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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America logoLink to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
. 2013 Jul 8;110(30):E2752–E2761. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1216318110

Single-photon sampling architecture for solid-state imaging sensors

Ewout van den Berg a, Emmanuel Candès a,b,c,1, Garry Chinn d, Craig Levin c,d,e,f, Peter Demetri Olcott d,f, Carlos Sing-Long g
PMCID: PMC3725070  PMID: 23836643


We propose a highly compressed readout architecture for arrays of imaging sensors capable of detecting individual photons. By exploiting sparseness properties of the input signal, our architecture can provide the same information content as conventional readout designs while using orders of magnitude fewer output channels. This is achieved using a unique interconnection topology based on group-testing theoretical considerations. Unlike existing designs, this promises a low-cost sensor with high fill factor and high photon sensitivity, potentially enabling increased spatial and temporal resolution in a number of imaging applications, including positron-emission tomography and light detection and ranging.

Keywords: multiplexing, single-photon detection, superimposed codes


Advances in solid-state technology have enabled the development of silicon photomultiplier sensor arrays capable of sensing individual photons. Combined with high-frequency time-to-digital converters (TDCs), this technology opens up the prospect of sensors capable of recording with high accuracy both the time and location of each detected photon. Such a capability could lead to significant improvements in imaging accuracy, especially for applications operating with low photon fluxes such as light detection and ranging and positron-emission tomography. The demands placed on on-chip readout circuitry impose stringent trade-offs between fill factor and spatiotemporal resolution, causing many contemporary designs to severely underuse the technology’s full potential. Concentrating on the low photon flux setting, this paper leverages results from group testing and proposes an architecture for a highly efficient readout of pixels using only a small number of TDCs. We provide optimized design instances for various sensor parameters and compute explicit upper and lower bounds on the number of TDCs required to uniquely decode a given maximum number of simultaneous photon arrivals. To illustrate the strength of the proposed architecture, we note a typical digitization of a 60 × 60 photodiode sensor using only 142 TDCs. The design guarantees registration and unique recovery of up to four simultaneous photon arrivals using a fast decoding algorithm. By contrast, a cross-strip design requires 120 TDCs and cannot uniquely decode any simultaneous photon arrivals. Among other realistic simulations of scintillation events in clinical positron-emission tomography, the above design is shown to recover the spatiotemporal location of 99.98% of all detected photons.

Photon detection has become an essential measurement technique in science and engineering. Indeed, applications such as PET, single-photon-emission computed tomography, flow cytometry, light detection and ranging (LiDAR), fluorescence detection, confocal microscopy, and radiation detection all rely on accurate measurement of photon fluxes. Traditionally, the preferred measurement device has been the photomultiplier tube (PMT), which is a high-gain, low-noise photon detector with a high-frequency response and a large area of collection. In particular, it behaves as an ideal current generator for steady photon fluxes, making it suitable for use in applications in astronomy and medical imaging, among others. However, they are bulky, require manual assembly steps, and have limited spatial resolution for PET. For these reasons, extensive research has focused on finding feasible solid-state alternatives that can operate at much lower voltages, are immune to magnetic effects, have increased efficiency, and are smaller in physical size (1). Recent designs have raised significant interest in the community, and their use as a replacement for PMTs in applications such as PET imaging (2), high-energy physics (3), astrophysics (4), LiDAR (5), and flow cytometry has been recently explored.

Silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) devices consist of 2D arrays of Geiger avalanche photodiode (APD) microcells. Devices built up from these microcells are characterized by the fraction of sensing area on the device (the fill factor) and the fraction of incident photons that cause charged APDs to fire (the detection quantum efficiency). The product of these two quantities gives the combined photon detection efficiency.

The compatibility of Geiger APDs with standard complementary metal-oxide semiconductor technology has enabled a number of different designs. For example, the digital silicon photomultiplier (6) adds processing circuitry to count the total number of photons hitting the sensor and records a time stamp at the onset of each significant burst. The resolution of the resulting sensor coincides with the size of the entire sensor (usually 3 × 3 mm in area), whereas the temporal sampling is limited to a single time stamp per pulse. Nevertheless, the sensor does achieve a very high fill factor (80%) and is, therefore, very sensitive. Note that in SiPM terminology the above tiling of microcells into larger atomic units is often referred to as a pixel. Throughout this paper, however, we use the term “pixel” to refer to individual Geiger APD microcells, because they represent the smallest resolvable element in our proposed design.

An alternative sensor design, the single photon avalanche diode array, aims at a high temporal resolution and registers the time of each pixel (APD) firing (7, 8). This is achieved by connecting each pixel to a high-performance time-to-digital converter (TDC), which records a time stamp in a memory buffer whenever a signal is detected on its input. Because of their relatively low complexity, especially compared with analog-to-digital converters, TDCs allow the sensor to achieve an extremely high temporal resolution. However, the spatial resolution of the sensor is severely compromised by the large amount of support circuitry between neighboring pixels, resulting in an extremely low fill factor of ∼1–5%.

Although promising, both designs show that current implementations highly underuse the full potential of these silicon devices: Owing to the restricted chip area a trade-off must be made between the spatiotemporal resolution and the fill factor. To improve this trade-off, we take advantage of the special properties present in settings with a low photon flux. In particular, we claim that, by taking advantage of the temporal sparsity of the photon arrivals, we can greatly increase the spatiotemporal resolution of the SiPM while maintaining simple circuitry and a high fill factor.

