown. When deemed necessary for clarity, optimal focal planes (planes that bisect the tube) were merged to generate a montage of different Z series in the same x,y position – images that are montages are indicated in the figure legends.
Statistical Analysis
varicose and crumbs knockdown experiments were done in the background of wheezy or wildtype control mosaic larvae. No knockdown, or pan-tracheal knockdown using crumbs or varicose RNAi, was driven by breathless-Gal4. For each group (wild type 3R clone, no RNAi; wild type 3R clone, crumbs RNAi; wild type 3R clone, varicose RNAi; wheezy clone, no RNAi; wheezy clone, crumbs RNAi; wheezy clone, varicose RNAi), experiments were set up simultaneously in triplicate and the transition zone tube phenotype of all clones were scored (large dilation, small dilation, wild type/suppressed dilation, or gap). The fraction of transition zone tubes with large dilations was determined, and the mean of the three trials was used to calculate a P value by a two-tailed Student’s t-test, comparing wheezy clones to wheezy clones with crumbs or varicose RNAi.
Supplementary Material
Drosophila CCM3 and GCKIII are required to prevent terminal cell tube dilation
Ectopic septate junctions and proteins are found in CCM3 and GCKIII terminal cells
Apical determinant Crumbs is elevated at the lumen in CCM3 and GCKIII terminal cells
of crumbs, varicose, or lotus/NSF2 suppresses the GCKIII tube dilation defect
We thank Drs. Steve DiNardo, Mark Kahn, and Meera Sundarum, the members of the Ghabrial lab, and three anonymous reviewers for their comments on the manuscript.
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