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. 2013 Jul 25;8(7):e69598. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0069598

Activation of Store-Operated Calcium Entry in Airway Smooth Muscle Cells: Insight from a Mathematical Model

Huguette Croisier 1,*, Xiahui Tan 2, Jose F Perez-Zoghbi 3, Michael J Sanderson 2, James Sneyd 4, Bindi S Brook 1
Editor: Laszlo Csernoch5
PMCID: PMC3723852  PMID: 23936056


Intracellular Inline graphic dynamics of airway smooth muscle cells (ASMC) mediate ASMC contraction and proliferation, and thus play a key role in airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR) and remodelling in asthma. We evaluate the importance of store-operated Inline graphic entry (SOCE) in these Inline graphic dynamics by constructing a mathematical model of ASMC Inline graphic signaling based on experimental data from lung slices. The model confirms that SOCE is elicited upon sufficient Inline graphic depletion of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), while receptor-operated Inline graphic entry (ROCE) is inhibited in such conditions. It also shows that SOCE can sustain agonist-induced Inline graphic oscillations in the absence of other Inline graphic influx. SOCE up-regulation may thus contribute to AHR by increasing the Inline graphic oscillation frequency that in turn regulates ASMC contraction. The model also provides an explanation for the failure of the SERCA pump blocker CPA to clamp the cytosolic Inline graphic of ASMC in lung slices, by showing that CPA is unable to maintain the SR empty of Inline graphic. This prediction is confirmed by experimental data from mouse lung slices, and strongly suggests that CPA only partially inhibits SERCA in ASMC.


Inline graphic is a ubiquitous cellular messenger, controlling a wide range of biological functions. These include ASMC contraction and proliferation, which are associated with airway hyper-responsiveness (enhanced contractility) and airway remodelling (structural changes) in asthma. The main trigger for cytoplasmic Inline graphic (Inline graphic) increase in ASMC is agonist stimulation at the cell membrane (e.g., by histamine released from mast cells or acethylcholine released from nerves). Binding of agonist to G-protein coupled receptors induces the production of Inline graphic, a second messenger which diffuses into the cytosol and binds to Inline graphic receptor Inline graphic channels (IPR) on the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane (Fig. 1). This causes the IPR to open and release Inline graphic from the SR into the cytosol (the SR being the main Inline graphic store in ASMC). As Inline graphic exerts a positive feedback on IPR, this results in so-called Inline graphic -induced Inline graphic release (CICR). The release is terminated by the inhibition of the IPR at large Inline graphic, and Inline graphic is pumped back into the SR by Inline graphic ATP-ases (SERCA). Hence, for sufficient Inline graphic concentration, cycling of Inline graphic through IPR can occur, and give rise to the repetitive propagation of Inline graphic waves through the cytosol. These appear as Inline graphic oscillations at the whole-cell level. Importantly, airway contraction increases with the frequency of these Inline graphic oscillations [1], [2]. Inline graphic dynamics are also involved in ASMC proliferation [3][5], and in the assembly of myosin thick filament and actin thin filament [6][8], which form the contractile machinery of ASMC. In addition, several Inline graphic channels and pumps in ASMC are regulated by inflammatory mediators present in asthma (e.g., [4], [9][12]). Inline graphic dynamics therefore appear to be involved in multiple interrelated aspects of asthma at the cellular level. In the present work, we use mathematical modelling to investigate the important Inline graphic pathways at play in Inline graphic dynamics of ASMC and thus improve our understanding of airway hyper-responsiveness and remodelling in asthma.

Figure 1. Schematic ofInline graphic signalling in ASMC.

Figure 1

Agonist stimulation of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) induces PLCInline graphic activation, giving rise to Inline graphic production and Inline graphic entry through receptor-operated Inline graphic channels (ROCC). Inline graphic triggers Inline graphic release through IPR. Depletion of the SR from Inline graphic causes STIM protein oligomerisation and migration toward the cell membrane, where they bind and activate store-operated Inline graphic channels (SOCC). Inline graphic ATP-ases pump Inline graphic back into the SR (SERCA) and out of the cell (PMCA).

Store-operated Inline graphic entry (SOCE) is one important Inline graphic entry mechanism, in which plasma membrane (PM) Inline graphic channels open in response to Inline graphic store depletion. These are called store-operated Inline graphic channels (SOCC). Although the concept of SOCE was proposed 25 years ago [13], the mechanism of its activation has been identified only recently [14]. The process is mediated by stromal interaction molecules (STIM), proteins embedded in the SR membrane which are sensitive to SR Inline graphic. Upon dissociation of Inline graphic from their SR binding site, they oligomerise and translocate within the SR membrane to the plasma membrane. Here, STIM proteins bind to Orai and/or TRP, the proteins forming the pore of SOCC, and trigger their opening (Fig. 1). Although SOCE has been identified in many cells, it is generally stimulated by artificial emptying of the Inline graphic store, as there is unfortunately no specific pharmacological SOCC blocker. Hence, the importance of store depletion, and therefore of SOCE, during physiological conditions such as Inline graphic oscillations, remains largely unknown. This may explain why SOCE has been included only in a few mathematical models of Inline graphic dynamics [15][18]. In particular, no prior modelling work on Inline graphic dynamics in ASMC [19][23] has taken SOCE into account, even though there is evidence that SOCE is up-regulated by inflammatory mediators found in asthma (TNF-Inline graphic and IL-13) [9], [11], [24], and is associated with ASMC proliferation [3], [5].

