Using 2.1-µm high-resolution microcomputed tomography, we have examined the spatial distribution, clustering, and shape of nearly 35,000 microcalcifications (µCalcs) ≥ 5 µm in the fibrous caps of 22 nonruptured human atherosclerotic plaques. The vast majority of these µCalcs were <15 µm and invisible at the previously used 6.7-µm resolution. A greatly simplified 3D finite element analysis has made it possible to quickly analyze which of these thousands of minute inclusions are potentially dangerous. We show that the enhancement of the local tissue stress caused by particle clustering increases rapidly for gap between particle pairs (h)/particle diameter (D) < 0.4 if particles are oriented along the tensile axis of the cap. Of the thousands of µCalcs observed, there were 193 particle pairs with h/D ≤ 2 (tissue stress factor > 2), but only 3 of these pairs had h/D ≤ 0.4, where the local tissue stress could increase a factor > 5. Using nondecalcified histology, we also show that nearly all caps have µCalcs between 0.5 and 5 µm and that the µCalcs ≥ 5 µm observed in high-resolution microcomputed tomography are agglomerations of smaller calcified matrix vesicles. µCalcs < 5 µm are predicted to be not harmful, because the tiny voids associated with these very small particles will not explosively grow under tensile forces because of their large surface energy. These observations strongly support the hypothesis that nearly all fibrous caps have µCalcs, but only a small subset has the potential for rupture.
Keywords: finite element analysis of fibrous caps, microcomputed tomography imaging of microcalcifications, vulnerable plaque, clustered microcalcifications
Fibrous cap rupture and the ensuing thrombus formation account for more than 50% of all cardiovascular deaths in the United States. Before the study by Vengrenyuk et al. (1), nearly all studies of human coronary artery calcification had focused on macrocalcifications that were visible using in vivo imaging techniques (2). Although coronary calcification is clinically related to poor prognosis and used as a marker for the advancement of the disease (3), it has not been successfully correlated with cap rupture (2, 4–6). The work by Vengrenyuk et al. (1) was a major departure from this approach, in that it attributed cap rupture to cellular-level microcalcifications (µCalcs) in the cap proper as opposed to macrocalcifications (calcifications > 100 µm), which finite element analysis (FEA) (4) predicted reduced peak circumferential stress (PCS). In contrast, the models in refs. 1, 7, and 8 predicted that µCalcs acted as local tissue stress concentrators in the fibrous cap proper, causing a nearly twofold increase in local tissue stress for spherical µCalcs independent of their size and location in the cap.
Cap rupture is frequently viewed as an inflammatory response affecting material properties, and thus, it is especially puzzling that 37% of tears occur in the center of the cap (9, 10), when macrophage infiltration is largely observed near the shoulders, and that the densest collage structure is typically at the cap center (9). Vengrenyuk et al. (1) proposed that the doubling of tissue stress caused by the presence of a µCalc could explain this paradoxical observation. The existence of such µCalcs in the fibrous cap was also shown for a single vulnerable lesion using 6.7-µm high-resolution microcomputed tomography scanning (HR-µCT), where three nearly spherical inclusions of ∼20-µm diameter were observed. Vengrenyuk et al. (1) suggested that the µCalcs were calcified macrophages or smooth muscle cells and that the triggering event was an interfacial debonding caused by the large mismatch in material properties between the µCalc and the surrounding tissue. Vengrenyuk et al. (1) believed that cap rupture was relatively rare, because only one of five fibrous caps that they examined contained such inclusions. In contrast, numerous µCalcs were observed in the necrotic core, where they were treated as floating debris and thus, not biomechanically dangerous.
The much more comprehensive recent study by Maldonado et al. (10), where 62 nonruptured fibrous cap atheromas were examined in 92 arteries of the three major coronary arteries (also at 6.7-µm resolution HR-µCT), has suggested a greatly revised view of the role of µCalcs in fibrous cap rupture. These 92 arteries had, on average, 4,160 µCalcs; 85% of µCalcs were <50 µm, with the vast majority residing in lipid pools. Only 0.2% of these µCalcs (81 total) were in the fibrous cap proper, where they could act as tissue stress concentrators. Strikingly, all 81 of the imbedded µCalcs were confined to just 9 (15%) of 62 fibroatheromas, and their average size was 28 ± 13 µm. The remaining 53 nonruptured atheromas had no visible µCalcs at 6.7-µm resolution HR-µCT, the thinnest of these caps being 66 µm (close to the <65-µm minimum thickness criterion for rupture proposed in ref. 11).