This claim is made possible by the combination of two ideas: (i) to use TDCs as the main readout devices and (ii) to exploit ideas from group testing to reduce the number of these devices. As a motivational example, consider three possible designs for an Inline graphic pixel grid. The first design, illustrated in Fig. 1A, corresponds to a design with a single TDC per pixel. This design can be seen as a trivial group test capable of detecting an arbitrary number of simultaneous firings, but at the cost of Inline graphic TDCs. When the photon flux is low, only a small number of pixels will typically fire at the same time, thus causing most TDCs to be idle most of the time, and resulting in a very poor use of resources. The second design, shown in Fig. 1B, corresponds to the widely used cross-strip architecture in which rows and columns of pixels are each aggregated into a single signal. This design requires only Inline graphic TDCs, but information from the TDCs can only be uniquely decoded if at most one pixel fired during the same time interval. Hinting at the power of more efficient group-testing designs, Fig. 1C shows a design in which pixels are numbered from 1 to Inline graphic and in which a pixel i is connected to TDC j only if the j-th bit in the binary representation number i is one. This design is also capable of decoding up to a single pixel firing but requires only Inline graphic TDCs. The objective of this paper is to show that whenever the number of simultaneous firings is small, a significant reduction in the number of TDCs (and accompanying memory buffers) can be similarly attained by carefully selected designs. This reduces both the amount of overhead circuitry and the generated volume of data.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Three SiPM designs with (A) one TDC per pixel, (B) one TDC per row and column of pixels, and (C) one TDC per bit of the binary representation of each pixel number. The first design is capable of detecting any number of simultaneous hits, at the cost of a large number of TDCs. The other two can only uniquely decode up to a single pixel firing but require substantially fewer TDCs.

Contributions and Paper Organization

The main contributions of this paper are (i) the introduction of group testing to the design of interconnection networks in imaging sensors, combined with TDC readout; (ii) an architecture to time and locate photon arrivals; (iii) the explicit construction of highly optimized group testing matrices for a variety of conventional Inline graphic grid sizes; (iv) a comparison with alternative constructions; and (v) an extensive comparison with explicitly evaluated and optimized theoretical upper and lower bounds on the minimum number of TDCs required to decode an imaging sensor array.

The paper is organized as follows. We start by reviewing the concept of group testing and construct the currently best-known group testing designs for a range of grid sizes. We then provide an extensive survey of constructions used to obtain upper and lower bounds on the minimum number of TDCs needed to guarantee recovery for Inline graphic simultaneous hits. There, the results show that the designs generated earlier are within a factor two of the theoretical lower bounds. We then test the performance of the design on data generated using a realistic model of scintillation events arising in PET scanners. We conclude with a discussion on practical considerations in the implementation of the proposed design.

Throughout the paper we use the following notation: log is base e unless otherwise indicated; Inline graphic denotes the set Inline graphic; and Inline graphic denotes the family of all subsets of Inline graphic with k elements.

Group Testing

Group testing was proposed by Dorfman (9) to effectively screen large numbers of blood samples for rare diseases (see ref. 10 for more historical background). Instead of testing each sample individually, carefully chosen subsets of samples are pooled together and tested as a whole. If the test is negative, we immediately know that none of the samples in the pool is positive, saving a potentially large number of tests. Otherwise, one or more samples is positive and additional tests are needed to determine exactly which ones.

Since its introduction, group testing has been used in a variety of different applications including quality control and product testing (11), pattern matching (12, 13), DNA library screening (1417), multiaccess communication (18), tracking of hot items in databases (19), and many others (10, 20). Depending on the application, group testing can be applied in an adaptive fashion in which tests are designed based on the outcome of previous tests, and in a nonadaptive fashion in which the tests are fixed a priori. Additional variations include schemes that provide robustness against test errors (21, 22) or the presence of inhibitors (23, 24), which cause false positives and negatives, respectively.

In our SiPM application, each pixel fires independently according to some Poisson process and exactly fits in the probabilistic group-testing model (14). Nevertheless, because we are interested in guaranteeing performance up to a certain level of simultaneous firings, we will study the application from a combinatorial group-testing perspective. Furthermore, measurements are necessarily nonadaptive because they are hardwired in the actual implementation. No error correction is needed; the only errors we can expect are spurious pixel firings (dark counts) or afterpulses, but these appear indistinguishable from real firings and cannot be corrected for. The rate of these spurious pixel firings is usually much less than the signal rate, especially in our scintillation example (25).

Matrix Representation and Guarantees.

A group test can be represented as a binary Inline graphic incidence matrix or code A with t the length or number of tests and n the size or number of items, or pixels in our case. An entry Inline graphic is set to one if item j is pooled in test i, that is, if pixel j is connected to TDC i, and zero otherwise. Given a vector x of length n with Inline graphic if item j is positive and zero otherwise, we can define the test vector y as Inline graphic, where multiplication and addition are defined as logic and and or, respectively§. The columns Inline graphic in A are called codewords, and for sake of convenience we allow set operations to be applied to these binary codewords, acting on or defining their support. As an illustration of the above, consider the following example:

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110uneq1.jpg

In this example pixels 1, 4, and 5 are connected to the first TDC, as represented by the first row of A. When pixels 2 and 4 fire, we sum (logical or) the corresponding columns and find that the first and second TDCs are activated, as seen in y.

For group testing to be effective we want to have far fewer tests than items Inline graphic. This inherently means that not all vectors x can be reconstructed from y, so we will be interested in conditions that guarantee recovery when x has up to d positive entries.

The weakest notion for recovery is d separability, which means that no combination of exactly d codewords can be expressed using any other combination of d codewords. A matrix is said to be Inline graphic-separable if the combination of any up to d codewords is unique. This immediately gives an information-theoretic lower bound on the length t:

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110eq1.jpg

When d is small compared to n, this gives Inline graphic. A stronger criteria is given by d disjunctness. Given any two codewords u and v, we say that u covers v if Inline graphic. Based on this, define A to be d-disjunct if no codeword in A is covered by the union of any d others. The concept of disjunctness of sets and codes has been proposed in a number of settings and such codes are also known as superimposed codes (26), or d-cover-free families (27). The advantage of d-disjunct codes is that the positive entries in any d-sparse vector x correspond exactly to those codewords in A that remain after discarding all codewords that have a one in a position where y is zero. This is unlike general separable matrices, where a combinatorial search may be needed for the decoding.