In this paper, we develop a mathematical model to evaluate the importance of SOCE in Inline graphic dynamics of ASMC. While there is much evidence that SOCE occurs upon SR depletion in cultured ASMC in vitro (e.g., [3], [25][27]), these cultured cells often lose their contractile phenotype, and rarely display agonist-induced Inline graphic oscillations. Hence, ASMC in lung slices, which retain most of their physiological and morphological characteristics, are a more reliable preparation to study ASMC Inline graphic dynamics. Moreover, the available data from lung slices reflect Inline graphic dynamics in individual ASMC, while the majority of works with cultured cells provide only global imaging of Inline graphic over wells containing thousands of ASMC. Therefore, we base our model on data from lung slices. SOCE has not been studied directly in lung slices, but a treatment with ryanodine-caffeine (Rya-Caf) has previously been used to clamp the cytosolic Inline graphic of ASMC [2], [28], [29], which relies on emptying the SR from Inline graphic. The results of these experiments therefore provide invaluable information about SOCE. Because agonist stimulation was systematically performed before Rya-Caf treatment to ensure that the lung slice is viable, i.e., that ASMC exhibit normal Inline graphic oscillations and contraction, we can construct a mathematical model of Inline graphic dynamics informed by these data that accounts for both physiological and non-physiological conditions. The model is then used to i) evaluate the effect of SOCE up- and down-regulation on agonist-induced Inline graphic oscillations, and (ii) explain the inability of the SERCA pump blocker CPA to clamp the Inline graphic, in contrast with Rya-Caf treatment.


Ethics Statement

The experimental study followed the recommendations in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of the National Institutes of Health. The protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal Care Committee of the University of Massachusetts Medical School (Docket Number: A-836–12). Animals were euthanized with sodium pentobarbital before tissue collection.

Experimental data

Data consist of fluorescence recordings of Inline graphic dynamics in ASMC within intact lung slices. All the materials and methods have been previously described (e.g., [2], [28]). Essentially, Inline graphic imaging was performed from regions of about 4Inline graphic within ASMC (Fig. 2), using two-photon laser scanning microscopy. The fluorescent indicator employed was Oregon Green BAPTA-1-AM, which has a high affinity for Inline graphic (Inline graphicM). We use published data [2] to develop the mathematical model, and new experimental results to test the model predictions (see Results). The latter data can be made freely available upon request for academic, non-commercial use.

Figure 2. Fluorescence image of part of a mouse airway wall obtained by two-photon laser scanning microscopy.

Figure 2

The yellow square shows a typical region, within an ASMC, from which Inline graphic dynamics is imaged.

Mathematical model

Intracellular Inline graphic dynamics are modelled at the whole-cell level, via the following system of ordinary differential equations (e.g., [30]):

graphic file with name pone.0069598.e077.jpg (1)

where Inline graphic Inline graphic is the free cytosolic Inline graphic concentration, and Inline graphic Inline graphic is the free SR Inline graphic concentration.

The term Inline graphic represents the total influx of Inline graphic into the cytosol through PM channels; Inline graphic, the Inline graphic efflux through the PM Inline graphic ATP-ase pumps (PMCA); Inline graphic, the Inline graphic flux of Inline graphic from the SR into the cytosol, and Inline graphic, the flux of Inline graphic from the cytosol into the SR through the SR/ER Inline graphic ATP-ases (SERCA). The factor Inline graphic represents the ratio of cytoplasmic volume to SR volume, and implicitly incorporates the relative effect of fast, linear (e.g., low affinity) Inline graphic buffers in the SR compared to the effect of similar buffers in the cytosol. Indeed, the effect of fast, linear buffers amounts to a global rescaling of the Inline graphic fluxes in the corresponding compartment (e.g., [30]). The other buffers are assumed to have a negligible effect on Inline graphic dynamics at the whole-cell level (see also Discussion).

We assume that

graphic file with name pone.0069598.e099.jpg (2)

where Inline graphic is a constant Inline graphic leak through unspecified channels, Inline graphic is the Inline graphic influx through receptor-operated Inline graphic channels (ROCC) and Inline graphic the influx through SOCC. We neglect the Inline graphic influx through voltage-operated Inline graphic channels (VOCC) because membrane depolarisation plays little role during agonist-induced Inline graphic signalling and contraction in ASMC (in contrast to other types of muscle cells, including vascular smooth muscle cells, where action potentials are crucial to contraction) [1], [31]. The Inline graphic influxes are modelled by:

graphic file with name pone.0069598.e110.jpg (3a)
graphic file with name pone.0069598.e111.jpg (3b)
graphic file with name pone.0069598.e112.jpg (3c)

where Inline graphic and Inline graphic are constants, Inline graphic is the agonist concentration, Inline graphic is the maximum SOCC flux, and Inline graphic represents the fraction of STIM proteins bound to Orai/TRP proteins, i.e. the fraction of activated SOCC. This fraction adapts slowly to changes in Inline graphic, because the diffusion of STIM within the SR membrane is a slow process [32]. We model this phenomenologically by

graphic file with name pone.0069598.e119.jpg (4a)
graphic file with name pone.0069598.e120.jpg (4b)