3D FEA was performed on all 81 of the µCalcs described above and the thinnest cap (66-µm cap) without visible µCalcs. The highest predicted tissue stress for all 81 µCalcs was 275 kPa, confirming the 300-kPa threshold for rupture proposed in ref. 12. More significantly, the 66-µm cap had a PCS of only 107 kPa, far below the rupture threshold. FEA showed that this cap would have to thin to ∼30 µm to achieve the 300-kPa rupture threshold; however, there was not a single nonruptured cap between 30- and 66-µm thickness among these 53 nonruptured lesions. Maldonado et al. (10) conjectured that these paradoxical observations could be explained if all caps between 30 and 66 µm had ruptured—not because of their thickness but because of the presence of µCalcs that were just not visible using 6.7-µm resolution HR-µCT. 3D FEA also showed that local stress concentrations could be increased not two- but fivefold in the tissue space between µCalcs when they were in close proximity.
The present paper has taken these results and conjectures into a different realm. The same arterial specimens examined in the study by Maldonado et al. (10) have been reexamined at 2.1-µm resolution HR-µCT, a resolution capable of detecting inclusions as small as ∼5 µm. Instead of 81 µCalcs in nine caps, one is now able to resolve nearly 35,000 µCalcs in 22 caps (one-third of all atheromas), strongly supporting the conjecture in the study by Maldonado et al. (10) that the vast majority of µCalcs in caps was not visible at 6.7-µm resolution. Such a large number of µCalcs required a new simplifying analysis, in which one could quickly identify and theoretically analyze the local tissue stress in potentially dangerous µCalc clusters and calcification geometries. In addition, histological methods that do not require decalcification for sectioning clearly showed µCalcs between 0.5 and 5 µm in nearly all of the remaining lesions. These studies provide the necessary resolution to reveal the fine structure of the smallest µCalcs visible in 2.1-µm resolution HR-µCT and suggest the connecting link between the agglomeration of calcified matrix vesicles (13–15) and µCalcs currently visible in HR-µCT. This finding is supported by the in vivo molecular imaging studies of Aikawa et al. (14, 16), which link µCalcs and plaque rupture in inflamed mouse and human atheromas.
In view of the huge number of µCalcs now observed in the fibrous caps proper, one is confronted with a fundamental paradox: why did the 22 caps, which had, on average, 1,564 µCalcs/cap > 5 µm, not rupture? We show that there are two basic reasons for this failure to rupture. First, the amplification of the local tissue stress depends primarily on a single parameter: the gap between the µCalcs (h)/their diameter (D). 3D FEA shows that large amplifications (>5) in tissue stress only occur when h/D < 0.4 and the particles are oriented along the tensile axis of the cap. Of nearly 35,000 µCalcs observed, there were only 193 particle pairs with h/D < 2; only three of these pairs had h/D < 0.4. Second, as recently shown in the study by Maldonado et al. (17), using cavitation theory for the explosive growth of small voids in hyperelastic materials (18), the actual triggering event for cap rupture is the explosive growth of small voids in the gap between closely spaced µCalcs (cavitation) and not interfacial debonding, which was proposed in ref. 1. Cavitation in a hyperelastic solid should not be confused with a well-known phenomenon in fluid mechanics, where small bubbles grow when their vapor pressure exceeds the local fluid pressure of the surrounding fluid. In a tissue that contains cells, collagen, and elastin, the likely origin of these voids is dissolved gases, which come out of solution when the local pressure is reduced because of tension. However, voids that are very small (<500 nm) have a surface energy that can far exceed the energy needed for cavitation, preventing their explosive growth.
These new results have led to a major modification of the original microcalcification hypothesis advanced in ref. 1, namely that µCalcs in fibrous caps are not rare but numerous, that they are not calcified macrophages or smooth muscle cells but an agglomeration of cell-derived calcified matrix vesicles, and that there is a minimum critical size of ∼5 µm for them to be potentially dangerous.
Specimens and Scanning Procedure.
Sixty-six human coronary fibroatheromas, defined as thickened vessel walls with visible lipid pool and necrotic core, were detected by 2.1-µm HR-µCT scanning in 92 human coronary arteries harvested from 32 formaldehyde-fixed whole hearts obtained from the National Disease Research Interchange. Four vessels were excluded, because they contained stents. Sixty-six fibroatheromas are four more than the sixty-two fibroatheromas reported in ref. 10, because at 2.1-µm resolution, there was a significantly improved definition of lipid pools and necrotic cores (Fig. 1 and SI Text).
