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Schizophrenia Bulletin logoLink to Schizophrenia Bulletin
. 2012 Sep 4;39(5):979–992. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbs080

Deficits in Domains of Social Cognition in Schizophrenia: A Meta-Analysis of the Empirical Evidence

Gauri N Savla 1,*, Lea Vella 2, Casey C Armstrong 1, David L Penn 3, Elizabeth W Twamley 1,4
PMCID: PMC3756768  PMID: 22949733


Objective: Social cognition is strongly associated with functional outcome in schizophrenia, making it an important target for treatment. Our goal was to examine the average magnitude of differences between schizophrenia patients (SCs) and normal comparison (NCs) patients across multiple domains of social cognition recognized by the recent NIMH consensus statement: theory of mind (ToM), social perception, social knowledge, attributional bias, emotion perception, and emotion processing. Method: We conducted a meta-analysis of peer-reviewed studies of social cognition in schizophrenia, published between 1980 and November, 2011. Results: 112 studies reporting results from 3908 SCs and 3570 NCs met our inclusion criteria. SCs performed worse than NCs across all domains, with large effects for social perception (g = 1.04), ToM (g = 0.96), emotion perception (g = 0.89), and emotion processing (g = 0.88). Regression analyses showed that statistically significant heterogeneity in effects within domains was not explained by age, education, or gender. Greater deficits in social and emotion perception were associated with inpatient status, and greater deficits in emotion processing were associated with longer illness duration. Conclusions: Despite the limitations of existing studies, including lack of standardization or psychometric validation of measures, the evidence for deficits across multiple social cognitive domains in schizophrenia is clear. Future research should examine the role of neurobiological and psychosocial factors in models linking various aspects of deficit in schizophrenia, including social cognition, in order to identify targets for intervention.


Schizophrenia is associated with markedly impoverished social dexterity and functioning.1 The ability to navigate social cues and behaviors is inherently dependent on a knowledge base and set of skills, commonly known as “social cognition,”2 defined by schizophrenia researchers as the “(the processes by which) we draw inferences about other people’s beliefs and intentions and how we weigh social situational factors in making these inferences.”3 Allusions to deficits in aspects of social cognition and functioning among people with schizophrenia can be found as early as the writings of Kraepelin (eg, “Loss of sympathy is shown in indifference and want of understanding for the misfortunes of others …” [p. 33]).4 Efforts to identify characteristics of schizophrenia that may explain poor functional outcome have been ongoing since the earliest conceptualizations of the condition. The focus on Schneiderian first-rank symptoms as potential predictors of functioning shifted to neurocognitive deficits about three decades ago, with hundreds of studies demonstrating that cognitive functioning is more relevant to real-world functioning than are positive symptoms of schizophrenia.5

Social cognition research has been part of the broader research in general social psychology for decades, and applications to schizophrenia can be found in published studies through the 1980s and 1990s. Penn and colleagues,6 in 1 of the first reviews of social cognition in schizophrenia, emphasized the importance of studying cognitive processes underlying how people with schizophrenia think about themselves, others, social situations, and social interactions in further understanding the etiology of the disorder. Pivotal publications by Green and colleagues7,8 further spurred this area of research.

Indeed, the critical role of social cognition in functional disability has now been well established in the current literature.9 In a recent meta-analysis, Fett and colleagues10 investigated the associations between neurocognition, social cognition, and domains of functional outcome in schizophrenia, concluding that social cognition was most strongly related to functioning. Social cognition appears to be moderately related to domains of neurocognition, negative symptoms, and disorganization, as demonstrated in another recent meta-analysis by Ventura and colleagues.11 The study of social cognition in schizophrenia not only has clinical/functional implications but also potentially significant research implications. Socioemotional and higher neurocognitive processes, such as abstract thinking, working memory, and online monitoring, appear to mature late in ontogeny,12 coinciding with the period of life associated with typical onset of schizophrenia. Therefore, examining these processes in conjunction with each other can further our understanding of the disrupted neurobiological systems in schizophrenia.

Social cognition, like other aspects of cognition, is a multifaceted concept, comprising several sub-domains and processes. The NIMH consensus statement on social cognition in schizophrenia identified five relevant domains: ToM, social perception, social knowledge, attributional bias, and emotion processing.3 Although the consensus statement included emotion perception within the domain of emotion processing, we chose to examine it separately, to investigate whether simply identifying and labeling emotions was less impaired in schizophrenia than understanding one’s own emotions and facilitating or managing them. Table 1 gives a brief description of each of these constructs and their prototypical measures.

Table 1.