The steady-state function Inline graphic can be interpreted as the fraction of STIM proteins dissociated from SR Inline graphic (as a consequence of store depletion), and thus able to oligomerise and move toward the PM to bind with Orai and/or TRP (see also Discussion). Inline graphic is therefore a decreasing function of Inline graphic, which we model by the reverse Hill function Eq. (0b), assuming affinity Inline graphic for Inline graphic and Hill coefficient Inline graphic [33].

The total Inline graphic flux from the SR into the cytosol is given by

graphic file with name pone.0069598.e129.jpg (8)

where Inline graphic is the Inline graphic flux through Inline graphic receptors (IPR), Inline graphic the Inline graphic flux through ryanodine receptors (RyR), and Inline graphic an unspecified Inline graphic leak out of the SR. We use the formulation (e.g., [30]):

graphic file with name pone.0069598.e137.jpg (9)

where Inline graphic (resp. Inline graphic) is the maximum rate of Inline graphic flow through IPR (resp. RyR). Following [23], the IPR opening probability Inline graphic is modelled using the Li-Rinzel/Tang et al. reduction of the De Young-Keizer (DYK) model [34][36]:

graphic file with name pone.0069598.e142.jpg (10)

where Inline graphic is the Inline graphic concentration, and Inline graphic is the fraction of inhibited IPR. The latter obeys

graphic file with name pone.0069598.e146.jpg (11)


graphic file with name pone.0069598.e147.jpg (12)

The parameters Inline graphic (Inline graphic) are equilibrium constants for Inline graphic and Inline graphic binding/unbinding to the IPR; we use the original values from the DYK model [34]. The value of Inline graphic is scaled so that the range of Inline graphic oscillation frequencies matches the experimental range, with the ratio Inline graphic kept constant to the value in ref. [30] (see also Table 1). In the experiments modelled in this work, either RyR play a negligible role, or they are locked open by Rya-Caf treatment (see Results). Hence, we neglect their dynamics and set the fraction of open RyR, Inline graphic, either to 0 or 1 depending on the experiment considered.

Table 1. Parameter values used in the model.

Parameter symbol value units reference
PMCA maximum flux Vp 7.5 μM/s this work
PMCA affinity Kp 1.5 μM 0.1–1 [59]
SOCE maximum flux Vs 1.57 μM/s this work
STIM SR Ca2+ affinity Ks 50 μM Inline graphicc* s/2
SOCE Hill exponent ns 4 [33]
SOCE timescale τs 30 s [32]
Constant leak influx α0 0 μM/s Inline graphic Vs
Cyt/SR vol. × buffer effects γ 5.405 [34], [60]
ROCE rate α1 0.00105 s−1 this work
SERCA maximum flux Ve 5 μM/s this work
SERCA affinity Ke 0.1 μM 0.1–1 [61]
CPA effect timescale τe 30 s ∼ min
IPR rate kIPR 0.667 s−1 this work
Agonist concentration Inline graphic 1 μM this work
Agonist effect timescale τp 30 s ∼ min
SR leak rate JSR 0.01 s−1 Inline graphic kIPR
RyR leak rate (Rya-Caf effect) KRYR 0.19 s−2 this work
Rya-Caf effect timescale τSR 10 s ∼ min
IPR affinity for Inline graphic K1 0.138 μM [34]
IPR affinity for Ca2+ (inhib. site) K2 1.05 μM [34]
IPR affinity for IP3 K3 0.943 μM [34]
IPR affinity for Ca2+ (inhib. site) K4 0.144 μM [34]
IPR affinity for Ca2+ (activ. site) K5 0.082 μM [34]
IPR Ca2+ dissoc. rate (inhib. site) k2 0.167 s−1 this work
IPR Ca2+ dissoc. rate (inhib. site) k4 0.138 k2 s−1 [34]

For Inline graphic and Inline graphic, the equilibrium Inline graphic concentrations are Inline graphicnM and Inline graphicM, which are in the physiological ranges [40], [41].

The Inline graphic ATP-ases are modelled using the usual expressions (e.g., [30]):

graphic file with name pone.0069598.e157.jpg (13)

We do not model Inline graphic pumping into mitochondria explicitly, but acknowledge that a portion of the extrusion process attributed to PMCA might actually be performed by mitochondria uniporters, as these might be activated at average Inline graphic as low as Inline graphicM [20].

Gathering all expressions, the model is described by:

graphic file with name pone.0069598.e161.jpg (14)

In addition to Eq. (11), we use the following expressions to account for the time needed by drugs to reach full effect:

graphic file with name pone.0069598.e162.jpg (15)
graphic file with name pone.0069598.e163.jpg (16)
graphic file with name pone.0069598.e164.jpg (17)

These equations describe respectively agonist stimulation, Rya-Caf treatment, and SERCA block by CPA (see Results).