The central goal in group testing is to determine the smallest length t for which a matrix of size n can satisfy certain separability or disjunctness properties. Denote by Inline graphic and Inline graphic the set of all matrices A of size n that are d-separable, respectively d-disjunct. Then we can define Inline graphic the smallest length of any Inline graphic, and likewise for Inline graphic. As a further refinement in classification we define Inline graphic as all constant-weight d-disjunct matrices of size n, that is, those matrices whose columns all have the same weight or number of nonzero entries (note that the weights of any two matrices within this class can differ). The overlap between any two columns Inline graphic and Inline graphic of a code is defined as Inline graphic. Consider a constant-weight w code A with maximum pairwise overlap

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It is easily seen that it takes Inline graphic columns to cover another one, and therefore that

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We can then define Inline graphic as the class of constant-weight codes of size n where the right-hand side of Eq. 2 equals d. As for all other classes, the actual disjunctness of the codes in Inline graphic may still be higher. Summarizing, we have

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110uneq3.jpg

along with the associated minimum lengths Inline graphic.

The above criteria are worst case in that they consider all possible combinations of d codewords. It is possible to relax this and require that combinations are recovered with a certain probability. Although we do not study such average-case behavior, it is evident from the numerical experiments that d-disjunct matrices can successfully recover combinations of many more than d codewords with high probability.

Matrix Construction.

In this section we discuss three methods for creating d-disjunct binary matrices. Given that the number of rows in the matrices correspond directly to the number of TDCs required to implement the design, it is crucial that this number is kept as small as possible. We apply the techniques to construct optimized matrices for the case where Inline graphic, corresponding to a Inline graphic pixel array. Rows (l–n) in Table 1 show clear differences in the performance of the given construction methods. Fig. 2 compares the best constructions with the standard cross-strip design.

Table 1.

Upper and lower bounds on the minimum number of rows needed for a d-disjunct or Inline graphic-separable matrix with Inline graphic rows

Inline graphic 2 3 4 5 6 Ref. and comments
Upper bounds (theoretical)
 (a) Inline graphic 436 982 1,746 2,729 3,929 Adaptation of 40 given in 3
Inline graphic
94 237 443 711 1043 Ref. 27, proposition 2.1 with optimal w
Inline graphic
90 222 412 660 966 Eq. 4 with optimal w
Inline graphic
149 278 442 640 870 Bernoulli (36, theorem 5)
Inline graphic
96 190 312 459 631 Constant weight, groupwise cover
Inline graphic
76 163 279 422 590 Constant weight, Lovász local lemma
Inline graphic
110 225 376 561 779 Bernoulli, groupwise cover
Inline graphic
99 249 465 746 1,094 Constant weight, pairwise overlap
Inline graphic
71 154 265 402 565 Constant weight, groupwise cover (see 46)
Inline graphic
130 300 522 828 1,178 Adaptation of 52, algorithm 1
Inline graphic
98 205 348 524 734 Ref. 42, theorem 2.6
Upper bounds (instances)
Inline graphic
58 132 224 345 484 Greedy search
Inline graphic
82 155 237 333 445 Ref. 52, section 2; Supporting Information gives details
Inline graphic
51 85 142 174 206 Error-correction code-based
Lower bounds
Inline graphic
35 56 75 96 115 Ref. 46, theorem 2
Inline graphic
35 55 74 93 113 Ref. 26, equation 5 and 36, equation 18
Inline graphic
35 Ref. 53, theorem 1
Inline graphic
32 48 62 75 88 Ref. 27, proposition 2.1
Inline graphic
29 40 48 55 61 Ref. 34, lemma 3.2
Inline graphic
23 33 43 53 62 Information theoretical lower bound

Entries shown in boldface denote the best theoretical upper and lower bounds we could find for each of the given classes.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Comparison between the number of TDCs used for the best-known codes in Table 3 and a standard cross-strip design, for different numbers of pixels n. The cross-strip design connects each row and column to a single TDC, giving a Inline graphic disjunct encoding. The number of TDCs in the cross-strip design grows as Inline graphic, much faster than the Inline graphic in group-testing matrices.

Greedy approach.

The greedy approach generates d-disjunct matrices one column at a time. For the construction of a constant-weight w matrix of length t the algorithms starts with Inline graphicØ and proceeds by repeatedly drawing, uniformly at random, an element F from Inline graphic as a candidate column. Whenever the distance to all sets already in Inline graphic exceeds Inline graphic we add F to Inline graphic and continue the algorithm with the updated family. This process continues until either Inline graphic or a given time limit is reached.

We applied the greedy algorithm to find d-disjunct matrices of size at least Inline graphic. For each value of d and length t, the algorithm was allowed to run for 12 h. Row (l) of Table 1 gives the minimum t for which the algorithm found a solution. Instances with fewer rows are very well possible; this strongly depends both on the choice of the initial few columns and the amount of time available.

A further reduction in the code length could be achieved by checking disjunctness in a groupwise, rather than a pairwise, setting. However, the number of possible d subsets of columns to consider at each iteration grows exponentially in d, thereby rendering this approach intractable for even moderate values of d.

Designs based on error-correcting codes.

