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Persoonia : Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi logoLink to Persoonia : Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi
. 2013 Mar 13;30:77–93. doi: 10.3767/003158513X666268

A comprehensive molecular phylogeny of the Mortierellales (Mortierellomycotina) based on nuclear ribosomal DNA

L Wagner 1,2, B Stielow 3, K Hoffmann 1,2, T Petkovits 4, T Papp 4, C Vágvölgyi 4, GS de Hoog 3, G Verkley 3, K Voigt 1,2,*
PMCID: PMC3734968  PMID: 24027348


The basal fungal order Mortierellales constitutes one of the largest orders in the basal lineages. This group consists of one family and six genera. Most species are saprobic soil inhabiting fungi with the ability of diverse biotransformations or the accumulation of unsaturated fatty acids, making them attractive for biotechnological applications. Only few studies exist aiming at the revelation of the evolutionary relationships of this interesting fungal group. This study includes the largest dataset of LSU and ITS sequences for more than 400 specimens containing 63 type or reference strains. Based on a LSU phylogram, fungal groups were defined and evaluated using ITS sequences and morphological features. Traditional morphology-based classification schemes were rejected, because the morphology of the Mortierellales seems to depend on culture conditions, a fact, which makes the identification of synapomorphic characters tedious. This study belongs to the most comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analyses for the Mortierellales up to date and reveals unresolved species and species complexes.

Keywords: internal transcribed spacer, large subunit ribosomal DNA, taxonomic revision, Zygomycetes, Zygomycota


The order Mortierellales – from historical aspects on morphology and systematics to modern approaches in fungal identification

The Mortierellales are a long known, species rich order of the basal fungi. With nearly 100 described species, the Mortierellales is one of the largest basal fungal orders. However, only 13 genera are described in one family, the Mortierellaceae (Kirk et al. 2008, and Species Fungorum January 2013). Out of these genera six are currently accepted with one potential additional genus recently described (Kirk et al. 2008, Jiang et al. 2011, Table 1). The first species of the type genus was described by Coemans (1863) as Mortierella polycephala, originally isolated from a mushroom. The name Mortierella was given in tribute to M. Du Mortier, the president of the Société de Botanique de Belgique (Coemans 1863). Nevertheless, the common life-style of those fungi is as soil inhabiting saprobic organisms on decaying organic matter. Only one species is occasionally described from animal fungal infections (de Hoog et al. 2009). Many mortierellean species possess the ability to produce poly-unsaturated fatty acids or to convert organic compounds, making them highly interesting organisms for biotransformations and other biotechnological applications (Holland 2001, Higashiyama et al. 2002).

Table 1.

Chronological overview of descriptions and name changes for accepted genera in the order Mortierellales Caval.-Sm. 1998 [MB#90555]. The order consists of several genera and one family, the Mortierellaceae A. Fisch. 1892 [MB#81029]. Data based on MycoBank and IndexFungorum (accessed 7 January 2013).

Year Genus Synonyms Type species Number of described species MycoBank no.
1863 Mortierella Coem. Actinomortierella Chalab. 1968
Carnoya Dewèvre 1893
Haplosporangium Thaxt. 1914
Azygozygum Chesters 1933
Naumoviella Novot. 1950 M. polycephala 91 MB#20345
1914 Dissophora Thaxt. none D. decumbens 3 MB#20187
1936 Modicella Kanouse none M. malleola 2 MB#20336
1967 Aquamortierella Embree & Indoh none A. elegans 1 MB#20047
2004 Gamsiella (R.K. Benj.) Benny & M. Blackw. none G. multidivaricata 1 MB#28820
2004 Lobosporangium M. Blackw. & Benny Echinosporangium Malloch 1967 L. transversale 1 MB#28819
2011 Echinochlamydosporium X.Z. Jiang, X.Y. Liu & Xing Z. Liu none E. variabile 1 MB#511829

As many basal fungal species, the Mortierellales possess a reduced macro- and micromorphology with only few morphological characters available for differentiation. Examples of micromorphological features are shown in Fig. 1 and 2. Overall appearance of the colonies is the typical zonate, rosette-like growth (Fig. 1a) and the often occurring garlic-like odour. Colonies are in general white to light-grey, young mycelium is coenocytic and septate in aged cultures. Asexual spores are produced in sporangia or sporangiola and are passively released (e.g., Fig. 1h, s). The sporangiophores could be widened at the base (e.g., Fig. 1o) and variously branched (e.g. Fig. 1h, l). A columella is never protruding into the sporangium. Sexual reproductive structures (zygospores, Fig. 2r) are often surrounded by a hyphal sheat. Variously shaped chlamydospores and stylospores are also possible (Fig. 1w, 2l) (Zycha et al. 1969, Gams 1977). Morphological identification based solely on asexual features, leading to the aforementioned traditional classification. Mortierella was furthermore divided into nine sections based on morphology: Actinomortierella, Alpina, Haplosporangium, Hygrophila, Mortierella, Schmuckeri, Simplex, Spinosa and Stylospora (Gams 1977).

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Typical morphological structures of different isolates of the Mortierellales, which are suitable for species delimitation. a. M. zychae CBS 316.52, macroscopic shape of a growing culture with the typical zonate growth; b. M. hypsicladia CBS 116202, acrotonous branching of a sporangiophore; c. M. epicladia CBS 355.76, sporangiophore and sporangiospores; d. M. zonata CBS 228.35, basitonous branched sporangiophore with sporangioles; e. Gamsiella multidivaricata CBS 227.78, typical branched sporangiophores; f. M. elongata FSU 9721, basitonous branched sporangiophore; g. M. alpina FSU 2698, sporangiophore; h. M. polycephala FSU 867, sporangiospores with sporangia (arrow) and sporangiospores; i. Mortierella cf. wolfii CBS 614.70, sporangiophore with elongated sporangiospores; j. M. parvispora FSU 10759, sporangiophores; k. M. hypsicladia CBS 116202, typical sporangiophore with rhizoid; l. Mortierella cf. wolfii CBS 614.70, acrotonous branching of a sporangiophore; m. Mortierella sp. FSU 10557, sporangiophore and sporangiospores; n. M. paraensis CBS 547.89, tips of a sporangiophore with a pseudocolumella and sporangiospores; o. M. alpina FSU 2698, sporangiophore with unmatured sporangia; p. M. nanthalensis CBS 610.70, typical rhizoid of a sporangiophore; q. M. wolfii CBS 651.93, sporangiospores with unusual remain of the sporangia cover (arrow); r. M. strangulata CBS 455.67, rhizoid of the sporangiophore; s. Gamsiella multidivaricata CBS 227.78, sporangiophores with sporangioles; t. Lobosporangium transversale CBS 357.67, typical sporangia, arranged in clusters, containing numerous spherical sporangiospores; u. M. gamsii FSU 10538, acrotonous branching of a sporangiophore and sporangiospores; v. Dissophora decumbens CBS 592.88, septate sporangiophores along a hypha and sporangiospore (arrow); w. M. polycephala FSU 867, stylospores; x. Gamsiella multidivaricata CBS 227.78, sporangiola containing spores; y. M. kuhlmanii CBS 157.71, branching pattern of the basitonous part of the sporangiophore and elongated sporangiospores, pseudocolumella. — Scale bars: b, c, s–u, x = 30 μm; d, e, i = 20 μm; f, j, k, p = 100 μm; g, n, o, w = 10 μm; h, l, m, q, r, v, y = 50 μm.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Typical morphological structures of different isolates of the Mortierellales, which are suitable for species delimitation. a. M. verticillata CBS 315.52, sporangiophore with a sporangiola; b. M. elongata FSU 9721, elongated sporangiospores containing central oil droplets; c. M. wolfii CBS 651.93, cracked sporangia releasing sporangiospores, on acrotonous branched tip of the sporangiophore; d. M. indohii CBS 720.71, stylospores; e. M. schmuckeri CBS 295.59, sporangiophores alongside a hypha with sporangiola; f. M. claussenii CBS 294.59, sporangiophores along a hypha with sporangiola; g. M. clonocystis CBS 357.76, typical swollen hyphae; h. M. zychae FSU 719, typical swollen hyphae arranged in clusters; i. M. parvispora FSU 10759, tip of a sporangiophore, sporangia leaving a collar (arrow), globose sporangiospores; j. M. lignicola CBS 207.37, sporangiophores, sporangiola (arrow 1), stylospores (arrow 2); k. M. exigua CBS 655.68, chlamydospores with typical outgrowing hyphae; l. M. gemmifera CBS 134.45, chlamydospores; m. M. hypsicladia CBS 116202, stylospores with projections; n. M. polygonia CBS 685.71, stylospores; o. M. nanthalensis CBS 610.70, acrotonous branching part of a sporangiophore; p. M. alpina FSU 2698, oil droplets containing hypha; q. M. camargensis CBS 221.58, sporangiophores along a hypha with sporangiola; r. M. epigama CBS 489.70, zygospores; s. M. echinosphaera CBS 575.75, chlamydospores; t. M. microszygospora CBS 880.97, microzygospore; u. M. camargensis CBS 221.58, oil droplets containing spheric sporangiola; v. Dissophora decumbens CBS 592.88, sporangiophores with sporangia; w. M. paraensis CBS 547.89, two sporangiophores with typical basitonous branchings (arrows mark the basal part). — Scale bars: a, b, i, n, p, r, u = 10 μm; c, j, q = 20 μm; d, e, g, h, m, v = 30 μm; f, k, l, s, t = 15 μm; o = 250 μm; w = 100 μm.