Unless otherwise mentioned, parameter values were freely adapted (within physiological ranges when they are known) to account for the experimental results. The values retained are listed in Table 1. The fitting was performed “by hand” (i.e., no algorithmic method was used) within the Mathematica “Manipulate” environment (a useful framework for fitting an ODE model to several experimental results as it enables visualisation of the effect of a parameter change on several ODE integrations almost instantaneously). The code can be made freely available upon request for academic, non-commercial use.

All simulations were run from the same initial condition as in the experiment, which is usually the physiological equilibrium. Bifurcation diagrams were computed using the numerical continuation software AUTO [37], [38].


Accounting for Inline graphic dynamics of AMSC in lung slices

Fig. 3A-C shows representative Inline graphic dynamics of an ASMC in a human lung slice in response to a three-step experimental protocol [2]. This protocol was originally designed to clamp the Inline graphic of ASMC, in order to study independently the effects of agonist and Inline graphic on airway contraction [28]. The slice is first stimulated with agonist (histamine), to verify its viability (Fig. 3A). This induces Inline graphic oscillations. Agonist is then washed from the slice, and a Rya-Caf treatment is applied (Fig. 3B). This creates a permanent Inline graphic leak through RyR, because caffeine opens RyR and ryanodine locks them open irreversibly. If this Inline graphic leak is large enough, it keeps the SR empty and prevents any further change in Inline graphic, unless extracellular Inline graphic is modified. The effectiveness of the treatment is confirmed by the second application of agonist (Fig. 3C): no further Inline graphic increase is triggered, showing that Inline graphic is clamped. It is important to emphasise that these results are not specific to histamine stimulation of human lung slices: similar results have been obtained in mouse and rat lung slices with methylcholine (Fig. 6 in ref. [29], Figs. 5B and 6C-D in ref. [28]).

Figure 3. Inline graphic dynamics in ASMC: experiment and model.

Figure 3

(A)–(C): Fluorescence imaging of Inline graphic dynamics in an ASMC within a human lung slice, during the following 3-step experiment: (A) Agonist stimulation, (B) Rya-Caf treatment, and (C) second agonist stimulation. Following the irreversible Rya-Caf treatment in (B), agonist stimulation (C) is no longer able to elicit Inline graphic oscillations, nor does it perturb the new elevated Inline graphic equilibrium. Reprinted from [2] under a CC BY license, with permission of the American Thoracic Society, original copyright 2010. Cite: Ressmeyer et al. /2010/Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol/43/179–191. Official journal of the American Thoracic Society. This modified figure is based on the original figure available from (D)–(F): Simulations of the experiments in (A)–(C) using Eqs. 114–12 and the parameter values in Table 1. The evolution of Inline graphic, Inline graphic, and Inline graphic (fraction of open SOCC) are shown (cf. legend in (E)).

Figure 6. Effect of CPA on Inline graphic dynamics.

Figure 6

(A) Fluorescence imaging of Inline graphic in ASMC of a mouse lung slice treated with agonist and CPA. Agonist removal leads to Inline graphic decrease. (B–D) Model simulations of the experiments shown in (A), assuming that (B) CPA quickly blocks the SERCA, (C) CPA slowly blocks the SERCA, (D) CPA partially blocks the SERCA but reaches maximum strength rather quickly. Black solid and dashed curves (left y-axis) represent respectively Inline graphic and Inline graphic; blue and red curves (right y-axis) show respectively the fraction of open SOCC and the fraction of operating SERCA (that is, Inline graphic, where Inline graphic is given by Eq. (0c)).

Figure 5. Influence of SOCE on agonist-induced Inline graphicoscillations.

Figure 5

Amplitude (black) and frequency (red) of Inline graphic oscillations as a function of (A) SOCE maximum rate, Inline graphic, and (B) STIM affinity for SR Inline graphic, Inline graphic. Dotted lines indicate the “normal” parameter values (Table 1, Figs. 3D–F). As in Fig. 4, only the frequency of the large-amplitude stable Inline graphic oscillations is shown.

The mathematical model enables the deduction of valuable information from the experimental results. First, from Eq. (14), the new, elevated, Inline graphic equilbrium reached after Rya-Caf treatment satisfies:

graphic file with name pone.0069598.e194.jpg (13a)
graphic file with name pone.0069598.e195.jpg (13b)

where Inline graphic and Inline graphic are respectively the equilibrium Inline graphic and Inline graphic. An important consequence of (18) is that, in the absence of SOCE, Inline graphic depends only on the Inline graphic fluxes through the PM. This may seem surprising, as any increase in Inline graphic flux out of the SR (Inline graphic in Eq. (1)) is expected to increase Inline graphic. However, the equilibrium equation (18) tells us that such an increase would only be transient (because the PMCA pumping rate is an increasing function of Inline graphic ), unless there is a concomitant permanent increase in Inline graphic influx through the PM. Hence, the persistence of an elevated Inline graphic means that a permanent SOCE has been elicited (as SOCE is the only Inline graphic influx capable of increase upon Rya-Caf treatment). Moreover, the model indicates that ROCE is negligible after Rya-Caf treatment. Indeed, if it was not, the addition of agonist would increase Inline graphic via the increase in Inline graphic. Hence, we assume that the ROCE rate Inline graphic is small (see Table 1 and Discussion).