µCalc Size Distribution, Cap Thickness, and Location.
The automated 3D analysis of the HR-µCT images of the fibrous caps using CTAn software (v11.0; SkyScan) revealed thousands of µCalcs of different sizes, with equivalent spherical diameters ranging from 5 to 50 µm, in 22 of 66 caps analyzed. These 22 fibrous caps, where particles > 5-µm diameter were visible at 2.1-µm resolution, contained, in total, 34,408 µCalcs and on average, 1,564 ± 2,506 µCalcs/cap. A summary of the size distribution and minimum cap thickness for all 22 caps is shown in Table 1. Also shown for comparison is the size distribution for 81 µCalcs observed in ref. 10 (Table 2). One notes that 79.6% of the µCalcs were between 5- and 15-µm D based on their measured volume, V = πD3/6, 17.7% of the µCalcs were between 15- and 30-µm D, and 2.7% of the µCalcs were between 30- and 50-µm D. Minimum cap thicknesses varied between 35 and 285 µm.
Table 1.
Sp. no. | Stn (%) | MCT (μm) | No. of µCalcs | Size distribution (μm) of μCalcs in caps |
5 < D < 15 |
15 < D < 30 |
30 < D < 50 |
No. of µCalcs | % | No. of µCalcs | % | No. of µCalcs | % | ||||
1 | 40 | 254 | 48 | 45 | 94 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 2 |
2 | 56 | 149 | 149 | 113 | 76 | 31 | 21 | 5 | 3 |
3 | 44 | 286 | 1,827 | 1,371 | 75 | 394 | 22 | 62 | 3 |
4 | 13 | 206 | 795 | 554 | 70 | 200 | 25 | 41 | 5 |
5 | 44 | 56 | 3,324 | 2,550 | 77 | 636 | 19 | 138 | 4 |
6 | 34* | 126 | 474 | 379 | 80 | 78 | 16 | 17 | 4 |
7 | 39* | 98 | 565 | 319 | 56 | 199 | 35 | 47 | 8 |
8 | 45 | 111 | 1,542 | 1,281 | 83 | 231 | 15 | 30 | 2 |
9 | 37 | 58 | 492 | 465 | 95 | 27 | 5 | 0 | 0 |
10 | 56 | 228 | 1,244 | 800 | 64 | 371 | 30 | 73 | 6 |
11 | 23 | 182 | 35 | 26 | 74 | 3 | 9 | 6 | 17 |
12 | 53* | 98 | 1,646 | 1,516 | 92 | 121 | 7 | 9 | 1 |
13 | 35 | 143 | 4,016 | 2,984 | 74 | 901 | 22 | 131 | 3 |
14 | 34 | 70 | 194 | 177 | 91 | 17 | 9 | 0 | 0 |
15 | 41 | 75 | 598 | 470 | 79 | 128 | 21 | 0 | 0 |
16 | 31 | 110 | 1,368 | 1,094 | 80 | 263 | 19 | 11 | 1 |
17 | 50* | 70 | 1,975 | 1,761 | 89 | 187 | 9 | 27 | 1 |
18 | 32* | 77 | 12,088 | 9,931 | 82 | 1,918 | 16 | 239 | 2 |
19 | 28* | 86 | 532 | 389 | 73 | 121 | 23 | 22 | 4 |
20 | 12 | NM | 638 | 449 | 70 | 150 | 24 | 39 | 6 |
21 | 34 | 80 | 248 | 217 | 88 | 28 | 11 | 3 | 1 |
22 | 60 | 35 | 610 | 498 | 82 | 101 | 17 | 11 | 2 |
Total | 34408 | 27,389 | 79.3 | 6,107 | 17.2 | 912 | 3.5 | ||
Mean | 38 | 123.7 | 1,564.0 | 1,245.0 | 277.6 | 41.5 | |||
SD | 14 | 69.8 | 2,565.2 | 2,097.3 | 426.3 | 58.9 |
D, equivalent spherical diameter; MCT, minimum cap thickness; No. of μCalcs, number of microcalcifications; NM, not measurable; Sp. no., specimen number; Stn, percentage of stenosis.
μCalcs located near the maximum stenosis site.
Table 2.
