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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2013 Jul 23;22(4):689–714. doi: 10.1016/j.chc.2013.06.003

Gray Matter Alterations in Schizophrenia High-Risk Youth and Early-Onset Schizophrenia: A Review of Structural MRI Findings

Benjamin K Brent a,b,c,d, Heidi W Thermenos a,b,c,d, Matcheri S Keshavan a,b,c, Larry J Seidman a,b,c,d
PMCID: PMC3767930  NIHMSID: NIHMS492222  PMID: 24012081


The purpose of this article is to provide a review of the literature on structural MRI findings in pediatric and young adult populations at clinical or genetic high-risk for schizophrenia, as well as in early-onset schizophrenia. The authors discuss the implications of this research for understanding the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and for early intervention strategies for prevention of the illness. The evidence linking brain structural changes in pre-psychosis development and early-onset schizophrenia with disruptions of normal neurodevelopmental processes during childhood and/or adolescence are described. In addition, the authors outline future directions for research to address current knowledge gaps regarding the neurobiological basis of brain structural abnormalities in schizophrenia and to help improve the utility of these abnormalities for preventative interventions.

Keywords: schizophrenia, structural MRI, high-risk, prodrome, early-onset schizophrenia, childhood-onset schizophrenia


Neuroimaging studies over the last four decades have provided overwhelming evidence that schizophrenia is a disorder involving widespread abnormalities of brain structure1. It is thought that the neurobiological processes underlying these structural abnormalities are central to the pathophysiology of schizophrenia2. However, the specific mechanisms involved in producing the structural deficits of schizophrenia remain incompletely understood. While no focal brain abnormality has been identified unequivocally, structural abnormalities including enlargement of the lateral and third ventricles, and reduced lateral temporal cortical, medial temporal, and prefrontal lobe volumes are consistently reported in persons with schizophrenia1. Further, alterations of brain structure are linked with key psychotic symptoms (e.g., auditory hallucinations3, delusions4), neurocognitive deficits5, and social dysfunction6 in schizophrenia.

Neurodevelopmental models hypothesize that pathological processes occurring during “early” (i.e., perinatally) and/or “late” (i.e., adolescent/young adult) brain development (e.g., aberrant migration of neuronal precursor cells during gestation and/or excessive dendritic pruning during adolescence) may be key to the emergence of the brain structural alterations occurring in schizophrenia7, 8. Growing evidence from studies of typically developing children shows that brain maturational processes continue well into adolescence9. Neuroimaging studies, for example, reveal changes in the rates of gray to white matter (WM) during the second decade of life, with increases in WM (largely comprised of myelinated axon bundles) accompanied by reductions in gray matter ([GM]; an index of cellular and unmyelinated fiber density)10, 11. It is thought that, at least in part, these findings are indicative of changes in cellular-level processes, such as myelinization by oligodendrocytes (increased WM) and neuronal apoptosis resulting in dendritic pruning (GM reduction), which together contribute to improved regional communication and more efficient neuronal coding over the course of adolescence12. Additionally, several studies suggest a characteristic temporal pattern of GM reduction, with structural decrements proceeding from posterior cortical areas (e.g., parietal cortex) during childhood to anterior brain regions (e.g., prefrontal cortex (PFC)) during late adolescence and early adulthood13, 14. It has been hypothesized that this lag in PFC GM maturation may result in an “imbalance” during adolescence between earlier developing mesolimbic structures mediating responses to pleasurable stimuli (i.e., the brain’s reward circuitry) and less fully-developed prefrontal brain areas involved in response inhibition and cognitive control12. Thus, the trajectories of structural brain changes in normal development are increasingly believed to provide a neurobiological basis for the increase in impulsivity and risk-taking behavior that contribute to making adolescence a period of heightened risk for the emergence of a broad range of psychopathology, including schizophrenia15.

Several lines of evidence provide substantial support for the neurodevelopmental hypothesis that alterations of normal brain maturational processes are implicated in the characteristic structural abnormalities of schizophrenia. This evidence, reviewed extensively elsewhere2, 16, 17, includes:

  1. Neuropathological findings in schizophrenia consistent with microneuroanatomical alterations (e.g., abnormal laminal organization and orientation of neurons) associated with gestational development in the prefrontal, cingulate, and lateral temporal cortices, as well as the hippocampus1820.

  2. Structural MRI observations of abnormal prefrontal and/or temporal cortical surface morphology in adult21 and early-onset schizophrenia (EOS)22, as well as in adolescents at genetic high risk (GHR) for schizophrenia 23, that are thought to reflect perturbations of gyrification during early development.

  3. Reduced cortical neuropil and somal size found in post mortem studies of schizophrenia24, 25, suggestive of dysregulated apoptosis and/or synaptic pruning in adolescence

  4. Immunohistochemical and genetic linkage and association studies26 implicating gene mutations in persons with schizophrenia that are thought to disrupt normal cortical developmental processes – e.g., early synaptogenesis (e.g., RELN27) and changes in dendritic spines during adolescence (e.g., DISC 128).

  5. Animal models showing that early alterations of GM development produce later abnormalities of adolescent cortical function that are analogous to those observed in schizophrenia29.