Social Cognition Domains and their Descriptions

Domain Description Example of a Prototypical Task
Theory of mind (ToM) Definition: The ability to interpret an individual’s speech and actions in terms of his or her intentions, knowledge, and beliefsTasks involve inferring mental states from facial expressions or perspective-taking“First-order” ToM: the ability infer what another person is thinking“Second-order” ToM: the ability to infer what one person believes another person is thinking (ie, a “belief about a belief”) Reading the Mind in the Eyes task 32: requires that one infer the mental state of a person only by looking at a photograph of the person’s eyes
Social perception Definition: The ability to understand and appraise social roles, rules, and contextInvolves using verbal and nonverbal cues in order to make inferences about a social situationMay be central to functioning in a social context, ie, facilitating interactions with people in social settings or establishing relationshipsCan involve making critical appraisals, such as judgments of trustworthiness in other people Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity (PONS) 33: video-taped scenes containing facial expressions, voice intonations, and bodily gestures. After watching each scene, participants were asked to select from two situations (eg, saying a prayer or talking to a lost child) that would prompt the social cues observed
Social knowledge Definition: Refers to representational templates of social situations or awareness of the roles, rules, expectations, and goals that govern social situations34Can be declarative, comprising facts and abstract concepts (eg, social scripts) or procedural (eg, rules, skills, and strategies) processes35 Situational Feature Recognition Test (SFRT) 36: requires subjects to select appropriate actions from a list of actions associated with a particular social situation (eg, going to a movie), followed by a list of goals
Attributional bias Definition: Attributional bias/style reflects whether one typically makes inferences about the causes of positive and negative events to internal (personal), external (other person), or situational factorsReferred to in terms of externalizing bias (EB) vs personalizing bias (PB)EB is the tendency to overattribute positive rather than negative events to oneself, and PB is the tendency to attribute negative events to others rather than to situational factors The Internal, Personal, and Situational Attributions Questionnaire (IPSAQ) 18: consists of statements describing an incident; the subject is asked to select one of three causes of the incident. Items reflect internal, external, and situational causes
Emotion perception Definition: Refers to the ability to accurately identify and name emotions of others, primarily by means of facial expressionsEmotions may also be perceived through vocal prosody The Face Emotion Identification Test (FEIT) 37: uses the Izard/Ekman emotion photographs and asks subjects to circle one of six “basic” emotions displayed (happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and shame)
Emotion processing Definition: Refers to the ability to understand emotions, discriminate between different emotions, and manage emotions and emotional reactions Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) 38 is part of the MATRICS battery39: is self-administered, performance-based measure, comprising eight tasks. In the widely used Managing Emotions subscale (designed to measure the cognition of emotion regulation) participants must judge actions that are most effective in obtaining a specified emotional outcome for an individual in a story (eg, what a character may do to reduce his or her anger)

There are 2 meta-analyses of ToM in schizophrenia13,14 and 1 of facial emotion perception,15 each demonstrating robust deficits in those respective domains. These, at least in part, reflect the disproportionately large numbers of studies of these domains compared with the other four domains, ie, social perception, social knowledge, attributional bias, and emotion processing. Fett and colleagues10 reported that ToM had the strongest relationship with community functioning (combined correlation = 0.48), followed by social perception and social knowledge (combined) was a close second (combined correlation = 0.41); indeed, deficits in social perception (the ability to understand social roles, rules, and context) and social knowledge (the representational templates of social situations, or awareness of the roles, rules, expectations, and goals that govern social situations) may be critical to functional outcomes among people with the illness, yet have been little studied. Furthermore, finer distinctions between the various community functioning outcomes, such as social and relational functioning and their relationships with the various social cognitive domains are warranted from an interventions perspective. Given the different processes potentially underlying the social cognition domains, it is not possible to make conclusions about social cognition deficits in schizophrenia based on reviews and meta-analyses of a subset of the social cognitive domains. Examining the existing literature in these additional domains, along with up-to-date research on the more widely studied domains of social cognition is, therefore, warranted. The goal of the current meta-analysis was to examine whether social cognitive assessments provide reliable evidence of impairment in schizophrenia. Specifically, we aimed to investigate (1) the magnitude of differences between SC and NC participants across all six domains of social cognition (and consequently, whether the focus on ToM and facial emotion perception has overshadowed the potential relevance of other domains), (2) whether SC participants are equally impaired across domains, and (3) to what extent, if any, could demographic or disease burden variables explain variability within domains.


The methods of this study met criteria specified by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement.16

Literature Search

We conducted a literature search of the PsycINFO database using the following keywords: social cognition, theory of mind, emotion perception, social perception, attributional bias, and schizophrenia. In PubMed, we used the following search string: “([social cognition {tiab} OR theory of mind {tesh} OR social perception {mesh} OR attributional style OR emotion perception OR emotion processing] AND schizophrenia [major]) OR (schizophrenia [major] AND [social behavior {major} AND {cognition <major> OR cognition disorders <major>}]).” The abbreviations in the string refer to title or abstract (tiab), medical subject heading (mesh), and major subject heading (major). The 2 searches combined yielded 888 unique articles, all published between 1980 and November 2011. We limited our search to articles written in English and those describing studies with human subjects. We also conducted an additional search in PubMed to capture articles that may have escaped processing by the National Library of Medicine. This was accomplished using the same search in a “keyword” format (ie, no Boolean indicators and limiting the search to “NOT MEDLINE” articles), therefore leaving us with only the most recent, non-indexed references (unique number of studies, ie, “k” = 224).

Study and Data Selection

We included studies that met the following criteria: (1) article written in English; (2) peer-reviewed publication; (3) psychosis sample with at least 90% of participants diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder; (4) NC sample; (5) results reported as means and standard deviations, or F or t values so that effect sizes could be calculated. In cases where these data were not reported, we contacted the authors and included those studies if we received usable data.