Sp. no. | No. of µCalcs | Size distribution (μm) of μCalcs in caps |
5 < D < 15 | 15 < D < 30 |
30 < D < 50 |
No. of µCalcs | % | No. of µCalcs | % | |||
1 | 5 | n/a | 3 | 60 | 2 | 40 |
2 | 5 | n/a | 3 | 60 | 2 | 40 |
3 | 16 | n/a | 9 | 56 | 7 | 44 |
4 | 11 | n/a | 1 | 9 | 10 | 91 |
5 | 15 | n/a | 9 | 60 | 6 | 40 |
6 | 9 | n/a | 6 | 67 | 3 | 33 |
7 | 11 | n/a | 3 | 27 | 8 | 73 |
8 | 5 | n/a | 2 | 40 | 3 | 60 |
9 | 4 | n/a | 2 | 50 | 2 | 50 |
Total | 81 | 38 | 47 | 43 | 53 | |
Mean | 9.00 | 4.22 | 4.78 | |||
SD | 4.56 | 3.03 | 3.03 |
D, equivalent spherical diameter; No. of μCalcs, number of microcalcifications; n/a, not applicable; Sp. no., specimen number.
Clearly, few, if any, µCalcs < 15-µm diameter were observed at 6.7-µm resolution, where the mean size was reported as 28 ± 13 µm. However, there are large discrepancies in the size distribution for µCalcs in the 15- to 30-µm and 30- to 50-µm size ranges for the nine caps with µCalcs analyzed in ref. 10. These discrepancies have two origins. First, there is a much sharper definition of the boundaries of the lipid pool or necrotic core in the present study compared with the study by Maldonado et al. (10), as clearly shown by comparing the image in Fig. 1A with the image in Fig. 1B. Many of the µCalcs reside near the lipid pool boundary, especially its top surface, and these µCalcs were treated as being in the lipid pool in our earlier study. Second, most of the µCalcs in the cap in Fig. 1B were invisible in Fig. 1A, where they had a collective clouded light gray appearance. µCalcs at 6.7-µm resolution, which had the appearance of a single larger µCalc, were actually a cluster of smaller µCalcs. Thus, the percentage distribution of µCalcs in the 30- to 50-µm group is much smaller than in the 15- to 30-μm group. However, the most important observation in Table 1 is that, except for specimen 11, there were hundreds to thousands of µCalcs ≥ 5 µm in 22 caps in Table 1. This finding is far beyond what one could analyze using finite element approaches, especially given the spatial heterogeneity of their distribution. The 44 caps with no distinct visible µCalcs, even at 2.1-µm resolution, will be described later.
Because 37% of cap ruptures occur in the central region of the cap (8, 9), we wished to see if this location correlates with the distribution of µCalcs in the cap. Specimen 8 was selected for this purpose, because its cap was well-defined and contained a large number of µCalcs. The central region was defined as the inner 50% of the cap, and the shoulders were defined as the outer 25% of the cap length on each end. We observed that 506 or 33% of 1,542 µCalcs were positioned in the central region. These results support the observations in ref. 10, where 42% of 81 µCalcs examined resided in the center of the cap.
We also examined whether the presence of fibrous caps with µCalcs > 5 µm coincide with locations of stenosis, because more than one-half of vulnerable lesions exhibit relatively minor stenosis (19). The degree of stenosis varied between 12% and 60%, and only 30% of atheromas showed clusters of μCalcs in the vicinity of maximum stenosis.
µCalc Spacing and Orientation.
The volume V and surface S measured for each particle using CTAn were used to calculate its approximate aspect ratio major axis (l)/minor axis (r) if the particle was treated as an ellipsoid of revolution (SI Text). To calculate the distance between particles, h = dcen − ra − rb, where dcen is the distance between the centroids of particles a and b based on their effective diameter.
Although there can be several thousand µCalcs > 5 µm in a single cap, a very unusual simplification was first observed in ref. 17. Until 2005, all FEA of tissue stresses in coronary arteries was based on 2D cross-sections of arteries. Using this approach, Maldonado et al. (17) calculated the stress concentration factor for two circular inclusions in a uniform thickness cap when the inclusions were aligned along the tensile axis of the cap, treating the inclusions as circular cylinders. The purpose was to try and explain how one could obtain stress concentration factors that were as great as a factor of five for the 81 µCalcs observed in arteries 1–9 in Table 2. It was evident that µCalcs in close proximity, h/D < 0.4, had an effect that was not just additive but increased exponentially with decreasing h/D. For two circular cylinders, the increase in stress seemed to depend primarily on a single-parameter h/D. The calculation just described has now been performed for two spherical inclusions along the tensile axis of the cap using a fully 3D FEA. This result is reported in Fig. 2A along with the corresponding 2D solutions obtained in ref. 17.