Judging from the proposed total number of fungi with 1.5 million species and the current number of described and registered species with 75 000 (Hawksworth 2001) it seems likely that also for the order Mortierellales an unknown percentage of undescribed species may exists, a fact which might influence phylogenetic analyses. Yet, a recent study challenged previous estimations of the potential number of undescribed fungal species and proposed that, at least for Mortierella, nearly all species are most likely described already (Nagy et al. 2011). Based on this knowledge, phylogenetic analyses including sequences of an extensive amount of type and reference strains could reveal the natural evolutionary relationships.

Nevertheless, the phylogenetic position of the Mortierellales is controversial discussed. They are either placed within the subphylum Mucoromycotina (Hibbett et al. 2007) or elevated to an own subphylum, the Mortierellomycotina (Hoffmann et al. 2011). Furthermore, relationships within this order are also poorly understood and were extensively analysed only in few studies until now (Nagy et al. 2011, Petkovits et al. 2011). Our study contributes to the effort to elucidate natural phylogenetic relationships based on one of the largest datasets assembled so far. This study concerns the extension of previous datasets and facilitates an approach to molecular identification of the Mortierellales. We surveyed the diversity of the Mortierellales including a re-evaluation of the morphology based classifications. This study based on the broad sampling of specimens which are maintained at the fungal culture collections CBS (Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Utrecht, The Netherlands) and JMRC (Jena Microbial Resource Collection, Jena, Germany).


Taxon sampling, culture conditions and light microscopic investigations

For this study, a total of 421 isolates were obtained from the Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (CBS, Utrecht, The Netherlands) and the Jena Microbial Resource Collection (JMRC, Jena, Germany) (Table 2). Strains were cultivated on malt-extract medium (3 % malt extract, 0.5 % yeast extract) for DNA isolation and on oatmeal agar (OA, 3 %), soil extract agar (Gams 1969) or synthetic nutrient deficient agar (SNA, Nirenberg 1981) for morphological examinations. Cultivation was done at 20–37 °C for 7–20 days depending on the requirements of the fungus to sporulate. The light microscopical examinations shown in Fig. 1 and 2 were performed with an Axiophot (Zeiss, Germany). The best method to observe micro-scopic features is to grow cultures directly on cover slips.

Table 2.

Strains used in this study.