We excluded studies with samples that overlapped with other published reports. In articles reporting results from overlapping samples, we chose the study with either the largest sample or the one with the most relevant/usable data. When multiple tasks were used to assess 1 single social cognition domain, we selected scores on 1 task (that we determined as most psychometrically sound or that was most commonly used across studies) per domain. We did not include results from any studies with overlapping samples within domains, however, we did include the same studies across domains (eg, the study by Addington et al17 included measures for social perception, social knowledge, and emotion perception, therefore, Addington et al contributed 1 data point to each domain).

A total of 112 studies, yielding 154 effect sizes, met our selection criteria (table 2). We excluded articles from the total number (k = 1112) yielded by our search strategies for the following reasons: reviews or letters to the editor (k = 213), no NC sample (k = 393), no social cognition measures (k = 129), no schizophrenia sample/atypical schizophrenia sample, eg, prodrome, ultra-high-risk, or child sample (k = 198), <90% of sample with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder (k = 46), unusable data/no responses from authors to e-mails requesting data (k = 51), overlapping samples (k = 48). (Some articles met multiple exclusion criteria, but we only counted them once.) Among the non-indexed articles we found in PubMed (wherein we could not specify limits), we excluded 26 articles describing animal studies and 10 articles written in a language other than English.

Table 2.

Studies Included in the Meta-analysis: Description of Samples and Domain-wise Social Cognition Tasks