Fig. 2A shows that the calculated stress concentration factor is a factor of two for h/D > 1, which is nearly the same as for an isolated spherical inclusion, but it increases exponentially for h/D < 0.4, where the local stress could increase more than 500%. The results are independent of the size of the particle, its position within the cap, and the cap thickness, which was 140 µm for the results shown. A substantial difference develops between the 2D and 3D results for h/D < 0.5. When two spheres are put in tension, one creates a strain in the region between the spheres, which grows rapidly as the gap between them decreases. The amount of tissue to absorb this strain energy is much smaller for two spheres than two cylinders, resulting in a significantly larger increase in the stress concentration factor for the 3D geometry. If the tensile force was applied transverse to the particle axis, one would obtain results close to a factor of two, the same as for an isolated particle. A comparison of the tissue stresses in the gap between the particles for the two cases with the same h/D and cap thickness is shown in Fig. 2B. One notices that a large strain (45%) develops in the gap between the µCalcs when they are oriented along the tensile axis, whereas the gap narrows by 30% when tensile forces act transverse to the µCalc axis.
Fig. 2A provides an enormous simplification. One could not possibly perform an FEA on a cap with several thousand µCalcs > 5 µm. However, one does not have to perform this analysis. One only needs to perform an FEA on the basic vessel geometry without µCalcs to determine the background stress distribution and then calculate the stress amplification factor for the most closely spaced µCalcs. To illustrate the importance of this simplification, nearly 35,000 µCalcs > 5 µm were analyzed in 22 caps described in Table 1. Using the CTAn analysis software, we were able to, in 1 h, identify the locations of all 35,000 µCalcs and the position of their closest neighbors. The availability of much higher-resolution HR-µCT images enabled us to quickly estimate the h between particles and their D. The remarkable result is that there were only 193 pairs of µCalcs in all 22 caps where h/D < 2 and that there were only 3 pairs where h/D was < 0.4, where one would anticipate a large increase in the stress concentration factor. The distribution of 193 µCalc pairs with h/D < 2 is shown in Fig. 3. The three cases with h/D ≤ 0.4 are described in more detail in Finite Element Models using a 3D FEA. For h/D > 2, the inclusions can be treated as isolated particles; there is little interaction between them, and their stress concentration factor is roughly two, unless they are elongated. Although the particles can take complex geometries, this complexity is not difficult to handle, which is shown in Nonspherical µCalcs.
Finite Element Models.
Closer examination of Table 1 reveals that there are at least six caps that require additional analysis to understand why they did not rupture. These specimens are specimens 5, 7, 15, 17, 19, and 22. These six patient-specific atheromas had between 532 and 3,324 µCalcs visible in their fibrous caps. All six specimens had at least one region with cap thickness < 100 µm. Specimen 22 corresponds to the thinnest cap of 66 analyzed caps with a minimum cap thickness of 35 µm. Although this cap had 610 µCalcs ≥ 5 µm, none were located in the region of minimum thickness to further increase vulnerability to rupture. Specimens 15 and 19 were selected, because they correspond to thin caps where µCalcs were detected near the region of minimum cap thickness. Specimens 5, 7, and 17 were selected from the results in Figs. 2 and 3. These three specimens correspond to the three lowest values of h/D in Fig. 3, where h/D < 0.4 and the stress concentration factor is > 5. A seventh fibroatheroma was also analyzed. This specimen was shown in figure 8 in ref. 10, where a 20-µm µCalc was observed imbedded in the tip of a ruptured cap at the precise location of the tear. In this case, the cap was reconstructed, preserving the volume of soft tissue in the cap that is pressurized to 110 mmHg, and FEA was applied to determine the PCS at the rupture site with and without the culprit µCalc. This reconstruction is described in Fig. S1. In HR-µCT grayscale imaging, it is very difficult to capture a rupture, because the thrombus cannot be distinguished from the surrounding soft tissue unless the thrombus detaches and washes downstream, leaving the imbedded culprit µCalc behind.
