Protein kinase CK2 is a highly conserved and ubiquitous serine–threonine kinase. It is a tetrameric enzyme that is made up of two regulatory CK2β subunits and two catalytic subunits, either CK2α/CK2α, CK2α/ CK2α′, or CK2α′/CK2α′. Although the two catalytic subunits diverge in their C termini, their enzymatic activities are similar. To identify the specific function of the two catalytic subunits in development, we have deleted them individually from the mouse genome by homologous recombination. We have previously reported that CK2α′is essential for male germ cell development, and we now demonstrate that CK2α has an essential role in embryogenesis, as mice lacking CK2α die in mid-embryogenesis, with cardiac and neural tube defects.
Keywords: Protein kinase CK2, Casein kinase II, Homologous recombination, Wnt signaling, Embryonic development
CK2 is a ubiquitous and highly conserved serine–threonine kinase. It is overexpressed in many human cancers, and we have shown that tissue-specific overexpression in transgenic mice leads to malignancy [1, 2]. One of the mechanisms of cellular transformation may be activation of the Wnt pathway, as CK2 is sufficient and necessary for stabilizing the key transcriptional co-factor in Wnt signaling, β-catenin [3–5]. CK2 can be found in transcriptional complexes on Wnt-target genes [6] and is activated by Wnt signaling [7]. In Xenopus laevis, CK2 is required for proper development of the dorsal axis of the embryo [5, 8]. In mice, CK2β is required for early embryonic development, and perhaps cell-autonomous growth [9]. We have previously shown that CK2α′ is highly expressed in mouse testis and brain and is required for normal male germ cell development [10]; no central nervous system phenotype has been found. In the testis, CK2α′ appears to protect developing spermatocytes from apoptosis, and deficiency leads to oligospermia and abnormal development of the sperm head (Fig. 1). We now have found that the more abundant and widely expressed CK2α subunit is required for mouse embryonic development. This report summarizes additional features of these knockout mice, first described in [11].
Gene targeting
Long-range PCR was used to amplify CK2α genomic DNA from a 129SvEv BAC clone. Arms were cloned into the pPNT targeting vector, which allows for positive and negative selection [12]. This construct (Fig. 2a) was electroporated into TC1 ES cells [13] grown on mitomycin-treated mouse embryonic fibroblast feeders in medium supplemented with 5 × 105 U ESGRO-LIF (Chemicon). Integration of the plasmid was selected for in 260 μg/ml G418 (Gibco), and cells with homologous recombination were enriched using 0.1 μM FIAU. DNA was prepared from surviving ES cell clones, and homologous recombinants were identified by PCR and Southern blot (Fig. 2b). Clones with containing a targeted CK2α allele were microinjected into C57Bl/6 blastocysts. All animal experimentation was performed with approval of the Boston University Medical Center IACUC and with the assistance of the Lab Animal Sciences Center and Transgenic Core Facility. High-grade chimeric mice with nearly 100% agouti coats were bred with wildtype (WT) C57BL/6 females to test for germline transmission of the targeted CK2α allele. F1 offspring were screened by PCR and Southern blot to identify heterozygous CK2α+/− mice. These were mated together to attempt to derive homozygous CK2α−/− offspring. Timed matings were performed and embryos were harvested to determine the developmental phenotypes. Fixed embryos were prepared for light and electron microscopic analysis and in situ hybridization as described [10, 14]. CK2 expression and activity were determined by in situ hybridization, immuno-blotting, and kinase assay using the CK2-specific peptide substrate RRREEETEEE (Sigma-Genosys) [15]. Background kinase activity in the absence of the peptide substrate was subtracted; P values were assessed by ANOVA, and Bonferroni correction was applied for multiple comparisons.