Excellent practical superimposed codes can be constructed based on error-correcting codes. Here, we discuss a number of techniques and constructions we used to generate the best superimposed codes known to us for a variety of pixel array sizes (i.e., for square Inline graphic arrays with Inline graphic). For comparison with other constructions, the results are summarized in Table 2, and row (n) of Table 1 for Inline graphic.

Table 2.

Overview of best-known constructions for d-disjunct matrices of size n

d t Construction
Inline graphic
2 21 st (21,8,7)
3 36 st (36,10,7)
4 48 st (48,8,5)
5 60 st (60,10,6)
6 75 Inline graphic
Inline graphic
2 31 st (31,8,7)
3 51 st (51,10,7)
4 64 c(65,9,3)s(1)
5 107 Inline graphic
6 144 Inline graphic
Inline graphic
2 38 st (38,8,7)
3 73 Inline graphic
4 95 Inline graphic
5 117 Inline graphic
6 156 Inline graphic
Inline graphic
2 44 st (44,8,7)
3 78 Inline graphic
4 113 Inline graphic
5 140 Inline graphic
6 166 Inline graphic
Inline graphic
2 51 st (51,8,7)
3 85 Inline graphic
4 142 Inline graphic
5 174 Inline graphic
6 206 Inline graphic
Inline graphic
2 63 Inline graphic
3 110 Inline graphic
4 161 Inline graphic
5 233 Inline graphic
6 323 Inline graphic

Codes from the Standard Table (28) are indicated by Inline graphic. The covering Inline graphic appears in the La Jolla Covering Repository (33) and was used in ref. 14. All other entries are Inline graphic codes. Superscripts Inline graphic indicates a shortening of k steps with pivoting on zero entries; x indicates a greedy extension, Inline graphic indicates concatenation with a Inline graphic identity matrix. The Inline graphic superscript indicates concatenation with a binary code from the Standard Table.

Binary codes.

The most straightforward way of obtaining d-disjunct superimposed codes is by simply taking constant-weight binary error-correction codes obeying Eq. 2, with overlap μ as given below. The on-line repository (28) lists the best known lower bound on maximum size Inline graphic for constant weight w codes of length n and Hamming distance d (note the different use of n and d in this context). Given a code st (n,d,w) from this Standard Table, the overlap satisfies Inline graphic. Some codes are given explicitly, whereas others require some more work to instantiate. We discuss two of the most common constructions that are used to instantiate all but one of the remaining codes we use. The first construction consists of a short list of seed codewords Inline graphic, along with a number of cyclic permutations. These permutations give rise to a permutation group Inline graphic and the words in the final code are those in the union of orbits of the seed vectors: Inline graphic. The second construction shortens existing codes in one of two ways. We illustrate them based on the generation of the 2-disjunct code st (21,8,7) of size 100 from st (24,8,8). The first type of shortening consists of identifying a row i with the most ones and then selecting all columns incident to this row and deleting row i. This both reduces the weight and the length of the code by one, but preserves the distance, and in this case gives st (23,8,7) (note that shortenings do not in general lead to new optimal or best known codes). The second type of shortening identifies a row i with the most zero entries and creates a new code by keeping only the columns with a zero in the i-th row, and then removing the row. This construction does not affect the weight of the matrix, only the size and length. Repeating this twice from st (23,8,7) yields the desired st (21,8,7) code. Note that for constant-weight codes, the minimum number of ones in any given row is bounded above by Inline graphic. This expression can be used to give a theoretical minimum on the number of rows by which we can shorten a code. In practice it may be possible to remove a substantially larger number of rows. Below we will frequently use shortening to obtain codes with smaller length. In these cases we only use the second type of shortening, based on zero entries.

q-ary error-correction codes.

The Standard Table only lists codes with relatively small lengths and, consequently, limited sizes. To construct larger or heavier codes we apply a construction based on [maximal distance separable (MDS)] q-ary error-correcting codes, as proposed by Kautz and Singleton (26). Let Inline graphic denote a linear q-ary code of length n, size Inline graphic, and Hamming distance d. Each codeword in these codes consists of n elements taken from Inline graphic and differs in at least d locations from all other codewords. A binary superimposed code can be obtained from these q-ary codes by replacing each element with a corresponding column of a Inline graphic identity matrix Inline graphic. That is, we map each element in Inline graphic to a unique column of Inline graphic. For example, we map value k to the Inline graphic-st column of Inline graphic as follows:

q-ary 2 0 1 2 1 1 0
Inline graphic 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Binary Inline graphic 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
Inline graphic 1 0 0 1 0 0 0

The overlap between any two codewords of the resulting concatenated code is bounded by the length of the code n minus the distance d. Meanwhile, the weight is exactly the length. The disjunctness of the resulting code is therefore at least Inline graphic. As an aside, note that this construction requires an explicit set of codewords. This can be contrasted with q-ary error-correction codes, for which fast encoding–decoding algorithms often exist, and which do not require such an explicit representation.

Existence of a large class of Inline graphic codes, including the well-known Reed–Solomon codes is shown by Kautz and Singleton (26) and Singleton (29). In MacWilliams and Sloane (ref. 30, chap. 11, theorem 9) cyclic MDS codes with Inline graphic and Inline graphic are shown to exist whenever Inline graphic and q is a prime power. As a result, it can be concluded that, when expressed in group-testing notation, this concatenated code construction requires a length Inline graphic (20), compared with the best-known bound of Inline graphic. Despite the slightly weaker bound, we shall see below that for small instances, the resulting codes are far superior to the random constructions used to yield the improved bound.