To construct patient-specific HR-µCT–based FEA models, HR-µCT images of the seven atheromas described above were imported into Mimics software (v.13.0; Materialize), where lipid calcification and fibrous cap were segmented based on density-calibrated images. A linear tetrahedral mesh representing the geometry was created, and material properties were then assigned using an incompressible neo-Hookean isotropic model. The value of Young’s modulus of the lipid core was prescribed to be Elipid = 5 kPa, the soft tissue was Et = 500 kPa, and Ecalc = 10 GPa (20, 21). At the lumen of the artery, a pressure of 110 mmHg (14.6 kPa) was applied. A 3D model was created using ABAQUS (v.6.12; Dassault). The background stress distribution in the fibrous cap was calculated by replacing the µCalcs with soft tissue, and the circumferential stress at that location was considered as the background stress. To calculate the PCS, including the effect of µCalcs, the stress concentration factor, shown in Fig. 2A, was applied at the location of the minimum h/D (specimens 5, 7, and 17) or minimum cap thickness (specimens 15 and 19). This approach allowed PCS to be calculated without individually modeling thousands of µCalcs using FEA, dramatically reducing the computational cost. These results are summarized in Table 3.
Table 3.
Sp. no. | MCT (μm) | No. of µCalcs | µCalcs at MCT | BG stress (kPa) | Minimum h/D | SCF | PCS (kPa) |
5 | 57 | 4,155 | No | 37 | 0.34 | 5.0 | 185.0 |
7 | 98 | 630 | No | 29 | 0.2 | 7.0 | 203.0 |
15 | 75 | 762 | Yes | 85 | 1.0 | 2.3 | 195.5 |
17 | 70 | 2,834 | No | 89 | 0.28 | 5.3 | 471.7 |
19 | 86 | 641 | Yes | 35 | 0.6 | 2.7 | 94.5 |
22 | 35 | 742 | No | 313 | 1.3 | 1.0 | 313.0 |
BG stress, background stress; MCT, minimum cap thickness; μCalcs at MCT, μCalcs located in region of MCT; Minimum h/D, minimum separation to equivalent spherical diameter ratio; No. of μCalcs, number of microcalcifications; PCS, peak circumferential stress; SCF, stress concentration factor; Sp. no., specimen number.
For specimen 22, the thinnest cap, PCS of 313 kPa, did occur in a region of minimum thickness where there were no µCalcs. The minimum h/D of 1.3 caused a twofold increase in local tissue stress, but this stress was in a location where the cap was thicker and thus, did not affect PCS. Specimens 15 and 19 did have µCalcs in the region of minimum cap thickness, and the values of h/D (1.0 and 0.6) caused a 2.3 and 2.7 amplification of the background tissue stress, respectively. However, this PCS was not nearly sufficient to raise the tissue to the 300-kPa threshold, because the background stress was low in the region of minimum cap thickness. Thus, cap thickness alone does not determine the background stress, because factors, like necrotic core size and thickness, directly modify it (20). Specimens 5 and 7, which had stress amplification factors of 7.0 and 5.0, respectively, similarly were not close to the rupture threshold, because they were in regions where the background stress was low. The most intriguing of the six atheromas was specimen 17, which had an h/D of 0.28 and a stress concentration factor of 5.3, which would have led to an estimated PCS of 471 kPa, clearly sufficient to cause rupture. However, when this case was more closely examined, it was observed that the µCalcs were oriented roughly 75° to the tensile axis and that the stress concentration factor was closer to 2.0, the result for a transverse orientation shown in Fig. 2C.
Finally, for our reconstructed ruptured plaque from the study by Maldonado et al. (10) (Fig. S1C), our 3D FEA showed that, in the absence of the µCalc, PCS would have been 210 kPa, which is significantly less than the 300-kPa threshold for rupture. However, when considering the presence of the µCalc embedded in the fibrous cap at the rupture site, the PCS rises to 396 kPa (Fig. S1D), which could easily explain the rupture.
Nonspherical µCalcs.
The greatly increased resolution of the HR-µCT images allowed us to not only obtain a much better estimation of the number of µCalcs present in the fibrous cap proper but also, estimate their shape. Using the formulas for the sphericity and volume of each particle described in SI Text, one can calculate the aspect ratio of an equivalent prolate spheroid with the same volume and surface area. In Fig. S2, we have plotted the percentage of µCalcs as a function of their aspect ratio l/D using these relations for an equivalent prolate spheroid. Approximately 35% of µCalcs have an l/D < 2; 2 < l/D < 3 for 35% of µCalcs, and 3 < l/D < 4 for 15% of µCalcs, leaving 4 < l/D < 8 for roughly 15% of µCalcs. Vengrenyuk et al. (7) have shown that, whereas a near-spherical µCalc would cause a twofold increase in PCS, a prolate spheroid with an aspect ratio l/D > 2 could cause more than a fourfold increased stress in a localized region near its ends.
