The in vitro activity of enrofloxacin against 73 Mycoplasma synoviae field strains isolated in Israel and Europe was determined by broth microdilution. Decreased susceptibility to enrofloxacin was identified in 59% of strains, with the MICs ranging from 1 to >16 μg/ml. The estimated MIC50 and MIC90 values for enrofloxacin were 2 and 8 μg/ml, respectively. Moreover, this study showed that 92% of recent Israeli field isolates (2009 to 2011) of M. synoviae have MICs of ≥2 μg/ml to enrofloxacin. Comparison of the quinolone resistance-determining regions (QRDRs) in M. synoviae isolates revealed a clear correlation between the presence of one of the amino acid substitutions Asp79-Asn, Thr80-Ala/Ile, Ser81-Pro, and Asp84-Asn/Tyr/His of the ParC QRDR and decreased susceptibility to enrofloxacin (MIC, ≥1 μg/ml). Amino acid substitutions at positions GyrA 87, GyrB 401/402, and ParE 420/454 were also identified, but there was no clear-cut correlation with susceptibility to enrofloxacin. Comparison of vlhA molecular profiles revealed the presence of 9 different genotypes in the Israeli M. synoviae field isolates and 10 genotypes in the European isolates; only one vlhA genotype (type 4) was identified in both cohorts. Based on results of vlhA molecular typing, several mechanisms for emergence and dissemination of Israeli enrofloxacin-resistant M. synoviae isolates are suggested.
Mycoplasma synoviae is an economically important pathogen of poultry, causing respiratory disease and infectious synovitis in chickens and turkeys (1). The severity of clinical manifestations of M. synoviae infection ranges from inapparent to severe and is markedly exacerbated by the presence of other bacterial or viral pathogens. In addition, eggshell apex abnormality (EAA) has been recently described as a novel presentation of M. synoviae infection (2, 3).
Antibiotic treatment at the beginning of a disease outbreak is sometimes employed to reduce economic losses caused by clinical outbreaks of M. synoviae. Enrofloxacin (En), a broad-spectrum antibiotic related to the class of fluoroquinolones, has been widely used in many countries for treatment of a variety of poultry diseases, mainly those associated with Escherichia coli and Pasteurella multocida but also avian mycoplasmosis (4). However, in some countries the use of En in poultry is not permitted, mainly due to human health concerns; in the United States, En has been banned for use in poultry since 2005.
Fluoroquinolones act by inhibition of DNA replication through the formation of a ternary complex with DNA and the active site of DNA replication enzymes (5). Fluoroquinolone resistance occurs primarily through mutations in the quinolone resistance-determining regions (QRDRs) of the parC and/or gyrA gene (encoding the A subunits of DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV) or the gyrB and/or parE gene (encoding the B subunits of DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV). Topoisomerase IV (parC gene) has been suggested to be the primary target of En in M. synoviae, based on in vivo selection of strains with decreased susceptibility after experimental infection (6).
The present study reports on in vitro susceptibility to En in 73 M. synoviae field isolates isolated in Israel and in Europe. Molecular characterization of QRDRs of gyrA, gyrB, parC, and parE in those isolates was performed in order to elucidate the mechanism of acquired resistance to En. In addition, molecular typing by vlhA (7) was performed to genotype the M. synoviae field isolate strains with different susceptibilities to En.
M. synoviae strains and growth conditions.
A total of 73 M. synoviae strains were analyzed. Of these, 44 strains were isolated in Israel during the period 1995 to 2011 from 16 meat-type turkey flocks (MT), 18 turkey breeder flocks (TB), 6 broiler breeder flocks (BB), 2 broiler flocks (B), and 2 layer flocks (L). The additional 29 strains were isolated in Austria (2009 to 2011) from 5 MT and 7 BB flocks, in Italy (2009 to 2012) from 4 BB, 4 L, 1 MT, 1 TB, and 1 B flocks, in Spain (2012) from 2 L, 1 BB, and 1B flocks, and in Belgium (2011) from 2 L flocks (Table 1). These include 7 Israeli isolates for which susceptibility to fluoroquinolones was described previously (8). In addition, reference strains M. synoviae WVU1853 and FMT, isolated from chickens in the United States, were also included.