Whole mount in situ hybridization
For in situ hybridization, embryos were fixed in 4% para-formaldehyde/PBS, dehydrated, and stored at −20°C. Prior to hybridization, embryos were rehydrated, bleached in 6% H2O2, permeabilized with 10 μg/ml proteinase K, post-fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, 0.2% glutaraldehyde in PBT (1× PBS, 0.1% Tween), and pre-hybridized. Hybridization was performed at 70°C with digoxygenin-labeled probes transcribed from linearized plasmids (pBS-En-1 for engrailed-1, pSK75-T for brachyury, and pBS-mShh for mouse sonic hedgehog) using a DIG RNA Labeling Kit (Roche). After hybridization, embryos were washed, blocked in 10% lamb serum in PBT, and incubated with antibody in 10% lamb serum and PBT. Embryos were washed and treated with NBT/BCIP (4-nitro blue tetrazolium chloride/5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-phosphate) and postfixed with 4% paraformaldehyde, 0.1% glutaraldehyde in PBS.
RNA isolation and RT-qPCR
RNA was extracted with Trizol® (Invitrogen), DNAse I treated, and cDNA was prepared from 1 μg total RNA using the BioRad iScript cDNA Synthesis Kit. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) was carried out in a 25 μl iTaq Sybr Green reaction (BioRad), in the presence of 400 nM of each primer in a Stratagene mx3000P real-time PCR machine. Primers included: En1_for (ACACAACCCTGCGATCCTAC); (GATATAGCGGTTTGCCTGGA); HPRT 5′ (GTTGGAT ACAGGCCAGACTTTGTTG); HPRT 3′ (GAGGGTAGG CTGGCCTATAGGCT); T_for (ATCAAGGAAGGCTTT AGCAAATGGG); and T_rev (GAACCTCGGATTCACA TCGTGAGA). Samples were analyzed in duplicate. Ct was determined for each sample, and copy number was determined using a standard formula: 10(Ct − 40)/ −3.32). When comparing samples, transcript copy number was normalized to the copy number for HPRT.
Results and discussion
Electroporation and positive and negative selection of ES cells led to the identification of clones of cells that had acquired the targeted CK2α allele, in which the critical ATP-binding residue of CK2α at lysine 68 was replaced with a neomycin resistance cassette. These were identified by PCR and Southern blot (Fig. 2b). When clones were injected into blastocysts, high grade chimera were obtained. These were bred to obtain heterozygous CK2α+/− F1 mice. These mice were developmentally and histologically normal and fertile. However, crosses of these failed to yield any CK2α−/− offspring in more than 30 litters. The ratio of CK2α+/+ to CK2α+/− offspring was 1:2, consistent with the expected frequency for an embryonic lethal phenotype of CK2α−/− mice. Thus, timed matings were performed to generate embryos of varying genotypes and ages for analysis. No viable embryos were recovered beyond about e12.5; at e13.5 and e14.5, runted degenerating CK2α−/− embryos could be seen (Fig. 3a). Embryos up until e10.5 were viable. Some embryos were smaller and were found to have evidence of heart failure and pericardial edema (Fig. 3b) like the syndrome of hydrops fetalis that occurs with severe anemia or cardiac defects in humans. In examining earlier embryos, a variety of defects of the developing heart were noted (Fig. 4). In the CK2α−/− embryos, the formation of the four-chambered heart was markedly defective. An open heart tube persisted, with an enlarged endomyocardial cavity with a thin and disorganized endothelial lining with defective trabeculation and a thin atrial wall. The surface ectoderm and developing pericardium were also abnormal (Fig. 4b).
A second major phenotype was defects in the development of the neural tube and brain. In the CK2α−/− embryos, neural tube closure failed to occur at the level of the future midbrain in more than 90% of the CK2α−/− embryos; this was seen in 13% of heterozygous embryos and never observed in control WT embryos (Fig. 5a). Failure of neural tube closure does not interfere with specification of brain regions, as the homeobox gene engrailed-1 (En-1) mRNA was still expressed at the site of the midbrain/hindbrain junction by whole mount in situ hybridization (Fig. 5b). En-1 was similarly expressed in WT and KO embryos by both semiquantitative RT-PCR (Fig. 5b) and quantitative real-time PCR (data not shown). The expression pattern and quantitative expression of sonic hedgehog mRNA, Shh, were also similar in WT and KO embryos, staining both the notochord and floorplate of the neural tubes (Fig. 5c).