Despite the accumulating evidence for brain dysmaturation during childhood and adolescent development in schizophrenia, many questions regarding the pathophysiology of the structural brain abnormalities of schizophrenia remain unanswered. For example, it is not clear when GM loss first begins during development1 – e.g., whether less GM in schizophrenia is the product of primarily early (intrauterine/perinatal), or late (peri-adolescent/early adult) dysmaturational processes, or some combination of the two. Further, how environmental, or epigenetic risk and/or protective factors might influence the course of neurodevelopment, or how alterations of brain structure are specifically linked to the emergence of psychotic symptoms have yet to be determined. Additionally, it is acknowledged that although there has been significant growth in neuroscientific understanding of normal brain development, relatively few studies have focused directly on youth (age less than 18 years) who develop schizophrenia (i.e., EOS)30, or adolescents or young adults (age less than 30 years) at risk for the illness (whether by virtue of family relatedness to a person with schizophrenia (GHR), or as a result of symptoms or functional decline thought to be indicative of clinical high-risk (CHR) for full blown psychosis). Characterizing the structural brain changes observed in studies of youth/young adults at GHR or CHR for schizophrenia, as well as in EOS, may be critical to refining current understanding of the timing and pathophysiology of these alterations. It may also help us to identify individuals who could benefit from early treatment interventions. Toward this end, we provide a selective review of structural MRI findings in pediatric at-risk populations and EOS. Our goal is to identify the common findings and gaps in current knowledge regarding structural brain changes associated with the trajectory of schizophrenia risk in youth and young adult development in order to provide future directions for research.

Structural MRI Findings in Genetic High-Risk for Schizophrenia Individuals

Based on the evidence regarding the strong heritability of schizophrenia – approximately 60–80% of the liability to schizophrenia is due to genes31 -- GHR structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research has focused on the identification of neural abnormalities during the adolescent and young adult development of non-psychotic, first-degree relatives of persons with schizophrenia. This work is motivated by the drive to understand brain development prior to psychosis and to observe it largely without medication and illness state-related confounds that commonly complicate schizophrenia research. According to the GHR model32, it is hypothesized that schizophrenia results from the cumulative vulnerability of multiple genetic and environmental factors, each associated with relatively small effects. Prior to the onset of psychosis, subclinical neuroanatomical, or other abnormalities (e.g., reduced hippocampal GM volume, or neurocognitive deficits) are thought to be reliably detectable and expressed in non-psychotic, first-degree relatives of patients, who on average share 50% of genes with their affected family member33. A particular strength of the GHR approach is that it allows for the identification of neural markers of schizophrenia risk preceding psychosis-like symptoms. Findings from GHR research, therefore, could contribute to greater understanding of pathophysiological processes associated with early development, as well as to the identification of vulnerability markers that may be particularly useful for early detection strategies for psychosis prevention7, 34. Additionally, longitudinal GHR research in children and adolescents may be able to distinguish temporally distal neuroanatomical abnormalities associated with schizophrenia risk from those more closely linked to the timing of psychosis onset7.

Recently, our group has carried out a comprehensive review35 of all GHR MRI studies involving individuals 30 years of age or younger, bringing together the results from 14 independent research groups, 12 of whom have contributed structural MRI data (Table 1). It should be noted that studies included in this review employed a variety of MRI morphometric techniques (e.g., voxel-based morphometry and manual parcellation), as well as differing MRI software packages (e.g., Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM), FreeSurfer) and methods to correct for multiple comparisons (e.g., whole brain vs. region-of-interest (ROI)). Below, we summarize the main findings.

Table 1.

Structural MRI findings from studies of genetic high-risk for schizophrenia individuals less than age 30

Group Author (Year) Study type Results
Pittsburgh Keshavan et al. (1997) Cross-sectional -Smaller L amygdala and enlarged 3rd ventricle
Keshavan et al. (2002) Cross-sectional -Smaller bilateral amygdala-hippocampal complex and intracranial volume
Rajarethinam et al. (2004) Cross-sectional -Smaller superior temporal gyrus bilaterally
Jou et al. (2005) Cross-sectional -Altered gyrification of L anterior cortical surface
Diwadkar et al. (2006) Cross-sectional -GHR showed smaller PFC GM
-GHR with symptoms showed smaller PFC, thalamus, and cuneus GM vs. GHR without symptoms
Bhojraj et al. (2009) Cross-sectional -Smaller L PT, R Heschl’s gyrus, L supramarginal and R angular gyri
-Reversed PT asymmetry, exaggerated Heschl’s gyrus asymmetry, attenuated supramarginal/angular gyri
Prasad et al. (2010) Longitudinal -Reduced gyral surface area in fronto-parietal lobes
-Increased gyral cortical thinning
-Shrinkage of total surface area (bilateral frontal/occipital cortices) at 1-yr follow-up.
Bhojraj et al. (2010) Cross-sectional -Smaller bilateral lateral temporal, R inferior parietal, and L posterior cingulate cortices
-Smaller bilateral precuneus and R DLPFC
Bhojraj et al., (2011a) Longitudinal -Reduced bilateral lateral orbitofrontal, L rostral anterior cingulate, L medial PFC, R inferior frontal gyrus, and L frontal pole over time in GHR
-Smaller volumes predicted greater severity of symptoms at baseline and at follow-up
-Smaller baseline volumes and longitudinal decrease in volumes predicted greater severity of prodromal symptoms over time
Bhojraj et al. (2011b) Longitudinal -L surface area in auditory association cortex and laterality index showed decline over time in GHR
Edinburgh Lawrie et al. (1999) Cross-sectional -Smaller L amygdala-hippocampal complex volume and bilateral thalamus in GHR
Harris et al. (2004) Cross-sectional -Increased R PFC gyrification index in GHR who developed schizophrenia
Job et al. (2005) Longitudinal -GHR with symptoms showed reduction in L superior lateral hippocampal surface, L fusiform gyrus, L uncus, L inferior temporal gyrus, and L STG
Job et al. (2006) Longitudinal -Changes over time in inferior temporal gyrus were significantly predictive of developing schizophrenia in GHR
Lymer et al. (2006) Cross-sectional -L superior temporal gyrus GM density associated with schizotypal symptoms in GHR
McIntosh et al (2011) Longitudinal -Smaller bilateral PFC volume in GHR vs. controls at baseline
-GHR who transition to psychosis show significant reduction in bilateral PFC volume
-GHR as a whole show significant reductions in whole-brain volume, L and R temporal lobes, and L frontal lobe volume
NIMH Gogtay et al. (2003) Cross-sectional -Smaller total cerebral, frontal and parietal lobe GM volume in GHR
Gogtay et al. (2007) Cross-sectional -Smaller GM in L PFC and bilateral temporal cortices in GHR
Mattai et al. (2011) Longitudinal -Smaller baseline GM in bilateral PFC, L temporal cortex, and parietal cortex that normalized by age 17
NYU Li et al. (2012) Cross-sectional -Thinning of inferior frontal gyrus GM volume in GHR
-Increased cortical thickness in PFC, temporal and parietal cortices in GHR
Iowa Ho et al. (2010) Cross-sectional -Smaller bilateral hippocampal volume in GHR
WU Harms et al. (2010) Cross-sectional -Smaller inferior frontal gyrus GM in GHR
Karnik-Henry et al. (2012) Cross-sectional -Thinner parahippocampal volume in GHR
Harvard AHRS Rosso et al. (2010) Cross-sectional -Smaller bilateral vmPFC and frontal pole GM volume in GHR
-vmPFC volume negatively correlated with schizotypal symptoms in GHR
UNC Dougherty et al. (2012) Cross-sectional -Greater positive association between age and hippocampal and basal gangliar volumes in GHR
Turkey Sismanlar et al. (2010) Cross-sectional -Smaller bilateral hippocampal volume in GHR
Korea Byun et al. (2012) Cross-sectional -Cortical thinning in R anterior cingulate, L paracingulate, PCC, bilateral frontal pole, vmPFC, and occipital cortex
Harvard LHRS Francis et al. (2012) Cross-sectional -Smaller L pars triangularis and R pars orbitalis volumes in GHR with reversal of L>R pars orbitalis lateralization

