Tissue distribution of SNRK and AMPKα. A: Relative mRNA expression levels of SNRK, AMPKα1, and AMPKα2 in human tissues. RNA samples from pooled human tissues were purchased from Clonetech (stomach cat. no. 636126, small intestine 636125, pancreas 636119, white adipose tissue 636162, lung 636105, heart 636113, testis 636115, liver 636101, kidney 636118, brain 636102, spleen 636121, and skeletal muscle 636120). B: Relative mRNA expression levels of SNRK, AMPKα1, and AMPKα2 in mouse tissues. Tissues from four male C57BL/6 mice were pooled for RNA preparation. C: SNRK protein levels in mouse tissues. Tissues from four male C57BL/6 mice were pooled for protein preparation. SNRK was immunoprecipitated from 1 mg protein lysates. D: SNRK localization. The SNRK-GFP fusion protein was expressed in 3T3-L1 CAR adipocytes via adenovirus-mediated gene transfer. Forty-eight hours after infection, adipocytes were stained with Lyso tracker (10,000×, cat. no. L-7528; Invitrogen) (red) for presence of lysosomes and DAPI (final concentration at 1 μg/mL) (blue) for presence of nucleus during a 2-h incubation. The images were overlaid, and the orange color indicates overlapping of SNRK-GFP and Lyso tracker. BAT, brown adipose tissue; S., small; WAT, white adipose tissue.