Original name Strain numbers Microscopic identification Type status Locality Substrate Accession no. ITS Accession no. LSU
Dissophora decumbens CBS301.87, FSU9780 D. decumbens Kingston, Rhode Island ground-up litter of Quercus-Acer wood-land, incubated at 0°C for two months JX976001 HQ667354.1
CBS592.88, FSU801 D. decumbens Rhode Island ground-up Quercus and Acer leaves, incubated at 0°C for 21 months HQ630276.1 HQ667355.1
Dissophora ornata CBS347.77, FSU9782 Holotype of Mortierella ornata Cordillera Central, Cauca en Huila, Parque Nacional del Puracé, Colombia soil, in mountain forest under Wein-mannia, Clusia etc., alt. 3100 m HQ630278.1 HQ667357.1
CBS348.77, FSU9783 Holotype of Mortierella ornata Cordillera Central, Cauca en Huila, Parque Nacional del Puracé, Colombia soil, in mountain forest under Wein-mannia, Clusia etc., alt. 3100 m JX976036 HQ667356.1
Gamsiella multidivaricata CBS227.78, FSU9784 G. multidivaricata Isotype of Mortierella multidivaricata Moskva, Sokolniki Park, Russia decaying stump JX975871 HQ667355.1
Lobosporangium transversale CBS357.67, FSU9785 Type of Echinosporangium transversale Nevada, Virginia City soil HQ667404.1
Mortierella acrotona CBS386.71, FSU9788 Type of Mortierella acrotona Jaipur, Rambagh Palace Hotel, Rajasthan soil JX975921 HQ667405.1
Mortierella alliacea CBS106.78 France gymnosperm litter JX976019 KC018349
CBS894.68 Tirol, Obergurgl, Austria alpine raw humus soil JX975990 JX976148
Mortierella alpina CBS110518 South Africa soil, dry sandy highveld grassland JX975906
CBS210.32, FSU9789 M. alpina Authentic strain of Mortierella renispora Victoria sandy loam soil JX975853 HQ667421.1
CBS219.35 JX976018 KC018359
CBS250.53 JX975955 KC018184
CBS384.71C Jaipur, Rambagh Palace Hotel, Rajasthan soil JX976098 JX976154
CBS387.71 Gran Canaria, Spain soil, under Pinus canariensis JX976038 KC018378
CBS396.91 Washington air bladder of juvenile fish JX975994 KC018375
CBS529.72 North Carolina pasture soil JX976124 KC018320
CBS585.81 M. kuhlmanii Netherlands agricultural soil JX976132 JX976152
CBS608.70 Netherlands agricultural soil JX976046 KC018438
CBS696.70 M. cystojenkinii Wageningen, Mansholtlaan, Netherlands agricultural soil JX975947 KC018328
FSU2698 M. alpina Argentinia JX976004 KC018272
FSU6524 M. alpina Geisenheim, Germany JX976045 KC018273
Mortierella ambigua CBS373.96 Fukiagehama, Kagoshima, Japan soil of salt marsh JX976062 JX976147
CBS450.88 JX976067 KC018411
CBS457.66 Armenia soil JX976041 KC018398
CBS474.96 Ootomi, Iriomotejima Island, Okinawa, Japan calcareous soil in ditch JX976056 KC018416
CBS521.80 Delhi, India dung JX976120 KC018423
Mortierella amoeboidea CBS889.72, FSU9790 M. alpina Type of Mortierella amoeboidea Teutoburger Wald, Beller Holz, Germany JX976073 HQ667422.1
Mortierella angusta CBS293.61, FSU9791 M. angusta Neotype of Mortierella polycephala var. angusta Chesh., Delamere Forest, England podzol soil, pH up to 2.8 JX976061 HQ667358.1
Mortierella antarctica CBS194.89 Northern Foothills, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica soil JX976087 KC018345
CBS195.89 Northern Victoria Land, Edmonson Point, Antarctica soil JX975843
CBS196.89 Northern Victoria Land, Cape King, Antarctica soil JX976059
CBS609.70, FSU9792 Type of Mortierella antarctica near Hallett Station, Antarctica soil, rock crevice near glacier JX975907 HQ667503.1
Mortierella armillariicola CBS105.78 Putten, Schovenhorst, Netherlands JX976100 KC018432
CBS914.73, FSU9793 Type of Mortierella armillariicola Baarn, Groeneveld, Netherlands attacked by Dipodascus armillariae JX975924 HQ667446.1
Mortierella bainieri CBS220.35 former West-Germany JX975901 KC018324
CBS272.71 M. kuhlmanii South Carolina soil under Pinus taeda JX975964 JX976155
CBS273.71 M. kuhlmanii South Carolina soil under Pinus taeda JX975920 KC018355
CBS442.68 Georgia soil from pine forest JX975864 KC018331
CBS508.81 Getzbach near Eupen, Belgium JX975844 KC018393
CBS552.80 Eifel, Hundsbachtal near Gerolstein, Germany JX975850 JX976174
Mortierella basiparvispora CBS517.72 Valdivia, Cordillera Pelada, Chile soil, under Fitzroya cupressoides JX976048 JX976167
Mortierella beljakovae CBS102878 Toronto High Park, Ontario infrabuccal pellet of Camponotus pennsylvanicus (carpenter ant) on Pinus JX976090 KC018350
CBS109594 Toronto, High Park, Ontario infrabuccal pellet of Camponotuspennsylvanicus, in mature Pinus tree JX975848 KC018449
CBS109595 Zweifaller Wald near Aachen, Germany infrabuccal pellet of Formica rufa JX976129 KC018358
CBS109596 St. Andrews, Annesley House, New Brunswick infrabuccal pellet of Camponotus pennsylvanicus, in Pinus tree JX975971 JX976170
CBS109597 Scarborough, Ontario infrabuccal pellet of Camponotus pennsylvanicus, in mature Pinus tree JX975918 KC018433
CBS109655 Bayerischer Wald, Pfahl bei Viechtach, Germany infrabuccal pellet of Camponotus herculeanus, in Picea abies JX975869 JX976171
CBS109658 Zweifaller Wald near Aachen, Germany infrabuccal pellet of Formica rufa JX976051 KC018376
CBS109659 Utrecht, Lage Vuursche, Netherlands infrabuccal pellet of Formica rufa JX975998 KC018340
CBS123.72, FSU9794 M. beljakovae Type of Mortierella beljakovae Rovensk region, Sarna, Ukraine soil, coniferous forest JX976126 HQ667428.1
CBS267.71 North Carolina seedling, Pinus teada JX976072 KC018346
CBS268.71 North Carolina seedling, Pinus teada JX976043 KC018323
CBS274.71 South Carolina root, Pinus taeda JX976011 KC018388
CBS275.71 South Carolina root, Pinus taeda JX975913 KC018401
CBS276.71 South Carolina root, Pinus taeda JX975937 KC018442
CBS806.68 North Carolina bark of root, Pinus JX975987 KC018397
Mortierella biramosa CBS370.95, FSU9795 M. biramosa Type of Mortierella wuyishanensis Wuyi, Fujian, China forest soil JX976094 HQ667389.1
CBS506.81 Odenwald, Oberer Buntsandstein, Germany decaying fine root, 30 yr old, on acidic loamy soil JX975963 KC018407
CBS550.80 Odenwald, Germany rootlet JX976064 KC018419
Mortierella bisporalis CBS145.69 Italy JX975857 KC018377
FSU9675 M. bisporalis JX975953 JX976176
Mortierella camargensis CBS110638 Soest, Smickel, Netherlands thatch of roof JX976024
CBS221.58, FSU9796 M. camargensis Type of Mortierella camargensis Camargue, Bois des Rièges, France sandy soil JX975949 HQ667408.1
Mortierella capitata CBS110640 Berlin, Königin-Luise-Stra ße, near BBA, Germany soil with Armadillidium JX975923 JX976163
CBS293.96 Naganohara, Gunma, Japan garden soil JX976123 KC018334
CBS859.70 North Carolina pillbug gut JX976008 KC018395
Mortierella chienii CBS287.96 Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan soil under Quercus mirsinifolia forest JX976013 KC018427
CBS289.96 Nanamagari, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan soil under Castanopsis sieboldii forest JX975898 JX976161
CBS290.96 soil under Miscanthus sinensis JX976075 KC018373
CBS292.96 M. selenospora Shitoko, Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, Japan soil under Ficus microcarpa forest JX975951 JX976153
CBS554.73 M. selenospora Kuang-Miau Co., 16 km E of Tainan, Taiwan soil from bamboo grove JX975912 KC018381
Mortierella chlamydospora CBS120.34, FSU9799 Syntype of Azygozygum chlamydosporum infected by Rhizoctonia solani JX975942 HQ667430.1
CBS529.75 Netherlands soil JX975927
Mortierella claussenii CBS790.85 JX976012 JX976159
Mortierella clonocystis CBS357.76, FSU9801 M. clonocystis Type of Mortierella clonocystis Gran Canaria, Spain soil, under Apollonias canariensis JX975899 HQ667395.1
Mortierella cogitans CBS879.97, FSU9802 Type of Mortierella cogitans Nagano, Sanada, Sugadaira M.R.C., Japan decaying tree bark JX976017 HQ667360.1
Mortierella cystojenkinii CBS456.71, FSU9803 M. cystojenkinii Type of Mortierella cystojenkinii Wageningen, Netherlands agricultural soil JX976030 HQ667504.1
CBS660.82 Bakkeveen, Netherlands Pinus forest JX975868 KC018325
Mortierella decipiens CBS873.68 Kiel-Kitzeberg, Germany wheat field soil JX976173
Mortierella dichotoma CBS221.35, FSU9804 M. dichotoma Syntype of Mortierella dichotoma former West-Germany dung of mouse JX975842 HQ667393.1
Mortierella echinosphaera CBS574.75 near Wageningen, Netherlands soil JX976060 KC018370
CBS575.75, FSU9805 M. echinosphaera Holotype of Mortierella echinosphaera Aalsmeer, Netherlands JX976015 HQ667431.1
Mortierella echinula CBS282.71 Iceland soil JX975948
Mortierella elongata CBS110517 Alti Mountains, South Africa soil, grassland, summer rainfall region JX976042 KC018348
CBS122.71 Georgia, Monroe, USA soil, under golf turf-grass JX976000 KC018396
CBS126.71, FSU823 M. elongata Wageningen, Netherlands agricultural soil JX976101 KC018279
CBS208.71 Netherlands greenhouse soil JX975995 JX976135
CBS276.89 Quebec (black fly) JX976111 KC018452