Table 1.
In vitro sensitivity to enrofloxacin, molecular characterization of QRDR domains, and vlhA typing of M. synoviae clinical isolates
Straina | Origin | Typeb | Yr | MIC (μg/ml) | Mutationc in QRDR of: |
vlhA type | ||||||||
ParC |
ParE |
GyrA |
GyrB |
79 | 80 | 81 | 84 | 420 | 454 | 87 | 401 | 402 | ||||||
WVU1853 | USA | C | 1955 | 0.5 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Glu | Asn | Ser | Ser | 19 |
FMT | USA | C | <1980 | 0.5 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 20 |
AMS-5 | Austria | MT | 2009 | 0.03 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 1 |
AMS-8 | Austria | BB | 2010 | 0.06 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Glu | Asn | Ser | Ser | 2 |
AMS-9 | Austria | BB | 2010 | 0.06 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Glu | Asn | Ser | Ser | 3 |
AMS-10 | Austria | MT | 2010 | 0.06 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Glu | Asn | Ser | Ser | 2 |
AMS-11 | Austria | MT | 2011 | 0.06 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Glu | Asn | Ser | Ser | 2 |
AMS-12 | Austria | MT | 2011 | 0.06 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Glu | Asn | Ser | Ser | 2 |
AMS-3 | Austria | BB | 2009 | 0.06 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | NT | NT | Asn | Ser | Ser | 2 |
AMS-4 | Austria | BB | 2009 | 0.06 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Glu | Asn | Ser | Ser | 2 |
NJ-1998d | Israel | MT | 1998 | 0.125 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
MES-2 | Israel | MT | 1999 | 0.125 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | NT | NT | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
TF-4C | Israel | TB | 2000 | 0.125 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
NJR-1D | Israel | TB | 2008 | 0.125 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Glu | Asn | Tyr | Ser | 5 |
CK-7 | Israel | BB | 2009 | 0.125 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
AMS-6 | Austria | MT | 2009 | 0.125 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | NT | NT | Asn | Ser | Ser | 2 |
TK-2d | Israel | MT | 1997 | 0.25 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
EB-11B | Israel | TB | 2000 | 0.25 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
IB-1D | Israel | TB | 2001 | 0.25 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Tyr | Ser | 6 |
FB-8 | Israel | TB | 2001 | 0.25 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 7 |
SMA-22 | Israel | TB | 2002 | 0.25 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Glu | Ser | Ser | Ser | 7 |
KYZ-2 | Israel | TB | 2003 | 0.25 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Glu | Asn | Ser | Ser | 5 |
RAM-6G | Israel | TB | 2005 | 0.25 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Glu | Asn | Ser | Ser | 5 |
ODS-2A | Israel | MT | 2007 | 0.25 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
AMS-2 | Austria | BB | 2009 | 0.25 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asn | Glu | Asn | Ser | Ser | 3 |
MSH-19 | Israel | L | 1995 | 0.25 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Tyr | Ser | 8 |
IZSVE/4564 | Italy | B | 2010 | 0.25 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Tyr | Ser | 9 |
SB-5Ad | Israel | TB | 2000 | 0.5 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
RAC-19 | Israel | TB | 2000 | 0.5 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Tyr | Ser | 4 |
JS-2 | Israel | TB | 2001 | 0.5 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
ASM-2d | Israel | MT | 2002 | 0.5 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
OR-2d | Israel | MT | 2002 | 0.5 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asn | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
IZSVE/4383/11 | Italy | BB | 2011 | 1 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asn | Asp | Asn | Ser | Asn | 10 |
FTF-8C | Israel | TB | 2000 | 1 | Asn | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
NBR-12D | Israel | TB | 2006 | 1 | Asn | Thr | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 11 |
HVL-1d | Israel | MT | 1996 | 1 | Asp | Ala | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
ASB-19B | Israel | TB | 2001 | 1 | Asp | Thr | Pro | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
ASH-2H | Israel | MT | 2006 | 1 | Asp | Thr | Pro | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
