Association of most frequent species in the dataset with various guilds: WQgen (Water quality general), WQO2 (Water quality O2 concentration), HTOL (Habitat degradation), Hab (Preferred living habitat), Atroph (Trophic situation), Mig (Migration), Repro (Reproduction habitat), HabSp (Spawning habit). Types: INTOL = intolerant, TOL = tolerant, IM = intermediate, RH = rheophilic, EURY = eurytopic, DETR = feeding on detritus, INSV = insectivorous, OMNI = omnivorous, PISC = piscivorous. RESID = resident, POTAD = potamodromous, LONG = long distance migrant. LITH = lithophilic, PELA = pelagophilic, SPEL = speleophilic, PSAM = psamnmophilic, PHLI = phyto-lithophilic.