CBS279.62 Kiel-Kitzeberg, Germany wheat field soil JX976089 KC018417
CBS344.66 Alaska tundra soil JX976081 KC018322
FSU532 M. elongata JX975976 KC018281
FSU822, CBS125.71 M. elongata Wageningen, Netherlands agricultural soil JX975978 KC018282
FSU9721 M. elongata Münchenroda, Germany JX975894 KC018284
Mortierella elongatula CBS488.70, FSU9808 Type of Mortierella elongatula former West-Germany municipal waste JX975967 HQ667425.1
CBS661.70 Braunschweig, Germany municipal waste JX976069 KC018431
Mortierella epicladia CBS246.75 Suriname soil, under Elaeis guineensis JX975890 KC018361
CBS355.76, FSU9809 M. epiclada Type of Mortierella epicladia Gran Canaria, Spain soil, under Apollonias canariensis JX976130 HQ667396.1
CBS356.76 Gran Canaria, Spain soil, under Apollonias canariensis JX975972
CBS555.89 Pará, 200 km SE from Belém, Capitâo Poço, Brasil rain forest soil JX975991 JX976150
Mortierella epigama CBS161.76 M. epigama Exeter, Hatherly Laboratories, England compost heap JX976109 JX976158
CBS489.70, FSU9810 M. epigama Type of Mortierella epigama former West-Germany municipal waste JX976057 HQ667367.1
CBS881.97 Kagoshima, Kamei, Tokunoshima-Island, Japan old dung of cow JX976053 KC018445
Mortierella exigua CBS358.76 Gran Canaria, Spain soil, under Apollonias canariensis JX976113 KC018439
CBS510.63 Kiel-Kitzeberg agricultural soil JX975863 JX976134
CBS655.68, FSU9811 M. exigua Type of Mortierella sterilis Allahabad, India farm soil JX976047 HQ667406.1
CBS865.68 Kiel-Kitzeberg, Germany wheat field soil JX976070
Mortierella fatshederae CBS388.71 Gran Canaria soil, under Pinus canariensis JX976003 JX976136
Mortierella fimbricystis CBS943.70 Type of Mortierella fimbricystis South Patagonia, Puerto Edwards near Beagle Canal, Argentinia centre of moss cushion, in very wet bog GU559986.1 JX976172
Mortierella formicicola CBS109589 Brampton, Ontario infrabuccal pellet of Camponotus pennsylvanicus, in house (windowsill) JX975933 JX976140
Mortierella gamsii CBS110630 Boekrijk, Belgium soil with Porcellio JX976106 KC018410
CBS253.36, FSU9813 M. gamsii Syntype of Mortierella spinosa former West-Germany forest soil JX975968 HQ667415.1
CBS314.52, FSU9814 M. cf. gamsii Syntype of Mortierella spinosa former West-Germany forest soil JX975892 HQ667384.1
CBS551.73, FSU824 M. gamsii North Carolina pasture soil JX976079 JX976177
CBS552.73, FSU825 M. gamsii Alleghany County, North Carolina pasture soil JX975984 KC018285
CBS749.68, FSU9812 M. gamsii Type of Mortierella gamsii Baarn, Maarschalksbos, Netherlands soil HQ667416.1
FSU2057 M. gamsii JX976118 KC018287
Mortierella gemmifera CBS124.72 Meerdinkbos near Winterswijk, Netherlands soil, humus layer JX975909 KC018390
CBS134.45, FSU9815 M. gemmifera Type of Mortierella gemmifera near Nottingham, England soil from pine forest JX975931 HQ667371.1
CBS383.85 Spanderswoud near Bussum, Netherlands soil, in pine forest JX976121 JX976157
CBS661.82 Bakkeveen, Netherlands Endogone lactiflua, Pinus forest JX975989 KC018360
Mortierella globalpina CBS226.78 Katwijk, Netherlands sand dune soil JX976006 JX976160
CBS718.88 Japan JX975925
Mortierella globulifera CBS108.68 Schweden JX975847 KC018332
CBS746.68 Netherlands agricultural soil JX976026 KC018371
CBS857.70, FSU826 England decaying needle JX975910 HQ667369
CBS858.70, FSU9817 M. globulifera Neotype of Mortierella globulifera England decaying root JX975915 HQ667368.1
CBS867.68 Tirol, Obergurgl, Austria alpine raw humus soil JX976107 JX976165
Mortierella histoplasmatoides CBS321.78, FSU9819 Type of Mortierella histoplasmatoides Louisiana dung HQ630309.1 HQ667386.1
Mortierella horticola CBS305.52, FSU9820 M. horticola Syntype of Mortierella horticola former West-Germany JX975874 HQ667399.1
CBS869.68 Kiel-Kitzeberg wheat field soil JX976058 JX976138
CBS254.76 Wageningen, Netherlands agricultural soil JX976021 JX976166
Mortierella humilis CBS180.72 Piedmont, North Carolina forest soil JX976125 KC018436
CBS181.72 Piedmont, North Carolina soil JX975887 KC018405
CBS222.35, FSU9821 Syntype of Mortierella humilis Mexico soil from Pinus forest HQ630325.1 HQ667401.1
CBS363.95 Shennongjia, Hubei, China forest soil JX976097 KC018443
CBS443.68, FSU828 M. humilis South Carolina bark of stump JX976002 HQ667402
CBS745.68, FSU829 M. humilis Baarn, Eemnesserweg 90, Netherlands soil JX975867 HQ667403
Mortierella hyalina CBS100563 Schoharie Co., New York JX976023 KC018356
CBS115655, FSU9822 M. hyalina Isotype of Hydrophora hyalina North of London, Rothamsted, England roots HQ630355.1 HQ667432.1
CBS117.74 Boekesteyn near ’s-Graveland, Netherlands JX976083 KC018392
CBS117152 Graz, Austria soil and chees mixture used as food for mites by E. Ebermann JX975977 KC018394
CBS166.25 Netherlands seed JX975928
CBS167.25 JX975895 KC018406
FSU10532 M. hyalina Austria JX975992 KC018289
FSU509 M. hyalina JX975981 KC018291
Mortierella hypsicladia CBS116202, FSU9825 M. hypsicladia Type of Mortierella hypsicladia Kyushu Isl., Kariu Cave, Japan bat dung in cave JX975866 HQ667379.1
CBS116203 Authentic strain of Mortierella hypsicladia Kyushu Isl., Kariu Cave, Japan bat dung in cave JX975872 KC018369
Mortierella indohii CBS220.72 Naaldwijk, Netherlands greenhouse soil JX975993 KC018408
CBS331.74, FSU830 M. indohii Lienden, Netherlands root JX975860 KC018292
CBS460.75, FSU831 M. indohii Athens, Georgia dung of animal JX975878 HQ667438
CBS478.95 Chengdu, Sichuan, China soil JX975903 KC018347
CBS528.75 South Africa bagasse in chicken farm JX976044 KC018451
CBS665.70 Wageningen, Netherlands agricultural soil JX975956 KC018357
CBS720.71, FSU9826 M. indohii Isotype of Mortierella indohii Athens, Georgia dung of animal JX975856 HQ667377.1
Mortierella jenkinii CBS188.73 Nottingham, England turf layer of golf green, received fungicidal treatment for long period JX975999 KC018389
CBS666.75C Sweden soil under Picea abies JX975873
CBS667.70 Wageningen, Netherlands agricultural soil JX976088 KC018422
CBS850.70 Wageningen, Netherlands agricultural soil JX975849 KC018352
CBS965.73C Sweden forest soil JX976117 JX976139
Mortierella kuhlmanii CBS157.71, FSU9827 M. kuhlmanii Type of Mortierella kuhlmanii South Carolina, Miley stump JX975846 HQ667372.1
CBS269.71 stump, Pinus taeda JX975935 KC018384
CBS270.71 Patrick, South Carolina stump JX975851 JX976142
CBS271.71 South Carolina seedling JX975883 KC018338
Mortierella lignicola CBS100594 JX975889
CBS116.65 Wageningen, Netherlands black soil JX975965 KC018402
CBS207.37, FSU9828 M. lignicola Type of Haplosporangium lignicola Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia rotten wood JX976095 HQ667435.1
CBS313.52, FSU9829 M. lignicola Type of Mortierella sepedonioides former West-Germany soil under Pinus sylvestris JX976127 HQ667434.1
Mortierella longigemmata CBS653.93 Höglwald, Germany soil JX976055 JX976162
Mortierella macrocystis CBS110716 De Veluwe oak forest soil JX976084
CBS314.85 former West-Germany rootlet of gymnosperm JX975974 JX976169
CBS431.81 Cundinamarca, páramo Cruz Verde, Colombia soil JX975897 KC018437
CBS482.73 former West-Germany soil JX975862
CBS937.69 Baarn, Pekingtuin, Netherlands soil JX975881 KC018341
Mortierella macrocystopsis CBS302.87 South Kingstown, Rhode Island soil under Pinus resinosa and Pinus strobus JX975908 KC018362
CBS387.91 M. cystojenkinii Norway soil JX976105 JX976144
CBS520.88 Rhode Island soil JX976078
CBS528.87 South Kingstown, Rhode Island forest soil, under Pinus resinosa and Pinus strobus JX975946 JX976164
Mortierella microzygospora CBS880.97, FSU9831 M. microzygospora Type of Mortierella microzygospora Shiga, Maibara, Japan soil in hedge JX976027 HQ667394.1
Mortierella minutissima CBS226.35 former West-Germany JX976092 JX976168
CBS277.71, FSU832 M. minutissima Georgia forest soil JX975938 KC018293
FSU2735 M. zonata JX976103 KC018318
Mortierella minutissima var. dubia CBS307.52, FSU9832 Syntype of Mortierella minutissima var. dubia former West-Germany soil JX976122 HQ667400.1
Mortierella nantahalensis CBS610.70, FSU9834 M. nantahalensis Type of Mortierella nantahalensis Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest in the Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina soil JX976022 HQ667388.1
Mortierella oligospora CBS101758 Pennsylvania supplement to mushroom culture JX976032 KC018327
CBS191.79 Elephant White Nile Island, Sudan soil JX975966 JX976151
CBS381.71 Jaipur, Rambagh Palace Hotel, Rajasthan soil JX976033 KC018368
Mortierella paraensis CBS343.89 Pará, Capitão Poço, Brazil forest soil, virgin forest JX975944 KC018329
CBS547.89, FSU9835 M. paraensis Type of Mortierella paraensis Pará, 200 km SE from Belém, Capitão Poço, Brasil rain forest soil HQ630353 HQ667429.1