NGA-3D | Israel | B | 2004 | 2 | Asp | Thr | Pro | Asp | NT | NT | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
FYZ-7D | Israel | TB | 2004 | 2 | Asp | Thr | Pro | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
ODP-12 | Israel | MT | 2007 | 2 | Asp | Thr | Pro | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
OZ-6 | Israel | MT | 2009 | 2 | Asp | Thr | Pro | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
KLD-1 | Israel | BB | 2009 | 2 | Asp | Thr | Pro | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
MTT | Israel | BB | 2011 | 2 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Asn | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 12 |
AMS-7 | Austria | BB | 2010 | 4 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 10 |
HB-3 | Israel | MT | 2000 | 4 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Glu | Asn | Tyr | Ser | 4 |
BTU-4 | Israel | L | 2011 | 4 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 12 |
NT-3E | Israel | MT | 2002 | 4 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
KTY-8D | Israel | BB | 2009 | 4 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Tyr | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
HL-1 | Israel | MT | 2007 | 4 | Asp | Thr | Ser | His | Asp | Asp | Asn | Tyr | Ser | 13 |
RMJ-1 | Israel | MT | 2007 | 4 | Asp | Thr | Ser | His | Asp | Asp | Asn | Tyr | Ser | 13 |
IZSVE/4761/20 | Italy | L | 2011 | 4 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Asn | 9 |
IZSVE/428/1 | Italy | BB | 2011 | 4 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Glu | Lys | Tyr | Ser | 14 |
NJK-09E | Israel | MT | 2009 | 8 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 12 |
ST-3H | Israel | MT | 2010 | 8 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 12 |
MSK-1 | Israel | MT | 2010 | 8 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 12 |
MZ-3 | Israel | BB | 2011 | 8 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 15 |
ALN-5F | Israel | MT | 2011 | 8 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 12 |
AMS-1 | Austria | BB | 2009 | 8 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 9 |
IZSVE/4558 | Italy | MT | 2010 | 8 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 9 |
IZSVE/1216/5 | Spain | L | 2012 | 8 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 16 |
IZSVE/700 | Belgium | L | 2011 | 8 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Asn | 10 |
IZSVE/701 | Belgium | L | 2011 | 8 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Tyr | Ser | 10 |
IZSVE/1184/2 | Spain | L | 2012 | 8 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Tyr | Ser | 16 |
IZSVE/4504 | Italy | BB | 2009 | 8 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Tyr | Ser | 17 |
IZSVE/3447/16 | Italy | L | 2011 | 8 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Glu | Asn | Tyr | Ser | 10 |
RAMP-16Gd | Israel | TB | 2003 | 8 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Tyr | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
BLTF | Israel | TB | 2002 | 8 | Asp | Thr | Ser | Tyr | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 4 |
IZSVE/86/2 | Italy | BB | 2012 | 16 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Ser | Ser | 10 |
IZSVE/71/7 | Italy | L | 2012 | 16 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Tyr | Ser | 9 |
IZSVE/1774/18 | Spain | BB | 2012 | 16 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Tyr | Ser | 4 |
IZSVE/1181/2 | Spain | B | 2012 | 16 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Asn | Tyr | Ser | 16 |
IZSVE/6642 | Italy | TB | 2011 | 16 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Glu | Asn | Ser | Ser | 18 |
IZSVE/2713/13 | Italy | L | 2011 | 16 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asn | Asp | Asn | Tyr | Ser | 10 |
SBS | Israel | BB | 2011 | 16 | Asp | Ile | Ser | Asp | Asp | Asp | Ser | Ser | Ser | 15 |
The same superscript letter (A to H) indicates that the M. synoviae strains were isolated from the same farm or from closely located farms.
MT, meat-type turkey; TB, turkey breeder; BB, broiler breeder; B, broiler; L, layer; C, chicken.
Amino acid substitutions within the QRDRs in comparison to the reference strains are marked in bold. NT, not tested.
En MIC published by Gerchman et al. (8).