As an example, we used a concatenation of Inline graphic with Inline graphic, denoted Inline graphic, to construct the 3-disjunct matrix of size Inline graphic shown in Table 2. Most of the other codes obtained using this construction have an additional superscript Inline graphic to indicate the application of k shortening steps. The 4-disjunct code of length Inline graphic also has a superscript x to indicate extension of the code. In this case, the four shortening steps resulted in a Inline graphic code, falling just short of the desired size of Inline graphic. The very structured nature of these concatenated codes means that many constant-weight vectors are not included, even if they may be feasible. We can therefore try to apply greedy search techniques to augment the code. For this particular case it was found to be relatively easy to add several columns, thus resulting in a code of desired size.

All of the q-ary codes appearing in Table 2 are Reed–Solomon codes, except for Inline graphic, which is a constacyclic linear code whose construction is given by ref. 31.

General concatenated codes.

As mentioned by Kautz and Singleton (26), it is possible to replace the trivial identity code by arbitrary d-disjunct binary matrices in forming concatenated codes, provided that the size of the matrix is at least equal to q. This construction is extensively used by D’yachkov et al. (32) to form previously unknown instances of superimposed codes. We also investigated this approach and found that the concatenation of the Inline graphic code with st (9,4,3) yielded our smallest 2-disjunct code of size 14,400. Likewise a 2-disjunct Inline graphic matrix can be obtained by concatenating Inline graphic with st (17,6,5). The code given in Table 2 lists instead st (51,8,7), which yields a slightly smaller code with weight 7 instead of 15.

Theoretical Bounds

Given the codes constructed in the previous section, a natural question is to ask how much better we can do. In this section we summarize an extensive literature concerning theoretical bounds on the minimum number of pools required for a group-testing design of size n to be d-disjunct. The results include both upper and lower bounds on this minimum, and the models used also provide ways of generating matrices. The lower bounds show that the codes we constructed can be reduced by at most a factor of two. However, this reduction may be smaller in practice because matrices that reach the lower bound are not guaranteed to exist.

Asymptotic Bounds.

Bounds on the growth rate of Inline graphic have been discovered and rediscovered in different contexts in information theory, combinatorics, and group testing (33, 34). In the context of superimposed codes, D’yachkov and Rykov (35) obtained the following bounds:

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110uneq4.jpg

Ruszinkó (34) and Füredi (36) give an interesting account on the lower bound and provide simpler proofs. The lower bound was also obtained for sufficiently large d with Inline graphic by Chaudhuri and Radhakrishnan (37) in the context of d-cover-free systems for system complexity, which was extended to the general case by Clementi et al. (38).

For the upper bound, it follows from the analysis of a greedy-type construction given by Hwang and Sós (39), that for Inline graphic we have

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110eq3.jpg

An efficient polynomial-time algorithm for generating similar constant-weight d-disjunct Inline graphic matrices with Inline graphic was given by Porat and Rothschild (20).

Nonasymptotic Results.

When working with particular values of d and n, constants in theoretic bounds become crucial. Most theoretical results, however, are concerned with growth rates and even if explicit constants are given, such as those in Eq. 3, they may be too loose to be of practical use.

In this section we are interested in the code length t required to guarantee the unique recovery of up to Inline graphic simultaneous firings on a Inline graphic pixel array, that is Inline graphic. We do this by studying the various models used to obtain upper and lower bounds on Inline graphic and numerically evaluating the original expressions, instead of bounding them. By optimizing over parameters such as weight or matrix size, we obtain the best numerical values for the bounds, as permitted by the different models. These will be used as a reference point to evaluate the quality of the codes given in Table 2.

All bounds are evaluated using Sage (40) and summarized in Table 1 for Inline graphic. We omit results for Inline graphic, which only requires the columns of the matrix to be unique.

Upper bounds on Inline graphic.

Constructing a d-disjunct binary Inline graphic matrix, or providing an algorithm for doing so, immediately yields t as an upper bound for one of the Inline graphic values. In the literature there are three main techniques to obtain d-disjunct matrices of various sizes; we discuss each of these in the following paragraphs.

Sequential picking.

The construction given by Hwang and Sós (39) for obtaining an upper bound on Inline graphic works as follows. Starting with a family of initially all good sets Inline graphic of a fixed weight w we pick a random element Inline graphic. After we make this choice we determine the family Inline graphic of sets in Inline graphic whose overlap with g is Inline graphic or more (this includes g itself). We then remove all of the bad items Inline graphic from Inline graphic to get Inline graphic. We repeat the procedure, picking at each point a g from Inline graphic, determining Inline graphic and forming Inline graphic, until Inline graphic is empty. We can then form a Inline graphic matrix A with the support of each column corresponding to one of the selected g. This matrix will be d-disjunct because, by construction, it has constant column weight w and satisfies Eq. 2 with overlap Inline graphic. For the number of rows in A, notice that the size of each Inline graphic satisfies

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110uneq5.jpg

Because the size of the initial family Inline graphic was Inline graphic we have that

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110eq4.jpg

This can be turned into the upper bound on Inline graphic shown in Eq. 3 by following the parameter choice and analysis given in ref. 39. Essentially the same argument was used earlier by Erdös et al. (27, proposition 2.1) to prove an alternative bound. Entries a–c in Table 1 are obtained respectively by optimizing Eq. 3, the bound given in (27) with optimal choice of w, and the smallest Inline graphic satisfying Eq. 4 (see also ref. 41, p. 232).

Random ensemble.

An alternative to picking compatible columns one at a time is to draw an entire set of columns from a suitable distribution and check if the resulting matrix is indeed d-disjunct. An upper bound on the required number of rows is obtained by finding the smallest t such that the probability that the matrix does not satisfy d disjunctness is strictly bounded above by one.