Mortierella parazychae CBS868.71, FSU9836 M. parazychae Type of Mortierella parazychae Treek near Amersfoort, Netherlands decaying wood, with Botryobasidium subcoronatum JX975985 HQ667362.1
Mortierella parvispora CBS304.52, FSU9837 M. parvispora Syntype of Mortierella gracilis former West-Germany soil JX975859
CBS311.52, FSU9838 Syntype of Mortierella parvispora former West-Germany soil JX976076 HQ667373.1
CBS315.61, FSU834 M. parvispora Cheshire, Delamere Forest, England soil, iron-humus podzol JX976104 HQ667374.1
CBS316.61, FSU835 M. parvispora Cheshire, Delamere Forest, England soil, iron-humus podzol JX976029 HQ667375.1
CBS445.68 Wageningen, Netherlands beet-field soil JX976049 KC018414
FSU2736 M. jenkinii JX976093 KC018295
Mortierella polycephala CBS227.35 JX976096 KC018321
CBS293.34 M. hyalina Netherlands JX976050 JX976137
CBS327.72, FSU866 M. polycephala Lincs., Gibraltar Point, England salt-marsh soil under Spartina townsendii JX976085 JX976175
CBS328.72, FSU867 M. polycephala UK soil JX976102 KC018296
CBS456.66, FSU759 M. polycephala near Kiev, Ukraine dung of wood mouse JX976034 KC018297
FSU696 M. polycephala JX976035 KC018298
Mortierella polygonia CBS248.81 Sexbierum, Netherlands clay soil under Solanum tuberosum JX975891 JX976145
CBS685.71, FSU9839 Type of Mortierella polygonia Wageningen, Netherlands agricultural soil JX975900 HQ667378.1
Mortierella pseudozygospora CBS779.86 Kingston, North Woods, Univ. of Rhode Island Campus, Rhode Island soil under Quercus-Acer woodland, about sea level, upper 5 cm depth JX975960 KC018353
CBS780.86 Peace Dale, Hazard Tract, Rhode Island soil, under Pinus strobus and Pinus resinosa woodland, from upper 5 cm depth, soil temp. 2.5°C JX975880 JX976143
Mortierella pulchella CBS205.86 Netherlands root JX976031 KC018366
CBS312.52, FSU9840 Authentic strain of Mortierella pulchella former West-Germany root JX976054 HQ667427.1
CBS675.88 Berlin, Grunewald, Jagen 91, Germany soil, litter layer JX976082 KC018440
Mortierella reticulata CBS110044 Lanark near Branxholme, Victoria dung of Perameles gunnii JX975980
CBS223.29 JX975973
CBS241.33 JX976116 JX976133
CBS415.81 Toronto, Ontario dung of mouse, collected in a house JX975877
Mortierella rishikesha CBS652.68, FSU9842 Type of Mortierella rishikesha Rishikesh, India forest soil JX976110 HQ667385.1
Mortierella rostafinskii CBS522.70, FSU9844 Neotype of Mortierella rostafinskii near Bainbridge, Georgia soil under Pinus elliottii var. elliottii JX975885 HQ667436.1
Mortierella sarnyensis CBS122.72, FSU9845 M. sarnyensis Type of Mortierella sarnyensis Rovensk region, near Sarny, Ukraine coniferous forest JX975957 HQ667390.1
Mortierella schmuckeri CBS156.78 Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh regions, India soil, from ravines JX975854 KC018372
CBS295.59, FSU9846 M. schmuckeri Syntype of Mortierella schmuckeri Queretaro, Mexico soil, under Opuntia sp., pH 6.7 JX976112 HQ667414.1
CBS777.86 Shoshone National Forest, Horse Creek Campground, Wyoming soil, upper 10 cm, under Pseudotsuga menziesii, alt. 2500 m JX976099 KC018413
Mortierella sclerotiella CBS529.68, FSU9847 M. sclerotiella Type of Mortierella sclerotiella Ukraine dung of mouse JX975988 HQ667387.1
Mortierella selenospora CBS452.88 Cibodas, Indonesia soil JX976037 KC018429
CBS811.68, FSU9848 M. selenospora Type of Mortierella selenospora Horst, Netherlands mushroom compost, together with Entomophthora coronata and Aphanocladium album JX975875 HQ667419.1
Mortierella simplex CBS110.68 Wageningen, Netherlands oat-field soil JX975982
CBS243.82 Baarn, C. Dopperlaan 18, Netherlands compost heap JX975870 JX976156
Mortierella sossauensis CBS153.76C Schweden forest soil under Picea abies JX976063 JX976146
CBS176.74 M. clonocystis Athens, Georgia Greenhouse soile JX975926 KC018428
CBS281.71 South Carolina root JX975911 KC018447
CBS890.72 Ireland peat soil JX975865 KC018385
CBS898.68 Lincs., Gibraltar Point, England salt-marsh soil JX975970 KC018374
Mortierella sp. FSU10519 M. alpina Austria JX975959 KC018258
FSU10520 M. alpina Austria JX975969 KC018259
FSU10522 M. alpina Austria JX975930 KC018261
FSU10523 M. alpina Austria JX976114 KC018262
FSU10551 M. alpina Austria JX975852 KC018269
FSU10555 M. alpina Austria JX975996 KC018315
FSU10558 M. alpina Austria JX975884 KC018271
FSU10683 M. alpina Austria JX976039
FSU10696 M. alpina Austria JX976108
FSU10706 M. alpina Austria JX976068
FSU10715 M. alpina Austria JX976080
FSU10716 M. alpina Austria JX975879
FSU8712 M. alpina Wehlen, Mosel, Germany JX975845 KC018274
FSU8722 M. alpina Wehlen, Mosel, Germany JX975961 KC018275
FSU8736 M. alpina Wehlen, Mosel, Germany JX976119 KC018276
FSU8737 M. alpina Wehlen, Mosel, Germany JX975902 KC018277
FSU8738 M. alpina Wehlen, Mosel, Germany JX976010 KC018278
CBS118520 Græse, Zealand, Denmark agricultural soil JX975936 JX976149
FSU10767 Austria JX975929
FSU10792 Austria JX976014
FSU10797 Austria JX975950
FSU10541 M. elongata Austria JX975876 KC018310
FSU10771 M. elongata Austria JX976131
FSU8711 M. elongata Wehlen, Mosel, Germany JX976071 KC018283
FSU10538 M. gamsii Austria JX975858 KC018286
FSU10535 M. humilis Austria JX976052
FSU1954 M. hyalina JX975861 KC018290
FSU10804 M. minutissima Austria JX976020
FSU10552 M. parvispora Austria JX976009 KC018294
FSU10712 Austria JX975941
FSU10730 Austria JX975916
FSU10753 Austria JX976016
FSU10758 Austria JX976005
FSU10759 M. parvispora Austria JX975934
FSU10789 Austria JX976065
FSU10530 Austria JX975893 KC018306
FSU10540 Austria JX975986 KC018309
FSU10557 Austria JX975932
FSU2188 JX975945 KC018316
FSU10534 M. verticillata Austria JX975914 KC018317
Mortierella strangulata CBS455.67, FSU9849 M. strangulata Neotype of Mortierella strangulata Baarn, Groeneveld, Nmetherlands dung, of fox ? JX975997 HQ667437.1
Mortierella stylospora CBS211.32, FSU9850 M. stylospora Type of Mortierella stylospora Victoria sandy loam JX976086 HQ667359.1
Mortierella turficola CBS430.76 Heseper Veen near Coevorden, Netherlands decaying Sphagnum recurvum JX975919 KC018444
CBS431.76 Heseper Veen near Coevorden, Netherlands decaying Sphagnum recurvum JX976025 KC018333
CBS432.76, FSU9851 M. turficola Neotype of Mortierella turficola Heseper Veen near Coevorden, Netherlands decaying Sphagnum recurvum JX975952 HQ667426.1
CBS433.76 Heseper Veen near Coevorden, Netherlands decaying Sphagnum recurvum JX975939 KC018424
CBS547.76 Cauca en Huila, Cordillera Central, Parque Nacional del Puracé, 3100 m alt., Colombia soil from mountain forest under Weinmannia etc. JX975896 KC018339
CBS581.80 Netherlands Trio compost JX976040 KC018409
Mortierella verticillata CBS130.66 Lancashire, Freshfield, England sandy forest soil JX976007 KC018326
CBS131.66 Lancashire, Freshfield, England sandy forest soil JX975886 KC018446
CBS220.58, FSU9853 M. verticillata Type of Haplosporangium fasciculatum Fontainebleau, France soil under Betula sp. JX975905 JN940873.1
CBS225.35, FSU9854 M. verticillata Syntype of Mortierella marburgensis former West-Germany JX975940 JQ040251.1
CBS279.71 South Carolina root JX975917 KC018426
CBS280.71 South Carolina root JX976066 KC018404
CBS315.52, FSU9856 M. verticillata Syntype of Mortierella marburgensis former West-Germany forest soil JX975943
CBS346.66, FSU9852 Alaska tundra soil JX975855 HQ667397.1
CBS374.95, FSU9855 M. verticillata Type of Haplosporangium attenuatis- simum Wuyi, Fujian, China forest soil JX976077 HQ667398.1
Mortierella wolfii CBS614.70, FSU9860 M. cf. wolfi Matamata, New Zealand decayed hay JX975975 HQ667420.1
CBS209.69, FSU9858 M. wolfii Keele, England coal spoil tip soil HQ630303.1 HQ667380.1
CBS611.70, FSU9857 Morrinsville, New Zealand lung, dying from mycotic pneumonia HQ630306.1 HQ667383.1
CBS612.70, FSU9859 New Zealand decayed hay HQ630304.1 HQ667381.1
CBS651.93, FSU9862 M. wolfii Limburg, Horst, Netherlands compost for mushrooms JX975904 HQ667382.1
Mortierella zonata CBS228.35, FSU9863 M. zonata Type of Mortierella zonata former West-Germany JX975983 HQ667433.1
CBS615.70 Braunschweig-Völkenrode, Germany soil JX975958 KC018434
CBS617.76 Cordillera, Central Parque Nacional del Puracé, 3900 m alt. páramo soil, open vegetation with extensive pasture JX976028 JX976141
CBS863.68 Ringwood, New Forest, UK forest soil JX975888 KC018335
Mortierella zychae CBS102879 Toronto High Park, Ontario pellet of Camponotus pennsylvanicus (carpenter ant) JX976074
CBS109599 El Yunque, Rio Blanco Trail, Puerto Rico infrabuccal pellet of ant JX975882
CBS143.91 former West-Germany JX976091
CBS316.52, FSU9864 M. zychae Type of Mortierella zychae Allgäu, Germany decaying wood JX975979 HQ667407.1
CBS531.81 former West-Germany mushroom casing soil JX975962 KC018421
FSU719 M. zychae JX976128 KC018319
Umbelopsis isabellina NRRL1757, CBS100559 Wisconsin soil JN943789.1 JN940879.1