Abbreviations: AHRS = Adolescent High-Risk Study; DLPFC = dorsolateral prefrontal cortex GHR = genetic high-risk; GM = gray matter; L = left; PFC = prefrontal cortex; LHRS = Language High-Risk Study; NYU = New York University; PCC = posterior cingulate cortex; PT = pars triangularis; R = right; STG = superior temporal gyrus; UNC = University of North Carolina; vmPFC = ventromedial prefrontal cortex; WU = Washington University. Note: for a comprehensive listing of all structural MRI findings in GHR individuals, see Thermenos et al., 2013.

Cross-sectional findings

In cross-sectional analyses, GHR youth have most consistently shown evidence for smaller prefrontal cortical (PFC) GM, including reduced cortical thickness3638, volume (inferior frontal gyrus3942, frontal pole43, medial prefrontal cortex43), and/or gyral surface area44 compared to controls. Other brain areas where GHR have reliably shown less GM in comparison to controls include: temporal cortex (decreased bilateral superior temporal gyrus volume45, 46 and surface area47, bilateral temporal lobe cortical thinning36, 37), parietal cortex (decreased GM volume37, 42, 48 and reduced cortical thickness38, 49), and medial temporal/limbic regions (hippocampus5055, parahippocampus36, 56, anterior cingulate cortex36, 57). More variable findings have been reported with respect to smaller GM in GHR versus controls in occipital cortex, cerebellum, amygdala, thalamus, and basal ganglia35. Significant associations between higher levels of attenuated psychotic symptoms and smaller GM in PFC5759, temporal cortex6062, parietal cortex59, amygdala59, 61, 62, and cerebellum61, 62 in GHR youth and/or young adults have been reported. Regarding age-related neural alterations, significantly less GM has been observed in GHR samples with children as young as age 7 years48. However, there is insufficient data regarding neural alterations at specific ages, or developmental periods (e.g., middle childhood versus adolescence), to draw firm conclusions about the onset of GM loss in GHR youth35. Only one research group has found greater GM in GHR youth compared to controls40. This included increased cortical thickness of PFC (inferior orbital, middle frontal gyri), temporal cortex (right superior temporal gyrus), and parietal cortex (angular gyrus, inferior parietal cortex)40. Thus, there is substantial evidence, most consistently involving PFC and hippocampus, of less GM volume in HR subjects than controls.

Longitudinal findings

Two research groups (Pittsburgh High Risk (PHR) and Edinburgh (EHR)) have carried out longitudinal studies of GHR first-degree adolescent and/or young adult relatives of patients with adult onset schizophrenia. Consistent with the cross-sectional findings, both groups showed progressive reductions of PFC volume over time (1 year follow up (PHR), and 10 year follow up (EHR)) in GHR compared to controls49, 58, 63. Further, progressive decline in PFC GM has been linked with greater symptom levels in GHR individuals, including those who developed schizophrenia59, 63. Similar associations between increasing levels of symptoms and significant deceases in temporal cortical GM volume over time have also been reported59, 63. An association between greater symptom severity and progressive decline in parietal cortex volume is reported in one study59.

A third research group has carried out a longitudinal GHR study focused on the development of brain structure in the “very healthy” siblings of individuals with childhood onset schizophrenia ([COS]; i.e., schizophrenia occurring in affected individuals < age 13). As with GHR studies involving first-degree relatives of people with adult-onset schizophrenia, COS relatives initially show significant GM reductions of PFC, temporal, and parietal cortex37, 38. However, over time these structural alterations were found to normalize, with no significant GM cortical decrements detected among COS relatives compared to controls by the end of adolescence (ages 17 to 20)38. Of note, none of the non-affected COS siblings developed psychosis during the follow-up period and, thus, may have comprised particularly resilient individuals. By contrast, on the basis of findings from studies involving families with strong evidence of genetic loading (i.e., EHR, in which relatives had at least two affected family members63), or in the offspring of persons with schizophrenia (i.e., PHR49), there is mounting evidence for accelerated reduction in PFM GM in GHR individuals, particularly those who become symptomatic or go on to develop schizophrenia (~10%).