Overall, 54, 14, 4, and 1 M. synoviae isolates were obtained from the trachea, joints, air sacs, and heart, respectively (data not shown). M. synoviae colonies were identified by direct immunofluorescence (IMF) with species-specific conjugated antiserum (9). Mixed cultures were cloned to IMF homogeneity by microscopic selection of target colonies. Finally, isolates were divided into 1-ml aliquots and stored at −80°C pending analysis.
In vitro susceptibility testing.
The in vitro susceptibility of M. synoviae isolates to En (Fluka, Germany) was determined by the broth dilution method, following the guidelines recommended by Hannan (10), as described previously (8). Two-fold dilutions of antibiotic from 0.03 to 8 μg/ml and from 0.25 to 64 μg/ml (in the case of strains with MICs of >8 μg/ml) were tested. M. synoviae isolates were considered susceptible to En when the MIC was ≤0.5 μg/ml; isolates with MICs of 1 μg/ml were classified as intermediate to En and those with MICs of ≥2 μg/ml as resistant (11).
For convenience, in this study the term “strains with decreased susceptibility” was used in reference to M. synoviae isolates with MICs of ≥1 μg/ml.
PCR amplification of QRDRs and nucleotide sequence analysis.
Genomic DNA was extracted from 400 μl of logarithmic-phase broth culture using the Maxwell DNA isolation kit for cells/tissue and the Maxwell 16 apparatus (Promega) according to the manufacturer's instructions. QRDRs of gyrA, gyrB, parC, and parE were amplified with gene-specific primers (Table 2) designed on the basis of the genomic sequence of M. synoviae strain 53 (accession no. AE017245) (12).
Table 2.
Oligonucleotide primers used in this study
Primer designation | Gene target | Sequence (5′→3′) | Position |
MS-gyrA-R | gyrA | GCCATTCTAGCTTCGGTATAA | 531–551 |
MS-gyrB-F | gyrB | CAAGGTGAGAAATTCTCAAGA | 964–984 |
MS-gyrB-R | gyrB | TGTGCTTCGTTATAAGCG | 1677–1694 |
MS-parC-F | parC | CCAACCGTGCAATTCCTGAT | 95–114 |
MS-parC-R | parC | TTATGCGGCGGCATTTCG | 546–563 |
MS-parE-F | parE | GGCATATCGTCGAGGAAATAGC | 1034–1055 |
MS-parE-R | parE | AGTGGTTTCCCAAAGTTG | 1741–1758 |
PCRs were carried out in 50 μl, and mixtures contained 10 μl of 10× PCR buffer, 1.25 U MyTaq DNA polymerase (Bioline, United Kingdom), 20 pmol of each primer (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO), and about 100 ng of mycoplasmal DNA. PCR amplifications were as follows: 3 min at 95°C; 30 cycles of 95°C for 30 s, 56°C (for gyrA, gyrB, and parE) or 60°C (for parC) for 30 s, and 72°C for 45 s; and 72°C for 5 min. The amplicons of 494 bp, 731 bp, 469 bp, and 725 bp, corresponding to the QRDRs of gyrA, gyrB, parC, and parE, respectively, were purified from the gel by using the MEGAquick-spin PCR and agarose gel DNA extraction system (iNtRON Biotechnology, South Korea).
Sequencing was performed at the DNA Sequencing Unit, Weizmann Institute (Rehovot, Israel). Sequence editing and consensus and alignment construction were performed using DNASTAR software, version 5.06/5.51, 2003 (Lasergene, Inc. Madison, WI). The numbering of amino acid substitutions in QRDRs is according to the sequences of the respective proteins in Escherichia coli.
Molecular typing of M. synoviae isolates by vlhA.
The genetic variability of M. synoviae strains was assessed by sequencing of the 5′ conserved upstream region of the vlhA gene (7). PCR products were amplified using the vlh-A-F and vlh-A-R2 primers as described previously (7, 13). The sequences were assembled using the SeqMan program (Lasergene, DNASTAR). All sequences were aligned using Clustal W (14) and trimmed to the same size for diversity analysis. The final vlhA genotype was assigned based on 100% similarity of nucleotide sequences.