Preparation of genomic DNA, PCR amplification and DNA sequencing

Genomic DNA was prepared from mycelia grounded to a fine powder in liquid nitrogen followed by purification (Cenis 1992) or living cultures alternatively, using the Jetquick general DNA clean up kit (Genomed) or a high-throughput 96-well plate extraction (Ivanova et al. 2006) following the given protocols. The PCR for the amplification of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 nuclear ribosomal DNA region uses ITS5/ITS1 and ITS4 under standard or semi-nested conditions (White et al. 1990, Stielow et al. 2009). PCR for amplifying the partial 28S rDNA (LSU) was done using the standard primers LR0R and LR5 or the NL-primer ( The primers differ only in their annealing temperature (55 °C or 60 °C). Increasing cycle extension time (90 s/cycle) was done in some cases to improve amplification. PCR products were directly purified using FastAP thermosensitive alkaline phosphatase and shrimp alkaline phosphatase (Fermentas, Thermo Scientific) or using the GeneClean protocol (Vogelstein & Gillespie 1979). The cycle-sequencing reaction was set up using ABI big dye terminator v. 3.1, following the manufactures instructions or by using a quarter of the suggested volumes (modified manufactures protocol), followed by bidirectional sequencing with a laboratory capillary electrophoresis system (Life Technologies 3730XL DNA analyser). Sequences were evaluated with Chromas Lite (Technelysium Pty. Ltd.). Sequencing primers were the same as used for PCR. Manually correction and assembling of forward and reverse sequences was done using the Biolomics database ( (Vu et al. 2012) or Seqman (v. 7.2.1). Sequences were deposited at NCBI GenBank (Table 2).

Alignments and phylogenetic analyses

A total of 364 sequences of ITS and 213 sequences of LSU were generated in this study. For the extension of the dataset additional sequences were retrieved from GenBank (Table 2). A total of 15 sequences were excluded and 562 were subjected to further analyses (298 ITS and 263 LSU sequences). Alignments were performed with MAFFT v. 6.833 (Katoh 2008) as implemented in EPoS (Griebel et al. 2008). Maximum Likelihood analyses were carried out using RAxML (Stamatakis 2006) provided by the CIPRES Science Gateway v. 3.2 ( RAxML was run under the default settings with the following adjustments: GTRGAMMA for bootstrapping and final tree inference with 1 000 bootstrap iterations. The resulting phylogenetic trees which based on the LSU sequences were used to identify clusters of strains. For these clusters MAFFT alignments of the ITS region were computed and RAxML analyses performed. Subsequent alignments are crucial since ITS is in general highly diverse on higher level classification. If a group of sequences contains a high number of a repetitive species not all sequences were included in the ITS tree. Alignments and trees are deposited in TreeBASE2 under


Phylogenetic analyses and relationships within the Mortierellales based on single-locus analyses

According to previous studies (White et al. 2006, Petkovits et al. 2011), the major genus of the Mortierellales, Mortierella, appears as paraphyletic genus since the genera, Dissophora, Gamsiella and Lobosporangium are nested within. Since there is no sequence data or living material available for Aquamortierella and Modicella (White et al. 2006) these genera were not included. Due to lacking species material the newly proposed and described genus Echinochlamydosporium (Jiang et al. 2011) was also excluded from the current analysis. Although the pre-molecular classification schemes defined morphologically well-supported clades (Linnemann 1941, Zycha et al. 1969, Gams 1977) these clades could not be retained in any molecular based analyses (White et al. 2006, Petkovits et al. 2011, this study). The present study extended a previous study by addition of sequence information for 407 specimens. One isolate, Mortierella mutabilis, was excluded due to miss-fitting morphological characteristics. The morphology of M. mutabilis is in contradiction with its original description (Linnemann 1941) and resembles Gamsiella multidivaricata in all morphological features as well its molecular data. Since only one isolate is available, we postpone its phylogenetically analysis till additional material is available. Nineteen species were additionally included with a total of 115 sequences. Out of these sequences 57 sequences were generated for ITS, 58 for LSU and 1 ITS sequence was retrieved from GenBank.

Out of 421 specimens in total, 213 sequences for LSU and 364 sequences for ITS were generated. The dataset was supplemented with additional sequences form GenBank (69 LSU and 11 ITS sequences) (Table 2).

A first phylogenetic tree based on LSU sequences from 266 taxa was generated to define placement and relationships of all sequences generated in this study (data not shown). A subset of all relevant groups and isolates was taken for the final tree of the LSU dataset (Fig. 3, just for better overview). The final alignment contains 781 characters and 101 taxa. For subsequent deep-level analyses seven artificial subsets out of eight clades of this tree were defined referring to the previously published group delimitations (Petkovits et al. 2011). For each group the ITS1-5.8S rDNA-ITS2 sequences were aligned and analysed with Maximum Likelihood although the backbone of the underlying LSU tree is not resolved (Fig. 3). Groups are mainly located on one branch (‘monophyletic’) except for the under-represented chienii/selenospora-group which was combined and aligned together with the most basal group. Taking these groups as single taxa sets allows alignments providing phylogenetic signals with higher resolution on deep level classification. The alignments of the subsets consists of the following numbers of taxa and characters: subset 1: 58/816 (means 58 taxa and 816 characters, Fig. 4); subset 2: 36/636 (Fig. 5); subset 3: 38/701 (Fig. 6); subset 4: 17/710 (Fig. 7); subset 5: 18/761 (Fig. 8); subset 6: 60/703 (Fig. 9); subset 7: 73/688 (Fig. 10).