First Author Location of Research N (SCs) N (NCs) Years Ill (SCs) Sample Description (SCs) Social Cognition Task Domain
  1 Addingtona Canada 53 55 >3 O FEIT EP
Social Cue Discrimination Test SP
Situational Features Recognition Test (action) SK
  2 Baasa the Netherlands 18 28 9.9 O Trustworthiness Social Judgment Task SP
  3 Badan Bâ Switzerland 16 16 9.5 O ToM: First-order false belief stories ToM
  4 Bediou France 30 30 8.82 "clinically stable" Facial affect recognition EP
5 Benedetti Italy 24 20 12.7 O Comic-strip stories (ToM condition; errors) ToM
Comic-strip stories (Affective empathy condition; errors) EP
  6 Bigelow United States 20 14 2.7 B; recent-onset Movie stills—Unmasked Faces Test (accuracy) EP
  7 Boraa Australia, Turkey 91 55 10.7 O Eyes Test ToM
  8 Borod United States 20 21 13.58 "chronic" FEIT EP
  9 Bozikas Greece 36 30 10.92 I Cartoon stories (developed for Greek population; first-order false belief) ToM
10 Brünea Germany 23 18 12.3 Both Facial affect recognition task (total score) EP
Cartoon picture stories (first-order false belief) ToM
11 Brünea Germany 38 29 8.8 NR Cartoon picture stories-Mental states total (a + b) ToM
12 Brunet France 25 25 21.6 NR Attribution of Intention Task ToM
13 Chambon France 26 26 9.6 I Facial emotion recognition task (discriminability for upright faces) EP
14 Champagne-Lavau Canada 31 29 16.2 O Comic-strip stories ToM
15 Chen United States 19 30 18.1 NR NimStim Face Stimulus Test (“happy” condition) EP
Eyes task ToM
16 Chung United States 35 32 NR O Emotional Context Processing Task (valence ratings across conditions) EPr
17 Corcoran United Kingdom 59 44 13.9 O Hinting Task ToM
18 Corcorana United Kingdom 55 30 NR I Hinting Task ToM
19 Corrigan United States 26 14 NR O Schema Component Sequencing Task-Revised (Combined Juxtaposition score) SK
20 Corrigan United States 24 15 15.2 I Social Cue Perception Task (sensitivity to social cues) SP
21 Couturea United States 44 41 5.5 "mild psychopathology" Movie stills—with face (total) EP
The Abbreviated Trustworthiness task—Untrustworthy faces SP
Eyes task ToM
22 Csukly Hungary 58 29 10.8 O The Emotion Hexagon Task (total across conditions) EP
23 Das Australia 23 22 9.4 NR Online implicit mentalizing task (Intentionality condition) ToM
24 de Achával Argentina 20 20 NR O Faces Test (emotion recognition) EP
Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test ToM
25 Diaz United States 11 17 13.7 NR Working memory based on IAPS photographs (accuracy) EPr
26 Donohoe Ireland 73 78 18.2 O IPSAQ EB EB
27 Edwards Australia 29 24 NR O; first-episode Facial Affect Computer Tasks (FACT) #4, Emotion labeling task EP
28 Feinberg United States 20 20 NR I Faces with standardized emotions (Emotions labeling task) EP
29 Fisher United States 91 30 NR O Facial Affect Recognition EP
30 Fujiwara Japan 26 20 10.1 O Perception of Affect Tasks (PAT)—Matching the social situation with emotional labels ToM
PAT—Matching emotional faces with emotional labels EP
PAT—Matching emotional faces with nonverbal social situations EPr
31 Green United States 81 46 FE O; first-episode MSCEIT (Identifying Emotions) EP
MSCEIT (Managing Emotions) EPr
TASIT (Perception of Social Inference—Enriched) ToM
Relationships Across Domains SP
31a Green United States 53 47 >5 O; chronic MSCEIT (Identifying Emotions) EP
MSCEIT (Managing Emotions) EPr
TASIT (Perception of Social Inference—Enriched) ToM
Relationships Across Domains SP
32 Green Australia 20 22 NR O Vignette-Face Task (accuracy) EPr
Facial emotion processing task (accuracy) EP
33 Gur United States 14 14 NR O Emotional valence discrimination task EP
34 Hall United Kingdom 20 20 NR NR Hexagon task (face emotion recognition) EP
Social Cognition Test (complex social judgments) SP
35 Haralanova Bulgaria 30 30 14.23 I Task based on IAPS and Munich Affective Picture System (neutral stimuli, subjective emotional arousal) EPr
36 Harringtona New Zealand 25 38 10.9 B Position sequencing position scores (social script and mechanical stories) SK
False Belief stories (first-order ToM) ToM
37 Heimberg United States 20 20 NR I; first hospitalization, neuroleptic naïve Facial emotion discrimination EP
38 Hirao Japan 20 20 10.6 NR Reading the Mind in the Eyes ToM
39 Hooker United States 20 27 18.8 O Facial affect recognition (based on Benton Test of Facial Recognition) EP
40 Hooker United States 21 17 24.47 O The Recognition of Faux Pas test % correct, Faux Pas total score ToM
41 Horan United States 45 41 14.6 I FEIT EP
42 Ibanez Argentina 13 13 12.46 NR Valence categorization task EP
43 Irani United States 10 10 NR O Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task (accuracy) ToM
44 Johnston Australia 18 18 >2 O Facial emotion recognition (accuracy) EP
45 Kantrowitz United States 41 41 NR I Voice emotion recognition EP
46 Kelemen Hungary 52 30 NR O Eyes Test ToM
47 Kern United States 50 44 NR O TASIT (Perception of Social Inference—Enriched) ToM
48 Kern United States 176 300 19.5 O MSCEIT (Managing Emotions) EPr
49 Kerr United States 29 23 NR I FEIT EP
50 Kinderman & Bentall United Kingdom 20 20 NR I IPSAQ EB EB
51 Kington United Kingdom 16 16 11.96 B Expression Recognition Test—Basic Emotions, Faces EP
Expression Recognition Test—Complex Mental States, Eyes ToM
52 Kline United States 27 15 NR O Facial affect labeling EP
53 Kohler United States 35 45 5.6 O Emotion valence task EP
54 Kosmidis Greece 28 26 11.4 NR TASIT (modified for Greek sample, Perception of Social Inference) ToM
55 Kosmidis Greece 37 32 10.9 Both Emotion discrimination task EP
56 Kubota France 25 10 12.5 Both; hearing-impaired Facial affect labeling task EP
57 Kucharska-Pietura Poland 100 50 7.6 I Facial emotion recognition task EP
58 Kuperberg United States 18 18 16.9 O Two-sentence scenarios to assess perception of emotional valence EP
59 Langdona Australia 35 34 12.6 O IPSAQ EB EB
Picture Sequencing Task—False Belief ToM
Picture Sequencing Task—Social Script SK
60 Lee United States 12 13 NR O Belief Attribution Task: False Belief ToM
61 Leentjens Netherlands 26 24 18 O Facial affect discrimination task EP
62 Leitman United States 43 34 NR FEIT EP
63 Lepage Canada 30 28 8.5 O Facial emotion valence perception EP
64 Leppanen South Africa 44 40 13.7 O Mac-Brain Face Stimulus Set (% hits across "happy" conditions) EP
65 Lewis United States 18 10 NR I Facial affect recognition (errors) EP
66 Lincoln Germany 75 75 10 B Theory of mind movie task of social situations (“intentions” condition) ToM
67 Marjoram United Kingdom 15 15 11.3 B Hinting Task ToM
68 Martin France 20 20 12.6 I Facial affect matching task (accuracy) EPr
69 Martino Argentina 21 15 8.57 O Faux-pas task ToM
70 Mathewsa United States 40 40 NR O Facial emotion recognition (discrimination) EP
TASIT (Perception of Social Inference subtests) ToM
71, 72 Matsui / Sumiyoshib Japan 25 32 NR O Frequency judgment task SP
73 Mier Germany 16 16 NR O Affective ToM task ToM
Facial recognition of emotion EP
74 Mo China 29 22 19.34 I Sally-Ann stories (first-order false belief) ToM
75 Montag Germany 80 80 9.8 B Movie for Assessment of Social Cognition (mental state decoding) ToM
76 Mueser United States 28 15 NR I FEIT EP
77 Novic United States 17 17 10.6 I Facial affect recognition EP
78 Park United States 20 16 NR O Emotional identification EP
79 Pijnenborg Netherlands 46 53 7 O Facial expression identification task EP
80 Pinkhama United States 49 44 10.4 O FEIT EP
Schema Component Sequencing Task (accuracy) SK
Hinting Task ToM
81 Pinkhama United States 24 12 NR O Trustworthiness/approachability task (% rated trustworthy) SP
82 Pousa Spain 61 51 10.69 O Picture Sequencing Task (Social Script) SK
Picture Sequencing Task (False Belief) ToM
83 Randalla United Kingdom 32 18 NR O ToM: first-order false belief stories ToM
84 Reske Germany 12 15 NR First-episode Facial Emotion Discrimination Task (% correct) EP
85 Rubin United States 22 31 13.23 NR; all women Penn Emotion Acuity Test EP
85a Rubin United States 26 26 11.58 NR; all men Penn Emotion Acuity Test EP
86 Russell United Kingdom 5 7 13 NR Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (errors) ToM
87 Sachs Austria 40 43 3.7 I Emotion differentiation test EP
Penn Emotion Acuity Test EPr
88 Sarfatia France 25 15 NR I Comic-strip stories (ToM) ToM
89 Sasson United States 10 10 4.2 O Movie Stills Task (Face-present condition) EP
90 Schimansky Switzerland 40 39 12.5 B Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test ToM
91 Schneider Germany/United States 20 20 NR I Facial Emotions for Brain Activation Test-Emotion Discrimination (accuracy) EP
92 Scholten The Netherlands 53 42 5.9 Both Facial affect recognition task EP
93 Shamay-Tsoorya Israel 24 28 NR O Ekman Faces Test EP
Cognitive ToM task ToM
94 Stewart United Kingdom 59 38 13.95 B Request/Response Task (Knowledge Attribution) ToM
95 Streit Germany, Japan 15 12 NR I Pictures of Facial Affect (first affect recognition run) EP
96 Suslow Germany 49 28 NR Both Emotion priming/Facial emotion discrimination task (decision latencies) EPr
97 Tenyi Hungary 26 26 NR NR Violations of the Maxim of Relevance (ToM vignettes) ToM
98 Tomlinson United Kingdom 16 24 NR NR Point-light images EP
99 Toomeya United States 28 28 NR I; institutionalized Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity Test (total) SP
100 Tse Hong Kong 40 46 15.15 Facial Affect Perception Test (FAP) (total error) EP
101 Tso United States 33 33 17.9 O Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task ToM
MSCEIT (Managing Emotions) EPr
102 Tsoi United Kingdom 30 30 17.5 B Six sets of cartoon picture stories ToM
103 Turetsky United States 16 16 9 O Penn Facial Emotion Stimuli EP
104 Van't Wout the Netherlands 37 41 9.62 Both Facial affect recognition (degraded faces) errors across emotion conditions EP
105 Vaskinn United States 72 58 NR O The Interpersonal Perception Task-15 SP
106 Vistolia France 19 21 NR NR Comic-strips stories (ToM; errors) ToM
107 Weniger Germany 45 30 6.7 NR Facial affect recognition (errors) EP
108 Williamsa Australia 28 72 0.95 O; first-episode Facial Emotions for Brain Activation Test (Emotion Discrimination accuracy) EP
109 Wolwer Germany 32 21 NR I Facial affect recognition EP
110 Wynna United States 33 42 NR O Half-PONS SP
111 Yamashita Japan 49 28 14 O Means-Ends Problem Solving Procedure SK
112 Zhu China 40 31 9.2 I Faux pas Test (Faux pas recognition questions) ToM
113 Ziv Israel 30 30 13.2 O ToM stories (first-order false belief) ToM
Emotion Inference Questionnaire SP