Structural MRI Findings in Clinical High-Risk Individuals

Clinical high-risk (CHR) studies have provided an alternative approach to the investigation of alterations of neural structure associated with schizophrenia risk in adolescents and young adults based on the presence of clinical risk syndromes indicative of the “need-for-care”64 – i.e., low level, attenuated positive symptoms; brief intermittent psychotic symptoms; or, genetic risk accompanied by functional decline64. Since approximately 20 percent of persons meeting “prodromal” criteria convert to psychosis within one year of initial assessment, and 35% over about 3 years65, CHR studies provide a method for examining brain structural alterations proximal to the emergence of frank psychosis, which could ultimately elucidate pathophysiological processes most closely associated with illness onset7. Structural MRI findings in CHR studies have been the subject of several recent systematic and critical reviews66, 67. As with the GHR literature, structural MRI studies of CHR individuals have employed a wide-range of imaging methods, and MRI morphometric analytic techniques. Here, we summarize the structural MRI findings in CHR youth from 11 independent research groups and one multicenter study, as well as from two meta-analyses (Table 2).

Table 2.

Structural MRI findings from studies of clinical high-risk for schizophrenia individuals

Group Author (Year) Study type Results
Melbourne Phillips et al. (2002) Cross-sectional -Smaller hippocampal volume bilaterally in CHR
-Larger L hippocampal volume in CHR-t vs. CHR-n, but no differences compared to controls
Pantelis et al. (2003) Longitudinal -Smaller GM in R medial temporal, lateral temporal, and inferior frontal and bilateral cingulate cortices at baseline
-CHR-t showed reduced GM in L parahippocampal, fusiform, orbitofrontal, and cerebellar cortices and cingulate gyri over time
-CHR-n showed reduced cerebellar GM
Yucel et al. (2003) Cross-sectional -Interrupted L anterior cingulate sulcus in CHR vs. controls, but no differences between CHR-t and CHR-n
Garner et al. (2005) Cross-sectional -Larger baseline pituitary vol. in CHR-t vs. CHR-n
Wood et al. (2005) Cross-sectional -Smaller hippocampal volume and less L anterior cingulate folding in CHR with GHR vs. CHR without GHR
Velakoulis et al. (2006) Cross-sectional -Normal baseline hippocampal and amygdala volume in CHR
-Smaller whole-brain volumes in CHR vs. controls
Fornito et al. (2008) Longitudinal -Bilateral thinning of anterior cingulate in CHR-t also associated with negative symptoms
-Baseline anterior cingulate differences in CHR-t vs. CHR-n predicted time to psychosis onset
Takahashi et al. (2008) Cross-sectional -No increased prevalence of cavum septi pellucidi enlargement in CHR
Walterfang et al. (2008) Cross-sectional -Smaller anterior corpus callosum in CHR-t vs. CHR-n
Sun et al. (2009) Longitudinal -Greater brain contraction in R PFC in CHR-t vs. CHR-over time
Takahaski et al., (2009) Longitudinal -Smaller baseline insula bilaterally in CHR-t vs. CHR-n, and in R insula vs. controls
-Reduced GM of bilateral insula in CHR-t vs. CHR-n and controls
Hannan et al. (2010) Cross-sectional -No differences in caudate volume in CHR at baseline vs. controls or in CHR-t vs. CHR-n
Takahashi et al. (2010) Cross-sectional -Smaller STG bilaterally at baseline in CHR vs. controls
Wood et al. (2010) Cross-sectional -Smaller L hippocampal volume in CHR vs. controls
Dazzan et al. (2012) Longitudinal -Smaller frontal cortex volume in CHR-t vs. CHR-n at baseline
-Reduced parietal cortex and temporal cortex (trend) in CHR-t vs. CHR-n
Whitford et al. (2012) Cross-sectional -Smaller cuneus in CHR-HSV1+ vs. CHR-HSV1− and controls
Basel Borgwardt et al. (2007a) Cross-sectional -Smaller GM at baseline in posterior cingulate and precuneus bilaterally and L superior parietal lobule in CHR-t vs. controls
Borgwardt et al. (2007b) Longitudinal -Smaller L insula, STG, cingulate gyrus, and precuneus in CHR vs. controls
-Reduced R insula, inferior frontal and STG in CHR-t vs. CHR-n
Borgwardt et al. (2008) Longitudinal -Reduced orbitofrontal, superior frontal, inferior temporal, parietal cortex, and cerebellum in CHR-t vs. controls over time
Haller et al. (2009) Cross-sectional -Whole brain cortical thickness asymmetry in CHR vs. controls
Koutsouleris et al. (2009) Cross-sectional -Smaller GM volume in fronto-temporal and limbic structures in CHR-L vs. controls
-Alterations of bilateral temporal and limbic structures in CHR-E vs. controls
-Alterations of PFC in CHR-t vs. CHR-n and controls
Buehlmann et al. (2010) Cross-sectional -Asymmetry between L and R hippocampus in CHR vs. controls
Smieskova et al. (2012) Cross-sectional -Smaller insula GM volume bilaterally in CHR-E at baseline vs. CHR-L
-Insular alterations associated with negative symptoms in CHR
Walter et al (2012) Longitudinal -Reduced hippocampal volume in CHR over time vs. controls
-No hippocampal volume differences in CHR-t vs. CHR-n
Berlin Witthaus et al. (2009) Cross-sectional -Smaller GM volume in cingulate gyrus bilaterally, R inferior frontal, R STG, and bilateral cingulate cortex in CHR
Witthaus et al. (2010) Cross-sectional -Smaller corpus and tail volume of hippocampus bilaterally in CHR vs. controls
-Smaller R hippocampal tail volume in CHR-t vs. CHR-n
Bohner et al. (2012) Cross-sectional -Smaller cingulate gyrus GM in CHR vs. controls
Seoul Choi et al. (2008) Cross-sectional - Higher incidence of cavum septum pellucidum in CHR vs. controls
Jung et al. (2011) Cross-sectional -Reduced cortical thickness in PFC, anterior cingulate cortex, inferior parietal cortex, STG and parahippocampal cortex vs. controls
Han et al. (2012) Cross-sectional -Smaller ALIC volume in CHR vs. controls
Soon Shin et al. (2012) Cross-sectional -Reduced cortical thickness in L Heschl’s gyrus in CHR vs. controls
Munich Meisenzahl et al. (2008) Cross-sectional -Smaller GM volume in frontal, lateral temporal, and medial temporal areas in CHR vs. controls
London Fusar-Poli et al. (2009) Longitudinal -Smaller middle and medial frontal gyrus, insula and anterior cingulate cortex volume in CHR vs. controls at baseline
-No structural differences in CHR and controls at follow up
Fusar-Poli et al. (2011) Longitudinal -Smaller GM volume in L middle and medial frontal gyri in CHR vs. controls at baseline
Utrecht Ziermans et al. (2009) Cross-sectional -No structural difference in CHR vs. controls
Ziermans et al. (2012) Longitudinal -Greater loss of total brain volume in CHR-t vs. CHR-n and controls
-Cortical thinning in L anterior cingulate, precuneus, and temporo-parietal-occipital areas in CHR-t vs. CHR-n and controls
Amsterdam Meijer et al. (2011) Cross-sectional -Smaller baseline GM density in R STG, MTG, R insula, and L anterior cingulate in CHR-t vs. CHR-n
-GM reductions correlated with semantic fluency in CHR
Bonn Hurlemann et al. (2008) Cross-sectional -Smaller bilateral hippocampal volume in CHR-L and CHR-E vs. controls
Tokyo Iwashiro et al. (2012) Cross-sectional -Smaller bilateral PT volume in CHR vs. controls
-Reduced PT vol. correlated with prodromal symptoms in CHR
Los Angeles Mittal et al. (2010) Cross-sectional -Smaller baseline striatal GM volume in CHR-t vs. CHR-n
-Trend association between reduced GM vol. in CHR-t and increased dyskinetic movements
Multicenter Mechelli et al. (2011) Cross-sectional -Smaller frontal GM volume in CHR vs. controls at baseline
-Smaller baseline L parahippocampal GM volume in CHR-t vs. CHR-n