Consider a Inline graphic matrix A with entries drawn independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.) from the Bernoulli distribution; each entry takes on the value 1 with probability β and the value 0 with probability Inline graphic. For any column in A, the probability that it is covered by Inline graphic of the other columns is given by

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110eq5.jpg

because each entry in the column is not covered by the union of the other d if and only if its value is 1, and the corresponding entries in the other d columns are all 0. Because we want to minimize the chance of overlap, we find the minimum with respect to β, giving Inline graphic. By taking a union bound over all possible sets, we can bound the probability that at least one column in A is covered by some d others as

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110eq6.jpg

This setup forms the basis for the analysis given by D’yachkov and Rykov (35). In Table 1, row (d), we show the smallest t for which this probability is strictly less than one; for the optimal β, this is given by

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110uneq6.jpg

To construct matrices with constant-weight w, we can uniformly draw columns from Inline graphic. The probability that a fixed column is covered by d others can be evaluated as follows. Let Inline graphic denote the number of ways we can cover a fixed set of w entries in a t-length vector with d columns, given that i entries have already been covered. With only a single column left, we first cover the remaining Inline graphic entries, leaving i entries to be freely selected in the remaining Inline graphic positions. This gives

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For Inline graphic we can cover up to Inline graphic entries and cover the others using the remaining Inline graphic columns. Therefore,

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110uneq8.jpg

The probability that a column is covered by d others is then given by

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110eq7.jpg

and we can again use the union bound given by Eq. 6. To determine the smallest possible t we start at Inline graphic and double its value until the right-hand side of Eq. 6 is less than one and then use binary search to find the desired t. This is repeated for all suitable column weights w and row (e) of Table 1 lists the smallest value of t obtained using this procedure.

The use of the union bound in Eq. 6 ignores the fact that many of the columns and d sets are independent. To obtain sharper bounds for a similar problem, we follow Yeh (42) and apply Lovász local lemma (43), stated in ref. 44, corollary 5.1.2.

Lemma 1. (The Local Lemma, Symmetric Case).

Let Inline graphic, Inline graphic,…,Inline graphic be events in an arbitrary probability space. Suppose that each event Inline graphic is independent of all other events Inline graphic except at most μ of them, and that Inline graphic for all Inline graphic. If

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110eq8.jpg

then Inline graphic.

Working again with n columns drawn uniformly and independently from Inline graphic, let Inline graphic denote the event that column i is covered by the set J of d other columns. Any event Inline graphic is independent from Inline graphic whenever Inline graphicØ, and the number of events μ that violate this condition is given by

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110uneq9.jpg

All we then need to do is find the smallest t for which, with an optimal choice of w, the condition in Eq. 8 is satisfied using p as given in Eq. 7. That is, find a t such that

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110uneq10.jpg

The results obtained by this method are given in row (f) in Table 1. We omit similar results obtained using a Bernoulli model, or the q-ary construction considered by Yeh (42), because they give larger values of t.

Random selection with postprocessing.

A third approach to generating d-disjunct matrices is to start with a Inline graphic matrix with Inline graphic, drawn from a certain random ensemble, and randomly mark for deletion one of each pair of columns whose overlap is too large. Whenever the expected number of columns marked for deletion is strictly less than Inline graphic we can be sure that a d-disjunct Inline graphic matrix exists and can be generated using this approach. (Note that some of the approaches described in the previous paragraph are a special case of this with Inline graphic.) A variation on this approach is to pick a column and mark it for deletion if there exists any other d columns that cover it. Starting with the latter approach for the Bernoulli model with Inline graphic, a bound on the probability of a column being marked is found by applying a union bound to Eq. 5:

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110uneq11.jpg

The expected number of columns marked is then bounded by

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110uneq12.jpg

and the smallest t for which the left-hand side of this inequality is strictly less than Inline graphic is given in row (g) of Table 1. A similar derivation based on constraints on the pairwise overlap of columns can easily be seen to yield

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110uneq13.jpg

which leads to the results shown in row (h). The best results for Inline graphic based on bounds of the probabilistic method in row (i) were obtained for groupwise covering of constant weight vectors, a model which was studied earlier by Riccio and Colbourn (45). For completeness we list in row (j) the results based on a random q-ary construction similar to the one we discussed earlier. A final method we would like to mention chooses Inline graphic, but instead of removing marked columns, it augments the matrix with the identity matrix below all marked columns, thus fixing a (potential) violation of d-disjunctness by increasing the number of rows. The results of this method by Yeh (42) are presented in row (k).

Remarks on the upper bounds.

Although different models may lead to the same growth rates in Inline graphic, there is a substantial difference in resulting values when numerically evaluated and optimized. The groupwise models easily outperform bounds based on pairwise comparison overlap. In addition there is a large gap between matrices with constant-weight columns, and those generated with i.i.d. Bernoulli entries, the former giving much more favorable results. The second approach given above, based on drawing fixed Inline graphic matrices is clearly outperformed by the third approach in which a Inline graphic matrix is screened and reduced in size by removing columns that violate disjunctness or maximum overlap conditions, even if the Lovász local lemma is used to sharpen the bounds.

Lower Bounds on T(n,d).

Most of the lower bounds listed in Table 1 are derived using the concept of a private set. Let ℱ be a family of sets (the columns of our matrix A). Then T is a private set of Inline graphic, if Inline graphic, and T is not included in any of the other sets in ℱ. For Inline graphic with length t, constant column weight w, and maximum overlap μ, it is easily seen that, by definition, each Inline graphic subset of Inline graphic is private. The number of such private sets Inline graphic cannot exceed the total number of these sets, Inline graphic, and it therefore follows (26, 35) that

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110uneq14.jpg

Based on this we can find the smallest t for which there are values w and μ obeying Inline graphic, such that the right-hand side of the above inequality exceeds the desired matrix size. This gives a lower bound on the required code length and the resulting values are listed in row (p) of Table 1. A slightly better bound on the same class of matrices follows from an elegant argument due to Johnson (46), and is given in row (o).