Notes: All references in this table are listed in the supplemental material. Tasks used in multiple studies: FEIT, Face Emotion Identification Test; IAPS, International Affective Picture System; TASIT, The Awareness of Social Inference Test; IPSAQ, Internal, Personal, Situational Attribution Questionnaire; PONS, Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity; MSCEIT, Mayer–Salovey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (In all cases, we used the names of the task as specified in the report.) Social cognition domains: ToM, Theory of Mind; EP, Emotion Perception; EPr, Emotion Processing; SP, Social Perception; SK, Social Knowledge; EB, Externalizing Bias; PB, Personalizing Bias; SC, schizophrenia sample; NC, normal comparison sample; NR, not reported; O, outpatients; I, inpatients; B, mixed inpatient and outpatient sample; Unless indicated, NOT specified as first-episode.

aIndicate studies chosen among several with overlapping samples.

bStudy authors indicated (via e-mail correspondence) that the 2 articles reported data collected at the same time from the SC and NC samples.

Data Extraction and Coding

Prior to conducting our analyses, we coded the following variables from the studies we reviewed: (1) first author, publication year, and country of origin; (2) number of participants, gender distribution, years of education in both groups; (3) duration of illness, inpatient vs outpatient status, first-episode vs not, type of antipsychotic medication, additional sample descriptors for the schizophrenia sample; (4) means and SDs, (or when unavailable), t values, F values, or chi-squared values for one measure per domain for each study. We classified emotion labeling tasks under the emotion perception domain, tasks requiring discrimination between emotion valences, and managing emotions under the emotion-processing domain. For attributional bias, we coded externalizing bias (EB) and personalizing bias (PB) separately; all studies included in our meta-analysis measured attributional bias with the Internal, Personal, and Situational Attributions Questionnaire (IPSAQ)18 (there are other measures of attributional bias that have been used in people with schizophrenia, but they were not among those used in the studies that met our selection criteria). The IPSAQ yields an EB score (calculated by subtracting the number of internal attributions for negative events from the number of internal attributions for positive events) and a PB score (calculated by dividing the number of personal attributions for negative events by the sum of both personal and situational attributions for negative events).