Results of “hand-fitting” the model to the experimental results are shown in Figs. 3D–F and Fig. 4, with the corresponding parameter values listed in Table 1. The model reproduces (i) the agonist-induced Inline graphic oscillations, (ii) the similar magnitudes of the new equilibrium Inline graphic in Fig. 3B and the amplitude of the oscillations in Fig. 3A, and (iii) the negligible effect of agonist stimulation after Rya-Caf treatment. Agonist-induced Inline graphic oscillations were simulated with Inline graphic because RyR appear to play a negligible role during agonist-induced Inline graphic oscillations [2], [39]. On the other hand, the response to Rya-Caf was simulated with Inline graphic since the treatment locks open the RyR. We did not attempt to reproduce the magnitude of the initial spike response to Rya-Caf treatment relative to that of the subsequent Inline graphic plateau (Fig. 3B) because the fluorescent dye used in the experiments saturates rapidly with Inline graphic. Parameter values were also adjusted to yield physiological Inline graphic equilibrium concentrations (Inline graphicM [40] and Inline graphicM [41]), realistic Inline graphic oscillation amplitude (Inline graphicM), and to reproduce the range of Inline graphic oscillation frequencies observed in human lung slices as a function of agonist (0.5–11/min [2]). More detail on the parameter estimation procedure is given in Supporting Information S1.

Figure 4. Inline graphic dynamics as a function of agonist concentration.

Figure 4

Dashed curves represent steady-states (constant Inline graphic levels); solid curves, periodic solutions (Inline graphic oscillations). The maximum Inline graphic (black) and the maximum fraction of open SOCC (blue) during one solution period are plotted as ordinates. The red curve (right y-axis) shows the frequency of the Inline graphic oscillations on the main stable segment (from the upper blue dot to the black cross), which fits the experimental range in human [2]. The stable solutions are represented as thick lines and unstable solutions as thin lines. The green diamonds represent Hopf bifurcations, the black cross, a saddle-node bifurcation, and the blue dots, period-doubling points. Period-doubled branches are not shown because they extend only over a tiny range of Inline graphic values; moreover it is likely that the deterministic description of Inline graphic oscillations fails at these low agonist concentrations (see Discussion). The vertical dotted line indicates the value of Inline graphic used in Fig. 3 (Table 1).

Fig. 4 shows the bifurcation diagram of the model as a function of agonist concentration. Periodic solutions (i.e., Inline graphic oscillations) arise through a Hopf bifurcation, and disappear through a saddle-node bifurcation of limit cycles. A second Hopf bifurcation is present on the steady-state branch, and is associated with a region of bistability between the steady-state and the periodic solution at the right of the bifurcation diagram. It is not known whether such bistability occurs in reality. It should also be noted that the steady-state Inline graphic increases with agonist concentration, as is expected (e.g., [30]). This increase is provided by SOCE in our model. Indeed, the Inline graphic flux through IPR increases with agonist, so that store depletion increases as well.

Effect of SOCE regulation on agonist-induced Inline graphic oscillations

SOCE is the main Inline graphic influx in the model, as ROCE is negligible (see above) and the Inline graphic leak influx is (by definition) small. Fig. 3D shows that while SOCE is almost zero at physiological equilibrium (initial condition), it substantially increases during agonist-induced Inline graphic oscillations (final condition; see also Fig. 4), due to significant SR Inline graphic depletion. Therefore, changes in SOCE can be expected to have a substantial effect on Inline graphic oscillations. This is quantified in Fig. 5, where the amplitude and frequency of Inline graphic oscillations are plotted as a function of (a) the maximum SOCE rate, Inline graphic, and (b) STIM affinity for Inline graphic, Inline graphic (the Inline graphic at which half SOCC are open). It is found that the Inline graphic oscillation frequency varies as much with Inline graphic and Inline graphic at fixed agonist concentration (Fig. 5) as it varies with agonist concentration at fixed SOCE parameters (Fig. 4). Moreover, a too big departure from the “normal” values (dotted lines, Table 1) leads to the extinction of the Inline graphic oscillations (via a Hopf bifurcation to the left, and a saddle-node to the right, of the bifurcation diagrams in Figs. 5A–B). These results are not very surprising to the extent that Inline graphic oscillations are expected to depend crucially on Inline graphic influx (e.g., [42]). However, they suggest that SOCE could play a role in AHR since (i) Inline graphic oscillations mediate ASMC contraction, and (ii) SOCE up-regulation (which increases Inline graphic oscillation frequency) can be triggered by inflammatory mediators commonly found in asthma [9], [11], [24].