A much better estimation of the shape of µCalcs along with an insight into the origin of the µCalcs can be obtained from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images and nondecalcified histology. Fig. 4 A and B show µCalcs embedded in a mouse atheroma and human fibrous cap, respectively. Both µCalcs have a shape consistent with the agglomeration of several enlarged cell-derived matrix vesicles, where the region beneath the membrane has started calcifying after coalescence. As observed in Fig. 4 A and B, an elongated µCalc is an agglomeration of smaller calcified particles, which individually, have the shape of ellipsoids of revolution.
The TEM-based FEA calculated stress concentration factor at the poles of the particle in Fig. 4A is shown in Fig. 4C, indicating that the presence of this elongated particle would increase local stress 3.7 and 4.2 times at its ends instead of the twofold increase calculated for its volume-equivalent sphere. For our histologically constructed µCalc in Fig. 4B, the increase in stress at its ends is 5.0 and 6.4 (Fig. 4D). Our FEA indicates that two key shape parameters determine PCS at the poles of a µCalc: (i) length along the tensile axis and (ii) curvature of the µCalc complex at its poles.
The initial formulation of the µCalc plaque rupture hypothesis (1) was based on an idealized model for a single spherical inclusion and the observation of three cellular-level µCalcs in the fibrous cap proper of a single fibroatheroma at 6.7-µm resolution HR-µCT. It is not unexpected that, with the current observation of nearly 35,000 µCalcs at significantly higher resolution and nondecalcified histology to see even smaller µCalcs, this original formulation requires major modification. Vengrenyuk et al. (1) suggested that the µCalcs were a relatively rare occurrence, that µCalcs derived from apoptotic macrophages trapped in the cap while moving to the necrotic core, and that rupture was caused by interfacial debonding at the µCalc interface. With evolved understanding of the biology of microcalcification and improved imaging resolution, our recent studies (10, 17) can be viewed as a critical transition, where each of these hypotheses is initially questioned.
The observation of nearly 35,000 µCalcs > 5 µm in 22 of 66 human fibrous caps provides indisputable evidence that µCalcs of these dimensions are, indeed, numerous and that the 81 µCalcs observed in ref. 10 in 15% of the caps at 6.7-µm resolution were a gross underestimation. Table 1 shows that the size of 80% of the µCalcs was between 5 and 15 µm, and thus, they were not visible at 6.7-µm resolution. Also, many µCalcs believed to be a single particle at 6.7-µm resolution were actually clusters of smaller µCalcs (Fig. S3). Similarly, particles between 30 and 50 µm seen at 6.7-µm resolution were clusters of 15- to 30-µm particles, causing a large percentage difference in the particle size distribution at 2.1- and 6.7-µm resolutions for the larger µCalcs. Not a single µCalc > 50 µm was seen in the fibrous cap proper, the current threshold for in vivo imaging. Additionally, histology images reveal the presence of µCalcs between 0.5 and 5.0 µm in the remaining 44 fibrous caps (Fig. S3C), confirming recent reports of µCalcs < 1 µm in fibrous caps in the works by New and Aikawa (22) and Roijers et al. (23).
With so many µCalcs, why are there not more ruptures? FEA and our criterion for identifying which of the thousands of µCalcs are potentially dangerous provide the key insights into this critical question. The data in Figs. 2 and 3 and Table 3 are crucial to understanding why these caps did not rupture. First, the µCalcs have to be in a local region where the background stress is already elevated, typically a region where the cap is thin. The minimum thickness of specimen 22 was only 35 µm, but no µCalcs were observed in this region where the PCS was 313 kPa, very close to the 300-kPa minimum threshold for rupture (12). Contrary to widely held beliefs, cap thickness by itself is not the only criterion. Even for a thin cap, a single µCalc at the right location would greatly increase rupture risk. Second, clusters of particles in close proximity, h/D < 0.4, produce a stress concentration factor that is much greater than a single µCalc provided that the particles are aligned with the tensile axis. This concept is supported by the study by Gent and Park (18) that shows that a tiny void has to preexist in the region of the stress concentration. This possibility is not likely for a single particle, because the region of increased stress is confined to small regions in the immediate vicinity of the tensile poles. In marked contrast, the entire region between two µCalcs in close proximity will be exposed to this high stress (Fig. 2B). Third, we observed that there were only three particle pairs with h/D ≤ 0.4 among all 22 caps with µCalcs > 5 µm that had not ruptured. In all three specimens 5, 7, and 17 in Table 3, FEA showed that the 300-kPa threshold for rupture had not been exceeded. In a dataset of 35,000 µCalcs, this finding is remarkable. We cannot confirm it in the present study, but a plausible conclusion is that the failure to find other particle pairs with h/D ≤ 0.4 meant that these caps had ruptured.