Nucleotide sequence accession numbers.
The nucleotide sequences of representative vlhA genotypes have been deposited in the GenBank database under accession numbers KC832806 to KC832825.
Susceptibility of M. synoviae field strains to En.
In Table 1, the susceptibility data are presented on an individual strain basis, indicating year of isolation, country, and poultry sector of origin. In general, 30/73 M. synoviae strains checked in this study were found to be susceptible to En, with MICs ranging from 0.03 to 0.5 μg/ml. MICs for strains with decreased susceptibility to En ranged from 1 to >16 μg/ml (Table 1). The estimated MIC50 and MIC90 values for En were 2 and 8 μg/ml, respectively.
Overall, more than half of the M. synoviae field isolates tested showed decreased susceptibility to En (25/44 Israeli strains and 18/29 European strains). Notably, among M. synoviae strains isolated in recent years (2009 to 2012), 11/12 Israeli and 9/11 of Italian isolates were resistant to En, in comparison to only 2/12 recently isolated Austrian isolates (Table 1).
Molecular characterization of QRDRs in M. synoviae field strains with different susceptibilities to En.
Comparison of the ParC QRDRs revealed the presence of different amino acid substitutions at position 79, 80, 81, or 84 (E. coli numbering). For example, 26 strains with MICs of 1 to 16 μg/ml possessed the amino acid substitution Thr80 to Ile. In addition, one strain with an MIC of 1 μg/ml possessed the amino acid substitution Thr80 to Ala, and two strains with an MIC of 1 μg/ml had the amino acid substitution Asp79 to Asn; 7 strains with MICs of 1 to 2 μg/ml contained the amino acid substitution Ser81 to Pro, and 6 strains with MICs of 2 to 8 μg/ml demonstrated the presence of the amino acid Tyr (3 strains), His (2 strains), or Asn (1 strain) instead of Asp at position 84 of the ParC QRDR (Table 1). Notably, in contrast to the changes identified at position Thr80, all the changes at positions Asp79, Ser81, and Asp84 were in Israeli M. synoviae isolates (Table 1). Nine out of 12 Austrian M. synoviae strains with MICs of 0.06 to 0.25 μg/ml contained the amino acid substitutions Ala90 to Thr in the ParC QRDR and Leu157 to Phe (located outside the ParC QRDR) (data not shown); this change is likely related to intraspecies variations.
Comparison of ParE QRDRs revealed the presence of the amino acid substitution Asp420 to Asn in 4/69 M. synoviae strains with MICs of 0.25 to 16 μg/ml (Table 1). In addition, at position 454 of the ParE QRDR, either Asp or Glu was identified, with no apparent correlation with MIC. For example, among 15 M. synoviae field isolates containing the amino acid Glu454, 11 possessed MICs of 0.06 to 0.25 μg/ml and 4 had MICs of 4 to 16 μg/ml. In contrast, among 54 M. synoviae strains contained the amino acid Asp454, 16 strains demonstrated MICs of 0.25 to 0.5 μg/ml and 38 strains had MICs of 1 to 16 μg/ml (Table 1). Interestingly, M. synoviae reference strains WVU1883 and FMT have the amino acids Glu and Asp at position 454 of the ParE QRDR, respectively. Both of these strains have an MIC of 0.5 μg/ml to En (Table 1).
In addition, 3 resistant strains (HL-1, RMJ-1, and ALN-5) showed an amino acid substitution Val529 to Ile, and 1 resistant strain (IZSVE/6642) and 1 strain with decreased susceptibility to En (IZSVE/4383/11) possessed Thr530 to Ile (data not shown); both of these changes are outside the ParE QRDR.
Sequence analysis of the GyrA QRDRs showed the presence of the amino acid substitution Asn87 to Ser in strains SMA22 (MIC, 0.25 μg/ml) and SBS (MIC, 16 μg/ml) and the amino acid substitution Asn87 to Lys in strain IZSVE/428/1 (MIC, 4 μg/ml) (Table 1). No other M. synoviae strains checked in this study contained amino acid substitutions in the GyrA QRDR.