Partial inhibition of SERCA by CPA

We now apply the model to experimental data from mouse lung slices showing an attempt to clamp Inline graphic with the SERCA blocker CPA, instead of Rya-Caf treatment (Fig. 6). After inducing Inline graphic oscillations with agonist, CPA is applied in the presence of agonist (for faster emptying of the SR than CPA alone) and causes a gradual damping of the Inline graphic oscillations, together with a rise of the Inline graphic baseline, until the oscillations become undistinguishable from fluctuations around an elevated steady Inline graphic mean. Because CPA is believed to inhibit SERCA, the assumption, at this stage of the experiment, is that the SR is empty and SOCE fully active. However, when agonist is removed (CPA remains), Inline graphic falls. When agonist is reapplied, Inline graphic increases. These Inline graphic responses to agonist addition and removal are not observed when SOCE is evoked by Rya-Caf treatment. According to our model (Eq.(18)), the decrease in Inline graphic upon agonist removal indicates that SOCE does not remain activated, i.e. that the SR refills with Inline graphic. This suggests that the SERCA are not completely blocked by CPA, as illustrated by the simulations in Fig. 6B–D. If CPA was to fully block the SERCA (Fig. 6B), Inline graphic would not decrease upon agonist removal. If Inline graphic falls, it must be because either CPA requires a longer time than that used in the experiment to fully block the SERCA (Fig. 6C), or CPA achieves only partial block of the SERCA (Fig. 6D).

Experiments of longer duration were performed to test the model predictions. Fig. 7A shows that if CPA is applied in the presence of agonist for 5 minutes, followed by CPA only for a further 10 minutes, Inline graphic still returns to the original equilibrium level when agonist is removed, and remains low until agonist is reintroduced. This suggests that the explanation in Fig. 6C can be rejected, otherwise the longer exposure to CPA should yield a result similar to Fig. 6B. The inability of CPA to fully empty the SR of Inline graphic is confirmed by Fig. 7B, where extracellular calcium is removed before agonist is applied a second time, to prevent any potential ROCE. The Inline graphic response induced can thus be unambiguously attributed to Inline graphic release from the SR.

Figure 7. Experimental evidence that CPA does not fully empty the SR of ASMC.

Figure 7

Tests of the model predictions shown in Fig. 6B–D, performed with mouse lung slices. (A) Significantly longer exposure to agonist+CPA and to CPA than in Fig. 6A still fails to maintain SOCE. (B) Same experiment as in (A) except that extracellular Inline graphic is removed before agonist is applied a second time, confirming the residual presence of Inline graphic in the SR and hence the partial efficacy of CPA to inhibit SERCA (scenario of Fig. 6D). (Insets show magnifications of selected time windows).

Hence, our combined modelling and experimental study indicates that CPA blocks only partially the SERCA of ASMC in lung slices (scenario simulated in Fig. 6D). This is a potentially important result given the wide use of CPA in cell biology to study SOCE. We note that Figs. 6A and 7 could also be explained by a model assuming that ROCE, instead of SOCE, is the main Inline graphic influx (e.g., [23]). However, such a model would fail to explain the outcome of Rya-Caf treatment in human and mouse lung slices (both the persistent elevated Inline graphic in the absence of agonist, and the absence of effect of agonist on this elevated Inline graphic ). In contrast, our model, constructed to account for both agonist-induced oscillations and Rya-Caf treatment, explains the CPA results without requiring any modification. Its prediction holds provided CPA is not a 100% efficient SERCA blocker, and this hypothesis is supported by the experimental data in Fig. 7.


Modelling SOCE

Our mathematical model accounts for the two main properties of SOCE: 1) SOCE is an increasing function of Inline graphic store depletion, and 2) it activates slowly upon store depletion. While the mechanisms of SOCE activation are rather well understood [14], [32], the mechanisms of SOCE termination remain less clear [43], [44]. Hence, we do not explicitly distinguish between SOCE activation and inactivation in the model, and use a single parameter Inline graphic for STIM affinity for SR Inline graphic and a single time constant Inline graphic for the slow adaptation to changes in Inline graphic. This is also justified by the fact that most experimental data available on SOCE come from a category of SOCC called CRACC (Inline graphic -release-activated Inline graphic channels), which are highly selective to Inline graphic, while there is evidence that SOCE in ASMC (and in other cells) occurs at least in part through non-selective Inline graphic channels (NSCC). It could be that the latter operate somewhat differently from CRACC in response to store depletion or refilling.

Our description of SOCE slow activation upon store depletion is continuous, which is easy to handle computationally, and compatible with experimental knowledge. Indeed, it is reasonable to assume that a small fraction of STIM proteins reside in close proximity to the PM, and may thus bind Orai quickly upon store depletion. Hence, a weak SOCE is likely to occur almost instantaneously upon store depletion, rendering unnecessary to introduce a finite activation delay in the model via a delay-differential equation.