Abbreviations: ALIC = anterior limb of internal capsule; CHR = clinical high-risk; CHR-E = early course clinical high-risk; CHR-HSV1+ = clinical high-risk with herpes simplex virus 1; CHR-HSV- = clinical high-risk without herpes simplex virus 1; CHR-L clinical high-risk of long duration; CHR-n = clinical high-risk without transition to psychosis; CHR-t = clinical high-risk with transition to psychosis; GM = gray matter; L = left; MTG = middle temporal gyrus; PFC = prefrontal cortex; PT = pars triangularis; R = right; STG = superior temporal gyrus

Cross-sectional findings

Overall, studies of CHR individuals show brain structural alterations that are neuroanatomically similar to, but less severe than those commonly reported in established schizophrenia68. For example, compared to controls, CHR groups have shown both smaller GM volume and cortical thinning in PFC6976, lateral temporal cortex69, 72, 73, 7580 (particularly superior temporal gyrus (STG)), and, to a lesser extent, parietal cortex72, 81. Further, in the largest structural MRI study of CHR to date, which involved data collected from five clinical sites, CHR individuals showed significantly less GM in the PFC bilaterally compared to controls82. Less PFC GM has also been associated with impaired executive function74 and greater symptoms severity71 in CHR, while smaller STG GM has been linked with deficits involving semantic fluency77.

Structural alterations of limbic brain areas and insula are also among the most consistently reported findings in CHR individuals compared to controls. This includes less bilateral8385 and ipsilateral86, 87 hippocampal GM volume, aberrant surface morphology80, 8790 and smaller GM70, 76, 82, 85, 91 in anterior cingulate and paracingulate cortex, as well as asymmetry92 and smaller GM volume 69, 70, 93, 94 of the insula. In several studies, structural alterations of anterior cingulate89 and insula93, 94 have been significantly associated with greater negative symptom levels in CHR. Structural abnormalities in CHR involving the cuneus95, caudate96, anterior limb of the internal capsule97, and the presence of cavum septum pellucidum98, 99 are less frequently assessed and less consistently reported. In one study, CHR individuals showed less total whole brain volume100 compared to controls. Only one study has reported no significant differences in any brain structures in CHR persons versus controls101.

Cross-sectional comparisons of CHR who transition to psychosis (CHR-t) to non-converters or controls have provided evidence for smaller GM volume in PFC102, 103 and temporal cortical (STG69, 88) GM among CHR-t. CHR-t have also shown aberrant anterior cingulate morphology89, smaller insula bilaterally94 and on the right69, as well as both greater84 and smaller104 hippocampal, or parahippocampal82 GM volume. One study reported greater pituitary volume in CHR-t, which may potentially reflect greater exposure to environmental stress in persons who transition to psychosis105. An additional study of dykinesia in CHR has reported smaller striatal volume in CHR-t with a trend association between less striatal GM and greater dyskinetic symptoms106. Finally, a study of CHR persons exposed to herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1) showed smaller GM volume of the cuneus among HSV1 positive CHR-t106. Overall, cross-sectional studies have shown smaller GM volume in frontal-temporal and medial temporal/limbic structures in CHR individuals compared to controls, with significantly less GM in these brain areas among individuals who transition to psychosis than in non-converters.

Longitudinal findings

In longitudinal studies, comparisons of structural brain alterations in CHR compared to controls have shown progressive GM loss in PFC (orbitofrontal cortex76, 102), lateral temporal cortex (STG102, 107), parietal cortex102, cingulate gyrus76, parahippocampus76, fusiform cortex76, insula94, and cerebellum76, 102. Further, studies comparing structural changes in CHR-t to CHR non-converters have shown evidence for reductions over time in PFC81 and temporal cortex107, as well as in the cerebellum108.