The amino acid substitution Ser401 to Tyr was identified in GyrB QRDRs of 12/43 En-resistant strains (MICs, 4 to 16 μg/ml) as well as in 5/30 En-susceptible strains (MICs, 0.125 to 0.5 μg/ml). In addition, 3/73 M. synoviae strains (MICs, 1 to 8 μg/ml) contained the amino acid substitution Ser402 to Asn (Table 1).
Molecular typing of M. synoviae field strains.
Based on 100% identity of the vlhA gene sequence, 9 vlhA genotypes were identified among the Israeli isolates and 10 types among the isolates from European countries (Table 1). The most frequent vlhA genotype in Israel (type 4, found in 26/44 strains) was identified in a single isolate from Spain; otherwise, there was no overlap between the two cohorts. In contrast, some vlhA types were found to be present in isolates from different European countries (types 9, 10, and 17) (Table 1). vlhA types 1, 2, and 3 were detected only in Austrian isolates, and the most common was vlhA type 1 (7/12).
Overall, different vlhA genotypes were identified in En-susceptible and En-resistant M. synoviae isolates, both in Israel and in Europe. However, notably, the predominant Israeli vlhA type (type 4) was found in both sensitive strains and in strains with decreased susceptibility to En. Also, in M. synoviae isolates in Italy, vlhA type 9 was found in a sensitive strain as well as in resistant strains (Table 1).
During the past decade, a limited number of studies relating to the in vitro susceptibility of M. synoviae field strains have been published (8, 15–18), and in one case, two M. synoviae isolates resistant to En were identified (8). In contrast, the results of this study reveal a high percentage (50%) of M. synoviae field isolates resistant to En. Moreover, about 90% of Israeli and Italian M. synoviae strains isolated in recent years (2009 to 2012) had MICs of ≥1 μg/ml and hence are not susceptible to En (Table 1). En resistance of Israeli M. synoviae isolates continues a trend previously reported for Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Indeed, it has been previously shown that 12/13 (92%) M. gallisepticum strains isolated in Israel since 2009 were resistant to En (19). Interestingly, although resistance to En is present at a high frequency in Israeli and Italian field isolates, only 16% (2/12) of Austrian strains isolated in 2009 to 2011 are resistant to En (Table 1). Such a difference might be due to differences in the use of fluoroquinolones in the different countries. Another factor may be the geographical differences in the structure of the poultry industry. In areas with a high density of poultry flocks, such as Israel and the northern part of Italy, emergence/prevalence and clonal dissemination of En-resistant M. synoviae strains are more likely to occur than in areas where poultry farms are relatively sparse.
Molecular typing by vlhA of the 44 Israeli M. synoviae strains isolated over time showed that the emergence and dissemination of the resistance phenotypes might have different sources. On one hand, the presence of the dominant vlhA genotype 4 in 12/19 susceptible strains, in 4/5 strains with intermediate susceptibility, and in 10/25 resistant isolates suggests selection of resistant strains from the previously susceptible predominant strain (Table 1). On the other hand, the appearance of new vlhA genotype 12 in 6/12 (50%) recent En-resistant isolates suggests the development and clonal dissemination of this genotype. However, the presence of resistant strains with other vlhA genotypes (11, 13, 15) points to an ongoing selection process.
In the group of European En-resistant strains, vlhA genotypes 9 and 10 (present in 4/18 [22%] and in 7/18 [39%] of strains, respectively) were prevalent (Table 1). However, no conclusion regarding a possible correlation between vlhA type and susceptibility to En is possible, since only a small number of strains per country were checked.