Abnormalities of tailbud development were seen in the CK2α−/− embryos, which typically had broadened shovel-shaped tails, that were well visualized by staining for the T-box gene brachyury (Fig. 6). Brachury was well-expressed in the abnormal tails, but at higher power, a reduction in anterior (cranial) staining for brachyury mRNA was visible. Additional phenotypes that were noted include underdevelopment of the limb buds, branchial arches, and otic and optic vesicles (not shown).
CK2α−/− knockout embryos were confirmed to have no CK2α mRNA or 42 kDa protein but had similar amounts of the 38 kDa CK2α′ protein as their littermate controls (Fig. 7), suggesting no compensatory mechanism of CK2α′ upregulation. Heterozygous CK2α+/− embryos had about half the CK2α protein as the WT embryos (Fig. 7). While expression of the CK2β subunit in the heterozygote and WT embryos was not strikingly different, the null embryos had reduced CK2β protein. This is similar to what has previously been observed in CK2α knock-down experiments, where CK2β mRNA were unchanged ([16], and data not shown). Interestingly, CK2β subunits are stabilized when integrated in the tetrameric holoenzyme [17], while free β subunits are ubiquitinated and subject to rapid proteosomal degradation [18]. In the null embryos, lack of CK2α could subject a greater free pool of CK2β subunit to degradation, leading to reduced steady state CK2β levels.
Kinase activity measurements on CK2α+/+, CK2α+/−, and CK2α−/− embryo littermates at e10.5 showed highest activity in the CK2α+/+ embryos, intermediate in the heterozygotes and lowest in the null embryos (Fig. 8); residual CK2 kinase activity in the KOs presumably reflects the presence of CK2α′, and expression of CK2α′ likely rescues expression during earlier embryogenesis.
Preliminary data indicated that a variety of potential CK2 targets and pathways were disrupted in the CK2α−/− embryos, including abnormalities in Wnt pathway genes and proteins (I. Dominguez, unpublished data). These results are very provocative, because deletion of genes in the Wnt pathway also leads to defective development of brain and heart (Fig. 9). The Wnt transcriptional co-factor β-catenin is required for normal heart formation [19, 20], and the Wnt target cripto is required for differentiation of cardiogenesis and neural tube formation [21–24]. Wnt1 and Wnt3a are required for brain development [25–29]. The Wnt signaling intermediates of the dishevelled Dvl family are required for normal closure and apposition of the neural folds [6]. Thus, our data are consistent with the hypothesis that regulation of the Wnt pathway by CK2α is critical in mouse development, as it is in Xenopus laevis development [5, 8]. This hypothesis will be validated in future molecular experiments and through rescue experiments designed to determine whether the CK2α−/− knockout phenotypes can be complemented by expression of elements of the Wnt pathway.
We acknowledge highly skilled technical assistance in carrying out these studies from Jessica Murray and Julie Cha, Patrick Hogan who maintains the mouse colony, and Greg Martin of the Transgenic Core at Boston University Medical Center. We are grateful to T. Yamaguchi for providing plasmids used for in situ hybridization. This work was supported by N.I.H. R01 CA71796 to David C. Seldin as well as Project 2 of P01 ES011624 (G. Sonenshein, P.I.), a Scientist Development Award from the American Heart Association (0735521T) to Isabel Dominguez, a pre-doctoral fellowship to David Y. Lou through N.I.H. T32 CA064070 (Oncobiology Training Program at Boston University School of Medicine), and a Department of Medicine Pilot Grant to Isabel Dominguez.
Contributor Information
David C. Seldin, Email: dseldin@bu.edu, Department of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center, 650 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02118, USA
David Y. Lou, Department of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center, 650 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02118, USA
Paul Toselli, Department of Biochemistry, Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center, 650 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02118, USA.
Esther Landesman-Bollag, Department of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center, 650 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02118, USA.
Isabel Dominguez, Department of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center, 650 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02118, USA.
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