We are aware of only few prior works on Inline graphic dynamics that include a mathematical description of SOCE, all of which are ODE models [15][18]. The first two were published before the molecular basis for SOCE was established. The latter two works include more realistic descriptions of SOCE, but none of them accounts for the slow translocation of oligomerised STIM to the PM, while it is recognised as the rate-limiting event for SOCE activation [32]. Ong et al. however assume a slow diffusion of Inline graphic between internal SR and superficial SR (modelled as distinct compartments exchanging Inline graphic ), with SOCE being triggered by peripheral SR depletion [17]. Liu et al. explicitly model both SR Inline graphic dissociation from STIM and binding of STIM to Orai. Both models are used to study transient Inline graphic responses only; Inline graphic oscillations are not considered. Prior models of Inline graphic dynamics specific to ASMC did not include SOCE, while we have shown that this is necessary to account for several experimental results obtained with lung slices. The work of Haberichter et al. [19] focused on the influence of the different IPR isoforms on Inline graphic signalling in ASMC. Brumen et al. studied the influence of the total Inline graphic content on the nature (damped or sustained) and frequency of agonist-induced Inline graphic oscillations [21]. Roux et al. did not model Inline graphic oscillations, but transient Inline graphic responses to caffeine [20]. Finally, the model by Wang et al. [23] addressed the different contributions of IPR and RyR to agonist-induced and KCl-induced Inline graphic oscillations in ASMC.

From the mathematical point of view, the fact that SOCE is an explicit function of store Inline graphic renders the models of Inline graphic dynamics including this influx qualitatively different from those which do not, as SOCE couples the homogenous steady-state Inline graphic to Inline graphic (Eq. (18)). This property is essential for the predictions of our model (in particular, the persistence of an elevated Inline graphic upon sustained store depletion in the absence of agonist). On the other hand, whether SOCE is an instantaneous or delayed function of Inline graphic appears to have little effect on our results.


While Fig. 3C (as well as Fig. 6 in ref. [29], Figs. 5B and 6C-D in ref. [28]) shows that no ROCE is elicited by agonist following Rya-Caf treatment, it does not imply that ROCE cannot play a substantial role during other, more physiological, conditions, such as agonist-induced Inline graphic oscillations. It could be that ROCE is inhibited at the large Inline graphic levels induced by SOCE activation following Rya-Caf treatment. Instead of assuming the existence of an inactivation process at large Inline graphic, we assumed, for simplicity, that ROCE is negligible in the model. This approach enabled us to show that Inline graphic influx through SOCC is sufficient to sustain agonist-induced Inline graphic oscillations, and to explain the experimental results obtained with CPA, although the latter could be interpreted as evidence for ROCE at first sight. The fact that there appears to be no selective blocker for SOCE and ROCE makes it difficult to evaluate experimentally the respective contributions of the two Inline graphic influxes during physiological conditions. These magnitudes are probably also cell-type dependent. Such issues explain the persistence of the controversy regarding SOCE and ROCE [45][48]. An informative experiment would be to stimulate ASMC using flash photolysis of caged Inline graphic instead of agonist stimulation. Indeed, as Inline graphic does not induce ROCE, SOCE should be the essential Inline graphic influx left. By comparing the responses to Inline graphic stimulation in the presence and in the absence of extracellular calcium, one could then deduce the importance of SOCE in physiological conditions.

Efficacy of CPA

CPA is widely used as a SERCA blocker, having the advantage over Thapsigargin (Tg) of being reversible, and probably less toxic. Both have been used extensively to study SOCE in different cell types (e.g., [25][27], [43], [49]). Although our work indicates that CPA does not fully block the SERCA in intact tissue such as lung slices, it does not imply that CPA should not be used experimentally to induce SOCE. Indeed, CPA might still cause substantial SOCE activation in the presence of agonist. However, our results indicate that CPA is not a good mean to fully empty Inline graphic stores, and care should be taken in interpreting the experimental results of its application. We suggest that a combined Rya-Caf treatment is a more reliable way to induce a permanent large SR depletion (Fig. 3B, C). There is evidence that Tg is an efficient SERCA blocker in cell lines such as Hela cells [43], but we have not addressed the effect of Tg on ASMC in lung slices in this study.

Modelling IPR

In this work, we followed the approach of Wang et al. [23], in that we have used one of the simplest models of IPR Inline graphic release, namely the Li-Rinzel/Tang et al. reduction of the DYK ODE model [34][36]. This category of IPR model produces agonist-induced Inline graphic oscillations characterised by significant SR Inline graphic depletion (Fig. 3D and [23]), hence the possibility of SOCE being activated during such Inline graphic oscillations. This property might be model-dependent, however there is evidence that the SR is actually depleted to some extent during agonist-induced Inline graphic oscillations in ASMC. Indeed, the absence of effect of ryanodine during agonist-induced oscillations can be explained by the average level of Inline graphic being too low for RyR activation [1], [23]. However, the respective Inline graphic “thresholds” for SOCE and RyR activation are experimentally unknown. In this work, the SOCE activation threshold was deduced from fitting the model simultaneously to Fig. 3A and Figs. 3B–C.

Finally, we note that our whole-cell Inline graphic model would likely not benefit from using a recent Markov model of an IPR (e.g., [50][52]), because these models are based on steady-state data only (i.e., single-channel opening and closing times in stationary Inline graphic and Inline graphic) and typically miss the long inactivation timescale which was included “ad hoc” in the first IPR models to reproduce the observed behavior at the cell level (i.e., Inline graphic oscillations upon agonist stimulation).

Limitations of the whole-cell model

As we are essentially interested in Inline graphic responses of ASMC at the cell level, we have described Inline graphic dynamics via a deterministic ODE model. The scope of this model is, however, somewhat limited for the following reasons.