Meta-analyses of CHR structural MRI studies

The clinical diversity of CHR youth and the heterogeneity of MRI morphometric techniques used across studies together have posed a challenge to interpreting CHR structural findings regarding the neural alterations most closely linked to the risk for transitioning to psychosis. To shed further light on the neural correlates associated with the transition to psychosis, Smieskova and colleagues conducted a meta-analysis of structural MRI findings in both GHR and CHR, comparing HR individuals who transitioned to psychosis (HR-t) with non-coverters67. Overall, HR-t showed significantly decreased GM volume in PFC, temporal cortex, the limbic system, and cerebellum, compared to non-converters67. A subsequent meta-analysis by Fusar-Poli and colleagues66 of voxel-based morphometric studies in GHR and CHR showed smaller GM volume in the PFC, temporal cortex (STG), anterior cingulate, parahippocampus, and precuneus in HR individuals66. In the same meta-analysis, a comparison of HR-t to non-converters revealed less GM in PFC (inferior frontal gyrus) and temporal cortex (STG) in HR-t. A comparison of CHR to GHR in the same meta-analysis showed smaller GM volume in the anterior cingulate bilaterally in CHR, while GHR showed less GM in the left hippocampal gyrus, insula, and right temporal cortex (STG) compared to CHR individuals 66. Taken together, these meta-analyses show smaller PFC, STG, and medial temporal structures across HR populations, as well as converging evidence for reduced fronto-temporal GM volume in HR individuals who develop psychosis.

Early-Onset and Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia beginning in adolescence (EOS, age 13–18) or childhood (COS, < age 13) occurs rarely (approximately 4% of cases109), but is generally more clinically and neurobiologically severe than the adult-onset illness110. In particular, the brain structural abnormalities observed in COS have been shown to be significantly greater than in adults with schizophrenia110. Research over the last two decades regarding the pattern of neural alterations in COS, premorbid risk factors, and neurocognitive deficits in non-affected family members have provided strong evidence suggesting the neurobiological continuity between COS/EOS and adult-onset schizophrenia111. Further, because of evidence for greater genetic vulnerability110 in COS (e.g., increased familiarity110, cytogenetic abnormalities112, and copy number variants112), it is increasingly believed that studies of brain structural alterations in children and adolescents with schizophrenia may be particularly valuable to understanding the neurobiological basis of the GM abnormalities associated with the illness overall. Below, we summarize the findings from structural MRI studies of EOS and COS carried out by 15 independent research groups world-wide (Table 3). It should be noted that roughly half of the studies included in this review have been carried out by the NIMH research group110, which has focused on COS. Further, as with the HR structural MRI literature, there is considerable variability in terms of the MRI morphometric techniques and data analytic methods employed across studies.

Table 3.

Structural MRI findings from studies of early-onset and childhood-onset schizophrenia individuals

Group Author (Year) Study type Results
NIMH Frazier et al. (1996) Cross-sectional -Smaller total brain and thalamic vol. and increased basal gangliar vol., as well as increased lateral ventricular vol. in COS vs. controls
Jacobsen et al. (1996) Cross-sectional -Smaller total cerebral vol. in COS vs. controls
Jacobsen et al. (1997a) Cross-sectional -Smaller cerebellar volume in COS vs. controls
Jacobsen et al. (1997b) Cross-sectional -Larger corpus callosum vol. in COS vs. controls
Rapoport et al. (1997) Longitudinal -Reduced thalamic GM volume and increased lateral ventricular volume over time in COS vs. controls
Jacobsen et al. (1998) Longitudinal -Reduced R temporal lobe, bilateral STG, and L hippocampus vol. over time in COS vs. controls
-Reduced R STS volume associated with symptom severity
Nopoulos et al. (1998) Cross-sectional -Enlarged cavum septum pellucidi in COS vs. controls
Giedd et al. (1999) Longitudinal -Reduced total brain vol. and hippocampus and increase lateral ventricular vol. over time in COS vs. controls
Rapoport et al. (1999) Cross-sectional -Four times smaller fronto-temporal GM volume in COS vs. controls
Kumra et al. (2000) Cross-sectional -Reduced total cerebral vol. in COS vs. controls
Thompson et al. (2001) Longitudinal -Smaller parietal cortical GM volume with progressive GM volume loss in temporal cortex, followed by PFC over 5 years in COS vs. controls
Keller et al. (2003a) Longitudinal -Reduced cerebellar GM volume over time in COS vs. controls
Keller et al. (2003b) Longitudinal -Reduced volume of splenium of corpus callosum in COS over time vs. controls
Greenstein et al. (2006) Longitudinal -Reduced cortical thickness in temporal cortex over time in COS vs. controls
Nugent et al. (2007) Cross-sectional -Smaller bilateral total hippocampal volume in COS vs. controls
Bakalar et al. (2009) Longitudinal -No baseline or follow-up asymmetry of lateral or medial cortical surface in COS vs. controls
Greenstein et al. (2011) Longitudinal -Reduced cerebellar GM at baseline and over time in COS vs. controls
Gogtay et al. (2012) Cross-sectional -Smaller PFC and temporal GM volume in COS vs. psychosis NOS
Johnson et al. (2013) Cross-sectional -No corpus callosum vol. differences in COS vs. controls
UCLA Sowell et al. (2000) Cross-sectional -Increased lateral ventricular vol. in EOS vs. controls
Levitt et al. (2001) Cross-sectional -Larger L amygdala vol. in EOS vs. controls
Marquardt et al. (2005) Cross-sectional -Anterior cingulate asymmetry in EOS vs. controls
Taylor et al. (2005) Cross-sectional -Greater posterior STG in EOS vs. controls
Iowa White et al. (2003) Cross-sectional -Reduced cortical thickness and surface morphology in fronto-temporo-parietal lobes in EOS vs. controls
Clark et al. (2010) Cross-sectional -Loss of planum temporale asymmetry in EOS vs. controls
Minnesota Kendi et al. (2008) Cross-sectional -Smaller fornix volume in EOS vs. controls
Kumra et al. (2012) Cross-sectional -Smaller L parietal volume in EOS vs. controls
Harvard Frazier et al. (2005) Cross-sectional -Smaller L amygdala vol. in males with EOS vs. controls
UNC El-Sayed et al. (2010) Cross-sectional -Smaller whole brain volume and frontal-parietal GM in EOS vs. controls
Madrid Reig et al. (2011) Cross-sectional -Smaller frontal/parietal cortical GM in EOS vs. controls
Aranyo et al. (2011) Longitudinal -Reduced frontal/parietal GM over time in EOS vs. controls
Janssen et al. (2012) Cross-sectional -Smaller thalamic volume in EOS vs. controls
Oxford Davies et al. (2001) Cross-sectional -Larger fornix in EOS vs. controls
James et al. (2002) Cross-sectional -No GM volume differences in EOS vs. controls
Collinson et al. (2003) Cross-sectional -Smaller total brain volume in EOS vs. controls
James et al. (2004) Cross-sectional -Smaller PFC and thalamic volume in EOS vs. controls
London Matsumoto et al. (2001a) Longitudinal -Reduced total and R STG GM in EOS vs. controls over time
-Severity of symptoms associated with reduced STG vol. and correlated with age of onset in EOS
Matsumoto et al. (2001b) Longitudinal -Smaller GM whole brain vol. in EOS vs. controls
Hadjul et al. (2004) Cross-sectional -No asymmetries of hemispheric lateralization in EOS vs. controls
Orsay Pailière-Martinot et al. (2001) Cross-sectional -Smaller PFC, L insula, parahippocampal and fusiform GM volume in EOS vs. controls
Penttila et al. (2008) Cross-sectional -Smaller global sulcal indices in both hemispheres in EOS vs. controls
Copenhagen Pagsberg et al. (2007) Cross-sectional -No GM volume differences in EOS vs. controls
Oslo Juuhl-Langseth et al. (2012) Cross-sectional -Bilateral enlargement of lateral and 4th ventricle and bilateral enlargement of caudate in EOS vs. controls
Changsha Tang et al. (2012) Cross-sectional -Smaller L STG/MTG GM volume in EOS vs. controls
-Smaller L STG/MTG negatively correlated with positive symptoms in EOS
Osaka Hata et al. (2003) Cross-sectional -Enlargement of lateral ventricles in EOS vs. controls
-Positive correlation between lateral ventricular enlargement and minor physical abnormalities in EOS
Hamamatsu Yoshihara et al. (2008) Cross-sectional -Smaller parahippocampal and inferior frontal GM volume in EOS vs. controls