Statistical Analysis

In all domains except attributional bias, scores reflected social cognitive abilities (with lower scores indicating poorer social cognition). We examined PB and EB separately; the scores in this case reflected the direction of bias, rather than impaired vs intact performance. All analyses were conducted in STATA/IC, version 10 (StataCorp. 2007. Stata Statistical Software: Release 10. College Station, TX: StataCorp LP). We used standardized mean difference effect sizes with Hedges correction for small sample size bias, ie, “g” to compare the schizophrenia and NC samples.19 We calculated the mean effect sizes for each of the social cognition categories using the meta program. Forest plots and funnel graphs were created using the metagraph and metafunnel programs, respectively. We calculated a fail-safe n using Orwin’s formula,20 using a criterion effect size of 0.2. The fail-safe n is the number of studies with effect sizes of zero that would reduce the mean effect size to 0.2, a small effect.21 We examined publication bias with Egger’s regression intercept test, a statistical test of funnel plot asymmetry, using the metabias program.

When the homogeneity analysis (Q-test22) was significant and the I2 index was greater than 50 (ie, more than 50% [a medium level] of total variability is due to true heterogeneity23), we used a random effects model in the mean effect size analysis and followed up with meta-regressions to examine heterogeneity between studies (metan program).

The independent variables to be examined in the meta-regressions, determined a priori, included the following: age, years of education, percent male, illness duration, first-episode (vs chronic/multiepisode), inpatient status (vs outpatient), and English speaking (vs not). Age, education, and percent male were all entered as 2 variables each (eg, age of schizophrenia sample and age of normal controls) as all studies reported these variables as 2 separate categories. Due to the large amount of missing data from each of the categories, separate univariate regressions were conducted for each pre-determined variable, to ensure that all available data would be utilized. (If all independent variables were included in a single regression, the k would decrease by more than 50% for many of the analyses, thus severely limiting interpretation of results.)


Study Characteristics

Forty-two of the 112 studies included in our final analysis were conducted in the United States. Assessments in 48 of the 112 studies were conducted in a language other than English (we assumed that assessments in the United States and the United Kingdom were conducted in English unless otherwise noted [k = 2]).

Sample Characteristics

The 112 articles (comprising 114 unique samples) reported on 3908 SCs and 3570 NCs. Not all studies reported demographic data, although most reported age of participants (k = 110). The average age of SCs and NCs was 35.1 years (mean SD = 9.1) and 34.5 years (mean SD = 9.4), respectively. SCs had fewer years of education than did NC participants (mean years = 12.3 and 13.9 years, respectively; k = 76). Most of the study participants were men (mean = 67.0% in SCs, k = 109 and mean = 60.5% in NCs, k = 106).

Mean duration of illness of the SCs was 11.9 years (mean SD = 8.1; k = 69), which included four studies of first-episode patients (37 studies did not describe their sample in terms of chronicity). Twenty-four studies were conducted with inpatients with schizophrenia, 52 with community-dwelling outpatients, and 15 with both (21 studies did not report type of treatment setting). Seventy-one-point-three percent of the SCs across the studies were prescribed at least one atypical antipsychotic medication. Studies widely differed in the assessments they used to measure presence and severity of psychopathology among their SC participants; however, from our examination of the symptom scores, it appeared that participants generally had a mild to moderate level of symptoms.

Effect Size Calculations

SCs performed more poorly on all domains of social cognition compared with NCs. Effects sizes are reported in table 3 and are described below. Please see supplementary material for forest plots and funnel graphs for studies under each domain.

Table 3.

Effect Sizes, Heterogeneity across Studies, and Publication Bias

Domain k ES (g) CI P Q df P n (NC) n (SC) Fail-safe n a Bias Coefficient Bias SE P
Theory of mind 50    0.96 ±13 <0.001 146.19 49 <0.001 1536 1760 191    3.2 0.80 <0.001
Social perception 13    1.04 ±25 <0.001   37.91 12 <0.001   450   503 54    3.72 1.77    0.06
Social knowledge   7    0.54 ±17 <0.001   10.48   6   0.106   263   298 12    3.62 2.69    0.237
Externalizing bias   5 −0.02 ±38   0.918   14.56   4   0.006   225   221 −6 −0.71 3.26    0.841
Personalizing bias   5 −0.17 ±55   0.532   29.33   4 <0.001   225   221 −9 −6.61 2.52    0.079
Emotion perception 62    0.89 ±17 <0.001 324.63 61 <0.001 1715 1935 214    4.17 1.11 <0.001
Emotion processing 12    0.88 ±30 <0.001   54.56 11 <0.001   638   574 41 −1.09 1.67    0.528

Note: k, number of studies; ES, effect size (Hedge’s g); CI, confidence interval; Q, homogeneity analysis.

aNumber of studies with effect size of 0 needed to reduce the mean effect size to a criterion level (ie, d = medium effect size of 0.5 or small effect size of 0.2).

ToM (k = 50, n[NC] = 1536, n[SC] = 1760)

The mean effect for ToM was large (g = 0.96, with 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.83 – 1.09, P < .001). We examined the potential role of age, education, gender, illness duration, inpatient status, and English-speaking status in the statistically significant heterogeneity across ToM studies (Q = 146.19, P < .001; I2 = 66.5). There were no studies of ToM that included only first-episode patients. None of the variables examined significantly explained variability in the effect sizes (P ≥ .063). The fail-safe n was 191. Egger’s bias coefficient was significant (bias = 3.20, se = 0.80, P < .001) indicating possible publication bias.