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Maximum Likelihood analysis based on 781 aligned nucleotides of the D1/D2 domain of the large subunit (LSU, 28S) rDNA from 101 taxa (100 ingroup taxa of the Mortierellales and 1 outgroup taxon Umbelopsis as member of the Mucorales, Meyer & Gams 2003). The phylogram based on a MAFFT-Alignment (L-ins-I). Node supports above 75 % is given. The tree defines 7 groups: groups 1–7, which are more profoundly analysed in individual analyses based on the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 shown in Fig. 410. The strains named Mortierella sp. ‘epithet’ are strains with an originally different assignment based on morphology. Blue marked strains are potential new species.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

Maximum Likelihood analysis based on the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 dataset for clade 1. The phylogram was constructed from a MAFFT-Alignment of 816 aligned nucleotides of 58 taxa. Node support above 75 % is given. The phylogram is midpoint rooted.

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.

Maximum Likelihood analysis based on the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 dataset for clade 2. The phylogram was constructed from a MAFFT-Alignment of 636 aligned nucleotides of 36 taxa. Node support above 75 % is given. The phylogram is midpoint rooted.

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.

Maximum Likelihood analysis based on the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 dataset for clade 3. The phylogram was constructed from a MAFFT-Alignment of 701 aligned nucleotides of 38 taxa. Node support above 75 % is given. The phylogram is midpoint rooted.

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7.

Maximum Likelihood analysis based on the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 dataset for clade 4. The phylogram was constructed from a MAFFT-Alignment of 710 aligned nucleotides of 17 taxa. Node support above 75 % is given. The phylogram is midpoint rooted.

Fig. 8.

Fig. 8.

Maximum Likelihood analysis based on the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 dataset for clade 5. The phylogram was constructed from a MAFFT-Alignment of 761 aligned nucleotides of 18 taxa. Node support above 75 % is given. The phylogram is midpoint rooted.

Fig. 9.

Fig. 9.

Maximum Likelihood analysis based on the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 dataset for clade 6. The phylogram was constructed from a MAFFT-Alignment of 703 aligned nucleotides of 60 taxa. Node support above 75 % is given. The phylogram is midpoint rooted.

Fig. 10.

Fig. 10.

Maximum Likelihood analysis based on the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 dataset for clade 7. The phylogram was constructed from a MAFFT-Alignment of 688 aligned nucleotides of 73 taxa. Node support above 75 % is given. The phylogram is midpoint rooted.

Our results do not allow for the revelation of the natural relationships between different species or between groups of species since the clades are poorly supported in the LSU tree. But definition of boundaries between the species/species groups is possible and the presented species groups are in full accordance with the twelve large clades distinguished in a previous study (Petkovits et al. 2011). Because the current dataset is more comprehensive, we will keep, but also extend some of the groups.

Group 1 – selenospora and parvispora (Fig. 4, some morphological features are displayed in Fig.1j, 2i) contains the two most basal groups of the LSU tree (Fig 3). Mortierella selenospora clusters well with M. chienii (Bootstrap support BS = 100 %). Mortierella chienii was not included in the previous study (Petkovits et al. 2011). In cases where the morphological identification does not match the position of the strain in the ITS tree the strains were designated as Mortierella sp. with the epithet in quotation marks. Strains which are very distinct, not part of a clade and consequently might represent undescribed species are highlighted in blue. The selenospora clade also contains the questionable M. wolfii CBS 614.70 which shows different characteristics (e.g. no thermotolerance) to the original M. wolfii strains although the sporangiospores are ellipsoidal to kidney-shaped like those of M. wolfii. A detailed analysis of the morphology and several molecular markers is needed to clarify the status of this particular strain. The other group termed ‘parvispora’ contains also the species M. alliacea, M. basiparvispora, M. fimbricystis, M. jenkinii, M. macrocystis, M. macrocystopsis, M. sossauensis in addition to the previously included species (M. cystojenkinii, M. dichotoma, M. elongatula, M. parvispora, M. pulchella, M. turficola; Petkovits et al. 2011). Mortierella alliacea, M. chienii, M. cystojenkinii, M. elongatula, M. macrocystis, M. macrocystopsis, M. pulchella and M. sossauensis form well-supported clades and the morphologically defined species boundaries are well reflected in the ITS tree (Fig. 4). The parvispora-jenkinii-complex consists predominantly of strains morphologically identified as M. jenkinii or M. parvispora. These two species differ mainly by the shape of their sporangiospores: ellipsoidal for M. jenkinii and globose for M. parvispora. This distinction is not supported by the ITS tree, mixing both types of spores. The strain M. basiparvispora CBS 517.72 is also clustering in this complex, but is differing morphologically from the ex-type strain of this species, which was not included in this study (Gams 1976). A detailed revision of this species in relation to Mortierella will be needed.

Group 2 – verticillata-humilis (Fig. 5, some morphological features are displayed in Fig. 1c, 2a, g, r) is a group that also contains the genera M. clonocystis, M. epicladia, M. epigama, M. horticola and M. minutissima. The topology is similar to the one previously published (Petkovits et al. 2011) but includes some morphologically misidentified specimens. Mortierella zonata CBS 863.68 and M. sossauensis CBS 898.68 are well separated from any other members of their species. The main cluster of M. sossauensis is closely related to the parvispora-jenkinii complex (Fig. 4) while the type strain of M. zonata is related to M. hyalina and M. bainieri (Fig. 10). After a profound morphological revision M. zonata CBS 863.68 and M. sossauensis CBS 898.68 should be renamed and included in the M. minutissima-M. horticola complex, which makes this phylogenetic group of M. minutissima-M. horticola indistinguishable by ITS sequences although both species could be distinguished by the number of their spores in the sporangiola. While M. minutissima develops few-spored sporangiola, M. horticola produces single-spored sporangiola. This suggests that the number of spores per sporangium is not strictly fixed in this group and is therefore not of taxonomic relevance. The single specimen CBS 246.75 resembles M. epicladia but it clusters distantly from the ex-type material CBS 355.76 which is close to M. clonocystis (Fig. 5). Since no other known species group together with CBS 246.75, this might be a so far undescribed species. CBS 226.78 was originally deposited as M. globalpina and CBS 226.35 as M. minutissima but molecular data of both species currently resembles M. clonocystis, indicating an original misapplication or a contamination. Morphology of both species was checked twice and both species were finally assigned to M. clonocystis. The morphospecies M. clonocystis, M. epicladia and M. epigama are well recognized by the ITS tree while M. verticillata and M. humilis form another species complex. Another apparent cluster, the M. verticillata-M. humilis cluster, contains strains including type strains of both species. Based on ITS sequences, a differentiation is not possible. Sequences are similar between 98–100 %. Both species are morphologically similar without any significant differences. Consequently both species should be synonymized.

Group 3 – lignicola (Fig. 6, some morphological features are displayed in Fig. 1n, y, 2j, l, s, w). This group contains the species Mortierella beljakovae, M. chlamydospora, M. echinosphaera, M. formicicola, M. gemmifera, M. kuhlmanii, M. lignicola and M. paraensis. Several of the morphologically defined species, namely M. beljakovae, M. chlamydospora, M. echinosphaera, M. formicicola, M. lignicola and M. paraensis, are nicely detected by the molecular data. Mortierella chlamydospora and M. echinosphaera appear to be closely related as they are sister groups (BS = 100 %). The species M. gemmifera and M. kuhlmanii are morphologically very similar (complex is supported by BS = 85 %) and differ just gradually by spore shape and chlamydospores. The ex-type strains of both species differ just by 12 different base pairs in the ITS sequences (= 98 %). The original morphological identification of strain CBS 268.71 could not be verified because it did not sporulate under different conditions, but its molecular data places it between the gemmifera-complex, M. chlamydospora and M. echinosphaera. The strains CBS 109659 and CBS 555.89 were not examined morphologically and assigned as Mortierella sp. since their original descriptions does not correspond with the molecular data.

Group 4 – mutabilis, globulifera and angusta (Fig. 7, some morphological features are displayed in Fig. 1e, s, v, x, 2v). This group contains two of the three included non-Mortierella genera: Gamsiella and Dissophora. The genus Gamsiella does not cluster with any other mortierellean species, although it was reported to be sister with M. mutabilis (Petkovits et al. 2011). A revision of the morphology revealed different features for M. mutabilis as originally described. Mortierella mutabilis should develop explicitly branched sporangiophores with globose sporangia containing globose to subglobose sporangiospores, for example. But the observed morphology resembles that of Gamsiella. Furthermore, LSU and ITS sequences are similar with 100 and 99.8 %, respectively. Based on these data, we are rejecting the previous group named mutabilis (Petkovits et al. 2011). For the final placement of M. mutabilis, additional strain material is necessary.