Abbreviations: COS = childhood-onset schizophrenia; EOS = early-onset schizophrenia; GM = gray matter; L = left; MTG = middle temporal gyrus; NIMH = National Institute of Mental Health; NOS = not otherwise specified; PFC = prefrontal cortex; R = right; STG = superior temporal gyrus; UCLA = University of California, Los Angeles; UNC = University of North Carolina

Cross-sectional findings

Similar to findings in adult onset schizophrenia, structural MRI studies of EOS and COS have consistently shown smaller GM volume in PFC113119 and the temporal114, 119122 and parietal113, 117, 123 cortices in EOS and COS compared to controls. Abnormalities of PFC thickness22, cortical folding124, and asymmetry125 have also been reported. Additionally, less STG volume has been linked with both greater symptom severity, as well as earlier age of illness onset121. However, several cross-sectional studies have found enlargement of temporal cortical structures126128, raising the possibility that, alternatively, temporal GM volume reduction may occur developmentally later128. In contrast to HR and adult-onset schizophrenia, decreased hippocampal GM is less commonly reported in COS129, with several studies showing no significant alterations compared to controls in hippocampal volume130132. Other commonly reported structural findings in EOS and COS include: smaller whole brain volume113, 126, 130, 132, 133, greater lateral ventricular volume130, 134136, and smaller GM in the cerebellum137139 and thalamus115, 130, 140. Fewer, and less consistent structural alterations are reported regarding the amygdala127, 141, parahippocampus119, insula116, fusiform gyrus116, basal ganglia130, fornix142, 143, corpus callosum144, 145, and cavum septum pellucidum146. In two studies, no structural brain abnormalities in any brain areas in EOS versus controls were found147, 148. Thus, cross-sectional EOS and COS studies have provided consistent evidence for smaller whole brain volume, enlargement of lateral ventricles, in conjunction with smaller PFC and (somewhat less consistently) STG GM.

Longitudinal findings

Longitudinal studies comparing brain structure changes in EOS and COS to controls have shown progressive decreases in GM volume involving PFC149151 and the temporal120, 150, 151 and parietal149, 151 cortices in conjunction with decreases over time in cortical thickness in PFC152 and temporal cortex152. Particularly noteworthy were results from a 5 year longitudinal study conducted by the NIMH group151, which revealed a temporal pattern of significant GM volume loss in COS compared to controls, with the earliest deficits seen in the parietal cortex, followed by progression during adolescence to the temporal lobes, and lastly to the prefrontal cortex. Additional brain regions in which volumetric decrements have been observed over time in EOS and COS compared to controls include: the cerebellum137, 153, hippocampus120, 154, thalamus155, and corpus callosum156. Finally, progressive enlargement of the lateral ventricles has also been found in COS compared to controls140, 154. Across longitudinal studies, EOS and COS individuals have most consistently shown decrements in GM volume in fronto-temporal and parietal cortices over time.