Our nondecalcified histology of human fibrous caps and EM of µCalcs in the cap of an apolipoprotein E knockout (APO-E−/−) mouse in Fig. 4 strongly suggest that µCalcs are derived from matrix vesicles, which could be formed from smooth muscle cell or macrophage membrane blebs (24). These membrane-bound bodies, which are initially 100–300 nm, can merge to form larger vesicles or μCalcs (13–15). Bobryshev et al. (13) estimated that ∼1% of matrix vesicles calcify in their initial state. Fig. 4 suggests that these small vesicles first fuse to form larger vesicular bodies, typically 1- to 2-µm diameter, that then calcify and agglomerate. Calcification appears to start at the membrane and then may proceed inward. Even at 2.1-µm resolution HR-µCT, it is difficult to image the shape of small µCalcs. However, volume and sphericity measurements in Fig. S2 indicate that 65% of the µCalcs have an aspect ratio > 2.
Although µCalcs < 5 µm cannot be seen at 2.1-µm resolution HR-µCT, they are clearly visible in nondecalcified histology using either Alizarin Red S or von Kossa stain. These very small µCalcs do not initiate plaque rupture as explained in detail in ref. 17. Originally, Vengrenyuk et al. (1) proposed that the triggering event for rupture was an interfacial debonding that started at the poles of the inclusion. The theory for hyperelastic materials developed in ref. 18 and applied in ref. 17 for spherical µCalcs shows that, for debonding to occur, the strain energy stored in the tissue at the poles of a µCalc in tension must exceed the bonding energy at the surface of the particle. This stored energy increases with the size of the particle and for representative adhesion strengths debonding theory (18), predicts that the particle must exceed 65-µm diameter. No µCalcs of this dimension have been observed among 35,000 µCalcs in this study. A more plausible possibility is cavitation, the explosive growth of a small void when the tissue stress exceeds ∼5/6E, where E is the Young’s modulus of the material. Because the measured value of E is typically 500 kPa, this threshold for cavitation falls precisely in the range 300–545 kPa that has been widely used for cap rupture. Initial voids seldom exceed about 1/10th of the particle radius (18). Thus, a 5-µm inclusion would have an initial void < 500 nm. The calculations in ref. 17 show that the surface energy to expand such a tiny void would far exceed 5E/6 and that cavitation would not occur.
Unfortunately, the distribution of the µCalcs is heterogeneous, and thus, one cannot apply homogenization theory, such as in the work by Wenk et al. (25), for predicting local tissue stress. However, there is a single parameter, h/D, that seems to predict the local amplification factor for tissue stress when neighboring µCalcs are aligned along their tensile axis, the worst case scenario. This parameter enables one to quickly single out which µCalcs are the most dangerous in a cap with hundreds to thousands of µCalcs < 5 µm without doing very costly, if not insurmountable, FEA. The principle limitation of the present study is that it is based nearly exclusively on the analysis of caps that have not ruptured and the interpretation of now extensive data to explain why rupture has not occurred. Although they have not been treated in this paper, other biological processes can alter the Young’s modulus E of the tissue. Because the requirement for cavitation is that the local tissue stress exceed 5E/6, processes such as enzymatic degradation and erosion, which decrease E, will lower the threshold stress for cavitation, whereas matrix synthesis will increase E and increase this threshold. Another important factor, which is described in the work by Ohayon et al. (26), is the influence of residual stresses. These stresses typically put the inner wall of the artery in compression and can reduce the local background stress by as much as a factor of two, significantly reducing the PCS and hence, the likelihood of cavitation.
Supplementary Material
This research has been supported by National Institutes of Health Grant R01 HL114805-01 (to E.A.), National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Grants 0723027 (to L.C.) and 1229449 (to L.C.), and National Institutes of Health American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Grants RCI HL101151 (to S.W.) and AG034198.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1308814110/-/DCSupplemental.
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