Social Perception (k = 13, n[NC] = 450, n[SC] = 503)

The mean effect for social perception was large (g = 1.04, 95% CI = 0.79 – 1.29, P < .001). We examined the potential role of age, education, gender, illness duration, first-episode status, inpatient status, and English-speaking status to explain the heterogeneity among the effect sizes (Q = 37.91, P < .001; I2 = 68.3).

Only inpatient status significantly accounted for variability in the social perception effect sizes (estimate = 1.07, SE = 0.29, P = .005), with inpatients having greater deficits than outpatients. The remaining variables were not significant (P ≥ .189). The fail-safe n was 54. Egger’s bias coefficient was not significant (P = .060).

Social Knowledge (k = 7, n[NC] = 263, n[SC] = 298)

The mean effect for social knowledge was medium (g = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.37 – 0.72, P < .001), and there was no statistically significant evidence of heterogeneity across these studies (Q = 10.48, P = .106; I2 = 42.8). The fail-safe n was 12. Egger’s bias coefficient was not significant (P = .237).

Attributional Bias (k = 5, n[NC] = 225, n[SC] = 221)

The mean effect for both EB and PB was negligible (g = −0.02, 95% CI = −0.40 to 0.36, P = .918 and g = −0.17, 95% CI = −0.72 to 0.37, P = .532, respectively). Because both effect size estimates were nonsignificant, we did not conduct further analyses on these constructs. (We also conducted separate analyses on three of the four studies that included only SCs with persecutory delusions and found no difference in the results.)

Emotion Perception (k = 62, n[NC] = 1715, n[SC] = 1935)

The mean effect for emotion perception (k = 62) was large (g = 0.89, 95% CI = 0.72 − 1.05, P < .001). We examined the potential role of age, years of education, percent male, illness duration, first-episode status, inpatient status, and English-speaking status to explain the statistically significant heterogeneity across studies (Q = 324.63, P < 0.001; I2 = 81.2).

Inpatient status was the only variable that significantly accounted for variability in the emotion perception effect sizes (estimate = 0.56, SE = 0.18, P = .002), with inpatients having greater deficits than outpatients. The remaining variables were not significant (P ≥ .140). The fail-safe n was 214. Egger’s bias coefficient was significant (bias = 4.17, se = 1.11, P < .001), indicating possible publication bias.

Emotion Processing (k = 12, n[NC] = 638, n[SC] = 574)

The mean effect for emotion processing (k = 12) was large (g = 0.88, 95% CI = 0.58 − 1.17, P < .001). We examined the potential role of age, education, gender, illness duration, first-episode status, inpatient status, and English-speaking status to explain the statistically significant heterogeneity across studies (Q = 54.56, P < .001; I2=79.8).

Illness duration was the only variable that significantly accounted for variability in the emotion processing effect sizes (estimate = 0.08, SE = 0.03, P = .04); longer illness duration accounted for more pronounced deficits. The remaining variables were not significant (P ≥ .118). The fail-safe n was 41. Egger’s bias coefficient was not significant (P = .528).


The goal of this study was to review and examine the quantitative evidence of deficits in domains of social cognition in schizophrenia, including those that have not been extensively studied but deemed important by the NIMH consensus statement on social cognition in schizophrenia.3 SCs performed more poorly than did the NC participants across all domains. Each of the social cognition domains had high levels of heterogeneity among the effect sizes within the domains, except attributional bias. The direction of all effects, however, was the same, and we examined this heterogeneity with regression analyses.

There were no significant differences in the direction of attributional bias between the NCs and SCs, including the subset of patients with persecutory delusions. There was no heterogeneity in the effect sizes for PB or EB, and notably, unlike the other domains, the same measure of attributional bias was used across all the studies we included in our analysis. There was some evidence from the studies included in this meta-analysis that PB was associated with paranoid traits in people across both samples, but not specifically with a schizophrenia diagnosis. There is evidence from other studies comparing SCs with paranoia to those without, suggesting that the former tend to have an EB for negative events.24

The large effect seen for ToM (Hedge’s g = 0.96 in 50 studies) was consistent with previous meta-analyses with fewer studies (Sprong et al14: k = 29, Cohen’s d = −1.26; Bora et al13 k = 36, d [range across individual tasks] = 0.90 − 1.08). The large effect for emotion perception (g = 0.89 in 62 studies) was also as expected, based on reviews and a recent meta-analysis of emotion identification in schizophrenia (Kohler et al15: k = 86, d = −0.91).25 (Unlike Kohler et al,15 we selected 1 emotion identification task per study and excluded studies with overlapping samples.) Our results also call attention to the importance of social perception, which had the largest effect size (g = 1.04 in 13 studies), and emotion processing, which had a large effect size (g = 0.88 in 12 studies). These 2 domains have not been studied nearly as extensively as ToM and emotion perception, but the strength of their effects warrants future research on these domains. Social knowledge, too, is a lesser studied domain in schizophrenia; however, like crystallized “cold” cognition abilities, one might expect that declarative social knowledge, such as scripts for common social situations, may be relatively less impaired than other social cognitive abilities in schizophrenia (g = 0.54 in seven studies).