Here, we reviewed the structural neuroimaging literature in youth and young adults at high-risk for schizophrenia and in EOS and COS. The most consistent finding was that, compared to normal development, there is accelerated fronto-temporal cortical GM volume reduction across the spectrum of schizophrenia risk and in EOS/COS. Specifically, progressive GM decline in these brain regions occurs in HR youth and young adults who eventually transition to psychosis, and also occurs during adolescence in persons with EOS/COS. Progressive volumetric decline and morphological alterations of limbic structures (e.g., hippocampus, parahippocampus, anterior cingulate) are also prominent among HR individuals who later develop psychosis. Structural alterations over time in limbic areas are less common in COS, although there is some evidence to suggest that these abnormalities may emerge as COS individuals are followed through the end of adolescence.

Overall, these structural neuroimaging findings are broadly consistent with the hypothesis that schizophrenia involves, at least partly, the disruption of normal neurodevelopment occurring during childhood and/or adolescence. Structural MRI findings in HR individuals suggest the potential involvement of both early and late brain dysmaturational processes in the trajectory of GM alterations during pre-psychosis development. For example, evidence for altered surface morphology of PFC44 and STG47 in GHR individuals are thought to potentially reflect abnormalities of neuronal migration and mini-columnar formation during gestation2, 16. At the same time, it has been proposed that GM volume loss in frontal-temporal brain regions of CHR individuals who transition to psychosis102, 107 could reflect dysregulation of synaptic pruning during adolescence68. Further, the progressive reduction in GM from posterior (parietal) to anterior (prefrontal) cortical brain areas over time found in COS follows the pattern of decline in GM observed during typically developing adolescents13, 14, and, thus, has been interpreted as an indication of aberrant acceleration of normal brain maturational processes157. Although speculative, taken together these findings lend support to the “2-hit” model proposed by Keshavan and colleagues2, 7, 8, in which neural dysmaturation occurring during early development is thought to produce a vulnerability to later abnormalities of adolescent brain development that ultimately result in the emergence of psychosis.

Nevertheless, despite the evolving evidence implicating aberrant neural developmental processes in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia, it is acknowledged that the findings from both GHR and CHR structural MRI studies are quite variable and difficult to replicate35, 158. Issues pertaining to the clinical heterogeneity of CHR and GHR subjects, as well as the diversity of neuroimaging methods employed for acquisition and analysis of MRI data have been identified as central to the difficulties of comparing results between research groups35, 158. As a result, in part, structural MRI findings currently lack sufficient specificity and sensitivity to be used clinically to identify biomarkers for the prospective identification of individuals at risk for developing schizophrenia.

However, we suggest that future neuroimaging studies of GHR/CHR and EOS/COS populations might take several further steps in order to address the gaps in current knowledge regarding premorbid and prodromal structural brain alterations preceding schizophrenia onset, and to address the challenges of improving the clinical applicability of structural MRI findings to early intervention and prevention strategies for persons at risk for psychosis. First, the predictive value of structural MRI findings might be enhanced if the volumetric or morphological alterations observed in CHR and GHR individuals are incorporated within a multivariate approach, in which structural changes are combined with clinical and neurocognitive measures in models to predict later psychopathology159. Additionally, there is recent evidence suggesting that the use of machine learning techniques to identify patterns of structural abnormalities associated with the transition to psychosis in HR individuals could be used prospectively to improve the predictive specificity of structural MRI findings during the pre-psychosis period73, 160. Second, given the extensive clinical and neurobiological overlap between schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder161, studies of young first-degree relatives of probands across the psychotic spectrum may help determine which structural MRI abnormalities are most specific to schizophrenia risk162. Third, while our review is limited to structural MRI findings, how GM alterations develop in conjunction with changes in WM, impairments of brain function, cognitive deficits, as well as other potential markers of schizophrenia risk (e.g., inflammatory markers and oxidative stress), all of which appear to evolve during the early phase of schizophrenia163, remains to be determined. Future longitudinal studies need to address these questions and control for diagnostic variability, as well as differences of age and gender. Fourth, the potential influence of early (e.g., perinatal complications) and later (e.g., substance misuse, psychosocial stress) environmental stress on neural development in the context of risk needs to be clarified in an effort to elucidate the neurobiology of schizophrenia, and to identify the risk markers that can be most useful to early intervention strategies to preempt illness onset. Finally, given the evidence reviewed here of early developmental pathology underlying schizophrenia risk, future research on younger individuals at GHR (i.e., preteen children) will be critical to the further clarification of the origins of brain structural abnormalities associated with the development of schizophrenia.

Key Points.

  1. Structural MRI evidence indicates that the adolescent/young adult development of individuals at genetic and clinical high-risk for schizophrenia, as well as of persons with early-onset schizophrenia, is associated with smaller brain volumes, particularly in fronto-temporal cortical areas.

  2. There is evidence implicating the disruption of both “early” (i.e., perinatal) and “late” (i.e., adolescent) normal neurodevelopmental processes, which lends support to the “two hit” neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia.

  3. Future longitudinal studies that control for diagnostic variability, age and gender effects, and which examine the evolution of structural brain changes in at-risk youth/young adults in the context of evolving changes of white matter, brain function, and neurocognition will contribute to improving the clinical applicability of structural MRI findings during the premorbid and prodromal periods to early intervention strategies for illness prevention.


Grant support and other acknowledgements:

This project was supported in part by a KL2 Medical Research Investigator Training (MeRIT) award from Harvard Catalyst and The Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center, NIH KL2 RR 025757 (BKB), NIMH MH081928, MH065571, and MH092840, and the Commonwealth Research Center of the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, SCDMH82101008006 (LJS), and by NIMH RO1 64023, 78113 and, KO2 01180 (MSK).


Disclosures: Dr. Brent reports no financial disclosures or conflicts of interest.

Dr. Thermenos reports no financial disclosures or conflicts of interest.

Dr. Keshavan reports no financial disclosures or conflicts of interest.

Dr. Seidman reports no financial disclosures or conflicts of interest.

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