Correlation between mRNA expression of FNDC5 and that of PRDM16, FGF21, CEBP and Hoxc8 in fat and heart muscle of Rapacz FHM pigs. The Pearson correlation coefficient [r] was calculated between the group means for the six tissues in coronary epicardial fat [cEAT], myocardial epicardial fat [mEAT], hip subcutaneous fat [Hip SAT], deltoid muscle [Deltoid], triceps brachii [T. brachii] and left ventricular heart muscle [heart LV] in both unexercised [sed] and exercised [ex] pigs. The group means for all except myocardial epicardial fat are also shown in Table 1. The data in part A are for HOXc8, part B for PRDM16, part C for C/EBPα and part D for FGF21.