The angusta group is extended by M. simplex and consists of the subclades M. angusta-M. simplex (BS = 88 %) and the subclade Dissophora with D. decumbens and D. ornata (BS = 100 %). Mortierella simplex could not by differentiated from M. angusta by significant features, suggesting an upcoming synonymization of both species. The globulifera group contains exclusively M. globulifera (BS = 94 %). The strain CBS 254.76 formerly identified as M. horticola might represent a new species because of its distinct ITS sequence. The ITS sequences of true M. horticola strains belong to group 2 (Fig. 5) where the ex-syntype of this species is located.

Group 5 – strangulata and wolfii (Fig. 8, some morphological features are displayed in Fig. 1q, r, 2c, t) contains only few species, which could all be identified by molecular data. The wolfii group (BS = 100 %) is extended in this study by M. ambigua (clade support BS = 99 %). Mortierella ambigua is sister clade (BS = 81 %) to M. capitata (BS = 98 %) and both clades are sister group to M. wolfii (BS = 96 %). The strangulata group is retained, containing M. strangulata and M. rostafinskii (BS = 100 %). Mortierella microzygospora, M. parazychae and M. pseudozygospora were not assigned to any defined group.

Group 6 – alpina and polycephala (Fig. 9, some morphological features are displayed in Fig. 1b, g, h, k, o, w, 2d, m, n, p). The polycephala group harbours the type species of the whole genus Mortierella: M. polycephala. Therefore, this clade resembles the core group of the genus Mortierella. Related to M. polycephala and well supported in LSU (BS = 99 %) and ITS (BS = 100 %) are the species M. bisporalis, M. hypsicladia, M. indohii, M. oligospora, M. polygonia and M. reticulata. Except for the ex-type strain of M. polygonia CBS 685.71 which clusters within the M. polycephala, all species form well supported clades (Fig. 9). But judging from the different observed morphology of M. polygonia, which is that of M. polycephala instead of that originally described (Gams 1976), this strain should be treated as such. Although the strain is sterile, it shows the typical stylospores of M. polycephala. A second isolate of M. polygonia (CBS 248.81) could not be confirmed as ‘true’ M. polygonia since it does not sporulate, displaying only untypical stylospores and clusters within the alpina-complex (Fig. 9). Therefore the status of this species seems doubtful. Mortierella alpina is one of the major species isolated and identified from our environmental samples collected in Austria. Mortierella alpina forms a heterogeneous cluster with the two species M. antarctica and M. amoeboidea. For M. amoeboidea again is the observed morphology not identical with the described one and resembles the species indicated by molecular data. This justifies M. amoeboidea W. Gams 1976 to be treated as synonym of M. alpina Peyronel 1913. One isolate of M. globalpina (CBS 718.88) is placed within the alpina complex and one isolate (CBS 226.78) is located in the M. clonocystis clade (Fig. 5). Verification by inclusion of the type strain is not possible since this particular strain seems to be dead now.

Group 7 – gamsii (Fig. 10, some morphological features are displayed in Fig. 1a, d, f, p, u, 2b, e, f, h, k, o, q, u) is the largest group in this and our previous study containing 73 taxa. The previous dataset (Petkovits et al. 2011) with the species Mortierella acrotona, M. armillariicola, M. biramosa, M. camargensis, M. cogitans, M. elongata, M. exigua, M. gamsii, M. histoplasmatoides, M. hyalina, M. nantahalensis, M. rishikesha, M. sarnyensis, M. schmuckeri, M. sclerotiella, M. zonata and M. zychae was extended by M. bainieri, M. claussenii, M. fatshederae and M. longigemmata. Mortierella armillariicola, M. bainieri, M. fatshederae, M. hyalina and M. zychae form monophyletic clades supported by the coherence of several strains (Fig. 10). Mortierella exigua, M. gamsii and M. zonata are polyphyletic. Strains identified as these species appear in different places of the tree. None of the strains of M. exigua clusters together with the ex-type strain. For M. gamsii at least three divided clusters are present. One sequence of an ex-type strain is placed in the elongata-complex. Mortierella schmuckeri forms one monophyletic clade together with M. claussenii and M. camargensis (BS = 97 %). Due to a lack of sufficient amounts of strains neither the phylogenetic position nor the species coherence of M. acrotona, M. cogitans, M. histoplasmatoides, M. longigemmata, M. nantahalensis, M. sclerotiella and M. zonata could be confirmed.


In order to study and evaluate the monophyly of Mortierella, and to address the phylogenetic relationships of other genera in the Mortierellales, we analysed one of the largest datasets of LSU and ITS sequences for this order. The genera Dissophora, Gamsiella and Lobosporangium are placed within the genus Mortierella. This suggests either a polyphyly of Mortierella with the necessity to establish additional genera or the necessity to reduce the existing genera to one. Although our study contains a comprehensive dataset it is still not possible to elucidate all species and species groups of the Mortierellales. It was already proposed that additional molecular markers are necessary for a profound phylogenetic study (Petkovits et al. 2011). But our study supports existing and reveals new contradictions to the traditional morphology based classifications (Linnemann 1941, Zycha et al. 1969, Gams 1977). Several species, originally iden-tified as one, appear on different places in the phylogenetic analyses. This might originate either from simple misapplications or from the observed phenomenon of dependency of the phenotype on culture conditions (Petkovits et al. 2011). Furthermore, names of new genera and species published just recently may be superfluous at a nomenclatural level because their respective phylogenetic markers were not compared with the full molecular dataset of the Mortierellales, e.g. Echinochlamydosporium variabile (Jiang et al. 2011), which may turn out to be a micromorphologically degenerate Mortierella stylospora. Here we present the most comprehensive molecular dataset of the Mortierellales which is available up to date and facilitates revision of existing and validation of upcoming names. Finally, all these actions will lead to several species name changes and synonymizations. Nevertheless, several species or even groups of species seem to be distinguishable by morphology and phylogeny. The monophyletic clade of Mortierella s.str. contains the type species of the genus, M. polycephala Coem. 1863. Whether additional species are related to this group and therefore belonging to the genus Mortierella needs to be evaluated in further studies. Current data (Petkovits et al. 2011) are contradictory with regard to relationships of species and species groups. Due to the lack of suitable morphological criteria the following species and species groups were misapplied and require taxonomic revision, where indicated nomenclatural synonymization. These are: M. angusta, M. basiparvispora, M. carmagensis, M. fimbricystis, M. gamsii, M. gemmifera, M. globalpina, M. horticola, M. humilis, M. jenkinii, M. kuhlmanii, M. minutissima, M. parvispora, M. rishikesha, M. schmuckeri, M. simplex, M. sossauensis, M. turficola, M. verticillata and M. zonata.

Underrepresented in this study, but due to the lack of comprehensive additional material, are the species: M. acrotona, M. angusta, M. dichotoma, M. epicladia, M. exigua, M. fimbricystis, M. formicicola, M. longigemmata, M. microzygospora, M. nantahalensis, M. parazychae, M. rishikesha, M. rostafinskii, M. sclerotiella and M. strangulata.

Table 3.

Summary of isolates which were revised and assigned to different species within this study.

Strain number Original name Revised name
CBS585.81 M. alpina M. kuhlmanii
CBS696.70 M. alpina M. cystojenkinii
CBS272.71 M. bainieri M. kuhlmanii
CBS273.71 M. bainieri M. kuhlmanii
CBS292.96 M. chienii M. selenospora
CBS554.73 M. chienii M. selenospora
CBS387.91 M. macrocystopsis M. cystojenkinii
FSU2736 M. parvispora M. jenkinii
CBS293.34 M. polycephala M. hyalina
CBS176.74 M. sossauensis M. clonocystis


This research was supported by an international cooperation grant of the German and Hungarian Research Foundations (DFG Vo 772/9-1 and OTKA NN106394) and the Hungarian grant TÉT_10-1-2011-0747. Tamas Petkovits was supported by the European Union and by the European Social Fund (project number: TÁMOP-4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0012). We like to express our gratitude to Martin Kirchmair (University of Innsbruck, Austria) for collecting and providing environmental strains of Mortierella from the alpine region. Also we would like to thank Domenica Schnabelrauch (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology Jena, Germany) and the members of the molecular barcoding team at the CBS Utrecht for technical support in DNA sequencing.


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