Heterogeneity in effect sizes between studies within the domains was not accounted for by age, gender, education, or language in the schizophrenia samples. Patients with longer duration of illness had greater deficits in emotion processing, and greater deficits in social perception and emotion perception were associated with inpatient status. Studies have demonstrated that fluctuations in social cognition impairments do not seem to be related to symptoms of reality distortion (ie, delusions and hallucinations), but have fairly strong relationships with disorganization and negative symptoms.16 We could not examine in detail the mechanisms underlying inpatient status and worse social and emotion perception deficits due to the lack of available data. However, given that hospitalization is typically associated with elevated positive symptoms (rather than negative symptoms),26 our results suggest that acute psychosis may disrupt some aspects of social cognition. A recent factor analysis also showed that positive symptoms and agitation are also associated with a “hostile attributional style” among SCs27 (we did not conduct any regression analyses for attributional style because of lack of heterogeneity in the effect sizes).

We were restricted in our ability to conduct multivariate regression analyses by missing data; furthermore, we were unable to use data on symptom severity, type and length of antipsychotic treatment, or similar disease burden variables, given the varied manner in which sample characteristics were assessed. However, the majority of the unexplained variance appears to stem from several factors related to the social cognition measures (table 2 demonstrates the heterogeneity in how a given construct was measured): (1) except for established and widely used tasks such as the Reading the Mind in the Eyes task, few measures were standardized; (2) tasks were modified, culturally adapted, and/or translated, such that equivalence of task versions was unknown. Social cognition tasks also face the problems that underlie neuropsychological tests; when tasks are not matched on relevant psychometric variables (such as task difficulty) and differ in their ability to discriminate between high and low performances, we cannot make inferences about differential deficits in a patient population with certainty.28 Thus, apparent performance differences may be confounded by the differing discriminatory power of the tests.

Despite the limitations of the studies we reviewed, the results are important in that they suggest that social cognition deficits clearly exist in schizophrenia across domains and may reflect some overlapping deficits among people with the illness. Some domains of social cognition have smaller effects than others, and most have substantially smaller effects than certain nonsocial cognitive domains, notably, processing speed as measured by Digit Symbol tasks (g = 1.57).29 However, a large effect size may not necessarily be indicative of a central or core deficit, whereas small effects can have a considerable impact on outcomes, depending on their position within a longer causal sequence. This point is also underscored in reviews and meta-analyses demonstrating that social cognition deficits are more strongly related to functioning than are neurocognitive deficits.9,10 The meta-analysis by Fett and colleagues10 separated out the effects of social perception and emotion processing and perception on community functioning, and the results from the current meta-analysis place those findings in a broader context by quantifying the degree of deficit in those domains in a way that has not been done before. There is also evidence from evolutionary biology and cognitive neuroscience research that social and nonsocial higher-order cognitive processes are intricately related constructs and are associated with overlapping neurobiological systems (eg, medial prefrontal cortex) that are implicated in schizophrenia.30,31 To that end, this meta-analysis does not allow for an estimation of the independence of social cognitive impairments from more general cognitive impairments, or the specific processes underlying social cognitive deficits. Indeed, the clinical study of social cognition may have far outpaced the development of conceptual models and finer measures of social cognition in schizophrenia.


In conclusion, previously published meta-analyses of social cognition in schizophrenia have focused on 2 domains (ToM and emotion perception) without comparing them to other domains. Given the multifaceted nature of social cognition in schizophrenia, comparing results across all six NIMH consensus domains is warranted in order to examine differential deficits across domains and predictors of impairment. Our meta-analysis replicated the results of existing meta-analyses of ToM and emotion perception, but we also examined the other four domains of social cognition in schizophrenia, with an emphasis on the magnitude of and potential variables associated with heterogeneity. Furthermore, our study highlights the importance of further research on social perception and emotion processing, which showed some of the largest effect sizes, yet have been less studied than some of the other domains. Additionally, deficits in both of these domains were related to disease-burden variables (inpatient status and chronicity, respectively) and may have implications for functional intervention. Our study also found no significant differences in attributional style between the schizophrenia and healthy comparison groups, with no heterogeneity in effect sizes within the PB and EB sub-domains. Heterogeneity of results within the other domains was largely unexplained, which underscores the need for development and use of psychometrically sound assessments that can reliably measure social cognition in schizophrenia. Future models of functional impairment in schizophrenia that incorporate social cognition will be needed, along with a better understanding of the biological and environmental underpinnings of such impairments, to inform more effective treatment.


This work was supported by National Institute of Mental Health grants (T32MH 019934 to G.N.S. and L.V.) and (R01MH 080150 and R34 MH93453 to E.W.T.).

Supplementary Material

Supplementary material is available at http://

Supplementary Data


The authors would like to thank Nancy Stimson, Outreach Services Librarian at the UC San Diego Biomedical Library for her assistance in conducting the literature search, and Michael Leshen and Jamie Dunbaugh for their assistance with data tabulation. We would also like to thank the study authors whom we contacted for more data, for their prompt responses. The authors have declared that there are no conflicts of interest in relation to the subject of this study.


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Articles from Schizophrenia Bulletin are provided here courtesy of Oxford University Press