Ruszinkó (34) studies d disjunctness in constant-weight matrices without considering maximum overlap and provides the following argument. Let Inline graphic be a family of w subsets in Inline graphic, such that no d sets in ℱ cover any other set. Moreover, assume that Inline graphic for some integer k. Any Inline graphic can be partitioned into d sets of length k, and it follows from the d-disjunctness of ℱ that at least one of these d subsets is private to F (otherwise it would be possible to cover F with d other columns). The key observation then, is that Baranyai’s theorem (47) guarantees the existence of Inline graphic different partitions of F such that no subset in the partitions is repeated. Each of these s partitions contains a private set, so the total number of private sets is at least Inline graphic. Rewriting this gives

graphic file with name pnas.1216318110uneq15.jpg

With proper rounding this can be extended to general weights w, giving the results shown in row (s). The results in rows (q) and (r) are also obtained based on private sets, but we will omit the exact arguments used here. Finally, an evaluation of the information-theoretic bound (1) is given in row (t).

Numerical Experiments

To illustrate the strength of the proposed design, we analyze the performance of some of the group-testing designs given in Table 2, by using them to decode scintillation events in a PET setting.

Simulation Parameters.

In PET, scintillation crystals are used to convert 511-kEv annihilation photons into bursts of low-energy (visible light) photons. We use the standard software package Geant4 (48, 49) to simulate this process for some 1,000 scintillation events for a Inline graphic mm3 cerium-doped lutetium oxyorthosilicate crystal (7.4 g/cm3, Inline graphic, absorption length = 50 m, scintillation yield = 26,000 photons/MeV, fast time constant = 40 ns, yield ratio = 1, resolution scale = 4.41) coupled to a Inline graphicmm silicon sensor by 50 μm of optical grease (Inline graphic, absorption length = 50 m). For each event the simulation yields the location and arrival time of the low-energy photons relative to the start of the event.

The silicon sensor is assumed to have a 70% fill factor and a quantum efficiency of 50% for blue photons. Once a photon is detected a pixel will be unable to detect a new photon for a known dead time, simulated to lie between 10 and 80 ns. We assume that each pixel takes up the same fraction of detector area and assign photons uniformly at random to a pixel. This increases the pixel firing rate by avoiding hitting dead pixels in high-flux regions, thereby making the decoding process more challenging. We do not model dark counts and cross-talk between pixels, because they would account to less than 1% of the total number of detected photons and therefore do not significantly affect the result.

In terms of pixel firings, we ignore the jitter in the time between an incident photon and the actual firing of a pixel. This assumption greatly simplifies the simulation and is not expected to have any significant influence on the results. The signal delays over the interconnection network between pixels and TDCs are assumed to be uniform, that is, the travel time of the signal from each pixel to any connected TDC is assumed to be the identical, and can therefore be set to zero without loss of generality. TDCs are further assumed to be ideal in the sense that they have no dead time; a time stamp is recorded whenever an event occurred during the sampling interval.


Pixel firings give rise to specific patterns of TDC recordings through the group-testing design embedded in the interconnection network. For each time window we can construct a binary vector with ones in positions corresponding to TDCs that recorded a time stamp during that interval, and zero for all other entries. Given such a test vector y, the decoding process starts by identifying all codewords Inline graphic that are covered by y. When the group testing matrix A is a d-disjunct matrix, it immediately follows that whenever there are no more than d simultaneous firings, only the codewords corresponding to those pixels will be selected, and the decoding is successful. Whenever there are Inline graphic pixels that fired simultaneously, many more than s columns may be covered by y. At this point we use two of various possible decoding methods. The first is a groupwise method in which we return all feasible columns whenever none of them can be omitted to form y, or nothing otherwise. The second, individual decoding scheme returns all columns that have a one in a position where all other feasible columns have a zero (and therefore cannot be omitted). Finally, note that we only recover the pixels that fired when decoding of the corresponding column is successful, otherwise they are missed. Neither method has false positives.


In our simulations we considered sensors with both Inline graphic and Inline graphic pixel arrays, and a variety of different pixel dead times and TDC interval lengths. Due to space limitations we can only show a select number of tables that are representative of the results. We describe any significant differences in the text and provide additional tables in Supporting Information.

Table 3 shows the simulation results obtained using a Inline graphic array with interconnection networks based on the superimposed codes from Table 2, with disjunctness ranging from 2 to 6. The pixel dead time and TDC interval length are chosen to be 20 ns and 40 ps, respectively. These times are somewhat strict because pixel dead times are typically longer and the TDC intervals shorter. Both choices cause an increase in the number of simultaneous photons per TDC sampling window, thereby making recovery more challenging. Although the maximum number of simultaneous firings reaches as high as 14, such events are exceedingly rare, with six or fewer simultaneous hits amounting to 97.7% of the total number of hits (hence the maximum Inline graphic). Decoding often remains successful beyond the disjunctness level of the interconnection network, although the probability of success decreases quickly with increasing numbers of simultaneous hits. Using groupwise decoding, it can be seen that even with a 4-disjunct interconnection network, more than 99% of all pixel firings are successfully recovered. For the Inline graphic array, this number is slightly lower at 98.5% because fewer photons hit dead pixels, thus causing an increase in the number of firings and, consequently, a shift in the number of simultaneous hits. The results based on individual decoding are even better, attaining recovery rates of 99.98% and 99.93%, respectively.

Table 3.