First, there is evidence that IPR are not homogeneously distributed on the SR membrane of cells, but are found as dense clusters. This channel clustering is especially patent upon stimulation by low agonist concentrations, for which local, stochastic Inline graphic releases may not propagate to neighboring clusters, resulting in spatially isolated, unsynchronised Inline graphic releases, called “puffs”. At higher agonist concentrations, the frequency of these puffs increases, allowing Inline graphic releases from close sites to accumulate and propagate further away. This triggers, via CICR, the firing of more distant clusters, and results in Inline graphic waves propagating repeatedly throughout the cytosol. These waves usually appear as Inline graphic oscillations at the whole-cell level. While Inline graphic waves are indeed associated with Inline graphic oscillations in ASMC [1], it has, so far, been impossible to detect Inline graphic puffs. This could arise from a less clustered distribution of IPR in ASMC, compared to the larger cells (ooycytes and Hela cells) where puffs have been characterised. On the other hand, Inline graphic “sparks”, the equivalent of Inline graphic puffs but mediated by RyR, have been detected in ASMC [1], which supports a clustered distribution of RyR. In this study, we did not attempt to consider these spatial/stochastic aspects of the Inline graphic signals. Our model is thus less reliable at low agonist concentrations.

Second, cytoplasmic microdomains often exist between cell organelles (e.g., between peripheral SR and the plasma membrane, between the SR and mitochondria), out of which Inline graphic cannot diffuse easily. These have consequences for SOCE dynamics. Indeed, it has been reported that upon store depletion, SERCA can colocalise with STIM proteins, in proximity to the PM [49], [53]. As a consequence, if SOCE is slow enough, the SR can refill with Inline graphic without a concomitant increase in bulk Inline graphic [49]. Upon large SOCE, this is no longer the case; however, mitochondria prevent the local Inline graphic increase to become too large by pumping Inline graphic from the subplasmalemmal space and releasing it deeper in the cytoplasm, where it can be absorbed by other SERCA [49]. These spatial effects cannot be accounted for by our current non-compartmentalised model.

Finally, Inline graphic dynamics are modified by Inline graphic buffers in the cytosol and SR, which bind 99% of the free Inline graphic. While the effect of fast, linear buffers can be taken into account by a global rescaling of Inline graphic fluxes (see Methods), this is not the case for high affinity buffers, in particular fluorescent dye indicators. Including such buffers in an ODE model of Inline graphic dynamics leads to suppression of Inline graphic oscillations, because the buffer affinity is close to the amplitude of whole-cell Inline graphic oscillations. In reality, Inline graphic reaches much higher levels locally upon IPR opening, so that the buffers become saturated and cannot prevent Inline graphic oscillations. Again, this would have to be accounted for by a spatial model of Inline graphic dynamics.

Future work

Although RyR dynamics play a role only during the initial phases of agonist-induced Inline graphic oscillations and Rya-Caf treatment, the interaction between RyR and IPR may become important in other situations, such as drug-induced RyR sensitisation. We plan to extend our model to these dynamics.

Since our work is part of a broader effort to improve the understanding of airway hyper-responsiveness and remodelling via mathematical modelling [54][57], we also intent to model the interaction of ASMC Inline graphic signalling with other aspects of lung dynamics. Although mathematical models of ASM contraction have previously been developed [54], [55], [58], modelling of other signalling pathways, such as inflammation and proliferation, is, to our knowledge, still in its infancy.

Additionally, experimental studies of ASMC inflammation and proliferation in conjunction with Inline graphic imaging in lung slices would be desirable. While such studies have been carried out with cultured ASMC [3][5], [9][12], they do not provide individual Inline graphic dynamics; moreover, cultured ASMC often exhibit a different phenotype from ASMC in intact tissues.


The inclusion of SOCE in our mathematical model of Inline graphic dynamics in ASMC enables a better understanding of the experimental physiology of lung slices. It shows that the different abilities of CPA and Rya-Caf treatment to clamp the Inline graphic of ASMC can be explained by their different ability to invoke SOCE. The model predicts that CPA, in contrast with Rya-Caf treatment, is unable to empty the SR because of its inefficiency to fully inhibit the SERCA. Furthermore, by accounting for both agonist-induced Inline graphic oscillations and SOCE activation by SR Inline graphic depletion, the model shows that SOCE can be a major determinant of the frequency of agonist-induced Inline graphic oscillations. Because this frequency of the Inline graphic oscillations regulates airway contraction, the model suggests a role for increased SOCE in AHR, a correlation consistent with SOCE up-regulation under inflammatory conditions typical of asthma. These predictions underscore the synergistic role for mathematical modeling in medical research.

Supporting Information

Supporting Information S1

Details of the parameter estimation procedure.



We thank Ruediger Thul, Charlotte Billington and Ian Hall for fruitful discussions.

Funding Statement

BSB acknowledges funding from the Medical Research Council (, New Investigator Grant: G0901174. MJS is supported by a grant from National Institutes of Health ( HL103405. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Supplementary Materials

Supporting Information S1

Details of the parameter estimation procedure.


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