Molecular analysis of the genes encoding the QRDRs of ParC, ParE, GyrA, and GyrB was done to identify mutations leading to amino acid substitutions. An overview of the data presented here demonstrates full correlation between a single amino acid substitution at position 79, 80, 81, or 84 of the ParC QRDR and decreased susceptibility of M. synoviae to En (Table 1). All 37 strains with MICs of ≥2 μg/ml had a change at one of these positions. In addition, 5/6 strains with one of these amino acid substitutions had decreased susceptibility (MIC of 1 μg/ml) to En. None of the susceptible strains had a change at these positions. A previous study reported that position 81 of the ParC QRDR may be implicated in En resistance in M. synoviae (6). Positions 80 and 84 of the ParC QRDR are known hot spots for En resistance in many bacteria, including mycoplasmas, and may alone or together with a mutation within the GyrA QRDR result in decreased susceptibility to fluoroquinolones (20–24). An amino acid substitution at position 81 of the ParC QRDR was identified in Mycoplasma hominis (25). To the best of our knowledge, no amino acid substitutions have been previously identified at position 79 of the ParC-QRDR of mycoplasmas with decreased susceptibility to fluoroquinolones. However, changes at this position were identified in other bacteria, for example, in Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus agalactiae, and Streptococcus pneumoniae (26–28). In addition, our data suggest that there is a correlation between MIC values and the type and position of mutations in the ParC QRDR. Indeed, all 32 M. synoviae field isolates containing substitutions Thr-80-Ile and Asp-84-His/Tyr had MICs in the range from 4 to 8 μg/ml (Table 1). In contrast, all 11 strains containing amino acid substitutions such as Asp-79-Asn, Thr-80-Ala, Ser-81-Pro, and Asp-84-Asn possessed MICs of 1 to 2 μg/ml (Table 1). More strains from different geographic regions and with a broader spectrum of MICs should be checked to support this suggestion.
Concurrent mutation within the GyrA QRDR (in addition to the changes in the ParC QRDR) may increase MIC values for fluoroquinolones, as was previously shown for S. pneumoniae (29). In our study, only two M. synoviae strains (IZSVE/428/1 and SBS, with MICs of 4 and 16 μg/ml, respectively) have amino acid substitutions in both the ParC and GyrA QRDRs (Table 1). The relevance of the mutations that occurred in the M. synoviae GyrA QRDR should be clarified in the future.
Mutations in the ParE and GyrB QRDRs were also identified (Table 1). Three M. synoviae strains checked here contained the amino acid substitution Asp420-Asn, with MICs of 0.25 to 16 μg/ml. A mutation at position 420 (Asp to Asn) of ParE has been previously identified in M. hominis strains with decreased susceptibility to fluoroquinolones (25, 30) and in vitro-selected En-resistant mutants of M. gallisepticum (31). Position 420 of ParE corresponds to residue 426Asp of the E. coli GyrB, which is a hot spot for fluoroquinolone resistance in many bacteria (32). Notably, in M. synoviae, as in M. hominis PG21 (31), the amino acid residue at position 426 of GyrB is already an asparagine, the amino acid usually replacing aspartic acid at position 426 in the GyrB QRDR of quinolone-resistant bacteria. In addition, two different amino acids (Glu and Asp), related to the same group of polar amino acids, were identified at position 454 of the ParE QRDR, without a clear correlation to decreased susceptibility to En (Table 1).
The amino acid substitution Pro (nonpolar) to Ser (polar, uncharged) at ParE position 454 has been previously described in S. pneumoniae strains with decreased susceptibility to fluoroquinolones (33, 34). The role of amino acid substitutions at positions 401 and 402 of the M. synoviae GyrB QRDR in fluoroquinolone resistance still remains to be determined.
In conclusion, our study showed the recent emergence of acquired resistance to En in M. synoviae field isolates isolated in Israel as well as in some European countries. Examination of field strains with decreased susceptibility to En revealed that acquired resistance may be attributed to mutations occurring at positions 79 to 81 or 84 of the ParC QRDR. This is the first report describing molecular mechanisms of En resistance in M. synoviae field isolates. We believe that comparison between phenotype (MIC) and genotype (QRDRs) may help to validate MIC breakpoint values for fluoroquinolones in M. synoviae.
We gratefully acknowledge the receipt of M. synoviae strains from J. Spergser, Institute of Bacteriology, Mycology and Hygiene, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria.
This study was supported in part by research grant award 847-0364 from the Israel Egg and Poultry Board. The Italian part of this study was supported by a research grant award from the Italian Ministry of Health (RC IZSVE15/10).
Published ahead of print 22 April 2013
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