Decoding statistics for a Inline graphic pixel array using a pixel dead time of 20 ns and TDC interval length of 40 ps

No. simultaneous No. of occurrences Successfully decoded, %
Inline graphic (51) Inline graphic (85) Inline graphic (142) Inline graphic (174) Inline graphic (206)
1 1,021,073 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
2 419,174 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
3 192,232 44.015 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
4 87,389 2.289 89.808 100.000 100.000 100.000
5 38,526 0.026 44.271 99.574 100.000 100.000
6 16,126 0.000 7.590 96.366 99.895 100.000
7 6,186 0.000 0.404 84.481 99.208 100.000
8 2,216 0.000 0.000 59.206 94.540 99.549
9 725 0.000 0.000 27.448 83.586 97.793
10 231 0.000 0.000 7.792 59.307 91.342
11 70 0.000 0.000 1.429 30.000 71.429
12 17 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.882 70.588
13 6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
14 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 100.000
Pixel firings missed: groupwise, individual, %
32.571 9.636 0.833 0.135 0.025
19.145 2.381 0.012 0.000 0.000

Results shown correspond to the decoding of 1,000 sequential scintillation events. d, disjunctness; number of TDCs is given in parentheses in column headings. Total number of pixel firings, 3,145,990.

A more complete picture on the relationship between the number of pixel firings missed and the pixel dead time and TDC interval length is given in Table 4. Shown are the percentage of pixel firings missed for various pixel dead times and TDC interval lengths on a Inline graphic pixel array using individual decoding. As expected, smaller TDC intervals reduce the number of simultaneous hits and therefore lead to more uniquely decodable events. The results for the Inline graphic setting are similar, except for Inline graphic where the lowest recovery rate is 63.42%, compared with 78.98% for the Inline graphic setting.

Table 4.

Percentage of pixel firings missed by individual decoding for various combinations of pixel dead time, TDC interval length, and disjunctness

Dead time (no. of firings) TDC interval, ps No. simultaneous Pixel firings missed, %
Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic
10 ns (3.4 m) 5 6 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 7 1.22 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
20 11 5.80 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00
40 14 21.02 2.52 0.01 0.00 0.00
20 ns (3.1 m) 5 6 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 7 1.13 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
20 11 5.33 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00
40 14 19.15 2.38 0.01 0.00 0.00
40 ns (2.8 m) 5 6 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 7 1.16 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
20 11 5.46 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00
40 14 19.14 2.57 0.01 0.00 0.00
80 ns (2.5 m) 5 6 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 7 1.28 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
20 11 6.03 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00
40 14 20.98 2.87 0.01 0.00 0.00

Results shown correspond to the decoding of 1,000 sequential scintillation events on a Inline graphic pixel array. The first three columns show the dead time (and total number of firings of rings in millions), TDC time interval, and maximum number of simultaneous hits.

As seen, even when the number of simultaneous pixel firings exceeds the disjunctness of the group-testing design, it often remains possible to uniquely decode the resulting codeword, or at least a large fraction of the pixels included. To get more accurate statistics, we studied the decoding properties of randomly generated sparse vectors (corresponding to random pixel firing patterns) with the number of nonzero entries ranging from 1 to 20. For each sparsity level we decoded 10,000 vectors and summarize the success rates in Fig. 3. The plots show that recovery breaks down only gradually once the sparsity exceeds the disjunctness level of the matrix. Moreover, the plot shows that individual recovery far exceeds the success rate of groupwise decoding.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Percentage of successfully decoded pixels using individual (solid) and groupwise decoding (dashed) for a Inline graphic array, as a function of sparsity level. For each sparsity level 10,000 random vectors were generated and decoded.


For the adaptation of the group-testing based design in hardware, a number of issues will need to be addressed. Among them, we expect the most important to be asynchronicity of the system, and we here discuss it in more detail. When the delay of the signal from one pixel to its incident TDCs is nonuniform due to difference in wiring lengths, it may happen that some of the TDCs record a time stamp in one interval and the remaining TDCs in another. As a consequence, it may be possible that the test vector y contains partial codewords. This complicates the decoding process: Groupwise decoding may fail more often, whereas individual decoding may now return false positives. Even with highly uniform delays between a pixel and its associated TDCs, it is possible to lose parts of the codeword when the signal arrival overlaps with the dead time of the receiving TDCs.

There are two main approaches of dealing with this problem. The first approach is to carefully choose wiring lengths and synchronize the logical signal generated by the pixel using a global clock across the chip to ensure uniform arrival of signals to the TDC digitizers. Such synchronization has been successfully implemented in clock design trees for central processing unit chips (50). The second approach is to consider bursts of consecutive events and decode the union of the corresponding test vectors as a whole. Although this reduces the chance of partial codewords, it also leads to a decrease in temporal resolution and an increase in the expected number of simultaneous firings. As a result, the second approach is useful only in settings where the photon flux is sufficiently low. Other methods would be needed to reduce or eliminate the problem of TDC dead time.

Supplementary Material

Supporting Information


The authors thank the anonymous referees for providing several suggestions that greatly helped improve the paper. E.C., E.v.d.B., and C.S.-L. acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation via the Waterman Award, from the Broadcom Foundation, from Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-10-1-0599; and from Air Force Office of Scientific Research Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative Grant FA9550-09-1-06-43. C.S.-L. is partially funded by a Fulbright–National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research scholarship. P.D.O. acknowledges support through a Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Fellowship.


The authors declare no conflict of interest.

*This Direct Submission article had a prearranged editor.

Throughout the paper, firing at the same time is to be understood as firing within the same TDC sampling interval.

This assumes that pixels have been shielded to avoid cross-talk.

§Addition using the logic OR gives Inline graphic and Inline graphic, whereas Inline graphic and Inline graphic, as usual.

This article contains supporting information online at


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Supplementary Materials

Supporting Information

Articles from Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America are provided here courtesy of National Academy of Sciences